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Bryanna Sierra Professor Sippy English 1102 12 March 2013 Inquiry Project: Workshop Draft Deraney, Philline M, Abdelsalam,

Hanadi M. Private vs. Pubic School Education as a Predictor For Success For Female Students at a Pricate University in Saudi Arabia. Researchers world: Journals of Arts, Science, and Commerce 3.1 (2012): 1-7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Mar. 2013. This article discusses the stereotypes associated with both public and private education. It compares and contrasts long-term outcomes of students from both public and private education backgrounds. The author argues that there is this stigma associated with private schools providing a better education. Research has shown that low-income students in public education generally did as well as peers in private education. Although this source has research pertaining to a University in Saudi Arabia, a lot of the general information about public vs. private is extremely relevant for my injury project. I plan to use this article to help construct a foundation for the public and private images. I can also use this article to show that the private and public educations tended to have similar outcomes in this situation.

Shelly, Bryan. Money, Mandates, and Local Control in American Public Education. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2011. Print. In the specific section of this book I focused on, School Finance and General Intergovernmental Funding, this chapter focuses on the relationship between state educational funding and local control of public education. This book also goes into great

detail about the effect the of U.S. federal and state contributions on local autonomy, and the linear correlation between the amount of funding a school receives and the control it proportionally receives. Shelly focuses on this linear correlation with money and control. He focuses largely on autonomy associated within the public education sector. Although this book only focuses on one small aspect of my inquiry project I plan to use this in my paper to discuss how money provided by the government also hands control over the public education proportionally. I agree with Shelly that it is a strong linear correlation. I plan to analyze these ideas thoroughly in my paper.

Pedro, Teixeira, et al. Myths, Beliefs and Realities: Public-Private Competition and Program Diversification in Higher Education. Journal of Economic Issues 46.3 (2012): 678-703. EconLit. Web. 8 Mar. 2013. This article discusses issues of diversification in higher education and the outcomes associated with a private education. It strives to differentiate the patterns and outcomes between private and public education sectors, and possible explanations for these contrasts. The author argues that the private sector of education helps to push a completion that drives the education market. The author also argues that there is a lack of diversity in some sections of the private sector. I will use this source in my paper to identify some of the strong contrasts between the public and private education sectors. I also plan to use this to point out the fact that as the government is trying to cut costs in the budget, this increases the favor towards private education. I agree with the writer about the occasional lack of diversity in the private sector. This gave me insight about the specialization associated with the private sector, and how this can affect success


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