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ISSUE IV : Meet PLANET 'X' (NIBURU) – Part 2

(And more on what to expect for the year 2012)

'Fire Fly in the Dark' –

also known as Gord 'Cat in the Hat' Zaretzki!)

Find me @ >


The views expressed herein are not entirely the views of the publisher (the clues
are in the links. The links contain the pieces to the puzzle.)

Fire Fly in the Dark' –

Also known as Gord 'Cat in the Hat' Zaretzki!)
Contact Info: Username: Flyer Fly in the Dark@ (Publishers Network Group) (Global Activism Social Network) (Website)


• ISSUE II: CHEMtrails

Office: My Portable Laptop

Location:The Information Highway





Next Wave of Banking Crisis. Eastern Europe.

CRG E-Newsletter

"Outlaw the Shadow Banking System!" CRG E-

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 7, 2009 at 5:51pm
MEDITATION: Take a stress reduction break
wherever you are! :D
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on February 24, 2009 at 5:18am

Awakening from Within...

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 5, 2009 at 4:57am

Korgis - Everybody's got to learn sometime

moody 1980's song

This is just 1 picture per 5 seconds, it was decimated to fit on a web page, before the youtube days; I'm
still trying to find the original and post it on youtube.

iPeace - Sharing Peace - Making A Difference

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 5, 2009 at 3:28am
More Torture at Gitmo after Obama!
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 8, 2009 at 2:25am

Guards of the Guantanamo Bay detention center have used more torture after
President Obama announced its closure, a freed prisoner claims.

Mohamed has been freed from

Guantanamo after nearly seven
years in US captivity.

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 20, 2009 at 3:36am
• View Videos
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 3, 2009 at 6:53am


• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 20, 2009 at 2:24am


• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 20, 2009 at 2:26am
Current conditions
Solar wind
speed: 331.3 km/sec
density: 8.0 protons/cm3
more data
Updated: Today at 1115 UT
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: A0 1110 UT Mar10
24-hr: A0 1110 UT Mar10
more data
Updated: Today at: 1110 UT

Daily Sun: 10 Mar 09


Facts about sunspots are at the

NASA and NOAA websites.
WORM MOON: Tonight's full Moon has a special name--the Worm Moon. It signals the coming of
northern spring, a thawing of the soil, and the first stirrings of earthworms in long-dormant gardens.
Step outside tonight and behold the wakening landscape. "Worm moonlight" is prettier than it sounds.

COSMOS IS FALLING: The first fragments of shattered satellite Cosmos 2251 are about to reenter
Earth's atmosphere. According to US Strategic Command, fragment 1993-036PX will reenter on
March 12th, followed by 1993-036KW on March 28th and 1993-036MC on March 30th. These are
probably centimeter-sized pieces that will disintegrate in the atmosphere, posing no threat to people on
the ground.

Cosmos 2251 was shattered on Feb. 10th when it collided with another satellite, Iridium 33. Cosmos
2251 possessed nearly twice the mass of Iridium 33 and to date appears to have produced more than
twice the number of fragments. Click on the image to view a map of the debris orbits:

"As of March 7th, there were 355 catalogued fragments of Cosmos 2251 and 159 fragments of Iridium
33," says Daniel Deak who prepared the orbit-map for readers of "The Cosmos
fragments are not only more numerous, but also more widely scattered, ranging in altitude from 198
km to 1689 km. For comparison, Iridium fragments are confined to altitudes between 582 km and 1262

The extra scatter of Cosmos debris is not fully understood. Impact geometry could explain the spread,
but no one knows exactly how the two complex vehicles struck one another. A factor of possible
importance: Cosmos 2251 was internally pressurized. Once ruptured, it may have blown itself apart.

The International Space Station is in no immediate peril. "NASA has recognized from the first day [of
the collision] that the risks to both ISS and STS-119 have increased," says Nick Johnson, Chief
Scientist for Orbital Debris at the Johnson Space Center. "However, those increases have been
relatively minor in comparison to the background environment."
CORONAL HOLE: Extreme UV telescopes onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
(SOHO) are monitoring a dark hole in the sun's atmosphere--a coronal hole:

Coronal holes are vast regions where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to
escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this hole is heading for Earth now. Arctic sky watchers
should be alert for Northern Lights when it arrives late on March 12th or March 13th.

Near-Earth Asteroids
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can
come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet,
although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.
On March 10, 2009 there were 1037 potentially hazardous asteroids.
March 2009 Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid Date(UT) Miss Distance Mag. Size
2009 DS43 Mar. 1 6.9 LD 18 32 m
2009 DD45 Mar. 2 0.2 LD 11 35 m
2009 DN4 Mar. 3 8.1 LD 21 27 m
2009 EA Mar. 4 7.4 LD 19 24 m
2009 EW Mar. 6 0.9 LD 16 23 m
161989 Cacus Mar. 7 70.5 LD 16 1.7 km
2009 EH1 Mar. 8 1.6 LD 18 12 m
2009 ET Mar. 9 9.5 LD 21 15 m
2009 DV43 Mar. 10 8.5 LD 18 80 m
2009 EU Mar. 11 3.5 LD 18 21 m
1998 OR2 Mar. 12 69.8 LD 14 3.3 km
2009 DR3 Mar. 14 7.2 LD 16 225 m
Notes: LD means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1
LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on the date of closest
Sunspot Cycle Pre dictions
MSFC Solar Physics Branch members Wilson, Hathaway, and Reichmann have studied the sunspot
record for characteristic behavior that might help in predicting future sunspot activity. Our current
predictions of solar activity for the next few years can be found at this link. Although sunspots
themselves produce only minor effects on solar emissions, the magnetic activity that accompanies the
sunspots can produce dramatic changes in the ultraviolet and soft x-ray emission levels. These changes
over the solar cycle have important consequences for the Earth's upper atmosphere.
Breakdown of what will be discussed in this issue of


We all know that the world is full of propaganda or else you probably wouldn't be reading this right
now and I wouldn't be typing this. So, in a world of public relations propaganda and hype we, who see
something 'amiss' wish to seek the truth. We call ourselves 'truth-seekers'. Others would rather call us
'conspiracy theorists' or just plain 'NUTS'! We tend to search out reality regardless of what others think
of us though. We do this so that we can prove them wrong and ourselves right. But more importantly
we care what is 'truth' and what is 'lie'. When we look for evidence we can find it everywhere (if we
look hard enough) but more often then not we find it in familiar places from familiar faces. There are
some popular 'truth-seekers' and 'whistle-blowers' out there that seem to have it all compiled quite
nicely and neatly on websites, blogs, radio talk shows, television interviews etc. The question posed by
some about this is: 'How do they get away with such publicity when the rest of us have trouble getting a
few thousand to follow us regarding the same issues on a group page for facebook or to have a video
posted on YouTube for more than a thousand to view before it gets shut down? (to state a couple of the
obvious examples)' Well, we will look at what others have said on the matter in this issue before
getting into more on 'planet X' and what's actually happening in our universe... within our galaxy! This
way we can think more seriously about our respected sources of knowledge – real or fantasy...


'X' ???

In light of the section on THE 'TRUTHFUL LIE' let's look at the sources we find – trying to sift through
what is real and what is fantasy. What can we find that can shed some scientific conclusiveness on
things in order to see what is happening in our solar system and beyond? I recommend reviewing the
first article discussing this topic on planet X called 'Meet Planet X' found here: The information
contained within this journal can be found by anyone doing a search. I have merely compiled some of it
for you to review. There is plenty more that you can see for yourself if you take the time to look into it.
This should lay the ground work for further knowledge to be discovered yet...



Most would have to admit that our planet is going through change – and not just in a political or
financial sense. Even for those who know nothing about what is happening to our planet and to our
universe must at least 'sense' something. Doesn't it feel like something new and unique is happening?
About to happen? I am speaking of something spiritual. Those who understand will call this a time of
'ascension' where we are preparing or being prepared for something major! If you are religious you will
attest the changes to prophecies being fulfilled. I agree with this idea personally. Yet I have been slowly
coming to the realization of something even much larger at play... something I have not quite been able
to put a finger on. I still can't but I CAN point a finger to it by now anyways. This section will do that
pointing for me.

I hope you enjoy this issue of :


We all know that the world is full of propaganda or else you probably wouldn't be reading this right
now and I wouldn't be typing this. So, in a world of public relations propaganda and hype we, who see
something 'amiss' wish to seek the truth. We call ourselves 'truth-seekers'. Others would rather call us
'conspiracy theorists' or just plain 'NUTS'! We tend to search out reality regardless of what others think
of us though. We do this so that we can prove them wrong and ourselves right. But more importantly
we care what is 'truth' and what is 'lie'! When we look for evidence we can find it everywhere (if we
look enough) but more often then not we find it in familiar places from familiar faces. There are some
popular 'truth-seekers' and 'whistle-blowers' out there that seem to have it all compiled quite nicely and
neatly on websites, blogs, radio talk shows, television interviews etc. The question posed by some
about this is: 'How do they get away with such publicity with many thousands following them when the
rest of us have trouble getting a few hundred to follow us regarding the same issues on a group page
for facebook or to have a video posted on YouTube for more than a few hundred to view before it gets
shut down? (to state a couple of the obvious examples)' Well, we will look at what others have said on
the matter in this issue before getting into more on 'planet X' and what's actually happening in our
universe... within our galaxy! This way we can think more seriously about our respected sources of

Are you Ready???? - MSN Video
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 3, 2009 at 5:23am

Before we go too far please review these videos below to be able to get a different perspective of 'truth'
then you might already be being convinced of. As a matter of fact I will leave the title of this magazine
as it is but take a different twist for some of this issue in light of recently confirming light. I will still
share some information on `Planet X` but I want you to view this in the new light I am about to share. I
don't feel comfortable sharing this because I have come to respect the following people with my own
following of them too. But light is light and truth is, well, up to the light to reveal what is truthfully

Disinformation agents of the New Worldly

Order (David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist)

There's truth. Someone doesn't want you to know the truth. Everybody who might expose the truth gets

While some people have lost their lives in the very moment they opened their mouth, others have been
talking for years. While some NWO researchers, like William Cooper, John Todd, Randall N. Baer, Phil
Schneider and Fritz Springmeier get killed or jailed, others give lectures all around the globe, sell
books, DVDs and get airtime on TV and radio shows. Why? This can mean only one thing: their
talking does not interfere with the plans of the someone who doesn't want you to know the truth. That's
the story of David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist and other truthseekers and whistleblowers.
It's impossible to bury the truth, this way or another it will always come out. The Elite knows that. So
they think: "If the truth is to come out anyway let it be OUR people that tell it". So they have control
over it, do you see? That's why they make all these movies like "V for Vendetta", "Matrix" etc. So
when someone will discover the similarities in the real word they'll just say: "You've watched too much
movies, buddy".


alex jones william cooper david icke

disinformation? truth? lies? hmm who is
telling is facts?

alex jones william cooper david icke disinformation? truth? lies? hmm who is telling is facts?

David Icke Is An Illuminati Pawn

If even David Icke himself can be faked to look reptilian, can you trust the other videos of so-called
shape-shifting politicians and celebrities that has partly fueled the CIA-driven reptilian disinformation
operation? David Icke is not reptilian (and neither is anyone else), but he IS an Illuminati shill who has
absolutely no evidence, either circumstantial or corroborative, to back up his reptilian claims. Icke and
the makers of Zeitgeist have the same method: seed hard truth with poisonous disinformation. The
information transmitted in Zeitgeist, a documentary in which Icke appears, is mostly accurate and
informative, yet among some of the subtle bits of seemingly purposeful disinformation include the
claim that the Anunnaki are reptilian. They are NOT, and have never been. And they never forbid man
to "depict the Anunnaki in their actual form". This is written nowhere in the clay tablets, there are many
images of them. The reptilian disinformation is meant to confuse and divide us. The Anunnaki are 8-12
foot tall albino humanoids. Zacharia Sitchin's translations of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets say
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the Anunnaki being reptiles. In fact, it is made absolutely clear that
they "made us in their own image". Bohemian Grove is a sacrificial shrine to Marduk, the sinister
rouge Anunnaki who never left Earth. The elite Illuminati are his direct human descendants who still
make human sacrifices to him, both to pay homage to their living, earthbound ancestral god and to
supplement Marduk's existing stranglehold on humanity through manipulation of negative energy
forces (dark magic). Marduk never returned to planet Nibiru after the last nuclear war, and has illegally
claimed Earth as his own, refusing to relinquish control of the planet, it's assets, and mankind to the
ruling clan currently residing on Nibiru in 2012 as agreed. He has secretly been in power here for
thousands of years, and there has been an ongoing covert inter-clan conflict over the rule of Earth that
will soon go overt. We human slaves are being groomed to fight a war against the incoming ruling
Anunnaki, who we will be misled to believe are "alien invaders", when the truth is that the real
invaders (Murduk and his clan) are already here, living in - and controlling the world from - Area 51.

One World Government = Total Control of the Unwitting Populace = Soldiers/Citizens Who
Unwittingly Support The Existing (Evil) Power Against The (Good) Anunnaki Who Wish To Grant
Homosapiens Sovereignty Over Earth

FAIR USE NOTICE: We are making this material available in our efforts to advance understanding of
environmental, political, human rights,economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107
of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research and educational purposes.
Category: Education

David Icke Zeightgist disinformation disinfo disinformer disinformant shill shills reptilian
reptillian Anunnaki Annunaki Nibiru Sumeria Sumer Marduk Murduk Moluk extraterrestrials
giants gods aliens alien Illuminati bloodlines New World Order NWO UFO UFOs Area 51
Bohemian Grove Bilderberg Group 2012 inter-clan nuclear WWIII occult Satanism martial law
coffins Federal Reserve depression recession forbidden classified banned top secret censored
uncensored conspiracy NASA

NWO DISINFO Agents Exposed

Zeitgeist Zagami Icke Ron Illuminati Freemasons New World Order NWO Occult Obama
The CIA Fakes
9/11 Minority Report
PART 1 An Orgy of Evidence
PART 2 CIA Internet Fakes
PART 3 True Lies of 9/11: Amanda and Atta

Note: We do not contend that everyone associated with these

websites are knowing intelligence operatives. Some have been
professionally manipulated, others merely misled. In any event
these are promoting the Psyop agendas and disinformation
themes of the covert controllers. This is also not meant to
be a fully comprehensive listing of all the fake websites.
Check out this URL as well:
Robert F. Kennedy speaks out...

As I have stated before in each issue, the views presented here are not (necessarily) my views.
The clues are in the links. The links are pieces to the puzzle. What I discover I share. I do not
claim that it is conclusive evidence but they are leads. As in detective work the police will
often times ask for assistance from the public. So too here I present any clues and evidence
that come along hoping for feed-back so that I will learn along with you. Often times there is a
mix of truth with dis-information as we can see from the above videos... Especially when we
do not know where the 'information' is coming from.

To me useful knowledge about some of these scary events or predictions are useless unless
accompanied by some helpful tidbit of information that we can use to prepare ourselves from
an impending crisis or heal from what has already taken place. For example in the issue of
'Issues that Matter Most' on Chemtrails I shared the information I discovered on 'chemtrail
busters' (Issues that Matter MOST! - second edition (published for January - '09)
second-edition) along with some more info in this issue

Usually information on the world issues from people like Alex Jones and David Icke (the two
most popular informants or whistle-blowers out there) contains a ton of information about
what is going on but little to nothing as to what we can do about it. Although David Icke does
offer helpful tips towards the end of his book 'The Biggest Secret' found along with links to
other publications of his here:

I still haven't had time to finish reading it although it is heavily interesting! However he
discredits the existance of an Almighty Creator – the common thread found in the `new`
religion being offered by our `Reptilian` slave masters. Of course we cannot say that Alex
Jones is not enthralling to listen to either. They each have their own style but the one thing
they hold in common is that they spread this knowledge unscathed. Nobody in government
stops them. Anybody else would never be able to go to the lengths they have in spreading this
information without being hindered, sabotaged or silenced in some way. As mentioned earlier
some have even died for saying too much! Even very important and influentional people have
been assasinated like JFK, Princess Dianna and Martin Luther King to name a few. So we
cannot say that these current popular whistle blowers are perhaps too popular with too great a
following to do something about them. Some might say that 'to silence them would create too
great a stir with their followers and cause an outrage among them... So in fear of this perhaps
the government decides to leave them be.' If this were how 'they' handle ones getting too large
a following then these other truth sharers in the past would still be spreading the truth as well
and society wouldn't be so dis-informed and misled as we are.

The difference is that the ones assasinated (the popular ones) and those who simply vanished
or 'committed suicide' (those who didn't get a chance for popularity) were not working for this
shadow government. If you have listened to Break for News radio blogs on the CIA you should
have an idea on 'who' the CIA really are. If you want more evidence of this 'piece of the puzzle'
here is what I have:

Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program

October 19, 2006

British journalist Stephen Grey helped expose the Bush administration’s secret CIA rendition flights.
He joins us to talk about his new book, “Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program.”
[includes rush transcript]

Real Video Stream

Real Audio Stream


MP3 Download

Psychic Warrior: True Story of the CIA's Paranormal Espionage Programme

clearly written and a factual summary of authors experiences, 28 April 2000

By A Customer
One book that you cannot put down! It makes you sit on the edge of your seat and cringe at the thought
of what the secret governments are capable of. A shocking account of the paranormal and I would
warrant it 10 stars if I could.After reading this you will just want to find out may take you to
places you only dreamed of.

TSloppy Tradecraft Exposes CIA Drug

I just pasted the links to the above articles and vids but I wish to paste this article in it's
entirety as it is the most appalling to me:

Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret

CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse.
Source: Nutrition Health Review

Publication Date: 22-SEP-89

Journey Into Madness

The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse

The Nazi doctors who used humans in their atrocious experiments were the first
to be judged guilty of medical complicity in torture. The custom dates back to
Roman times when physicians were legally permitted to be present and take part
in torture of those suspected of sorcery.

During the Middle Ages, judges of the Inquisition regularly encouraged the use
of priest-doctors to torture suspected heretics. Many of the ancient warlords of
China and Japan included in their entourages a physician whose specialty was
deciding which torture to use.

With these acknowledgments, the author of Journey Into Madness launches a full
detailed investigation of mind control, medical torture, and other frightening
exploitations of the human psyche and body by doctors concerned primarily with
selfish goals that were placed above all ethics, morals, or human feelings ... goals
that were sanctioned and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency of the
United States!

During the past thirty years, a frightening picture has emerged of the manner in
which the power of physicians has been bought and utilized by governments,
from Moscow to Washington.

In Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas brings to light the dark alliance linking
politics, medicine and terrorism. The alliance still flourishes today as our
hostages in Beirut await freedom -- and some, such as ex-CIA, operative William
Buckley, are brutally murdered.

The book digs deeply into the days of the Cold War when two powerful
spymasters, Allen Dulles and William Casey, both in their time directors of the
CIA, instigated mind-control experiments to political ends.

Unable to experiment under U.S. laws, Dulles funded a terrifying and dangerous
program of medical abuse under the direction of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron of
the Allan Memorial Institute in Canada.
It was there that Dr. Cameron took ordinary citizens, hospitalized for mental
illness, and subjected them to incredible experiments in brainwashing and radical

The methods he developed included "depatterning," the destruction of the

victim's personality by repeated shock treatments up to forty times the intensity
considered safe. Massive doses of drugs were used, including Lysergic Acid
(LSD), to induce long periods of drug-induced sleep, sometimes lasting as long
as ninety days, and a mind-control technique called psychic driving. This ultra-
secret work destroyed the minds, bodies, and lives of the victims.

The book also traces Dr. Cameron's evil descendants, medical practitioners sworn
to heal and do no harm to the present day. Techniques similar to Cameron's are
being brought to bear in Beirut, where one of the most powerful men in the city is
a doctor who carries a medical bag of horrors as he moves among the captured
hostages held by the fanatical terrorists of the Muslim fundamentalist Hizbullah.

History of Mind Control part1

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on February 22, 2009 at 2:16pm
• View Videos

Stewart Swerdlow - History of Mind Control (History and Deprogramming) part1 1h33min 28sec


• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on February 20, 2009 at 4:23pm
• View Videos
Please go here to buy the full DVD

Produced by Michael Tsarion and Blue Fire Film, Architects of Control: Program One, explores
humankinds future and the posthuman world. Will the perfect human be a dumbed down, regimented
inhabitant of a cyber purgatory created by unseen elites? Will the children of tomorrow be smiling
depressives of a technocratic dystopia?

Subjects Include:

Jim Keith
Mass Control
Mind Control and its History
Radiotronic Weaponry
Psychic Dictatorship
Mass Ritual Killings
The Men in White
Operation Cointelpro
Operation Chaos
Teen Rage
School Shootings
Media Manipulation
Sleeper Assassins
Project Monarch and MK Ultra
Operation Paperclip
Sorcery and Magic
The Cult of Dionysus
Peoples Champions
The Anatomy of Thought
Tragedy: Catalyst of Change
Global Awakening
The Myth of Progress
The Global Village
The Inauthentic Life
Drugged, Medicated, and Under Control
The Deconstruction Cycle
The Rise and Fall of Civilizations
The Death of Emotion
The Posthuman World Initiated
2012: The Age of Revealing
Civilization: Rise and Fall
Psychic Hygiene
The Sane and the Unsane

Bonus Sections:

Michaels Commentary
Henriks Commentary
FAIR USE NOTICE: We are making this material available in our efforts to advance understanding of
environmental, political, human rights,economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107
of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research and educational purposes
I will not paste all 13 videos here as you can view them all on my network in the list of videos.
Sorry they are listed in reverse order. Must be the French coming out of me! :D (lol) By the
way you are viewing most of these videos now on my Issues that Matter Most! Network


'X' ???

Planet X
P – May 2, 2007

Planet X is on it's way here. Peggy Kane believes it will be passing by earth this year, others believe it
is more likely to be closer to 2012. Some people out there refuse to even accept the existence of Planet
X despite a growing amount of scientific evidence.

Evidence is what we are all seeking so that we can see if these theories hold up under scrutiny. Whilst
the information heard in reverse speech about planet X will always be considered subjective, there are
scientific facts which at the very least back up the general theory that there is a large planet moving
closer to the centre of our galaxy.

The most obvious changes people are witnessing on a global scale is that of changing weather patterns
and increased heat here on earth. Every year since about 2000/2001 the summer months are
establishing new records, higher than the year before. So much so that 7 years on, the weather is
considerably different. Of course we are all told that it is our fault, it is us that poisoned our own planet
and now we are paying the price. The most notable figure pushing this garbage is Al Gore, who many
already know to have a very interesting set of personal connections to secret societies that operate in
the shadows. Yet there is one glaring and obvious set of facts that this narrow minded view does not
take into account. That is the fact that all of the planets in our solar system are heating up. Therefore
making the theory that this is our fault null and void. Or to give it the justice it deserves, is total

In this I can back it up. Here are the official articles, the official pages of evidence that proves this.




Neptune's Moon



No doubt those pushing the "It's our fault theory" will try to dismiss all of the evidence above as
explainable by other means. I've read nonsense like the planets are coming out of an ice age etc. This is
rubbish and at the very best still does not explain why it's all happening at the same time.

Now enter the theory of an outside force acting on the solar system to cause this heating. Suddenly you
have a much more reasonable and fitting explaination for what is going on. The question some of you
(who are unfamiliar with what governments and secret governments are up to behind the Public
Relations Viel) will ask why would they lie? The answer is obvious. What we are experiencing now is
truly nothing in comparison to how bad it will get in the future. Those people who sit high in their
positions of safety and power do not want to cause a panic. This includes mounting a massive
campaign to conceal the truth. Isn't this what we are witnessing now!

The governments are aware of what the future holds for us all on earth, and as such have been
preparing by building massive underground bases so that a select few can go underground and wait it
out whilst those less fortunate are left on the surface without any support. They have sent probes out to
take photos of planet X as is reported by a vatican insider.
A photo supposedly of Planet X

I believe the coming earth changes are the main reason for trying to speed up the process of getting
people microchipped and their main motivation for tightening border controls. A mass panic would see
people fleeing to high altitude areas and would quickly cripple and collapse the current power structure
that these elitist snobs rely upon to execute their control over the populace.

So what will happen? How will it get worse? What will we be experiencing in just a few years time?
Some believe winds of upto 400 miles per hour will be one extreme weather we will have to cope
with...No building could stand upto that unless dome shaped. The magnetic field of the incoming
planet x could very possibly cause a pole-shift, and others believe the magnetic shield of earth will be
brought down allowing lethal amounts of solar radiation to reach the surface of earth.

They don't want you to know any of this, you won't hear this on the radio, you won't watch it on your
TV, you wont read it in your newspaper. Go and listen to the archived shows on it
is probably one of the best sources of information out there on Planet X.

Regardless of where people say Planet X is currently located, and it varies, the evidence speaks for
itself. Let's not also forget that scientist now know that over 90% of the solar systems in our galaxy are
binary star systems. Looks like ours is too. The other common question is why can't we see it. Well we
can't see the planets on the edge of our solar system because of poor visibility and sheer distance. Not
to mention the fact that Planet X is believed to be a Dark Star. As it gets closer this will change.

Planet X is on an eliptical orbit, and passes the earth every several thousand of years according to a
historical account given in the Kolbrin Bible. It would explain why we are able to find artifacts, man
made artifacts that pre-date known civilisations. Because Planet X probably wiped them out too. Planet
X is even mentioned in some of the worlds oldest ancient texts. Don't expect them to tell you the truth,
there is too much at stake.

Here are a few extra resources on Planet X.

Books: The Dark Star


Planet X Photo:

Other links:

Just a few clips from to go through as they seemed quite intriguing to me. Perhaps
you shall see it this way too....

Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios -

February 2009 Report
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 20, 2009 at 5:18pm
• View Videos

Produced and narrated by Marshall Masters, the first part of this February 2009 video report focuses on
the revised upwards estimates for a more violent solar maximum in 2012. It also demonstrates the
methodical manner, in which mainstream media has begun dumbing down science coverage of these
important trends.

The second half of the program presents a series of 2012 Planet X / Nibiru flyby scenarios developed
by Jacco van der Worp, MSc. Based on core criteria called the electrical kill zone, it presents several
Planet X / Nibiru flyby scenarios. These 2012 scenarios range from a best case scenario to a possible
Extinction Level Event (E. L. E.) flyby, where up to 90% of all presently living species could perish.

Marshall Masters
Jacco van der Worp, MSc
Janice Manning


Your Own World USAs ( core mission is 2012 — Planet X / Nibiru education. First
published in 1999, the web site features freely available interviews and articles for those seeking to
become self-informed about the coming changes to life as we know it today.

It is important to stress that the founders of this site do not believe that this flyby will be the end of
humankind. They stress that humanity will survive it as we have previous flybys — and that we shall
evolve in response to it. Those who endure it will live to see the beginning of a better world.

A complete eBook transcript of this program is available. Avaiable in several popular eBook formats, it
features images from this program. It also includes a detailed technical briefing first created by Jacco
van der Worp, MSc, to help script the Planet X / Nibiru flyby scenarios presented in the second half of
this program.


(C) 2009 Your Own World, Inc., NV.

Please feel free to share complete and unedited copies of this program with others. All other rights
Category: Science & Technology

Now for some from one of the 'questionable' sources of info – Zechariah Zitchin – on the
following pages...


In view of the
concerning 2012 -
mostly using and
misusing Zecharia
regarding the
planet Nibiru and
the Anunnaki -
Zecharia has
agreed to speak
out and give his
information on
the subject in an
exclusive 2-hour
lecture and slide
With a mass of
evidence, he
analyzes Mayan
lore and ancient
calendars, and
guides the listener
through biblical
prophecies, to
arrive at startling
conclusions and
regarding the End
of Days.
To order, go to

Extrasolar Planets


Two astronomical discoveries concerning extrasolar planets made news
on November 14, 2008. While both reaffirm what Zecharia Sitchin had
suggested, more than 30 years ago, in The 12th Planet, one of the
discoveries has amazing aspects that corroborate - and even explain -
details of ancient 'myths'.

'Extrasolar planets' is the term used to call planets not in our Solar
System, orbiting stars other than our Sun. Since the beginning of this
century, more than 300 extrasolar planets have been found; but they
have never been actually seen: Their existence has been surmised from
gravitational tugs or other effects on their parent stars. The exciting
news now is that two teams of NASA astronomers have managed to
actually see and photograph such extrsolar planets, thereby confirming
the existence of other solar systems in the universe.

The pictures by the first team show not one but three planets - a
veritable planetary system - orbiting the star HR8799 in the distant
constellation Pegasus; the second team's pictures show a planet,
estimated to be roughly three times Jupiter's mass, orbiting the bright
star Fomalhaut.

Sitchin's Audacious Assertion

That planets might orbit stars other than our Sun has been theoretically
held possible, though doubtful, for some time; but it was only in 1988
that Canadian astronomers attained the first-ever confirmed discovery of
one such planet - a confirmation that was achieved only in 2003.

Yet it was years earlier, when The 12th Planet was published in 1976,
that Zecharia Sitchin made the audacious assertion that not only do
extrasolar planets exist, but that other planetary systems can come into
being, exist, and can also meet a violent end. He reached that conclusion
by treating the Mesopotamian Epic of Creation Enuma elish not as an
allegorical myth of Good v. Evil (as other scholars do) but as a
sophisticated cosmogony scientifically relating our Solar System's history.

Thus treated, he wrote, the text tells that our Solar System, when still
in its early phase, was invaded by a foreign planet thrust out of its own
solar system; eventually passing near our Solar System, it was pulled in
by gravitational forces, ending up (after a collision) as a member of our
Solar System. The Summaerians named it Nibiru; the Babylonians
renamed it Marduk in honor of their national god. That scenario, which
explains a host of astronomical enigmas, was illustrated in the book by
several diagrams, including Fig. A: (on next page)
Astounding Links to Ancient Legends

Amazingly, several highly intriguing aspects of NASA's discoveries mesh

with ancient knowledge (what many deem myths or legends).

The second team's newly discovered world orbits the bright southern
star Fomalhaut, whose name (coming from Arabic) means 'The Fish's
Mouth'. Very bright, it is the lead star in the constellation Piscis
Australis - "The Southern Fish." Situated below (i.e. south of) the larger
constellation Aquarius ("the Water Bearer"), it has been traditionally
depicted as a fish nourished by water pouring down from the jar of
Aquarius, and linking it to the larger neighboring constellation Pisces
(that is depicted by two fishes).

As Greek and Roman astronomers going back to the 3rd century B.C.
attested, these three constellations were deemed to occupy the 'watery
zone' of Neptune in the heavens - a tradition going back to ancient
Mesopotamia which associated the three with the god E.A. ("He whose
home is water"), the original god of the Seas and their Fishes (see Fig. B).
Greek savants also quoted the tale by the Babyloniam priest Berossus of
the divine Fish-man 'Oannes' who had waded ashore from the Persian Gulf
and gave Mankind civilization. These details dovetail with Sumerian texts
according to which EA (later also knowns as ENKI) was the leader of the
first group of astronauts from Nibiru who splashed down in the Persian
Gulf and waded ashore, dressed as Fishmen (Fig. C).

Uncanny Explanation of a Sumerian Puzzle

NASA's discovery of a large planet orbiting the lead star in the Southern
Fish constellation may even go beyond fitting in with ancient 'myths' - it
might actually explain an enigmatic passage in Enuma elish.

The text - treated by Sitchin literally, not as allegory - describes the

formation of our Solar System's various planets, ending with "EA" (which
we call by its Roman name Neptune) as the outermost. It then ascribes to
EA/Neptune the feat of "begetting" into our Solar System the alien planet
that came into being elsewher - "in the heart of the Deep." yet although
"engendered" far away, 'Marduk' was considered to have a genetic link to
EA as his son.

Could then the Deep where Marduk was engendered mean not simply
Outer Space, but a specific constellation belonging to EA's celestial realm
- such as the Southern Fish?

The Origin of Our DNA?

If so, the new discovery reveals not just from where Nibiru/Marduk had
come. Since (according to Enuma elish) it brought the "Seed of Life"
(DNA) into our Solar System - the discovery also indicates the source
where lifegiving DNA can be found. It is a short 25 light years away -
"close enough to contemplate sending spacecraft there." Dr. Paul
Kalas, one of the new planet's discoverers, told the New York Times. He
could be right in more ways than he realizes.

==The 12th Planet and other Sitchin books are available in hardcover
(Bear & Co.) and paperback (HarperCollins) at all major bookstores;
autographed copies are available from

There is plenty more interesting theories and scientific notions concerning our universe and our
connection, current, historic and pre-historic which you will find interesting. So if you go to the
website you sure won't get bored! And to think that he thought up these ideas
in the 70's!

Here is some evidence now pertaining to global warming (as to what it is and what it is NOT)...

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on February 22, 2009 at 2:40pm
• View Videos

Informative video on HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program)the new weather
modification and mind control Star Wars Defense Initiative (SDI)weapon of the US military. HAARP is
capable of creating weather like hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and earthquakes. It is also
capable of altering peoples moods. From WETA TV a PBS station. Run a search for
The Occult Crime Squad Presents the Global
Warming Hoax. TM ©
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 2, 2009 at 7:35am
• View Videos

Global Warming is a scam.

Sit back and relax and watch these politicians lie through their teeth for millions of pounds of bonuses.
Look below this video for a list of other videos which are a series of one video entitled: 'The Man-
made Global Warming Hoax'. I will share the description here though:

The Man-made Global Warming Hoax:

Although Al Gore and his media cronies endlessly bleat that "global warming" is an
unprecedented global crisis, they really think of it as a dream come true.

Why? Because "global warming" is the ideal scare campaign for leftist demagogues like Gore
who are doing all they can to secure strict control over the economy and the minutest details of
individual life.

But now, in The Man-Made Global Warming Hoax tears the cover off the Left's manipulation of
environmental issues for political purposes, and lays out incontrovertible evidence for the fact
that global warming is just more Chicken-Little hysteria, not actual science.

Ok so we have looked at some information from Zechariah Sitchen on ideas of our universe originally
having 12 planets. Apparently every 3 thousand some years Nibiru makes it's orbit through our solar
system (which according to some experts on the topic is actually a Binary solar system – having 2
stars). One of these orbits is a theory as to where our asteroid belt originates in our solar system and
even our own planet! We have seen that global warming is not unique to our planet but is happening
simaltaneously throughout the solar system on every planet. It has nothing to do with green-house
gases. Our weather (surprise surprise) is mostly regulated by the activity of the sun – particularly
sunspots and solar flares. There are solar winds that blow towards earth from these flares that send us
our blasts of heat hence our warming trends. However there is supposed to be a huge force of gamma
rays emitting from the center of our galaxy where a super massive black hole containing a trillion some
stars and having an expanse of (I think it was) THIRTEEN MILLION MILES ACROSS! This,
according to NEXUS 2012 – An Unknown Energy Coming Our Way... which you will
see the link to in the next section. But what more can we learn about this binary solar system
and our neighbours some 5 billion 496 million kilometres away (which is the rough distance it
is from earth to pluto)? Well, let's look at some videos and reports I have searched out...

Planet X Nibiru on FOX News

• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 12, 2009 at 2:35am
• View Videos

Highly advanced civilizations have been here before us, just to be destroyed by some great global
catastrophy. But for each race that has died out another has taken its place with a selected few holding
on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past race. Who man is and where he came from has
always been the eternal question. In our vanity we think we have discovered some of the great truths of
science and technology.. but we are in fact just beginning to re-discover the wisdoms and technologies
of races past. The answers to who we are and what our future holds is found by studying our pre-
history. The purpose of these videos and site is to uncover some of the mysteries and hopefully answer
some of our eternal questions...

Planet X or Zecharia Sitchin's Nibiru, Planet X, the Anunnaki's presence on Earth thousands of years
ago relates specifically to human genetics.
Planet X, Nibiru, Anunnanki, Anunaki, Anunakki, alien, space, ufo, earth, evolution, science, creation,
myth, legend, archeology, geology, orbit, date, past, ancient, sumerian, sumeria, fact, fiction, space,
solar system planet, pluto, mars 2012
Zeitgeist, fallen angels nephilim grays alien aliens ufo ancient sumerian sumeria mayan calendar 2012
end times doomsday prophecy god jesus islam religion missing link macro evolution micro nwo
illuminati iraq cylinder Zecharia Sitchin Biblical prophecy revelations earth changes climate pole shift by Robert Sepehr
Category: News & Politics

nibiru alien ufo 2012 sitchin planet climate change evolution anunnaki planetx global warming darwin
conspiracy hybrid mars earth new theory news planet x

Again I have a series of videos but all from different sources following this video. Of course if
you click the little TV looking icon on the bottom right corner of the video player you will see a
list of related videos as well. But the ones below are the ones I 'hand-picked' through just for
you. Well, I guess I did it for my own education too. :D
Nibiru and Planet X Facts
video on Nibiru and Planet X,history on both.

So what do other links tell us? How true is all of this? Well the following link has copyrights so
I cannot paste any info from it but I will share the URL for XFACTS.RESEARCH: I will share more knowledge discovered next...

First a few more links. Some could be by debunkers (ones who attempt to expose or excoriate
(a claim, assertionm sentiment – both factual and fictitious) as being pretentious, false or
exaggerated). Others could be factual evidence. Some might actually be a farce. I will let you
decide which is which...

Planets beyond Neptune

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Planet X)
Percival Lowell, originator of the Planet X hypothesis

Niburu (Planet X) - Explained (last site revision 1-5-2009)
(I pasted this site in my first issue of 'Issues' which was, 'Meet Planet X'. As you can see it has
been updated since then and is still worth taking a look at.)

Planet X and the Pole Shift

A look at the Science behind Planet X
Now for a government sponsored website:
(The above is definitely a debunker website.)

Is there a Planet X?
• 31 January 2009 by Govert Schilling
• Magazine issue 2693. Subscribe and get 4 free issues

Is Planet X real,what I think,and expert video

rate or flag this page

By jamieinenglewood

(for different search engines)
This article I am pasting beneath my comment makes sense as to what a calendar is and what
it isn't...

May 19th, 2008

No Doomsday in 2012
Written by Ian O'Neill

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!

Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Yes, you read correctly, in some way,
shape or form, the Earth (or at least a large portion of humans on the planet) will cease to exist. Stop
planning your careers, don't bother buying a house, and be sure to spend the last years of your life
doing something you always wanted to do but never had the time. Now you have the time, four years of
time, to enjoy yourselves before… the end.
So what is all this crazy talk? We've all heard these doomsday predictions before, we're still here, and
the planet is still here, why is 2012 so important? Well, the Mayan calendar stops at the end of the year
2012, churning up all sorts of religious, scientific, astrological and historic reasons why this calendar
foretells the end of life as we know it. The Mayan Prophecy is gaining strength and appears to be
worrying people in all areas of society. Forget Nostradamus, forget the Y2K bug, forget the credit
crunch, this event is predicted to be huge and many wholeheartedly believe this is going to happen for
real. Planet X could even be making a comeback.
Related 2012 articles:
• 2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal (posted October 3rd 2008)
• 2012: No Killer Solar Flare (posted June 21st 2008)
• 2012: Planet X Is Not Nibiru (posted June 19th 2008)
• 2012: No Planet X (posted May 25th 2008)
• No Doomsday in 2012 (posted May 19th 2008)
For all those 2012 Mayan Prophecy believers out there, I have bad news. There is going to be no
doomsday event in 2012, and here's why…

The Mayan Calendar

So what is the Mayan Calendar? The calendar was constructed by an advanced civilization called the
Mayans around 250-900 AD. Evidence for the Maya empire stretches around most parts of the southern
states of Mexico and reaches down to the current geological locations of Guatemala, Belize, El
Salvador and some of Honduras. The people living in Mayan society exhibited very advanced written
skills and had an amazing ability when constructing cities and urban planning. The Mayans are
probably most famous for their pyramids and other intricate and grand buildings. The people of Maya
had a huge impact on Central American culture, not just within their civilization, but with other
indigenous populations in the region. Significant numbers of Mayans still live today, continuing their
age-old traditions.
The Mayans used many different calendars and viewed time as a meshing of spiritual cycles. While the
calendars had practical uses, such as social, agricultural, commercial and administrative tasks, there
was a very heavy religious element. Each day had a patron spirit, signifying that each day had specific
use. This contrasts greatly with our modern Gregorian calendar which primarily sets the administrative,
social and economic dates.
Most of the Mayan calendars were short. The Tzolk'in calendar lasted for 260 days and the Haab'
approximated the solar year of 365 days. The Mayans then combined both the Tzolk'in and the Haab' to
form the "Calendar Round", a cycle lasting 52 Haab's (around 52 years, or the approximate length of a
generation). Within the Calendar Round were the trecena (13 day cycle) and the veintena (20 day
cycle). Obviously, this system would only be of use when considering the 18,980 unique days over the
course of 52 years. In addition to these systems, the Mayans also had the "Venus Cycle". Being keen
and highly accurate astronomers they formed a calendar based on the location of Venus in the night sky.
It's also possible they did the same with the other planets in the Solar System.
Using the Calendar Round is great if you simply wanted to remember the date of your birthday or
significant religious periods, but what about recording history? There was no way to record a date older
than 52 years.
The end of the Long Count = the end of the Earth?
The Mayans had a solution. Using an innovative method, they were able to expand on the 52 year
Calendar Round. Up to this point, the Mayan Calendar may have sounded a little archaic - after all, it
was possibly based on religious belief, the menstrual cycle, mathematical calculations using the
numbers 13 and 20 as the base units and a heavy mix of astrological myth. The only principal
correlation with the modern calendar is the Haab' that recognised there were 365 days in one solar year
(it's not clear whether the Mayans accounted for leap years). The answer to a longer calendar could be
found in the "Long Count", a calendar lasting 5126 years.
I'm personally very impressed with this dating system. For starters, it is numerically predictable and it
can accurately pinpoint historical dates. However, it depends on a base unit of 20 (where modern
calendars use a base unit of 10). So how does this work?

The base year for the Mayan Long Count starts at "". Each zero goes from 0-19 and each
represent a tally of Mayan days. So, for example, the first day in the Long Count is denoted as On the 19th day we'll have, on the 20th day it goes up one level and we'll have This count continues until (about one year), (about 20 years) and
(about 400 years). Therefore, if I pick an arbitrary date of, this represents the Mayan date of
approximately 1012 years, 7 months and 1 day.
This is all very interesting, but what has this got to do with the end of the world? The Mayan Prophecy
is wholly based on the assumption that something bad is going to happen when the Mayan Long Count
calendar runs out. Experts are divided as to when the Long Count ends, but as the Maya used the
numbers of 13 and 20 at the root of their numerical systems, the last day could occur on
When does this happen? Well, represents 5126 years and the Long Count started on, which corresponds to the modern date of August 11th 3114 BC. Have you seen the problem
yet? The Mayan Long Count ends 5126 years later on December 21st, 2012.
When something ends (even something as innocent as an ancient calendar), people seem to think up the
most extreme possibilities for the end of civilization as we know it. A brief scan of the internet will pull
up the most popular to some very weird ways that we will, with little logical thought, be wiped off the
face of the planet. Archaeologists and mythologists on the other hand believe that the Mayans predicted
an age of enlightenment when comes around; there isn't actually much evidence to suggest
doomsday will strike. If anything, the Mayans predict a religious miracle, not anything sinister.
Myths are abound and seem to be fuelling movie storylines. It looks like the new Indiana Jones and
the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is even based around the Mayan myth that 13 crystal skulls can save
humanity from certain doom. This myth says that if the 13 ancient skulls are not brought together at the
right time, the Earth will be knocked off its axis. This might be a great plotline for blockbuster movies,
but it also highlights the hype that can be stirred, lighting up religious, scientific and not-so-scientific
ideas that the world is doomed.

Some of the most popular space-based threats to the Earth and mankind focus on Planet X wiping most
life off the planet, meteorite impacts, black holes, killer solar flares, Gamma Ray Bursts from star
systems, a rapid ice age and a polar (magnetic) shift. There is so much evidence against these things
happening in 2012, it's shocking just how much of a following they have generated. Each of the above
"threats" needs their own devoted article as to why there is no hard evidence to support the hype.
But the fact remains, the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy is purely based on a calendar which we believe
hasn't been designed to calculate dates beyond 2012. Mayan archaeo-astronomers are even in debate as
to whether the Long Count is designed to be reset to after, or whether the calendar
simply continues to (approximately 8000 AD) and then reset. As Karl Kruszelnicki
brilliantly writes:
"…when a calendar comes to the end of a cycle, it just rolls over into the next cycle. In our
Western society, every year 31 December is followed, not by the End of the World, but by 1
January. So in the Mayan calendar will be followed by - or good-ol' 22
December 2012, with only a few shopping days left to Christmas." - Excerpt from Dr Karl's
"Great Moments in Science".

Sources: Dr Karl's Great Moments in Science, IHT, 2012 Wiki

Leading image credits: MIT (supernova simulation), WikiMedia (Mayan pyramid Chichen Itza).
Effects and editing: myself.

Enjoyed this article? Subscribe to the feed.

Filed under: 2012, Earth

Related stories on Universe Today

• Comments on "No Doomsday in 2012"
• Listen to Terra Chat Live Tonight: 2012 and the Mayan Prophecy (Updated)
• Listen to Paranormal Radio Live Tonight: The 2012 Controversy
• New Moon, 2012
• Paranormal Radio's "2012 Just Another Day" Show Now Available!

One Response to “No Doomsday in 2012”

1. Fraser Cain Says:
October 31st, 2008 at 8:59 am
At the time I'm writing this, there were 2400+ comment on this article. Loading up this page
was crashing my webserver, so I've had to move the comments to a different page. If you're
interested in looking at the comments, you can access them here.
If you want to continue commenting on this article, please do it in the forum, which is better
able to handle a lot of comments.

The Coming World War

Find Out What Nostradamus Says About The Years 2009 - 2012.

What Will Happen in 2012?

Will it be the End of Days? Ask Our Best Psychics One Question for Free

Secret Behind The Secret

"How Does The Secret Really Work?" The Answer Inside May Shock
What Does This All Really Mean?
A personal message from Marshall Masters, co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide.

• What You Seek You

Shall Find in 2012

• Where Are You Going

To Be After 2012?

For those who already know Planet X and 2012 — we know you. If you're alone in your awareness, we invite you to meet

like-minded thinkers in our Planet X and 2012 Survivor's Town Hall.

Are you new to the topic and feeling a bit overwhelmed? You're not alone. We all seem to find it in much the same way.

It usually begins with an innocuous urge to explore something new, and then hello; the blinders come off. Once that happens,

you're faced with a choice.

You can trust your destiny to blind fate by squandering precious time on the defeatist pronouncements of fearmongers. Or,

you can choose to shape your own destiny. For those who do, offers a broad range of practical information

tools, many of which are free.

Regardless of how long you've been researching this topic, we recommend you start with our 5-part video series,

Surviving 2012 and Planet X. (

It will give you a straightforward answer to the really big question that seems to be on

everyone's mind: "What does this all really mean?"

What You Seek You Shall Find in 2012

Yes, Planet X will cause 2012 to be a punishing time — but it will not be a punishment. Nor will it be the end of a timeline.

Rather, it will be one of the most, if not the most important evolutionary events in the history of our species.

Does knowing more about it, or having the resources to build a bigger bunker give you an edge? Maybe, but more likely not.

This is because those who chose to survive this impending evolutionary event did so long before they were ever born. This is

why living through 2012 will be less about what is in your bunker and more about what is in your heart.

Search your feelings. Did you make this covenant with the Creator? If so, the first and most important step to surviving

2012 is to

accept it with love, knowledge and a commitment to helping others.

Where Are You Going To Be After 2012?
There is a purpose to everything in creation. The coming pain and destruction to be wrought by Planet X in 2012 shall be a

clarion call for peace and harmony — one that cannot be denied, manipulated, purchased or defeated. This is because the Earth

changes of 2012 will be to the greedy and manipulative few as a rake is to autumn leaves.

No matter how dark the times become, always remember — the path of love reaches beyond 2012, and the path of fear

ends there.

Those who survive with love will answer the call as equals, and they shall survive to become part of the most important

human population to ever walk the Earth. They will leave behind the fear-driven financial systems that serve to reward the

greedy and powerful by causing needless suffering for the many.

Afterwards, we will not rebuild. Rather, we will build anew as an emerging galaxy-class species. Centuries from now, our

home worlds will spread across the heavens and our descendants will come to number in the trillions. Believe it.

Survive for it!

—Marshall Masters
If you believe and wish to prepare for doomsday then the following video series will interest you:

Surviving 2012 and Planet X

This 5-part video series offers a straightforward view of this coming human event.

This series presents historical proof for past catastrophic flybys of Planet X and ancient predictions regarding 2012.
Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, this program offers a
straightforward view of this coming human event. As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012
Survival Guide, Marshall believes that 2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event.

View Here with YouTube

• English Language
• German Language

iTunes (iPod)

Maximum Experience CD

High-Resolution Share Sites


Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, it is an ideal

Planet X / 2012 primer for those new to this vital topic.

As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Marshall believes that

2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event. lid=CKrw3N-pn5kCFQE_gwoduSOgpQ#pxf)

Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide
Jacco van der Worp
Marshall Masters
Janice Manning

"Chance favors the prepared mind."—Louis Pasteur

What is Planet X? It could be a comet, rogue planet, or as this book
maintains, a dying brown dwarf companion to Sol. In the years to come, its
elliptical orbit will bring it into the core of our system, where it will enrage
our Sun. Once that happens, Earth’s greatest pains will come; the moment
fate puts us in the cross hairs of a perfect solar storm.

Rigid Thinkers Become Fragile Survivors

The purpose of this book is to help those who now agree that time is of the
essence. It does this by offering a practical 2012 tool kit of how-to survival
knowledge, for those who’ll be left to fend for themselves. Click to Enlarge

Regardless of whether you can afford to build a bunker or can barely afford a shovel, the information in this

book is designed to be equally useful. This is because the key to surviving 2012 is more about what’s in your

head than what’s in your wallet.

For Those Who 'Get It' and Who

Want to Get Through It

As we shall see, we have only scratched the surface. There is far more on a spiritual plane that we have
not yet fully acknowledged or even recognized as a species. This has to do with our DNA being
activated for something far greater then we have been accustomed to in our shallow view of things in
the third dimension. Putting belief systems aside and grabbing hold of inner wisdom let us open our
hearts and minds to embrace our spirits like never before. For this is what 2012 boils down to –
ascending through our limited perspective of the third dimension to 'see' life as it really is... And what is
it really that we have been missing out on? How do we attain something of much greater significance
then the limitations of view and scope that we have been accustomed to through milleniums of
conditioning? How real is this? Is it possible to 'rise above' what hinders to be as one with each other...
with the universe? Well, carry on and see what it is that is possible if we let it all go. Let go of all
previous ideas. Let go of fear. Let go of doubt. Let go of all that hinders you and your mind, body and
spirit from attaining, achieving and being all that your whole self can be!

NEXUS 2012 – An Unknown Energy Coming Our Way...

(If you cannot click and review the link to this 53 page e-document then go to my network
URL ( and find it in ' File Sharing' on
'My Page' in the 'Illuminati and Other Hidden Secrets' folder.)

Higher Light fifth dimensional ascension of
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 13, 2009 at 2:16am
• View Videos

High Resolution DVD's of The Gold Ring Game of Enlightenment and Abundance available at:

From a cosmic energetic perspective the Omni-centric root chakra is the basis of Dark Matter, the
Black Hole or seed of all that comes into existence, the Void and the Oneness of All that is.
Existence then expands into Atomic/Mineral/Elemental Structures which is the Second
Dimensional domain of things and the building blocks of creativity, variety, contrast and
abundance. Upon the third dimension as held with the energy of the Solar System and the Solar
Plexus it becomes the power control and focus for manifestation. It is herein that existence
arrives at a spatial temporal mirror or reflection of what is communicated to be created from
Cosmic Thought as exemplified by Light and Love.

Gold Ring Game of Enlightenment and Abundance:

pleiadian pineal yoga phi 2012 sacred geometry wayshower indigo galactic quantum lightworker
by Janae B. Weinhold
from Weinholds Website

1987 was a momentous year that marked the beginning of humanity’s ascension, rebirth and shift
into the Fourth Dimension. 1987’s Harmonic Convergence also marked the beginning of our sun’s
direct alignment with the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This very rare cosmic event has been
exposing our whole solar system to intense rounds of “torsion wave” energy. Many believe this newly
discovered energy source emanating from Galactic Center is activating our DNA and setting in motion
The Great Shift long prophesied by many indigenous traditions, including the Mayan, Incan, Hopi and

Mayan timekeepers records indicate that 2012 marks the close of several large cycles of time: a
26,000 year Mayan Calendar cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle and the 225
million Galactic Year. The simultaneous close of these cycles in 2012 is like the odometer turning over
for the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos. It is a moment when humanity,
Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy and perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous leap
in evolution.
• 2012: Ascension, Rebirth & the Dimensional Shift
• Prophetic Information About The Shift
• Scientific Information about The Shift
• The Galactic Shift
• Changes in Our Solar System
• The Impact of Solar Cycles on The Shift
• The Role of Solar Events in The Shift
• The Role of Supernovas in The Shift
• Intelligent Design of the Universe
• 2012 and The “Secret Sciences”
• Summary: The Shift is Happening
• What to Expect
• What to Do?
• Tools for The Shift
• The Science of Love
Return to Ascension

Return to 2012

2012: Ascension, Rebirth & the Dimensional Shift

Something big is happening. You’re probably feeling it . . . perhaps with
anticipation and also a little bit of anxiety. And maybe you’re asking,
“Okay, what is IT?” I believe that we are in the midst of an evolutionary
shift so big that we have difficulty in imagining it—one so dramatic that
it is birthing us and Earth into a higher dimension.

Birthing Ourselves and Earth Into a New Reality

When I think of this shift, I imagine a caterpillar who is unaware he is
about to become a monarch butterfly.

I see female Monarchs (God) laying us as

eggs on the underside of milkweed leaves
(Earth). When we hatched as larvae earthlings, we fed on plant leaves (life)
and now we are mature caterpillars. At some point, we get a signal that tells us
that change is coming.

The caterpillar stops what it has been doing and attaches

itself upside down on a branch to spin a pupa or chrysalis that will contain it while it
changes into a butterfly.

Inside this chrysalis, the substance of caterpillar dissolves into a

kind of primordial soup and the coding in its DNA changes it into
a whole new being.

This chrysalis becomes increasingly transparent during

metamorphosis. Then it cracks open and the butterfly emerges.
As its wings slowly dry out, it discovers it is no longer confined to

It has wings to lift it into the sky to fly free to live in a whole new
reality. Friends, this is what I believe is about to happen to you
and me all of humanity.
I’ve been thinking about this shift for quite a while now and here is what I see. I see a lot of people who
are receiving internal signals saying this metamorphosis is already happening.

They’ve discovered that the news they hear and read is distorted and designed for flock mentality.
Getting caught up in flock mentality has made us like Mullah Nasruddin’s blind men. We haven’t been
able to see the forest for the trees and recognize that The Shift is happening.

Our inability to see the big picture has trapped us in limiting beliefs that have become a box that
operates like a Matrix. Many are becoming aware that we really do live in a matrix and are looking for
the keys and codes needed to break free of limiting beliefs about who we are.

While many people are seeking truth, they also are withdrawing themselves from chaos, turmoil and the
mundane. They’ve stopped reading the newspaper and watching TV and are spending more time
meditating, reading inspirational materials, being in nature and seeking out others who feel this shift

The next step is the one that seems most frightening: surrendering to the urge to turn upside down and
begin spinning our chrysalis. Like the caterpillar, we are faced with loosing our identity and dissolving
into a primordial soup.

This brings up our fear of death—not only of our ego, but our physical body and even our soul. No
wonder we are feeling a little anxious. Can we trust that we will emerge out of this soup as a Monarch

When I went looking for information to answer these questions, what I discovered is how much
prophetic information there is predicting the shift and and how much scientific information indicating that
it is happening. I also found abundant and amazing evidence indicating that our evolution was designed
and is driven by a loving intelligence that causes the world around us to unfold in predictable cycles of

My husband and I refer to this process as LOVEvolution, which is based on the principle that
unconditional love is a subtle or invisible energy that connects the world of spirit and the world of matter.
We believe that it is love that weaves together our heart-felt desires and dreams with the basic
elements of the universe so that they manifest in our lives. When a biological structure becomes so
filled with love that it can no longer contain the energy, it divides and creates more cells to hold this

We believe that this creative principle operates at all levels—from couples having children to galaxies
birthing stars. Energetic exchanges of unconditional love between humans and between humans and
other living kingdoms (animals, plants, minerals, Earth, stars) help raise the vibrational frequency of
both parties. This energetic touching at a soul level is so powerful that it literally transforms the DNA of
both parties and lifts the consciousness of the whole universe.
There is a lot of new scientific research about how this process works at a
scientific level. Scientists refer to the energy that we call “unconditional love” as
“torsion wave energy” because it travels as twisting waves of energy.

Notice how this illustration of energy flowing in a torsion wave pattern contains
two important images:
-- the DNA spiral, which I’ll talk more about later, and
-- two intersecting triangles, which you will also see repeated in
other images in this presentation.
With this scientific framework of LOVEvolution as a foundation, let’s look at
other facets of The Shift.

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Prophetic Information About The Shift

I’ve been researching the prophesies of ancient peoples. The first
place I found evidence of The Shift was in books about 2012 from
those such as Jose Arguelles, Carl Calleman and John Major Jenkins
who have studied the prophesies of the Mayans, Incans and Hopis .
Their research into these ancient prophesies revealed very similar
predictions of a great shift in consciousness as we approach 2012. The
Mayan’s, who have been keeping time on Earth for 5000 years,
created codices or cosmic calendars such as this one to track the
timing of humanity’s passage through a great metamorphosis.

According to the Long Count Calendar they

use to measure long cycles of time, 2012
marks the close of several cycles of time.

According to the Mayans, the close of the first cycle is the completion of the
Galactic Year. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to
make one complete rotation in the sky.

2012 also marks the end of:

• a 26 million year Earth cycle
• a 78,000 year Earth cycle
• the close of the 26,000 year Mayan Calendar
According to the prophesies of many groups of indigenous people, 2012 appears to be the time when
the odometer turns over for the entire history of humans, Earth, our galaxy, and perhaps, all of
creation–-the moment when all life experiences a leap that is similar to that of caterpillars becoming

The Mayans believe that human evolution unfolds as a result of these long
cycles of time. Their mystery plays myths, spiritual rites and practices re-
enacted the cosmic drama created by the alignment of Earth’s sun with
Galactic Center in 2012.

They described this alignment as a kind of

cosmic intercourse between Father Sun and
the Great Mother of Galactic Center that will
birth all of creation into a new reality. Pregnancy, birth and
embryogenesis were central concepts in their tradition.
The Tzolkin calendar, one kind of Mayan calendar, is based on the 260-day term of human gestation. It
is a harmonic representation of the 26,000-year Mayan calendar. 260 x 100 = 26,000. It appears that
the Mayans used the Tzolkin Calendar to track both the evolution of an individual human and the
26,000-year Mayan calendar as a way of monitoring the evolution of the human species.

From a Mayan perspective, the time preceding December 21, 2012 Earth is making its shift into Christ
Consciousness and transforming humanity into Christed Beings. This process of transformation of
humans, which compares to the transformation of a caterpillar into a Monarch butterfly, is known as
Ascension. While the term ASCENSION is typically used to describe human transformation, Jose
Arguelles also wrote about it from a planetary perspective in his book, Earth Ascending.

From an astrological perspective, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
When we look in one direction, we see the breakdown of Piscean structures based on competition and
scarcity. And, when we look in the other, we see the sprouting of new Aquarian structures based on
partnership principles and the sharing of resources. While this transition can cause confusion and
anxiety, it represents a unique window of opportunity for us to evolve.

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Scientific Information about The Shift

Scientists who are studying evolution from a celestial perspective believe that there are four kinds of
celestial events and cosmic forces that might be triggering The Shift:
• Galactic
• Solar Cycles
• Solar
• Supernovas
There is a tremendous amount of evidence in these four areas indicating
that we are deep into the Great Shifting of the Ages. So let’s look at the
first: galactic cycles. They are created by the rotation of our galaxy through
evenly-spaced zones of energy that are not visible to the naked eye. It
takes approximately 26 million years to pass through one of these zones
and it appears that we are now moving into one that is more highly
charged. Moving through this accelerated energy is changing our DNA,
our consciousness and triggering our metamorphosis.
Our Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,000
light years across, 30,000 light years away,
belongs to a group of three large and 30+ small galaxies, and is the
second largest after the Andromeda Galaxy. Our solar system lies out
on the edge of the Orion spiral arm.
Object 1 The Hubble Telescope, launched by NASA in late 1995, has been
opening the stars to us, revealing a once-secret world of celestial events and activities. Many of these
images go beyond amazing —they actually appear to be a window into the world of creation and
evolution. Here are some of them (left animation< Click 'Pg Dn' 6 times.

This image (click image right), known as the Hour Glass Nebula has generated a lot of interest.

The crop circle below appeared in England during June 2005. Some refer to it as the All-seeing Eye of
God. An eye specialist who examined the image above (click it), indicated that it is structured like a
human eye.

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The Galactic Shift

As I indicated earlier, there is now a growing amount of scientific
information indicating that our whole solar system, and perhaps the
whole galaxy, is in the midst of a shift.

The center of our Milky Way Galaxy is a black hole with a mass
estimated to be the equivalent of 3.2 to 4 million of our suns, but is
compacted into a space ten times smaller than Earth’s orbit around our
Many native tribes in Mexico and South America believe that Galactic Center or Tula emits a frequency
or tone known as Ge, and that this tone not only heals the body and mind but brings immortality. The
spiral Ge shown here represents the frequency being transmitted from Tula or Galactic Center.

I believe that as our Sun, Earth and us move towards the big conjunction of 2012, that this frequency
is getting much stronger.

It’s vibration is activating our DNA and metamorphosizing us from being humans. Russian scientists
have discovered that the 97% empty space in our DNA isn’t empty. They believe it is filled with
something called torsion wave energy. I believe that this energy could
also be called love or even the tone of Ge.

Scientists now believe that torsion wave energy not only exists before
the DNA, that it actually tells the DNA what to do. Our DNA is a hard
drive. Torsion energy/LOVE/tone of Ge interacts with our soul and heart.
The energy from our soul and heart organizes the torsion wave energy
and tells the DNA how to arrange itself. This creates not only our physical
body but our whole REALITY. I believe that the ancient Mayans and other
indigenous people knew and understood this.

One of the easiest ways to activate your DNA and accelerate your Ascension as Earth moves into the
galaxy’s high-energy zone is to declare yourself a Master using the following vow.
...What should I say and to whom? Like so many other things we've spoken of, the answer
is far easier than you might think. You need to be alone. Then, with pure intent, come
before the family [Spirit] and state your case. Whatever you say is then the beginning of
the rewrite [to the Akashic record related to your past incarnations], since the energies of
Earth respond to Human free will. Speak it out loud so your cells can hear it, too, in the air.
State that you drop the old vows and then give a new one. Perhaps you'll now take the vow
of masterhood? Perhaps you'll pledge yourself to the benefit of all humanity?

...A vow of masterhood gives permission for the energies to change within you, for the tool
box to be opened and for Human Beings who have always thought of themselves ordinary
to begin to activate the ascension layer of their DNA. The door to a peaceful planet begins
to open and only a few will walk through at first, then more and more should they choose to
(Kryon/Carroll, Sedona Journal of Emergence, February, 2004:19).
A vow of masterhood should not be taken lightly. By doing so, you will activate the third strand of your
DNA. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I suspect that you will find it harder to ignore
opportunities for change in your life

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Changes in Our Solar System

The study of our solar system has become a really large field of scientific inquiry. Science has recently
discovered significant changes happening to all of the planets in our solar system.
SUN: The Sun’s magnetic field is more than 230 percent stronger than it was at the
beginning of the 1900s. Its overall energetic activity has sizably increased, creating a
frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASA’s official predictions.
VENUS: is now glowing in the dark.

EARTH: Beginning about 1960, Earth’s surface grew dimmer by 4 – 6 percent. About 1994
it began brightening again, which scientists believe may be accelerating global warming
and the greenhouse effect. During the last 30 years, the icecaps have thinned out by as
much as 40 percent. For reasons that scientists are unable to explain, in 1997 the structure
of the Earth began shifting from being more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to
being more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the

MARS: This close-up image of Mars (right) shows

how its icecaps virtually melted within just one year,
causing 50-percent changes in surface features and
its atmospheric density has risen by 200 percent
since 1997.

JUPITER: Jupiter has become so highly energized

that it is now surrounded by a visibly glowing donut
tube of energy in the path of the moon Io, which now glows in the dark. The size of
Jupiter’s magnetic field has more than doubled since 1992.

SATURN: Saturn’s polar regions have been noticeably brightening, and its magnetic field
strength increasing. Between 1980 and 1996, the speed of rotation for Saturn’s clouds at
the equator reduced by a whopping 58.2 percent, which was an unexpected and dramatic
change in its weather.

URANUS: In 1999 NASA articles were referring to Uranus as being hit by Huge Storms,
making it a dynamic world with the brightest clouds in the outer solar system. NASA also
said that if springtime on Earth were anything like it will be on Uranus, we would be
experiencing waves of massive storms, each one covering the country from Kansas to
New York, with temperatures of 300 degrees below zero. NASA’s Voyager II space probe
indicates that both Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts –
60 degrees for Uranus and 50 for Neptune.

NEPTUNE: Since 1996 Neptune has become 40

percent brighter in infrared and is 100-percent
brighter in certain areas of its surface (right).
Neptune’s moon Triton has had a “very large
percentage increase” in atmospheric pressure and
temperature that is comparable to an increase on
Earth of 22-degrees Fahrenheit.

PLUTO: As of September 2002, Pluto has

experienced a 300-percent increase in its atmospheric pressure in the last 14 years, has
also become noticeably darker in color.
The first place I’ve was able to find this scientific information about changes throughout our whole
galaxy gathered in one place was in David Wilcock’s book and website. David, who is only 32 years
old, has been creating an evolutionary paradigm based on the principle of intelligent design. This means
that there is order and predictability in the universe because it was created by an intelligence with an

Much of what Wilcock and others are discovering is that Galactic Center is emanating high levels of
what scientists call torsion wave energy. They believe that it can trigger a hyperdimensional jump from
our 3D space-time into a higher aetheric density. Hyperdimensional jumps are also associated with
time travel.

Another site with a lot of good scientific information about the shift is Russell Boulding’s. I feel a lot of
affinity with his work and his approach, particularly his hopeful message and his ideas about how to
consciously participate in it. His work is based on some mind-expanding information. Russell has
developed some interesting premises, based on research he has done for writing his book, Preparing
for the Great Shift:
• The Shift may have occurred in 1987 at the time of the 1987 Harmonic
• Earth may already be in 4th or 5th density but being holographically held in
3D while life adapts to the higher frequencies
• Past, present & future timelines are all being created at the same time
• How humans make The Shift is affecting the evolution of the whole universe
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The Impact of Solar Cycles on The Shift

The SOHO satellite, placed in orbit between Earth and the sun in late 1995, has been capturing images
of the sun’s surface and monitoring its activity. It monitors solar storms generated by the Sun, which
spews electromagnetically charged particles that
spread across Earth and all other planets in our solar
system. These images show the sun at the minimum
and maximum in its energetic activity.

The Sun’s magnetic poles shift every 11.2 years and

are believed to strongly influence Earth’s magnetic
poles. You may recall from a little earlier that it takes
Galactic Center 11 minutes to make a complete
revolution. These kinds of mathematical harmonics are another factor indicating that the universe was
created by an intelligent force.

If you’ve been watching the space news recently, Earth has been bombarded with energy from round
after round of sunspots and solar flares that have been creating intense electromagnetic storms. During
late October and early November of 2003, for example, ten powerful solar flares kicked up extreme
doses of X-rays and other radiation, along with slower-moving storms of charged particles. These
gigantic eruptions were the largest ever recorded in our history. The magnetic clouds of plasma become
30 million miles wide by the time it reaches earth.

These flares create solar winds that distorts the Earth’s magnetosphere, causing magnetic storms that
can disrupt communications and navigational equipment, damage satellites, and even cause blackouts.
These solar winds distend the magnetosphere of the Earth (image right) and everything living on it.
Some of this energy slammed squarely into Earth, hampering radio communications, forcing the FAA to
divert airline traffic away from polar routes, which are exposed to
higher radiation doses, and crippling two Japanese satellites.
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station were forced to
take cover multiple times in protected areas.

In below image, you can see the eruption, the solar winds that it
generates, where they hit Earth’s atmosphere and how it distorts
Earth’s electromagnetic atmosphere.

The image below with the Sun blocked out shows the two primary
kinds of solar eruptions. Solar Pominences, the loop-like images at the top and the pointed Coronal
Mass Ejections, which are more commonly known
as sunspots.

Prominences are made of hot, dense gas held

aloft by solar magnetic force fields. Sometimes
they collapse and explode . . . More often they remain aloft for days or even weeks and then sink gently
back into the sun.

You can see how massive they are in this image, more than five
times taller than Earth. During eruptions on the Sun, such as
those in November 2003, expanding clouds of charged particles
from sunspots raced into space.

The energy in a few of these eruptions moved abnormally quickly,

reaching Earth in less than a day. One set a new space speed
record of 5 million mph. It was the largest speed ever measured in
space of a gas stream emitted from the surface of the Sun.

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The Role of Solar Events in The Shift

On June 8th 2004, Venus crossed the path of the sun, marking
the beginning of an 8-year Venus cycle that ends on June 6th of
2012, just before the end of the Mayan Calendar and the Great
Galactic Year.

This transit released very powerful energies to harmonize the

masculine or patriarchal forces of the Sun with the heartful,
loving energies associated with Venus. Many indigenous
people, consider the eight years between these two dates as an
evolutionary doorway or gestational period for the release of
new ideas and world change. Potential anniversary dates that
might trigger other events on Earth.

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The Role of Supernovas in The Shift

Let’s look next at the science related to supernovas—the fourth
celestial phenomenon with a role in the shift. Supernovas are
stars that explode and distribute oxygen, carbon, nitrogen,
calcium and iron out into space to enrich clouds of hydrogen
and helium to help birth new stars (image left - crab nebula).
They also help create gold, silver, lead, uranium and heavy
elements and distribute them into the universe. Their remnants
project cosmic dust that that travels out into a solar system,
causing mutation and evolution in living cells.

In 1987, scientists observed

the explosion of a supernova
in Ophiucus which is located
near Galactic Center. This is
one of the first images of it taken in 1990 by the European Space
Agency's Camera.

This supernova erupted when fast moving debris from an immense

stellar explosion collided with the gas ring that circles it (image right). Scientists believe the ring is made
up of old gas that was ejected by the star some 20,000 years ago, long before it exploded.

The intense burst of light from the 1987 explosion heated the ring, revealing its presence. This
coincides, if you remember, with the beginning of the Harmonic Convergence and the rise in the
Schumann resonance, also known as Earth’s Heartbeat.

Then the ring began slowly fading until 1997, when one of the knots in it ignited
as it was impacted by the immense shockwave. Since 1996, NASA has been
monitoring changes in Supernova 1987a with the Hubble Telescope. This
supernova’s explosion is now causing the gases in the ring to glow as they are
heated to millions of degrees and
compressed by the sledgehammer blow
of a 40 million mile-per-hour blast wave.

An article in the Hubble Space Telescope News in the late

1980’s, talked about Supernova 1987a. It predicted that the
inner ring of the formation would collide with the debris from the
1987 stellar explosion as early as 2000 and that this would
cause the outer ring to ignite. The article also predicted that the
gases of this formation would fully ignite this ring, like the burner
on a gas stove. In this 2004 image (click image right), you can
see that the ring has been following NASA’s predictions and
that ignition is virtually complete.

The final burst of light, expected to glow at thousands of degrees, is expected to create an incredible
burst of light that scientists anticipate will be visible on Earth in 2005. One of Nostradamus’ quatrains
may correlate the final burst of light this supernova with the change of Popes:
The great star will burn for seven days
The cloud will make double sun appear
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode
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Intelligent Design of the Universe

The notion that the universe was designed by an intelligent force is
one that is now uniting Christians and scientists. Intelligent design,
replaces the controversial term, Creationism. While the basis and
framework for the beliefs of these two groups are quite different, their
conclusions are very similar: An intelligent force designed the

The body of information that best supports the concept of Intelligent

Design comes from sacred geometry, an ancient art and science
based on mathematical and geometric principles that show the
relationship between all parts of creation. The study of sacred
geometry shows how the universe is created by a thought consciousness that manifests itself in
physical, 3D reality through a geometric blueprint. Here are some images that illustrate this blueprint.
Go to to view these images:

The image on the left below shows how Earth is structured on the merkabah blueprint, illustrated above
on the left. Most of the pyramids on Earth are located at 19.47 degrees above and below the equator,
where the points of the merkabah structure intersect with Earth’s surface. These points have had
unusually high UFO sightings, making some people wonder if these points might be interdimensional
portals or stargates. (

The images of the Sun in the middle and on the right below indicate that most of the Coronal Mass
Eruptions are also located at 19.47 degrees above and below the equator.
Go to to view these images:

Notice how these images show that high-intensity sunspots are located just north and south of the
equator. What’s important about this is that it validates what many people working with concepts of
sacred geometry believe—that the planets in our solar system are all constructed on the same
geometric principles.

What is interesting is that the famous Face on Mars is located at 19.47 degrees north of its equator.
These kinds of mathematical correspondences support the idea that our universe was built by some
kind of higher intelligence.

Scott Stevens has been reviewing archived SOHO images and found some very interesting things. The
photo (click image) on top shows what looks like a large antenna near the sun. The one below it shows
one that is folded up. It is interesting that Nikola Tesla had a detailed futuristic vision that described
how to tap the sun’s energy with an antenna.
These kinds of images support information many people receive from channeled sources, which is that
civilizations much more highly advanced than ours are helping Earth and our solar system with this
evolutionary shift.

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2012 and The “Secret Sciences”

There are many places in this country that have brilliant scientists conducting secret research. Some of
the most prominent are:
• Area 51 near Reno, Nevada (
• Wright-Patterson AF Base in Ohio
• Nellis AFB near Las Vegas
• Los Alamos National Laboratory – Los Alamos, New Mexico
• Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque
The research of this scientist who has worked at Area 51 for 19 years has been
gradually released to the world because he believes that we need to know it. He
believes that humanity is approaching a critical juncture in its evolution in the next
few years and he wants us to be able to make informed choices when we are
faced with options that have tremendous impact on the human species.

Much of what Dr. Burisch learned came from very specialized research with
beings from a star system known as Zeta Reticulum. On the left is a sketch of
the being known as J-Rod with whom he worked for a year in 1992-93. The sketch on the right shows
what a normal looking being from the Zeta Reticulum star system looks like. The one on the left suffered
from some kind of genetic problem that caused him to be crippled and deformed.

Both of these beings worked with researchers at both Area 51 and the Los Alamos National
Laboratory, helping them advance the technologies for aircraft and other defense projects. According
to Burisch, the collaboration between these beings from the Zeta Reticulum star system and Earthlings
is part of an exchange project contracted between their civilization and a secret group of people, mostly
Americans, known as the Majestic 12. (

Dr. Burisch’s story about J-Rod and his neurological problem sounded like pure science when I first
stumbled onto it. J-Rod and Dr. Burisch were able to communicate telepathically during the time that
they spent together and here is what Dan learned. According to J-Rod, the universe has several
timelines, realities or dimensions, which is quite different from our own belief that ours is the ONLY

J-Rod told Burisch that he was from another timeline in which 2012 had already happened. Just prior to
their civilization’s 2012, Earth went through catastrophic changes. J-Rod believed that these changes
were caused by things that were preventable such as the explosion of nuclear bombs. As a result of this
catastrophe, humanity split into two groups. The spiritual group went to the Orion star system, while the
technological group went first to Mars and then on to Zeta Reticulum.

J-Rod was from the technological group who went to Mars and then on to Zeta Reticulum and suffered
genetic damage from the catastrophic changes. His civilization has mastered time, and he volunteered
to travel back in time prior to the events of our 2012. He hoped to change the events of our 2012 and
prevent the catastrophic changes his civilization went through during their
2012. He also hoped that his research with Dan Burisch would help cure
his civilization’s genetic neuropathic problems.

J-Rod indicated that the photos below from the surface of Mars are human-
made structures.

This building (left), this glass tube (click right

image), the pyramidal structure known as the
Face on Mars (click image),

and this structure known as Inca City (click below image) are all remnants of his civilization after it left Earth
and went to Mars.

The Majestic 12 is allowing Burisch to release information about parts of his research with J-Rod
because the terms of their treaty with J-Rods’ civilization required that their presence on Earth be
released in 2005.

Burisch is also being assisted in the disclosure process by William Hamilton III, a physicist and
researcher who I heard speak in Atlanta in June 2005 and also spent several hours speaking with him
privately about his work. Bill showed 1 1/2 hours of a taped interview with Dan Burisch about his
research and relationship with J-Rod that I found believable.
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Summary: The Shift is Happening

My research about 2012 and The Shift indicates that the fields of science and spirituality are merging.
Some of the greatest spiritual advances seem to be coming from people who once were “hard-core”
scientists. Many of them are validating the prophesies spiritual traditions of indigenous people and
simultaneously invalidating outdated scientific paradigms such as Darwin’s theory of evolution. Even
quantum theory is now being replaced with plasma theory, which says that the world is electrical.
Prophesy is slowly becoming fact and science is supporting it.

What are the Implications for Earth and for Me?

The real questions are “What are the implications for Earth and for me? Let’s look at Earth first, Earth—
particularly her electromagnetic structure. The astrological conjunction of 2012 is also expected to
involve a shift in Earth’s magnetic poles.

The two colors in this image represent the energy of the North and South Poles.
For some time, scientists have been closely monitoring two parts of Earth’s
electromagnetic structure:
• the electrical field (which is falling)
• the magnetic field or Schumann resonance (which is rising)
It is interesting that the largest increase ever recorded in the Schumann
frequency occurred in 1987 and coincided with the eruption of Supernova 1987a
and the Harmonic Convergence, when millions of people gathered at sacred sites
around the world to pray and meditate together. If you remember, this is the time
when Russell Boulding believes that the Shift might have really begun.

The Schumann resonance, also known as Earth’s heartbeat, has increased from its normal 7.8 hz.
and is hovering around the 9 – 11 hz. level. It is expected to move to 13 hz, the frequency of
unconditonal love. Gregg Braden, a geologist who has been studying this, calls this place where the
Schumann or magnetic frequency and the electric frequency intersect ZERO POINT.

It appears that this magnetic reversal is connected to galactic and solar cycles.

Some, like Braden, believe that the electromagnetic poles of Earth will shift as Zero Point approaches.
Geological surveys of the mid-Atlantic ridge indicate that this has happened something like 171 times
before in the history of Earth. Here is another image of Earth’s electromagnetic field. You can see how
orange spots are now appearing in the blue at the top and that blue spots are
visible in the orange at the bottom.

Many scientists who are tracking these changes believe that the pole shift is now
happening. This image shows what it might look like if we were able to be off the
planet and viewing it. In March of this year, for example, computer scientists
working with geophysicists and astrophysicists in India released a computer model
predicting a geomagnetic reversal in 2012.
As Earth goes through these changes we all want to know: “How will this affect me?" Let’s address this
question by looking at this image.

It shows how you, Earth and the Sun are connected and operate as a relay

This image illustrates two things. First, is the relationship between you, Earth
and our Sun. The second is how they interact and operate as a relay system. The circle at the bottom
represents you.

It shows how your brain has right and left You can also see that it has right and left or dark and light
hemispheres. You can see that there is also a circular pattern of resonance and energetic interaction
between you and Earth.

The circle at the top represents the Sun. You can see that it also has right and left or dark and light
hemispheres. And that there is a circular pattern of resonance and energetic interaction between Earth
and the Sun. Understanding that you are connected to the cosmos is really important. Why? Because
YOU emit energy that affect Earth’s vibration. Earth relays this energy to the sun, the sun relays it to
Galactic Center, where it goes out to celestial bodies.

CONVERSELY, celestial bodies transmit to Galactic Center, which transmits to the Sun, the Sun
transmits it to Earth and Earth transmits to YOU. So, everything in the cosmos is connected.

We can add other levels of complexity to this image that show similar
resonant relationships between our Sun, Galactic Center and celestial
bodies such as supernovas. Once we understand that we are
connected to everything in the universe, we can become conscious,
active participants in it.

This means that this Shift is not happening TO us, we are helping to
create it and our future... Not only in our galaxy but perhaps in the
whole universe. And many us are experiencing symptoms of The Shift
that indicate their body is being transformed, such as headaches,
fatigue, electrical sensations in limbs & spine, flu-like symptoms,
increased sensitivity & intuition, intense dreams

Our DNA is being reprogrammed to trigger our metamorphosis and

activate our light body. Time is speeding up because of Earth’s
changing electromagnetic forces. Some believe that our 24 hour day
has been condensed into a 16 hour day.

It has become very clear about Earth’s place in our solar system and
how we are a part of Her. When she is affected by increases in energy
coming from Galactic Center, so are we. She is a living being
undergoing her own process of growth and transformation. Our
development mirrors hers. We and Earth are raising our vibrational frequencies, which is slowly
birthing us both into a dimension or reality.

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What to Expect
I think that we will continue to experience time speeding up. Let’s imagine our galaxy as a vortex that
both sends and receives energy and moves time and lie down an ever-narrowing spiral towards an
Omega Point. We would experience time is speeding up and find
ourselves playing out our karmic patterns in shorter and shorter cycles.

Once we pass through the wormhole and emerge out the other side, we
find ourselves in a new dimension or reality where our ability to perceive
is greatly expanded—a scenario that follows very closely the prophesies
of the Mayans and other indigenous traditions.
At some point, time flatlines as we get close to the center of the wormhole, and we might feel as though
we are entering the eye of a hurricane.

I don’t know about you, but when I watch this, I feel as though I am in the birth canal and heading for
the light at the end of the tunnel.

If the idea of a shift in perception is difficult to grasp, here are some images to help your imagination.
Go to to view these images:

Here is another image to help you understand perceptual shifts. Up until about 1987, we were able to
perceive only this very narrow bandwidth of frequencies that are available in our Milky Way Galaxy.

During the last 18 years, however, many people have

developed expanded perception. When I think of how many
people are able to channel, the shows there are on TV now
about angels, conversing with dead people and other
paranormal topics, it appears that many people are now able to
perceive with expanded awareness.

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What to Do?
While the background about The Shift is complex and can be mind-blowing, there are several simple
things that we can do to become a conscious participant in it. We all know that the only place where we
have any real power and control is inside ourselves. And this is where we have to go, because it is our
consciousness that will determine how we and all of humanity travel through 2012 and The Shift.

Paying attention to our emotions is critical. Getting caught up in hate, anger, worry, resentment, fear and
jealousy lowers our frequency and provides energy for the forces of chaos and those who feed off it.
There are two points I want to make about this.
1. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have these kinds of feelings, because they are
normal human emotions. We need to be able to move through them and not
get stuck in them.

2. If you remember, the ET J-Rod stressed to Dan Burisch the importance of

humanity not dividing or splitting during the shift of 2012.
Perhaps you’re already seen evidence of an impending split between what might be called the forces of
Light and the forces of Dark. I think what we are really seeing is a struggle between two spiritual paths:
Service to Self and Service to Other.
The path of Service to Self only recently opened to humans, perhaps around the time of Atlantis. Its
followers are known as the “Sons of Darkness". This path involves being self-centered more than 51%
of the time. Extremists who are taking this path to its limit have been seeking control of Earth. Some
of them are so extreme that they are willing to destroy Earth if they cannot be in control.

Followers of the path of Service to Others practice the principles of the Law of One. This path involves
serving the needs of the whole or others more than 51% of the time. Many incarnated on this path are
now ready to move from the current 3D density to the next level of experience known as the 4th Density.
Many of the new children being born are 100% on this path and are helping to raise Earth’s frequency
for The Shift.

Any time we have a judgment about someone and make them bad, we lower our frequency and feed
those on the path of Service to Self.

Positive emotions such as appreciation, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, joy,

ecstasy, happiness and excitement create energy that feeds the forces of Light. Serving the needs of
others without becoming co-dependent is the best way to increase our frequency. The challenge here is
to balance your own needs for basic self care so that you do not become depleted while also focusing
on the needs of the whole. When you master the polarities of Self Needs and Other Needs, your brain
shifts out of duality and “all/nothing” thinking into “both/and” thinking. This shifts consciousness and
perception dramatically and opens the soul to multidimensional awareness.

Every generation has mythologized the struggle between the paths of Service to Self and Services as a
kind of “War in Heaven”— in the Star Wars series the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the Matrix Trilogy and
the Harry Potter series. The struggle between the paths of Service to Self and Service to Other moves
towards its climax in 2012, the battle seems to be accelerating. While the battle is more visible in the
world outside of us, what we see “out there” is really a reflection of the battle between the dark and light
forces inside of us. Our challenge is to embrace the darkness in ourselves and others by using simple
tools such as these to keep your heart open, even when things seem to be going badly.

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Tools for The Shift

The most important thing is that we each continue raising our vibration. Each day we have a constant
stream of opportunities to raise or lower our frequency. The choices we make impact all of creation, if
you remember how you are part of the relay system between you and Galactic Center.

Because the challenges of navigating The Shift can push us to our edges, we sometimes need help.
The problem is that we forget it is available and sometimes we just get so stressed that we forget to ask
for it. Well, here’s some good news. All humans are given two “guardian angels” prior to incarnating.
Russell Boulding’s research revealed that we can now all ask for an additional four angels to help us
get ready for The Shift.

If you decided to do this, just get very quiet and centered and ask for more angels. You don’t have to
ask for all four at once. Once you’ve called them in, sit down and make a list of how you want them to
help you. Put them to work!

What else can you do to prepare for Ascension? From what I can determine, both your body and our
consciousness are already being transformed. Consciousness and matter are both forms of energy.
When we use our minds to think, we create movements of electrical impulses in the brain. When
electrical energy moves, it precipitates aetheric energy and creates our material reality. The same thing
happens with our bodies. How we view ourselves physically creates what we see and believe.

So we have to be conscious of everything we think and feel. If we’ve been heavily influenced by the
negative energy around us—on the TV, in movies, by local/national/international events—then we need
to retrain our minds and our behavior using Inner Work and Outer Work tools.
Inner Work
First, let’s look at the Inner Work part of preparing for The Shift. Lynn Grabhorn created
an inner work tool for retraining our perception that she calls Flip Switching. It makes us
aware how we are transmitting and receiving energy. She describes this process in musical
terms, with the C note as the middle of the scale.

When we emit uplifting energy, we raise not only our own frequency but that of those
around us. When we emit downer energy, we lower our frequency. So, here’s Lynn
Grabhorn’s take on Flip Switching. It’s a kind of “inner work” to look for and find ways to
feel better. It’s a kind of “Inner Work” that makes us aware of the energy we are

Flip Switching is based on the musical concept of Middle C.

Uplifting energy raises us above C, while downer energy lowers our frequency. Here’s how
Flip Switching works. Feel what it is like to cuddle a little puppy, kitty or baby and then
send a wave of this energy to inanimate things around you such as the pencil on your
desk, a doorknob, red traffic lights, blue cars, plants, drivers in the car next to you, your
toothbrush, your computer, birds or your bathroom towel. The goal is to find ways every
day, no matter how you are feeling in the moment, to send out some uplifting vibrations.

Outer Work
Kindness is an “outer work” tool you can do to help you
prepare for 2012 and the coming dimensional shift. I call it
Outer Work because it involves conscious acts of doing.
This tool is doing conscious acts of kindness for yourself,
others and your environment. Here are things to do:

For Yourself:
• Going to bed early
• Not answering the phone at night
• Turning off the TV and reading inspiring books
• Meditating
• Taking soaking baths
• Watching inspiring videos from the Spiritual Cinema Club
For Others:
• Offer to baby-sit for a neighbor's children so they can take a break from
• Hide love notes in your children’s lunches or your partner’s pockets.
• Send a letter to a teacher or minister letting them know what a difference
their acts of kindness made in your life.
• Make an anonymous donation to a person or local charity
• Start a fund-raising drive for a worthy cause (Ryan’s Well)
• Organize your friends or work mates to gather used clothing and give it to
homeless shelters.
• Ask your children to go through their toys and donate some of them to
children who are less fortunate.
• When someone new moves into your neighborhood, bake some cookies and
go over and welcome them to the neighborhood.
For your Environment:
• As you walk through your neighborhood, pick up any trash on the sidewalk
or gutter.
• Put your shopping cart back in its appointed space in the parking lot.
• Plant flowers and trees to beautify where you live
• Recycle your trash
• Practice “use it up, wear it out, make it do”
Here is what kindness is NOT:
• Doing something for others and expecting something in return, including
praise and recognition
• Doing something for others that gives the message they are weak, helpless
or incompetent
• Rescuing people from getting the consequences of their behavior and
prevents them from learning about cause-and-effect (like running your kids
homework to school for them or taking them to school when they’ve missed
the bus)
• Giving unsolicited advice
Kindness isn’t just a fluffy, feel-good or warm-fuzzy concept. What it does for you is the real
issue. It creates a powerful, energetic wave that transforms both the giver and recipient at
such deep levels that it can actually change your DNA. It works miracles that have been
scientifically validated in biology, physiology, psychoneuroimmuniology and physics.

When we open our hearts and reach out to others in kindness, our brain releases
endorphins—the morphine-like chemicals that produce the feelings of exhilaration known
as the “runner’s high.” Acts of kindness, according to researcher Paul Persall, also cause
your brain to release “Substance P,” a neurotransmitter chemical that blocks pain. These
two powerful physiological processes have an immense influence on our body/mind/spirit
and the way that we experience life.
Go Back

The Science of Love

A steady flow of endorphins and Substance P through our bodies strengthens our immune system,
keeps us feeling happy, joyful, optimistic and energized. This heightens our sense of well being so that
we feel calmer, more centered and focused no matter what kind of stressful events might be happening
around us.

Physiologically, these brain chemicals improve circulation, reduce blood

pressure, increase body warmth and improve weight control. Kindness
helps us relax so that we can connect with others and with our own good

The reverse is also true. When we are angry with others, it stops the flow
of these “feel-good” chemicals. They are replaced by cortisol and other
forms of adrenaline that create fight, flight and freeze behaviors
associated with trauma and stress.

When they are flowing through

our bodies, we have a “short fuse” that makes us feel irritable,
hostile, helpless and depressed. Long-term exposure to these
chemicals depletes the body’s organs, lowers the function of the
immune system and leads to dis-ease and illness. Stress and
negative emotion cause our DNA to contract, which stops our

We choose to transmit energy that is above Middle C or Below

Middle C. Our choice creates our reality . . . We not only get what
we expect, we get what we TRANSMIT!
So, take the LOVEvolution Challenge. Practice acts of kindness and flip-switching for one week and
see what happens. The love you send out from your heart is the most powerful force there is. When you
do this, you’ll find your self surrounded by the force of unconditional love and transformed, along with

2012 - Earth Changes

Basic Info
Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
The following is part of a correspondence between myself (Fire Fly in the Dark) and another fellow
humanitarian and global activist from Youtube. It introduces the idea of what the 2012 ascension means
to me when I respond to her gratitudes...

Re: Re: the videos you send... (From: Fire Fly in the Dark)
Yes this does help. Thank you! :D

... I appreciate the vids you send. Very informative as well as positive vids too. You are a
wonderful person! Please keep it up. Your work is valuable and appreciated! :)))

Subject: Re: Re: Re: the videos you send...

Date: Mar 17, 2009
Thanks, Issues!

You know I have been going through a season where I was about ready to walk away from
ytube... my job here is a hard one, and I catch a lot of flack from alot of people here, even my
own brothers and sisters in Christ, you have no idea how mean some christians can be, it's
heartbreaking... but it is messages like yours, thanking me for my contribution, and
encouraging me to continue, that keeps the fire burning in my heart to keep spreading truth. So
I want to thank you for taking the time to message me. You have no idea how you have
blessed my soul this morning. Thank you so much, and please keep in touch!

Love In Christ..
Re: Re: Re: Re: the videos you send... From myself back to our anonymous friend in
common (for sharing the light and helping us all understand a lot of the issues that
matter most!
I am glad I have encouraged you. You encourage me so I wish to reciprocate that back
to you. I do appreciate how you share with me. I am a Christian too so I know that
many have lost touch with what it means to be a true Christian. Love is the foundation
and the goal and everything in between. I also believe more each day in the ascension
of the human soul and the awakening of our DNA. I am beginning to see the
co-relation and that this is ultimately what Jesus came here for. Being trapped within
the 3rd dimension disallows us to see what it means to be in the 4th dimension
(or 5 through 12/13).

Many are content to leave the 'mysteries of God' to God alone. I am not one of them.
That may be true for a time but that time is passing and I do not want to be passed by
time and space on it's way to getting closer to Christ, His Father and the Spirit of God.
We are on our way to becoming even more so to be 'in the image of God'. 2012 is a
year of significance to us and to all of creation. It is a time where we can 'put the
pieces of the puzzle of life' together with the linking pieces being our DNA as well as
the energy waves which are kind of like the breath of God making it's circulation back
to us... now that we are ready for it - whether or not we are aware of it. I see the
distractions and disinformation along with it's God-fearing individual-dissolving
techniques as the orchestrated plan to keep us from becoming aware of higher
consciousness and the next level God says we are prepared for now.

I am composing my 4th issue of 'Issues that Matter Most!' which is a continuation of

issue 1 which introduces the concept of 2012 through 'Planet X' which includes this
concept (in this issue). In fact I will include our correspondence as an introduction to
this view to conscious awareness/awakening if you don't mind. I like to give credit
where credit is due. Therefore I will state, for the record, that you are one that
contributes to the uniting of us all in love and hope! I thank you for contributing to
apart - as another example. On the other end of the scale... an example of healthy gifts being shared that
can still be mixed with something negative is in what we are doing. We seek truth. Yes. But mixed in
with our messages of love and hope we must expose the evil in order to let people know what is
keeping us from love and hope first. The agents of deception are working overtime to squash our
messages of love, hope and truth so we have to focus on these tools of negative evil so that we can help
people see the differences obscured between light and dark via these agents of the elite who wish to
control our minds and spirits with their 'hogwash'!

But I guess we have to use what is there. I try to look at it with comparisons such as this: Perhaps we
are needing to get somewhere but there is only one road going there. Maybe this ONE way is wrought
with inconveniences, hinderances and even danger. Yet it is still the only way that connects us to where
we are going, to who we need to see. Same thing is true for the internet tools we have to use so that we
can connect to each other.

I apologise for my wordiness and for veering slightly off topic (readers of Issues). But thank you (my
Ytube friend) for your friendship and knowledge. :D

Take care to take care as we share what is for our common welfare...

- Fire Fly in the Dark!

Well I think I have gone about as far into this as I have time for. This issue of 'Issues' is overdue and I
want to get it out for you (my fellow freedom fighters and truth seekers) to view and see what I have
had shown to me.

I pray that we all find what we need within ourselves and from our Higher Power (God, Creator,
Supreme Intelligence, Intelligent Force or however you wish to call Him/Her/It – as the over-whelming
evidence proves this scientifically, spiritually and logically to be the case to me). For further
information into my views from the 'UPstream' media's news sources that I turn to for my knowledge
and insights please go to my network or website for gleanings into what I have come to know thus far.
These are posted in each issue of 'Issues' but I will paste them once more for you now for your ease of
mind: >
(network: and

Until next time... Take care to take care as we share what is for our common welfare! :D

- Fire Fly in the Dark (Gord Zaretzki)

Where did you read it first?


The discovery of new startling features on Mars that holds intriguing implications for the

possibility of Life on Mars, was recently reported by U.S. government scientists. It could

also corroborate an aspect of Zecharia Sitchin’s writings - that a leading “ancient

astronaut” was buried on that planet.

A team of scientists from the United States Geological Survey reported at the recent

annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas, that images taken by

NASA’s Mars-orbiting spacecraft Mars Odyssey show what appear to be cave entrances

where primitive life forms – “past or present microbial life” – could have been sheltered,

and where water could exist in liquid form.

A more detailed perusal of the report reveals that the spacecraft actually photographed,

in both visual and infrared, puzzling dark circular structures associated with these

caves - structures ranging in size from 100 to 250 meters (330 to 825 feet).

Picking up the hardly-noticed story in its June 2007 issue, the prestigious journal

Scientific American has now provided additional information: Seven such “football size”

caverns were identified; they are 425 feet deep. They could “serve as havens from

radiation on the surface and so would be the most likely areas to harbor life.”

The journal then added that the caverns “could also accumulate ice, which
could support future human exploration” (by astronauts from Earth).

And then Scientific American augmented the report’s intriguing aspects by headlining


“Cave dwellings” for microbes?? Or does the journal envision shelters for real astronauts?

Back to the Face on Mars

While Scientific American has probably in mind future astronauts, the new discoveries

have important implications for the presence on Mars of “ancient astronauts,” and have

a bearing on the issue of the famed (and controversial) Face on Mars.

In his various volumes of The Earth Chronicles series, Zecharia Sitchin has provided

ancient evidence, both texts on clay tablets and illustrations from cylinder seals,

showing that Mars served as a way station for the Anunnaki “gods” in their space
travels from Nibiru to Earth. (See also the article “Was the ‘Face’ depicted 4,500

years ago?” on this website).

In The Lost Book of Enki (2004) Zecharia wrote in regard to the Face on Mars that it marked

the burial place of an Anunnaki leader named Alalu - that a great rock, fashioned in the image

of his face wearing an astronaut’s helmet, covered a cave in which the dead Anunnaki leader

was laid to rest.

The existence on Mars of large caves (‘caverns’) topped by shaped rock structures – now

revealed by NASA’s new discoveries – was thus actually written about first in Zecharia’s

The Lost Book of Enki three years earlier.

Z. Sitchin 2007

Permission to reprint is hereby granted

on condition that the following is prominently stated:

© Z. Sitchin
Reprinted with
LAND ON MARS 1962 ( reconstruction or real
document ? )
• Added by Fire Fly in the Dark on March 17, 2009 at 6:18pm
• View Videos

It was on an english tv in 1977 in this program :
From what W.Cooper said (
v=qGMdEv6AK8U&feature=related), there would have been a joint american-russian mission
( and possibly helped by alien beings see "ALIENS MEET SOME GOVERNMENT PEOPLE"
William C. stated that after this mission ,they knew mars "could support life",then the year after
,the project of establishing a colonie (on the ground or in a station) began later.
You might see in the document "TRAVEL IN THE TIME AND THE GALAXIE" a station with an
american flag close to mars ,this "was in 1976".
Category: Education

Tags: land travel to mars ufo ovni voyage sur secret disclosure nasa revelation

UFO Lectures by Capt. Bill Robertson:
The power of the 'All-Seeing Eye':>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

A Sign of What’s Really Behind Obama’s Presidency? This photo was taken with a robotic
camera at the 2009 Inauguration. You can see IN FOCUS the face of each individual in the
crowd!!! You can scan, double click and zoom to any section of the assembled throng … wait a
few seconds … and the focus adjusts More ...




How about a couple more pictures relating to the topic of this issue of 'Issues' – particularly
pertaining to 'ASCENSION'?

It's as simple as that (meditating to peacful music) – as long as we do it daily, aspiring to ascend
while letting go of lies and negativity...

Issues that Matter Most!

Free to share because we care!! :D
Something Very Fishy

Bloomberg Finance L.P. is the fastest-growing real-time financial information network in the


Welcome to

Looking Glass News - Tracking the Stories Ignored by the Corporate Media

What I will discuss in next month's issue of 'Issues that Matter MOST!' will be:
'COCAINE: HISTORY AND IMPACT'. I was approached by a friend of mine from my home
town who is a kind and compassionate individual interested in trying to make a positive
impact on the community ravaged by gang activities including the devastating
consequences of many enslaved to crack cocaine! He wishes to get involved in politics
and is taking steps in that direction. One step was to ask me to make a special article
devoted to this issue. This is why I briefly touched on the topic in this issue ('Sloppy
Tradecraft Exposes CIA Drug Plane: ( - Page
22) Of course the Pharma Cartel is part and parcel of this secret government corruption
as well... So I will touch a little more on that aspect too. Recall Issue 3:
If you wish to receive a subscription to Issues that Matter MOST! Monthly online e-mag
please email me to let me know.
The views expressed herein are not entirely the views of the publisher (the clues are in the links.
The links contain the pieces to the puzzle.)
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

• Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.

• Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious
• Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
• Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many
• But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason
and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to

- Gautama Buddha

Fire Fly in the Dark' –

Also known as Gord 'Cat in the Hat' Zaretzki!)
Contact Info: Type my Username: Flyer Fly in the Dark@
Global Activism

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