9/11 Air Traffic Control Transcript

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PARTS 2 & 3
/ zW
[Start Tape 1]

MR. : I hereby certify that the

following is a true rerecording of the original

recorded transmissions pertaining to the events of

September, September llth, 2001. My name is Troy

Gascoyne [ph]. I am employed as a quality

assurance specialist at the Command Center. fl^Tn

/ c
MR. : Command Center East, Tony.

MR. : Hi, Tony. Good morning.

Boston Center. I got a situation here with America

one-one, America 11, Boston departure to LAX.

MR. Okay.

MR. We believe it's a possible

hijack situation.

MR. Okay. Tell me more.

MR. Okay. It departed

Washington. We lost radio communications with him,

then we lost his transponder, and they believe that


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they heard, in the background, something--a threat,
and right now--
MR. : What? A threat you said?

MR. : A threat, and right now the

aircraft is just west of Albany, going southbound.

MR . Okay. I see him.

MR. And he - -

MR. Nobody's talking to him;


MR. Nobody's talking to him at

this time; correct.

MR . : Okay. Anything I can do to

help you right now?

MR. : And nope. I mean, just

in--we have no idea where this aircraft is going,

maybe a head, "head up" to New York Center?

MR. : Well, probably [inaudible]

might be good if we call up Cleveland and New York

and at least let them know, just in case this guy

starts heading there, well, they'll have a "heads

up" - -

MR. : Right.


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MR . : --on it. Okay; let's do

that .

MR . New York Center.

MR . New York; Boston; is that


MR . Waiting for Cleveland


MR . Cleveland.

MR. : All right, Cleveland. New

York, Boston. I got a little situation with

American 11, America eleven. He is a 767 departed

Boston going to LAX. We don't know where the

aircraft is going. He is supposedly going to LAX,

was going westbound, we lost his frequency and we

lost his transponder, and now the aircraft is just

west of Albany heading due south.

MR. : Oh, my goodness. Okay. Do

we have, we have a datablock on him? Who's got

the- -

MR. : Yeah. W e - - i t ' s a primary

target presently and it's just heading


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MR. : Okay. Understand.
[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : [inaudible] right now.
MR. : I'll, I'll advise the area.
MR. : The last [inaudible] observed
was, said they were two niner zero.
MR. : Twenty--

MR. : Heading southbound?

MR. : Heading southwestbound. He's
like towards Hancock. Right, right around there.
He's southwest of Albany by one-five miles.
MR. : You have no idea where he's
go ing?
MR . No idea sir
MR. : All righty.
MR. : You can tag him on the TSC-
[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : Yeah. I got him tagged [?]
[inaudible] primary only?
MR. : Primary only.
MR. : Okay. I'll watch him.


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MR. : Thanks Cleve--thank you.


MR. : Well, Boston Center claims

that they lost radio communication with the


[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : And his transponder

[inaudible] too.

MR. : And the transponder. And

there's also — they're tracking the primary target

at this point. He was last known at flight level

290 .

MR . Uh-huh.

MR. : And he appears to have turned

south, southwestbound.

MR. : Hmm.

MR . And also there was some

mention of some sort of a threat being made o r - -

MR. : He made?

MR A threat to the cockpit or

some threat - -

MR Oh, shit. Let me get


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9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

managers-- I \ • '•
MR.\6^CM>/*': f-in, in the cockpit

and Boston's uncertain! exactly what was said. I-

guess they're gonna triy to pull the tapes as quick

as they can. \ MR. : Hey,(\Tom;\e can I reach

you back? What number;at? \. ^OCMr^ : Q E | "|.

MR. : Okay; all right.

MR. : Okay.
MR. : I'll call you back.

MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MR. : Hi, Tony. Command Center

here. I mean Boston Center here. Could I get New

MR. You bet. So nothing with the

MR. Yeah, with American 11.

MR. Say again. ;

MR. Reference to American 11. ,-.

MR. Right. Have you had any


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contact with him yet?

MR. : No; no contact. It is

confirmed, hijack, though.

MR. : Hey, TRACON. Hi. Boston

Center. Good morning. American 11, 767, possible


MR. : Okay. America 11, sev--seven

f ive and - -

MR . : Seven s ix - -

MR . : Where is he landing?

MR . : Right now, we don't have any

idea, but he was to the northwest of Albany and now

he's down by Sparta, losing speed very rapidly. We

believe [inaudible] primary only and we believe

he's gonna descend. That's why he's, he's--he's

slowing down.

MR. : I'm just trying t o - - a n d he's

around the Sparta area now, you say?

MR. : Yeah. He's around the Sparta

area right now.

MR. : Wow. I just don't see


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MR. : [inaudible] primary target

right now.

MR. : Yeah. I'm looking pretty

hard for any kind a primary target. We still

should be able to see it and I don't see--

MR. : I do have something on the

TSC, if that gives you an idea of w h i - - w h i c h way

he's heading.

MR. : Yeah. I'm just looking at

the real raw radar here and I just don't s e e - - I

just don't see anything out there. I'll star—I'll

let the area know to start looking for it. What

was his - -

MR. : We just don't have any idea

w h a t - - t h e last altitude we had was [inaudible] two

niner zero, but his speed has diminished quite a

bit .

MR Okay .

MR So we believe he might be in

a descent.

MR Okay. All righty. I'll,


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I'll pass it along to the sector.

MR. : All right. Just be careful.

MR. : Understand.

MR . Check.

MR . Check.

MR . Hey, Boston?

MR. Yes .

MR. : You said you confirmed the

hijack. How'd you--

MR. : Well, the--what has happened,

the pilot has kept the mike keyed while the

person's in the, in the cockpit, the flight deck

[?] .
MR. : Okay, and what are you


MR. : The threat. You know, I

don't really know what they're hearing but that the

sup came down and confirmed t h e - - i t is a hijack.

MR. : Okay. If you learn anything

else, please give us a call so we can help you out

as best we can. Does New York know what this guy

[ inaudible] - -


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MR. : New York knows, Cleveland

knows, maybe Washington will be next. We're gonna

scramble some fighters to tail him.

MR. : Okay. Coming out of Otis?

MR. : Yes.

MR. : Okay. I'll, I'll take care

of the coordination with Washington Center. I will

advise them of what's going on.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : Washington [inaudible] .

MR. : Hi, Washington. Tony here in

the East at the Command Center. I have an advisory

for ya. Give you a "heads up." There's an

American 11, he is a Boston to LAX flight t h a t - -

MS. : Okay.

MR. : - - i s a possible hijack

airplane. He's--

MS. : Possible hijack.

MR. : - - c u r r e n t l y - - w e 11, the

last--when they lost radar with him and they're

tracking a primary target, he's northwest of New


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York City and we're, we're suspecting he could be

heading towards Kennedy or one of the New York

ai rport s.

He's still at the flight levels that we

believe, we got primary only, b u t - - a n d he's slow--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MS. : He's primary only right now.

MR. : —slowed way down. But we

just want to give you a "heads up" in case he

continues on that southbound track. He'll be

heading toward your airspace. So right now, we're,

we're guessing that he's heading towards New York.

MS. : All right. I'll tell, I'll

tell my ©MIC [ph] .

MR. : Okay. If you look on the

CSC, you can pull up something on him. I - - w e don't

know how accurate the data is, but it is moving.

MS. : Yeah. I see something on

him .

MR. : Right. A m e r i c a n - - i t looks

like he's just crossing the New Jersey line there.

MS. : Okay.


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MR. : But, again, we don't know

the, the validity of the data. According to

Boston, that's roughly where we would guess he

would be.

MS. : Okay.

MR. : Okay. Thanks.

MS. : Uh-huh. Bye.

MR. : Yeah, we've tried a couple

places, now we're down to Atlantic City to try to

get someone else to take a look.

MR. : Okay. Who is this? Who is

that just said that? Boston?

MR. : Boston.

MR Okay. Command Center, you


MR Hey, Terry, Tom. Try Otis


MR . We did.

MR. : Anything? Any luck?

MR. : No; we did not have any luck

That's why we're down to Atlantic City.


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MR . Okay .

MR . Excuse me. Chris Camerone

[ph], acting air traffic DRZR [ph] manager, New

England Region, is also on.

MR. : Okay. Command Center, you


MR . Command Center's on.

MR. : Okay. Are, are you gonna--!

guess Boston's getting in touch with Atlantic City

but do you have any direct line to the military for


MR. : I believe the supervisor's

going to the CARF [?] unit now.

MR. : New York, here's some new

information. We, we lost the primary target about

20 west of Kennedy, it looks like, and there's an

ELT report in that area.

[ inaudible] .

MR. : I'm sorry. Say that again,


MR. : I said we, we've [inaudible]

looks like we lost the primary target 20 west of


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Kennedy and we had a report of an ELT in the area.

We're going t o - - I guess we'll get some Coast Guard

activity up there.

MR. : Yeah; we lost the track too.

MR. : Boston, this is New York.

What type aircraft was the American?

MR. : 767.

i-J MR. : This is the ACI Watch. Say

again if you lost track of the aircraft; over.

MR. : Boston has lost track and on

our frequency we have confirmed that it was a

hijack; also the tapes.

MR. : Yeah, New York confirms we

lost the track as well and we w e r e - - w e got a report

of an ELT in the area that track was in. Kennedy

Towers reports--do you hear me? Kennedy Tower

reports that there was a fire at the World Trade

Center and that's, that's the area where we lost

the a irplane.

[ Pause.]

MR. : Anybody on?

MR. : Yeah. Boston's here.


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MS . Yeah. You on CNN News? It's

on the news.

MR . It's on the news? The

airplane hit the Trade Tower?

MS. : Yeah.

MR. : Okay. I, I guess there's no

more, no further use for New York Center on this

line right now. We'11--Command Center,

[ inaudible] ?

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Yeah. Is that Rich [?]?

MR. : It is Rich.

MR. : Yeah. Is there any bloody

[?] use for us to be on the cell phone now o r - -

MR. : I'm gonna keep the line open

If you need to talk to me, just talk to me. I'm

listening to it.

MR. : Okay.

MS. : This is Jennifer in the

Operations Center.

MR . Jennifer, Boston's still

here. Go ahead.


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MS. : Okay. It looks like the

World Trade Center is — either the aircraft went
through it or it's been bombed. It's on CNN right
now and the building is in smoke. The top of the
bu i1ding.
TV NEWS: Pictures from New York are just
coming in now, we hope to have more information as
soon as it's available. The word is the plane
crashed in one of the towers--
MS. : Washington [inaudible].

MR. : Washington. Tony in the

East. We believe that the aircraft has actually
now crashed into the World Trade Center, if you
want [inaudible] CNN, take a look at that and find
out, but we now believe it is no longer in the air.
MS. : Oh, my God! All right.
Thank you, Tony. [inaudible].
[TV news in background.]
MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Yeah.
[Phone ringing.]
MR. : [inaudible].


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MR. : [inaudible] described as the

World Trade Center, New York--
MR. : Cleveland.
MR. : Cleveland, this is Tony in
the East, reference American 11.
MR. : Yeah.
MR. : We believe the aircraft has
crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.
If you watch CNN, you can get the details there.
It was just on their live. We do not believe it is
in the air anymore.
MR. : Oh, my goodness. Okay.
Thank you very much.
MS . : [inaudible] .
MR. : Yes.
MR . : The 767--

MS . : No, I mean what the World

Trade Center What hit the World Trade Center

can't be -
MR . : Yeah; it can't be American
[ inaudible] .

MS . : [ inaudible] .


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MR. : Well, and they lost the

primary target, it was descending, because it's

usually from 500 knots down to 250.

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Vicinity of the World Trade


MR . : Oh, that's a bad sign [?].

MS . : [inaudible] you can look at

the picture, yeah.

MR. : I looked. It m a y - - i t looks

like it may a twisted by. So it's hard to say.

MS. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : But like there'd be debris

all over the ground.

MR. : Command Center East Tony

MR . [ inaudible] .

MR . It's too much of a

coincidence, I think.

MS. : [inaudible].

MR. : Command Center [inaudible] I

just paged [inaudible].

MR. : Hello? Yes. [on the phone.]


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MR. : I didn't tell her to go to

the center. I just paged her about the event.

Avert was en route--

MR. : [on the phone.] Yeah. Yeah.

Hold on. I'm [inaudible] .

MR. : Command Center.

MR. : CNN's reporting the plane

just crashed [inaudible].

MR. : I'm in the middle of a

traffic jam here fighting my way to the airport.

Yeah. I'm [inaudible]. It's serious stuff.

[Voices in background.]

MR. : They wouldn't know. It looks

like they didn't know.

[Simultaneous inaudible conversation in

background. ]

MS. : [inaudible] any impact.

MR. : Not, not at this point, it

doesn't appear to be [inaudible]; no.

MS. : Uh-huh.

MR. Okay?

MS . All right


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MR. : Thanks.

[Conversation in background.]

MS. : Came out the other, landed.

MR. : No. [inaudible] the


[Phone ringing.]

MS. : This is the Boston CASO [?],

just report that the CASO [?] manager and two

supervisors are dropping off the Net for a few

minutes. We will reconnect when we're over at the

airport, which will be about ten minutes. Thank

you .

MR . Okay, Jim [inaudible].

MR . [ inaudible] .

MS . [ inaudible] .

MR . This is Bob Pearce [ph] with

the NTSB. Hello?

MR. [ inaudible] .

[Beep . ]

MS . [in background; inaudible].

MR. [ inaudible] .

MS . [ inaudible] .


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[inaudible conversation in background.]

MR. : [News broadcast.]

[inaudible] and it reportedly has been hit by

[inaudible] . There is a gaping h o l e - -

MS . : Boston Center, National

[inaudible] Tracey.

MR. : Boston's here.

MR. Hello. T h i s is Bob ICr-ess

[ph] at NTSB Hello.

MR . Hello .

MR. Boston's here.

MR Oh, hi. It's Bob Kress at


MR. : Yes, sir?

MR. : We're just trying to get a

time a departure, time a crash.

MR. : Okay. I can get you

departure time. Hold on a sec.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : And Bob, we're doing an NCRF

[?] now just to try to pull the data.


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MR. : Okay. And we're sure this

was the, the flight that hit the, obviously that

hit the World Trade Center is the same--

,~* . t'

MR. '^/^S(^ '• Working from what we saw,

there's no doubt.

MR. Okay. Did the pilot report

the hij ack?

MR. Yes; yes. 1200 departed


MR. I'm sorry. What?

MR. It departed Boston at 1200.

MR . At 1200 Zulu?

MR. Yes .

MR And when did he report the

hij ack?

MR You know what? I don't have

the time in front of me. We got a tape downstairs

that confirms it.

MR. : [inaudible] probably about

15, 20 minutes - -

MR. : Yeah, about 15, 20 minutes

after departure, we do have the, the voice


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recording that's been pulled. We'll be able to get

that at some point in time.

MR. : Okay, and time a crash we

have as just a few minutes ago?

MR. : Yeah.

MR. : Okay. Do we have the number

of people on board?

MR. : No, we di--you know what?

What we had, we, we cleared him to, to an altitude

and that was — the next transmissions we heard were

conversations in the cockpit.

MR. : Okay. I'm just gonna hold

the line but I'm gonna go and talk to my boss.

MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MS . : [inaudible] at New York

airport s ?

MR . : No. The overflights.

MS . : Flights?

MR. : All traffic entering New York

Center, they're not taking any hand-offs.

MR. : Hello?


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MR. : Hey, Tom, are you still
MR. : Yes, I am, Jerry.
MR. : Let m e - - I ' m gonna reconfirm
with, with downstairs, but —
MS. : Okay. I don't know if we're
gonna get a answer or not —
[Two different conversations going on here
at once.]
MR. : All right. Well, just for
your —
MS. : Anything that we can do for
you on this end?
MR. : Just for your records, I'm
totally ground stopped going southbound into New
York Center.
MS : Okay.

MR : And, and this is [inaudible]

New York?

MR. : Yes .
MR. : Boston here.
MR. : Appreciate it.


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[Two conversations ongoing at same time.]

MR. : I'm ground stopped going into

you .

MR : Yes, please do, because we've

got another' •we've got a major problem here too.

[ inaudible]

MR. : Okay.

MS . : Hey, New York?

MR. : Yes .

MS. : New York, do we need to

ground stop more than just Boston?

MR. : We've had-- somebody hit the

World Trade Center, we've got another one aiming,

we just l o s t - - w e lost the second one now.

MR. : [inaudible] another one.

MR. : Another o n e - -

MS . : Okay, okay. So we can ground

stop anything going to and from New York Center.

MR. : Listen. You got a second one

just hit the World Trade Center. You b e t t e r - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MS. : Okay; all right. Here we go.


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MR. : The second one just hit the

Trade Center--

MR. : Okay; this is Boston.

MR. : Okay. You know, we gotta get

t o - - w e gotta the alert the military real quick on

this .

MR. : [inaudible] hit

another--another airplane just crashed in the other


MR. : Do we know what type, Terry?

MR. : No. We just got that report

from, from New York Center.

MR. : All right. All right. We're

standing by.

MR. : Tommy, we're gonna stop--but

we're gonna shut, we're gonna shut Boston down. I

suggest the same elsewhere.

MR. : You're gonna do what, Terry?

MR. : We're shutting the airplanes

down; we're not letting anyone go right now.

MR. : That's a good move. We're

waiting to hear from Security.


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MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MR. : We're pretty brushed up on

everything. There's a second plane that just the

World Trade Center.

MR. : Stop all departures out of

the Center, please.

MR. : So yeah, that's what we're


[Conversation in background.]

MR. : Hey [inaudible] ground stop

all traffic, it means everything.

MS. : We're gonna do that right

now, Bill. There's too much going on for them to

handle all the planes. There's just [inaudible].

MS. : This is the Operations

Center, New England. Can I interrupt for a minute.

MR. : Go ahead.

MS . Go ahead.

MR. : It appears that it was a

different aircraft that hit the World Trade Center

It's being reported on CNN Right now.

MR. : Yeah; it's the second


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airplane; it's the second hit on the World Trade


[Start tape side 2.]

MR. : This is a continuation of

Position 15, time now 9:05 local.

MR. : Tony. "Tferry. It's confirmed

on that [inaudible] it said "We have planes."

[ Pause . ]

MR. [ inaudible] .

MR. No; no. That's, that's not a

bad quest ion.

MR. [ inaudible] - -

MR . [inaudible] have cell phones.

MR. Hey, Tony.

MR . [ inaudible] .

MR . We'd have to check w i t h - -

MR. : Jerry, go ahead.

MR. : Is there a way or to try to

get messages to the airborne for crew

secur--security for the cockpit or something, the

Acars [?] or something?


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MR. : I just do not have anybody

else up there that can--

MR. : But is that international

gonna come in f r o m - - t o Kennedy? We're trying to

talk to them but we don't want to scare anybody,

but we want the--you know, we were talking about

possibly making some transitions on frequencies for

these guys coming overseas, to just, you know,

increase the security for cockpit operations.

MR. : ?7"e rry, we're getting a lotta

traffic on this bridge. I copied that. Let's keep

doing that, contact through the Command Center, the

ATA rep, see if we can get the airline company

operations to contact their aircraft. I'd

recommend maybe a possibility of the stuff coming

in from overseas, Bangor as an alternate site; but

leave that up to them.

MR. : Yeah. We'll leave it up to

them but we're also gonna let 'em know to fix [?]

security for cockpit access.

MR. : All right. That sounds like

a good pi an.


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[Inaudible background conversation.]

MS. : This is New England waiting

on I --ACI, please.

MR. : This is ACI.

MS. : Okay. This is New England.

We have our security division in a conference and

we'd like to add you on as well or connect the two

of you.

MR. : Okay. ACI is on this line

and it is my understanding that they're activating

the center upstairs.

MS. : I'm sorry; we were cut off.

They're activating what?

MR. : They're activating the

reaction center upstairs.

MR. : That's correct.

MS . Okay. [inaudible]? Okay.

ACI is connected

MS . Okay. We [inaudible] ACI.

MR. Okay. Thank you.

MR. Command Center East. Tony

MR. [inaudible], please.


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MR. : Stand by.

MS. : ACI has [inaudible]. The

[inaudible] on the bridge [inaudible] just go ahead

and speak up.

MS. : [inaudible] let me turn off

the mike cause you might be wanting to establish

another - -

MR. : He's working on it right now.

MS. : That was - -

MR. : Hey, New England Com Center,

did you say that security has a separate conference

going on?

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Maybe you already done this

[inaudible] advise all the dispatchers for any

international traffic coming i n - -

MR. : New England Region Com


MR. : Yes; go ahead.

MR. : [inaudible] security has a

separate - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]


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MR. : Hey, Atlanta, the [inaudible]

delay is 20, 30 minutes off the ground--

MR. : —telecon going on

[inaudible ] .

MR. : --[inaudible]. I was

wondering if I could off-load a couple en routes

south to Collyer [?] [inaudible] 4 3 7 - -

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : --[inaudible] 844 [?]

[inaudible] are.

MR. : Actually, they're just

setting it up now. There isn't a lotta people on

there. They're all plugging on now.

MR. : Yes [inaudible].

MR. : Okay; thanks.

MR. : All righty.

MR. : [inaudible].

[Beeps audible.]

MS. : Command Center. Wanda.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] Cleveland, New

England Region. I'd just advise you our aircraft


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awt 33

division has advised they stopped all traffic in

the New England Region.

MR. : Okay. Thank you very much

We show that here.

MS . : All right.

MR. : Tony, they're carrying--

MR. : Terry [?], I'm here.

MR. : All right. What we know now,

both a these airplanes took off from Boston.

American 11, United 175. So I don't know what you

wanna do down there with those guys, but they both

took off outta Boston, it seems.

MR. : Boston has been ground


MR. : I understand. So I don't

know what, security-wise, down there--

MR. : Yeah; they're on that.

Terry, if you can, if you can on another l i n e - - t h i s

bridge is getting too congested. Another

extension, 7583. I need to get some information.

MR. : This is Bob Griffin [ph] at

[inaudible]. I just want to get info on that


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awt 34
United flight, the 757.
MR. : Terry, can you call me on
7583 .
MR. : Tommy, I'm going to 7583
[inaudible] will get back to you.
MR. : Hey, Tom.
MR. : Boston.
MR. : This is Tony. It's Command
Center East. What can I do to help you out? What
can I do with arrivals, departures? You tell me.
MR. : Hold on.

Well, Tony, number one, the departures

were--we, we put everybody on the ground. We told
towers not to let anyone go at all; it'll be just
the arrivals and which is the normal flow of the
MR. : Okay.

MR. : Hold on; let me talk to my

sup about it .
Hey, what do you need?
MR. : Hello, Boston? Hello,


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MR. Yes .

MR. : What can I do to help you

out? This is Tony at the Command Center.

MR. : You called, you called;


MR. : I called you guys to see what

I could do to help you out.

MR. : Right now, nothing as far as

departures. We're just carrying forward as we go.

Right now, we're just doing reroutes. Right now,

we've put everything on the ground.

MR. : Arrivals. Expecting possible

diverts coming into your airspace--

MR. : I would say possible

diversions are, are gonna happen and New York needs

to move 'em into Washington Center's airspace to

come up over Calverton [?] [inaudible] .

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : Well, okay. They're working

the issues on the [inaudible] traffic inbound.

MR. : Hold on one second. I got

the sup here.


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MR. Andy [?]?

MR. Yes .

MR. [ inaudible]

MR . Hi .

MR. : And look at United 175, do a

sprint on him. They think that might be the guy

that was second.

MR. Yes .

MR. He w a s - - i s he ?

MR. : Bos — well, Boston did work

him, 764 DLX [?] .

MR. : Yeah. And did you run him

through the machine, see if he stopped on the

transponder, showed a —

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : That would be [inaudible]. I

don't know. I can do a sprint on him also.

MR. : Yeah, do a sprint on him and

let's start taking a look at him; okay?

MR. : Okay.

MR. : All right. Give me a shot,

Dan [?] .


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MR. : Check.

MR. : Bye .

MR. : [inaudible]? Hello.

MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MR . : Hi. Boston. Listen, both of

these aircraft departed Boston, both were 76s, both

heading to LA, and I'm looking out on the TFD, and

I think that all departures outta Boston should

have heightened cockpit security. Is there any way

you can bring up every center in the country and

relay that message, so that they can tell the

aircraft, that are out there flying right now, to

increase the cockpit security, vigilance on this


MR. : I'll get the message out.

MR. : Thank you very much.

MR FAA Tactical Net.

MR Tactical Net.

MR Who you trying to get in

touch with?


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awt 38

MR. : I was advised that AT700 [ph]

was trying to come on [inaudible].

MR. : This is Air Traffic. We 111

[?] that.

MR. : What was the question?

MR. : [inaudible] .

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : FAA Tactical N e t ; go ahead.

MS. : Hello. This is Loretta

McNair [ph] in Brussels, Belgium. Is anyone from

security a part of the net?

MR. : That's affirmative.

MS. : Okay. I'm just wondering if

anything is being coordinated with respect to all

security persons at this time in the system?

MR . Stand by, Loretta.

MR . Peter Falcone [ph], this is

Marcus Arroyo [ph' Is--which net is this?

MR . This is Tactical, Marcus.

MR . Okay .

MR . FAA Tactical Net to AEU 700.

MR. This is AEU 700. Go ahead,


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please. This is Dominic.

MR. : Make that Europe, Dominic

Disregard. Loretta McNair?

MS . : Yes .

MR. : You can drop off, Loretta

Contact AGO 100.

MS . Okay. I sure will; thank

you .

MR. Tactical net clear.

MR. : I already did it.

MR. : Listen; listen. I already

told 'em, I already gave [inaudible] instruction,

[inaudible] the gates, our people will detail

[inaudible] any truck deliveries, they've gotta

confirm 'em outside the fence.

MR . : Break, Dominic. You have got

an open mike.

MR. : Oh, sorry.

MR. : Okay.

MR . : New York, this is Boston.

Are you there? New York Center?


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[No reply.]

[Phone ringing.]

MR. : Cleveland.

MR. : Cleveland, this is Tony at

the Command Center. I want to get you advised of a

Delta 1989. You know, you're aware of the two

aircraft that crashed in the World Trade Center;

correct ?

MS . Yes .

MR. Both were Boston to LAX 767.

The third - -

MS [ inaudible] .

MR --767 on the exact same route

is Delta 1989. We just want to make sure--he

should be in your airspace I'm told by the New

England Region, and we just want to make sure that

we have good contact with that aircraft.

MS. : Hold on a second. Delta

1989 .

MS. : [inaudible] with the Federal

Bureau of Investigation. [inaudible] .

MR. : Can I help you? Or do you


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r awt 41

have some information for me? Better yet.

him, flight level 350 is where he's at right now.

MR. : Okay. Would you make sure

that the captain is aware of the situation going

on .
MS. : Okay. And just one question

that was asked of me here. Were both of the other

two aircraft American?

fO MR. : One American. We cannot

confirm at all; that probably not both the same

carrier. •• ; • - -.«•••
MS. : Okay.
MR. : Go ahead.
[Simultaneous conversation by two

different parties.]
MR. : Was that FBI joining--

MR. : Okay.

MR. : This is FB!,,.{_ [ph]

at SIOC.

MS : Thank you.

•'MIR--, : Thank you, sir.

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


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awt 42

MR. : [inaudible] you probably met

me when I was out in Sacramento [inaudible].

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MR. : Hi, Tony. It's Brian in

Boston TRACON. Listen, I got some information for

you, it may or may not be important. We had—you

know about America 11 and United; right? Hello?

MR. : We know about them; go ahead.

MR. : Okay. We have a--right about

the same time both a those guys departed Boston and

both were Los Angeles arrivals, we had a 767, at

about the same time, there was also a Delta 1989--

MR. : Right. We, we've contacted

Cleveland on him.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. You- -

MR. : They're talking to him He

i s --he's near Pittsburgh now.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : We have contacted them

We're using extra security with them.


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MR. : Okay; -great. Thanks.

MR. : And £6& guys have departures

on "the ground, right?-at--- ~X!

MR. : Yeah, we do, we do have 'era

on the ground.
MR. : Okay.
MR. : Okay; thanks. Bye.

MR. : What do you need?

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Tactical Net to East Region.

MR. - :••'---.This'is Eastern Region. Go

MR. : Can you call me on J D

MR. : Hold on a s e c o n d . | [--give

me the last four again. / ,

MR . \ I I. / ,•••''

MR. \ Okay; will/do.

[ I n a u d i b l e backcjrouncl c o n v e r s a t i o n . ]

MR. .: [inaudible] .

MR. za c.7.^{'i,naudible] ge't a moment

r~ 9/11 Law E n f o r c e m e n t Sensitive


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here. Either you or Maryland, probably go around

to see who knows what in here about [inaudible]
know any more than you or I know.
[Inaudible background conversation.]
[Phone ringing.]
MS. : Cleveland.

MS. : Cleveland. It's Carla

[inaudible]. Hey, I got a question for you. Are
you talking to American 11 right now, that just
crossed over the boundary?
MS. : No.

MS . You don't have anything on

active radar?

MS . No .
MS . Okay; okay. Thank you. Bye
MS . Bye .

MR. : The first flight, first

flight, Boston-LA, 1100 grid [?], Boston to LA, it
was hijacked, pilot under duress.

MR. : We have an open mike on the

TAG Net.


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MR. : Pete Sarconi [ph] , are you

monitoring the Tactical Net?

MR. : Affirmative. Go ahead,

Marcus .

MR. : Okay. We know about Flight

11, American Flight 11. We know about American

Flight 77. Are you aware of United 175?

MR . : Negat i ve .

^'MR./)^^/^ : Okay. Air traffic is

reporting that they've lost Flight 175 off a radar.

United 175. We don't know where it originated

from. We believe it might have also been Dulles.

They lost it over Indiana.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : This is preliminary.

MR .j\fl £ J\.' ) : Okay. Last position was over

Indiana .

MR. /'5/^'Vi' : Guys, this is Boston. United

175 was off a Boston.

MR . Was outta Boston?

MR . Yes .

MR . Okay .


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awt 46

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Back to Marcus, that comes

from our air traffic?

MR.fj'/ That comes from our Air

Traffic .

MR. : Okay; clear.

MR. : Okay. Who, who just came on

and, and said it was outta Boston? We're getting

conflicting information, Pete. I'd like to confirm

who, who came no and said that United 175 was outta

Boston? Over .

MR . No. Is, is your IRS here?

MR . FAA Tactical Net to that last

party reporting on UAL 175.

MR. : That's what--they said they

lost it over Indiana. I wonder if that means--
[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : [inaudible] drop off for

another telecon.

MR. : Okay. TAG Net back to

Marcus, you're getting your info from Air Traffic?

MR. : That is correct.


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MR. : Okay. We'll, we'll go with

that till further notice.

MR. : All right. We're going to

follow 175 out of Dulles, at Dulles.

MR. : Dave, go ahead.

MR. : [inaudible] clear.

MR. : They lost all contact with it

over Indiana but they could a found [inaudible].

MR. : Boston, are you with us?

MR. : Open, Tom. Say again.

MR. : Okay. Stand by, please.

Okay. It looks like I have everyone on here except

Boston Center. This is the Air Traffic Command

Center, NTMO [?] on duty in the west area. I need

to have all traffic management units do an

inventory, basically an inventory of all airborne

traffic, ensure that you do not have any unusual

situations or any aircraft that are not accounted


If you have any unusual situations or

unaccounted-for aircraft, identify them and contact

us here at the Command Center.


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[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Hey, Command Center. Command


MR. : Ed [?].

MR . : What about the VFRs?

MR. : I would think we would

primarily be concerned with commercial aircraft.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : All right. Thanks.

MS. : Okay. That first part of

that statement was you just want--

MR. : I want--

MS. : -- [inaudible] situations or

you want a count of everything [inaudible]?

MR. : No. I want, I want--I want

specific information, if there are any unusual


MS. : Okay, got--

MR. : --involving commercial

aircraft or any missing aircraft. Any targets that

have dropped off; anything of that nature.


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MS. : Okay.

MR. : This is FBI Boston, we're

trying to get an update on one of the agents [?] at

the a irport.

MR. : [inaudible].

MS. : United 93 may have a bomb on


MR Okay. United 93. Who's

speaking ?

MS Cleveland Center.

MR. : Okay. Cleveland, what's his

origination and destination?

MS. : Is- -

MR : Out of Newark going to San

Franc i s co.

MS. : Out of Newark going to San

Francisco. His position is 20 — 15 East — naturally

he's farther than that. He's east of Dryer [?].

His exact position is 30 miles east of Dryer.

MR. : Great Lakes--

MR. : Okay. You have a transponder

on this aircraft, or did he go primary?


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MS. : At this time he's code 1527

and we still have a transponder.
MR. : Okay. And can you give me
any additional information as to why you believe
there may be a bomb?
MS. : Because he's creaming that on
the frequency.
MR. : Okay; very good.

MR. : [inaudible] an update from

FAA- -

MR. Anyone else?

MR. Tactical Net back to Boston—
MR. All right. I'm disconnecting
now .

MR. The head FBI is on.

MR. : Okay. We have two reports,
preliminary information, believed to be American
Airlines Flight 77 and Flight 11 collided with
World Trade Center. Also a preliminary report,
United Airlines Flight 175 off radar; no further
informat ion.
MR. Okay. So that's American 77


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awt 51

and United 175?

MR. That's correct.

MR. : Do we have their airport of

origin on both of those?

MR. : Okay. Back to FBI. It's

America Flight 77, second flight is 11, those are

the two aircraft believed to be involved with the

World Trade Center. Route is reported as Dulles to

Los Angeles for 77. Boston to Los Angeles for 11.

United Airlines is not believed to be involved in

World Trade Center at this time.

MR. Okay. So it's American 77

and American 11?

MR . That's, that's correct.

MR . And American 11 was Boston to


MR. That's the report I've got.

MR. Okay. And the other one was

Dulles to LA?

MR. Dulles to LAX.

MR. : I've got [inaudible] second

one's American Airlines--


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MR. : [inaudible] I asked about any

suspicious aircraft.

MR. : Yeah.

MR. : Okay. I w a s - - I missed

someone, I thought it was you. Okay; thanks a lot.

MR. : Yeah; it was Boston you

mi ssed.

MR : Oh.

MR : Another report was regarding

United 175 We had a report that it was off the


MR . : The United Airlines was not


MR. : Okay. Is that--where was

that United 175 from?

MR. : We're getting conflicting

reports on that, FBI, on the 175.

MR. : Where did it go off radar?

MR. : United one seventy--

[Hang-up sound.]

MR. : Stand by, please. Back to

FBI. I've got a report from Eastern, FAA Eastern


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awt 53

Region Air Traffic, that it dropped off radar over


MR. And United 175?

MR. That's correct.

MR. : Do you know where that--

' ''.' J'CCMR. : Excuse me; negative. That's

not correct. That's American 77 that dropped off a

radar in Indiana Center.

ji/T'"' ' • •-! MR. : Okay. Who's that reporting,


/TIC SCC MR. : The Air Traffic Systems

Command Center here in Herndon, Virginia.

MR. : Thank you, sir. Copy FBI?

MR. : Yes. We have American 77--

Here's the recap from Command Center. We have

American 11, was the first one, Boston to LAX.

United 175, Boston to LAX. The third aircraft,

American 77 was a Dulles to LAX, was lost off radar

in southern Indiana; whereabouts are still unknown.

They're trying to recreate some radar data.

United 93 is the fourth aircraft in

Cleveland Center airspace. That was a Newark


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origination to San Francisco and there was some

screaming heard on board the aircraft and a

reference to a bomb being on board.

MR. : Eastern Region Tech Net to

Headquarters Tech.

MR. : Tactical Net, go ahead.

MR. : Okay. We have a fast-moving

VFR aircraft moving towards the White House. We've

just been informed now that it's moving away from

the White House. Be alert that this is information

coming from air traffic.

MR. : TAG Net copy.

MR. : United 99, Newark to San

Francisco [inaudible] .

MR. : No; it' s United 93 ; not 99 .

93 .

MS . Hello?

MR. : And just for everyone's

information, Command Center has implemented

basically a nationwide ground stop for all arrivals

and departures.

MR. [inaudible] World Trade


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MR. This is Boston FBI to FAA


MR. This is the FAA Command

Center in Washington.

MR. : Yeah. This is Boston. I was

wondering if I could just run down those--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Command Center.

MR. : Hey, [inaudible]. Jim,

listen, I know you guys are busy. I got a question

for you and hope you can answer it. What are we

doing with traffic that a r e - - t h a t is en route?

I've got one aircraft that's an Angel flight,

that's flying through Raleigh-Durham's airspace en

route to Charlotte. I mean, am I supposed to tell

this tell this guy to divert and land at Raleigh or

can he continue on his way?

MR. : We're just stopping

departures from going. If [inaudible] in the air--

MR. : He's in the air, we let him


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go. Very well. That's all I wanted to know, sir.

Thank you.

MR. : --Boston to LA, Boeing 767.

The other two flight call signs that we have now

are United 93 and American 77.

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MS . : Okay. Lee?

MR. : United 93 was where?

MS. : Eastern Region Command

Center. Dawn.

MR. : United 93, originally

d e s t i - - f r o m Newark destined to San Francisco.

American 77 is Washington Dulles to Los Angeles.

MR. : 77 and 93 had problems, or

have they dropped from radar?

MR. : We believe- -we're attempting

to get further--we believe American 77, there might

have been reports of screaming on the frequency.

MR. : A plane hitting the west side

of the Pentagon! A plane's hitting the west side

of the Pentagon.

MR. : Please report that


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[ inaudible] .

MR. : Report of a plane hitting the

west side of the Pentagon.

MR. : FAA Tech. Who's reporting?

MR. : Lee, that came from Air

Traffic. They were tracking that airplane on


[Inaudible background conversation.]

[Beeps audible.]

MR. : Command Center East. Tony.

MR. : Yeah. Our United--! need to

talk to someone and keep an open line here. We got

this United starting to descend.

MR. : United 93?

MR . 93; yes.

MR . Thank you. I'll get right

now .

MR. : Yeah, United 93 starting to

descend in Cleveland, Cleveland Center's airspace.

MR. : Hey, Cleveland, we got people


MR. : Okay. We just lost the


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transpon--transponder on United 93. He had

reversed direction, is heading eastbound. He's

about over or west of Akron at this time.

MR. : Okay. So when was the last

communication we had with him?

MR. : Quite a while ago. We had

something on a tape we're trying to pull, we

thought we heard mention of a bomb. We're not

sure .

MR. : Anything else I can to help

you right now?

MR. : No. I just, just want to

keep you advised We're not sure where he's going

MR. : Okay. I'll keep the line

open if you like

MR . : Yeah. I think so.

MR . : Let's do that.

MR. : Okay, and just so you know,

we've lost the transponder completely and are not

tracking the primary, so we don't know where the

aircraft i s.

MR. Okay; thank you.


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MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Negative at this time. If we

get any additional information we'll pass it on.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : What [inaudible]?

MR. : Tactical N e t - -

MR. : And this is Cleveland Center.

Who's up?

MR. : It is the Command Center with

about five or six people listening.

MR. : Okay. Mr. [inaudible], the

chief, just asked if we have any military up or

not? Are we pursuing that? We'd like to be able

to track this guy so we know what's going on,

especially when we lose a transponder.

MR. : We have been in contact with

the military cell here in the building and they're

working the issue. I'm not sure where they are


MR FAA Tech Net, FAA Command



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MR. : -- [inaudible] and also

there's a big conference going on—

MR. : —[inaudible] we have an

aircraft that's claiming to be a presidential--

MR. : - - w i t h , with basically

[inaudible] including the FBI and--

MR. : --[inaudible] unit, and wants

to go JFK, 12, 120 radio at 056 and we n e e d - -

MR. : --there's discussions about

the military, possible military involvement.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : --[inaudible] in fact

affiliated with that, you know, that entity, and

before we would permit that to occur.

MR. : [inaudible] just a "heads

up," and they may have better [inaudible]--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] Air Force One

[inaudible] for today, we'll verify--

MR . : [inaudible] and then away

from the White House.

MR. : And about 28 minutes out, we


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be 1i eve.

MR. : Okay, FAA TAG Net, FAA

Command Center.
MR. : FAA TAG Net, go ahead.
MR. : Okay. This is the Command
Center. We've received a report that United 93 is
descending in the area of Cleveland, the city of
Cleveland, Ohio.
MR. : [inaudible] 93 is descending
over Cleveland.
MR. : Okay. I've got that. 93
descending over Cleveland?
MR. : That's the latest report that
we have received at the FAA Command Center.
MR. : And we're trying to find any
aircraft that might be in the vicinity, that might,
could at least give us a visual, if there is an
aircraft out there.
MR. : They said 29 minutes out?
Cleveland, you estimated about 29 minutes out from
MR. : 28, we believe, but again


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it's a primary, that we believe when we lost the

transponder, is the correct one. We're not a 100

percent and we're trying to get some kind a visual

confirmation, as I said, from another aircraft that

might be in the vicinity.

MR. : And you guys [inaudible] all

the information and flight plan on United 93;

correct ?

MR. : Newark to San Francisco.

MR. : Yeah. All right. So you

know what type aircraft and all that. Okay.

MR. : [inaudible] I got it on the

TSC. I'm sure it's not as accurate as, as we'd

like; but I do have something.

MR. : [inaudible] towards


MR. : No; no. We're fine.

MR. : Bill. Bill. Get, get John

to make copies of [inaudible] you stay here and

handle calls. John. John. Go ahead and make

multiple copies of that and start passing 'em

around in the Ops Center. That's the latest we


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have. Here's a copier. That copier is jammed.

There's one in Op D [ph], if that one's jammed. Op

D. Straight up and to the left. Thank you.

MR. : [inaudible] report of a bomb

threat on board [inaudible].

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] going away from

the aircraft. Let's see [inaudible] on alert

around the White House. One of [inaudible].

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Command Center, Cleveland.

MR. : He might be up in Op C making

copie s

MR. Command Center

MR . --of t h a t - -

MR. : We're listening.

MR. : Okay. We have an unconfirmed

report here, right now, that Pittsburgh is ATCO and

we have another aircraft confirmed hijacking at

Delta. We b e l i e v e - - w e believe it's 89. Delta

1989, which was out at Boston, is inbound to

Cleveland. Somehow apparently did, they did


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confirm the hijacking on the frequency.

MR. : This is John.

[Inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : FAA TAG back to Air Traffic


MR Air Traffic Command Center

Go ahead.

MR. : We're still working that

request on - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : All right. And just a "heads

up" now on the Delta 1989.

MR. : Okay. His call, call sign--

MR. : He is actually still at

27,000 feet and heading westbound, west of the

Dryer View R [?] about 20 to 30 miles, 270. I do

not know if we're communicating at this time but we

are confirming now that he's a hijack.

MR. : Okay; thanks. I [inaudible]

he re .

MR. Okay .

MR. You still show him westbound,


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you said, at 270 ?

MR. : Yeah. Yes, he is still going

west .

MR. : You said his destination is

now Cleveland; correct?
MR. : No; no. That was not
correct. We thought he was going in but he's
continuing west 270. We do not know--the original
destination you mean or--
MR. : No. He - - originally he was
going to LA.
MR. : Right; right. No; we do not
know where he's going at this time. We just know
he was over Cleveland at one point. We thought
that when, when you reported the hijacking he was
going in there; but apparently not.
MR. : Thank you.

MR. : 948, you have an aircraft

With a Call sign, is | 9/11 LaH Enforcement Sensitive |

MR. : And are you guys--do you know

if anyone's tracking the United at all? The 93?

MR. : No; we don't know if


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anybody's go tit.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : --[inaudible] JFK, they can't

identify this aircraft. They're trying to do


MR. : All right. Our best guess is

that he's a primary that's 2 - 0 , 20 miles south of

Elwood City [?], southeastbound, no altitude report

because his clock's off.

MR. : All right. 20 miles south of

Elwood City and you think he's still eastbound;


MR. : Southeastbound; yes. The

primary we're tracking, that we believe is him.

MR. : FAA Tactical Center to Air

Traffic Command.

MR. : Yeah, he's moving at a good

speed, so I mean there shouldn't be too many other

primaries out there that'd be moving that fast

but- -

MR. Okay; understood; thank you

MR. —you know, we're not


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posit i ve.

MR. Is Pittsburgh ATCO?

MR. We don't know yet; we're

trying to find out.

MR . : We've got a aircraft--

MR . : Hey, Cleveland?

MR. : Yes .

MR . : This is [inaudible]. I just

had a national conference, you weren't on it. We

just advised everyone to, to land traffic anywhere

feasible, you know, do the best we can to get them

on the ground. I think, you know, you may already

be doing something along those lines [inaudible]

you know, advise them to do the best they c a n - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Okay, we have a report--

MR. : - - t r a f f i c on the ground.

MR. : --from Air Traffic--

MR. : Okay.

MR. : Delta 1989, Cleveland to

Boston, confirmed hijacking. Delta 1989,

Cleveland-Boston, confirmed hijacking.


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MR. : Okay. 952. I've got D e l t a - -

MR. : All right. The Delta that's

the hijack is now descending. He's about over

Waterville [?] [inaudible] the Toledo area.

MR. : This is the FAA Air Traffic


[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Delta 1989, Boston to

Cleveland, a Boeing 767, and we're getting

indications from Cleveland Center the aircraft is

being hijacked.

MR. : We've got Delta 1989,

Cleveland to Boston--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Washington Tactical Net to

Eastern Region. Air traffic is clearing all

airspace in the Washington area, all aircraft

incoming are being diverted, clearing the area

completely out. All aircraft are being held on the

ground. Over.

MR. : Okay. I copied that Eastern


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9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

awt 69
Region, all aircraft being held on the ground
Eastern Region.
MR.-- -. : -Aircraft c.laimirtg to be a
presidential aircraft, call sign]_ |.
They wanted a radio- -
MR 7\v Command Center, Cleveland.
MR. : Go ahead.
Do we consider this secure?
MR. : [inaudible].
MR. : And this is the FAA Air

Traffic- -
r [Simultaneous conversation.]........ . ,
C-C MR .v^fff^J^-: As secure as we have
[inaudible] .
MR. : --[inaudible] that Delta 1989
is currently in the vicinity of Toledo, Ohio.
MR. : Toledo, Ohio. Delta 1989 is
in the vicinity of Toledo, Ohio.
MR. : This is the Boston
[inaudible]. What was the originating point for-
Delta 1989?
•.4 -r.~ MR. : .Okay, we've talked; to


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Pittsburgh and we believe they just evacuated due

to t h e - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : --United jet was going right

over the top a their facility at that [inaudible]

as best we knew.

MR. : Right. We'll have agents go

over and check that.

MR. So that's the issue there

MR. Okay .

MR. Okay .

MR . The only other issue then

is- -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : The i n d i c a t i o n also, the

original - -

MR. : -- [inaudible] westbound

toward Chicago and now turning back eastbound,

northeastbound, currently in the area of Toledo,

Ohio .

MR. : Is there anything else we

need to know?


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MR . W e l l , they say t h a t - -

MR. Understand. We'll have

agents go their immediately.

MR. : The pilot of the Delta we're

talking to, he's presently telling us that he's

going into Cleveland, so we're getting a little bit

a contradictory report. Okay. And they're saying

now that he is [inaudible]--

MR. : [inaudible]?

MR. : The pilot is saying that he

is not a trip [?] flight but we're just not a 100

percent sure because there's been some

inconsistencies [inaudible].

MR. : We've identified the location

or the departure point for aircraft number one. At

approximately 1203 Zulu time, aircraft--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] Delta company

could confirm for us, through company, he's saying

company told him that he was not--that he was just

going to Cleveland for precautionary measures.

MR. : --[inaudible] about 160


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knot s--
: MR. : But we're not sure.

• • Tr-^=MR;- : --{inaudible] looks like--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Check with, check with Delta.

MR. : Yeah.

MR. : Right. And that's all we

have; right?

MR. : We have, Rick. I tried to

get in touch with Poughkeepsie tower; however, the

phone lines are overloaded and the circuits are

busy. .'....-.

MR. :: Do you know a time a


MR. : Affirmative. 1203 Z u l u t i m e .

MR. : Do you k n o w w h a t the bridge


MR. ; Yeah; it's right there. The

bridge - -

[Inaudible background conversation.]

: B r i d g e is right h e r e . . , ]

[inaudible]'" |_

9/11 Law E n f o r c e m e n t Sensitive

• - - - . • • - * w r _••?•*£*- MILLER REPORTING C O . , INC.

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MR . Tell t h e m - -

MR . [inaudible] to Eastern

Region. Do you copy?

[Start part 3.]

MR. : This is a continuation of

position 15. The time now is 9:55 local.

MR. : He was just going to

Cleveland for a precautionary measure. But we're

not sure.

MR. : Check with — we'll check with


MR. Yeah.

[Inaudible conversation in background.]

MR. : [inaudible] Delta 1989.

Right there [inaudible].

MR. : [inaudible]. You copy?

MR. : [inaudible] Zulu.

MS . : [ inaudible] .

MR. : FAA Tactical Command to Air

Traffic Command, Herndon.

MR. : Air Traffic Command, Herndon,

go ahead.


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MR. Can we have a status on

United 93.

MR. Standby. We'll try to


[ Pause.]

MR. Anything more on United 93,


MR. I'm sorry; say again.

MR . Anything more on United 93?

MR. No. We've talked to

Washington, ca--showed them the primary [?] that we

believe he used. Is he heading in there?

MS . : [inaudible] .

MR. : All right. 2 9 - - 2 0 north of

Johnstown now, the one that we believe is him.

We've coordinated with Washington to let them know

he's still proceeding southeastbound as far as we

know .

MR. Cleveland, Command Center

MR. Yes. Go ahead.

MR. : The Delta Airlines advises

[Simultaneous conversation.]


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MR . FAA t e c h - -

MR. : - - t h a t Delta 1989 is going

into Cleveland as a precautionary measure.

MR. : Go ahead [inaudible].

MR. : Okay. [inaudible] United 93,

it is unconfirmed, they believe it's a primary

target - -

MR. : Okay; thank you.

MR. : —20 miles northeast of

Johnstown, Pennsylvania, aircraft is presumably out

eas tbound.

MR. : Okay. No radio contact?

MR. : Negative; that is correct; no

radio contact.

MR . Okay. I've got that. Thank

you .

MR. : There is an update on 93.

United Airline 93--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MS. : Tracey, you [inaudible] what

you're hearing with [inaudible]--

MR. : And Command Center


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[inaudible] give us a decision, if they want us to

do anything at Cleveland when this Delta lands.

MR. : Stand by.

MR. : And Command Center, I know my

chief's talking to some people on the other line,

but just so you know, we have an unconfirmed report

from a VFR, he believes he saw the United down low,

around 7500 feet.

MR. : Thank you.

[Conversation in background.]

MR. : 0956 is the update on the


MR . The location of that, please.

MR . Here you go; here's the


MR. Stand by.

MR . On United Airline 93, this is

at 0956 our time

MR. : All right. He appears to be

turning east and we're trying to get an exact

location at this time.

MR. --three miles northeast of


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Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

MR. : That's Johnstown.

MR. : That's Johnstown, Johnstown,

Pennsylvania. It's eastbound; no radio contact.

MR. : [inaudible] VFRs.

MR. : All right. To Indianhead,

174 at one-one m i l e s is what I'm being told, turn

eastbound and we're fairly confirmed at eight

thousand by VFR.

MR. : Thank you. That' s- -you' re

still showing that. Okay; got it.

MR. : Okay. If you want

[inaudible] let me know, we can try and get those.

[Conversation in background.]

MR. : One seventy [inaudible].

MR. : No; it's the United Airlines

[ inaudible] .

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : FAA TAC Net Air Traffic.

Looks like we got another plane down.

MR. : This is FAA TAC; go ahead.

MR. : [inaudible]. The--we're


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establishing a bridge with all the facilities on

another bridge to keep you updated on some

movements. Any further report-- ,

V ~j- --' '

MR. : Yeah, this is FBI SILOC [?].

We just have video, TV, the top of the World Trade

Center dropped into the streets.

MR. : Okay. We're copying that on

breaking news.

MR. : Rick [?], New York TRACON's

on .

MR. : And the United 93, what they

now say is northwestbound, they say that the VFR

is, is the CM, it's confirmed, and he's waving his

wings, we're not sure what if anything that beamer

[?] has to do with anything.

[Simultaneous conversation by two

different parties.]

MR. : [inaudible] know that we're

going down to skeleton teams here in the building

and I need him to give me a call if he has a

problem with that.

MR. : Okay, he's, he's back towards


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the east now. I'd say about a 80 heading, erratic,

a b i t , little bit of an e r r a t i c - -

MR. : FAA TAG Net and Net Air


MR. : FAA TAG Net, go ahead.

MR. : Okay. The latest update we

received, the United 93 is currently 21 miles east

of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, heading eastbound, last

reported at 8,000 feet, and not in any radio


MR. : Okay, 8,000 feet eastbound,

21 miles east of Johnstown, Pa. No radio contact.

MR. : That's correct.

MR. Back to New York TRACON

MR. : New York TRACON is here.

MR. : Do you have that party, Rick

Dusharm [?] on the line?

MR. : I don't hear him.

MR. : FA TAG Net to Rick Dusharm,

New York TRACON.

Okay, New York, I'm reporting up, you're

going down to skeleton team?


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MR. Yes .

MR. : They're evacuating the

Capitol, the Treasury, the White House and the
State Department. How about the FBI? There's
[inaudible]. Yeah.
MR. : And it now appears that the
United 93 is turning back towards the southeast
again, really, right now, kind of I guess--!
wouldn't say no holding pattern but not progressing
in any one direction here.
MR. : Okay.
MR. : Chip [?], there's a "heads
up." We believe that Delta's now talking to
Cleveland approach, and right now we're treating it
as not a hijack.
MR. : Thank you.
MR. : Mr. [inaudible], we've got
the Capitol, the White House--
MR. : Okay, the United has now come
up, back on, his transponder's up, he's back on
his, on his original code, 8200 feet.
MR. : -Capitol.


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MR. United 93 t r a n s p o n d e r ' s back

on .

MR. : Washington, Net FAA Security,

Great Lakes [inaudible].

MR. : Go ahead Great Lakes.

MR. : Washington, Oak Brook,

Illinois police are reporting receiving a 911 air

phone call from a passenger reporting to be on

United Flight 93. He's reporting three hijackers

on board with knives and making threats of a bomb

on board.

MR. : Okay. I've got a passenger

reportedly on United 93, three armed individuals

with knives ?

MR. : Roger. Reporting also making

bomb threats. The call was received by Oak Brook,

Illinois police, by 911 air phone.

MR. : Cell phone.

MR. : Okay. I got that. 911 air


[Two different conversation going on.]

MR. : 93, cell phone call received


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from a passenger.

MR. Both were PD. In touch with

a passenger. They still have the passenger on the


MR. : Three armed hijackers.

MR. : No; they do not.

MR. : Okay. Passenger broke

contact. 911 call, three armed individuals with

knives. Also bomb threats.

MR. : With bomb threat. Passenger

broke, broke off contact [inaudible]. He's on a

cell phone. It was a 911 call, Joe.

MR. : FAA TAG back t o - - w a s that

Great Lakes region?

MR. : Roger.

MR. : Okay. I've got it.

[inaudible] conversation in background.]

MR. : That's a 9 - 1 , 911 cell

phone - -

MS. : Go ahead, sir.

MR. : Yes. This is Fuller at

Pittsburgh approach control. At 1345 w e - -


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[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Cleveland Command Center?

MR. : Yes.

MR. : We're advised that there's a

Northwest aircraft, Pittsburgh to DC, I assume DCA,

I do not know that for sure, that they are visiting

at the moment. Can you look and see [inaudible].

MR. : —onboard, that was bound for

Los A n g e l e s - -

MR. : Call sign?

MR . : But they lost radio contact
MR . Don't have one.
MR . --and it was turned around--
MR. : All right. Pitt to DCA.
MR. : Try DCA, ID and BWI.
We're--right now, I'm just told Washington.
MR. : All right. What do they want
me to [inaudible]?
MR . : Anyone m e e t s , someone meets

that criteria

MR . : Are there any questions?


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MR. : Okay; hold on. FR is off.

MR. : Here's an update on 93. We

had the flight profile, is switch-off Pittsburgh,

turned around, headed back towards Pittsburgh,

overflew the airport and headed eastbound.

MR. Larry [?].

MR. Okay. FAA Net Air Traffic.

MR. FAA TAG Net, go ahead.

MR. : Okay. We received an update

on Delta 1989 - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Disregarding Northwest, I

guess we're okay on that one. Thanks a lot.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : --we believe the aircraft

advised that they are not--

MR. : I believe [inaudible] United

and let me give you a position.

MR. : --and I believe are landing

at Cleveland. It's Delta 1989.

MR. : Okay. So you've got radio

contact - -


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MR. : Okay. He was 16 south of

Johnstown, VOR, JFT [?] and was leaving about a 140

heading and now we've lost all radar on him.

[Different conversations ongoing at once.]

MR. : [inaudible] comes in via

Delta Airlines.

MR. That's the United.

MR. : Okay. Now that was the guy

who had his transponder back on; right?

MR. : Yeah, came on briefly and

then went back off with the primary and now we've

lost him completely. Delta is working Cleveland

approach. They've advised us that they are going

to treat him like a trip aircraft on, on landing.

MR. : It's landed safely at


MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : [inaudible] Delta 1989 has

landed safely at Cleveland. D e l t a - - y e a h , Delta

1989- -

MR FAA TAG Net, FAA Air Traffic



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MR Stand by one, please.

MR Okay. That was Air Traffic


MR. That is correct.

MR. : Go ahead, sir.

MR. : We have a request. Are

we - - faci1ities are checking with us to release

aircraft that may be associated with law

enforcement activity and military activity—

[Two different conversations ongoing.]

MR. : We have a report in the

vicinity of the United, of black, black smoke here,

just again the position I just gave you at

Johnstown was the last known position. We're

trying to see if we can get any ELT checks.

MR. : - - t h a t are not airborne,

obviously aircraft that are en route are being

advised to land at the closest destination, and we

just wanted t o - - t h e national operations manager has

a request to clarify, that we were able to permit

military and law enforcement aircraft to fly.

MR. : Okay. So you're releasing


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law enforcement military aircraft.

MR. : Well, we're checking with,

with, with you and make sure that it's all right to

do so .

MR. All right. Let me look into

that one here

MR. : Okay. Can I ask who the

decision making authority is that you're in

regar--your contact was there?

MR. : Command Center, ACC.

MR. : Air Traffic Command Center;

go ahead.

MR. : Negative. I'm replying to

your inquiry.

MR. : Yes; go ahead.

MR. : Okay. We're in contact with

the ACC director here at headquarters.

MR. : Is that the c i v i l - - i s that

security director?

MR . That's affirmative.

MR. : Okay; thank you. Okay. So

we'll--we have the national operations manager here


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at the Command Center, and we will, you know, await

your work on military and law enforcement, if it's

okay for them to go.

MR. : Get right back to you.

MR. : Thank you very much.

MR. : Okay, and--okay. The last

lap longs [?] we have for the United are 3951

north, 07846 west. Copy that, Command Center?

MR. : 3951 north, 07846 west, last

known position.

MR. : Correct.

MR . FAA TAG Net back to Air

Traffic Command.

MR . Go ahead.

MR. : We are working on that

request. I'll get right back on it.

MR. : Okay. Thank you very much.

[Conversation in background.]

MR. : Okay. Do they know where the

AC'S [?] Command Center detail is located


MR. : [inaudible].


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MR. [ inaudible] .

MR. FAA Air Traffic Command


MR. : [inaudible] that are coming

into the East Coast later this afternoon.

MR. : Can you please repeat that.

This is Boston [inaudible].

MR. : We just wanted to see if

there's a command for the international arrivals

that are already airborne, inbound to the


MR. : [inaudible] we'll have

somebody go over to the international terminal now.

MR. : FAA Tactical Net to Air

Traffic Command, Herndon.

MR. : Air Traffic Command.

MR . I have an affirmative on that

request to release law enforcement military


MR. : Okay, message received, and

we'd just advise you that a group of fighters and

tankers have launched out of Maguire and in an


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effort to avoid being a potential target on the
MR. : Okay; got it .

MR. : FAA TAG Net with an update.

MR. : Air Traffic Command Center,

New England Region.

MR. : Go ahead. Air Traffic
Command, go ahead.
MR. : Can you give us a call on a
separate line. We're having trouble with the
bridge here . [
MR/.-... : Okay; you broke up. J_
You broke up after that. ,
, MR. :

MR. ...we'll give you a call.

MR. : Thank you.

MR, ....--:" TAG Net with an update. I
report all inbbund international flights are--
. [Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : J W e do have [inaudible] a
downed aircraft, we' r<e-pas.sing along to the
military nWw-.-via-' VFRy"in- -tehe- vicinity where we last

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


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had the United.

MR Roger.

MR FAA TAG Net, FAA Air Traffic


MR. Go ahead.

MR. : Okay. We have several items.

Number one, Air Force One is airborne. We have

some concerns, the Washington Center has some

targets in the area that are unidentified and there

are concerns for the, for the safety of that


MR. : Okay. Back to Air Traffic

Command. Air Force One is airborne and several

unidentified targets in the Washington area posing

a threat?

MR. That is correct. We're

unsure of the targets. We just received

indication, and I'll try and confirm from where

St andby one.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : Do we have NMCC on board?

MR. : [inaudible] NNC.


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[ inaudible]


MR. NMCC is on.

MR. : Military Command Center?

MR. : No, I believe that as the

Maintenance Command Center that checked in and FAA

TAC Net, we probably should get a military entity

on here. We also received word from Air Force via

Jacksonville Center. They're requesting a fighter


MR. : Yeah, we definitely need to

link up with NMCC, National Military Command on

this. We're gonna work on that here. Do you have

a liaison on your end?

MR. : We, we have some COF [?]

representatives. Maybe we can get them

[ inaudible] .

MR. : Okay; thanks; appreciate it.

MR. : We're just advised that CARF

is trying to get the link setup right now.

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Air Force One [inaudible]


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unidentified aircraft [inaudible]. Number one is

93, it's 20 minutes outside [inaudible].

MR. : All inbound flights--

MR. : Command Center, this is

Cleveland. I know I've got the chief on another

line. Do you need us, or do you want us on here

anymore? If not, I don't know that we have

anything else to report except for when this Delta

lands and I can hang on for that, if you like.

MR. : We'll keep you on until the

Delta 1ands.

MR. : Okay. All right.

MR. : He has a SAP [?], and you can

keep, keep yourself right there?

MR. : Oh, yeah.

MR. : Let's, for now, let's do

that .

MR. : All right.

MR. : Okay. They got that

information. Here's the next two bits of

information. 1012. All inbound international

flights are being diverted to Canada. The 1012.


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MR. : Cleveland, what's the status

of Pittsburgh right now?

MR. : Okay. At 1013 - -

MR. : Stand by.

MR. : At 1013 - -

MR. : They're back in their tower

and they are pulling aircraft in to land them.

There were some holding. We'll get you a count

here, how many we have remaining to go in, if you

want to hold on a sec.

MR. : --from Andrews, there are

unidentified aircraft in the area.

MR. : Okay. Pittsburgh is back in

the tower. They've taken all the aircraft from us

They still have about four in their airspace on

final, waiting to land.

MR. : [inaudible] all under ATCs.

Got it.

MR. Correct.

MR. Unidentified aircraft in the

area, requesting fighter escorts. He's requesting

f ighter- -


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MR. : Okay, we're trying to garner

a list of airplane--of a i r c r a f t - - o f airports that

are available to, to be used. Shall we include

Pittsburgh in that useable airport category?

MR. : You want us to ask them o r - - I

mean, as far as I'm concerned, yes. But you want

me to verify with them that they're going to keep a

crew available?

MR. : Affirmative. If they're, if

they're taking airplane, they're available.

MR. : Yeah, they're taking 'em

right now. Yeah; okay. I would include them in.

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : I don't know yet.

[Inaudible conversation in background]

MR. : Okay. Randy, this

i s - - e v - - p u t everything under FAA TAG Net, T - A - C

Net .

MR . [ inaudible] .


MR. [ inaudible] .

MR. Yes. Okay.


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MR. This is New York TRACON with

an update on a possible aircraft. We tracked a

Sikorsky helicopter, 76010, from Poughkeepsie to

the Trade Center, it appeared to fly into the Trade

Center at 12:27. That is preliminary information.

MR. : They're saying that a

Sikorsky helicopter flew into the Trade Center.

MR. : TRACON, FAA Command Center.

MR. : Hey, Command Center.

MR. : Hey, Tommy, what, w h a t - - s a y

again; repeat your last.

MR. : All right, Jimmy. We did a - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] is on the ground.

MR. : - - a target that we saw, the

only target that we saw--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : --[inaudible] Trade Center at

12:27 at 12:27, to fly into the Trade Center. We--

MR. : They're taxi-ing him from

the, away from the terminal to the isolated area.


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MR. : We had a departure off a
MR. : [inaudible].
MR. : --at 12 : 03 - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : They're taxing the Delta to
an isolated area away from the terminal.
MR. : --[inaudible] southbound at
that time, was a Sikorsky helicopter, which is
consistent with the speed that we followed it down.
It was call sign 7601 Sierra. They also had a
V F - - a n IFR Cherokee go to New Bedford. I haven't
been able to track that flight yet.
MR. : Okay, Tommy; thank you.
MR. : They're saying they replayed
the radar and it's consistent with [inaudible] of
what went into the tower.
MR. : [inaudible].
MR. : Okay, Command Center, "heads
up" on Pittsburgh.
MR. : Yo?

MR. They say they are pretty much


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saturated with aircraft. They said they could

probably handle about six more arrivals if there

are diverts that need to go in there, but other

than that, they're at capacity. So I don't know

how you want that as far as them being available,

but they say they probably cannot hold more than

about six more airplanes there on the ground.

MR. : Yeah; the number is six.


MR. : They-- they've replayed the

radar and they have seen c o n s i s t e n t - - i t ' s a

preliminary report--

/'/</? jKpMR. = FAA TAG Net back to New York


MR. New York TRACON's on.

MR. : Can you repeat your last

report regarding the helicopter.

MR. : [inaudible] I went into my

command post here and the reason they [inaudible]

MR. : Hey, you got a talk louder

MR. November 7601 Sierra,


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Sikorsky 76, departed--

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. 10 -4 .

MR . [inaudible] tower is on.

MR. FAF [?] [inaudible] on.

MR . Okay; all units stand by.

New York TRACON, go ahead with your report.

MR. : I don't have the time code

[?]. Tommy had left already but he, he tells us

that a November 7601 Sierra, a Sikorsky, departed

Poughkeepsie airport at 12:03 Zulu t i m e , tracked

southbound and the speed--

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR . Yes .

MR . --was 60 knots which is

cons i stent- -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] Pittsburgh, they

have quite a few runways that [inaudible] as well;

right? Are they considering that option as well?

MR. : I do, I do not know t h a t - -

MR. : Okay, thank you, New York


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MR. : - - b u t I will get back to you

on that. I j u s t - - t h e y , they called us,

unsolicited, and gave us the information that they

slated, you know, they can only take six more. So

I'm sure in a, in a emergency, they could put 'em

on the other runways or something.

MR. : Okay.

MS. : I don't know how many that

would add up to b u t - -

MR. : That's about [inaudible] what

went into the World Trade Center.

MS . Now Zulu time is four hours

different from Eastern Standard Time.

MR. Four hours difference from

Eastern Standard [inaudible].

MR. : FAA TAG Net Command Center.

MR. : Hello. [inaudible].

MR. : FAA TAG Net; go ahead.

MR. : Okay. Just go give you an

update from the national operations manager. All

traffic- -


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[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Hey, Cleveland?

MR. : Yes.

MR. : --departing--

MR. : [inaudible] Pittsburgh, when

you talk to 'em, let 'em know that we need them

t o - - w e need the runways for parking and not to deny

any diverts, if at all possible.

MR. : --would like us to get the

word out - -

MR. : So whatever you can do to

accommodate whoever needs to get in there--

MR. : -- [inaudible] the country, to

land short, will continue to their destinations.

MR. : All right. We'll pass it on.

MR. : The national operations

manager - -

MR . David

MR. : --is requesting--

MR. : Yes. Let me pass this on to

the manager [inaudible].

MR. : Okay.


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MR. : Okay. I thought we had an

earlier report on diversion of incoming to Canada.

So now we're asking about all arrivals, domestic?

MR. : No. Starting--

MR. : I'm sorry. Go ahead,


MR. : Yeah. Cleveland, can you

check with any of your airports to see if a Medex

MEP-4 landed or diverted to some, one of your

airports there.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : He came out of Milwaukee

going to National initially but [inaudible] can't

f ind it, so - -

MR. : Okay; hold on.

MR. : Okay; thank you.

MR. : We are concerned about

aircraft that are originating in South America,

Asia, and so forth. Is it your, is it your request

or our instruction to have these aircraft land

short of the United States or the first point in

the United States, or what, what guidance can you


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offer as a request to the national operations


MR. : Okay. We'll [inaudible] that

one, we'll get back on that question.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : On the aircraft, land, first

opportunity; get right back on it.

MR. : Thank you.

[Inaudible conversation in background.]

MR. : 1203 Zulu. This would have

been 8:03. 1203 Zulu, 8:03 our time.

MR. : TRACON's on.

MR . TRACON, go ahead.

MR . It was tracked southbound at

160 miles per hour.

MR. : I don't know if you can hear

me but I'm supposed to be on a telecon with air

traffic division here in Eastern and I can't get in

on the telecon. So if they can call me, Rich

Duchamp [ph] can call me. [inaudible] but I can't

get [inaudible].

[Beeping sounds audible.]


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MR. : Did you hear that? You still

with me ?

MR. : I am .

MR. : All right.

MR . : John McCartney [ph]?

MR. : Yeah, everybody please stand

by until I finish this conversation. If you just

joined us, please stand by.

Okay. I'm going to have somebody run it

up to confirm. The crisis center is operating and

we're getting all the reports, trying to piece it

all together, and keeping a running log, and you

just got [inaudible] at--and I'll convey that, that

we received that from you at about 10:25. Did

you — what time did you get there, Rich? Or just


MR . Jus t now.

MR . Okay .

MR . John, John McCartney


MR . Yeah .

MR . Dave was looking [inaudible]


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MR. : Okay. [inaudible], thanks

for that. All right. Anybody else right now?

MR. : Eastern Region. Hey, John?

MR. : Yes. Who's this?

MR . : Hey, this is Rich Duchamp.

MR . : Rich. Yes, sir.

MR. : All right. Pitt, this is

Cleveland. Reference to Pittsburgh. They said

they can accommodate under those circumstances up

to 50 aircraft.

MR. : [inaudible] I want VFRs held

on the ground--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : - - w e hold the night service.

Over .

MR . : I'm sorry; say again.

MR . : [inaudible] Medex 411.

MR . : Well, we're getting a flight

plan. We do not show him diverting in here.

Probably need Chicago. We're showing Milwaukee,

direct Appleton route and then to Buco [?] which

may [inaudible] cut our corner, and then back here


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behind me [inaudible] in Chicago already

[ inaudible] .
MR. : FAA--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [ inaudible] .
MR. : And we'll look around in

house [inaudible].
MR. : Okay. Thank you very much.
MR. : And you're on the same bridge
with me on the facilities now. You want to say
anything individually? I think most of 'em are
still on.
MR . : Hey, Eastern Region, FAA

Command Center.
MR. : Eastern Region's on. Go

ahead, Command Center.

MR. : Okay. I hear the Eastern
Region, John McCartney discussing, this is — this
was the FAA headquarters air traffic bridge, and
they seem to be overriding this bridge. We have
some issues that we need to continue to resolve.
MS . And we copy and we'll fix


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that [inaudible].

MR. : Okay; thank you.

FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic Command, Herndon.

[inaudible conversation in background.]

MR. : Hey, Rick?

MR. : FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic

Command, Herndon.

MR. : This is the TAG Net. Go


MR. : Okay. Just to advise,

November 4 with the attorney general is airborne

and requesting to return to Washington National.

Would like a, make sure that's okay with you all.

MR. : Okay; stand by.

MS. : [inaudible] .

[Beeping sound audible.]

MR. : Hey, Rick, are you still on?

MR. : Hey, Ed, this is John. I

don't know if we're still linked with the national

bridge. Is anyone from headquarters still on?

MR. : [inaudible], back to Air

Traffic Command.


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MR . Air Traffic Command. Go

MR. : Negative on authorization for
November 4 in any Washington or New York area
ai rport.
MR. : Okay; understood. We'll get
that word back to the pilot.
MR. : Let me try and clear this up,
get the 5 3 0 - - I mean, the Eastern Region air traffic
facilities off this bridge, they say we have to
disconnect and we'll reconvene at 12:00 o'clock,
we'll give you another number [inaudible] they
linked the two bridges and I still hear the other
TAG Net. But we're coming off.
MR. : Eastern Region, you may want
to keep a representative on this bridge just
for--to facilitate communications but, yeah, if
your if your OA [ph] facilities are on here, you
probably should look for another bridge.
MR. : I don't know what happened.
We were talking freely and then it just joined up
so--and I'm not sure who was actually on that


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bridge with you so w e ' l l [inaudible]--

MR. : Okay.

MS. : [inaudible] this is Eastern

Region Command C e n t e r .

[inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : John.

MS. : [inaudible] can you read

Eastern Region Command Center?

MR. : Air Traffic Command, go


MS. : We are going to set up a

bridge right now [inaudible] air traffic and we

will advise on this net what that number will be.

Over .

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : Eastern Region, this is

Syracuse. Do you read?

MR. : Go ahead, Syracuse.

MR. : Yeah; just be advised that

it's very tough to get phone lines into your area

there from outside the New York City area. It took

me about 20 minutes to get on; just to be advised


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awt 110

that .

MS . : Copy, Syracuse.

MS . : [ inaudible] .

MR. : Hey, John, Leesburg [?].

MR . : Don. Hey, McCartney?

MR. : [inaudible] 163 is on the

second page.

MR. : [inaudible] miles per hour.

MR. : Hey, Command Center, on the

Medex, we have a track target that's [inaudible]

that was our control. At this time we do not have

confirmation that we worked him yet. We're trying

to check with the sector. Of course a lotta the

people are outdoors, so we'll [inaudible] .

MR. : A lotta people at, at the

center outdoors?

MR. That's correct.

MS . [inaudible] Command Center,

we're on.

MR. We should probably announce

that - -

MR. : We're basically just down to


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minimum staffing to keep the areas open and we sent

home nonessentials. Essentials are in the parking

lot still .

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : --number on their pagers.

MS . : [inaudible] .

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : Command Center, this is

Richmond. Command Center, this is Richmond. Is

the region there?

MR. : We found the Medex. He

diverted to Columbus.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible]--

MR. : Okay. [inaudible]

confirmation with Columbus.

MS. : Eastern Region Command Center

is on. Ove r.

MR. : Not with Columbus [inaudible]

yelled that back when I passed on [inaudible] .

MR. : Okay, cause Indy controls

Columbus, so I just want to make sure that's


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:onfirmed, so we'll, we'll drop looking for him.

MR. : [inaudible] unconfirmed

report —

MR. : I'll doublecheck.

MR. : --[inaudible] security at
Richmond. I didn't know if you were aware of that.
MR. : [inaudible] have any
information about the plane but as far as
[ inaudible] .
[Two different conversations are occurring
at once.]
MR. : Do you have a call sign on
that aircraft outta Richmond?
MR. : Confirmed with the dispatcher
and Indy. Thanks.
MR. : Okay. Thank you very much.
MR. : We do not have a confirmed
call sign or anything. This is what's start — I'm
understanding it's floating through the news media.
MR. : Okay.
MR. : All right. [inaudible] .
MR. : Hey, whoever's on this bridge


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that's talking, could you please check your


MR. : FAA Tactical Net to all

stations. Please check your mikes. We have open

carriers. Please check your mikes.

MR. : TRACON, is [inaudible] still


MR. : Hello, this is New York

TRACON. Is 530 or anyone from Eastern Region Air

Traffic Division on?

MR. : This is the FAA Air Traffic

Command Herndon. They've t a k e n - - t h e c o m m a n - - t h e

com center in Eastern Region is setting up another

bridge for the Eastern Region local facilities.

This is for the headquarters bridge.

MR. : Okay; thanks very much.

[Inaudible conversation in background.]

MR. : [inaudible] the second tower

collaps ed.

MS. : Eastern Center, this is

Atlantic City. I need a question answered about

DOD coordination.


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MR. : Say again.

MS. : This is Atlantic City

airport. We've got Air Guard here and we've got

Coast Guard here. Coast Guard may

need-- okay--forget the Air Guard part but the Coast

Guard may need to get out on rescue missions. Who

do they coordinate with before they get out?

MR. : This is the Air Traffic

Command at Herndon. We were advised by the

headquarters FAA, that military, law enforcement in

support of search and rescue are, can go, just

coordinate with the appropriate m i l - - t h e

appropriate air traffic facility for whatever

operation they need to conduct. But they're not,

they're not held as per FAA TAG Net.

MS. : That is not what we were told

before, so now if it's military or [inaudible] so

they're okay to go, and if Coast Guard needs to go

out on a rescue, they're okay also; correct?

MR. : This is FAA TAG Net. That's

affirmative. We're confirming military and law

enforcement operations are released--


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MS. : Thank you.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, FAA Great Lakes

security, an update on Delta flight 1989.

MR. : Go ahead with the update.

MR. : Delta 1989 is on the ground

in Cleveland, 69 souls on board, they've landed

with the flaps up. The police are responding;

we'll update with more information.

MR. : Okay. I've got that report.

Delta 1989 on the ground, Cleveland, flaps up,

police are responding.

MR. : Roger.

MR. : There's something wrong with

the aircraft that landed at Cleveland.

MR. : [inaudible].

[beeping sound audible.]

MR. : This is Air Traffic Services

now at Herndon. I'd like to find out if NORAD is

up on the bridge.

MR. : FAA TAG Net.

MR. : [inaudible] .

MR. : Okay. Air traffic cell is


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on. Okay. This is [inaudible] the air traffic

[ inaudible] .

MR. : Can I help you?

MR. : Yes. Air Traffic Services.

I'm trying to find out if NORAD is up on the bridge

yet .

MR. : This is the Air Traffic

Control Center. I have not heard them on there.

MR. Okay; thanks. We'll

[ inaudible] - -

MR. FAA- -

MR. : --get them linked in also.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, are you aware of

NORAD being on this bridge?

MR. : Negative. I don't have NORAD

or NMCC.

MR. : Okay. Air traffic military

cell, you may want to get the NMCC or NORAD up on

the bridge.

MR. : Right. We'll try to work

that, get 'em both on. Thanks.

MR. : Thank you.


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MR. : Command Center, we've noticed

that down at Indy there are quite a few in the

vicinity of Columbus and that. We've confirmed

with Detroit and Cleveland, they both have capacity

and can take aircraft if you have a need from

another center.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : Your, your name again, sir,

is? d-i-o-n-i-s? Corporate security, AT&T.

Just a good memory. What is your callback number.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Uh-huh. Okay. And it may

not be in the next few minutes cause--okay.

MR. : Air Traffic Command Center,

New England.

MR. : Air Traffic Command, go


MR. : They had the--Boston Center

is going to evacuate their personnel, they have no

aircraft in their airspace, there are some

unidentified primary targets in the area and

they're going to evacuate to an alternate assembly


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MR. : I'm sorry there, I didn't get

your last- -they're evacuating t i l l - -

MR. : To an alternate assembly

site. They will be ATCO in about three minutes.

MR. : Understood at Boston Center,

ATCO. Thank you.

MR. : Yeah. No, this is, this is

t h e - - t h i s is the main [inaudible] the FBI command


MR. : Okay. FAA TAG Net to Air

Traffic Command. FAA TAG Net to Air Traffic

Command, Herndon.

MR . Air Traffic Command, Herndon.

Go ahead.

MR. : Okay. Reference your request

on inbound aircraft. I have confirmation, all

inbound aircraft should land--

[ Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Command Center, Cleveland


MR . : --not in the Washington, New


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York area.
MR. : [inaudible] another line to
tell him to land. He's insisting on continuing on
to Andrews. We just want to make sure that, that
we have authority to do what, what he wishes.
MR. : Call sign NAN 4. N - A - N 4?

MR. : November 4. November 4, we

were told it's the Secretary of State on board.
I'm sorry. The Attorney General on board.
MR. : TAG Net, go ahead.
MR. : Yeah. This is JFK, if the
Center's on the line--
MR. : [inaudible] information that
they can continue [inaudible].
MR. : Correct, cause we, we've got
information from somewhere else to, to have 'em
land at the nearest airport.
MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : You have the info on the

America Flight 11, two individuals with knives
assaulted the flight crew and then forced their way
into the cockpit?


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MR. : Negative on that.

MR. : Okay. According to Port

police here, that, that already has been confirmed,

but I'm--we're waiting for an American Airlines


MR. : Okay. Thanks.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic


MR. : This is TAG Net. Go ahead,

Air Traffic.

MR. : Okay. We've been advised

that users have been notified to land as soon as

feasible in other than New York, Washington or

Chicago. Also, do you require to know w h e - - w h a t

facilities have gone to ATCO?

MR. : Stand by.

MR. : Proceed to Andrews. There

may not be any air traffic control services

available when they get there; but they may


MR. : Okay. They may proceed but

there may be no ATC services. Thank you.


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awt 121
MR. : Correct.

MR. : Flight 11. Confirmed two

armed individuals took over the aircraft.
MR. : FAA TAG net, Air Traffic
MR. : 93 is the correct number.
She said 84 [inaudible]. Ninety-three.
MR. : FAA TAC Net, back to Air

Traffic Control Command.

MR. : Okay. I have something
additional for you, TAC Net. We received--
[ Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : Command Center, Cleveland.
MR. : - - a report that Indianapolis
MR. : We were told to look for
American 77 and we are showing him [inaudible]
Kansas City. If somebody-- can we confirm that,
that he is [inaudible] located Kansas City Center,
verify that he's there, so we can discontinue that
MR. No, we do not know the status


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awt 122

of American 77. I will get their Net call sign-up

[?] but we will doublecheck on it but we are still
looking for 'em. Do you know anything on United
MR. No. What - -

MR. : That's right or they--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : You want [inaudible]?

MR. : That report was--

MR . : Yeah, if you would, please

MR. : All right. United 641.

MR. : Correct.

MR . --air route center.

MR. : Okay. Now I've got a
response on the ATCO.
MR. : Go ahead, sir.
MR. : Stand by on that; it's under
di scuss ion.
MR. : Okay. We'd also like to know
as far as the New York area, is Philadelphia
available as a landing site for aircraft?
MR. : I'll have to check on that


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one .

MR : Thank you.

MR : Do you want to take over


MR. : Okay, and just a "heads up"

from Cleveland, American 77 was never flight

planned through us and we have nothing in the, in

the computer.

MR. : Okay; thanks.

MR. : We're checking on the United

MR. : [inaudible] 77 was a Dulles

to LA and - -

MR. : Yeah; they go through Indy;

yeah .

MR. : W e l l , yeah. [inaudible] .

Let me see if I can pull up a —

MR. : FAA TAG Net back to Air

Traffic Command.

MR. : [inaudible] B u t l e r - - y e a h ,

they took - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Go ahead, TAG Net.


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awt 124

MR. Can you confirm you're

r e q u e s t ing -

MR. [ inaudible] .

MR. Yes- -

MR. : We are requesting to know if

Philadelphia is a viable place for aircraft to

land. That is correct.

MR. : Okay; thank you, sir.

MS . : FAA TAC, Eastern Region

Command Center.

MR : Good morning, this is FAA


MS. : We are checking with Philly

at this time to find out if they're available for

our lands; over.

MR. : This is the Command Center in

Herndon. We, we understand the air-the airport is

physically available and it can accommodate

landing; however, in light of the situation, do we

want that considered as, as a landing site? That's

our question.

MR. : Have any planes in the air?


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awt 125

MR. : Yeah, there are some, there

are some aircraft that are looking to get to
Philly. That's correct.
MR. : For the Eastern Region Com
Center, did you come up with the password or
passcode for the telecon?
MR. : Cleveland Command Center.
MR. : Yes; go ahead.

MR . : N4?

MR. : Yes .

MR. : You're working him?

MR. : Yes .
MR. : If he's — where he's going?
Oh, he's going up northbound.
MR. : He's, he's--he is continuing
on at this time. He was refused to land--
MR. : Well, let me tell you what,
what I, what I know, what I [inaudible]. If he
ge.ts into DCA area and it becomes a target--
MR. : All right. All right.
MR. : That's correct.
MR . Is that--how is that that you


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awt 126

want us to word that? Exactly like that to him?

MR. : Hold on a second. Let m e - - I

don't want to b e - - s a y anything I shouldn't be here,

but - -

MR. : W e l l , that's why I want a


MR. I understand.

MR. --before we tell him.

MR. : I understand, but that's

what, that's what's been passed to us, that

an--anybody in the DCA airspace is, is a target.

So hold on a second.

MR. : [inaudible] Herndon, he

want s - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MS. : FAA Tactical, this is Eastern

Region Command Center. Over.

MR. : Go ahead, Eastern Region


MR. I'm gonna go get somebody and

be right back

MS . Could you please confirm who


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needs to be landing at Dulles LB [?] before we

[inaudible]; over.

MR. : Okay; we're working that one.

S tand by.

MS. : Standing by.

MR. : Air Traffic Command, do you

have an aircraft on approach?

MR. : Comman--Air Traffic Command

Center, Herndon. Stand by.

MR. : FAA TAC Net, Air Traffic

Command, Herndon.

MR. : Go ahead, sir.

MR. : Okay. We're, w e ' r e - - w e don't

have any information at this time as to number of

aircraft seeking approaches to Philadelphia;

however, the facility manager, acting facility

manager —

MR . Cleveland?

MR . Yes .

MR. : Okay. The Air Force has

orders to shoot anybody down that comes into the

Washington area.


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awt 128

MR. : All right. We will pass

exactly that along; thank you.

MR. : And do not come into the

Washington area.

MR. : We'll pass it along.

MR. : Okay.

MR. : Okay. So you still don't

have a count on aircraft approaching?

MR. : That is correct. We do not

have any information at this time as to aircraft

requesting to go to Philadelphia. The management

here is requesting to know if Philadelphia is

viable for a landing site. Hold on.

MR. : Okay. I'm advised there

shouldn't be anybody airborne right now. But if

there is an aircraft en route, we're saying it's


MR. : Okay; understood. Thank you.

MR. : And Eastern, here's the

bottom line. The only airplanes that are gonna

move on the East Coast in my area are gonna b e - -

[Start Part 4 . ]


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awt 129
MR. : This is a continuation of the

tape, Command Center position 15. Time now is

10:45 local.

MR. : Here's the bottom line. The

only airplanes that are gonna move on the East

Coast in my area are gonna be military, Coast

Guard, search and rescue, or NAN 4 is the exception

to it. If NAN 4 is going into Philadelphia, "rock

'n roll," they can go in. That's the only

airplane. Other than that, we're finished.

MR. : Agreed. There shouldn't be

any other aircraft involved.

MR. : FAA TAG Net back to ATC.

MR. : ATC Command Center.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : On the general q u e s t i o n - -

MR. : Command Center, United 641 is

definitely on the ground at Detroit Metro Airport.

MR. : Roger; we understood; thank

you .

MR. : And American 77, what we're

hearing from Andy is that they lost radar and radio


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awt 130
with him, so we're gonna put out a interac [?] type ^' t

message to all our facilities, any information in

case he may have called one of them, come in low.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : All right. And if someone

can give me some information for NAN 4. He's

interested in trying to get as close to the DC area

as he can without violating the no-fly zone. He

wants to know if Richmond, Virginia, would be


MR . Philadelphia.

MR. Philadelphia?

MR . Af f irmat ive.

MR. : Okay. So Richmond is not, or

may not be?

MR. : We're, we're checking on

Richmond. Right now Philly, yes. Is checking on

Ri chmond.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic

Command, Herndon.

MR. : Go ahead.

MR. : W e - - o u r facility working


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awt 131

November 4, requesting to know if Richmond airport

would be okay as far as destination.

MR. : Okay. That's being worked

right now. Please stand by.

MR. : Okay; thank you.

MR. : Okay. FAA TAG Net. FAA TAG

Net to ATC Command.

MR. : ATC Command, Herndon, go


MR. : Regarding November 4.

MR . : Af f irmat ive.

MR. : Richmond is clear.

MR. : Roger; understand. Thank

you .

MR. : Did Walt [?] come back? Did

he find anything [inaudible]?

MR. : You know what time Andy may

have lost radar with American 77?

MR . : The only thing I have right

now- -

MR. No but we can try and check

for you.


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awt 132

MR. : Richmond is approved.

Richmond is approved for N4.

MR. : Okay. Richmond is approved;

we got it .
[Conversation in background.]

MR. : 1989 .

[ Pause . ]

MR. : He didn't say.

MR. : FAA TAG Net to Great Lakes


MR : Great Lakes Security.

MR : Any update on the Delta

aircraft ?

MR. : We're still waiting for word

back from agents on the scene.

MR. : We know if law enforcement's

on the ground?

MR. : Yes; they are. They were

responding as soon as the plane hit the ground.

MR. : Please advise the status when

you get it .

MR. Roger


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awt 133

MR. : [inaudible] hotline for at

least — I've been on for an hour.

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Cleveland, confirm that N4

does want to go to Richmond; right?

That ' s- -that ' s —

MR. : Yes, we passed along the word

and I've not heard anything back, so I assume he's

continuing on to Richmond, positions--

MR. : FAA TAG Net back to Great

Lakes Security.

MR . --like northwest of

[ inaudible] .

MR . Did you advise on that flight

service radio--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : --frequency for the ATC?

MR. : Somebody there's going to

coordinate with Washington Center, so they know

he's coming?

MR. : We will.

MR . Okay .


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awt 134
MR. : Is ATC reporting on the

passenger calling in about being shot down?

MR. : That's a f f i r m a t i v e . Anything

further on that?

MR . We weren't the source of that

informat ion.

MR. Was that TRACON?

MR. : All right. Command Center,

we talked to Indianapolis. What they say about

American 77 is that at 1256 Zulu, at the York VOR

080, at ten miles, that they lost the American 77,

last known report [?].

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] came from

Indianapolis air route center.

MR. : Okay; thanks.

MR. : All right. Thanks.

MR. : Sure.

MR. : Do you have any other

aircraft that we're looking for?

MR. : Not right now.

MR. : All right. [inaudible] an


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awt 135

this is Eastern Region Air Traffic. Would all air

traffic facilities please come up on bridge 9960,

9964 .

[beeping sounds audible.]

MR. :

MR . FAA TAG to Air Traffic


MR. : Cleveland, Washington is

aware [inaudible] November 4.

MR. : Okay; thank you.

MR. : FAA TAG to Air Traffic


MR . Air Traffic Command Herndon

MR. : Do you have an update, sir,

on that female voice on 122.6?

MR. : Stand by. We'll attempt to

check with the facility that gave us that

informat ion.

MR . Standing by.

MR . Palm Beach [inaudible]

Ontario from LAX?

MR . Yeah [inaudible].


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awt 136

MR. : That just came in? Long

Beach, Ontario, and LAX evacuated.

MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : Definitely got one right

here .

MR. : All right. Good.

[inaudible ] .

MR. : It's chaos out there

[inaudible] this is true that, you know, these

folks also on the ground [inaudible] .

MR. : [inaudible] .

[inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] call me on this

one; use my radio.

MR. : That and this, t h i s - - t r y to

stop the traffic from going up and down

Pennsylvania [inaudible].

[inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Yeah; we need to be concerned

about that.

MR . Is that a confirm?

MR . [ inaudible] .


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awt 137

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Tactical.

MR. : When you say " t a c t i c a l , " is /\JU

that the regional?

MR. : No. National [inaudible].

MR. : Is t h i s - -

MR. : [inaudible].

[Background conversation.]

MR. : All right. I'm gonna tell

him that you're [inaudible].

MR. : Good morning.

MR. : [inaudible] outta Pittsburgh

MR. : Yeah; that's at Somerset.

[Background conversation.]

MS. : How do you spell her name?

How do you spell her name?

MR. : FAA Tactical Net to Air

Traffic Command.

MR. : Air Traffic Command Herndon.

MR. : Stand by.

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Air Traffic Command. TAG.


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awt 138

MR. : Air Traffic Command Herndon;

go ahead.

MR. : Okay. I'm looking for status

on United 93, last reported over Johnstown PA.

MR. : We believe that aircraft is

the crash that's being reported near the Pittsburgh

area, I believe Somerset, Pennsylvania. That,

that's the one we believe that is there.

MR . Okay. So no one is tracking

that right now?

MR . That is correct.

MR. I covered you on the location

of t he crash.

MR. : We believe that was the, the

aircraft that was in the vicinity of Johnstown,

Pennsylvania, earlier, and we're hearing possibly

an area near Somerset, Pennsylvania, near

Pittsburgh, the aircraft possibly down, that we

believe that might be it.

MR. : Okay. I've got that.

MR. : Now we're on the national

network, the primary net. We're now on.


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awt 139

MR. : [ inaudible] .

MR. : My number [inaudible].

[Background conversation.]

MR. : I'm now apparently on this

nat ional- -

MR Hey, Tactical Net, Boston AOC

MR. : Okay. All parties on the

Tactical Net, please check your microphones; we

have open mikes. Check your mikes if they're open.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic

Command Herndon.

MR. : Go ahead, sir.

MR. : Indianapolis Center reporting

no further transmissions heard on 122.6.

MR. : Okay; nothing further on that

one .

MR : That is correct.

MR : Right.

MR : FAA TAG Net, FAA Great Lakes


MR : Go ahead, Great Lakes.


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awt 140

MR. : Delta Flight 1989 still on

the ground at Cleveland. The police have

approached the aircraft; however, there's been no

breach of the aircraft at this time; no further


MR. Okay. I've got it; standing


MS . TRACON is unable to dial in

on the new bridge.

MR. : Who is the American

representative? Oh. Is there confirmation on the

two people that entered with knives? The American

number 11 flight?

MR. [ inaudible] .

MR. Okay. Two--

MR. Ai r Command - -

MR. --knives [inaudible] through

and forced their way in the cockpit--

MR. : Command Center, Cleveland.

MR. : Go ahead.

MR . You'll have to work this

through Indy. We just handed off November 4•


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awt 141

however, he requested a fighter escort before he

left our frequencies. If you want to have phone
work that issue for him and get back to Indy--
MS . : [inaudible] you're in your
tactical net.
MR. : [inaudible].
MR. : This is, this is t h e - -
[Background conversation.]
MS. : And JFK, you have open mikes.
MR. : Right now, United 93, the one
that we talked about this morning--

MR. : JFK, FSM. Go.

MR. : Okay. You're bleeding over

on your secondary conversations. Can you squelch
that .
MR. : There's not a mute on this

MR. : Okay. Then you're, you're
carrying over the whole net, then, Sal [ph] .
MR. : Okay; thank you.
MS. : TAG Net, this is New York


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awt 142

MR. : Go ahead, New York TRACON.

MS. : Unable to dial through on the

bridge that you announced.
MR. : Okay. I did not announce the

bridge. Who are you trying to contact?

MS. : The 964 bridge, and we're
unable to dial it.
MR. That's an air traffic net.
[Background conversation.]
MR. : FAA TAG Net to Great Lakes
[Background conversation.]
MR. : [inaudible] where that came
from. So he says [inaudible].
MR. : [inaudible].
MR. : And Command Center, just so
you know, we have a report of a small aircraft from
the local police department in the vicinity of
[inaudible] so we are now evacuating all but
basically a skeleton crew.
MR. : Okay. I thought you were


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awt 143

down to skeleton already; but even more

ske1eton - 1 ike, huh?

MR. : Yeah. No, we're, we're now

down to, to, to [inaudible] and the chief, one of

the few people in each facility. We still had some

other people in, in the buildings.

MR. : Okay. I appreciate you

sticking with me. Now you said the small aircraft

is a local police?

MS. : W e l l , the local police

spotted him and called us to inform us that he

appeared to be circling the area. So we're just

taking an additional precaution of getting everyone

else out, just in case he's not some VFR guy out

there flying around.

MR. : I'll make a note of that.

MS. : Hey, Carol? Hey, Carol?

[inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : FAA TAG Net, Air Traffic

Command Center Herndon.

MR : This is the TAG Net; go



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awt 144

MR. Hey, Cleveland?

MR . Sir, we're g e t t i n g - -

MR. Yeah .

MR. I'll put you on hold.

MR. --reports from November 4

again- -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : We're gonna pick you up on

the national telecon that's going on. They got all

the centers up there and they, they want you on

that one. So just, just hang on the line, you do

nothing, I'm gonna put you on hold, they're gonna

pull you back out.

MR. : Okay; thank you.

MR. : Okay. Okay; stand by.

MR. : Need to hold at fifteen.

[inaudible background conversation.]

MR. : Hello. This is New York

TRACON. [inaudible].

New York TRACON's on. Can anybody hear

me. Hey, Campfield [?], are you here?

MR. : FAA TAG Net, do we have


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awt 145

Secret Service on this net?

MR. : --and minimal staffing in

here, the chief, an office manager, myself, and a

few of the military personnel.

MR. : Okay. You want us to show

you ATCO?

MR. : Yes. I would show ATCO until

we can bring people back in. We probably can

handle a small number of aircraft, some areas do

have some minimal staffing and may still

[inaudible] ground.

MR. : Okay, thank you, Cleveland.

MR. : --we can't communicate with

our regional office--

MR. : Command Center.

MR . Go ahead.

MR. : - - a l l the phones lines are

dead from here to there.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Yeah. November 4 is

requesting a fighter escort, that he's personally

talked to [inaudible] to land at DCA instead of


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awt 146

Richmond [inaudible].

MR. — and help out, but we have

no way of getting 'em there and we need t o - -

MR. Yes, it is; hold on just a


MR. : --security clearance kind of

a mechanism, so that the Air Force and everybody

knows that these guys are okay and they're trying

to get to Manhattan to help.

MS. : And Eastern Region

[inaudible] is working that issue. Thank you.

MR. : Okay. Thanks very much. Who

is this?

MS. : [inaudible] Security.

MR. : Okay. [inaudible] TRACON, we

can't get a line into the regional office.

MR. : Go ahead.

MR . Yeah--

MR. : Could somebody just call the

facility. We can receive calls but we just can't

get calls into the regional office.

MR. : I couldn't hear you; say


735 8th STREET, S.E.
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awt 147
MR. : So I need to know about t'h±>ar>

so we can clear :thes'e -airplanes or not clear them;'

MS. : And copy that. Try 9964 one

more time. We have individuals that have dropped

off and you may [inaudible] . Over.

MR. And whoever that was talking

before, I lost you. If you could--

MR. [inaudible] Clark [?].

MR. Okay; sorry about that.

Seattle Center.
MR. Yes, sir.
MR. I've got three--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : --Oceanic [ph] flights

inbound to Seattle.

We want these guys to

divert to [inaudible]? -

MR. : Yes, yes; get 'em to divert•;••'

r- '"" V i MR. : " All right. Will i&o. v -^r*.

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


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awt 148


MR. : All right. Cleveland Center,

reference November 4.

MR. Yes .

MR. : Call m e - -

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Did you--

MR. : He's on Indy now.

MR. : Oh, he is?

MR. : Yes.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Yeah, Indy's on.

MR. : Reference November 4

MR . Yes .

MR. : At this point in time he's to

continue to Richmond. We have his request. We are

checking it with the proper authorities.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : All right. FAA TAG Net out.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, FAA Great Lakes

Security will offer five minute updates on Delta

1989. Nothing new to report at this time.


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awt 149

MR. : Hey, Command Center, this

i s --

MR . : [inaudible].

MR. : Go ahead, Kansas City.

MR. : [ inaudible] - -

MS . : Once again, all Eastern

Region air traffic should be dialing in to 9964.

MR. : [inaudible] personnel, except

the, the minimum to stay open on a midnight


MR . : Stand by. I'll check on that

for you.

MR. : Thank you.

MR. : All right. Vancouver center,

we've pulled you into the hotline for information

purposes only.

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : If you have anything

significant to pass to us here at the Command

Center, please use this line. It's going to remain


MR. : We're going to keep this line


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open .

MR. : We h a v e a r e q u e s t - -

MR. : That's correct, sir.

MR. : Okay; that's great. At this
moment, this is an update, no aircraft [inaudible]
U.S. whatsoever. We're probably gonna use
Vancouver Center as a parking lot as the airlines
[inaudible] repositioning [?] .
MR. : Thank you.

MR. : Command Center, this is Salt

Lake .
MR . Go ahead.
MR. : We've got several [inaudible]
aircraft requesting [inaudible].
MR. : FAA TAG Net.

MR. : Command Center [inaudible] .

MR. : Update Flight 93, United 93.

MR. : Yes, sir.

[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : Believe crashed vicinity
Somerset, PA. For Air Traffic Command Herndon.
MR. : All right.


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awt 151

MR. : We're trying to get a OH-58

released from Port Drum to fly into Rochester's

airspace and they told me, you know--

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : Update, Delta Airlines 1989

on the ground in Cleveland.

MR. : What's the purpose of the

miss ion?

MR. : Well, we're trying to recover

all of our 58s because we believe they're gonna be

relocated to New York City.

MR. : Okay; stand by.

MR. : Okay.

[Background conversation.]

MR. : They're trying to keep this

open. [inaudible].

MR. : Okay. Yes, sir?

MR. : Yes. There will be no ATC

services available. There w i l l — w e will not deny

the military to fly but there won't be any ATC

services available at this time.

MR . : Okay. So he's basically on


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his own risk.
MR. : That is corEeot-
"MR.- : All right. Thank you.
MR. : Air Traffic Command Herndon
to the FBI. Could you contact Fort Drum for me,
cause I don't know if they'll accept it from me.
MR. : [inaudible]. Stand by.
MR. : Okay.
MR. : Okay. 1 will, I will attempt
to do that right now. You're going to stay on the
line. What was your name? You said Jeff what?
MR. -Jeff Brooks .

MR. [inaudible] FAA, Great Lakes


MR. ; Your DSN number? I |- -

MR. : Hold on.

MR. : Okay v

MR. .«•-' I don't have a DSN. I just

have - -

MR . : Okay. The commercial number

.then 1 1
MR ^-±.-T--I'' 1-1-- k-eep that. We'll

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try and go through our c h a n n e l s , cause t h e r e ' l l be

more [inaudible] cocrfeir-gs t h r o u g h t h e s e l i n e s . Hold

on .
MR . Thank you.

MR . FAA TAG Net, FAA Air Traffic

Command Herndon.
MR. : Go ahead, Herndon.
MR. : We have an inquiry from an

individual reported to be an FBI agent, Special,

Special Agentf" |[?] out of LA inquiring about

American 77. Obviously we do not want to provide

any information till the, you know, identity of the

individual can be confirmed. Or would you like to

advise the FBI? We have a number where this agent

reportedly called from.

MR. : [inaudible] SIOC.
MR. : Boston, this is Tony, Command

Center East. I've got a question for you. I have

a gentleman who called here from the Rochester, I

believe it's the National Guard, he has UH or

OH-58s that he's trying to get out of Rochester.

Rochester Tausff* t "let him 'f ty . .: .I,,.guess in fact he


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needs to get out of Fort Drum.

cff£.itMR. : Okay.

MR. : Do you have the number for

Fort Drum?
MR. : Are you in.contact with FBI--

MR. : Fort Drum. Hold on a second.

MR. : We're advising the pilot

[inaudible] - -
[Two different conversation bngoing.]

MR. : --from an agent 6,r an

individual identifying himself as Agent I L Can

you authenticate-- ,, ,.
MR. No ATC services will be


MR. Okay.

MR . So we're not denying the

military- -

MR. : Agent [inaudible] .

MR. : Correct.
: Yeah, cause actually there's

no one he-re in the building to control airplanes



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MR. Right.

MR . But do you want--Fort Drum?

MR . What is--his request is what?

MR. This is the Air Traffic

Command Herndon

MR . Hello?

MR. : For Fort Drum.

MR. : Okay. [inaudible].

[Simultaneous conversation.]

MR. : [inaudible] one of t h e - -

MR. : I have a commercial number.

Do you have any other way to get ahold of them

through FAA [inaudible]?

MR. : I have no idea from here at

the Watch Desk.
MR . Okay .

MR . Sorry.

MR . Hold on.

MR. Okay .

MR. I guess Area A is the, the

line to Fort Drum

MR. Yeah; but you know what?


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• MR. : Nobody there?

MR. : Nobody the-W,- '::
MR . : Yeah. .-"--- •'

MR. : Except for me--

MR. : Okay. FAA, what's your

specific - -
MR. : --picking up the phone. I'll

talk to you later.

MR. : All right.
MR. : [inaudible].

MR. : Yes?
MR. . :-'-. Okay, You're going to handle

out there?
MR. : Yeah. Do you have that
return number he gave you, so that we can use it?
MR. : I do. Are you ready to

MR. : Go.
MR. : Area code
MR. : .... FBI SIOC. •

MR.,-" : Co r r e c t - | | !.t'- s

| |w

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MR. : Copied. Well get back and

let you know what's with it.

MR. : We've confirmed November 4 is

the AG's flight and it's okay to land.

MR. : Okay. You confirm that the

November 4 is okay for DCA? This is Air Traffic

Command Herndon asking.

MR. : That's correct.

MR. : Okay. Thank you very much.

MR. : Air Traffic Command Herndon,

stand by on that last request. I've got to get

back to you on that one.

MR. : Someone just got on this net,

said that was approved.
MR. : That was FBI SIOC.
MR . Okay .

MR . All right. Thank you.

MR . We'll wait for you, TAG Net.
MR . Stand by on that one.
MR . FAA Traffic Command Herndon.
MR . FAA TAG Net, FAA Great Lakes


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MR . Okay, FAA TAG Net back to


MR . ATC Command Center Herndon;

go ahead.

MR . That's affirmative on

Nove--November 4.

MR. : Roger o n - - r o g e r , understand

DCA, will advise the facilities. Thank you.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, FAA Great Lakes


MR. : Go ahead.

MR. : Cleveland airport

commissioner is reporting that initial contact with

and confirmation with the air traffic control tower

in Cleveland-

MR , Hello. Jeff?

MR -reported that Delta 1989

MR Mr. Brooks?

MR — reported it was under

hij a c k - -

MR Hello?


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MR. This is a hotline.

MR. : -- [inaudible] --
MR. : Yeah; you're on the user
hotline. Who's this calling?
MR. : Sorry. My mistake.
MR. : We have a report of hijacked
1989 on the ground. Nothing further.
MR. : Roger.

MR. : FAA TAG Net, FAA Air Traffic

Command Center Herndon.

MR FAA Air Traffic Command

He rndon.
MR. Go ahead.
MR. : The facility has advised'
[Simultaneous conversation.]
MR. : Okay, the facility has
advi sed-
MR. : - - i s requesting a military
escort. We are advising the air traffic services
cell, the military cell here; over.
MR. : I copy.
MR. : Okay. Do you have anyone


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also that you may be able to follow up on that?

We're going to advise DCA that this is a approved


MR. : Okay. I don't have a

follow-up on the fighter request. Roger that.

MR. : Command Center, this is

Kansas City. We did a search for American 644. We


[Background conversation.]

MR. : Hello?

MR. : Say again, please.

MR. : Yes. I just wanted to see

i f - - R o c h e s t e r , New York, trying to get a flight out

from Drum.

MR. : Say again. I couldn't, I

couldn't hear you. Someone else was talking.

MR. : All right. I'm with the

National Guard out of Rochester, New York. We're

trying to get a flight released from Fort Drum to

return to Rochester.

[Background conversation.]

MR. : Hey, could you hang up and


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call back the pther number again, please.

MR. \t was the other number?
MR. \.

MR. : Correct.
MR. : All right. Thank you.

r a -. a.r • «3f


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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003-2802
(202) 546-6666

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