GIMMI Neurosurgery

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Endoscopic Technology

N e u ro ch i r u rg i e N e u ro s u rg e r y N e u ro c i r u g i a N e u ro ch i r u rg i a

Cat. No. 410

zertifiziert nach: ISO 13485, EN 46001, ISO 9001, Richtlinie Nr. 93/42/EWG certified according to: ISO 13485, EN 46001, ISO 9001, Council Directive 93/42/EEC

Technische nderungen vorbehalten Dieses Prospekt/Katalog darf ausschlielich zur Anbietung und dem An- und Verkauf unserer Erzeugnisse dienen. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, verboten. Bei Missbrauch behalten wir uns Rcknahme der Kataloge und Preislisten sowie Regressmanahmen vor. Technical modifications reserved. This brochure/catalog is intended for the preparation of offers and the purchase and sale of our products only. Any reproduction of its contents, as a whole or in part, is not permitted. In case of misuse we may reclaim the catalog and price lists and reserve the right to take legal actions.

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Cat. No. 100

Chirurgische Instrumente Surgical Instruments Instrumental quirrgico Strumenti chirurgici

Cat. No. 220

Bauch und Thoraxring-System fr die Kinderchirurgie und Mini-Laparotomien nach Carbon Abdomen and Thorax Ring System for Pediatric Surgery and Mini-Laparotomy acc. Carbon Separador abdominal / torcico para ciruga peditrica y Mini-Laparotomas segn Carbon Divaricatore addominale / toracico per chirurgia pediatrica e per Mini-Laparotomie secondo Carbon

Cat. No. 240

Double Double Double Double Clipper Clipper Clipper Clipper

Cat. No. 250

GIMMI Aneurysmen-Clips GIMMI Aneurysm Clips GIMMI Clips para aneurisma GIMMI Clips per aneurisma

Cat. No. 270

Hmorrhoidal-Ligatur Set Haemorrhoidal-Ligator Set Set de ligadura para hemorroides Set di legatura per emorroidi

Cat. No. 280

HF-Chirurgie Zubehr Electrosurgical accessories Accesorios para electrobistures Accessori per elettrobisturi

Cat. No. 290

WAYNE WAYNE WAYNE WAYNE Laminektomiestanze Laminectomy-Punch Pinza cortante para laminectoma Pinza per laminectomia

Cat. No. 310

Steril Container System Steril Container System Sistema de contenedores para esterilizacin Sistema di cestelli per sterilizzazione

Cat. No. 410

Neurochirurgie Neurosurgery Neurocirugia Neurochirurgia


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Cat. No. 080

Bariatric Instrumenten System BIS Bariatric Instrument System BIS Sistema de Instrumental Bariatrico BIS Strumenti per chirurgia dobesit BIS

Cat. No. 120

Gerte Units Equipos Apparecchiature

Cat. No. 121

Digitale Farbfernsehkamera Digital-Colour-TV-Camera

Cat. No. 122

Gerte Units Equipos Apparecchiature

Cat. No. 130

Optiken / Kaltlichtkabel Endoscopes / Fibre optic light cables pticas / Cable de fibra ptica Ottiche / Cavi luce fredda

Cat. No. 140

Chirurgie Surgery Ciruga Chirurgia

Cat. No. 150

Gynkologie Gynaecology Ginecologa Ginecologia

Cat. No. 160

Urologie Urology Urologa Urologia

Cat. No. 170

Arthroscopie Arthroscopy Artroscopia Artroscopia

Cat. No. 210

Mini- und Mikro Instrumente fr die Minimal Invasive Chirurgie nach Carbon Mini and Micro Instruments for the Minimally Invasive Surgery acc. Carbon Instrumental Mini y Micro para la Ciruga Mini Invasiva segn Carbon Strumenti Mini e Micro per la Chirurgia Mini Invasiva secondo Carbon

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Inhaltsbersicht Table of Contents Indice Indice

Skalpelle, Skalpellgriffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Knives, Scalpel Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Bistures, Mangos de bistures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Bisturi, Mancini per bisturi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6

Scheren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Scissors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Tijeras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Forbici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

7 - 22 7 - 22 7 - 22 7 - 22

Pinzetten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Forbici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Pinzas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Pinze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

23 - 30 23 - 30 23 - 30 23 - 30

Aneurysmen Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Aneurysm Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Clips para aneurisma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Clips per aneurisma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

31 - 56 31 - 56 31 - 56 31 - 56

Arterienklemmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Haemostatic Forceps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Pinzas hemostticas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Pinze emostatiche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

57 - 64 57 - 64 57 - 64 57 - 64

Wundspreizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Retractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Separadores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Divaricatori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

65 - 80 65 - 80 65 - 80 65 - 80

Nadelhalter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Needle Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Porta-agujas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Portaghi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

81 - 90 81 - 90 81 - 90 81 - 90

Elevatorien, Raspatorien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Elevators, Raspatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Elevadores, Periosttomos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Elevatori, Periostotomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina IV
GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

91 - 98 91 - 98 91 - 98 91 - 98

Inhaltsbersicht Table of Contents Indice Indice

Sauger und Kanlen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Suction Tubes and Cannulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Tubos de aspiracion y canulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Tubi daspirazione e cannule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

99 - 104 99 - 104 99 - 104 99 - 104

Hypophysektomie-Instrumente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Hypophysectomy Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Strumenti per ipofisectomia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

105 - 110 105 - 110 105 - 110 105 - 110

Laminektomie-Stanzen und Zangen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Laminectomy Punches and Rongeurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Pinze per laminectomia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

111 - 128 111 - 128 111 - 128 111 - 128

Hohlmeielzangen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Bone Rongeurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Pinzas Gubias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Pinze Sgorbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

129 - 136 129 - 136 129 - 136 129 - 136

Haken, Dissektoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Hooks, Dissectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Separadores, Disecadores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Uncini, Dissettori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

137 - 144 137 - 144 137 - 144 137 - 144

Scharfe Lffel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Bone Curettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Cucharillas cortantes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Curette taglienti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

145 - 148 145 - 148 145 - 148 145 - 148

Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Cinceles y gubias para huesos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Scalpelli ed Osteotomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

149 - 154 149 - 154 149 - 154 149 - 154

Instrumente zur Schdelffnung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Instruments for Cranial Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Instrumentos para apertura craneana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Strumenti per lapertura del cranio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

155 - 164 155 - 164 155 - 164 155 - 164 V

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Inhaltsbersicht Table of Contents Indice Indice

HF-Chirurgie Zubehr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Electrosurgical Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Accesorios para electrobistures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Accessori per elettrobisturi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

165 - 200 165 - 200 165 - 200 165 - 200

Spinale Endoskopie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Spinal Endoscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Endoscopia de columna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Neuro-Endoscopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

201 - 210 201 - 210 201 - 210 201 - 210

Inhaltsverzeichnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Indice alfabetico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Indice alfabtico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

212 - 225 212 - 225 212 - 225 212 - 225

Nummernverzeichnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seite Index of Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Indice numerico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pgina Indice numrico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pagina

226 - 235 226 - 235 226 - 235 226 - 235


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Rasierklingen, Rasierklingenhalter und -brecher Razor Blades, Razor Blade Holders and Breakers Hojas de afeitar, Pinzas para sujetar y romper hojas de afeitar Lamette da rasoio, Pinze per afferrare e rompere le lamette

Packung 10 Klingen Package of 10 blades Paquete de 10 hojas Scatola con 10 lame


TROUTMAN-CRIS AA.0870.09 100 mm / 4

CASTROVIEJO AA.0872.13 130 mm / 5 14

Skalpellgriffe und Skalpellklingen Scalpel Handles and Scalpel Blades Mangos de bistur y Hojas de bistur Manici per bisturi e Lame per bisturi

No. 7

No. 3

Fig.10 AA.0900.10

Fig.11 AA.0900.11

Fig.12 AA.0900.12

* doppelschneidig * double cutting * dos filos de corte * taglio doppio

massiv solid pleno pieno STANDARD AA.0881.03 120 mm / 4 34

massiv solid pleno pieno

Verpackungseinheit: 100 Stck (steril) Package: 100 pieces (sterile) Confecin: 100 piezas (estriles) Confezione: 100 pezzi (sterili) Fig.12d AA.0901.12 Fig.15 AA.0900.15

AA.0886.70 160 mm / 6 14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Skalpellgriffe und Skalpellklingen Scalpel Handles and Scalpel Blades Mangos de bistur y Hojas de bistur Manici per bisturi e Lame per bisturi

AA.0890.13 130 mm / 5 18

AA.0890.15 150 mm / 5 34

AA.0890.18 180 mm / 7

AA.0890.20 200 mm / 8

AA.0890.21 210 mm / 8 14

AA.0890.25 250 mm / 10

Verpackungseinheit: 10 Stck Package: 10 pieces Confecin: 10 piezas Confezione: 10 pezzi





GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Instrumente Micro Instruments Instrumentos para microciruga Strumenti per microchirurgia

1,0 mm

1,5 mm

CY.1848.10 230 mm / 9

CY.1848.15 230 mm / 9

2,0 mm

2,5 mm

CY.1848.20 230 mm / 9

CY.1848.25 230 mm / 9

3,0 mm

3,5 mm

CY.1848.30 230 mm / 9

CY.1848.35 230 mm / 9

CY.1846.16 160 mm / 6 12

4,0 mm

5,0 mm

CY.1848.40 230 mm / 9

CY.1848.50 230 mm / 9

CY.1846.19 185 mm / 7 14

JACOBSON Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

SAMII Tumormesser Tumor knife Cuchillo para sacar organos Bisturi per afferrare tumori

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Instrumente Micro Instruments Instrumentos para microciruga Strumenti per microchirurgia

YASARGIL CY.1850.19 185 mm / 7 14 Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

YASARGIL CY.1852.19 185 mm / 7 14 Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

YASARGIL CY.1854.19 185 mm / 7 14 Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

YASARGIL CY.1856.19 185 mm / 7 14 Scharfer Mikro-Lffel Micro scoop, sharp Cucharilla cortante Curetta tagliente

YASARGIL CY.1858.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

YASARGIL CY.1860.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

KOOS CY.1870.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

KOOS CY.1872.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

Schneide seitlich lateral cutting edge filo de corte lateral taglio latrale

KOOS CY.1874.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

KOOS CY.1876.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

KRAUS CY.1878.19 185 mm / 7 14 Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Instrumente Micro Instruments Instrumentos para microciruga Strumenti per microchirurgia

CY.1884.23 230 mm / 9

CY.1886.23 230 mm / 9

CY.1880.23 230 mm / 9 Lanzettenmesser, biegsam Lancet knife, malleable Lanceta cuchillo maleable Bisturi per lanzetta malleabile

CY.1882.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor, biegsam Dissector, malleable Disecador, maleable Dissettore, malleabile

CY.1884.23 - CY.1886.23 230 mm / 9 Knopfsonden, biegsam Buttoned probes, malleable Sondas abotonadas, maleable Sonde bottonuta, malleabile

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Chirurgische Scheren Operating Scissors Tijeras para ciruga Forbici per chirurgia

AA.1105.10 AA.1105.11 AA.1105.13 AA.1105.14 AA.1105.15 AA.1105.16 AA.1105.17 AA.1105.18 AA.1105.20 STANDARD AA.1105.10 - AA.1105.20

100 mm / 4 14 110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 150 mm / 6 160 mm / 6 12 170 mm / 6 34 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8

AA.1110.11 AA.1110.13 AA.1110.14 AA.1110.15 AA.1110.16 AA.1110.17 AA.1110.18 AA.1110.20 STANDARD AA.1110.11 - AA.1110.20

110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 150 mm / 6 160 mm / 6 12 170 mm / 6 34 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Prparierscheren Operating Scissors Tijeras para preparaciones Forbici per dissezione

AA.1253.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1258.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1329.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1330.14 140 mm / 5 12

METZENBAUM AA.1253.14 - AA.1258.14

METZENBAUM-FINO AA.1329.14 - AA.1330.14

AA.1267.15 150 mm / 6

AA.1268.15 150 mm / 6 AA.1353.14 140 mm / 5 12 AA.1354.14 140 mm / 5 12

METZENBAUM AA.1267.15 - AA.1268.15

JOSEPH AA.1353.14 - AA.1354.14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Prparierscheren Operating Scissors Tijeras para preparaciones Forbici per dissezione

AA.1283.18 AA.1283.20

180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8

AA.1288.18 AA.1288.20

180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8

METZENBAUM - NELSON AA.1283.18 - AA.1288.20

AA.1362.11 AA.1362.12 AA.1362.15

110 mm / 4 12 120 mm / 4 34 150 mm / 6

AA.1368.15 AA.1368.18

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7

KILNER (RAGNELL) AA.1362.11 - AA.1362.15

REYNOLDS AA.1368.15 - AA.1368.18


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Scheren fr die Gefchirurgie Vascular Scissors Tijeras para la ciruga cardiovascular Forbici per la chirurgia cardiovascolare

90 125 AA.1383.90 170 mm / 6 34 AA.1384.00 170 mm / 6 34

AA.1395.60 180 mm / 7

DIETHRICH AA.1383.90 - AA.1384.00




AA.1394.60 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1394.61 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1394.62 190 mm / 7 12

POTTS - SMITH AA.1394.60 - AA.1394.62

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Scheren fr Neurochirurgie Neurosurgical Scissors Tijeras para neurociruga Forbici per neurochirurgia

AA.1448.22 220 mm / 8 34

AA.1450.22 220 mm / 8 34

SCHMIEDEN - TAYLOR AA.1458.17 170 mm / 6 34


sehr fein very delicate muy fino strafino

fein delicate fino delicato

JAMESON AA.1460.15 150 mm / 6

TOENNIS - ADSON AA.1461.17 170 mm / 6 34

TOENNIS - ADSON AA.1462.17 170 mm / 6 34


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Scheren fr Neurochirurgie Neurosurgical Scissors Tijeras para neurociruga Forbici per neurochirurgia

AA.1468.18 180 mm / 7 sehr fein very delicate muy fino strafino

AA.1469.18 180 mm / 7 fein delicate fino delicato

AA.1470.18 180 mm / 7 fein delicate fino delicato

TOENNIS AA.1468.18 - AA.1470.18

OLIVECRONA AA.1478.23 230 mm / 9

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Feine chirurgische Scheren Fine operating Scissors Tijeras finas para ciruga Forbici fine per chirurgia

AA.1570.13 130 mm / 5 gezahnt, serrated dentada, dentata GOLDMANN - FOX

AA.1633.11 110 mm / 4 12

AA.1634.11 110 mm / 4 12

AA.1633.11 - AA.1634.11

AA.1683.11 110 mm / 4 12

AA.1684.11 110 mm / 4 12

AA.1685.11 110 mm / 4 12

AA.1686.11 110 mm / 4 12

spitz / sharp / agudas / acute

stumpf / blunt / romas / smusse

STEVENS AA.1683.11 - AA.1684.11

STEVENS AA.1685.11 - AA.1686.11


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Scheren Micro Scissors Micro Tijeras Micro-Forbici

AA.1763.09 90 mm / 3 12

AA.1764.09 90 mm / 3 12

AA.1765.09 90 mm / 3 12

AA.1766.09 90 mm / 3 12

VANNAS AA.1765.09 - AA.1766.09

AA.1767.10 105 mm / 4 18

AA.1766.09 105 mm / 4 18

AA.1730.13 125 mm / 5

AA.1732.13 125 mm / 5

AA.1767.10 - AA.1768.10

AA.1730.13 - AA.1732.13

AA.1733.13 120 mm / 4 34

AA.1734.13 120 mm / 4 34

AA.1728.13 130 mm / 5 12

AA.1735.13 120 mm / 4 34 VANNAS AA.1733.13 - AA.1735.13 BIEMER

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Mikro-Scheren Micro Scissors Micro Tijeras Micro-Forbici

AA.1759.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1760.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1776.00 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1776.01 140 mm / 5 12

1 Schneide gezahnt 1 blade serrated 1 hoja dentada 1 lama dentata AA.1776.02 140 mm / 5 12

GOMEL AA.1733.13 - AA.1735.13

AA.1776.00 - AA.1776.02

AA.1776.04 160 mm / 6 14

AA.1776.04 - AA.1776.06


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Scheren Micro Scissors Micro Tijeras Micro-Forbici

AA.1739.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1740.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1741.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1742.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1733.13 - AA.1735.13

AA.1751.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1752.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1753.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1754.19 190 mm / 7 12

AA.1751.19 - AA.1752.19

AA.1753.19 - AA.1754.19

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Titan Mikro Scheren Titanium Micro Scissors Micro Tijeras in titanio Micro-Forbici in titanio

gezahnt serrated dentada dentata AA.1788.18 AA.1788.21 AA.1788.23 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1789.18 AA.1789.21 AA.1789.23 AA.1790.18 AA.1790.21 AA.1790.23 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1791.18 AA.1791.21 AA.1791.23

AA.1792.18 AA.1792.21 AA.1792.23

fein delicate fino delicato 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1793.18 AA.1793.21 AA.1793.23

AA.1788.18 - AA.1793.23

gezahnt serrated dentada dentata AA.1794.15 AA.1794.18 AA.1794.21 AA.1794.23 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1795.15 AA.1795.18 AA.1795.21 AA.1795.23 AA.1796.15 AA.1796.18 AA.1796.21 AA.1796.23 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1797.15 AA.1797.18 AA.1797.21 AA.1797.23


fein delicate fino delicato AA.1798.15 AA.1798.18 AA.1798.21 AA.1798.23 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14 230 mm / 9 AA.1799.15 AA.1799.18 AA.1799.21 AA.1799.23

AA.1794.15 - AA.1799.23


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Titan Mikro Scheren Titanium Micro Scissors Micro-tijeras in titanio Micro-Forbici in titanio
25 45

60 90 120

AA.1800.25 185 mm / 7 14

AA.1800.45 185 mm / 7 14

AA.1800.60 185 mm / 7 14

AA.1800.90 185 mm / 7 14

AA.1800.12 185 mm / 7 14


AA.1800.12 - AA.1800.90

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Scheren mit Hartmetalleinstzen Scissors with Tungsten Carbide Inserts Tijeras con filos de carburo de tungsteno Forbici con inserti al carburo di tungsteno

Nahtscheren Suture Scissors Tijeras para sutura Forbici per sutura

AA.1915.15 AA.1915.18 AA.1915.23 AA.1915.26

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 230 mm / 9 260 mm / 10 12

AA.1946.18 180 mm / 7

AA.1957.14 140 mm / 5 12

AA.1958.14 140 mm / 5 12


METZENBAUM - FINO AA.1957.14 - AA.1958.14


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Scheren mit Hartmetalleinstzen Scissors with Tungsten Carbide Inserts Tijeras con filos de carburo de tungsteno Forbici con inserti al carburo di tungsteno

AA.1963.18 AA.1963.20 AA.1963.23

180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 230 mm / 9

AA.1964.18 AA.1964.20 AA.1964.23 AA.1964.25 AA.1964.28

180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 230 mm / 9 250 mm / 10 280 mm / 11

METZENBAUM - FINO AA.1963.18 - AA.1963.23

METZENBAUM - FINO AA.1964.18 - AA.1964.28

AA.1969.17 170 mm / 6 34


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Tumorpinzetten Tumor Forceps Pinzas para tumores Pinze per tumori




AB.1005.03 220 mm / 8 34

AB.1006.03 220 mm / 8 34

AB.1008.03 220 mm / 8 34




AB.1004.01 200 mm / 8

AB.1005.05 220 mm / 8 34

AB.1006.05 220 mm / 8 34

AB.1008.05 220 mm / 8 34


YASARGIL AB.1005.03 - AB.1005.05

YASARGIL AB.1006.03 - AB.1006.05

YASARGIL AB.1008.03 - AB.1008.05


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro-Pinzetten Micro-Forceps Micro-Pinzas Micro-Pinze

AB.1009.01 160 mm / 6 12

AB.1009.02 160 mm / 6 12

AB.1019.16 160 mm / 6 12

Mikro - Nadelhalter Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas Micro - Portaghi




AB.1010.12 AB.1010.15 AB.1010.18

120 mm / 4 34 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7

AB.1012.15 AB.1012.18

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7


AB.1011.12 AB.1011.15 AB.1011.18

120 mm / 4 34 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7

AB.1013.15 AB.1013.18

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7

AB.1010.12 - AB.1010.18

AB.1012.12 - AB.1013.18

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Mikro-Pinzetten Micro-Forceps Micro-Pinzas Micro-Pinze

1 mm 2 mm

AB.1014.15 AB.1014.18 AB.1014.21

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14

AB.1015.15 AB.1015.18 AB.1015.21

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14


AB.1014.15 - AB.1015.22

AB.1023.01 230 mm / 9 AB.1022.01 185 mm / 7 14 AB.1022.02 185 mm / 7 14 AB.1022.03 185 mm / 7 14

AB.1023.02 230 mm / 9

AB.1022.01 - AB.1022.03

AB.1022.01 - AB.1022.03


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anatomische Pinzetten Dressing Forceps Pinzas de diseccin Pinze anatomiche per dissezione

AB.1103.11 AB.1103.13 AB.1103.14 AB.1103.16 AB.1103.18 AB.1103.20 AB.1103.25 AB.1103.30

110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 250 mm / 10 300 mm / 12

AB.1104.10 AB.1104.11 AB.1104.13 AB.1104.14 AB.1104.16 AB.1104.18 AB.1104.20 AB.1104.25 AB.1104.30

100 mm / 4 14 110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 250 mm / 10 300 mm / 12

schmal narrow estrechas strette STANDARD AB.1103.11 - AB.1103.30 STANDARD AB.1104.10 - AB.1104.30

AB.1108.10 AB.1108.11 AB.1108.13 AB.1108.14 AB.1108.15 AB.1108.16 AB.1108.18 AB.1108.20 AB.1108.25 AB.1108.30

100 mm / 4 14 110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 150 mm / 6 160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 250 mm / 10 300 mm / 12

AB.1129.13 130 mm / 5

AB.1129.14 140 mm / 5 12

STANDARD AB.1108.10 - AB.1108.30

AB.1129.13 - AB.1129.14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anatomische Pinzetten Dressing Forceps Pinzas de diseccin Pinze anatomiche per dissezione

AB.1133.15 AB.1133.18 AB.1133.20

150 mm / 5 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8

STILLE AB.1133.15 - AB.1133.20

AB.1143.09 AB.1143.10 AB.1143.11 AB.1143.13 AB.1143.14

90 mm / 3 12 100 mm / 4 14 110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12

AB.1144.09 AB.1144.10 AB.1144.11 AB.1144.13 AB.1144.14

90 mm / 3 12 100 mm / 4 14 110 mm / 4 12 130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12

AB.1143.09 - AB.1144.14


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Chirurgische Pinzetten Tissue Forceps Pinzas de diseccin con dientes Pinze chirurgiche

AB.1306.14 AB.1306.16

140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12

AB.1307.14 AB.1307.16

140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12

3x4 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

4x5 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

AB.1306.14 - AB.1306.16

AB.1307.14 - AB.1307.16

AB.1324.13 AB.1324.14 AB.1324.16 AB.1324.20

130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12 200 mm / 8

AB.1329.13 AB.1329.14

130 mm / 5 140 mm / 5 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

AB.1324.13 - AB.1324.20

AB.1307.14 - AB.1307.16

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr permanenten Verschlu for permanent closure para oclusin permanente per occlusione permanente

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8940.00 J.8940.00T 6,2 mm 150 gms

J.8950.00 J.8950.00T 7,0 mm 180 gms

J.8960.00 J.8960.00T 7,8 mm 180 gms

J.8980.00 J.8980.00T 9,2 mm 200 gms

J.8992.00 J.8992.00T 10,6 mm 200 gms

J.8990.00 J.8990.00T 11,4 mm 200 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8040.00 J.8040.00T 13,3 mm 200 gms

J.8942.00 J.8942.00T 6,0 mm 150 gms

J.8952.00 J.8952.00T 6,8 mm 180 gms

J.8962.00 J.8962.00T 7,5 mm 180 gms

J.8982.00 J.8982.00T 8,7 mm 200 gms

J.8995.00 J.8995.00T 11,0 mm 200 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8944.00 J.8944.00T 5,5 mm 150 gms

J.8954.00 J.8954.00T 6,1 mm 180 gms

J.8964.00 J.8964.00T 6,5 mm 180 gms

J.8984.00 J.8984.00T 7,4 mm 200 gms

J.8096.00 J.8096.00T 9,9 mm 200 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr permanenten Verschlu for permanent closure para oclusin permanente per occlusione permanente

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8023.00 J.8023.00T 5,4 mm 180 gms

J.8024.00 J.8024.00T 5,8 mm 180 gms

J.8025.00 J.8025.00T 6,2 mm 180 gms

J.8948.00 J.8948.00T 7,9 mm 200 gms

J.8958.00 J.8958.00T 8,7 mm 200 gms

J.8959.00 J.8959.00T 10,2 mm 200 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8997.00 J.8997.00T 11,9 mm 180 gms

J.8998.00 J.8998.00T 13,0 mm 180 gms

J.8803.00 J.8803.00T 6,2 mm 200 gms

J.8813.00 J.8813.00T 6,5 mm 200 gms

J.8823.00 J.8823.00T 7,8 mm 200 gms

J.8963.00 J.8963.00T 8,4 mm 200 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8019.00 J.8019.00T 5,6 mm 200 gms

J.8020.00 J.8020.00T 5,6 mm 200 gms

J.8022.00 J.8022.00T 5,6 mm 200 gms

J.8050.00 J.8050.00T 5,4 mm 200 gms

J.8051.00 J.8051.00T 5,6 mm 200 gms

J.8030.00 J.8030.00T 7,2 mm 200 gms


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr permanenten Verschlu for permanent closure para oclusin permanente per occlusione permanente

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8032.00 J.8032.00T 7,2 mm 200 gms

J.8033.00 J.8033.00T 8,2 mm 200 gms

J.8946.00 J.8946.00T 5,7 mm 200 gms

J.8961.00 J.8961.00T 8,0 mm 200 gms

J.8947.00 J.8947.00T 6,2 mm 200 gms

J.8097.00 J.8097.00T 7,5 mm 200 gms

fr permanenten Verschlu gefenstert 3,5 mm for permanent closure fenestrated 3,5 mm para oclusin permanente finestrado 3,5 mm per occlusione permanente finestrato 3,5 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8800.00 J.8800.00T 7,4 mm 150 gms

J.8810.00 J.8810.00T 8,4 mm 150 gms

J.8820.00 J.8820.00T 9,6 mm 180 gms

J.8802.00 J.8802.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8812.00 J.8812.00T 6,5 mm 150 gms

J.8822.00 J.8822.00T 7,2 mm 180 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8804.00 J.8804.00T 4,9 mm 150 gms

J.8814.00 J.8814.00T 4,9 mm 150 gms

J.8824.00 J.8824.00T 4,9 mm 180 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr permanenten Verschlu gefenstert 5,0 mm for permanent closure fenestrated 5,0 mm para oclusin permanente finestrado 5,0 mm per occlusione permanente finestrato 5,0 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8840.00 J.8840.00T 7,9 mm 150 gms

J.8850.00 J.8850.00T 9,1 mm 150 gms

J.8860.00 J.8860.00T 10,3 mm 180 gms

J.8842.00 J.8842.00T 6,5 mm 150 gms

J.8852.00 J.8852.00T 7,2 mm 150 gms

J.8862.00 J.8862.00T 7,8 mm 180 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8844.00 J.8844.00T 5,5 mm 150 gms

J.8854.00 J.8854.00T 5,5 mm 150 gms

J.8864.00 J.8864.00T 5,5 mm 180 gms

J.8848.00 J.8848.00T 7,9 mm 150 gms

J.8858.00 J.8858.00T 8,8 mm 150 gms

J.8868.00 J.8868.00T 10,0 mm 180 gms


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr permanenten Verschlu gefenstert 5,0 mm for permanent closure fenestrated 5,0 mm para oclusin permanente finestrado 5,0 mm per occlusione permanente finestrato 5,0 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8974.00 J.8974.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8975.00 J.8975.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8976.00 J.8976.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8977.00 J.8977.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8978.00 J.8978.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8979.00 J.8979.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8081.00 J.8081.00T 7,0 mm 150 gms

J.8082.00 J.8082.00T 7,8 mm 150 gms

J.8083.00 J.8083.00T 8,8 mm 150 gms

J.8086.00 J.8086.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

J.8087.00 J.8087.00T 6,2 mm 150 gms

J.8088.00 J.8088.00T 5,8 mm 150 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8089.00 J.8089.00T 6,2 mm 150 gms

J.8091.00 J.8091.00T 5,6 mm 150 gms

J.8092.00 J.8092.00T 5,6 mm 150 gms

J.8093.00 J.8093.00T 5,6 mm 150 gms

J.8094.00 J.8094.00T 5,6 mm 150 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr temporren Verschlu for temporary closure para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.00 J.8826.00T 6,2 mm 110 gms

J.8826.01 J.8826.01T 7,0 mm 90 gms

J.8826.02 J.8826.02T 7,8 mm 90 gms

J.8826.03 J.8826.03T 9,2 mm 90 gms

J.8826.04 J.8826.04T 10,6 mm 90 gms

J.8826.05 J.8826.05T 11,4 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.06 J.8826.06T 13,3 mm 110 gms

J.8826.07 J.8826.07T 6,0 mm 110 gms

J.8826.08 J.8826.08T 6,8 mm 90 gms

J.8826.09 J.8826.09T 7,5 mm 90 gms

J.8826.10 J.8826.10T 8,7 mm 110 gms

J.8826.11 J.8826.11T 11,0 mm 90 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.12 J.8826.12T 5,5 mm 110 gms

J.8826.13 J.8826.13T 6,1 mm 110 gms

J.8826.14 J.8826.14T 6,5 mm 110 gms

J.8826.15 J.8826.15T 7,4 mm 110 gms

J.8826.16 J.8826.16T 9,9 mm 90 gms


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr temporren Verschlu for temporary closure para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.17 J.8826.17T 5,4 mm 110 gms

J.8826.18 J.8826.18T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8826.19 J.8826.19T 6,2 mm 110 gms

J.8826.20 J.8826.20T 7,9 mm 90 gms

J.8826.21 J.8826.21T 8,7 mm 90 gms

J.8826.22 J.8826.22T 10,2 mm 90 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.23 J.8826.23T 11,9 mm 90 gms

J.8826.24 J.8826.24T 13,0 mm 90 gms

J.8826.25 J.8826.25T 6,2 mm 110 gms

J.8826.26 J.8826.26T 6,5 mm 110 gms

J.8826.27 J.8826.27T 7,8 mm 110 gms

J.8826.28 J.8826.28T 8,4 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.29 J.8826.29T 5,6 mm 130 gms

J.8826.30 J.8826.30T 5,6 mm 130 gms

J.8826.31 J.8826.31T 5,6 mm 130 gms

J.8826.32 J.8826.32T 5,4 mm 130 gms

J.8826.33 J.8826.33T 5,6 mm 130 gms

J.8826.34 J.8826.34T 7,2 mm 90 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr temporren Verschlu for temporary closure para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8826.35 J.8826.35T 7,2 mm 90 gms

J.8826.36 J.8826.36T 8,2 mm 90 gms

J.8826.37 J.8826.37T 5,7 mm 90 gms

J.8826.38 J.8826.38T 8,0 mm 90 gms

J.8826.39 J.8826.39T 6,2 mm 90 gms

J.8826.40 J.8826.40T 7,5 mm 90 gms

fr temporren Verschlu gefenstert 3,5 mm for temporary closure fenestrated 3,5 mm para oclusin temporal finestrado 3,5 mm per occlusione temporale finestrato 3,5 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8827.00 J.8827.00T 7,4 mm 110 gms

J.8827.01 J.8827.01T 8,4 mm 110 gms

J.8827.02 J.8827.02T 9,6 mm 90 gms

J.8827.03 J.8827.03T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8827.04 J.8827.04T 6,5 mm 110 gms

J.8827.05 J.8827.05T 7,2 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8827.06 J.8827.06T 4,9 mm 110 gms

J.8827.07 J.8827.07T 4,9 mm 110 gms

J.8827.08 J.8827.08T 4,9 mm 110 gms

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr temporren Verschlu gefenstert 5,0 mm for temporary closure fenestrated 5,0 mm para oclusin temporal finestrado 5,0 mm per occlusione temporale finestrato 5,0 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8828.00 J.8828.00T 7,9 mm 110 gms

J.8828.01 J.8828.01T 9,1 mm 100 gms

J.8828.02 J.8828.02T 10,3 mm 90 gms

J.8828.03 J.8828.03T 6,5 mm 110 gms

J.8828.04 J.8828.04T 7,2 mm 110 gms

J.8828.05 J.8828.05T 7,8 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8828.06 J.8828.06T 5,5 mm 110 gms

J.8828.07 J.8828.07T 5,5 mm 110 gms

J.8828.08 J.8828.08T 5,5 mm 90 gms

J.8828.09 J.8828.09T 7,9 mm 90 gms

J.8828.10 J.8828.10T 8,8 mm 90 gms

J.8828.11 J.8828.11T 10,0 mm 90 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Standard GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Standard

fr temporren Verschlu gefenstert 5,0 mm for temporary closure fenestrated 5,0 mm para oclusin temporal finestrado 5,0 mm per occlusione temporale finestrato 5,0 mm

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8828.12 J.8828.12T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.13 J.8828.13T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.14 J.8828.14T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.15 J.8828.15T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.16 J.8828.16T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.17 J.8828.17T 5,8 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8828.18 J.8828.18T 7,0 mm 110 gms

J.8828.19 J.8828.19T 7,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.20 J.8828.20T 8,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.21 J.8828.21T 5,8 mm 110 gms

J.8828.22 J.8828.22T 6,2 mm 110 gms

J.8828.23 J.8828.23T 5,8 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8828.24 J.8828.24T 6,2 mm 110 gms

J.8828.25 J.8828.25T 5,6 mm 110 gms

J.8828.26 J.8828.26T 5,6 mm 110 gms

J.8828.27 J.8828.27T 5,6 mm 110 gms

J.8828.28 J.8828.28T 5,6 mm 110 gms


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Mini

fr permanenten Verschlu for permanent closure para oclusin permanente per occlusione permanente

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8880.00 J.8880.00T 3,3 mm 110 gms

J.8890.00 J.8890.00T 4,0 mm 110 gms

J.8900.00 J.8900.00T 3,3 mm 110 gms

J.8910.00 J.8910.00T 4,0 mm 110 gms

J.8920.00 J.8920.00T 4,6 mm 110 gms

J.8882.00 J.8882.00T 3,2 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8892.00 J.8892.00T 3,8 mm 110 gms

J.8911.00 J.8911.00T 3,6 mm 110 gms

J.8912.00 J.8912.00T 3,8 mm 110 gms

J.8913.00 J.8913.00T 3,6 mm 110 gms

J.8926.00 J.8926.00T 4,0 mm 110 gms

J.8922.00 J.8922.00T 4,4 mm 110 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8894.00 J.8894.00T 3,6 mm 110 gms

J.8914.00 J.8914.00T 3,5 mm 110 gms

J.8924.00 J.8924.00T 4,0 mm 110 gms

J.8916.00 J.8916.00T 3,5 mm 130 gms

J.8917.00 J.8917.00T 6,0 mm 130 gms

J.8927.00 J.8927.00T 7,0 mm 130 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8928.00 J.8928.00T 5,7 mm 130 gms

J.8006.00 J.8006.00T 4,5 mm 130 gms



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysmen-Gef-Clips Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Aneurysm-Vessel-Clips Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Clips para aneurisma Mini GIMMI YASARGIL Clips per aneurisma Mini

fr temporren Verschlu for temporary closure para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8829.00 J.8829.00T 3,3 mm 90 gms

J.8829.01 J.8829.01T 4,0 mm 70 gms

J.8829.02 J.8829.02T 3,3 mm 90 gms

J.8829.03 J.8829.03T 4,0 mm 70 gms

J.8829.04 J.8829.04T 4,6 mm 70 gms

J.8829.05 J.8829.05T 3,2 mm 90 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8829.06 J.8829.06T 3,8 mm 70 gms

J.8829.07 J.8829.07T 3,6 mm 80 gms

J.8829.08 J.8829.08T 3,8 mm 70 gms

J.8829.09 J.8829.09T 3,6 mm 80 gms

J.8829.10 J.8829.10T 4,0 mm 70 gms

J.8829.11 J.8829.11T 4,4 mm 70 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8829.12 J.8829.12T 3,6 mm 80 gms

J.8829.13 J.8829.13T 3,5 mm 80 gms

J.8829.14 J.8829.14T 4,0 mm 70 gms

J.8829.15 J.8829.15T 3,5 mm 70 gms

J.8829.16 J.8829.16T 6,0 mm 70 gms

J.8829.17 J.8829.17T 7,0 mm 70 gms

Cat. No.
max.ffnung / max. opening apertura / apertura Druck / Pressure presin / pressione

J.8829.18 J.8829.18T 5,7 mm 70 gms

J.8829.19 J.8829.19T 4,5 mm 70 gms


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff Applying Forceps with round handle Pinzas para clips con mango redondo Pinze per clips con manico tondo

FLEXIBLE Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff FLEXIBLE Applying forceps with round handle Pinzas para clips con mango redondo, FLEXIBILE Pinze per clips con manico tondo, FLESSIBILE
drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

110 mm 4 1/3

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante

70 mm 2 3/4 90 mm 3 1/2 110 mm 4 1/3

J.8127.00 J.8129.00 J.8131.00

J.8127.10 J.8129.10 J.8121.10

J.8227.00 J.8229.00 J.8231.00

J.8227.10 J.8229.10 J.8221.10

Beispiel fr Drehmechanismus Example of rotation Ejemplo del mecanismo de rotacin Esempio del meccanismo di rotazione

STARRE Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff RIGID Applying forceps with round handle Pinzas para clips con mango redondo, RIGIDAS Pinze per clips con manico tondo, RIGIDE
nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

110 mm 4 1/3

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

70 mm 2 3/4 90 mm 3 1/2 110 mm 4 1/3

J.8327.00 J.8329.00 J.8331.00

J.8327.10 J.8329.10 J.8321.10

J.8427.00 J.8429.00 J.8431.00

J.8427.10 J.8429.10 J.8431.10


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff Applying Forceps with round handle Pinzas para clips con mango redondo Pinze per clips con manico tondo

STARRE Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff drehbarer Schaft RIGID Applying forceps with round handle revolving shaft Pinzas para clips con mango redondo, RIGIDAS, vastago rotable Pinze per clips con manico tondo, RIGIDE, camicia rotante
drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

110 mm 4 1/3

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante

70 mm 2 3/4 90 mm 3 1/2 110 mm 4 1/3

J.8431.15 J.8431.25 J.8431.35

J.8431.20 J.8431.30 J.8431.40

J.8431.45 J.8431.55 J.8431.65

J.8431.50 J.8431.60 J.8431.70

Beispiel fr Drehmechanismus Example of rotation Ejemplo del mecanismo de rotacin Esempio del meccanismo di rotazione

BAJONETT Anlegezangen mit Rundgriff BAYONET Applying forceps with round handle Pinzas para clips con mango redondo, modelo de bayoneta Pinze per clips con manico tondo, modello a baionetta
nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

110 mm 4 1/3

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

70 mm 2 3/4 90 mm 3 1/2 110 mm 4 1/3

J.8432.00 J.8434.00 J.8436.00

J.8432.10 J.8434.10 J.8436.10

J.8433.00 J.8435.00 J.8437.00

J.8433.10 J.8435.10 J.8437.10

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


STARRE Anlegezangen mit Ringgriff drehbarer Schaft RIGID Applying Forceps with ring handles revolving shaft Pinzas para clips, RIGIDAS vastago rotable Pinze per clips, RIGIDE camicia rotante

Beispiel fr Drehmechanismus Example of rotation Ejemplo del mecanismo de rotacin Esempio del meccanismo di rotazione

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

110 mm 4 1/3

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

70 mm 2 3/4 90 mm 3 1/2 110 mm 4 1/3 130 mm 5 1/8

J.8718.00 J.8719.00 J.8720.00 J.8724.00

J.8721.00 J.8722.00 J.8723.00 J.8725.00

J.8728.00 J.8729.00 J.8730.00 J.8734.00

J.8731.00 J.8732.00 J.8733.00 J.8735.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anlegezangen Applying Forceps Pinzas para clips Pinze per clips

Anlegezangen gerade, mit Sperre Applying Forceps straight, with ratchet Pinzas para clips, rectas, con cierre Pinze per clips, rette, con bloccaggio

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

180 mm 7





Beispiel fr Drehmechanismus Example of rotation Ejemplo del mecanismo de rotacin Esempio del meccanismo di rotazione

Anlegezangen gerade, doppeltbersetzt, mit Sperre Applying Forceps straight, double-action, with ratchet Pinzas para clips, rectas, con cierre, con doble articulatin Pinze per clips, rette, con bloccaggio, con doppio articolazione

nicht drehbar non rotating no rotable non rotante drehbar rotating rotable rotante TITAN drehbar TITANIUM rotating TITANIO rotable TITANIO rotante

STANDARD abwinkelbar with articulation

nicht drehbar non rotating no rotable non rotante drehbar rotating rotable rotante TITAN drehbar TITAN rotating TITANIO rotable TITANIO rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

190 mm 7 1/2







Maulteile bei drehbaren Modellen wahlweise aus TITAN, empfohlen fr TITAN Clips Rotating models optional with TITANIUM jaws, recommended for TITANIUM Clips Puntas distales en modelos rotantes opcional en TITANIO, recomendamos para clips de TITANIO Punta distale nei modelli girevole opzionale in TITANIO, raccomandiamo per clips di TITANIO

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anlegezangen Applying Forceps Pinzas para clips Pinze per clips

Anlegezangen bajonettfrmig, mit Sperre Applying Forceps bayonet-shaped, with ratchet Pinzas para clips, bayoneta, con cierre Pinze per clips, baionetta, con bloccaggio
nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

nicht drehbar / non rotating no rotable / non rotante drehbar / rotating rotable / rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

170 mm 7 210 mm 8 1/4 230 mm 9

J.8740.00 J.8742.00 J.8744.00

J.8741.00 J.8743.00 J.8745.00

J.8750.00 J.8752.00 J.8754.00

J.8751.00 J.8753.00 J.8755.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anlegezangen Applying Forceps Pinzas para clips Pinze per clips

Anlegezangen bajonettfrmig, doppeltbersetzt, mit Sperre Applying Forceps bayonet-shaped, double-action, with ratchet Pinzas para clips, bayoneta, con cierre, con doble articulatin Pinze per clips, baionetta, con bloccaggio, con doppio articolazione

nicht drehbar non rotating no rotable non rotante drehbar rotating rotable rotante TITAN drehbar TITANIUM rotating TITANIO rotable TITANIO rotante

STANDARD abwinkelbar with articulation

nicht drehbar non rotating no rotable non rotante drehbar rotating rotable rotante TITAN drehbar TITAN rotating TITANIO rotable TITANIO rotante

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

210 mm 8 1/4 230 mm 9

J.8757.00 J.8757.17

J.8757.03 J.8757.19

J.8757.05 J.8757.21

J.8757.10 J.8757.23

J.8757.13 J.8757.25

J.8757.15 J.8757.27

Maulteile bei drehbaren Modellen wahlweise aus TITAN, empfohlen fr TITAN Clips Rotating models optional with TITANIUM jaws, recommended for TITANIUM Clips Puntas distales en modelos rotantes opcional en TITANIO, recomendamos para clips de TITANIO Punta distale nei modelli girevole opzionale in TITANIO, raccomandiamo per clips di TITANIO

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Gefclips nach BIEMER BIEMER Vessel Clips Micro Clips segn BIEMER Micro Clips secondo BIEMER

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Maulffnung / Opening of jaws Apertura / Apertura Maullnge / Length of jaws Long. d. boca / Lungh. d. punta Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8760.00 4,0 mm 6,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

J.8761.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

J.8762.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 20 25 g (0,20 0,25 N)

gekennzeichnet durch gelb eingefrbte Federenden, fr Gefe mit einem Durchmesser 0,5 2,0 mm identified by yellow coloured spring ends, for vessel diam. 0,5 2,0 mm

Clips vasculares, para oclusin temporaria, identificables mediante, resorte coloreado en amarillo Clips per uso temporaneo sono identificati con colore giallo sulla molla.

J.8768.00 BIEMER Anlegepinzette ohne Schlo Applying forcepswithout spring catch Pinza para micro-clips sin cierre Pinza per clip senza bloccaggio

J.8769.00 BIEMER Anlegepinzette mit Schlo Applying forcepswith spring catch Pinza para micro-clips con cierre Pinza per clip con bloccaggio


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Gefclips nach MEHDORN MEHDORN Vessel Clips Micro Clips segn MEHDORN Micro Clips secondo MEHDORN

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Maullnge / Length of jaws Long. d. boca / Lungh. d. punta Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8652.00 4,0 x 1,0 mm 10 15 g (0,10 0,15 N)

J.8654.00 4,0 x 1,4 mm 15 20 g (0,15 0,20 N)

J.8756.00 6,0 x 1,0 mm 10 15 g (0,10 0,15 N)

J.8658.00 6,0 x 1,4 mm 15 20 g (0,15 0,20 N)

gekennzeichnet durch gelb eingefrbte Federenden, fr Gefe mit einem Durchmesser 0,5 2,0 mm identified by yellow coloured spring ends, for vessel diam. 0,5 2,0 mm

Clips vasculares, para oclusin temporaria, identificables mediante, resorte coloreado en amarillo Clips per uso temporaneo sono identificati con colore giallo sulla molla.

Beispiel fr die variable Position des Clips Example of various positions of the clip Ejemplo de posicionamento variable del clip Esempio di posizionamento del clip

J.8778.00 MEHDORN Anlegepinzette fr Mikro-Gefclips J.8652.00 J.8658.00 Applying forceps for vessel clips J.8652.00 J.8658.00 Pinza para micro-clips J.8652.00 J.8658.00 Pinza per micro-clip J.8652.00 J.8658.00

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Approximatoren nach BIEMER-MLLER BIEMER-MLLER Approximators Approximadores segn BIEMER-MLLER Approssimatori secondo BIEMER-MLLER

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Maulffnung / Opening of jaws Apertura / Apertura Maullnge / Length of jaws Long. d. boca / Lungh. d. punta Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8815.00 3,0 mm 4,5 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

J.8811.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

J.8712.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

Cat. No.
Maulffnung / Opening of jaws Apertura / Apertura Maullnge / Length of jaws Long. d. boca / Lungh. d. punta Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8713.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

J.8714.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

gekennzeichnet durch gelb eingefrbte Federenden, fr Gefe mit einem Durchmesser 0,5 2,0 mm identified by yellow coloured spring ends, for vessel diam. 0,5 2,0 mm Clips vasculares, para oclusin temporaria, identificables mediante, resorte coloreado en amarillo Clips per uso temporaneo sono identificati con colore giallo sulla molla.

J.8768.00 BIEMER Anlegepinzette ohne Schlo Applying forcepswithout spring catch Pinza para clips sin cierre Pinza per clip senza bloccaggio


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Approximatoren nach MLLER MLLER Approximators Approximadores segn MLLER Approssimatori secondo MLLER

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Durchmesser / Diameter Dimetro / Diametro Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8871.00 1,0 mm 25 30 g (0,25 0,29 N)

J.8872.00 2,0 mm 25 30 g (0,25 0,29 N)

J.8873.00 3,0 mm 25 30 g (0,25 0,29 N)

J.8874.00 4,0 mm 25 30 g (0,25 0,29 N)

gekennzeichnet durch gelb eingefrbte Federenden, fr Gefe mit einem Durchmesser 0,5 2,0 mm identified by yellow coloured spring ends, for vessel diam. 0,5 2,0 mm

Clips vasculares, para oclusin temporaria, identificables mediante, resorte coloreado en amarillo Clips per uso temporaneo sono identificati con colore giallo sulla molla.

J.8769.00 BIEMER Anlegepinzette mit Schlo Applying forcepswith spring catch Pinza para clips con cierre Pinza per clip con bloccaggio

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Approximator nach BIEMER BIEMER Approximator Approximadores segn BIEMER Approssimatori secondo BIEMER

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Maulffnung / Opening of jaws Apertura / Apertura Maullnge / Length of jaws Long. d. boca / Lungh. d. punta Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8770.00 5,0 mm 9,0 mm 30 40 g (0,29 0,39 N)

gekennzeichnet durch gelb eingefrbte Federenden, fr Gefe mit einem Durchmesser 0,5 2,0 mm identified by yellow coloured spring ends, for vessel diam. 0,5 2,0 mm

Clips vasculares, para oclusin temporaria, identificables mediante, resorte coloreado en amarillo Clips per uso temporaneo sono identificati con colore giallo sulla molla.

J.8772.00 BIEMER Anlegepinzette fr Mikro-Gefclips Applying forceps for vessel clips Pinza para clips Pinza per clip


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Gefclips nach MLLER MLLER Vessel Clips Micro Clips segn MLLER Micro Clips secondo MLLER

fr temporren Gebrauch for temporary occlusion para oclusin temporal per occlusione temporale

Cat. No.
Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8210.00 50 g

J.8220.00 80 g

J.8211.00 50 g

J.8221.00 80 g

J.8212.00 50 g

J.8222.00 80 g

Cat. No.
Schliekraft / Closing Force Presin / Pressione

J.8213.00 50 g

J.8223.00 80 g

J.8214.00 50 g

J.8224.00 80 g

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1309.10 100 mm / 4 14

AC.1310.10 100 mm / 4 14

AC.1311.10 100 mm / 4 14

AC.1312.10 100 mm / 4 14


HARTMANN AC.1309.10 - AC.1310.10

HARTMANN AC.1311.10 - AC.1312.10

AC.1312.12 120 mm / 4 34

AC.1309.12 120 mm / 4 34

AC.1310.12 120 mm / 4 34

kreuzgerieft cross serrations estras cruzadas zigrinatura incrociata BABY - HALSTED AC.1309.12 - AC.1310.12


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1313.12 AC.1313.14

120 mm / 4 34 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1314.12 AC.1314.14

120 mm / 4 34 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1315.12 AC.1315.14

120 mm / 4 34 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1316.12 AC.1316.14

120 mm / 4 34 140 mm / 5 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

HALSTED - MOSQUITO AC.1313.12 - AC.1316.14

AC.1317.12 120 mm / 4 34

AC.1318.12 120 mm / 4 34

AC.1319.12 120 mm / 4 34 1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti


HALSTED AC.1317.12 - AC.1319.12

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1329.15 150 mm / 6

AC.1330.15 150 mm / 6

AC.1331.15 150 mm / 6

AC.1332.15 150 mm / 6

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

LERICHE AC.1329.15 - AC.1332.15

AC.1306.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1308.14 140 mm / 5 12

BABY - MIXTER AC.1306.14 - AC.1308.14


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1327.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1328.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1333.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1334.14 140 mm / 5 12

PROVIDENCE - HOSPITAL AC.1327.14 - AC.1328.14

KELLY AC.1333.14 - AC.1334.14

AC.1337.16 160 mm / 6 12

AC.1338.16 160 mm / 6 12

KELLY - RANKIN AC.1337.16 - AC.1338.16

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1351.15 150 mm / 6

AC.1353.15 150 mm / 6 1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

AC.1358.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1360.14 140 mm / 5 12 1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

LOVELACE AC.1351.15 - AC.1353.15

DANDY AC.1358.14 - AC.1360.14

AC.1361.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1362.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1363.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1364.14 140 mm / 5 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

BABY - CRILE AC.1361.14 - AC.1364.14


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1343.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1344.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1345.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1346.14 140 mm / 5 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

CRILE AC.1343.14 - AC.1346.14

AC.1349.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1350.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1351.14 140 mm / 5 12

AC.1352.14 140 mm / 5 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti


CRILE AC.1349.14 - AC.1352.14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Arterienklemmen Haemostatic Forceps Pinzas hemostticas Pinze emostatiche

AC.1351.16 160 mm / 6 12

AC.1352.16 160 mm / 6 12

AC.1353.16 160 mm / 6 12

AC.1354.16 160 mm / 6 12

1x2 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti


CRILE AC.1351.16 - AC.1354.16


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wundhaken Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1056.17 170 mm / 6 34 AD.1053.16 160 mm / 6 14

Dura- und Hauthkchen, spitz Dura and skin retractor, sharp Gancho para piel y dura madre, agudo Uncino per pelle e dura-madre, acuto COTTLE GRAHAM

Durahkchen Dura hook Gancho para dura madre Uncino per dura-madre

AD.1210.18 180 mm / 7 AD.1059.14 140 mm / 5 12

AD.1212.18 180 mm / 7

Trachealhkchen Trachea retractor Separador para la trquea Uncino tracheale JACKSON GILLIES AD.1210.18 - AD.1212.18


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1735.20 200 mm / 8 4x4 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

AD.1739.26 260 mm / 10 14 3x4 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti



AD.1737.20 200 mm / 8

AD.1737.24 240 mm / 9 12

AD.1737.26 260 mm / 10 14

scharf, sharp, agudo, acuto

scharf, sharp, agudo, acuto

AD.1738.20 200 mm / 8

AD.1738.24 240 mm / 9 12

AD.1738.26 260 mm / 10 14

stumpf, blunt, romo, smusso

stumpf, blunt, romo, smusso

WEITLANER AD.1737.20 - AD.1738.26 3x4 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1777.40 40 mm AD.1777.45 45 mm

AD.1777.50 50 mm

AD.1777.55 55 mm

AD.1777.60 60 mm

AD.1778.40 40 mm CLOWARD AD.1777.02 250 mm / 10 Sperrer allein Retractor only Separador suelto Divaricatore solo AD.1778.45 45 mm

AD.1778.50 50 mm

AD.1778.55 55 mm

AD.1778.60 60 mm CLOWARD AD.1777.00 250 mm / 10 komplett mit 5 Valven complete with 5 blades completo con 5 valvas completo con 5 valve


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1779.31 310 mm / 12 14

AD.1780.32 320 mm / 12 12

BECKMANN 4x4 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

ADSON 4x5 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1781.32 320 mm / 12 12

BECKMANN - EATON 7x7 Zhne, Teeth, Dientes, Denti


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1907.05 38 mm Lumbal, thorakal und cervical einzusetzen! For use of lumbar, thoracic and cervical! til para lumbar, toracal y cervical! Per impiego lombare, toracico e cervicale!

AD.1907.11 37 x 22 mm

145 m

AD.1907.12 43 x 22 mm

AD.1907.13 47 x 22 mm

AD.1907.14 52 x 22 mm

AD.1907.15 57 x 22 mm CASPAR AD.1907.00 Wundspreizer mit Gelenkarmen und Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Laminektomie und Hemi-Laminektomie, komplett, bestehend aus: AD.1907.01 1 Rahmen AD.1907.02 1 Drehschlssel AD.1907.05 1 Haken 38 mm AD.1907.11 1 Seitenvalve 37 x 22 mm AD.1907.12 1 Seitenvalve 43 x 22 mm AD.1907.13 1 Seitenvalve 47 x 22 mm AD.1907.14 1 Seitenvalve 52 x 22 mm AD.1907.15 1 Seitenvalve 57 x 22 mm Self-retaining retractor with articulated arms and ball snap closure, for laminectomy and hemi-laminectomy, complete, consisting of: 1 Frame 1 Key 1 Hook 38 mm 1 Lateral valve 37 x 22 mm 1 Lateral valve 43 x 22 mm 1 Lateral valve 47 x 22 mm 1 Lateral valve 52 x 22 mm 1 Lateral valve 57 x 22 mm

Separador con brazos articulados y cierre rpido esfrico, para laminectoma y hemilaminectoma, completo, compuesto de: 1 Cuadro 1 Llave 1 Gancho 38 mm 1 Valva lateral 37 x 22 mm 1 Valva lateral 43 x 22 mm 1 Valva lateral 47 x 22 mm 1 Valva lateral 52 x 22 mm 1 Valva lateral 57 x 22 mm

Divaricatore con braccio articolato a chiusura istantanea, per laminectomia e emi-laminectomia, completo, composto da: AD.1907.01 1 Telaio AD.1907.02 1 Chiave AD.1907.05 1 Gancio 38 mm AD.1907.11 1 Valva laterale 37 x 22 mm AD.1907.12 1 Valva laterale 43 x 22 mm AD.1907.13 1 Valva laterale 47 x 22 mm AD.1907.14 1 Valva laterale 52 x 22 mm AD.1907.15 1 Valva laterale 57 x 22 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wundsperrer Retractors Separadores Divaricatori

AD.1907.05 / 38 mm Haken mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1907.00 Hooks with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractor AD.1907.00 Ganchos con cierre rpido esfrico para separador AD.1907.00 Ganci a chiusura istantanea per divaricatore AD.1907.00

AD.1907.10 / 32 x 22 mm AD.1907.11 / 37 x 22 mm AD.1907.12 / 43 x 22 mm AD.1907.13 / 47 x 22 mm AD.1907.14 / 52 x 22 mm AD.1907.15 / 57 x 22 mm AD.1907.16 / 62 x 22 mm AD.1907.17 / 67 x 22 mm Seitenvalven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1907.00 Lateral valves with ball snap closure, for selfretaining retractor AD.1907.00 Valvas laterales con cierre rpido esfrico para separador AD.1907.00 Valve laterali a chiusura istantanea per divaricatore AD.1907.00

AD.1907.20 / 32 x 37 mm AD.1907.21 / 37 x 37 mm AD.1907.22 / 43 x 37 mm AD.1907.23 / 47 x 37 mm AD.1907.24 / 52 x 37 mm AD.1907.25 / 57 x 37 mm AD.1907.26 / 62 x 37 mm AD.1907.27 / 67 x 37 mm Seitenvalven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1907.00 Lateral valves with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractor AD.1907.00 Valvas laterales con cierre rpido esfrico para separador AD.1907.00 Valve laterali a chiusura istantanea per divaricatore AD.1907.00

AD.1907.30 / 32 x 52 mm AD.1907.31 / 37 x 52 mm AD.1907.32 / 43 x 52 mm AD.1907.33 / 47 x 52 mm AD.1907.34 / 52 x 52 mm AD.1907.35 / 57 x 52 mm AD.1907.36 / 62 x 52 mm AD.1907.37 / 67 x 52 mm Seitenvalven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1907.00 Lateral valves with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractor AD.1907.00 Valvas laterales con cierre rpido esfrico para separador AD.1907.00 Valve laterali a chiusura istantanea per divaricatore AD.1907.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundspreizer fr die cervicale Wirbelsule Retractors for cervical vertebral column Separadores para la columna cervical Divaricatori per colonna cervicale

In Wirbelsulen-Lngsachse zu verwenden! To be used for up and down retraction! til para el eje longitudinal de la columna vertebral! Da impiegarsi per la trazione e la compressione della colonna!

AD.1911.80 45 x 23 mm

90 mm

AD.1911.81 50 x 23 mm

AD.1911.82 55 x 23 mm

AD.1911.83 60 x 23 mm

CASPAR AD.1910.00 165 mm / 6 12 Wundspreizer mit Gelenkarmen und Kugelschnellverschlu, komplett, bestehend aus: AD.1910.42 1 Sperrer AD.1911.80 1 Valve stumpf 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valve stumpf 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valve stumpf 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valve stumpf 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valve stumpf 65 x 23 mm

AD.1911.84 65 x 23 mm

Self-retaining retractor with articulated arms and ball snap closure, complete, consisting of: AD.1910.42 1 Spreader AD.1911.80 1 Valve blunt 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valve blunt 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valve blunt 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valve blunt 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valve blunt 65 x 23 mm

Separador con brazos articulados y cierre rpido esfrico, completo, compuesto de: AD.1910.42 1 Separador AD.1911.80 1 Valva roma 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valva roma 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valva roma 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valva roma 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valva roma 65 x 23 mm

Divaricatore con braccio articolato a chiusura istantanea, completo, composto da: AD.1910.42 1 Divaricatore AD.1911.80 1 Valva smussa 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valva smussa 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valva smussa 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valva smussa 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valva smussa 65 x 23 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wundspreizer fr die cervicale Wirbelsule Retractors for cervical vertebral column Separadores para la columna cervical Divaricatori per colonna cervicale

AD.1911.80 45 x 23 mm

In Wirbelsulen-Lngsachse zu verwenden! To be used for up and down retraction! til para el eje longitudinal de la columna vertebral! Da impiegarsi per la trazione e la compressione della colonna!

AD.1911.81 50 x 23 mm

85 mm

AD.1911.82 55 x 23 mm

AD.1911.83 60 x 23 mm

AD.1911.84 65 x 23 mm

CASPAR AD.1915.00 105 mm / 4 18 Wundspreizer mit Gelenkarmen und Kugelschnellverschlu, komplett, bestehend aus: AD.1915.46 1 Sperrer AD.1911.80 1 Valve stumpf 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valve stumpf 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valve stumpf 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valve stumpf 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valve stumpf 65 x 23 mm Separador con brazos articulados y cierre rpido esfrico, completo, compuesto de: AD.1915.46 1 Separador AD.1911.80 1 Valva roma 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valva roma 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valva roma 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valva roma 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valva roma 65 x 23 mm Self-retaining retractor with articulated arms and ball snap closure, complete, consisting of: AD.1915.46 1 Spreader AD.1911.80 1 Valve blunt 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valve blunt 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valve blunt 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valve blunt 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valve blunt 65 x 23 mm

Divaricatore con braccio articolato a chiusura istantanea, completo, composto da: AD.1915.46 1 Divaricatore AD.1911.80 1 Valva smussa 45 x 23 mm AD.1911.81 1 Valva smussa 50 x 23 mm AD.1911.82 1 Valva smussa 55 x 23 mm AD.1911.83 1 Valva smussa 60 x 23 mm AD.1911.84 1 Valva smussa 65 x 23 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundspreizer fr die cervicale Wirbelsule Retractors for cervical vertebral column Separadores para la columna cervical Divaricatori per colonna cervicale
AD.1921.70 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.75 40 x 23 mm

Transversal zu verwenden! To be used to transverse retraction! til para retraccin transversal! Da impiegarsi per trazioni trasversali!

AD.1921.71 45 x 23 mm

AD.1921.76 45 x 23 mm

90 mm
AD.1921.72 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 50 x 23 mm

AD.1921.73 55 x 23 mm

AD.1921.78 55 x 23 mm

CASPAR AD.1920.00 Wundspreizer mit Gelenkarmen und Kugelschnellverschlu, komplett, bestehend aus: AD.1920.51 1 Rahmen AD.1921.70 1 Valve medial 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.71 1 Valve medial 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.72 1 Valve medial 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.73 1 Valve medial 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.74 1 Valve medial 60 x 23 mm AD.1921.75 1 Valve lateral 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.76 1 Valve lateral 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 1 Valve lateral 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.78 1 Valve lateral 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.79 1 Valve lateral 60 x 23 mm Separador con brazos articulados y cierre rpido esfrico, completo, compuesto de: AD.1920.51 1 Cuadro AD.1921.70 1 Valva mediana 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.71 1 Valva mediana 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.72 1 Valva mediana 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.73 1 Valva mediana 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.74 1 Valva mediana 60 x 23 mm AD.1921.75 1 Valva lateral 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.76 1 Valva lateral 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 1 Valva lateral 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.78 1 Valva lateral 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.79 1 Valva lateral 60 x 23 mm

AD.1921.74 60 x 23 mm

AD.1921.79 60 x 23 mm

Self-retaining retractor with articulated arms and ball snap closure, complete, consisting of: AD.1920.51 1 Frame AD.1921.70 1 Valve medial 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.71 1 Valve medial 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.72 1 Valve medial 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.73 1 Valve medial 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.74 1 Valve medial 60 x 23 mm AD.1921.75 1 Valve lateral 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.76 1 Valve lateral 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 1 Valve lateral 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.78 1 Valve lateral 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.79 1 Valve lateral 60 x 23 mm Divaricatore con braccio articolato a chiusura istantanea, completo, composto da: AD.1920.51 1 Telaio AD.1921.70 1 Valva media 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.71 1 Valva media 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.72 1 Valva media 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.73 1 Valva media 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.74 1 Valva media 60 x 23 mm AD.1921.75 1 Valva laterale 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.76 1 Valva laterale 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 1 Valva laterale 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.78 1 Valva laterale 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.79 1 Valva laterale 60 x 23 mm
GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Valven Valves Valvas Valve

AD.1921.70 / 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.71 / 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.72 / 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.73 / 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.74 / 60 x 23 mm Mediale Valven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Medial valves with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas medianas con cierre rpido esfrico, para separadores AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve medie a chiusura istantanea, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00

AD.1921.75 / 40 x 23 mm AD.1921.76 / 45 x 23 mm AD.1921.77 / 50 x 23 mm AD.1921.78 / 55 x 23 mm AD.1921.79 / 60 x 23 mm Laterale Valven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Lateral valves with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas laterales con cierre rpido esfrico, para separadores AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve laterali a chiusura istantanea, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00

AD1911.80 / 45 x 23 mm AD1911.81 / 50 x 23 mm AD1911.82 / 55 x 23 mm AD1911.83 / 60 x 23 mm AD1911.84 / 65 x 23 mm Stumpfe Valven mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Blunt valves with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas romas con cierre rpido esfrico, para separadores AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve smusse a chiusura istantanea, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00

AD.1911.85 / 50 x 25 mm AD.1911.86 / 60 x 25 mm Stumpfe Valven mit Kugelschnellverschlu zur Spanentnahme am Beckenkamm, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Blunt valves with ball snap closure, for harvesting of the fusion graft from the iliac crest, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas romas con cierre rpido esfrico, para separadores AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve smusse a chiusura istantanea, per osso iliaco, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00

AD.1911.90 / 40 x 25 mm AD.1911.91 / 45 x 25 mm AD.1911.92 / 50 x 25 mm AD.1911.93 / 55 x 25 mm AD.1911.94 / 60 x 25 mm Mediale Valven aus TITAN, mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Medial valves of TITANIUM, with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas medianas de TITANIO, con cierre rpido esfrico, para separaAD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve medie in TITANO a chiusura istantanea, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00

AD.1911.95 / 40 x 25 mm AD.1911.96 / 45 x 25 mm AD.1911.97 / 50 x 25 mm AD.1911.98 / 55 x 25 mm AD.1911.99 / 60 x 25 mm Laterale Valven aus TITAN, mit Kugelschnellverschlu, fr Wundspreizer AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Lateral valves of TITANIUM, with ball snap closure, for self-retaining retractors AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valvas laterales de TITANIO, con cierre rpido esfrico, para separadores AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00 Valve laterali in TITANO, a chiusura istantanea, per divaricatori AD.1910.00 / AD.1915.00 / AD.1920.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Wundspreizer fr die lumbale Wirbelsule Retractors for lumbar vertebral column Separadores para la ciruga lumbar vertebral Divaricatori per colonna lombo vertebrale
AD.1926.02 40 x 12 mm

Oberflche geschwrzt Surface black-coated Superficie negra Superfice nera

AD.1926.03 46 x 13 mm

60 mm

AD.1926.04 50 x 13 mm

AD.1926.05 56 x 14 mm

AD.1926.06 63 x 14 mm

CASPAR AD.1926.00 Wundspreizer mit Gelenkarmen und Kugelschnellverschlu, komplett, bestehend aus: AD.1926.01 1 Rahmen AD.1926.02 1 Seitenvalve 40 x 12 mm AD.1926.03 1 Seitenvalve 46 x 13 mm AD.1926.04 1 Seitenvalve 50 x 13 mm AD.1926.05 1 Seitenvalve 56 x 14 mm AD.1926.06 1 Seitenvalve 63 x 14 mm AD.1926.07 1 Seitenvalve 66 x 15 mm Self-retaining retractor with articulated arms and ball snap closure, complete, consisting of: AD.1926.01 1 Frame AD.1926.02 1 Lateral valve 40 x 12 mm AD.1926.03 1 Lateral valve 46 x 13 mm AD.1926.04 1 Lateral valve 50 x 13 mm AD.1926.05 1 Lateral valve 56 x 14 mm AD.1926.06 1 Lateral valve 63 x 14 mm AD.1926.07 1 Lateral valve 66 x 15 mm

AD.1926.07 66 x 15 mm

Separador con brazos articulados y cierre rpido esfrico, completo, compuesto de: AD.1926.01 1 Cuadro AD.1926.02 1 Valva lateral 40 x 12 mm AD.1926.03 1 Valva lateral 46 x 13 mm AD.1926.04 1 Valva lateral 50 x 13 mm AD.1926.05 1 Valva lateral 56 x 14 mm AD.1926.06 1 Valva lateral 63 x 14 mm AD.1926.07 1 Valva lateral 66 x 15 mm

Divaricatore con braccio articolato a chiusura istantanea, completo, composto da: AD.1926.01 1 Telaio AD.1926.02 1 Valva laterale 40 x 12 mm AD.1926.03 1 Valva laterale 46 x 13 mm AD.1926.04 1 Valva laterale 50 x 13 mm AD.1926.05 1 Valva laterale 56 x 14 mm AD.1926.06 1 Valva laterale 63 x 14 mm AD.1926.07 1 Valva laterale 66 x 15 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spekula fr lumbale Bandscheibenoperationen Specula for lumbar vertebral operations Espculos para la ciruga lumbar vertebral Speculi per chirurgia lombo vertebrale

AD.1930.10 40 x 18 mm

AD.1930.12 45 x 18 mm

AD.1930.14 50 x 18 mm

CASPAR AD.1930.10 - AD.1930.18 150 mm / 6 Oberflche geschwrzt Surface black-coated Superfice nera Superficie negra

AD.1930.16 55 x 18 mm

AD.1930.18 60 x 18 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie Spreizer Laminectomy Retractors Separadores para laminectoma Divaricatori per laminectomia



SCOVILLE AD.1940.00 Rahmen allein, Frame only, Telaio solo, Cuadro suelto

SCOVILLE AD.1940.50 Rahmen allein, Frame only, Telaio solo, Cuadro suelto

SCOVILLE AD.1940.01 50 mm / 2

SCOVILLE AD.1940.02 70 mm / 2 34

SCOVILLE AD.1940.06 50 mm / 2

SCOVILLE AD.1940.07 70 mm / 2 34

SCOVILLE AD.1940.11 / 64x25 mm AD.1940.12 / 64x50 mm AD.1940.13 / 88x25 mm

SCOVILLE AD.1940.41 / 48x50 mm AD.1940.42 / 64x50 mm AD.1940.43 / 64x64 mm AD.1940.44 / 80x57 mm

SCOVILLE AD.1940.46 / 41x38 mm AD.1940.47 / 67x44 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Wirbelkrperspreizer Lamina Spreaders Separadores para cuerpos vertebrales Separatori per vertebre

Spreizweite 18 mm Blade opening 18 mm Abertura de la hoja 18 mm Apertura lame 18 mm

Spreizweite 34 mm Blade opening 34 mm Abertura de la hoja 34 mm Apertura lame 34 mm

CLOWARD AD.1942.15 160 mm / 6 14

INGE AD.1946.17 160 mm / 6 14

Spreizweite 63 mm Blade opening 63 mm Abertura de la hoja 63 mm Apertura lame 63 mm

INGE AD.1948.28 275 mm / 10 34


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Mikro - Nadelhalter Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas Micro - Portaghi

AE.1289.10 100 mm / 4 14

AE.1290.10 100 mm / 4 14

AE.1291.10 100 mm / 4 14

AE.1292.10 100 mm / 4 14

BARRAQUER - TROUTMAN AE.1289.10 - AE.1290.10 mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

BARRAQUER - TROUTMAN AE.1291.10 - AE.1292.10 ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

AE.1296.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1297.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1298.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1299.15 150 mm / 6

REILL AE.1296.15 - AE.1297.15 mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

REILL AE.1298.15 - AE.1299.15 ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro - Nadelhalter Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas Micro - Portaghi

AE.1303.13 130 mm / 5 AE.1303.11 110 mm / 4 12

AE.1303.14 130 mm / 5

BARRAQUER ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

BARRAQUER ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

BARRAQUER mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

AE.1305.09 90 mm / 3 12

AE.1306.09 90 mm / 3 12

AE.1307.09 90 mm / 3 12

AE.1308.09 90 mm / 3 12

CASTROVIEJO AE.1305.09 - AE.1306.09 ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

CASTROVIEJO AE.1307.09 - AE.1308.09 mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Mikro - Nadelhalter Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas Micro - Portaghi

AE.1309.13 130 mm / 5

AE.1310.13 130 mm / 5

AE.1311.13 130 mm / 5

AE.1312.13 130 mm / 5

CASTROVIEJO - FINO AE.1309.13 - AE.1310.13 ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

CASTROVIEJO - FINO AE.1311.13 - AE.1312.13 mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

AE.1313.00 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1313.01 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1314.00 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1314.01 140 mm / 5 12

CASTROVIEJO AE.1313.00 - AE.1313.01 mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

CASTROVIEJO AE.1314.00 - AE.1314.01 ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Mikro - Nadelhalter Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas Micro - Portaghi

AE.1315.00 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1315.01 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1316.00 140 mm / 5 12

AE.1316.01 140 mm / 5 12

ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

CASTROVIEJO - STANDARD AE.1315.00 - AE.1315.01

CASTROVIEJO - STANDARD AE.1316.00 - AE.1316.01

AE.1315.04 185 mm / 7 14

AE.1315.06 185 mm / 7 14

AE.1316.04 185 mm / 7 14

AE.1316.06 185 mm / 7 14

AE.1323.23 230 mm / 9

ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera

AE.1315.04 - AE.1315.06

AE.1316.04 - AE.1316.06

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Titan Mikro - Nadelhalter Titanium Micro - Needle Holders Micro - Porta-agujas in titanio Micro - Portaghi in titanio

AE.1323.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1324.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1325.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1326.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1323.18 180 mm / 7

AE.1324.18 180 mm / 7

AE.1325.18 180 mm / 7

AE.1326.18 180 mm / 7

ohne Sperre, without ratchet, sin cremallera, senza cremagliera

mit Sperre, with ratchet, con cremallera, con cremagliera



AE.1323.15 - AE.1324.18

AE.1325.15 - AE.1326.18


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Nadelhalter Needle Holders Porta-agujas Portaghi

AE.1363.18 180 mm / 7 AE.1353.15 AE.1353.18 150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7

AE.1351.15 150 mm / 6




AE.1367.18 180mm / 7

AE.1387.17 170 mm / 6 34 AE.1393.14 AE.1393.16 AE.1393.18 AE.1393.20 AE.1393.24 AE.1393.26 AE.1393.30

140 mm / 5 12 160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 240 mm / 9 12 260 mm / 10 14 300 mm / 12



MAYO - HEGAR AE.1393.14 - AE.1393.30

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


TC Nadelhalter TC Needle Holders TC Porta-agujas TC Portaghi

AE.1641.15 150 mm / 6

AE.1649.15 AE.1649.18 AE.1649.23 AE.1649.26 AE.1649.31

150 mm / 6 180 mm / 7 230 mm / 9 260 mm / 10 14 310 mm / 12 14

Miniprofil mini profile Perfil mini Profilo mini

Normalprofil normal profile Perfil normal Profilo normale


DE BAKEY AE.1649.18 - AE.1649.31

Miniprofil mini profile Perfil mini Profilo mini AE.1650.16 AE.1650.21 165 mm / 6 12 210 mm / 8 14

AE.1669.02 AE.1669.03 AE.1669.04

180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 230 mm / 9

Normalprofil normal profile Perfil normal Profilo normale AE.1652.16 AE.1652.21 165 mm / 6 12 210 mm / 8 14

Mikroprofil micro profile Perfil micro Profilo micro

DE BAKEY AE.1650.16 - AE.1652.21

MICROVASCULAR AE.1669.02 - AE.1669.04


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Titan Nadelhalter Titanium Needle Holders Porta-agujas in titanio Micro portaghi in titanio

AE.1700.16 AE.1700.18 AE.1700.20 AE.1700.22 AE.1700.25

160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 200 mm / 8 220 mm / 8 34 250 mm / 10

AE.1701.18 AE.1701.22 AE.1701.25

180 mm / 7 220 mm / 8 34 250 mm / 10

Normalprofil normal profile Perfil normal Profilo normale


DE BAKEY AE.1700.16 - AE.1700.25

DE BAKEY AE.1701.18 - AE.1701.25

AE.1702.16 AE.1702.18 AE.1702.22 AE.1702.25

160 mm / 6 12 180 mm / 7 220 mm / 8 34 250 mm / 10


MICROVASCULAR AE.1702.16 - AE.1702.25

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Elevatorien, Raspatorien Elevators, Raspatories Elevadores, Periosttomos Elevatori, Periostotomi

KD.1487.17 170 mm / 6 34

KD.1488.17 170 mm / 6 34

KD.1489.17 170 mm / 6 34

KD.1490.17 170 mm / 6 34

KD.1511.17 170 mm / 6 34

Griff aus TITAN TITANIUM Handle Mango de TITANIUM Manico de TITANIUM

Weichteil - Dissektor Soft tissue dissector Disector para tejidos blandos Dissettore per tessuti molli ADSON KD.1487.17 - KD.1490.17

8 mm

10 mm

4 mm

5,5 mm

KD.1498.20 200 mm / 8

KD.1500.20 200 mm / 8

KD.1513.17 170 mm / 6 34

KD.1515.17 170 mm / 6 34

LANGENBECK KD.1498.20 - KD.1500.20

WILLIGER KD.1513.17 - KD.1515.17


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Elevatorien, Raspatorien Elevators, Raspatories Elevadores, Periosttomos Elevatori, Periostotomi

4,0 mm 4,0 mm

6 mm

KD.1514.19 190 mm / 7 12 scharf sharp agudo acuto

KD.1515.19 190 mm / 7 12 stumpf blunt romo smusso

4 mm

KD.1516.14 140 mm / 5 12

KD.1516.16 160 mm / 6 14




5,5 mm

3,5 mm 8 mm

stumpf blunt romo smusso

stumpf blunt romo smusso

KD.1523.19 185 mm / 7 14

KD.1524.19 215 mm / 8 12

KD.1518.08 150 mm / 6

scharf sharp agudo acuto 3,5 mm

scharf sharp agudo acuto 4,5 mm



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Elevatorien, Raspatorien Elevators, Raspatories Elevadores, Periosttomos Elevatori, Periostotomi

4,5 mm

stumpf blunt romo smusso

KD.1525.19 185 mm / 7 14

KD.1530.19 190 mm / 7 12

scharf sharp agudo acuto 4,5 mm

KD.1526.16 160 mm / 6 12



stumpf blunt romo smusso 4,5 mm 4,5 mm

KD.1534.19 185 mm / 7 14

KD.1536.19 230 mm / 9

4,5 mm 4,5 mm

scharf sharp agudo acuto WATSON - CHEYNE KD.1532.18 180 mm / 7 FREER COTTLE


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Elevatorien, Raspatorien Elevators, Raspatories Elevadores, Periosttomos Elevatori, Periostotomi

16 mm 14 mm 16,0 mm

KN.1404.18 180 mm / 7 KN.1398.15 165 mm / 6 12

KN.1405.19 190 mm / 7 12




12,5 mm

12,5 mm KN.1430.21 210 mm / 8 14

KN.1421.15 150 mm / 6

KN.1422.15 150 mm / 6




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Elevatorien, Raspatorien Elevators, Raspatories Elevadores, Periosttomos Elevatori, Periostotomi

6 mm 8 mm

KN.1443.18 180 mm / 7

KN.1444.20 195 mm / 7 34

KN.1442.06 170 mm / 6 34

KN.1442.08 170 mm / 6 34

KN.1442.06 - KN.1442.08



17 mm

KN.1454.16 165 mm / 6 14

KN.1455.18 180 mm / 7 KN.1454.17 330 mm / 13




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Raspatorien, Knochenfeilen Raspatories, Bone Files Periosttomos, Limas para huesos Periostotomi, Lima per ossa

KN.1456.19 195 mm / 7 34

KN.1464.10 KN.1464.15 KN.1464.20 KN.1464.25

10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm


LAMBOTTE KN.1464.05 - KN.1464.25 210 mm / 8 14

Fig. 9/10

Fig. 7/8

Fig. 5/6

Fig. 3/4

Fig. 1/2

KN.1474.05 205 mm / 8 FOMON

KN.1474.04 205 mm / 8

KN.1474.03 205 mm / 8

KN.1474.02 205 mm / 8

KN.1474.01 205 mm / 8

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Sauger und Kanlen Suction Tubes and Cannulas Tubos de aspiracion y canulas Tubi daspirazione e cannule
Lumbalpunktionskanlen Lumbar puncture cannula Cnula para la punction lumbar Cannule per la punctura lombare Sternalpunktionskanlen Sternal puncture cannula Cnula para la punction esternal Cannule per la punctura sternale

AY.1410.07 AY.1410.08 AY.1410.10 AY.1410.11 AY.1410.12 AY.1410.13 AY.1410.14

0,70 x 80 mm 0,70 x 90 mm 1,00 x 80 mm 1,00 x 90 mm 1,20 x 90 mm 1,20 x 100 mm 1,20 x 150 mm

AY.1412.12 AY.1412.14 AY.1412.16

1,30 x 80 mm 1,50 x 80 mm 1,65 x 80 mm

QUINCKE AY.1410.07 - AY.1410.14

TUOHY AY.1412.12 - AY.1412.16

KLIMA-ROSSEGGER AY.1416.18 1,80 x 35 mm

2 mm Hirnventrikelpunktionskanlen Ventricle of cerebrum puncture cannula Cnula para la punction del ventriculo cerebral Cannule per la punctura del ventricolo cerebrale

AY.1414.02 AY.1414.03 BIER AY.1412.12 - AY.1412.16

1,20 x 80 mm 1,20 x 90 mm

AY.1420.05 AY.1420.06 AY.1420.07 AY.1420.08 AY.1420.09 AY.1420.10 AY.1420.11 AY.1420.12

0,90 x 90 mm 1,20 x 90 mm 1,40 x 90 mm 1,60 x 90 mm 1,80 x 90 mm 2,00 x 90 mm 2,40 x 90 mm 2,80 x 90 mm

CONE AY.1420.05 - AY.1420.12

FRAZIER AY.1418.02 100 mm / 4


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Sauger und Kanlen Suction Tubes and Cannulas Tubos de aspiracion y canulas Tubi daspirazione e cannule

135 mm

135 mm

125 mm

AY.1423.08 AY.1423.10 AY.1423.12

Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

ADSON AY.1421.12 4 mm, Charr. 12

ADSON AY.1422.12 4 mm, Charr. 12

FRAZIER AY.1423.08 - AY.1523.12

135 mm 125 mm 135 mm

AY.1423.28 AY.1423.30 AY.1423.32

Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

AY.1529.05 AY.1529.06 AY.1529.08 AY.1529.09

Charr. 5 Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 9

FRAZIER AY.1423.08 - AY.1523.12

ADSON AY.1524.21 4 mm, Charr. 12

PLESTER AY.1529.05 - AY.1529.09

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Sauger und Kanlen Suction Tubes and Cannulas Tubos de aspiracion y canulas Tubi daspirazione e cannule

180 mm

180 mm

AY.1524.06 AY.1524.08 AY.1524.10 AY.1524.12

Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

AY.1525.06 AY.1525.08 AY.1525.10 AY.1525.12

Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

FRAZIER (FERGUSSON) AY.1524.06 - AY.1524.12

FRAZIER AY.1525.06 - AY.1525.12

125 mm

125 mm

AY.1532.06 AY.1532.08 AY.1532.10 AY.1532.12

Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

AY.1534.06 AY.1534.08 AY.1534.10 AY.1534.12

Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12

FRAZIER AY.1532.06 - AY.1532.12

FRAZIER (FERGUSSON) AY.1534.06 - AY.1534.12


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Sauger und Kanlen Suction Tubes and Cannulas Tubos de aspiracion y canulas Tubi daspirazione e cannule

125 mm

AY.1536.06 AY.1536.08 AY.1536.10 AY.1536.12 AY.1536.15

Charr. 6 Charr. 8 Charr. 10 Charr. 12 Charr. 15

AY.1539.01 AY.1539.02

1,5 x 190 mm 2,0 x 190 mm

FERGUSSON AY.1536.06 - AY.1536.15

FRAZIER (FERGUSSON) AY.1539.01 - AY.1539.02

Silber, biegsam Sterling Silver, flexible Plata, maleable Argento, malleabile

komplett bestehend aus Absaugrhrchen (AY.1540.01) und 1 aufsetzbarer Kanle 0,7 mm (AY.1540.03) complete consisting of suction tube (AY.1540.01) and 1 slip-on cannula 0,7 mm (AY.1540.03) completa composta da: canula (AY.1540.01) y tubo suelto 0,7 mm (AY.1540.03) completta composto di cannula (AY.1540.01) e tubo solo 0,7 mm (AY.1540.03) AY.1540.02 AY.1540.03 ZLLNER AY.1540.00 ZLLNER AY.1540.02 - AY.1540.03 0,5 mm 0,7 mm

AY.1538.01 AY.1538.02

1,5 mm 2,0 mm

WULLSTEIN AY.1538.01 - AY.1538.02 140 mm / 5 12

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Sauger und Kanlen Suction Tubes and Cannulas Tubos de aspiracion y canulas Tubi daspirazione e cannule

L = 110 mm AY.1510.00 AY.1510.01 AY.1510.02 AY.1510.03 AY.1510.04 AY.1510.05 1,5 mm 2,0 mm 2,5 mm 3,0 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm

L = 130 mm AY.1512.00 AY.1512.01 AY.1512.02 AY.1512.03 AY.1512.04 AY.1512.05 1,5 mm 2,0 mm 2,5 mm 3,0 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm

L = 160 mm AY.1514.00 AY.1514.01 AY.1514.02 AY.1514.03 AY.1514.04 AY.1514.05 1,5 mm 2,0 mm 2,5 mm 3,0 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm

L = 200 mm AY.1516.00 AY.1516.01 AY.1516.02 AY.1516.03 AY.1516.04 AY.1516.05 1,5 mm 2,0 mm 2,5 mm 3,0 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm

LANDOLT AY.1544.20 200 mm / 8

FERGUSSON AY.1510.00 - AY.1516.05

4,5 mm 2,0 mm

HOUSE AY.1541.09 AY.1541.12 AY.1541.15 0,9 + 0,7 mm 1,2 + 0,9 mm 1,5 + 1,2 mm

AY.1541.18 AY.1541.25 AY.1541.30 AY.1541.45

1,8 + 1,8 mm 2,5 + 2,0 mm 3,0 + 2,0 mm 4,5 + 2,0 mm

YASARGIL AY.1550.20 200 mm / 8


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hypophysektomie-Instrumente Hypophysectomy Instruments Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia Strumenti per ipofisectomia

QS.1606.03 75 x 7 mm

QS.1606.04 90 x 7 mm

HARTMANN QS.1606.00 140 mm / 5 12

COTTLE QS.1606.03 - QS.1606.04


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Hypophysektomie-Instrumente Hypophysectomy Instruments Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia Strumenti per ipofisectomia

Spekula fr trans-sphenoidale Hypophysektomie Specula for trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy Espculos para la hipofisectoma trans-sfeniodal Speculo per ipofisectomia trans-sfenoidale

LANDOLT-CUSHING CY.1800.70 CY.1800.90 CY.1800.95 15 mm x 70 mm 15 mm x 90 mm 15 mm x 110 mm

LANDOLT CY.1801.00 210 mm / 8 14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hypophysektomie-Instrumente Hypophysectomy Instruments Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia Strumenti per ipofisectomia

3 mm stumpf, blunt smussa, roma

4 mm 90 biegsam malleable maleable malleabile CY.1806.26 260 mm / 10 14 4 mm 4 mm

CY.1938.18 CY.1938.21

180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 14

CY.1802.18 185 mm / 7 14 45

CY.1804.18 185 mm / 7 14 45

6 mm 90 biegsam malleable maleable malleabile CY.1807.26 260 mm / 10 14

RAY CY.1802.18 - CY.1804.18

HARDY CY.1806.26 - CY1807.26


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Hypophysektomie-Instrumente Hypophysectomy Instruments Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia Strumenti per ipofisectomia

Enukleatoren, stumpf Enucleators, blunt Enucleadores, romos Enucleatore, smusso

CY.1812.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1821.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1813.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1820.24 245 mm / 9 34

Dissektoren, innen scharf Dissectors, sharpened inner edge Disecadores, agudos en el interior Dissettori, bordo interno acuto

CY.1816.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1823.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1817.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1822.24 245 mm / 9 34

Dissektoren, innen scharf Dissectors, sharpened inner edge Disecadores, agudos en el interior Dissettori, bordo interno acuto

Implantationsgabel Implant fork Horquilla para implantar Forchetta per impiantare

HARDY CY.1812.24 - CY1823.24

HARDY FAHLBUSCH CY.1814.24 245 mm / 9 34

HARDY FAHLBUSCH CY.1815.24 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1819.24 245 mm / 9 34

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hypophysektomie-Instrumente Hypophysectomy Instruments Instrumentos para la hipofisectomia Strumenti per ipofisectomia

1 mm 2,5 mm 4 mm

Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

YASARGIL CY.1836.19 185 mm / 7 14

YASARGIL CY.1838.19 185 mm / 7 14

YASARGIL CY.1840.19 185 mm / 7 14

2,5 mm

3 mm

Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

Gefmesser Vessel knife Cuchillo para vasos Bisturi per vasi

YASARGIL CY.1842.19 185 mm / 7 14 CY.1836.19 - CY1846.19

YASARGIL CY.1844.19 185 mm / 7 14

JACOBSON CY.1846.19 185 mm / 7 14

165 mm

FAHLBUSCH CY.2200.16 165 mm / 6 12

NICOLA CY.2202.16 165 mm / 6 12

YASARGIL-NICOLA CY.2204.16 165 mm / 6 12

NICOLA CY.2206.16 165 mm / 6 12


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Stanzen, zerlegbar Laminectomy Punches, detachable Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma, smontabile Pinze per laminectomia, desmontable

11 mm

KERRISON DA.1001.02 - DA.1005.06 nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 cortante hacia abajo 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso

Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm

Schaftlnge, length of shaft, longitud del vstago, lunghezza dellasta 150 mm / 6 DA.1001.02 DA.1001.03 DA.1001.04 DA.1001.05 DA.1001.06 180 mm / 7 DA.1003.02 DA.1003.03 DA.1003.04 DA.1003.05 DA.1003.06 200 mm / 8 DA.1005.02 DA.1005.03 DA.1005.04 DA.1005.05 DA.1005.06

Rongeure mit 1,2 mm Breite in nicht zerlegbarer Ausfhrungen auf Anfrage lieferbar Rongeur with 1.2 mm width, not detachable, available on request Pinza con anchura de la boca de 1,2 mm, no desmontables, son disponibles sorbe demanda Pinza con larghezza del morso di 1,2 mm, non smontabili, sono disponsibili su richiesta


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Stanzen, zerlegbar Laminectomy Punches, detachable Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma, smontabile Pinze per laminectomia, desmontable

11 mm

KERRISON DA.1001.02 - DA.1005.06 Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso 1 mm nach oben schneidend 130 upwards cutting 130 cortante hacia arriba 130 taglio a 130 verso lalto 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm

Schaftlnge, length of shaft, longitud del vstago, lunghezza dellasta 150 mm / 6 DA.1007.02 DA.1007.03 DA.1007.04 DA.1007.05 DA.1007.06 180 mm / 7 DA.1009.01 DA.1009.02 DA.1009.03 DA.1009.04 DA.1009.05 DA.1009.06 200 mm / 8 DA.1011.02 DA.1011.03 DA.1011.04 DA.1011.05 DA.1011.06

Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso 2 mm nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm

Schaftlnge, length of shaft, longitud del vstago, lunghezza dellasta 150 mm / 6 DA.1013.02 DA.1013.03 DA.1013.04 DA.1013.05 DA.1013.06 180 mm / 7 DA.1015.02 DA.1015.03 DA.1015.04 DA.1015.05 DA.1015.06 200 mm / 8 DA.1017.02 DA.1017.03 DA.1017.04 DA.1017.05 DA.1017.06

Rongeure mit 1,2 mm Breite in nicht zerlegbarer Ausfhrungen auf Anfrage lieferbar Rongeur with 1.2 mm width, not detachable, available on request Pinza con anchura de la boca de 1,2 mm, no desmontables, son disponibles sorbe demanda Pinza con larghezza del morso di 1,2 mm, non smontabili, sono disponsibili su richiesta
GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


WAYNE - Laminektomiestanze, zerlegbar, austauschbar, drehbar 360 WAYNE - Laminectomy Punch, detachable, interchangeable, rotatable 360 WAYNE - Pinza cortante para laminectoma, desmontable, intercambiable, girable 360 WAYNE - Pinza per laminectomia, smontabile, intercambiabile, rotante 360

zum Schlieen drcken push to close presionar para cerrar spingere per chiudere

Cat. No. 290

Wayne Laminektomiestanze Wayne Laminectomy-Punch Wayne Pinza cortante para laminectoma Wayne Pinza per laminectomia INTERCHANGE LOCK zum ffnen drcken push to open presionar para abrir premere per aprire Einsatz 360 drehbar in Schritten von 45 Insert rotatable 360 in steps to 45 Pieza girable 360 por pasos de 45 Inserto rotante 360 a scatti di 45

ROTATION LOCK zum Drehen drcken push to rotate premere per ruotare presionar para girar

Einsatz demontierbar zur einfachen Reinigung und Sterilisation Insert detachable for easy cleaning and sterilization Inserto staccabile per una semplice pulizia e sterilizzazione Pieza desmontable para una fcil limpieza y esterilizacin


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia

80 mm
95 mm

DA.1050.02 2 mm

DA.1050.03 3 mm

2 mm nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto

nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto

CITELLI DA.1050.02 - DA.1050.03

BEYER DA.1055.02

90 mm

nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto

Breite Width Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1060.03 DA.1060.04 DA.1060.05 DA.1060.06 KERRISON DA.1060.03 - DA.1060.06 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia

140 mm 140 mm

DA.1065.04 3,5 mm

DA.1066.05 4,6 mm

DA.1068.04 3,5 mm

DA.1069.05 4,6 mm

nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto

nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 cortante hacia abajo 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso

HAJEK-KOFLER DA.1065.04 - DA.1066.05

HAJEK-KOFLER DA.1068.04 - DA.1069.05

170 mm

360 3 mm Schaft 360 drehbar, 90 schneidend Shaft rotatable 360, 90 cutting Vstago girable 360, corte 90 Albero rotante di 360, taglio a 90



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
150/180 mm

nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1080.01 DA.1080.02 DA.1080.03 DA.1080.04 DA.1080.05 DA.1081.01 DA.1081.02 DA.1081.03 DA.1081.04 DA.1081.05 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1080.01 - DA.1081.05

150/180 mm

nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 cortante hacia abajo 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso

Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1085.01 DA.1085.02 DA.1085.03 DA.1085.04 DA.1085.05 DA.1086.01 DA.1086.02 DA.1086.03 DA.1086.04 DA.1086.05 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1085.01 - DA.1086.05

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
150/180/200 mm

nach oben schneidend 130 upwards cutting 130 cortante hacia arriba 130 taglio a 130 verso lalto DA.1090.01 DA.1090.02 DA.1090.03 DA.1090.04 DA.1090.05 DA.1091.01 DA.1091.02 DA.1091.03 DA.1091.04 DA.1091.05 DA.1092.01 DA.1092.02 DA.1092.03 DA.1092.04 DA.1092.05

Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm

nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso cortante hacia abajo 90 DA.1094.01 DA.1094.02 DA.1094.03 DA.1094.04 DA.1094.05 DA.1095.01 DA.1095.02 DA.1095.03 DA.1095.04 DA.1095.05 DA.1096.01 DA.1096.02 DA.1096.03 DA.1096.04 DA.1096.05 FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1090.01 - DA.1096.05

150/200 mm

nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto

Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1100.03 DA.1100.05 DA.1102.03 DA.1102.05 3 mm 5 mm 3 mm 5 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 200 mm 200 mm LOVE-KERRISON (COLCLOUGH) DA.1100.03 - DA.1102.05


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
150/200 mm

nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 cortante hacia abajo 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1105.03 DA.1105.05 DA.1107.03 DA.1107.05 3 mm 5 mm 3 mm 5 mm Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 200 mm 200 mm


150/200 mm

nach oben schneidend 130 upwards cutting 130 cortante hacia arriba 130 taglio a 130 verso lalto Breite Width of bite Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1110.03 DA.1110.05 DA.1111.03 DA.1111.05 3 mm 5 mm 3 mm 5 mm Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 150 mm 150 mm 200 mm 200 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Stanzen Laminectomy Punches Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia

180 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1115.03 nach oben schneidend 90 upwards cutting 90 cortante hacia arriba 90 taglio a 90 verso lalto DA.1115.05 3 mm 5 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1116.03 DA.1116.05 nach unten schneidend 90 downwards cutting 90 cortante hacia abajo 90 taglio a 90 verso il basso 3 mm 5 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-KERRISON DA.1117.03 DA.1117.05 nach oben schneidend 130 upwards cutting 130 cortante hacia arriba 130 taglio a 130 verso lalto 3 mm 5 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia

180 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-CUSHING DA.1130.02 gerade straight recta retta DA.1130.03 DA.1130.04 2 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-CUSHING DA.1132.02 aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto DA.1132.03 DA.1132.04 2 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

FERRIS-SMITH-CUSHING DA.1134.02 DA.1134.03 abwrts gebogen curved down curva hacia abajo curva verso il basso DA.1134.04 2 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia

120 mm

DA.1140.05 2,5 x 5 mm

DA.1140.08 3,6 x 8 mm

DA.1140.12 4,8 x 12 mm

gerade straight recta retta

WEIL-BLAKESLEY DA.1140.05 - DA.1140.12

110 mm

DA.1143.05 2,5 x 5 mm

DA.1143.08 3,6 x 8 mm

DA.1143.12 4,8 x 12 mm

aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto

WEIL-BLAKESLEY DA.1143.05 - DA.1143.12

120 mm

gerade straight recta retta

TAKAHASHI DA.1145.10 3 x 10 mm

115 mm

aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto

TAKAHASHI DA.1148.10 3 x 10 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
130/150/180/200 mm

CUSHING DA.1160.13 - DA.1165.18

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1160.13 DA.1160.15 gerade straight recta retta DA.1160.18 DA.1160.20 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1163.13 DA.1163.15 aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto DA.1163.18 DA1163.20 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1165.13 DA.1165.15 DA.1165.18 abwrts gebogen curved down curva hacia abajo curva verso il basso DA.1165.20 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
130/150/180/200 mm

LOVE-GRUENWALD DA.1170.13 - DA.1175.18

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1170.13 DA.1170.15 gerade straight recta retta DA.1170.18 DA.1170.20 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1173.13 DA.1173.15 DA.1173.18 aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto DA.1173.20 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1175.13 DA.1175.15 DA.1175.18 abwrts gebogen curved down curva hacia abajo curva verso il basso DA.1175.20 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
130/150/180/200 mm

SPURLING DA.1180.13 - DA.1185.18

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1180.13 DA.1180.15 DA.1180.18 gerade straight recta retta DA.1180.20 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1183.13 DA.1183.15 DA.1183.18 aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto DA.1183.20 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1185.13 DA.1185.15 DA.1185.18 DA.1185.20 abwrts gebogen curved down curva hacia abajo curva verso il basso 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 130 mm 150 mm 180 mm 200 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
gerade straight recta retta

140/160/185 mm

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1202.14 DA.1203.14 DA.1204.14 DA.1205.14 DA.1206.14 DA.1212.16 DA.1213.16 DA.1214.16 DA.1215.16 DA.1216.16 DA.1222.18 DA.1223.18 DA.1224.18 DA.1225.18 DA.1226.18 2 x 12 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm 6 x 16 mm 2 x 12 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm 6 x 16 mm 2 x 12 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm 6 x 16 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm 185 mm 185 mm 185 mm 185 mm 185 mm CASPAR DA.1202.14 - DA.1226.18

140/160/185 mm aufgebogen curved on flat curva hacia arriba curva verso lalto

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1243.14 DA.1244.14 DA.1245.14 DA.1253.16 DA.1254.16 DA.1255.16 DA.1263.18 DA.1264.18 DA.1265.18 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 5 x 14 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm 160 mm 160 mm 160 mm 185 mm 185 mm 185 mm CASPAR DA.1243.14 - DA.1265.18


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Laminektomie-Zangen Laminectomy Rongeurs Pinzas cortantes para laminectoma Pinze per laminectomia
140/160/185 mm abwrts gebogen curved down curva hacia abajo curva verso il basso

Maulgre Size of jaw Anchura de la boca Larghezza del morso DA.1273.14 DA.1274.14 DA.1283.16 DA.1284.16 DA.1293.18 DA.1294.18 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm 3 x 12 mm 4 x 14 mm

Schaftlnge Length of shaft Longitud del vstago Lunghezza dellasta 140 mm 140 mm 160 mm 160 mm 185 mm 185 mm

CASPAR DA.1273.14 - DA.1294.18

180 mm

3,5 mm

Hypophysenzange Pituitary rongeur Pinza para hipfisis Pinza ipofisaria


180 mm

6 mm

Hypophysenzange Pituitary rongeur Pinza para hipfisis Pinza ipofisaria

OLDBERG DA.1312.06

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1774.01 130 mm / 5

KH.1774.02 130 mm / 5

KH.1776.01 130 mm / 5

KH.1776.02 130 mm / 5

Maul, Jaw, Boca, Morso 1,2 mm

Maul, Jaw, Boca, Morso 2,0 mm

STANDARD KH.1774.01 - KH.1774.02

STANDARD KH.1776.01 - KH.1776.02

KH.1780.01 170 mm / 6 34

KH.1780.02 170 mm / 6 34

JANSEN KH.1778.19 190 mm / 7 12

STELLBRINK KH.1780.01 - KH.1780.02

MINI - FRIEDMANN KH.1802.12 120 mm / 5


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1808.14 140 mm / 5 12

KH.1810.17 140 mm / 5 12

FRIEDMANN KH.1804.14 140 mm / 5 12

FRIEDMANN KH.1806.14 140 mm / 5 12

CLEVELAND KH.1808.14 - KH.1810.17

KH.1829.18 180 mm / 7

KH.1830.18 180 mm / 7

KH.1832.18 180 mm / 7 MEAD KH.1818.16 160 mm / 6 12 HARTMANN KH.1822.18 180 mm / 7 JANSEN KH.1829.18 - KH.1832.18

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1835.19 190 mm / 7 12

KH.1836.19 190 mm / 7 12 KH.1838.15 150 mm / 6 KH.1840.15 150 mm / 6 KH.1842.15 150 mm / 6

LEMPERT KH.1835.19 - KH.1836.19

BLUMENTHAL KH.1838.15 - KH.1842.15

KH.1849.17 170 mm / 6 34

KH.1850.17 170 mm / 6 34

KH.1856.15 150 mm / 6

KH.1867.15 150 mm / 6

KH.1868.15 150 mm / 6

LUER KH.1849.17 - KH.1850.17

LUER KH.1856.15 - KH.1868.15


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1879.15 150 mm / 6

KH.1880.15 150 mm / 6

BHLER KH.1879 - KH.1880.15

OLIVECRONA KH.1870.20 200 mm / 8

BEYER KH.1882.18 180 mm / 7

ZAUFAL - JANSEN KH.1884.18 180 mm / 7

KH.1882 - KH.1884.18

MAYFIELD KH.1886.17 170 mm / 6 34

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1890.18 180 mm / 7

KH.1896.23 180 mm / 7

RUSKIN KH.1890.18 - KH.1896.23

MARQUARDT KH.1888.20 200 mm / 8

SEMB KH.1898.22 220 mm / 8 34

STILLE KH.1900.23 230 mm / 9

STILLE - RUSKIN KH.1904.23 230 mm / 9


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1902.02 230 mm / 9

KH.1902.03 230 mm / 9

KH.1902.04 230 mm / 9

ECHLIN KH.1902.02 - KH.1902.04

FRYKHOLM KH.1912.24 240 mm / 9 12

KH.1908.24 240 mm / 9 12

KH.1910.24 240 mm / 9 12

KH.1913.22 220 mm / 8 34

KH.1914.22 220 mm / 8 34

LEKSELL - STILLE KH.1908.24 - KH.1910.24

STILLE - LUER KH.1913.22 - KH.1914.22

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hohlmeielzangen Bone Rongeurs Pinzas Gubias Pinze Sgorbie

KH.1915.23 230 mm / 9

KH.1915.27 270 mm / 10 12

KH.1916.23 230 mm / 9

KH.1916.27 270 mm / 10 12

KH.1919.30 300 mm / 12 STILLE - LUER KH.1915.23 - KH.1916.27

KH.1921.30 300 mm / 12

SAUERBRUCH KH.1919.30 - KH.1921.30


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

CY.1884.23 230 mm / 9

CY.1886.23 230 mm / 9

CY.1882.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor, biegsam Dissector, malleable Disecador, maleable Dissettore, malleabile

CY.1884.23 - CY.1886.23 230 mm / 9 Knopfsonden, biegsam Buttoned probes, malleable Sondas abotonadas, maleable Sonde bottonuta, malleabile

FISCH CY.1900.18 185 mm / 7 14 Scharfes Hkchen Sharp Hook Ganchito muy fino Uncino delicato

CY.1902.18 185 mm / 7 14 Scharfes Hkchen Sharp Hook Ganchito muy fino Uncino delicato

CY.1904.18 185 mm / 7 14 Gewebekralle Tissue Pick Garra para tejidos Artiglio per tessuti


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

1,5 mm 3,0 mm

CY.1916.01 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1916.02 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1916.15 230 mm / 9

CY.1916.30 230 mm / 9

4,5 mm

6,0 mm

CY.1916.03 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1916.04 245 mm / 9 34

CY.1916.45 230 mm / 9

CY.1916.60 230 mm / 9

Explorations- und Koagulationshkchen, isoliert Exploration and coagulation hooks, insulated Ganchos para exploracin y coagulacin, aislados Uncini per esplorazione e coagulazione, isolati

Tumormesser Knives for tumor tissue Cuchillos para organes Lame per tumori

CASPAR CY.1916.01 - CY.1916.04

SAMII CY.1916.15 - CY.1916.60

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

CY.1920.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1922.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1924.23 230 mm / 9 Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo

CY.1918.23 230 mm / 9 Lanzettenmesser, biegsam Lancet knife, malleable Lanceta cuchillo maleable Bisturi per lanzetta malleabile

CY.1920.23 - CY.1924.23


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

2,0 mm

2,5 mm

CY.1926.18 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1927.18 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1930.19 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1932.19 185 mm / 7 14

3,0 mm

3,5 mm

CY.1928.18 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1929.18 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1934.19 185 mm / 7 14

CY.1936.19 185 mm / 7 14

Fadenfhrer, geknpft Ligature guides and carriers, pointed Gua-ligadura, abotonada Guida per legatura, bottonuta

KRAYENBHL CY.1926.18 - CY.1929.18

YASARGIL CY.1930.19 - CY.1936.19

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

CY.1941.23 230 mm / 9 CY.1906.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1942.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1943.23 230 mm / 9 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1944.23 230 mm / 9 CY.1910.23 230 mm / 9 Raspatorium Raspatory Legra Periostotomo Nahtgabel Suture Pusher Bja Nudo Spinginodo

CY.1906.23 - CY.1910.23

CY.1942.23 - CY.1944.23


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

CY.1946.21 210 mm / 8 14 CY.1945.20 200 mm / 8 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1947.21 210 mm / 8 14 Dissektor Dissector Disecador Dissettore

CY.1946.21 - CY.1947.21

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Haken, Dissektoren Hooks, Dissectors Separadores, Disecadores Uncini, Dissettori

CY.1970.18 175 mm / 7

CY.1972.20 195 mm / 7 34



CY.1976.22 215 mm / 8 12

CY.1974.20 195 mm / 7 34




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Scharfe Lffel Bone Curettes Cucharillas cortantes Curette taglienti

KK.1307.40 Fig. 0000

KK.1307.30 Fig. 000

KK.1307.20 Fig. 00

KK.1307.10 Fig. 0

KK.1308.01 Fig. 1

KK.1308.02 Fig. 2

KK.1308.03 Fig. 3

KK.1308.04 Fig. 4

KK.1308.05 Fig. 5

KK.1308.06 Fig. 6

VOLKMANN KK.1307.10 - KK.1308.06 170 mm / 6 34

KK.1342.03 3 mm

KK.1344.03 Fig. 000

KK.1346.03 Fig. 000

KK.1342.04 4 mm

KK.1344.04 Fig. 00

KK.1346.04 Fig. 00

KK.1342.05 5 mm

KK.1344.05 Fig. 0

KK.1346.05 Fig. 0

KK.1344.06 Fig. 1

KK.1346.06 Fig. 1

KK.1342.03 - KK.1342.05 250 mm / 10

KK.1344.03 - KK.1344.06 250 mm / 10

KK.1342.03 - KK.1342.05 250 mm / 10


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Scharfe Lffel Bone Curettes Cucharillas cortantes Curette taglienti

KK.1351.10 Fig. 000

KK.1353.01 Fig. 1

KK.1351.01 Fig. 00

KK.1353.02 Fig. 2

KK.1351.02 Fig. 0

KK.1353.03 Fig. 3

biegsam malleable flexibles malleabili

DAUBENSPECK KK.1351.01 - KK.1351.10 200 mm / 8

HALLE KK.1353.01 - KK.1353.03 210 mm / 8 14

KK.1359.21 210 mm / 8 14 KK.1355.17 170 mm / 6 34

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Scharfe Lffel Bone Curettes Cucharillas cortantes Curette taglienti

00 KK.1361.00 135 mm / 5 14 0

0 KK.1361.01 135 mm / 5 14 1

00 KK.1365.00 135 mm / 5 14 0

0 KK.1365.01 135 mm / 5 14 1

1 KK.1361.12 135 mm / 5 14 2

1 KK.1365.12 135 mm / 5 14 2

WILLIGER KK.1361.00 - KK.1361.12

MARTINI KK.1365.00 - KK.1365.12


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges Cinceles y gubias para huesos Scalpelli ed Osteotomi

KM.1125.06 KM.1125.08 KM.1125.10 KM.1125.12 KM.1125.15 KM.1125.20 KM.1125.25 STILLE KM.1125.06 - KM.1125.25 200 mm / 8

6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm

KM.1126.06 KM.1126.08 KM.1126.10 KM.1126.12 KM.1126.15 KM.1126.20 KM.1126.25 STILLE KM.1126.06 - KM.1126.25 200 mm / 8

6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm

KM.1127.06 KM.1127.08 KM.1127.10 KM.1127.12 KM.1127.15 KM.1127.20 KM.1127.25 STILLE KM.1127.06 - KM.1127.25 200 mm / 8

6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm

KM.1129.10 KM.1129.12 KM.1129.15 KM.1129.20 KM.1129.25 STILLE KM.1129.10 - KM.1129.25 200 mm / 8

10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges Cinceles y gubias para huesos Scalpelli ed Osteotomi

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

KM.1134.05 KM.1134.10 KM.1134.15 LEXER KM.1134.05 - KM.1134.15 250 mm / 10

5 mm 10 mm 15 mm

KM.1134.55 KM.1134.60 KM.1134.65 LEXER KM.1134.55 - KM.1134.65 250 mm / 10

5 mm 10 mm 15 mm

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

KM.1135.04 KM.1135.06 KM.1135.08 KM.1135.10 KM.1135.12 MINI - LEXER KM.1135.04 - KM.1135.12 180 mm / 7

4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm

KM.1136.04 KM.1136.06 KM.1136.08 KM.1136.10 KM.1136.12 MINI - LEXER KM.1136.04 - KM.1136.12 180 mm / 7

4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges Cinceles y gubias para huesos Scalpelli ed Osteotomi

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

KM.1137.05 KM.1137.07 KM.1137.10 KM.1137.15 KM.1137.20 KM.1137.25 KM.1137.30 LEXER KM.1137.05 - KM.1137.30 220 mm / 8 34

5 mm 7 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm

KM.1138.05 KM.1138.07 KM.1138.10 KM.1138.15 KM.1138.20 KM.1138.25 KM.1138.30 LEXER KM.1138.05 - KM.1138.30 220 mm / 8 34

5 mm 7 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm

Ferrozellgriff Ferrozell handle Mango de madera artificial Manico in Ferrozell

KM.1147.55 KM.1147.90 ZIELKE KM.1147.55 - KM.1147.90 230 mm / 9

5,5 mm 9,0 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges Cinceles y gubias para huesos Scalpelli ed Osteotomi

11 mm

8 mm

KM.1140.04 KM.1140.07 KM.1140.09 KM.1140.12 COTTLE KM.1140.04 - KM.1140.12 180 mm / 7

4 mm 7 mm 9 mm 12 mm

KM.1143.04 KM.1143.06 KM.1143.08 KM.1143.10 KM.1143.12 COTTLE KM.1143.04 - KM.1143.12 180 mm / 7

4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm COTTLE KM.1145.08 180 mm / 7

OBWEGESER KM.1145.11 235 mm / 9 14

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Osteotome, Flach- und Hohlmeiel Osteotomes, Chisels and Gouges Cinceles y gubias para huesos Scalpelli ed Osteotomi

KM.1141.15 KM.1141.20 KM.1141.25 KM.1141.30 KM.1141.38 KM.1141.44 KM.1141.50 LAMBOTTE KM.1141.15 - KM.1141.50 240 mm / 9 12

15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 38 mm 44 mm 50 mm

KM.1142.15 KM.1142.20 KM.1142.25 KM.1142.30 KM.1142.38 KM.1142.44 KM.1142.50 LAMBOTTE KM.1142.15 - KM.1142.50 240 mm / 9 12

15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 38 mm 44 mm 50 mm

KM.1157.06 KM.1157.09 KM.1157.13 KM.1157.16 KM.1157.19 KM.1157.25 KM.1157.32 SMITH - PETERSEN KM.1157.06 - KM.1157.32 200 mm / 8

6 mm 9 mm 13 mm 16 mm 19 mm 25 mm 32 mm

KM.1158.06 KM.1158.09 KM.1158.13 KM.1158.16 KM.1158.19 KM.1158.25 KM.1158.32 SMITH - PETERSEN KM.1158.06 - KM.1158.32 200 mm / 8

6 mm 9 mm 13 mm 16 mm 19 mm 25 mm 32 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Retraktoren zur Fixation am Schdel Self-Retaining Retractors for Skull Mounting Separadores para la fijacin del crneo Autofissator per retrattori, per il supporto del cranio

CY.2050.00 Selbsthaltender Hirnspatel mit 1 Spannarm, komplett, bestehend aus: CY.2051.02 1 Spannarm, flexibel CY.2051.04 1 Fixiervorrichtung fr 1 Spannarm CY.2051.12 1 Spatelhalter fr flache Spatel CY.2050.00 Self-retaining brain retractor with 1 arm, complete, consisting of: CY.2051.02 1 Flexible arm CY.2051.04 1 Fixation base for 1 arm CY.2051.12 1 Support for flat brain spatulas CY.2050.00 Separador automtico para el cerebro con 1 brazo, completo, compuesto de: CY.2051.02 1 Brazo, flexible CY.2051.04 1 Fijador para 1 brazo CY.2051.12 1 Porta-esptula para esptulas planas CY.2050.00 Autofissatore per retrattore cervicale con 1 braccio, completo, composto da: CY.2051.02 1 Braccio flessibile CY.2051.04 1 Base di fissaggio per 1 braccio CY.2051.12 1 Supporto per spatole cervicali piatte

LEYLA CY.2050.00

CY.2060.00 Selbsthaltender Hirnspatel mit 2 Spannarmen, komplett, bestehend aus: CY.2051.02 2 Spannarme, flexibel CY.2051.06 1 Fixiervorrichtung fr 2 Spannarme CY.2051.12 2 Spatelhalter fr flache Spatel CY.2060.00 Self-retaining brain retractor with 2 arms, complete, consisting of: CY.2051.02 2 Flexible arms CY.2051.06 1 Fixation base for 2 arms CY.2051.12 2 Supports for flat brain spatulas CY.2060.00 Separador automtico para cerebro con 2 brazos, completo, compuesto de: CY.2051.02 2 Brazos, flexibles CY.2051.06 1 Fijador para 2 brazos CY.2051.12 2 Porta-esptula para esptulas planas CY.2060.00 Autofissatore per retrattore cervicale con 2 bracci, completo, composto da: CY.2051.02 2 Bracci flessibili CY.2051.06 1 Base di fissaggio per 2 bracci CY.2051.12 2 Supporti per spatole cervicali piatte

LEYLA CY.2060.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Zubehr zu LEYLA-Retraktoren Accessories for LEYLA Self-Retaining Retractors Accesorios para separadores automticos de LEYLA Accessori per autofissatori di retrattori di LEYLA

LEYLA CY.2051.02 Spannarm zum Aufstecken auf Kupplungskpfe und Fixiervorrichtungen Flexible arm for attaching coupling heads and fixaton bases Brazo para colocar sobre el acopalmiento y los fijadores Braccio flessibile per il fissaggio delle teste di accoppiamento e le basi di fissaggio

LEYLA CY.2051.04 Fixiervorrichtung fr 1 Spannarm CY.2051.02, zum Festschrauben am Schdel Fixation base for 1 flexible arm CY.2051.02, for skull mounting Fijador para 1 brazo CY.2051.02, para atornillar al crneo Base di fissaggio per 1 braccio flessibile CY.2051.02, per il supporto del cranio

LEYLA CY.2051.06 Fixiervorrichtung fr 2 Spannarme CY.2051.02, zum Festschrauben am Schdel Fixation base for 2 flexible arms CY.2051.02, for skull mounting Base de fixation pour 2 bras CY.2051.02, pour fixer au crne Base di fissaggio per 2 bracci flessibili CY.2051.02, per il supporto del cranio

LEYLA CY.2051.08 Fixiervorrichtung fr 1 Spannarm CY.2051.02, zum Festschrauben an Rohrteilen bis 16 mm Fixation base for 1 flexible arm CY.2051.02, for mounting to bars up to 16 mm diam. Fijador para 1 brazo CY.2051.02, para atornillar a tubos hasta 16 mm Base di fissaggio per 1 braccio flessibile CY.2051.02, per il supporto di asta di raccordo da 16 mm

LEYLA CY.2051.10 Spatelhalter mit Rundschaft bis 5,5 mm, zur Befestigung am Spannarm CY.2051.02 Support for brain spatulas with round shaft up to 5.5 mm diam., fixation to flexible arm CY.2051.02 Supporto per spatola craniale con diametro asse 5,5 mm, fissato al braccio flessibile CY.2051.02 Porta-esptula con vstago redondo hasta 5,5 mm, para sujetarlo al brazo CY.2051.02

LEYLA CY.2051.12 Spatelhalter fr flache Spatel, zur Befestigung am Spannarm CY.2051.02 Support for flat brain spatulas, fixation to flexible arm CY.2051.02 Porta-esptula para esptulas planas, para sujetarlo al brazo CY.2051.02 Supporto per spatola cervicale piatta, fissato al braccio flessibile CY.2051.02

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Retraktoren zur Fixation am OP-Tisch Self-Retaining Retractors, Fixation to Operating Table Autofissatori per retrattori, da fissare alla tavola operatoria Separadores para fijacin a la mesa de operaciones
CY.2070.00 Selbsthaltender Hirnspatel mit 1 Spannarm, komplett, bestehend aus: CY.2071.02 1 Kugelgelenkkloben CY.2071.04 1 Haltearm CY.2071.06 1 Kupplungskopf CY.2051.02 1 Spannarm CY.2051.10 1 Spatelhalterung fr Spatel mit rundem Griff CY.2070.00 Self-retaining brain retractor with 1 flexible arm, complete, consisting of: CY.2071.02 1 Ball and socket joint CY.2071.04 1 Holding rod CY.2071.06 1 Coupling head CY.2051.02 1 Flexible arm CY.2051.10 1 Support, for brain spatulas with round shaft CY.2070.00 Separador automtico para el cerebro con 1 brazo, completo, compuesto de: CY.2071.02 1 Articulacin esfrica CY.2071.04 1 Brazo de apoyo CY.2071.06 1 Acoplamiento CY.2051.02 1 Brazo CY.2051.10 1 Porta-esptula para esptulas con mangos redondos CY.2070.00 Autofissatore per retrattori cervicali con 1 braccio flessibile completo, composto da: CY.2071.02 1 Giunto a sfera ad incastro CY.2071.04 1 Porta asta CY.2071.06 1 Testa accoppiamento CY.2051.02 1 Braccio flessibile CY.2051.10 1 Supporto per spatola craniale con albero rotondo

LEYLA CY.2070.00

CY.2080.00 Selbsthaltender Hirnspatel mit 2 Spannarmen, komplett, bestehend aus: CY.2071.02 1 Kugelgelenkkloben CY.2071.04 1 Haltearm CY.2071.08 2 Kupplungskpfe CY.2051.02 2 Spannarme CY.2051.10 1 Spatelhalterung, fr Spatel mit rundem Griff CY.2051.12 1 Spatelhalterung, fr flache Spatel CY.2080.00 Self-retaining brain retractor with 2 flexible arms, complete, consisting of: CY.2071.02 1 Ball and socket joint CY.2071.04 1 Holding rod CY.2071.08 2 Coupling heads CY.2051.02 2 Flexible arms CY.2051.10 1 Support, for brain spatulas with round shaft CY.2051.12 1 Support, for flat brain spatulas CY.2080.00 Separador automtico para el cerebro con 2 brazos, completo, compuesto de: CY.2071.02 1 Articulacin esfrica CY.2071.04 1 Brazo de apoyo CY.2071.08 2 Acoplamientos CY.2051.02 2 Brazos CY.2051.10 1 Porta-esptula, para esptulas con mangos redondos CY.2051.12 1 Porta-esptula, para esptulas planas CY.2080.00 Autofissatore per retrattori cervicali con 2 bracci flessibili completo, composto da: CY.2071.02 1 Giunto a sfera ad incastro CY.2071.04 1 Porta asta CY.2071.08 2 Teste accoppiamento CY.2051.02 2 Bracci flessibili CY.2051.10 1 Supporto per spatola craniale con albero rotondo CY.2051.12 1 Supporto per spatola craniale piatta

LEYLA CY.2080.00


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Zubehr zu LEYLA-Retraktoren Accessories for LEYLA Self-Retaining Retractors Accesorios para separadores automticos de LEYLA Accessori per autofissatori per retrattori di LEYLA

LEYLA CY.2071.02 Kugelgelenkkloben, zur Befestigung des Haltearms an OP-Tisch-Schienen Ball and socket joint, for fixation rod to pole of operating table Articulacin esfrica, para sujetar los brazos de apoyo sobre la mesa de operaciones Giunto a sfera ad incastro, per il fissaggio dellasta allestremit del tavolo operatorio

LEYLA CY.2071.04 Haltearm zur Fixation im Kugelgelenkkloben CY.2071.02 und zur Aufnahme der Kupplungskpfe Holding rod for fixation in ball and socket joint CY.2071.02 and to take coupling heads Brazo de apoyo para fijar la articulacin esfrica CY.2071.02 y los acoplamientos Porta asta per il fissaggio al giunto a sfera CY.2071.02 e alle teste di accoppiamento

LEYLA CY.2071.06 Kupplungskopf zur Aufnahme von 1-5 Spannarmen CY.2051.02 Coupling head to take 1-5 flexible arms CY.2051.02 Acoplamiento para sujetar 1-5 brazos CY.2051.02 Testa accoppiamento per 1-5 bracci flessibili CY.2051.02

LEYLA CY.2071.08 Kupplungskopf, drehbar, in allen Ebenen fixierbar, zur Aufnahme von 1 Spannarm CY.2051.02 Coupling head, rotatable, can be fixed in any position, to take 1 flexible arm CY.2051.02 Acoplamiento, girable y se puede fijar en todas las posturas para sujetar un brazo CY.2051.02 Testa accoppiamento, pu essere fissato in qualsiasi posizione, supporta 1 braccio flessibile CY.2051.02

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Instrumente zur Schdelffnung Instruments for Cranial Opening Instrumentos para apertura craneana Strumenti per lapertura del cranioa

Kopfhautklemme Scalp flap forceps Pinza hemosttica para pericraneo Pinza emostatica per il cuoio capelluto

DE MARTEL AC.1293.14 140 mm / 5 12

Drahtsgen Wire saws Sierras de hilo Fili per sega CY.1700.30 CY.1700.40 CY.1700.50 CY.1700.60 OLIVECRONA (GIGLI) 30 cm / 12 40 cm / 16 50 cm / 20 60 cm / 24

Einfhrungsinstrument fr Drahtsgen Conductor for wire saws Conductor para sierras de hilo Guida per fili per sega

DE MARTEL (BAILEY) CY.1704.33 330 mm / 13

GIGLI CY.1702.07 70 mm / 2 34

Handgriffe fr Drahtsgen, 1 Paar Hook handles for wire saws, 1 pair Mango con gancho, para sierras de hilo, 1 par Manico ad uncino per fili per sega, 1 paio


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Instrumente zur Schdelffnung Instruments for Cranial Opening Instrumentos para apertura craneana Strumenti per lapertura del cranioa


CY.1710.77 CY.1708.21

DAHLGREN CY.1708.20 200 mm / 8 Schdelstanze mit 2 Haken (CY.1708.21) Skull Punch with 2 hooks (CY.1708.21) Pinza saca-bocado craneal con 2 ganchos (CY.1708.21) Pinza per cranio con 2 ganci (CY.1708.21)

DE VILBISS CY.1710.20 205mm, 8 Schdelstanze mit je 1 Haken klein (CY.1710.76) und gro (CY.1710.77) Skull Punch with 1 hook each small (CY.1710.76) and large (CY.1710.77) Pinza saca-bocado craneal con 1 gancho pequeo (CY.1710.76) y grande (CY.1710.77) Pinza per cranio con 1 gancio piccolo (CY.1710.76) e 1 grande (CY.1710.77)

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Instrumente zur Schdelffnung Instruments for Cranial Opening Instrumentos para apertura craneana Strumenti per lapertura del cranioa

Kopfhautklammern, in Packungen zu 10 Stck Scalp haemostasis clips, in package of 10 pieces Pinza hemosttica para cuero cabelludo, en paquetes de 10 piezas Agrafes emostatici per cuoio capelluto, in confezioni da 10 pezzi MOD. KLN CY.1770.00 Kopfhautklammern, in Packungen zu 12 Stck Scalp haemostasis clips, in package of 12 pieces Pinza hemosttica para cuero cabelludo, en paquetes de 12 piezas Agrafes emostatici per cuoio capelluto, in confezioni da 12 pezzi RANEY CY.1773.00

CY.1979.24 245 mm / 9 34 CY.1978.29 290 mm / 11 12

CY.1980.24 240 mm / 9 12

CY.1982.24 240 mm / 9 12






GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Instrumente zur Schdelffnung Instruments for Cranial Opening Instrumentos para apertura craneana Strumenti per lapertura del cranioa

KO.1155.01 9,0mm

KO.1155.02 14,0mm

KO.1155.03 16,0mm

KO.1155.04 22,0mm

CUSHING KO.1155.05 14,0mm

KO.1155.06 2,0mm

KO.1155.07 13,0mm

ERRICO KO.1155.08 16,0mm

KO.1155.09 Fig.9

HUDSON KO.1155.00 270 mm / 10 12

Einfacher Handbohrapparat mit Frsern Fig. 1-4 und Verlngerungsstck Fig.9 Hand drill, with 4 burrs, fig.1-4 and extension piece fig.9 Perforador manual, con 4 fresas fig.1-4 y pieza alargadera fig.9 Perforatore a mano con 4 frese fig.1-4 e giunto di prolungamento fig.9

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Erbe-Gerte Monopolar Electrode handles for Erbe Units Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para aparatos Erbe Manici per elettrodi monopolari per apparecchi Erbe
4 mm 134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar


Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 4 mm shaft Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor , vstago 4 mm Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm

4 mm

5 mm ACC/ICC T.9102.04 Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, mit 3 m Kabel - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle with twin finger switch, with cable 3 m - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, con cable 3 m - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, con cavo 3 m - per ACC/ICC Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, mit Kabel 5 m - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle with twin finger switch, with cable 5 m - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, con cable 5 m - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, con cavo 5 m - per ACC/ICC


4 mm

4 mm T-Serie


Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, mit Kabel 3 m - fr T-Serie Electrode handle with twin finger switch, with cable 3 m - for T-Serie Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, con cable 3 m - para T-Serie Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, con cavo 3 m - per T-Serie Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, mit Kabel 5 m - fr T-Serie Electrode handle with twin finger switch, with cable 5 m - for T-Serie Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, con cable 5 m - para T-Serie Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, con cavo 5 m - per T-Serie



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Erbe-Gerte Monopolar Electrode handles for Erbe Units Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para aparatos Erbe Manici per elettrodi monopolari per apparecchi Erbe
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar 4 mm oder / or / o / oppure 2,4 mm

fr / for / para / per ACC / ICC

Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel fr USA-Anschlu - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable for USA-Connection - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo de conexin USA - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm, con cavo di connessione USA fisso - per ACC/ICC T.9102.12 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.14 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 2,4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel fr USA-Anschlu - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 2,4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable for USA-Connection - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 2,4 mm, con cable fijo de conexin USA - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 2,4 mm, con cavo di connessione USA fisso - per ACC/ICC T.9102.16 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.18 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m

4 mm

fr / for / para / per ACC / ICC 5 mm ACC/ICC

Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm, con cavo fisso - per ACC/ICC T.9102.20 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.22 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Erbe-Gerte Monopolar Electrode handles for Erbe Units Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para aparatos Erbe Manici per elettrodi monopolari per apparecchi Erbe
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

5 mm ACC/ICC


Elektrodenhandgriff ohne Schalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel 3 m - fr ACC/ICC Electrode handle without switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable 3 m - for ACC/ICC Mango porta-electrodos sin interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo 3 m - para ACC/ICC Manico per elettrodi senza interruttore, asta 4 mm, con cavo fisso 3 m - per ACC/ICC

4 mm

4 mm T-Serie


Elektrodenhandgriff ohne Schalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel 3 m - fr T-Serie Electrode handle without switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable 3 m - for T-Serie Mango porta-electrodos sin interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo 3 m - para T-Serie Manico per elettrodi senza interruttore, asta 4 mm, con cavo fisso 3 m - per T-Serie


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anschlukabel fr Erbe-Gerte Connection cables for Erbe Units Cables de conexin para aparatos Erbe Cavi di connessione per apparecchi Erbe
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar 5 mm Anschlukabel fr Elektrodenhandgriff (T.9102.01 / T.9102.04 / T.9102.06) - fr ACC/ICC Connection cable for electrode handle (T.9102.01 / T.9102.04 / T.9102.06) - for ACC/ICC Cable de conexin para mango porta-electrodos (T.9102.01 / T.9102.04 / T.9102.06) - para ACC/ICC Cavo di connessione per manico per elettrodi (T.9102.01 / T.9102.04 / T.9102.06) - per ACC/ICC T.5768.32 3m T.5768.34 5m

4 mm Anschlukabel fr Elektrodenhandgriff (T.9102.08 / T.9102.10) - fr ERBE T-Serie Connection cable for electrode handle (T.9102.08 / T.9102.10) - for ERBE T-Serie Cable de conexin para mango porta-electrodos (T.9102.08 / T.9102.10) - para ERBE T-Serie Cavo di connessione per manico per elettrodi (T.9102.08 / T.9102.10) - per ERBE T-Serie T.5768.36 3m T.5768.38 5m

4 mm

Anschlukabel fr Arthroskopieelektroden - fr ERBE T-Serie Connection cable for arthroscopic electrodes - for ERBE T-Serie Cable de conexin para electrodos para artroscopia - para ERBE T-Serie Cavo di connessione per elettrodi artroscopia - per ERBE T-Serie T.5768.14 3m T.5768.16 5m

Anschlukabel fr Bipolarpinzetten (europ. Flachstecker) Connection cable for bipolar forceps (europ. flat plug) Cable de conexin para pinzas bipolares (enchufe plano europeo) Cavo di connessione per pinze bipolari ( spina piatta europea) T.5768.05 3m T.5768.08 5m

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anschlukabel fr Erbe-Gerte Connection cables for Erbe Units Cables de conexin para aparatos Erbe Cavi di connessione per apparecchi Erbe
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar 6.35 mm

Verlngerungskabel fr Neutralelektroden aus Silikon-Kautschuk (Erbe) Extension cable for neutral electrodes from silicone rubber (Erbe) Cable de conexin para electrodos neutros de caucho de silicona (Erbe) Cavo di connessione per elettrodi neutri di gomma in silicone (Erbe) T.5768.40 3m T.5768.42 5m

6.35 mm

Anschlukabel fr Einmalneutralelektroden (Typ 3M) mit Kabel Connection cable for disposable neutral electrodes (Type 3M) with cable Cable de conexin para electrodos neutros de un solo uso (tipo 3M) con cable Cavo di connessione per elettrodi neutri monouso (tipo 3M) con cavo T.5768.44 3m T.5768.46 5m

6.35 mm

Anschlukabel fr Einmalneutralelektroden ohne Kabel (25 mm ffnung) Connection cable for disposable neutral electrodes without cable (25 mm opening)) ) Cable de conexin para electrodos neutros de un solo uso sin cable (25 mm abertura) Cavo di connessione per elettrodi neutri monouso senza cavo (25 mm apertura) T.5768.48 T.5768.50 3m 5m

4 mm

4 mm

Anschlukabel fr Endoskopie-Instrumente - fr ERBE T-Serie Connection cable for endoscopic instruments - for ERBE T-Serie Cable de conexin para instrumentos de endoscopia - para ERBE T-Serie Cavo di connessione per strumenti endoscopici - per ERBE T-Serie T.9540.01 T.9540.02 3m 5m


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Gummi-Neutralelektroden, wiederverwendbar fr Erbe-Gerte Rubber Neutralelectrodes, reusable for Erbe Units Electrodos neutros de goma, reutilizables para aparatos Erbe Elettrodi neutri di gomma, riutilizzabili per apparecchi Erbe
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

T.5675.00 T.5675.01

145 x 245 mm fr Erwachsene / for adult / para adultos / per adulti 112 x 168 mm fr Kinder / for children / para nios / per bambini

Gummi-Neutralelektrode, wiederverwendbar, passend fr Erbe, mit Anschlukabel 50 cm lang, autoklavierbar, passend fr Verbindungskabel T.5768.40 / T.5768.42 Rubber Neutralelectrode, reusaable, fit for Erbe, with connection cable 50 cm length, autoclavable, appropriate cables T.5768.40 / T.5768.42 Electrodos neutros de goma, rutilizables, para Erbe, con cable de conexin 50 cm, esterilizables por autoclave apropiados para cable de conexin T.5768.40 / T.5768.42 Elettrodi neutri di gomma, riutilizzabile, per Erbe, con cavo di connessione 50 cm, autoclavabile cavo di allacciamento adatto T.5768.40 / T.5768.42

Gummibinde, gelocht, 50 cm oder 100 cm Rubber bands, perforated, 50 cm or 100 cm Cintas de goma, perforadas, 50 cm o 100 cm Nastri in gomma, perforati, 50 cm oppure 100 cm T.5675.05 T.5675.06 50 cm 100 cm


Befestigungsknopf fr Gummibinden (Packung / 10 Stck) Button for rubber bands (box of 10 pieces) Botn de fijacin para cintas de goma (en paquetes de 10 piezas) Bottone per nastri in gomma (in confezioni di 10 pezzi)

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Berchtold / Martin Monopolar Electrode handles for Berchtold / Martin Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para Berchtold / Martin Manici per elettrodi monopolari per Berchtold / Martin
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar 4 mm


Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft , 4 mm shaft Electrode handle with twin finger switch, Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor , vstago 4 mm Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm

4 mm


Elektrodenhandgriff mit 1 Fingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft , 4 mm shaft Electrode handle with 1 finger switch, Mango porta-electrodos con 1 interruptor, vstago 4 mm Manico per elettrodi con 1 interruttore, asta 4 mm

4 mm


Elektrodenhandgriff, einpolig, ohne Schalter, 4 mm Schaft , 4 mm shaft Electrode handle, unipolar, without switch, Mango porta-electrodos, monopolar, sin interruptor, vstago 4 mm Manico per elettrodi, monopolare, senza interruttore, asta 4 mm

Anschlukabel fr Elektrodenhandgriff T.9102.01 / T.9103.02 / T.9103.04 Connection cable for electrode handle T.9102.01 / T.9103.02 / T.9103.04 Cable de conexin para mango porta-electrodos T.9102.01 / T.9103.02 / T.9103.04 Cavo di connessione per manico per elettrodi T.9102.01 / T.9103.02 / T.9103.04 T.9103.06 T.9103.07 3m 5m


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Berchtold / Martin Monopolar Electrode handles for Berchtold / Martin Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para Berchtold / Martin Manici per elettrodi monopolari per Berchtold / Martin
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

oder / or / o / oppure

2,4 mm

Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel fr USA-Anschlu Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable for USA-Connection Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo de conexin USA Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm, con cavo di connessione USA fisso T.9102.12 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.14 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 2,4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel fr USA-Anschlu Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 2,4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable for USA-Connection Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 2,4 mm, con cable fijo de conexin USA Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 2,4 mm, con cavo di connessione USA fisso T.9102.16 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.18 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m

4 mm

oder / or / o / oppure

2,4 mm

Elektrodenhandgriff ohne Schalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel Electrode handle without switch, 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable Mango porta-electrodos sin interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo Manico per elettrodi senza interruttore, asta 4 mm, con cavo fisso T.9103.20 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9103.22 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m Elektrodenhandgriff ohne Schalter, 2,4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel Electrode handle without switch, 2,4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable Mango porta-electrodos sin interruptor, vstago 2,4 mm, con cable fijo Manico per elettrodi senza interruttore, asta 2,4 mm, con cavo fisso T.9103.24 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9103.26 mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anschlukabel fr Berchtold / Martin Connection cables for Berchtold / Martin Cables de conexin para Berchtold / Martin Cavi di connessione per Berchtold / Martin
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

Anschlukabel fr Elektrodenhandgriff (nur original Berchtold / Martin - Griffe) Connection cable for electrode handle (only original Berchtold / Martin - handles) Cable de conexin para mango porta-electrodos (solamente mangos originales Berchtold / Martin) Cavo di connessione per manico per elettrodi (solo manico originale Berchtold / Martin) T.5768.20 3m T.5768.22 5m

4 mm

Anschlukabel, fr Bipolar-Instrumente (europ. Flachstecker) Connection cable, for bipolar instruments (europ. flat plug) Cable de conexin, para instrumentos bipolares (enchufe plano europeo) Cavo di connessione, per strumenti bipolari (spina piatta europea) T.5768.06 3m T.5768.11 5m

4 mm

4 mm

Anschlukabel, einpolig, fr Laparoskopieelektroden Connection cable, unipolar, for laparoscopic electrodes Cable de conexin, monopolar, para electrodos para laparoscopia Cavo di connessione, monopolare, per elettrodi per laparoscopia T.9540.01 3m T.9540.02 5m

4 mm

4 mm

Anschlukabel, einpolig, fr Laparoskopieelektroden (mit 2 mnnlichen Steckern) Connection cable, unipolar, for laparoscopic electrodes (with 2 plugs, male) Cable de conexin, monopolar, para electrodos para laparoscopia ( con 2 enchufes macho) Cavo di connessione, monopolare, per elettrodi per laparoscopia (con due spinotti maschi) T.9539.01 3m T.9539.02 5m


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anschlukabel fr Berchtold / Martin Connection cables for Berchtold / Martin Cables de conexin para Berchtold / Martin Cavi di connessione per Berchtold / Martin
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

Anschlukabel, einpolig, fr Arthroskopieelektroden Connection cable, unipolar, for arthroscopic electrodes Cable de conexin, monopolar, para electrodos para artroscopia Cavo di connessione, monopolare, per elettrodi artroscopia T.5768.14 3m T.5768.16 5m

6,35 mm

Anschlukabel mit Klammer fr Einmalneutralelektroden (25 mm ffnung) Connection cable with clip for disposable neutral electrodes (25 mm opening) Cable de conexin con pinza para electrodos neutros de un solo uso (25 mm abertura) Cavo di connessione per elettrodi neutri monouso (25 mm apertura) T.5768.48 3m T.5768.50 5m

6,35 mm

Anschlukabel fr Neutralelektroden Connection cable for neutral electrodes Cable de conexin para electrodos neutros Cavo di connessione per elettrodi neutri T.5768.28 3m T.5768.30 5m

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Gummi-Neutralelektroden, wiederverwendbar fr Berchtold / Martin Rubber Neutralelectrodes, reusable for Berchtold / Martin Electrodos neutros de goma, reutilizables para Berchtold / Martin Elettrodi neutri di gomma, riutilizzabili per Berchtold / Martin
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

T.5675.03 T.5675.04

145 x 245 mm fr Erwachsene / for adult / para adultos / per adulti 112 x 168 mm fr Kinder / for children /.para nios / per bambini

Gummi-Neutralelektrode, wiederverwendbar, passend fr Berchtold / Martin, mit Anschlukabel 50 cm lang, autoklavierbar passend fr Verbindungskabel T.5768.28 / T.5768.30 Rubber Neutralelectrode, reusable, fit for Berchtold / Martin, with connection cable 50 cm length, autoclavable, appropriate cables T.5768.28 / T.5768.30 Electrodos neutros de goma, reutilizables, para Berchtold / Martin, con cable de conexin 50 cm, esterilizables por autoclave apropiados para cable de conexin T.5768.28 / T.5768.30 Elettrodi neutri di gomma, riutilizzabile, per Berchtold / Martin, con cavo di connessione 50 cm, autoclavabile cavo di allacciamento adatto T.5768.28 / T.5768.30

Gummibinde, gelocht, 50 cm oder 100 cm Rubber bands, perforated, 50 cm or 100 cm Cintas de goma, perforadas, 50 cm o 100 cm Nastri in gomma, perforati, 50 cm oppure 100 cm T.5675.05 T.5675.06 50 cm 100 cm


Befestigungsknopf fr Gummibinden (Packung / 10 Stck) Button for rubber bands (box of 10 pieces) Botn de fijacin para cintas de goma (en paquetes de 10 piezas) Bottone per nastri in gomma (in confezioni di 10 pezzi)


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Valleylab Monopolar Electrode handles for Valleylab Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para Valleylab Manici per elettrodi monopolari per Valleylab
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

oder / or / o / oppure

2,4 mm

Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft oder 2,4 mm, mit fest montiertem Kabel Electrode handle with twin finger switch, 4 mm shaft or 2,4 mm, with fix mounted cable Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 4 mm o 2,4 mm, con cable fijo Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm oppure 2,4 mm, con cavo fisso T.9102.12 4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9102.14 4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m T.9102.16 T.9102.18 2,4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m 2,4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m

4 mm


Elektrodenhandgriff mit Doppelfingerschalter, 4 mm Schaft, mit fest montiertem Kabel , 4 mm shaft, with fix mounted cable Electrode handle with twin finger switch, Mango porta-electrodos con doble interruptor, vstago 4 mm, con cable fijo Manico per elettrodi con interruttore doppio, asta 4 mm, con cavo fisso

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Elektrodenhandgriffe fr Valleylab Monopolar Electrode handles for Valleylab Mangos porta-electrodos monopolares para Valleylab Manici per elettrodi monopolari per Valleylab
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

oder / or / o / oppure

2,4 mm

8 mm

Elektrodenhandgriff ohne Schalter, 4 mm Schaft oder 2,4 mm, mit fest montiertem Kabel Electrode handle without switch, 4 mm shaft or 2,4 mm, with fix mounted cable Mango porta-electrodos sin interruptor, vstago 4 mm o 2,4 mm, con cable fijo Manico per elettrodi senza interruttore, asta 4 mm oppure 2,4 mm, con cavo fisso T.9103.40 4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m T.9103.42 4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m T.9103.44 T.9103.46 2,4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 3 m 2,4 mm - mit Kabel / with cable / con cable / con cavo - 5 m


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Anschlukabel fr Valleylab Connection cables for Valleylab Cables de conexin para Valleylab Cavi di connessione per Valleylab
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

Anschlukabel fr Bipolarpinzetten GIMMI / Martin - Erbe etc. (europ. Flachstecker) Connection cable for bipolar forceps GIMMI / Martin / Erbe etc.(europ. flat plug) Cable de conexin para pinzas bipolares GIMMI / Martin / Erbe etc.(enchufe plano europeo) Cavo di connessione per pinze bipolari GIMMI / Martin / /Erbe etc. (spina piatta europea) T.5768.07 3m T.5768.12 4m

8 mm Anschlukabel fr Endoskopie-Instrumente mit 4 mm Stecker Connection cable for endoscopic instruments with 4 mm plug Cable de conexin para instrumentos de endoscopia con enchufe de 4 mm Cavo di connessione per strumenti endoscopici con spina da 4 mm T.9539.03 3m T.9539.08 5m

4 mm

8 mm

Anschlukabel fr Arthroskopieelektroden Connection cable for arthroscopic electrodes Cable de conexin para electrodos para artroscopia Cavo di connessione per elettrodi per artroscopia T.5768.09 3m T.5768.10 5m

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Anschlukabel fr Valleylab Connection cables for Valleylab Cables de conexin para Valleylab Cavi di connessione per Valleylab
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4 mm

Anschlukabel fr bipolare Instrumente Connection cable for bipolar instruments Cable de conexin para instrumentos bipolares Cavo di connessione per strumenti bipolari T.5767.00 3m T.5767.02 5m

Anschlukabel fr Bipolarpinzetten, mit 2-Pin Stecker (Valleylab / Lamidey) Connection cable for bipolar forceps, with 2-pin plug (Valleylab / Lamidey) Cable de conexin para pinzas bipolares , con enchufe de 2 - clavijas (Valleylab / Lamidey) Cavo di connessione per pinze bipolari, con attacco a due spinotti (Valleylab / Lamidey) T.5767.04 3m T.5767.06 5m

Anschlukabel fr Bipolarpinzetten, mit 2-Pin Stecker (EMC / Dolley) Connection cable for bipolar forceps, with 2-pin plug (EMC / Dolley) Cable de conexin para pinzas bipolares , con enchufe de 2 clavijas (EMC / Dolley) Cavo di connessione per pinze bipolari, con attacco a due spinotti (EMC / Dolley) T.5767.08 3m T.5767.10 5m


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Adapter fr 3-Pin - Stecker Adaptor for 3-pin plugs Adaptador para enchufe de 3 clavijas Adattatore per cavo a 3 spine


fr Erbe ACC / ICC for Erbe ACC / ICC para Erbe ACC / ICC per AF Erbe ACC / ICC fr Erbe T-Serie for Erbe T-Serie para Erbe T-Serie per Erbe T-Serie


fr Berchtold / Martin for Berchtold / Martin para Berchtold / Martin per Berchtold / Martin


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Standardelektroden - Schaft- 4 mm und 2,4 mm Monpolar Standard electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm and 2,4 mm Electrodos Standard monopolares - de vstago 4 mm y 2,4 mm Elettrodi Standard monopolari - dellasta 4 mm e 2,4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4,0 mm

2,4 mm

Messerelektrode, gerade Knife electrode, straight Electrodo de cuchillo, recto Elettrodo a coltello, retto



Spatelelektrode, gerade Spatula electrode, straight Electrodo de esptula, recto Elettrodo a spatola, retto



Spatelelektrode, abgewinkelt Spatula electrode, angled Electrodo de esptula, acodado Elettrodo a spatola, angolato



Messerelektrode, gerade Knife electrode, straight Electrodo de cuchillo, recto Elettrodo a coltello, retto



Messerelektrode, abgewinkelt Knife electrode, angled Electrodo de cuchillo, acodado Elettrodo a coltello, angolato



Nadelelektrode, abgewinkelt Needle electrode, angled Electrodo de aguja, acodado Elettrodo ad ago, angolato



Nadelelektrode, gerade Needle electrode, straight Electrodo de aguja, recto Elettrodo ad ago, retto




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Standardelektroden - Schaft- 4 mm und 2,4 mm Monpolar Standard electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm and 2,4 mm Electrodos Standard monopolares - de vstago 4 mm y 2,4 mm Elettrodi Standard monopolari - dellasta 4 mm e 2,4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4,0 mm

2,4 mm

Drahtschlingenelektrode, 14 mm Wire loop electrode, , 14 mm Electrodo de asa alambre, 14 mm Elettrodo ad ansa, 14 mm



Drahtschlingenelektrode, 10 mm Wire loop electrode, 10 mm Electrodo de asa alambre, 10 mm Elettrodo ad ansa, 10 mm



Drahtschlingenelektrode, 5 mm Wire loop electrode, 5 mm Electrodo de asa alambre, 5 mm Elettrodo ad ansa, 5 mm


Bandschlingenelektrode, 17 mm Ribbon loop electrode, 17 mm Electrodo de asa de cinta, 17 mm Elettrodo ad ansa laminata, 17 mm


Bandschlingenelektrode, 10 mm Ribbon loop electrode, 10 mmr Electrodo de asa de cinta, 10 mm Elettrodo ad ansa laminata, 10 mm



Plattenelektrode, gerade, 8 x 10 mm Plate electrode, straight, 8 x 10 mm Electrodo de placa, recto, 8 x 10 mm Elettrodo a piastra, retto, 8 x 10 mm


Plattenelektrode, gerade, 10 x 15 mm Plate electrode. straight, 10 x 15 mm Electrodo de placa, recto, 10 x 15 mm Elettrodo a piastra, retto, 10 x 15 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Monopolare Standardelektroden - Schaft- 4 mm und 2,4 mm Monpolar Standard electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm and 2,4 mm Electrodos Standard monopolares - de vstago 4 mm y 2,4 mm Elettrodi Standard monopolari - dellasta 4 mm e 2,4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

4,0 mm

2,4 mm

Kugelelektrode, gerade, 6 mm Ball electrode, straight, 6 mm Electrodo de bola,recto, 6 mm Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 6 mm



Kugelelektrode, gerade, 4 mm Ball electrode, straight, 4 mm Electrodo de bola, recto, 4 mm Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 4 mm



Kugelelektrode, gerade, 2 mm Ball electrode, straight, 2 mm Electrodo de bola, recto, 2 mm Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 2 mm



Kugelelektrode, gerade, 1,5 mm Ball electrode, straight, 1,5 mm Electrodo de bola, recto, 1,5 mm Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 1,5 mm



Kugelelektrode, gewinkelt, 4 mm Ball electrode, angled, 4 mm Electrodo de bola, acodado, 4 mm Elettrodo a sfera, angolato, 4 mm



Kugelelektrode, gewinkelt, 2 mm Ball electrode, angled 2 mm Electrodo de bola, acodado, 2 mm Elettrodo a sfera, angolato, 2 mm



Kugelelektrode, gewinkelt, 1,5 mm Ball electrode. angled, 1,5 mm Electrodo de bola, acodado, 1,5 mm Elettrodo a sfera, angolato, 1,5 mm



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Standardelektroden - Schaft- 4 mm Monpolar Standard electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm Electrodos Standard monopolares - de vstago 4 mm Elettrodi Standard monopolari - dellasta 4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

T.1913.40 Elektrodenverlngerung, 150 mm Extension for electrodes, 150 mm Alargador para electrodos, 150 mm Prolunga per elettrodi, 150 mm

T.1913.42 Elektrodenverlngerung, 200 mm Extension for electrodes, 200 mm Alargador para electrodos, 200 mm Prolunga per elettrodi, 200 mm

T.1913.41 Adapter - Schaft 4 mm fr Elektroden mit Schaft 2,4 mm Adaptor - Shaft 4 mm for electrodes with shaft 2,4 mm Adaptador con vstago de 4 mm para electrodos con vstago de 2,4 mm Adattatore con asta 4 mm per elettrodi con asta 2,4 mm

T.1913.43 Adapter - Schaft 4 mm fr Dentalelektroden mit Schaft 1,6 mm Adaptor - Shaft 4 mm for dental electrodes with shaft 1,6 mm Adaptador con vstago de 4 mm para electrodos dentales con vstago de 1,6 mm Adattatore con asta 4 mm per elettrodi dentali con asta 1,6 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Isolierte Langschaftelektroden, Schaft- 4 mm und 2,4 mm Insulated long-shaft electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm and 2,4 mm Electrodos aislados de vstago largo - de vstago 4 mm y 2,4 mm Elettrodi attivi isolati, ad asta lunga - dellasta 4 mm e 2,4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

Drahtschlingenelektrode, 20 x 20 mm, 100 mm Lnge Wire loop electrode, 20 x 20 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de asa, 20 x 20 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ansa, 20 x 20 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.44

2,4 mm T.1913.45

Drahtschlingenelektrode, 20 x 15 mm, 100 mm Lnge Wire loop electrode, 20 x 15 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de asa, 20 x 15 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ansa, 20 x 15 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.46

2,4 mm T.1913.47

Drahtschlingenelektrode, 10 x 10 mm, 100 mm Lnge Wire loop electrode, 10 x10 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de asa, 10 x 10 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ansa, 10 x 10 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.48

2,4 mm T.1913.49

Drahtschlingenelektrode, gerade, 10 mm, 100 mm Lnge Wire loop electrode, straight, 10 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de asa, recto, 10 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ansa, retto, 10 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.50

2,4 mm T.1913.51

Drahtschlingenelektrode, gerade, 5 mm, 100 mm Lnge Wire loop electrode, straight, 5 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de asa, recto, 5 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ansa, retto, 5 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.52

2,4 mm

Nadelelektrode, gerade, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm Lnge Needle electrode, straight, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de aguja, recto, 0,8 x 12mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ago, retto, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.55

2,4 mm T.1913.56


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Isolierte Langschaftelektroden, Schaft- 4 mm und 2,4 mm Insulated long-shaft electrodes - Shaft- 4 mm and 2,4 mm Electrodos aislados de vstago largo - de vstago 4 mm y 2,4 mm Elettrodi attivi isolati, ad asta lunga - dellasta 4 mm e 2,4 mm
134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

Nadelelektrode, gewinkelt, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm Lnge Needle electrode, angled, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de aguja, acodado, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo ad ago, angolato, 0,8 x 12 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.57

2,4 mm T.1913.58

Messerelektrode, gerade, 100 mm Lnge Knife electrode, straight, 100 mm length Electrodo de cuchillo, recto, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo a coltello, retto, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.59

2,4 mm T.1913.60

Messerelektrode, gewinkelt, 100 mm Lnge Knife electrode, angled, 100 mm length Electrodo de cuchillo, acodado, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo a coltello, angolato, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.61

2,4 mm T.1913.62

Kugelelektrode, gerade, 4 mm, 100 mm Lnge Ball electrode, straight, 4 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de bola, recto, 4 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 4 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.63

2,4 mm T.1913.64

Kugelelektrode, gerade, 6 mm, 100 mm Lnge Ball electrode, straight, 6 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de bola, recto, 6 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo a sfera, retto, 6 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.65

2,4 mm T.1913.66

Kugelelektrode, gewinkelt, 6 mm, 100 mm Lnge Ball electrode, angled, 6 mm, 100 mm length Electrodo de bola, acodado, 6 mm, 100 mm longitud Elettrodo a sfera, angolato, 6 mm, 100 mm lunghezza

4 mm T.1913.67

2,4 mm T.1913.68

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Koagulationspinzetten, isoliert (blau) Bipolar Coagulation Forceps, insulated (blue) Pinzas bipolares para coagulacin, con aislamiento (azul) Pinze bipolari per coagulazione, con isolamento (blu)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

gerade straight recta retta

0,3 mm spitz pointed aguda acuta

1,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa

2,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa Spitzenbreite width of tips anchura de boca larghezza punta 0,3 mm 1,0 mm 2,0 mm 34 34 34 34 34

15,0 cm

18,0 cm

20,0 cm

22,0 cm

24,0 cm

B.9100.00 B.9100.02 B.9100.04

B.9100.06 B.9100.08 B.9100.10

B.9100.12 B.9100.14 B.9100.16

B.9100.18 B.9100.20 B.9100.22

B.9100.24 B.9100.26 B.9100.28


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Bipolare Koagulationspinzetten, isoliert (blau) Bipolar Coagulation Forceps, insulated (blue) Pinzas bipolares para coagulacin, con aislamiento (azul) Pinze bipolari per coagulazione, con isolamento (blu)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

gewinkelt angled acodada angolata

0,3 mm spitz pointed aguda acuta

1,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa

2,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa Spitzenbreite width of tips anchura de boca larghezza punta 0,3 mm 1,0 mm 2,0 mm 34 34 34 34 34

15,0 cm

18,0 cm

20,0 cm

22,0 cm

24,0 cm

B.9100.30 B.9100.32 B.9100.34

B.9100.36 B.9100.38 B.9100.40

B.9100.42 B.9100.44 B.9100.46

B.9100.48 B.9100.50 B.9100.52

B.9100.54 B.9100.56 B.9100.58

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Koagulationspinzetten, isoliert (blau) Bipolar Coagulation Forceps, insulated (blue) Pinzas bipolares para coagulacin, con aislamiento (azul) Pinze bipolari per coagulazione, con isolamento (blu)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

bajonett, gerade bayonet, straight bayoneta, recta baionetta, retta kniegebogen curved acodada angolata

0,3 mm spitz pointed aguda acuta

1,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa

2,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa Spitzenbreite width of tips anchura de boca larghezza punta 0,3 mm 1,0 mm 2,0 mm 34 34 34 34 34

15,0 cm

18,0 cm

20,0 cm

22,0 cm

24,0 cm

B.9100.60 B.9100.62 B.9100.64

B.9100.66 B.9100.68 B.9100.70

B.9100.72 B.9100.74 B.9100.76

B.9100.78 B.9100.80 B.9100.82

B.9100.84 B.9100.86 B.9100.88


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Bipolare Koagulationspinzetten, isoliert (blau) Bipolar Coagulation Forceps, insulated (blue) Pinzas bipolares para coagulacin, con aislamiento (azul) Pinze bipolari per coagulazione, con isolamento (blu)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

bajonett, aufwrts gewinkelt bayonet, angled up bayoneta, acodada hacia arriba baionetta, angolata in alto

0,3 mm spitz pointed aguda acuta

1,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa

2,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa Spitzenbreite width of tips anchura de boca larghezza punta 0,3 mm 1,0 mm 2,0 mm 34 34 34 34

18,0 cm

20,0 cm

22,0 cm

24,0 cm

B.9100.90 B.9100.92 B.9100.94

B.9100.96 B.9100.98 B.9100.99

B.9101.00 B.9101.02 B.9101.04

B.9101.06 B.9101.08 B.9101.10

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Koagulationspinzetten, isoliert (blau) Bipolar Coagulation Forceps, insulated (blue) Pinzas bipolares para coagulacin, con aislamiento (azul) Pinze bipolari per coagulazione, con isolamento (blu)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

bajonett, abwrts gewinkelt bayonet, angled down bayoneta, acodada hacia abajo baionetta, angolata in basso

0,3 mm spitz pointed aguda acuta

1,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa

2,0 mm stumpf blunt roma smussa Spitzenbreite width of tips anchura de boca larghezza punta 0,3 mm 1,0 mm 2,0 mm 34 34 34 34

18,0 cm

20,0 cm

22,0 cm

24,0 cm

B.9101.12 B.9101.14 B.9101.16

B.9101.18 B.9101.20 B.9101.22

B.9101.24 B.9101.26 B.9101.28

B.9101.30 B.9101.32 B.9101.34


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Bipolare Pinzetten Uhrmacher Bipolar Forceps Jeweler Pinzas bipolares de relojero Pinze bipolari Orologiaio

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

isoliert (blau) insulated (blue) con aislamiento (azul) con isolamento (blu)

gerade, spitz straight, pointed recta, aguda retta, acuta B.9101.36

gewinkelt, spitz angled, pointed acodada, aguda angolata, acuta B.9101.40

gebogen, spitz curved, pointed curva, aguda curva, acuta B.9101.44

gerade, stumpf straight, blunt recta, roma retta, smussa B.9101.38 11,0 cm 11,0 cm

gewinkelt, stumpf angled, blunt acodada, roma angolata, smussa B.9101.42 11,0 cm

gebogen, stumpf curved, blunt curva, roma curva, smussa B.9101.46

unisoliert non insulated sin aislamiento senza isolamento

gerade, spitz straight, pointed recta, aguda retta, acuta B.9101.50

gewinkelt, spitz angled, pointed acodada, aguda angolata, acuta B.9101.54

gebogen, spitz curved, pointed curva, aguda curva, acuta B.9101.58

gerade, stumpf straight, blunt recta, roma retta, smussa B.9101.52 11,0 cm 11,0 cm

gewinkelt, stumpf angled, blunt acodada, roma angolata, smussa B.9101.56 11,0 cm

gebogen, stumpf curved, blunt curva, roma curva, smussa B.9101.60

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Pinzetten McPherson Bipolar Forceps McPherson Pinzas bipolares McPherson Pinze bipolari McPherson

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

isoliert (blau) insulated (blue) con aislamiento (azul) con isolamento (blu)

gerade, spitz straight, pointed recta, aguda retta, acuta B.9101.62

gewinkelt, spitz angled, pointed acodada, aguda angolata, acuta B.9101.66

gerade, stumpf straight, blunt recta, roma retta, smussa B.9101.64 7,0 cm 7,0 cm

gewinkelt, stumpf angled, blunt acodada, roma angolata, smussa B.9101.68

unisoliert non insulated sin aislamiento senza isolamento

gerade, spitz straight, pointed recta, aguda retta, acuta B.9101.70

gewinkelt, spitz angled, pointed acodada, aguda angolata, acuta B.9101.74

gerade, stumpf straight, blunt recta, roma retta, smussa B.9101.72 7,0 cm 7,0 cm

gewinkelt, stumpf angled, blunt acodada, roma angolata, smussa B.9101.76


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Monopolare Pinzetten, isoliert (schwarz) Monopolar Forceps, insulated (black) Pinzas monopolares, con aislamiento (negro) Pinze monopolari, con isolamento (nero)

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

1,0 mm B.9105.01

1,0 mm B.9105.02

1,0 mm B.9105.06

1,0 mm B.9105.10

2,0 mm B.9105.00

2,0 mm B.9105.04

2,0 mm B.9105.08

ADSON 14,5 cm

18,0 cm

21,0 cm

24,0 cm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Sicherheitskabel, monopolar, 3,5 m lang Safety Cable, unipolar, length 3,5 m Cable de seguridad, monopolar, longitud 3,5 m Cavo di sicurezza, monopolare, lunghezza 3,5 m

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar

einzigartige Sicherheitshlse - macht gewhnliche 4 mm Stecker berhrungssicher unique safety sleeve - makes conventional 4 mm connectors touch-safe exclusiva funda de proteccin - impide el contacto fortuito con el punto de conexin esclusiva camicia di protezione esclude il contatto fortuito con il punto di connessione fester Halt am Instrument durch vergoldete Lamellenkontakte firm hold at the instrument due to gold-plated spring contacts fijacin firme gracias a las lminas de contacto doradas contatto sicuro grazie alle lamelle dorate erfllt die IEC Anforderungen meets the IEC requirements cumple con la normativa IEC corrisponde alle normative CEI hohe Lebensdauer long product life larga duracin lunga durata fr alle gebruchlichen Generatoren for all common ESUs adaptable a todos los electro-bistures adattabile a tutti gli elettrobisturi


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Sicherheitskabel, monopolar, 3,5 m lang Safety Cable, unipolar, length 3,5 m Cable de seguridad, monopolar, longitud 3,5 m Cavo di sicurezza, monopolare, lunghezza 3,5 m

134C AUTOCLAVE 2,3 bar HF-Generatorseite - Stecker SCHWARZ ESU side - connector BLACK conexin al electro-bistur - enchufe NEGRO connessione elettrobisturi - spinotto NERO

Instrumentenseite - Stecker GRAU Instrument side - connector GREY conexin al instrumento - enchufe GRIS connessione strumento - spinotto GRIGIO

T.9539.05 Sicherheitskabel, Lnge 3,5 m, Stecker weiblich 4 mm, Stecker mnnlich 5 mm fr Generatoren Erbe ACC / ICC - Serie Safety cable, length 3,5 m, plug female 4 mm, plug male 5 mm for ESUs Erbe ACC / ICC Serie Cable de seguridad, longitud 3,5 m, enchufe hembra 4 mm, enchufe macho 5 mm para electro-bistures Erbe ACC / ICC- Serie Cavo di sicurezza, lunghezza 3,5 m, spinotto femmina 4 mm, spinotto maschio 5 mm per elettrobisturi Erbe ACC / ICC - Serie

T.9539.06 Sicherheitskabel, Lnge 3,5 m, Stecker weiblich 4 mm, Stecker mnnlich 4 mm fr Generatoren Martin, Berchtold, Erbe T-Serie Safety cable, length 3,5 m, plug female 4 mm, plug male 4 mm for ESUs Martin, Berchtold, Erbe T-Serie Cable de seguridad, longitud 3,5 m, enchufe hembra 4 mm enchufe macho 4 mm para electro-bistures Martin, Berchtold, Erbe T-Serie Cavo di sicurezza, lunghezza 3,5 m, spinotto femmina 4 mm, spinotto maschio 4 mm per elettrobisturi Martin, Berchtold, Erbe T-Serie

T.9539.07 Sicherheitskabel, Lnge 3,5 m, Stecker weiblich 4 mm, Stecker mnnlich 8 mm (Bovie Jack) fr US-Generatoren Valleylab, Conmed, Birtcher, Medtrex Safety cable, length 3,5 m, plug female 4 mm, plug male 8 mm (Bovie Jack) for US - ESUs Valleylab, Conmed, Birtcher, Medtrex Cable de seguridad, longitud 3,5 m, enchufe hembra 4 mm, enchufe macho 8 mm (Bovie Jack) para electro-bistures USA - Valleylab, Conmed, Birtcher, Medtrex Cavo di sicurezza, lunghezza 3,5 m, spinotto femmina 4 mm, spinotto maschio 8 mm (Bovie Jack) per elettrobisturi USA - Valleylab, Conmed, Birtcher, Medtrex

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Hochfrequenzkabel, monopolar High Frequency Cable, monopolar Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare


Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, mnnlich 4 mm/mnnlich 4 mm, 3 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, male 4 mm/male 4 mm, 3 m length Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, macho 4 mm/macho 4 mm, longitud 3 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, maschio 4 mm/maschio 4 mm, lunghezza 3 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, mnnlich 4 mm/mnnlich 4 mm, 5 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, male 4 mm/male 4 mm, 5 m length Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, macho 4 mm/macho 4 mm, longitud 5 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, maschio 4 mm/maschio 4 mm, lunghezza 5 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, mnnlich 4 mm/weiblich 4 mm, 3 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, male 4 mm/female 4 mm, 3 m lang Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, macho 4 mm/hembra 4 mm, longitud 3 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, maschio 4 mm/femmina 4 mm, lunghezza 3 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, mnnlich 4 mm/weiblich 4 mm, 5 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, male 4 mm/female 4 mm, 5 m length Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, macho 4 mm/hembra 4 mm, longitud 5 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, maschio 4 mm/femmina 4 mm, lunghezza 5 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, weiblich 4 mm/weiblich 4 mm, 3 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, female 4 mm/female 4 mm, 3 m lang Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, hembra 4 mm/hembra 4 mm, longitud 3 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, femmina 4 mm/femmina 4 mm, lunghezza 3 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, weiblich 4 mm/mnnlich =Big Jack 8 mm (Valleylab), 3 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, female 4 mm/male =Big Jack 8 mm (Valleylab), 3 m lang Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, hembra 4 mm/macho =Big Jack 8 mm (Valleylab), longitud 3 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, femmina 4 mm/maschio Big Jack 8 mm (Valleylab), lunghezza 3 m Hochfrequenz Kabel, monopolar, mnnlich 5 mm (ERBE ACC/IC)/weiblich 4 mm, 3 m lang High frequency cable, monopolar, male 5 mm (ERBE ACC/IC)/female 4 mm, 3 m lang Cable de alta frecuencia, monopolar, macho 5 mm (ERBE ACC/IC)/hembra 4 mm, longitud 3 m Cavo per alta frequenza, monopolare, maschio 5 mm (ERBE ACC/IC) / femmina 4 mm, lunghezza 3 m








GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Koagulations-Scheren Bipolar Coagulation Scissors Tijeras de coagulacin bipolar Forbici di coagulazione bipolari


ALPHABIPCUT bipolare Scheren, gebogen, mit Rundstecker ALPHABIPCUT bipolar scissors, curved, with round plug ALPHABIPCUT Tijaras bipolares, curvas, conexin redonda ALPHABIPCUT Forbici bipolari, curve, connettore tondo
A.9100.18 A.9100.22 A.9100.24 A.9100.28 180 mm / 7 210 mm / 8 230 mm / 9 280 mm / 11


Bipolare Instrumentenkabel Bipolar Instrument Cable Cables para instrumentos bipolares Cavi per strumenti bipolari

Katalog Nummer Catalouge Number Nm. Ref. No. Cat.

Lnge Length Longitud Lunghezza

Instrumentenseite Instrument Side Instrumento Strumento

Gerteseite Unit Side Equipo Apparecchio

T.5770.00 T.5770.02 T.5770.04 T.5770.06 T.5770.08 T.5770.10 T.5770.12 T.5770.14

3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m

US-Units, 2 Banana Plug



Valleylab, Lamidey, EMC

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Bipolare Instrumentenkabel Bipolar Instrument Cable Cables bipolares para instrumentos Cavi per strumenti bipolari
Kat. Nr. / Cat. No. Nm. Ref. / No. Cat. Lnge / Length longitud / lunghezza Instrumentenseite / Instrument Side Lado del instrumento / Lato strumento Gerteseite / Unit Side Lado del equipo / Lato apparecchio

T.5768.05 T.5768.08 T.5768.06 T.5768.65 T.5768.07 T.5768.17 T.5768.67 T.5768.68

3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m

Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana


Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana


Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana

US-Units, 2 Banana Plug

Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana

Valleylab, Lamidey, EMC


3,0 m
Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana Erbe/Wisap/Storz


3,0 m
Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana GIMMI/Martin/Berchtold


3,0 m
Flachstecker / flat plug / Conector plano / Spina piana US-Units, 2 Banana Plug

T.5768.03 T.5768.13 T.5768.04 T.5768.64 T.5766.00 T.5766.06 T.5766.02 T.5766.04

3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m 3,0 m 5,0 m

Storz (neu/new/nuevo/novit Mod.) Valleylab, Lamidey, EMC Storz (neu/new/nuevo/novit Mod.) US-Units, 2 Banana Plug Storz (neu/new/nuevo/novit Mod.) GIMMI/Martin/Berchtold Storz (neu/new/nuevo/novit Mod.) Erbe/Wisap/Storz


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale

E.9700.45 Wirbelsulenoptik 30 mit 45 abgewinkeltem Okular und integriertem Fiberglaslichtleiter, autoklavierbar, Instrumentenkanal 2,7 mm Spine-Endoscope 30 with 45 view and inegrated fibreoptic light cable, autoclavable, instrument port 2.7 mm Optica para columna 30, ocular angulado 45, con iluminacin a fibra opticas autoclavable, canal de trabajo 2,7 mm Ottica per colonna 30, angolazione oculare 45, con illuminazione a fibra ottica, autoclavabile, canale di lavoro 2,7 mm

Einblickwinkel: Sterilisation: Arbeitslnge: Gesamtlnge: Durchmesser: Arbeitskanal: Splkanle: Blickrichtung: Blickfeld: Lichtleiteranschlu: Anschlu Instrumentenkanal: Objektiv: Linsen: Technische nderungen vorbehalten proximales Ende 45 autoclavierbar bei max. 134 2,2 bar / 5 min 207,5 mm 275,5 mm 6,3 mm 2,7 mm 2x 1,5 mm 30 85 5 90 ACMI, Wolf, GIMMI Storz, Olympus compatibel Storz compatibel Tension free Zafierglas distal und proximal

Mechanical angle: Sterilization: Working length: Complete length: Diameter: Working channel: Fluid channels: Direction of view: Field of view: Light connector: Instrument channel connector: Objective: Optical glas: proximal end 45 autoclavable max. 134 2,2 bar / 5 min 207,5 mm 275,5 mm 6,3 mm 2,7 mm 2x 1,5 mm 30 85 5 90 ACMI, Wolf, GIMMI Storz, Olympus compatible Storz compatible Tension free Sapphire distal and proximal

Technical data are subject to change without notice

ngulo: Esterilizacin: Longitud util: Longitud completa: Dimetro: Canal de trabajo: Canales de trabajo: Direccin de vista: Campo de abertura: Conexin de luz: Conexin para canal de trabajo: Objetivo: Lentes opticas: proximal 45 autoclavable max. 134 2,2 bar / 5 min 207,5 mm 275,5 mm 6,3 mm 2,7 mm 2x 1,5 mm 30 85 5 90 ACMI, Wolf, GIMMI Storz, Olympus compatible Storz compatible Tension free Lentes de zafiro distales y proximales

Angolazione: Sterilizzazione: Lunghezza utile: Lunghezza completa: Diametro: Canale di lavoro: Canali die lavaggio: Direzione visuale: Angolo di apertura: Connessione per luce: Connessione per canale di strumento: Obiettivo: Lenti ottici: prossimali 45 autoclavable max. 134 2,2 bar / 5 min 207,5 mm 275,5 mm 6,3 mm 2,7 mm 2x 1,5 mm 30 85 5 90 ACMI, Wolf, GIMMI Storz, Olympus compatible Storz compatible Tension free Lenti di zaffiro distali e prossimali

Nos reservamos el derecho a efectuar modificaciones tcnicas

I dati tecnici possono essere soggetti a variazioni


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 145 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 145 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 145 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 145 mm


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 165 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 165 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 165 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 165 mm


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 165 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 165 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 165 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 165 mm


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 165 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 165 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 165 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 165 mm


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 165 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 165 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 165 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 165 mm


Arbeitsschaft, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 165 mm Working sleeve, 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, working length 165 mm Vaina operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, longitud util 165 mm Camicia operativa 6,5 mm / 7,5 mm, lunghezza utile 165 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale


Annulatom, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Annulatome, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Anulatomo, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Anulatomio, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


Dissektor, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Dissector, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Disector, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Dissettore, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


Lffel, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Spoon, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Cucharilla, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Cucchiaio, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


Krette, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Curette, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Cureta, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Curetta, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


Haken, 2,0 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Hook, 2,0 mm, working length 350 mm Gancho, 2,0 mm, longitud util 350 mm Uncino, 2,0 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale


Trephine, Spitze 3,0 mm, Rohr 6,0 mm, Arbeitslnge 195 mm Trephine, tip 3,0 mm, tube 6,0 mm, working length 195 mm Trapano, punta 3,0 mm, tubo 6,0 mm, longitud util 195 mm Trapano, punta 3,0 mm, tubo 6,0 mm, lunghezza utile 195 mm


Trephine, Spitze 5,3 mm, Rohr 6,0 mm, Arbeitslnge 195 mm Trephine, tip 5,3 mm, tube 6,0 mm, working length 195 mm Trapano, punta 5,3 mm, tubo 6,0 mm, longitud util 195 mm Trapano, punta 5,3 mm, tubo 6,0 mm, lunghezza utile 195 mm


Dilatator, 6,0 mm, 1 Arbeitskanal Dilator, 6,0 mm, 1 channel Dilatador, 6,0 mm, 1 canal de trabajo Dilatatore, 6,0 mm, 1 canale di lavoro


Dilatator, 6,0 mm, 2 Arbeitskanle Dilator, 6,0 mm, 2 channels Dilatador, 6,0 mm, 2 canales de trabajo Dilatatore, 6,0 mm, 2 canali di lavoro

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale

CY.3004.00 Punktionskanlen-Set, 150 mm bestehend aus: Kanle, 1,3 mm Innennadel, Obturator stumpf, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Obturator mit Kegelspitze, 8,0 mm, 400 mm Puncture Needles-Set, 150 mm Consisting of: Cannula, 1,3 mm Inner Needle Obturator blunt, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Obturator conical tip, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Set de canulas para puncin, 150 mm compuesto de: Canula, 1,3 mm Aguja interior Obturador romo 0,8 mm, 100 mm Obturador punta conica, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Set di cannule per punzione, 150 mm composto di: Cannula, 1,3 mm Ago interno Otturatore smusso, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Otturatore con punta conica, 0,8 mm, 400 mm

Kanle 1,3 mm, 150 mm Cannula 1,3 mm, 150 mm Canula 1,3 mm, 150 mm Cannula 1,3 mm, 150 mm

Innennadel Inner needle Aguja interior Ago interno

Obturator stumpf, 0,8 mm, 400 mm lang Obturator blunt, 0,8 mm, length 400 mm Obturador romo, 0,8 mm, longitud 400 mm Otturatore smusso, 0,8 mm, lunghezza 400 mm

Obturator Kegelspitze, 0,8 mm, 400 mm lang Obturator conical tip, 0,8 mm, length 400 mm Obturador con punta conica, 0,8 mm, longitud 400 mm Otturatore con punta conica, 0,8 mm, lunghezza 400 mm


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale

CY.3005.00 Punktionskanlen-Set, 250 mm bestehend aus: Kanle, 1,3 mm Innennadel, Obturator stumpf, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Obturator mit Kegelspitze, 8,0 mm, 400 mm Puncture Needles-Set, 250 mm Consisting of: Cannula, 1,3 mm Inner Needle Obturator blunt, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Obturator conical tip, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Set de canulas para puncin, 250 mm compuesto de: Canula, 1,3 mm Aguja interior Obturador romo 0,8 mm, 100 mm Obturador punta conica, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Set di cannule per punzione, 250 mm composto di: Cannula, 1,3 mm Ago interno Otturatore smusso, 0,8 mm, 400 mm Otturatore con punta conica, 0,8 mm, 400 mm

Kanle 1,3 mm, 250 mm Cannula 1,3 mm, 250 mm Canula 1,3 mm, 250 mm Cannula 1,3 mm, 250 mm

Innennadel Inner needle Aguja interior Ago interno

Obturator stumpf, 0,8 mm, 400 mm lang Obturator blunt, 0,8 mm, length 400 mm Obturador romo, 0,8 mm, longitud 400 mm Otturatore smusso, 0,8 mm, lunghezza 400 mm

Obturator Kegelspitze, 0,8 mm, 400 mm lang Obturator conical tip, 0,8 mm, length 400 mm Obturador con punta conica, 0,8 mm, longitud 400 mm Otturatore con punta conica, 0,8 mm, lunghezza 400 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale


Adapter, drehbar Fluid adaptor, rotatable Adaptador, rotante Adattatore, girevole


Adapter, schliebar Fluid adaptor, lockable Adaptador con llave para cerrar Adattatore con meccanismo di chiusura


GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany

Spinale Endoskopie Spinal Endoscopy Endoscopia Espinal Endoscopia Spinale


Stanze, aufwrts schneidend, 5,0 mm, Arbeitslnge 220 mm Rongeur, upwarts cutting, 5,0 mm, working length 220 mm Pinza saca-bocado, corte hacia arriba, 5,0 mm, longitud util 220 mm Pinza tagliente, taglio in alto, 5,0 mm, lunghezza utile 220 mm


Stanze, abwrts schneidend, 5,0 mm, Arbeitslnge 220 mm Rongeur, downwards cutting, 5,0 mm, working length 220 mm Pinza saca-bocado, corte hacia abajo, 5,0 mm, longitud util 220 mm Pinza tagliente, taglio in basso, 5,0 mm, lunghezza utile 220 mm


Stanze, aufwrts schneidend, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Rongeur, upwarts cutting, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Pinza saca-bocado, corte hacia arriba, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Pinza tagliente, tagli in alto, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm


Stanze, abwrts schneidend, 2,5 mm, Arbeitslnge 350 mm Rongeur, downwards cutting, 2,5 mm, working length 350 mm Pinza saca-bocado, corte hacia abajo, 2,5 mm, longitud util 350 mm Pinza tagliente, taglio in basso, 2,5 mm, lunghezza utile 350 mm

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Vertebroskop Vertebroscope Vertebroscopio Vertebroscopio


Vertebroskop, komplett (E.9710.30, E.9720.00) Vertebroscope, complete (E.9710.30, E.9720.00) Vertebroscopio completo (E.9710.30, E.9720.00) Vertebroscopio completo (E.9710.30, E.9720.00) Vertebroskop fr Dissektomie, 30 drehbar, mit Fiberglaslichtleiter Vertebroscope, for dissectomy, 30 rotatable, with fibreoptic light cable Vertebroscopio para disectomia, rotante 30, con iluminacin a fibra optica. Vertebroscopio per disettomia, rotante 30, con illuminazione a fibra ottica. Haltescheibe fr rotatives Halten des Endoskopes, erlaubt einen Drehbereich von 360 Rotative holding disk, to hold the endoscope, rotatable 360 Soporte giatorio para optica, giratorio 360 Sopporto girevole per ottica, girevole 360




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


Spezielle Instrumentenstze knnen nach Anforderung angeboten werden We can offer special instrument sets according your request Les podemos ofrecer sets de instrumentos especiales sobre demanda Possiamo offrire sets di strumenti speciali su richiesta

GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany



GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany


aus Stuttgart kommend: A 81 Abfahrt Tuningen, auf B 311 Richtung Tuttlingen aus Zrich kommend: A 81 Richtung Stuttgart, Abfahrt Geisingen auf B 311 Richtung Tuttlingen aus Freiburg kommend: auf B 31 Richtung Donaueschingen aus Ulm kommend: B 31 Richtung Donaueschingen in Tuttlingen: Richtung Donautal, Industriegebiet Rudolf-Diesel-Strae, dann Querstrasse: Carl-Zeiss-Strae
Abfahrt / Exit (38) Geisingen

A 81


Abfahrt / Exit (36) Tuningen

So finden Sie uns:


B 311






B 14 Rottweil B 523 VillingenSchwenningen

How to find us:

from Stuttgart: A 81 exit Tuningen,
L 277

on B 311 direction Tuttlingen from Zrich: A 81 direction Stuttgart,


exit Geisingen on B 311 direction Tuttlingen from Freiburg: on B 31 direction Donaueschingen from Ulm: B 31 direction Donaueschingen in Tuttlingen: direction Donautal, Industriegebiet Rudolf-Diesel-Strae, than Carl-Zeiss-Strae


Carl-Zeiss-Strae 6 Industriegebiet Rudolf-Diesel-Strae

B 31 Freiburg


B 311




GIMMI GmbH Endoscopic Technology Carl-Zeiss-Strae 6 D-78532 Tuttlingen Telefon + 49 74 61 / 96 590-0 Telefax + 49 74 61 / 96 590-33 email website
Copyright GIMMI GmbH Tuttlingen Printed in Germany 410/01 MAMA

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