UAS Inggris (Final Test)

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Clavi Hanum Pratama (03010067) FINAL TEST

1. How do you comment on the purpose of the study formulated by the authors ? I think the purpose of the journal have been appropriate and to the point for issues around asthma, furthermore that purpose is good enough because it can provide new informations about the connection asthma with occupation and economic status.

2. Write the research question of the study ? What are the prevalence of and risk factors for work disability in severe adult asthma ? How does the impact of severe adult asthma on work disability ?

3. Explain the importance of the study as related to the previous research ! Previous research reported that work disability is associated with poor health outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), there has been little information about health impacts in asthma. Our finding that work disability is associated with a greater longitudinal risk of emergency health care use for asthma indicates that work disability has consequences for health status, not just socioeconomic status. 4. The authors mentioned about factors related to the risk of work dissability caused by asthma. Mention and explain those factors ! Sociodemographic (P = .027) and medical factors (P = .020) were related to the risk of complete work disability. Both sociodemographic characteristics ( P = .06) and work exposures based on the JEM (P = .012) were related to partial work disability.

Complete work disability was defined as leaving the workforce altogether because of asthma, breathing difficulties due to air quality or temperature, or physical exertion required by the job. Among persons who were currently employed, partial work disability was defined as missed complete or partial work days because of asthma during the past 4 weeks, a significant change in work duties because of asthma, or decreased self-rated job effectiveness because of asthma (<90%).

5. Asthma directly caused by worked expossure had frequently poor employment and social economic outcome " write the source of the statement ! The source of the statement is from Discussion on paragraph 3 line 2-4. Previous work indicates hat occupational asthma often has poor employment and socioeconomic outcomes 6. Mention and explain one of the study limitations ! In this research, the authors cannot exclude some misclassification of asthma and COPD. The observation that many of the adults with asthma had smoked during their lifetimes could be a marker for misclassification with COPD, although the prevalence of current smoking is consistent with their earlier population-based estimate among adults with asthma who were living in California. 7. How do you explain the topic of the research on the gross anatomy ? When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (an asthma trigger), the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten so that the airways become narrower and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell. Sometimes, sticky mucus or phlegm builds up, which can further narrow the airways. These reactions cause the airways to become narrower and irritated - making it difficult to breath and leading to symptoms of asthma.

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