Faith - Filled Words

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CONFESSIONS TO BE DECLARED BOLDLY 1. I am a success 2. Greater is He that lives in me than he that is the world 3.

I am a shinning and a burning light John 5:35 4. I am the light of the world 5. I am a city, set upon a hill, I cannot be hidden 6. If you ignore me you ignore success 7. As long as I am in this world, I am the light of the world 8. I soar on the wings of the Holy Spirit 9. I am born again, Holy Ghost filled and tongue-talking 10. I am born of God 11. I am the salt of the earth, I preserve and give taste to lives/ situations 12. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage Psalm 16:6 13. I am a wonder to my generation Psalm 71:7 14. I am planted by the rivers of water, I bear my fruits in all season 15. I am wiser than my enemies Psalm 119:98 16. I have more understanding than all my teachers Psalm 119:99 17. Your word is a lamb unto my feet and a light unto my path Ps 119:105 18. Whatsoever I do prosper 19. I am born of God so I have overcome the world 1 John 5:4 20. I speak no empty words 21. My words are anointed 22. I live in divine health 23. No sickness or infection can thrive in my body

24. I tread on serpents & scorpions & over all the ability of the enemy & nothing shall by any means hurt me 25. My faith is working& producing results 26. The word of God is working in my life 27. My life is hid with Christ in God. 28. I have put on Christ Galatians 3:27-28 29. Anywhere this body goes, God goes 30. God is unwilling to do without me 31. I am very relevant for God 32. I am enjoying my marriage 33. Glorious things are happening in my life 34. I move from victory unto victory 35. I am a life giver 36. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want 37. Surely, goodness & mercies shall follow me, all the days of my life 38. I dont walk alone, angels are at my beck and call 39. The fruits of my womb is blessed 40. I lend to many but borrow from none 41. All debt against me is cancelled in JESUS NAME 42. Henceforth, know me no man after the flesh2 Corinthians 5:16 43. My hands are divine instruments through which eternal life flows 44. Healing flows through my hands 45. Prosperity flows through my hands 46. God speaks and heals through me 47. I am a producer of prosperity 48. I know who I am 49. I know what to do 50. The joy of the Lord is my strength 51. Jesus is the Lord of my life

52. He lives in me, moves in me and tabernacles in me 53. I am not ordinary 54. I am born again 55. I am royalty, a peculiar people, a holy nation 56. I am not of this world 57. I am growing in grace and in the Knowledge of God 58. I am seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places ruling and in charge 59. I am from above 60. I cast out devils and subdue kingdoms 61. I can never be poor in this life 62. I have received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and I reign in life 63. I dominate situations & circumstances 64. I am a vessel unto honour 65. Men are celebrating me every where 66. Through me, millions will fall in love with Jesus 67. Health is mine, prosperity is mine 68. I am waxing great, moving forward and making progress 69. I am set on a course I should follow, in the name of Jesus, prosperity is mine. 70. I have passed from death to life. John 5:24 71. Out of my belle is flowing rivers of living water 72. I have got the life of God in me 73. I am anointed 74. No situation can escape the anointing upon my life 75. I am enjoying grace 76. All grace abounds towards me 77. I lack nothing good 78. Death cannot function in me 79. I am superior to the devil

80. If I take any deadly thing, it shall not hurt me 81. I will never stop receiving because I will never stop giving 82. All men seek me to favour me 83. I am marvellously helped 84. There is a teacher in me, he teaches me all things 85. I have understanding of all things 86. I can never be confused 87. I dwell in the secret place of the most high 88. I am full of God 89. Wisdom is in my mouth 90. The wisdom of God is at work in me 91. I receive strength in my inner man 92. I am filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding 93. Fear cannot work in me 94. Fear is defeated 95. My disappointments of the past is being turned into testimonies 96. I am so blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places 97. As He is, so am I in this world 1 John 4:17 98. Christ in me, the hope of glory 99. I lay up dollars and gold as dust 100. Through me many will fall in love with Jesus 101. The gospel is prospering in my hands & mouth 102. I am a citizen of Heaven 103. A table has been set before me in the presence of my enemies 104. I dont fail 105. I shine brighter and brighter 106. I am a producer of prosperity 107. I have entered into His rest and have ceased from my struggles Hebrews 4:10 108. I cannot be ignored

109. Kings are coming to my rising 110. I suck the forces of the Gentiles 111. The gates to my bank account are forever opened 112. Watch out world, I am coming so strong 113. I am who God says I am 114. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of Sin and death Roman 8:2 115. My life is hid with Christ in God 116. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. 117. I am anointed to preach the gospel to the poor 118. My mouth is like a sharp sword Isaiah 49:2a 119. I am so blessed 120. I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God ordained I walk in them Ephesians 2:10 121. I am fearfully and wonderfully made 122. Glorious things are happening all around me 123. Hindrances on my path of success are being crushed by the anointing upon my life 124. Kings are coming to my rising 125. Gods ability is at work in me 126. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me 127. He is my help and my salvation 128. My mouth is my pen with which I write my beautiful future 129. Wealth, fortune and prosperity are my companion 130. God has found a home in me, praise God! 131. Great things are happening in my life 132. I receive more seeds to sow 133. I receive strength in my inner man by the Holy Ghost 134. I have overcome them because greater is he that lives in me than he that is in the world.

135. I am a heir of God and joint heirs with Christ Rom 8:17 136. All things are mine 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 137. All things are working together for my good 138. No weapon faction in this world against me will prosper 139. I am the beauty of God 140. I am alive unto God and dead to sin 141. I dont frustrate grace Galatians 2:21 142. The Word of God is medicine/health to my flesh Proverbs 4:22 143. I am for signs and wonders and miracles 144. O Lord my God, how excellent is your name in all the world 145. I cannot be disadvantaged. 146. I am justified 147. I am the righteousness of God in Christ 148. Kings will stand at attention when I pass by 149. God is excited about me 150. I am a package of blessings 151. I flourish like the palm tree 152. I grow like the cedar of Lebanon 153. God delights in my prosperity 154. My story is a peaceful one 155. I favour the righteous cause of God 156. None of my steps shall slide Psalm 37:31b 157. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear 158. Though war should rise against me in this will I be confident 159. When the wicked, even mine enemies came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 160. Thou O Lord, art a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter up of mine head 161. I lay up dollars as dust

162. When men are cast down, there is a lifting up for me 163. Where my word is there is power 164. When I look around me, I see dollars, pounds, favour, beauty, grace, angels and all the goodies one can imagine 165. I am bigger than anything money can buy 166. I am superior to the devil 167. There is peace in this land because of me. 168. God is unwilling to do without me 169. From generation to generation, thou art God 170. Nothing works successfully against me 171. I see what ordinary men dont see 172. I hear what ordinary men dont hear 173. I grow in grace and in the knowledge of God 174. I am the answer to the cry of many 175. I dont function by blood so no blood condition can ever bring me down 176. Money is not my problem, I have plenty of it 177. I will embarrass money in this life 178. I will never stop receiving because I will never stop giving 179. Money hears my voice when I call and responds quickly 180. I cannot be helpless or distressed about anything 181. I f I take any deadly thing, it will not hurt me 182. I am doing so well and enjoying grace 183. I am filled with the fullness of God 184. I am a blessed woman 185. The glory of the Lord is risen upon me 186. Nations are coming to my rising 187. The wealth of the Gentiles are coming to me 188. The sons of foreigners are building up my walls Isaiah 61:10

189. The gates to my bank account are forever open and men are bringing me the wealth of the Gentiles Isaiah 60:11b 190. The sons of those who afflicted me are bowing to me 191. I am drinking the milk of the Gentiles and sucking the breast of royals 192. I call a nation I do not know and nations who dont know me run to me Isaiah 55:5 193. All my children are being taught by the Lord and great is the peace of my children Isaiah 54:13 194. I am the arm of the Lord 195. I am a light to the Gentiles 196. Those who war against me are as nothing, as a nonexistent thing Isaiah 41:12 197. The Word of God is working in my life, my faith is working 198. God had to give his very best, Jesus Christ, to have me so I am very valuable 199. Wealth and riches are in my house 200. I am not ordinary, I am divine and a partaker of the divine nature 201. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup Psalm 16:5 202. 2010 is my best year ever, my year of the greater light 203. No more night or darkness on my path of life. 204. I consistently stir up the anointing of God that is in me. 205. God is shining in my heart 206. I handle kingdom money

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