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Polycarbonate filled with Nanogel

Essential for Successful Green Design

Daylighting Delivers substantial and Provided by measurable Daylighting benefits

Aerogel Innovative Technology

Made from pure silicon dioxide, aerogel is the lightest and best insulating material in the world.

What is Aerogel?
Aerogel offers a unique combination of properties:
Granular particles Fine silicon structure Heat 3% solids - 97% air Highly porous R value of 8 / in. 0.65 lb. / cu.ft. Hydrophobic

Illustration depicts the highly porous structure of aerogel.

Performance Features of Aerogel

Aerogels unique combination of properties provide performance benefits unequaled in existing building materials:

Heat Sound Light Moisture Moisture Repelled


Heat Transfer Minimized Sound Transmission Reduced Light is Diffused

Average pore size is 20 nanometers

The Nanogel Team:

Typical property values based on Lexan* products.

Wt. Lb/sqf Insulation

Shad. Coef. Solar Light

Shad. Solar Light

SCIR Green
Shad. Coef. Solar Light

Shad. Solar


Light Shad. Solar Light Tran s. Trans. Coef. SHGC Trans. Trans.

SHGC Trans. Trans.

Coef. SHGC Trans. Trans.

SHGC Trans. Trans. Coef. SHGC Trans.

10mm 2 wall Stand. 0.35 0.52-1.92 19

Lexan Nanogel

80 72

0.92 0.8 0.81 0.7

80 70

64 49

0.78 0.68 68 0.65 0.57 57

33 .51 32

.44 44

62 56

0.69 0.60 69 0.60 0.52 60

50 44

0.71 0.62 62 0.66 0.57 57

0.50 0.26-3.86

.49 .43 43

16mm 3 wall Stand. 0.57 0.40-2.50 21

Lexan Nanogel

74 62

0.9 0.78 78 0.71 0.62 62

54 48

0.66 0.57 57 0.61 0.53 53

36 0.51 0.44 44 32 0.47 0.41 41

55 45

0.60 0.52 52 0.37 0.32 32

46 37

0.65 0.57 57 0.57 0.50 50

0.80 0.17-5.92

20mm 3 wall Stand. 0.62 0.37-2.74 22

Lexan Nanogel

70 59

0.79 0.69 69 0.69 0.60 60

0.91 0.14-7.25

25mm 3 wall Stand. 0.67 0.34-2.99 22

Lexan Nanogel

72 59

0.82 0.71 71 0.7 0.61 61

11 9

0.30 0.26 26 0.27 0.23 23

1.03 0.11-9.01

40mm click Stand. 0.82 0.26-3.79 24

Lexan Nanogel

59 40

0.73 0.64 64 0.53 0.46 46


0.66 0.57 57


0.46 0.40 40

1.40 0.09-10.62

37 0.50 0.44 44

% Light Transmission ISO 9050, EN410 D65 (380-780 nm) * Shading Coefficient & SHGC ISO 9050, EN410 U Value (Btu/h ft^2 F) ISO 10077 (EN673)
The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is the Total Solar Transmission (TST) divided by 100. The Shading Coefficient (SC) is the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) divided by 0.87.

Nanogel filled Lexan* Thermoclear Multi Wall Sheet (MWS): U Value Calculations Simulation Conforms to International Standards (ISO 10077-2:2003(E))
09 Jun 2010 Report No: A016 R2
Prepared by Dr Raj C Thiagarajan, ATOA Scientific Technologies

Thermal Performance Predictions

Input for Thermal Analysis

Lexan 10 mm twin wall MWS with Nanogel Lexan 16 mm triple wall MWS with Nanogel Lexan 20 mm triple wall MWS with Nanogel Lexan 25 mm triple wall MWS with Nanogel Lexan 40 mm Thermoclick MWS with Nanogel Thermal conductivity of the Nanogel -12 mW/m-K Density of the Nanogel 70 kg/m3 Specific heat of the Nanogel - Approx. 1 KJ/kg-K Emissivity of the Nanogel ~ >0.9

Analysis Details & Assumptions

ABAQUS 6.9. Standard and CAE are used for Pre, Post processing and Analysis. The calculation is carried out using a 2D heat transfer analysis conforming to EN ISO 10211-1:1995(E) It is assumed that principle heat flow in the section is perpendicular to a plane parallel to the external and internal surfaces. It is assumed that the emissivity of the surfaces adjoining the air cavities is 0.9 (ISO 10077-2:2003(E)) Solid continuum (DC2D4 & DC2D3) element is used The following typical properties of Lexan* Polycarbonate is used. The air gap thermal conductivity are predicted as per ISO (ISO 100772:2003(E)

Problem Formulation
The U-value was predicted as per ISO 10211 . The air cavity thermal properties was predicted as per ISO 10077-2. For Nanogel the Lexan* MWS cavity thermal property was replaced with Nanogel thermal properties. Internal and external heat transfer coefficients for U value prediction are as per ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Both the standard Lexan MWS and Nanogel filled Lexan MWS results are reported.

CAD Geometry :
Sheet thickness : 10 Outer/inner skin thickness : 0.45 Rib thickness : 0.36 Distance between ribs = 10.7 mm mm mm mm

CAD & FEM Model for Thermal Simulation

CAD+ Sectional thermal property

LEXAN k = 0.21 W/mK Nanogel k = 0.012 W/mK

Boundary condition:
he: 25 W/m2K hi: 7.7 W/m2K dT = 20oC

and FEM Mesh

LTC10 2RS: Standard Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 58.94 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 2.947 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

LTC10 2RS: Nanogel Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 29.46 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 1.473 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

CAD Geometry :
Sheet thickness : 16 Outer/inner skin thickness : 0.80/0.75 Rib thickness : 0.50 Mid skin thickness : 0.20 Distance between ribs = 20 mm mm mm mm mm

CAD & FEM Model for Thermal Simulation

CAD + Sectional thermal property LEXAN k = 0.21 W/mK Nanogel k = 0.012 W/mK

Boundary condition:
he: 25 W/m2K hi: 7.7 W/m2K dT = 20oC

and FEM Mesh

LTC16 3TS: Standard Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 45.37 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 2.268 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

LTC16 3TS: Nanogel Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 19.18 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 0.959 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

CAD Geometry :
Sheet thickness : 20 Outer/inner skin thickness : 0.80/0.75 Rib thickness : 0.50 Mid skin thickness : 0.20 Distance between ribs = 20 mm mm mm mm mm

CAD & FEM Model for Thermal Simulation

CAD + Sectional thermal property LEXAN k = 0.21 W/mK Nanogel k = 0.012 W/mK

Boundary condition:
he: 25 W/m2K hi: 7.7 W/m2K dT = 20oC

and FEM Mesh

LTC20 3TS: Standard Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 41.48 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 2.074 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

LTC20 3TS: Nanogel Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 15.630 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 0.782 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

CAD Geometry :
Sheet thickness : 25 Outer/inner skin thickness : 0.80/0.75 Rib thickness : 0.50 Mid skin thickness : 0.20 Distance between ribs = 20 mm mm mm mm mm

CAD & FEM Model for Thermal Simulation

CAD + Sectional thermal property LEXAN k = 0.21 W/mK Nanogel k = 0.012 W/mK

Boundary condition:
he: 25 W/m2K hi: 7.7 W/m2K dT = 20oC

and FEM Mesh

LTC25 3TS: Standard Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 38.08 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 1.903 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

LTC25 3TS: Nanogel Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K Heat flux: 12.70 W/m2 Temp Difference: 20oC Calculated U Value : 0.635 W/m2K

Temp Distribution Plot

Heat Flux Distribution Plot

CAD Geometry :
Sheet thickness : 40 Outer/inner skin thickness : 1.0 Rib thickness : 0.80 Mid skin thickness : 0.20 Diagonal Rib thickness : 0.80 Distance between ribs = 40 mm mm mm mm mm mm

Segment of CAD & FEM Model

CAD + Sectional thermal property LEXAN k = 0.21 W/mK Nanogel k = 0.012 W/mK

FEM Mesh

Boundary condition:
he: 25 W/m2K hi: 7.7 W/m2K dT = 20oC


LTC40/4X: Standard: Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K

Temp distribution Plot

Heat flux distribution Plot

Heat flux:

14.250 W/m2

, Temp Diff. 20 oC, U Value : 1.425 W/m2K


LTC40/4X: Nanogel: Simulation Results

ISO 10077-2:2003 (E)/ EN 673 External heat transfer coefficient, he = 25 W/m2K Internal heat transfer coefficient, hi = 7.7 W/m2K

Temp distribution Plot

Heat flux distribution Plot

Heat flux:

5.353 W/m2 , Temp Diff. 20oC, U Value :0.535 W/m2K


Sabic Innovative Plastics proprietary and confidential data. Typical properties based on Lexan* Thermalclear* products.

Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sheet Type


He W/m2 K
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Hi W/m2 K
7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7

dT 0C
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Q U 2 W/m W/m2 K
58.941 29.461 45.367 19.183 41.480 15.630 38.050 12.700 14.250 5.353 2.947 1.473 2.268 0.959 2.074 0.782 1.903 0.635 1.425 0.535 62% 67% 62% 58% 50%

10mm 2 walls LTC102RS 16mm Triple Wall LTC16 3TS 20mm Triple wall LTC20 3TS 25mm Triple Wall LTC25 3TS 40mm Thermoclick LTC40 4X

Air Nanogel Air Nanogel Air Nanogel Air Nanogel Air Nanogel

Nanogel filled MWS shows significant reduction in U value


Marketing toolkit heat box

Lexan* 25mm 3wall clear MWS No Nanogel

Lexan 25mm 3wall clear MWS with Nanogel

After 20 minutes temperature in space below sheet no NG=41.2oC with NG= 37.3oC

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