Figure 2

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Figure 2.1: The growth of Bangladeshs Old Age Allowance...............................................................

Figure 2.2: The value of productive assets (excluding land) .................................................................

Figure 2.3: BRAC Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme: Impact
Assessment 2007 to 2009. Real per capita household incomes of participants in terms of
2007 prices ......................................................................................................................................
Figure 2.4: Dynamic deepening of developmental impact evidence from BRACs CFPR................
Figure 2.5: Summary of REOPAs economic outcomes and impacts .....................................................
Figure 2.6: Summary of REOPAs poverty outcomes and impacts ......................................................
Figure 2.7: The Development Planning Framework for Social Protection ...........................................
Figure 4.1: The graduation model ..........................................................................................................
Figure 4.2: Implementing Organizations ...............................................................................................
Figure 5.1:Oportunidades coverage increase ........................................................................................
Figure 6.2: Contribution of strategic models towards health MDGs* ...................................................
Figure 6.1: Three Ps of a Social Protection framework .........................................................................
Figure 6.3: Inter-relationship between poverty reduction, SP and CRC and entry points for
convergence and harmonization .....................................................................................................
Figure 6.4: Childhood development and rates of return ........................................................................
Figure 6.5: Cambodias National Social Protection Strategy ................................................................
Figure 6.6: Examples of child focused SP instruments: ........................................................................
Figure 6.7: Addressing deprivation through child-sensitive Social Protection .....................................
Figure 6.8: Window of opportunity for nutrition interventions: Nutritional status of children
by age ..............................................................................................................................................
Figure 6.9: Poverty dimension of access to health services and care practices .....................................
Figure 6.10: Mechanisms by which CT programmes might affect nutritional status ............................
Figure 6.11: CCT Impacts on Mean Height-for-Age Z-score (multiple age ranges) ............................
Figure 7.1: Number of Rural-urban Migrants since 1983(thousand) ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7.2: Progressive Acquisition of Social Entitlements Approach for hukou Reform ...................
Figure 8.1: Outline of processes of mobile money transfer ..................................................................
Figure 9.1: Social Protection and poverty............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11.1: Tax structure in selected regions ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 12.1: The social protection delivery framework .........................................................................
Figure 15.1: The continuum of services .................................................................................................
Figure 16.1: Social protection expenditure in South Asian countries by type in 2008 .........................
Figure 16.2 : Relationship between revenue mobilization and social security expenditure in
Bangladesh and India......................................................................................................................
Figure 16.3: ODA Disbursements as % of GDP ......................................................................................
Figure 16.4: Grants and Loans as percent of total ODA ........................................................................
Figure 16.5: Bangladesh aid disbursements as a percentage of Commitments) ....................................
Figure 16.6: Foreign aid fragmentation in Bangladesh .........................................................................
Figure 16.7: Selected Asian Pacific Countries: CIT (a) and VAT Rates (b)Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 16.8: Selected Asian Pacific Countries: CIT and VAT Revenue ProductivityError! Bookmark not def
Figure 17.1: Truncated Kernel Density of x 1000, HIES 2005 ...............................................................

Figure 17.2: Estimating Pr ( D = 1 | x) by bin width ( x0 = 290 )............................................................

Figure 17.3: Estimating E (Y | x) by bin width ( x0 = 290 ) ...................................................................
Figure 17.4: Estimating E ( D | x) from polynomial regression mentioned in Table 5 with
mean values of D under bins of 30 bin size ( x0 = 285 ) ...............................................................
Figure 17.5: Estimating E (Y | x) from polynomial regression mentioned in Table 5 with
mean values of Y under bins of 30 bin size ( x0 = 285 ) ................................................................
Figure 17.6: Estimating density of xi from local (linear and quartic) regressions suggested by
McCrary (2008) ( x0 = 285) ...........................................................................................................
Figure 17.7: Estimating predicted value of log of per capita monthly food expenditure for
each household from quartic regression ( x0 = 285) .......................................................................
Figure 17.8: Estimating predicted value of log of per capita monthly non-food expenditure for
each household from quartic regression ( x0 = 285) ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of Tables
Table 4.1: Graduation Program Learning Methodology ........................................................................
Table 5.1 Oportunidades Monthly Amount of Support to Beneficiaries 2011 .....................................
Table 5.2: Amounts of scholarships in the second semester of 2011 ...................................................
Table 6.1: Teasing out the likely intra-household impacts including those on women and
children ...........................................................................................................................................
Table 8.1: Typical organisations transfers .............................................................................................
Table 8.2: M-PESA tariff rates ..............................................................................................................
Table 8.3: Summary table of consideration for mobile money ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 10.1: SSNs in the study area and qualifying criteria....................................................................
Table 10.2: SSN coverage in study upazilla in 2010-11 ........................................................................
Table 10.3: Eligibility for SSN assistance among AMADER beneficiaries: Demographic
trends in two unions by ethnicity....................................................................................................
Table 10.4: SSN support actually received in two unions by ethnicity Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11.1: Safety nets and its components ..........................................................................................
Table 11.2: Public expenditure on social protection: Selected countries in Asia ..................................
Table 14.1 :Cash-based social protection programmes in Bangladesh focused on children and
pregnant women .............................................................................................................................
Table 14.2: General social protection programmes in Bangladesh .......................................................
Table 15.1: ChildDevelopment:AChildsRightsPerspectiveOutlineforaTrainingCourse ...............
Table 16.1: Trends in type of SSNP allocation in Bangladesh 2009-2011Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 16.2: Allocation of SSNPs by category in FY2012 for Bangladesh ............................................
Table 16.3: Trends in budgetary allocations in social protection and social empowerment in
Bangladesh 2011.............................................................................................................................
Table 16.4: Regional distribution of poverty and households receiving SSNP benefits in
Table 16.5: Tax revenue in South Asian countries, 2001-09 (In percent of GDP)................................
Table 16.6: Tax Revenues of the Central Government in Bangladesh (In percent of GDP)Error! Bookmark no
Table 17.1: Partcipation Rate (%) of Treated Households in SSN Programs .........................................
Table 17.2: Descriptives (Mean)............................................................................................................
Table 17.3: Estimates from Quartic Regressions .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.4: Discontinuities from Local Linear Regressions with Different Bandwidths......................
Table 17.5: Discontinuities from Local Regressions at the Cutoff 285 .................................................
Table17.6: Discontinuities of Covariates from Local Linear Regressions at the Cutoff 285 ................
Table 17.7: Expected Calorie Consumption from SSN Programs .........................................................

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