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QlikView | Customer Success Story | Haymarket Group

Haymarket Cuts Costs and Drives Revenue with QlikView

The QlikView software was installed on a server, data loaded, and a dashboard built using our own data within three hours. What had previously taken us months was done in hours in QlikView.
Simon Turner, Group IT Director, Haymarket Media Group

Haymarket Group
The Haymarket Media Group is the largest privately-owned publishing company in the United Kingdom, publishing more than 100 consumer, professional, trade, and consumer titles in some 20 languages and over 40 countries. The company also publishes websites related to its publications and hosts events including exhibitions and conferences.

Infrastructure Services


Sales, Marketing, Service & Support, Web, Operations, Finance, IT

United Kingdom

The Haymarket Media Group is the largest privately-owned publishing company in the United Kingdom. It publishes more than 100 consumer, professional, and trade titles in some 20 languages and in over 40 countries. They include Campaign (advertising and communications), What Car (motor vehicle buying guides), and FourFourTwo (soccer). The company also publishes websites related bulletin subscribers and for marketing activity. But as Simon Turner, Group IT Director , Haymarket Media Group, says: Until you get visibility of your data you cant hope to derive any business intelligence from it. Initially, Haymarket tried to solve this with BusinessObjects Crystal Reports and Excelsius software but after six months of work creating dashboards and static reports from management accounts a prototype still wasnt ready. Then in May 2009 QlikView offered Haymarket a Seeing is Believing demonstration. Simon recalls: The QlikView software was installed on a server, data loaded, and a dashboard built using 10 million records from our own financial data within three hours. What had previously taken us months was done in hours in QlikView. Building a sound business case for QlikView After the demonstration, Simon was able to build a sound business case for the deployment of QlikView Small Business Edition (now upgraded to QlikView Server Enterprise Edition). He began by seeking buy in from business leaders throughout the organisation. He spent a year building around 200 QlikView applications including 100 proof of concepts for 10 business units at Haymarket covering exhibitions, marketing, internet advertising, procurement, recruitment, and
Deployment of a group-wide BI solution to expose business data New reports for business leaders, sales executives, and marketing managers Complex analysis requirements with opportunities for further development x Integration with existing Excel-based management information systems x Delivery of live data and analysis to users on the go.

Haymarket upgraded to the QlikView Server Enterprise Edition having initially implemented QlikView Small Business Edition after a proof of concept involving the building of some 200 applications.

Immediate snap shot of data to identify positive trends and/or issues No need for a central resource to create ad hoc reports and analysis Users can access QlikView on the move using iPads and mobile devices x Increases cost effectiveness of campaigns x Better customer insight helps improve sales and reduce cost of sale

to its publications and hosts events including exhibitions and conferences. The challengemanaging a growing volume of business data In common with many publishers Haymarket Media Group was facing a growing volume of business data which left the company data rich but information poor. Its Haymarket Business Media division alone sends more than 13 million emails every month to

Data Source Systems

Data size: 3100+ million records Database: Excel, csv, xml

QlikView | Customer Success Story | Haymarket Group

medical websites. By the end of 2011 there are expected to be more than 400 document users of QlikView, and a number of named users, with access to some 300+ million records. A key to the successful adoption of QlikView at Haymarket is that minimal central resource is needed, compared to traditional business intelligence (BI) tools such as BusinessObjects. Simon explains: We so far have eight super users we have called local data controllers. These are the people who are already pulling together all the spreadsheets, accessing source systems and trying to combine different datasets together. They are expert Excel users with PivotTable reports and graphs. They know their business unit, its objectives, its processes and, most importantly, its data. This structure aims to ensure that IT resource is kept to a minimum, dashboards really do answer the business needs of the company, and that data accuracy and security are maintained. Local data controllers at Haymarket are more than just super-users. They have very real responsibility for their own business units data and the dissemination of it ensuring a single point of analysis of the different data sources within that unit. Simon outlines : The biggest strength of QlikView is the ease with which you can shine a mega light on a huge amount of previously hidden data. The local data controllers have really taken to QlikView because of the speed with which they can get up and running after some basic training. Business leaders at Haymarket needed help The business leaders in the Haymarket Group for example in the business media, consumer media, and exhibitions division had different requirements. Naturally, a

major driver was to gain better customer insight information into such areas as advertisement performance, inventory, and sales data so as to sell more with less effort. In the finance unit Haymarket needed better visibility in comparing actual and budget spend data. To support its marketing drive, QlikView proved the ideal tool to analyse revenue about ticket sales, theatre popularity, and multi-channel marketing success. Simon recalls : We couldnt have done this before we deployed QlikView. We can now increase the cost effectiveness of campaigns, identify gaps in our data, and spot potential contacts for other activities. It is all about us using QlikView to understand the size and scope of the reach of our brands and then use that data to grow our business. Data acquisition costs fall by up to 85 per cent QlikView users are gaining an immediate snapshot of data which helps them to quickly identify any positive trends or negative issues. Simon adds: Hard facts are available at the click of a couple of buttons. QlikView saves the development team producing reports, the classified team waiting for information, and management having to ask for ad hoc reports. Critically, Simon identifies QlikView as being either wholly responsible for, or vital to the success of, many projects that have return on investment metrics with several zeros associated to them. These include a 1million plus cost control exercise and a project to reduce a large chunk of Haymarket Business Media data acquisition costs by up to 85 per cent. Scope for extending QlikView executives on the move Plans are already in place to make reports available to executives on the move through iPads tablet computers or mobile devices.

First POC dashboard created in just three hours

Data acquisition costs cut by up to 85 per cent

They will make the business as a whole, more agile with Business Discovery which delivers live data and analysis so users can answer any question they want on the go. Simon also sees the potential for QlikView dashboards to be visible on electronic whiteboards on the sales floor for which a proof of concept is in progress. This will help sales executives track performance in near real time. Were still only just reaching the crest of the hill in our use of QlikView as a BI tool at Haymarket, he says. But were determined to get the most out of our toolset and make QlikView work for our business.

It is all about us using QlikView to understand the size and scope of the reach of our brands and then use that data to grow our business.
Simon Turner, Group IT Director, Haymarket Media Group
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