CATIA Datasheet v22

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ABAQUS for CATIA V5 Version 2.

2 Data Sheet
CATIA V5 Integration Product Overview
ABAQUS for CATIA V5 provides access to advanced ABAQUS-based finite element analysis (FEA) from within the CATIA V5 environment. CATIA V5s flexible modeling capabilities enable rapid design improvements. Tight integration with the ABAQUS finite element model automatically propagates design changes to the analysis, helping engineers to better understand the effects of design changes. Integration Features
Seamless integration with the CATIA V5 design environment through an add-on module Availability of nonlinear capabilities within the CATIA V5 design environment Complete geometric associativity Support for CATIA V5 groups in preprocessing Support for many CATIA V5 advanced connections Visual Basic scripting capabilities for automated workflows

Reuse of familiar CATIA definitions Small or large sliding contact with friction Fully fastened connections Physical and virtual bolt tightening connections Gap thermal conductance Rigid body constraints Rigid couplings of specified degrees of freedom Spot weld connection Support for CATIA point interface connections and node interface properties Support for CATIA point to point analysis connections and nodes to nodes connection properties Rigid connection Linear and nonlinear spring connection Pressure-fitting connections Smooth and rigid virtual parts Smooth and rigid spring virtual parts Shared nodes among separate parts (nodal equivalencing)

CATIA V5 Prerequisites
CATIA V5 R15 SP0 or higher GPS

Technical Overview
ABAQUS for CATIA V5 consists of two workbenches that are added to the CATIA V5 environment: the ABAQUS Structural Analysis workbench and the ABAQUS Thermal Analysis workbench. In these workbenches you can reuse familiar CATIA V5 features, such as contact connections, and enhance them with the generality that the ABAQUS analysis products provide, such as highly accurate interface friction. You use ABAQUS for CATIA V5 to prepare a CATIA V5 analysis document for linear or nonlinear models that can be submitted to ABAQUS for analysis. You can also view the ABAQUS results using ABAQUS for CATIA V5. ABAQUS for CATIA V5 users should be familiar with basic CATIA V5 concepts such as document windows, specification trees, etc., as well as the Part Design, Assembly Design, and Generative Part Structural Analysis (GPS) workbenches in CATIA V5.

CATIA V5 Corequisites

Operating Systems
Windows XP Windows 2000

Support for CATIA V5 line, surface (triangle and quadrilateral), and solid (tetrahedral, prism, and hexahedral) meshing Models containing mixed-dimension element types "Skinning" of solid bodies with shell elements ABAQUS solid structural tetrahedral elements C3D4(H) and C3D10(M)(H) ABAQUS solid structural prism elements C3D6(H), C3D15(H) ABAQUS solid structural hexahedral elements C3D8(R)(H), C3D20(R)(H) ABAQUS solid heat transfer tetrahedral elements DC3D4 and DC3D10 ABAQUS solid heat transfer prism elements DC3D6, DC3D15 ABAQUS solid heat transfer hexahedral elements DC3D8, DC3D20 ABAQUS structural shell elements S3(R) and S4(R) ABAQUS heat transfer shell elements DS3, DS4, DS6, and DS8 ABAQUS beam elements B31 and B32 Whole-part and part-region (local) shell and beam properties ABAQUS connector elements

ABAQUS Workbenches
ABAQUS Structural Analysis ABAQUS Thermal Analysis

Supported Features
CATIA-defined linear material properties ABAQUS material properties stored in the CATMaterial document Temperature-dependent material properties Thermal properties Linear elasticity Metal plasticity (isotropic and kinematic hardening) Hyperelasticity ABAQUS user material subroutine

Load application using tabular amplitudes Point forces Point moments Pressure loads Gravity forces (mass body forces) Rotational body forces Surface heat fluxes Concentrated heat fluxes Body heat fluxes Thermal film conditions

Analysis Steps
General nonlinear static with or without nonlinear geometric effects Static linear perturbation Transient or steady-state heat transfer

Boundary Conditions
Boundary condition application using tabular amplitudes Displacement boundary conditions Clamp boundary conditions Temperature boundary conditions

Field Conditions
Initial temperatures for static steps Transient temperature histories in general nonlinear static steps Steady-state temperature profiles in general nonlinear static steps

Geometric Nonlinearities
Large rotations Large strains Stress stiffening

Job Management
Multiple case solutions in an analysis document Consistency checking ABAQUS analysis model Input file writing (in multiple part instances or a single part instance) Input file writing in user-selected set of units "Job type" control (datacheck, continue, full model, from input file) Restart file writing control Memory settings control Job overwrite warnings Background job submission Ability to view ABAQUS analysis files in a text editor (.dat, .msg, .sta, .log, .inp) Monitoring of job status Job error and warning messages "Kill" function for jobs in progress

Results Visualization
Access to wide range of ABAQUS output variables (from ABAQUS output database) Time history animations CATIA V5 cutting-plane results viewing Results extrema identification Display groups for user-generated and solver-generated model regions Control of results output frequency Specification of results output variables XY data export

Printed and online Users Manual (in both HTML and PDF formats) Tool tips Context-dependent help References and links to ABAQUS Analysis Users Manual

ABAQUS Analysis Products Corequisite

ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Foundation

Product Support
Maintenance and support Quality monitoring service Installation Training and users meetings

CONTACT ABAQUS, Inc. Rising Sun Mills 166 Valley Street Providence, RI 02909-2499 USA +1 401 276 4400 e-mail Europe +31 43 356 6906 e-mail Japan +81 3 5474 5817 e-mail WWW.ABAQUS.COM

Copyright 2005 ABAQUS, Inc. ABAQUS is a registered trademark of ABAQUS, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. ABQ-CAT-DS-6.4

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