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Minutes of the Meeting

8 April, 2013 I. Call to order Kevin James Umali, Vice-President for Non-Academics, called to order a special meeting of the Xavier University Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (XU-JPIA) at 2:00pm on April 3, 2013 at C501. II. Attendance Officers Present: JPIA President- Kristyl Bern Ponferrada Secretary General- Sheena Josel Abne Vice-President for Academics-Francois Cabiladas Vice-President for Non-academics- Kevin James Umali Vice -President for Finance- Joan Grace Bual Vice -President for Audit- Marianne Delle Lagumbay Vice- President for Communications- Michael Andrew Sy Officers Absent: Vice -President for Membership- Leah Angeli Odchigue 3rd Year Representative- Eman Cervantes (excused) 3rd Year representative- Catherine Joy Tugap (excused) JPIA CAMP 2 Staff Present: Janelle Paulma Tessa Padel Mary Joy Nalitan Lucas Lara Honeylynn Putis Lailanie Disomimba Kathleen Mercado Alex Odchigue Staff Absent: John Ed Caday Edward Escabarte

III. Agenda Camp Details Job Description Time-table Small Group Discussion (per committee) Academic Guild Exam

IV. Matter Arising 1. The camp details were presented by Mr. Umali to the officers and the staff. This was necessary because it was the first time for the staff to join in the meeting. 2. The job description for each committee was explained by Mr. Umali to give the members of each committee an insight of their duties and responsibilities during the preparation and the execution of the event. 3. Suggested topics for the talk were also presented and Mr. Umali asked for the suggestions of the staff regarding the proposed topics. 4. Small group discussions were conducted to give the head of each committee ample time to meet with their members and formulate their preliminary plans. The plans will be consolidated in the next meeting to arrive with a general overview of the event. 5. After the staff was dismissed, the Mr. Cabiladas discussed about the upcoming Academic Guild Exam which would start on April 15, 2013. He reported that he was now working on the final stages in preparing for the activity. V. Adjournment Having covered all items for discussion, Kevin James Umali formally adjourned the meeting at 4:30 in the afternoon. Minutes submitted by: Sheena Josel Abne

Minutes approved by: Kristyl Bern Ponferrada

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