Assessment Tools

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It is assessment which helps distinguish between teaching and learning

1. Identify appropriate assessment tool used for each level of Assessment 2. Develop/Craft appropriate test item per assessment tool 3. Reflect on the importance of the teachers knowledge and skills in the use of different assessment tools.

Questions to Ponder
1. What are the common assessment tools that you use in school? 2. What should you consider in using an assessment tool for the different level of assessment?

How do we ASSESS?


I. Traditional Assessment
1. Tests given to students to measure how much they have learned 2. Conventional methods of testing which usually produce a written document, such as quiz, exam, or paper 3. Easily scored using answer keys 4. Typically secure (items are not known in advance) 5. Tests isolated application, facts, or memorized data at lower-level thinking skills.

Quiz and Test Items

- Assess factual information and concepts - Use selected response (multiple choice, true or false or matching type format ) - Standardized tests, national achievement tests, and entrance exams are some examples of traditional assessment

Common Formats of Quizzes and Test

A. Selective type
a. Multiple choice b. Alternative Response (true or false, yes or no) c. Matching type

B. Supply type
a. Completion test b. Short answer test

II. Authentic Assessment

1. Any type of assessment in which students create a response to a question or task 2. Performance-oriented asks students to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills 3. Measures not only the correctness of the response, but also the thought process involved in arriving at the response

II. Authentic Assessment (contd)

4. Also known as performance assessment, alternative assessment and direct assessment 5. Hard to score (most require RUBRIC) 6. Typically unsecure (items are known in advance)

Academic Prompts
Academic prompts are structured performance task that elicit the students creation of a controlled performance or product Open ended questions or problems that require students to think critically Require constructed response to specific prompt (essay)

Academic Prompt (contd)

open with no single best answer Typically require an explanation or defense of the answer given Require judgment-based scoring based on criteria and performance standard (RUBRIC)

Examples of Academic Prompt

I. II. III. IV. Essay Open ended question Problem solving Reflective Journal

Performance Tasks
Complex challenges that mirror real - life situations Range in length form short term task to long term task Require students to address an identified audience Allow students greater opportunity to personalize the task Are not secure (task, evaluative criteria, and performance standards are known in advance)

Examples of Performance Task

I. Demonstration II. Oral presentation III. Projects IV. Research work V. Field work VI. Portfolio VII. GRASPS

G oal Role Audience S ituation Product S tandard

A complex scenario that provides students opportunity to demonstrate what they know and are able to do concerning a given concept

Constructing a Performance Task Scenario Using GRASPS

GOAL Your task is ______________________________. The goal is to _______________________________. The problem or challenge is ________________. The obstacles to overcome are _______________.


You are __________________________. You have been asked to ____________________. Your job is ___________________.

AUDIENCE Your clients are _____________________. The target audience is ________________. You need to convince __________________.

Constructing a Performance Task Scenario Using GRASPS (contd)

SITUATION The context you find yourself in is __________ The challenge involves dealing with _________ PRODUCT, PERFORMANCE and PURPOSE You will create a ____________________ in order to __________________________. You need to develop _________ so that ______

STANDARDS and CRITERIA for SUCCESS You performance needs to _______________. Your work will be judged by ________________. Your product must meet the following standards ___. A successful result will __________________.

Possible Products and Performances

Written Advertisement Journal Magazine article Web site Play Lab report Editorial Oral Audio tape Debate Visual Computer graphic Collage

Puppet show Rap Skit Poetry reading

Flyer PowerPoint show Scrapbook Painting


Knowledge (15%)
Questions that seek to find out what factual information a respondent (student) possesses about a particular topic..(i.e. the content of the curriculum) Suggested assessment tools 1. Selected-response Item 2. Constructed response type of tests
(Testing to Learn- Learning to Test by Joanne Capper page 45)

Knowledge (contd)
Selected-response Items provide several response options to the students, and the student selects from among the options. a. Multiple Choice Test b. True or False c. Matching Type
(Testing to Learn- Learning to Test by Joanne Capper page 45)

Examples of selected responses - knowledge questions/items

Multiple Choice 1. What is the main function of scales on a fish? A. to protect the fish C. to help the fish find food B. to attract predators D . to help the fish breathe

True or False 2. Dengue fever is tropical disease that is transmitted through the bite of an infected anopheles mosquito. A. True B. False Matching Type
I ___1. Pegion, hawk, penguin ___2. Snake, lizard, crocodile II A. Mammals B. Birds C. Reptiles

Knowledge (15%) contd

Constructed response type - asks the student to
create or construct a response. It can be used to determine if the pupils knowledge of facts is of sufficient, breadth and depth. A rubric or scoring guide is necessary a. Essay tests/short response b. Fill-in-the-blanks c. Performance tasks e.g. giving a speech or designing an experiment)
(Testing to Learn- Learning to Test by Joanne Capper page 45)

Examples of Constructed responses knowledge questions/items

Essay/Short Response 1. How is a spider different from a beetle?

Fill in the blanks Scientists seek __________to their own questions. Science involves a process of __________a particular way of thinking. The essence of science is its way of thinking - not its __________ and __________
Performance Task Singing of Lupang Hinirang Reciting the alphabet

Process or Skills (25%)

The focus is on how pupils construct meanings or makes sense of the facts and information. Suggested assessment activities Outlining, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, translating, converting, or expressing the information in another format; Drawing analogies (church- priest, puppy-dog) Constructing graphs, flowcharts, and maps or graphic organizers

Process or Skills (25%) contd

Transforming a textual presentation into a diagram Drawing or painting pictures Doing role plays

Understanding (30%)
Refers to enduring big ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to the discipline which are assessed using the facets of understandings Suggested assessment tools or activities
a. Oral Discourse/Recitation b. Open-ended tests

Understanding (30%)
Oral Discourse/Recitation Explain/justify something based on facts/data, phenomena or evidence Tell/retell stories Make connections of what was learned within and across learning areas Apply what has been learned in real life situation

Understanding (30%) contd

Open-ended tests - Explanation What is the key idea in _____? What might happen if _____? - Interpretation What are the implications of____? What does ____ reveal about ____?

Understanding (s) (30%) contd

- Application How could we use ___ to overcome ____? How is ____ applied in the larger world? - Perspective What are different points of view about ____? What are the evidence for ____? - Empathy How might ____ feel about ____? - Self Knowledge What are my strengths and weaknesses in ____?

Real-life application of understanding as evidenced by the students performance of authentic tasks. Suggested assessment activities a. Participation (e.g. in group projects)
Projects Homework Experiments Performance tasks scenario (GRASPS)

b. Portfolio
A collection of evidence like images, anecdotes etc. to demonstrate mastery and interpretation of a given set of concepts. It seeks to: show growth, to showcase current abilities, and to evaluate cumulative achievement.

Types of Portfolios
1. Growth Portfolios
a. to show growth or change over time b. to help develop process skills such as self evaluation and goal-setting c. to identify strengths and weaknesses d. to track the development of one more products/performances

Types of Portfolios
2. Showcase Portfolios
a. to showcase end-of-year/semester accomplishments b. to prepare a sample of best work for employment or college admission c. to showcase student perceptions of favorite, best or most important work d. to communicate a student's current aptitudes to future teachers

Types of Portfolios
3. Evaluation Portfolios a. to document achievement for grading purposes b. to document progress towards standards c. to place students appropriately

Creating Portfolios
1. Purpose: What is the purpose(s) of the portfolio? 2. Audience: For what audience(s) will the portfolio be created? 3. Content: What samples of student work will be included? 4. Process: What processes (e.g., selection of work to be included, reflection on work, conferencing) will be engaged in during the development of the portfolio? 5. Management: How will time and materials be managed in the development of the portfolio? 6. Communication: How and when will the portfolio be shared with pertinent audiences? 7. Evaluation: If the portfolio is to be used for evaluation, when and how should it be evaluated?

Individual Task (5-10 mins.) Directions: In light of this session, what should I A. Start doing __________ B. Stop doing ___________ C. Do less of _____________ D. Do more of ____________

BEST TEACHERS The best teachers constantly monitor what is happening to students as they set about learning and investigate when things do not proceed as planned or expected. They also inquire their own practice so they might get better at ensuring that their students learn successfully.


Develop/craft appropriate test item per assessment tool.


Workshop template
Learning Area: ____________________________ Level of Assessment: ______________________ Type of Assessment Tool: ___________________ Topic/Competency: ________________________ Test Item _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

BLOOMS Taxonomy Action Verbs

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