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Secondary 4 Social Studies Notes (2192/1) Sec 4 Chapter 1: Managing International Relations Iraq & Kuwait Conflict Reasons

s for Conflict: Historical Enmity Economic Problems Over-production of oil Dispute over territory (Rumaila Oilfield; Bubiyan & Warbah Islands Historical Enmity -Iraq all along claimed sovereignty over Kuwait since Kuwaiti independence in 1961. -Iraq claimed that Kuwait was historically a part of Iraq and governed under the same territory when they were under Ottoman rule -Iraq used military power to threaten Kuwait since 1963, & expected them to give in to their its demands. -Kuwaits refusal to give in resulted in shock and anger -In Saddams eyes, Kuwaits repeated refusal to give in to Iraqs demands seen as defiance and personal attack on him. Explanation -As a result, Iraq even more aggressive in trying to force Kuwait to give in to demands. -Result was a worsening relation between the two as Kuwait might have seen Iraqi actions as bullying -Annexation of Kuwait would help eliminate thorn in his flesh Economic Problems - Before start of Iran-Iraq war, Iraq was relatively prosperous country. - Iraq loss much lives and economy in ruins. - Iraq owed about US$80 billion in debts to neighbors, US and France. - Reconstruction of the war-torn country required US$230 billion. - Iraq had to find ways to pay off massive debt and rebuild the countries. Explanation - Done so through increasing oil production and indefinitely, attempt invasion of Kuwait. Over-production of oil -Iraq hoped to pay off debts by earning more revenue from sale of oil -Kuwait and United Arab Emirates ignored quota set by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), produced oil well above their assigned limits. -This overproduction of oil by Kuwait/other countries, caused oil prices to fall from US$18 to US$7 per barrel at one point of time. -Iraq lost a lot of revenue due to this fall in oil prices -In fact, Iraq lost about US$1Bil from oil sales each time prices fell by US$1 - Iraq felt actions of Kuwait and UAE was equivalent to waging an economic war as 90% of its income came from sale of oil. Explanation -By July 1990, Saddam felt Iraq was no longer able to withstand economic pressure. -Further inaction would undermine Iraqi economy, lead to social unrest and dissatisfaction, threatening survival of Saddams regime. -War offered the possibility of solving this over-production problem -By gaining control over Kuwait oil wells, Saddam could control amount of oil produced by Kuwait -Once this problem was solved, Iraqs economic problems could be better managed 1) 2) 3) 4)

Dispute over territory -Clearly undefined borders between the two countries resulted in both sides sharing the profitable Rumaila oilfield -In 1990, Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing oil from Iraqi side using slant drilling technology, and demanded compensation of US$2.4Bil -Bubiyan and Warbah islands strategically located off Iraq port of Umm Qasr, only port in Iraq used to transport oil -These islands belonged to Kuwait, but Iraq wanted these islands so as to gain access to open waters of Persian Gulf so that oil transportation is not blocked. -Iraqis even attempted to gain these islands by force but failed -From 1978, Iraq wanted to lease islands from Kuwait instead, but Kuwait refused as they feared it would open doors for further territorial demands from Iraq, so both failed to reach a suitable agreement on the issue. Explanation -Conflict over territories and Kuwaits refusal to grant Iraqs request worsened relationship between both countries. -Iraq saw Kuwaits refusal as an attack on its national interest -To protect its national interest, Saddam saw war was necessary to gain control of these territories __________________________________________________________________________________ Reasons for Iraqs invasion of Kuwait: 1) Iraqs official reason 2) Saddam Husseins leadership 3) Misreading position of the US Iraqs official reason -Iraqi government claimed it had gone into Kuwait at request of revolutionaries to free Kuwait from the ruling government -Iraq warned other countries not to intervene, threatening to kill Kuwaitis if outside powers intervened Saddam Husseins leadership -Saddam Hussein sees himself as a great leader of the Arab world. -Kuwaits repeated refusals to give in to Iraqi demands were seen as defiance and personal attack. - He is also worried there will be uprising in Iraq against him, especially by the Shia muslims, who formed the majority in Iraq. - Iran-Iraq war had left Iraqi economy and country devastated, prices were extremely high and people were unhappy with him. -Saddam Hussein feared Iraq army would turn against him if situation did not improve. -Thus he ordered invasion of Kuwait to distract the Iraqis and improve the economic situation in Iraq. Misreading position of the US -Saddam met with American ambassador to discuss problems Iraq had with Kuwait. -From the meeting, Saddam believed the Americans were sympathetic to Iraqs situation and were not likely to go to Kuwaits aid. -He thought he would not face severe consequences if he invaded Kuwait.

Impact of conflict:

Impact on Kuwait: (hardship and suffering) -More than 1000 Kuwaiti civilians killed and thousands tortured. -Kuwaitis treated harshly, forced to flee their own country. -Iraqi came to live in houses abandoned by fleeing Kuwaitis. -Museums, hospitals, shops and homes were looted by Iraqi soldiers. -Economic cost on Kuwait was tremendous. -While Iraqi army retreating, set fire to 600 out of 950 oil wells. -Damages in Kuwait amounted to US$25billion. Explanation Given the negative socio-economic impact, the government also had to devote resources to socioeconomic reconstruction after the war. It would take Kuwait many years to recover from the war. Impact on Iraq: a) Destruction of Iraqi military capability (Military aspect, destroyed military capability) Prior to the invasion, Iraq was one of the undisputed military powers in Middle East. -It has 1 million soldiers who were feared by many countries in the region. - Coalition forces utilized state-of-the-art weapons, destroyed almost one-third of the army. -Iraqi tanks, vehicles, trucks and troops fleeing the allied attack formed long queues on the main road (from Kuwait, towards Iraq). -Fleeing soldiers were bombed by coalition warplanes. -Thousands of troops killed in vehicles during bombings, where road later known as Highway of Death. -Heavy losses suffered by Iraqis weakened morale among the remaining troops, and many surrendered to coalition forces Explanation: Military morale and capability was badly affected, and Iraq lost its standing as a key military power in the region b) Political aspect (led to political instability) -During the war, there was uprising of Kurds in the north, and Shia muslims in the south as they felt that it was an opportune time to fight for indepence Explanation -This threatened political unity of Iraq. c) Social aspect (widespread suffering among people) -The Iraqis suffered as the air raids destroyed a large part of Iraqi infrastructure and they could not carry out daily activities -Electricity supply was also disrupted, which all led to the spread of disease as the water supply was contaminated because water purification and sewage treatment facilities could not operate without electricity -Life was simply a nightmare for the Iraqis Regional and international impact Environmental catastrophe -When it was obvious that Iraq was losing, Iraqi forces set fire to Kuwaiti oil wells and dumped 11 million barrels of oil into the Persian Gulf. Explanation -Led to environmental catastrophe as marine life was greatly threatened. -Cost millions of dollars to put out fires and clear oil slick from Persian Gulf

Displacement of foreign workers

-During invasion of Kuwait, nearly 2 million foreign workers were employed in Kuwait. -The workers fled the country when war broke out. Explanation -Many supporting large families back home had sudden loss of income which meant great suffering for their families. __________________________________________________________________________________ Reactions to the invasion 1) 2) 3) 4) Fear of Iraqi dominance The Arab Solution American Response International Response

Fear of Iraqi dominance -The immediate response was worry and fear. -By invading Kuwait, Iraq controlled 20% worlds oil population. -Ease of Iraqs invasion have encouraged Iraq to be even bolder. -Iraqi army camped near Kuwait-Saudi Arabia border. -Fears were Iraq would set its sight on the riches of Saudi kingdom. -Access to vast amounts of oil would enable Iraq to set high price for oil and solve Iraqs economic problem. -This would create problems for world economy. -Saudi Arabia knew the armed forces were no match for Iraqs larger and more experienced army. The Arab Solution -After invasion of Iraq by Kuwait, Egypt offered contribution of troops to Allied coalition, followed by 12 of the Arab Leagues member states -At the same time, Saudi Arabia also allowed coalition forces to be deployed to northern deserts of Saudi, augmented by British, French, and Saudi units and backed by naval and air forces -These efforts were important Explanation -Support from regional countries gave UN-led operation the moral legitimacy, and diminished credibility of Saddams call for jihad, or holy war, against US-led coalition -Troops and supplies from regional countries provided resources and support for US-led operation -Most significantly, location of these countries provided important strategic bases to launch attacks against Iraq, making war operations more effects and defeat of Iraqis possible American Response (US) -As Iraqis aggressive act threatened US strategic interests, US took lead in condemning Iraqi actions and forming coalition of countries to help defend Saudi and get Iraq out of Kuwait immediately after Iraqs invasion of Kuwait. -US forces formed backbone of coalition forces, making up 74% of the 1.66mil troops in Iraq -US also headed the coalition forces, destroying most of Iraqs command and control capability through air -Strategic targets such as communication centers were destroyed and the Iraqi air forces was crippled during the bombing campaign Explanation -Ultimately, it was US resolve, technology and manpower that made the coalition forces so effective, defeated the Iraqi troops, liberated Kuwait, & forced Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, thereby ending the Iraq-Kuwait war

International Response (UN)

-UN Security Council passed a resolution unanimously, demanding immediate Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. -When negotiations failed, Security Council also voted for use of force to remove Iraq from Kuwait -Called for the two countries to begin immediate and intensive negotiations for resolution of their differences. Explanation 1: This was legal authorization of the Gulf War, and gave allied forces and troops the legitimacy to launch an invasion on Iraq, thereby helping the US-led invasion gain worldwide support __________________________________________________________________________________ -Economic and Military sanctions were used to force Iraq out of Kuwait. -Meant to inflict heavy toll on Iraq as it would not be able to earn money from sale of oil. - No country was allowed to sell goods to Iraq, except food and medical supplies. -Kuwait and Iraqi assets worldwide were frozen to prevent Iraq from making use of the funds. -Significant as Iraq imported more than 90% of goods from overseas, including food products Explanation 2: UN sanctions served to weaken Iraqi war efforts once war started, preventing them from fighting an effective war, and making defeat more probable.

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