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FUNDAMENTOS DE TOPOLOGIA E ANALISE REAL o 1 Semestre 2010/2011 1o Teste 5-11-2010 Durac a o 1h 30m

1. (2 val.) Let X = Z+ with the topology generated by the basis { 2n 1, 2n }, n Z+ . Show that X is not Hausdor. How many limits can a convergent sequence in X have? Answer: Let z Z+ . Any neighborhood of z contains a basis element at z, that is, if z U with U open, then {z, z + 1} U, z odd, or {z 1, z} U, z even. Hence, z and z + 1 (or z and z 1, z even) do not have disjoint neighborhhods, and X is not Hausdor. Let zn z in X, then for n N, zn {z, z + 1} (or zn {z 1, z}, z even). It follows that we have also zn z + 1 (or z 1, z even) and, moreover, that if w z, z + 1 then zn does not converge to w. We conclude that any convergent sequence has exactly 2 limits. 2. (1.5 val.) Let R be the space of real sequences with the product topology and R be the subspace of sequences such that for some N N, xn = 0 for n > N. Show that: a) R is dense in R . Answer: Want to show that R = R . Let x = (xn ) R and U be a neighborhood of x, U = nZ+ Un , where Un = R, for n n1 , ..., np and Uni is neighborhood of xni . If yn = xni , for n = ni and yn = 0 otherwise, then y = ( yn ) R U. Hence any neighborhood of x intersects R , so x R and the result follows. b) R is connected. Does it follow that R is also connected? Answer: Write R = NN RN , where RN is the space of sequences with xn = 0 for n > N. Since RN is homeomorphic to RN , under the map x (x1 , ..., xN ), and RN is connected, RN is also connected. Moreover, (0, 0, ...) NN RN . Therefore, R is connected, being the union of connected sets with one point in common. Since the closure of a connected set is connected, R is also connected. 3. (3 val.) Let X be a topological space. Show that: 1

a) For any A, B X, A B = A B. Answer: Since A B A B, have A B A B = A B (the union of closed sets is closed). On the other hand, A A B, hence A A B and the same for B. Hence A B A B. b) Any nite union of compact sets is compact. Answer: Let A = K1 ...Kp , with Kp compact, and take an open cover {U } of A. Then {U } covers each Ki so that we can take a nite subcover of Ki . The (nite) union of these nite subcovers yields a nite subcover for A. Hence A is compact. c) Let A X be closed and f : A [0, 1] be continuous such that f = 0 on A \ U, for some U A, open in X. Then the function g : X [0, 1] extending f and such that g = 0 on X \ A is continuous. (Hint: pasting lemma.) Answer: Let h(x) = 0 be dened on the closed set X \ U. Then on A (X \ U) = A \ U, we have f = h. Since A is also closed, A (X \ U) = X, and f , h are continuous, by the pasting lemma we have that g : X [0, 1] with g = f on A and g = h = 0 on X \ U X \ A is continuous. d) Let now X be locally compact Hausdor and K X compact. Then: i) There exists an open set V such that K V and V is compact. Answer: Since X is locally compact Hausdor, any x X has a neighborhood Vx with Vx compact. Then {Vx }xK is an open cover for K and since K is compact, we can take a nite subcover Vx1 , ..., Vxp . If we let V = Vx1 ... Vxp , then V is open, K V and V = Vx1 ... Vxp , by a), which is a compact set by b). ii) There exist a continuous function g : X [0, 1] and a compact set K K such that g(K) = 1 and g(x) = 0 for x K . Answer: Let K = V as in i). Since K is compact Hausdor (it is a subspace of a Hausdor space), it is normal, so we can apply Urysohns lemma. 1 Have that K is closed in K (compact and K Hausdor), and V is open in X, hence in K V , so K \ V is also closed. It follows that there is a continuous f : K [0, 1] such that f (K) = 1 and f (K \ V ) = 0. Then take g extending f as in c).
Note that we cannot apply Urysohns lemma directly to X, since locally compact Hausdor spaces are not necessarily normal.

4. (2 val.) Prove or disprove: a) Any regular second countable space is normal. Answer: True. By Urysohns metrization theorem, any regular second countable space is metrizable, hence normal. b) Any rst countable space is second countable. Answer: False. Let X be any uncountable discrete space: it is rst countable, since {x} is a basis for neighborhoods of x, but it does not have a countable basis, since any basis must contain all the open sets {x}, for x X, and X is uncountable. (Another example: Rl = R with the topology generated by [a, b[, a, b R: it is rst countable, take [r, q[, with r x < q, r, q Q, but not second countable, since for any a R, [a, b[ contains a basis element which is also a neighborhood of a, so any basis contains at least one set [a, ba [ for some ba . Since R is uncountable, any basis is uncountable. Note that in this case Q is dense in Rl , so it is also separable.) 5. (1.5 val.) Let (X, d) be a metric space. Show that: a) A X is totally bounded if and only if A is totally bounded. Answer: Recall that a set is totally bounded if for any > 0, there is a nite cover by balls. If A is totally bounded, then A A is also totally bounded (any cover of A is also a cover of A). Now assume A totally bounded, and let > 0. First note that if < then B(x, ) B(x, ): let y B(x, ), so can take x B(x, ) B( y, ). Then d(x, y) d(x , x) + d(x , y) < . If we take then < , since A is totally bounded, can cover A by nite balls, A B(x1 , ) ... B(xp , ) and we have A B(x1 , ) ... B(xp , ) B(x1 , ) ... B(xp , ). Hence A is totally bounded. b) If (X, d) is complete, then A X has compact closure if and only if it is totally bounded. Answer: In a complete metric space, a subspace is compact if and only if it is closed and totally bounded. Hence, A is compact if and only if A is totally bounded (it is closed) if and only if A is totally bounded, by a).

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