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Howard County District Technology Training Plan

March 19

Candace DanielsEDTC 640 (Spring)

This District Technology Training Plan for Howard County was developed based on feedback from county teachers and administrators acquired through a survey about technology experience and usage.

C. Daniels Howard County District Technology Plan

Table of Contents
The Foundation of this District Technology Training Plan ............................................................................ 1 The Facts about Howard County Public School ............................................................................................ 1 The Findings Based on Survey Results .......................................................................................................... 2 The Framework of New Trainings ................................................................................................................. 4 The Forecasted Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 9 The Formulated Training............................................................................................................................. 19 The Final Word About the District Technology Training Plan ..................................................................... 22 The Formal Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 23 The Featured Resources ............................................................................................................................. 24

C. Daniels- 1 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

The Foundation of this District Technology Training Plan

Howard County, located in the central region of the state of Maryland, has been making exponential strides in integrating technology into the classroom. Instructional Facilitators within the schools have placed a concentrated effort on ensuring opportunities for technology use and exploration are available to all students. Along with the districts technology integration plan for students, instances for teacher and administrator professional development have been included at generic levels to include, Smart Board Features, Microsoft Office Products for beginners and Web 2.0 Tool Mini Series. However, where the current professional development of teachers and administrators falls short, is in identifying specific instances teachers can capitalize on the curriculum benefits afford them using technology. Thus, this district technology-training plan elaborates on the current technology integration plan of the district, focusing on professional technology development that has been deemed critical knowledge by the teachers and administrators of the county.

The Facts about Howard County Public School

Howard County is comprised of 50,418 students and 4,646 teachers and administrators. There are 40 elementary schools (serving grades pre K- 5), 19 middle schools (serving grades 6- 8), 12 high schools (serving grades 9-12) and three (3) educational centers (serving various grades per location) located throughout out the county, (Howard County Public School System, 2013). The district has done an excellent job in ensuring all schools have the same/similar technology available to teachers and students. Within each school, there is the following: wireless internet available in every class 1:4 ratio of desktop computers to students (1 MAC, 3 PCs) State issued laptop for teacher use complete with Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook) SMART Interactive whiteboards to include software licenses installed on each teacher laptop Projector/document scanner capabilities in each classroom Two/three computer labs and/or mobile computer labs per school (30 laptops per computer) 20 dedicated e-reading devices

C. Daniels- 2 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

video production equipment and software (15 flip cameras, 15 Tripods, 50 120G travel hard drives, Corel Video Studio Pro 5x, Pinnacle Studio, Movie Maker, and iMovie) 30 digital cameras 5-7 multifunction Copier/Printer/Scanner/Fax a host of subject specific technologies, software and website licenses

There is also a technology facilitator and media specialist available to assist teachers and administrators with technology integration. A new five-million dollar request of budgetary funds to further enhance the countys technology resources to include iPads for students, and the development of alternative online curriculum content for high school students, is currently under review (Maryland Society for Educational Technology, 2009). As a result, components of this district technology-training plan will be revised as these opportunities become available. Until such time, the focus of the plan will center on technology currently available within the district.

The Findings Based on Survey Results

Of the 4,646 teachers and administrators in the county 68% hold a masters or higher degree showing that there is little aversion to increased learning, (Howard Country Public School System, 2013). Also, the average age of teachers and administrators in the county is 41, (Howard Country Public School System, 2013). Assuming that most began their career in their early 20s, that gives the average teacher/administrator 15 plus years of professional experience. This amount of time in the classroom/school system affords this group a wealth of knowledge on curriculum requirements, student development theory and pedagogical understanding. However, although there is currently a wealth of technology available for teachers and administrators to use with students in the classroom, a number of concerns still arise. Such as, are teachers/administrators using the technology available to them? If not, why, and what are the discrepancies? What types of professional development opportunities can the Office of Human Resources in conjunction with the Office of Technology Integration offer to rectify the issues? If so, how are teachers and administrators using the technology available? Is the use of technology adding value to student learning? How can the Office of Human Resources in conjunction with the Office of Technology Integration encourage all teachers/administrators to use the technology

C. Daniels- 3 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

available? Thus, the best source for determining professional development opportunities within the county are the teacher/administrators themselves. As a result, the authors of this district technology-training plan created a 12 question survey (Technology Experience and Usage Survey) and e-mailed it to all teachers and administrators in the county. The survey yielded the following information: General: Total Number of Completed Surveys Received: 1,719 (37%) (Although seemingly small, this is about the average rate of return for most surveys conducted via e-mail. See Featured Resources for actual survey and details) Fact 1: 92% of teachers and administrators surveyed identified database storage/bandwidth, questionable content, and security concerns as challenges when planning/collaborating on materials for class. Respondents questioned opportunities to create/store/share and collaborate via the cloud. Fact 2: Overall, English Language Arts teachers feel as though they incorporate a fair amount of technology use within their class. However, 87% of the English Language Arts teachers completing the survey cited integration of video production equipment and software as an opportunity for growth and development. Fact 3: 64% of Math, grades 9-12, teacher and administrators cited the SMART Board technology as their least used technology. Since all new teachers go through an Introduction to SMART Board training when hired, there must be a disconnect in understanding the full capabilities of the SMART Board technology and how they are applicable/beneficial to teachers/administrators of this subject/grade. Fact 4: 66% of Pre Kindergarten though second grade teachers/administrators cited e-books and emerging readers as technology opportunities they would like additional professional development training on. As it stands, each media center now has a dedicated portion of their budget allotted for e-book content and/or accounts for free e-book content for the 20 dedicated ereaders within the school and/or applications on computers/laptops. Fact 5: Seemingly, the third largest group of respondents, teachers/administrators of all areas of science where varied on their professional development with technology. That is except for

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science teachers in grades 9-12 which included focuses on chemistry, physics, and biology. Based primarily on labs, 92% of the teachers/administrators in this group highlighted a desire to video tape labs for students that miss class. However, how to orchestrate, edit and share with students was of great concern. This group of teachers/administrators also felt video-recorded lessons would benefit students who may still struggle to understand lesson content even if they are present for class. Thus, a desire to integrate opportunities for reflection on lab experiments is of great importance. Fact 6: 72% of teachers/administrators identified as teaching Social Studies of some kind in grades 6-8 questioned if there were additional opportunities to use internet resources with students beyond global research. Fact 7: 34% teachers and administrators of a foreign language and/or English as a second language highlighted the use of podcasting to assist students with language fluency as a professional development opportunity. Fact 8: 28% of teachers and administrators of Other subjects seek professional development opportunities as how to promote the benefits of their subject. Online forums such as websites and blogs were cited as of greatest interest to the group, with the term blogs use 76% in open question answers. These facts were the driving force in identifying opportunities for professional technology development training.

The Framework of New Trainings

Based on the finding uncovered in teachers and administrators responses to the survey, the following trainings have been established for professional technology development needs. Cloud Computing: The Art of Efficiency (all teachers/administrators, all grades) o Founding Fact: 92% of teachers and administrators surveyed identified database storage/bandwidth, questionable content, and security concerns as challenges when planning/collaborating on materials for class. Respondents questioned opportunities to create/store/share and collaborate via the cloud.

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o Goal: Equip teachers and administrators with an understanding of cloud-based efficiency tools and parameters surrounding appropriate use/confidential information. o Objectives: Teachers and administrators will be able to Identify cloud-based mediums to increase collaboration/creation, productivity and efficiency (Google Drives, Documents, iSpreadsheet, CloudOn, etc.) Distinguish content appropriate for cloud-based mediums (Google Drives versus Sharepoints) Use identified cloud-based mediums to create/collaborate material appropriate and relevant for various audiences (students, teachers, administrators, parents, etc.) o Other: Because of the greatest impact to the teachers/administrators, the following session will be launched at the Summer Institute for School Improvement, summer 2013 and added to the new staff training program. Close to 100% of survey respondents identified this trainings as a critical component necessary for teacher/administrator productivity. Reading, Writing and Recording: Opportunities for Video Production within the English Language Arts Curriculum (English Language Arts, Grades 3-12) o Founding Facts: Overall, English Language Arts teachers feel as though they incorporate a fair amount of technology use within their class. However, 87% of the English Language Arts teachers completing the survey cited integration of video production equipment and software as an opportunity for growth and development. o Goal: Assist English Language Arts teachers and administrators in identifying opportunities within the English Language Arts curriculum in which the use of video production equipment and software can strengthen learning outcomes among students. o Objectives: English Language Arts teachers and administrators will be able to Identify video production equipment and software Adjust pedagogical practice to include the use of video production equipment and software Revise English Language Arts lesson plans to include the use of video production equipment, and software

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Use available video production equipment and software to create example projects

o Other: Based on the resounding desire for professional development in this area, and the potential impact for English Language Arts Teachers/Administrators and learning outcomes for students for the 2013-2014 school year, this training will take place over a weeks time period, summer 2013, separate from the Summer Institute for School Improvement, and content for said training is currently in development and attached as part of this plan. SMART Board Technology Content Creation and Use (Math, Grades 9-12) o Founding Facts: 64% of Math, grades 9-12, teacher and administrators cited the SMART Board technology as their least used technology. Since all new teachers go through an Introduction to SMART Board training when hired, there must be a disconnect in understanding the full capabilities of the SMART Board technology and how they are applicable/beneficial to teachers/administrators of this subject/grade. o Goal: Educate math teachers/administrators (of all areas of focus) on the vast opportunities for integration of SMART Board technology. o Objectives: Math teachers and administrators will be able to Identify features of SMART Board technologies beneficial to math field of focus Adjust pedagogical practice to include the use of SMART Board technology Revise lesson plans to include the use of SMART Board technology Use SMART Board technology to create content specific lessons

E-books and the Emerging Reader ( Grades Pre K- 2) o Founding Facts: 66% of Pre Kindergarten though second grade teachers/administrators cited e-books and emerging readers as technology opportunities they would like additional professional development training on. As it stands, each media center now has a dedicated portion of their budget allotted for ebook content and/or accounts for free e-book content for the 20 dedicated e-readers within the school and/or applications on computers/laptops. o Goal: Elaborate for Pre K- 2nd grade teachers and administrators on the uses of ereaders with emerging readers.

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o Objectives: Pre K 2nd Grade Teachers and Administrators will be able to Identify the pros and cons of e-readers/e-books for emerging student population Determine best practices of e-readers/e-books with students Identify opportunities to integrate e-readers/e-books into lessons with emerging readers Assess the effect of use e-readers/e-books on emerging readers skills

Absent Students and Science Labs: Video Broadcasts (Science, Grades 9-12) o Founding Facts: Seemingly, the third largest group of respondents, teachers/administrators of all areas of science where varied on their professional development with technology. That is except for science teachers in grades 9-12 which included focuses on chemistry, physics, and biology. Based primarily on labs, 92% of the teachers/administrators in this group highlighted a desire to video tape labs for students that miss class. However, how to orchestrate, edit and share with students was of great concern. This group of teachers/administrators also felt videorecorded lessons would benefit students who may still struggle to understand lesson content even if they are present for class. Thus, a desire to integrate opportunities for reflection on lab experiments is of great importance. o Goal: Educate Science teachers and administrators on the use of video production equipment, software, and online media sharing mediums o Objectives: Science teachers and administrators will be able to Use available video production equipment and software to record lab experiments/demonstrations Navigate media sharing website and post experiments/demonstrations

Social Media: A Platform for Global Awareness (Social Studies, Grades 6-8) o Founding Facts: 72% of teachers/administrators identified as teaching Social Studies of some kind in grades 6-8 questioned if there were additional opportunities to use internet resources with students beyond global research. o Goal: Introduce Social Studies teachers and administrators to a number of social media and global awareness websites as resources for global collaboration opportunities.

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o Objectives: Social Studies teachers and administrators will be able to Distinguish opportunities afforded through the use of social media and/or international education networks Select and navigate social media/international education network resources Integrate global awareness opportunities available via social media/international education networks into the Social Studies curriculum Fluency Podcasts (Foreign Language/ESOL, all grades) o Founding Facts: 34% teachers and administrators of a foreign language and/or English as a second language highlighted the use of podcasting to assist students with language fluency as a professional development opportunity. o Goal: Demonstrate the process of creating a podcast to include podcasting resources for teachers and administrators of foreign language and/or English as a second language. o Objectives: Teachers and administrators of forigne language and/or ESOL (in addition to anyone else interested) will be able to Identify podcasting resources available on the internet Use podcasting resources to create opportunities for students to practice language fluency Blogging Basics: Why Other Subjects Matter (Physical Education, Art, Music, Photography, all grades) o Founding Facts: 28% of teachers and administrators of Other subjects seek professional development opportunities as how to promote the benefits of their subject. Online forums such as websites and blogs were cited as of greatest interest to the group, with the term blogs use 76% in open question answers. o Goal: Demonstrate the process of creating a blog to include blogging resources for teachers and administers of Other subjects. o Objectives: Teachers and administrators Other subjects (in addition to anyone else interested) will be able to Identify blogging resources available on the internet Use blogging resources to create opportunities to showcase/elaborate/connect with parents and students about the benefits/happening of the subject

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The Forecasted Timeline

The development and integration of these training opportunities are based on the impact afforded the greatest number of teachers/administrators. The plan should proceed as follows:
Review of District Technology Training Plan Action Needed: Present DTTP to the Superintendent and School Board Date Accomplished: April 2013 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology Revision to the DTTP based on feedback from the Superintendent and School Board May 2013 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

Upon final approval on this district technology-training plan, the following training would be developed and piloted during new staff training before being launched at for all county teachers and administrators at the Summer Institute for School Improvement, and added to the New Staff Training Series. Note: T/A= Teachers/Administrators
Training: Cloud Computing: The Art of Efficiency (all teachers/administrators, all grades) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: May- June 21st, 2013 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional June 24th- 28th, 2013 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 10 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

Facilitators and HR Liaisons) -Pilot Training with New Staff (Beginner Version) -Review Pilot Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components July 8 -19 , 2013
th th

July 1, 2013

-Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

-Review Revised Training with Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) -Launch Training during Summer Institute for School Improvement * Beginner (20 Sessions) *Experienced (10 Sessions) *Expert (10 Sessions) (100 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components

July 22 - 26 , 2013



-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

July 29th- July 2nd, 2013

-Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

September 2013

-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

-Facilitate training with all new hires


-HR Liaisons

The next proposed training generated an astonishing area of interest among survey participants and will provide a large impact among teacher and administrators. Content for this training is currently being developed as a one week session hosted the week after the Summer Institute for School Improvement, and components are included as part of this plan. Note: T/A= Teachers/Administrators
Training: Reading, Writing and Recording: Opportunities for Video Production within the Language Arts Curriculum (English Language Arts, Grades 3-12) Action Needed: Date Accomplished: Action Facilitated By:

C. Daniels- 11 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

-Development of Training Content May- July, 2013 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) Launch Training *Beginner (38 Sessions) *Experienced (10 Sessions) *Expert (3 Sessions) (30 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components September- December 2013 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components September- December 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional August 2015 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 5th- 9th, 2013 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons July 8th- 12th, 2013 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 12 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

Training Plan Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

The planned timeline to launch the next two trainings in October, 2013. Note: T/A= Teachers/Administrators
Training: SMART Board Technology Content Creation and Use (Math, Grades 9-12) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: August 2013 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) Launch Training *Beginner (9 Sessions) *Experienced (3 Session) *Expert (1 Sessions) (30 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components December 2013- February 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training September- December 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources August 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons October 7th 11th, 2013 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons September 9 - 13 , 2013
th th

-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 13 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

Components -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons Training: E-Books and the Emerging Reader (Pre K- 2) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: August 2013 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) -Launch Training *Beginner (5 Sessions) *Experienced (4 Session) *Expert (1 Sessions) (30 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components December 2013- February 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for August 2014 -Instructional Facilitators October 7th 11th, 2013 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons September 9 - 13 , 2013
th th

August 2015

-Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 14 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components September- December 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 2015 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -HR Liaisons

The planned timeline to launch the next two trainings in March, 2014. Note: T/A= Teachers/Administrators
Training: Absent Students and Science Labs: Video Broadcasts (Science, Grades 9-12) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: January 2014 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) Launch Training March 17th- 21st, 2014 -Instructional Facilitators February 17 - 21 , 2014
th st

-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 15 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

*Beginner (11 Sessions) *Experienced (3 Session) *Expert (1 Sessions) (30 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components May- June, 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components December 2014- February 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons Training: Social Media: A Platform for Global Awareness (Social Studies, Grades 6-8) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: January 2014 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators August 2015 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -HR Liaisons

C. Daniels- 16 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

-HR Liaisons -Train the Trainer Session for Training Facilitators (Instructional Facilitators and HR Liaisons) Launch Training *Beginner (2 Sessions) *Experienced (1 Session) *Expert (1 Sessions) (30 T/A per Session) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components May- June, 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components December 2014- February 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Integrate as Optional Session for Teachers/Administrators During Summer Institute for School Improvement -Review Training Feedback -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 2015 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons August 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons March 17th- 21st, 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons February 17 - 21 , 2014
th st

-Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources

C. Daniels- 17 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

The last two training opportunities derived from survey results will be created as introductory to content lessons via online training modules posted to the Countys Intranet.
Training: Fluency Podcasts (Foreign Language/ESOL, all grades) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: March 2014 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons Launch Training (Beginner Level) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components June, 2014 May 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Post to Howard County Intranet July, 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Review Necessity of Training July 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons Training: Blogging Basics: Why Other Subjects Matter (Physical Education, Art, Music, Photography, all grades) Action Needed: -Development of Training Content Date Accomplished: March 2014 Action Facilitated By: -Coordinator for Staff Training and

C. Daniels- 18 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons Launch Training (Beginner Level) -Review Training Feedback -Make Adjustments to Training Components June, 2014 May 2014 -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Post to Howard County Intranet July, 2014 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Review Necessity of Training July 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons -Make Decision to Incorporate into in future District Technology Training Plan September- December 2015 -Coordinator for Staff Training and Development, Human Resources -Coordinator for Instructional Technology -Instructional Facilitators -HR Liaisons

A Note about Special Education Teachers: Interestingly, survey results showed special education teachers professed the highest level of technology proficiency and usage. However, going forward, said teachers would receive invitations to participate in all training in which they may have as interest. Based on the survey results, the above timeline accounts for all areas of professional technology development as identified by Howard County teachers and administrators.

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The Formulated Training

As mentioned in The Framework of New Trainings section, a large number of English Language Arts teacher/administrator respondents requested opportunities to learn how video production equipment could be integrated into the English Language Arts Curriculum. As a result, here is an overview of the training concept, plan for integration, and content materials. Title: Reading, Writing and Recording: Opportunities for Video Production within the Language Arts Curriculum Audience: Goal: English Language Arts Teacher and Administrators (Grades 3-12) Assist English Language Arts teachers and administrators in identifying opportunities within the English Language Arts curriculum in which the use of video production equipment and software can strengthen learning outcomes among students. Objectives: English Language Arts teachers and administrators will be able to Identify video production equipment and software Adjust pedagogical practice to include the use of video production equipment and software Revise English Language Arts lesson plans to include the use of video production equipment, and software Use available video production equipment and software to create example projects Training Dates: Training Times: August 5th- 9th, 2013 9:00 am- 4:00 pm

Training Locations: Every School in Howard County Facilitated By: 74 Instructional Facilitator (1 per school in person) 19 Human Resources Liaison (1 per 4 schools via Wimba Classroom)

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$3,500 Because the training is scheduled during regular training days within the county, salaries for teachers, administrators, 74 Instructional Technologist and 10 Human Resource Liaisons are already covered in the 2013- 2014 budget. Also, since the trainings are taking place in every school in the county that is scheduled open during this time anyway, there is no cost associate with the location. Lastly, teachers will be provided a 1-hour lunch break, which affords them time to leave the school campus and retrieve lunch in necessary, averting the cost of catering. The only cost associated with the training is as follows:

HR Liaisons 4 Baltimore County 2 Prince Georges County 3 Montgomery County

For Train the Trainer Train the Trainer

Amount $25.00 Each $25.00 Each

Total $100.00 $50.00

Train the Trainer

$25.00 Each


Total for Train the Trainer


HR Liaisons 4 Baltimore County 2 Prince Georges County 3 Montgomery County

For Training Week Training Week

Amount $50.00 Each per Day $50.00 Each per Day

Total $1,000.00 $500.00

Training Week

$50.00 Each per Day


Total for Training Week






C. Daniels- 21 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

36 Printed Materials 36 Printed Materials Participant Packets

Train the Trainer Training Week Training Week

$5.00 Each $15.00 Each

$180.00 $540.00 $305.00

Instructional Approach: Interactive Lectures- Introduce the training, Review objectives, Know/Want to Know about Video Production (noted and projected in a Google Documentavailable to participants to review and update), Facilitate morning/afternoon question and answer session, Showcase video projects, View video resource, Learned about Video Production (noted and projected in a Google Documentavailable to participants to view and update), Conclude training Hands On Learning- Manipulating video production equipment available in school, Creating a video lesson/content material Internet Research- Locating resources about the use of video production equipment and software in Language Arts Classrooms Wimba Classroom- Video production software review Small Group- Revising a current lesson plan for video production equipment use, Creating a video lesson/content material Case Study- Review a case study lesson in which video production equipment would aid student learning. Monitor video production equipment and software integration ideas as the week progresses. Training Content Samples: - Welcome Presentation Day 1(Google Presentation with Presenter Notes) -Video Production Resources (Google Drive Document) -Reading, Writing and Recording: Training Evaluation (Google Drive Survey)

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The Final Word About the District Technology Training Plan

As you can see in reading through this district technology-training plan, a lot of thought and consideration has been given to the professional development needs expressed by the teachers and administrators of the county. The trainings featured in this plan are aligned to meet said needs and are scheduled based on the impact to the greatest amount of professionals, and ultimately students. There is also an account made to ensure the leaders of these professional development trainings are well prepared with train the trainer sessions scheduled for each. The idea is to provide teachers and administrators what they need before the need becomes obsolete. Hence, the training plan is aggressive in having all professional development opportunities in place within one year. The authors of this plan are confident that if supported by the Superintendent and Board of Directors for Howard Country Public Schools, this district technology-training plan will meet and exceed the needs of our current teaching staff while laying the groundwork for future teachers and administrators.

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The Formal Acknowledgements

Howard County Public School System (2013). Howard County Public School System Annual Report. Retrieved from Howard County Public School System (2013). The Howard County Public School System Technology Plan. Retrieved from Howard County Public School System (2013). Schools. Retrieved from Maryland Society for Educational Technology (2009). Making it Happen. Retrieved from

C. Daniels- 24 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

The Featured Resources

The Technology Usage Survey (Google Drive Survey) The Technology Usage Survey Data Respondents by Grade Level: Grade Total Number of Respondents Approximate # of Respondents per School Elementary (Pre K- 5) Middle (6-8) High (9-12) Education Center (Varies) 800 438 318 163 20 23 27 54

Respondents that teach Special Education: 138 (8%) Respondents by Subject: (Note: Elementary Grades teach more than one subjects) Subject English/Language Arts Math Science Foreign Language Social Studies (History, Government, etc.) Physical Education Other 7% 36% 120 618 Percentage of Respondents 47% 32% 30% 18% 22% Number of Respondents 807 550 515 309 378

Subject Focuses Include: Algebra, Pre-Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, World History, US History, US Government and

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Politics, World Governments, English as a Second Language, Health, Art, Music, Photography and Media. Respondents Technology Proficiency: Ranking 1 (None) 2 3 4 5 (Expert) Percentage of Respondents 11% 17% 34% 22% 16% Number of Respondents 189 292 584 376 275

Respondents Current Use of Technology: Frequency Never Once a Month Twice a Month Once a Week 2-4 Times a Week Daily Percentage of Respondents 6% 5% 15% 35% 19% 20% Number of Respondents 103 86 258 602 325 344

3 MOST Used Technologies Among Respondents: Technologies Microsoft Office Products on Laptop (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook) Internet (Lesson Information) SMART Interactive Whiteboard 33% 13% 567 223 Percentage of Respondents 54% Number of Respondents 928

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3 LEAST Used Technologies Among Respondents: Technologies SMART Interactive Whiteboards Digital Cameras/Video Equipment Web 2.0 Technologies 31% 533 22% 378 Percentage of Respondents 47% Number of Respondents 808

Primary Reason Respondents Use Technology: Reasons Engage Students in Learning Support Lesson Content Student Use (Research, Manipulation, etc.) Do Not Use Technology Efficiency (Planning, Correspondence with Parents/Students, etc. 1% 49% 18 842 Percentage of Respondents 10% 25% 15% Number of Respondents 172 430 258

Reasons Respondents do NOT using Technology Reasons Not appropriate for subject Content Not trained on how to use technology Unsure of what technology is available Perceived as optional 2% 34 5% 86 20% 344 Percentage of Respondents 1% Number of Respondents 18

C. Daniels- 27 Howard County District Technology Training Plan

I use technology



Most Interested in Learning More About: SMART Board Technology(content development per subject matter), Video Production Options/Opportunities, Website design/use, Web 2.0 Technologies (Blogs, Wikis, Video Conferencing, Podcasting, etc.), Social Media and Communication with Parents, Digital Textbooks, Simulations, Global Connections, Online Course Material, Data Warehouse System, Digital Stories, Technology and Assessments Previous Technology Training: Intro to SMART Boards, Intro to Microsoft Office Products, Basics of Web Design, Data Warehouse 101, Research on the Web, Cyber Bulling, Texting Versus Typing: The New Debate Welcome Presentation Day 1(Google Presentation with Presenter Notes) Video Production Resources (Google Drive Document) Reading, Writing and Recording: Training Evaluation (Google Drive Survey)

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