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ENGLISH NEWS Part 2 Unit 6 Nature And Ecology Lexical Database Monkey Phrases

monkey business = fishy things (afaceri necurate) not to give a monkeys = a nu-i psa ctui de puin to make a monkey of smb. = to make a fool of smb. to have a monky on ones back = to be on drugs Catching Fish / Animals

to fish = to catch fish professionally or for fun. to angle = to catch fish for fun only. to poach = to catch fish or hunt animals illegally. (Rom. = a bracona) Woodwork:

to fell (-ed, -ed) trees = a dobor arbori trunk = the lower part of a tree (Rom. trunchi) stump = the part of a tree trunk that has been left attached to the roots after the tree has been felled. (Rom. ciot, cioat) log = detached trunk of a tree (Rom. butean) Causes Of Environment Destruction And Effects

CFS = Freon (gaz inert folosit odinioar la sistemele de rcire i n spray-uri) deforestation = massive destruction of woods soil erosion = eroziunea solului ozone layer depletion = distrugerea stratului de ozon fossil fuel = combustibili fosili (petrol, gas, coal) greenhouse effect = efectul de ser Garbage Vocabulary

scrap heap = hald de fier vechi household waste = deeuri menajere rubbish bin = gleat de gunoi hazardous = riscant to discard, to dispose of = a arunca, a se descotorosi de, leak = scurgere Solutions

a green product = vegetables or fruit that are not chemically treated recyclable waste = waste that can be reused ozone-friendly = not damaging the ozone layer disposable by-products = secondary products that can be safely disposed off refuse sorting out = collecting similar types of waste separately bottle bank = container for sorting out waste glass returnable packaging = reusable packaging (glass bottles, jars, stc.) a green law = law meant to protect the environment nature reserve = protected area, law-protected ecosystem Green Idiomatic Phrases

greens = fruit and vegetables a greenback = a dollar bill a greenhorn = a fresher, a beginner to be green = to be a nave or a novice to have green thumbs/fingers = to be a good gardener the greening of a business = to acquire ecological awareness Gramar

The Possessive Case (The Saxon Genitive) Romanian: English: Possessed object + Possessor Possessor + Possessed object

General rule: Noun in the singular + s E.g. my sons shirt Exception: for goodness sake; for conveniences sake Noun in the plural (ending in -s) + E.g. my sons shirts Special cases: Compounds get the s at the very end. E.g. mother-in-laws smile; Lord Chancellors wish Possessors of the same object, connected by and get the s after the latter. E.g. Tom and Jerrys never ending fights The uses of the Possessive Case A. Names of persons and animals E.g. fathers tie; the cats paw B. Units of measurement E.g. an hours talk; two miles walk But also: a two-hour talk; a five-mile walk; C. Common nouns + sake E.g. for mercys sake; for peaces sake D. Abstract nouns E.g. Loves Labours Lost; truths victory E. Natural elements E.g. the oceans roar; the winds whip F. Short names of countries E.g. Britains colours, Romanias border G. Names of cities, regions, rivers E.g. the Danubes course H. Inanimates seeming to have a life of their own E.g. my cars lights

I. Set phrases E.g. at ones fingers ends; her hearts desire; at ones wits end; a needles eye; a pins head The Prepositional Genitive THE FORM the + Possessed object + of + the + Possessor USAGE Normally with neuter nouns (inanimates) Geographical nouns + proper names E.g. the city of Cairo, the village of Humulesti Replacement of the Saxon Genitive by the Prepositional one a) In titles, written English, or formal speech E.g. the works of Keats; the rights of man; b) With Adjectives used as Nouns E.g. the conditions of the poor; the energy of the young c) When the name of the possessor has a long determinant E.g. the name of the girl in the house opposite d) When the name of the possessed object is preceded by a Demonstrative or an Indefinite Article E.g. Those clothes of the girls; a friend of my uncle David e) In order to form a double Genitive E.g. a cousin of my friends; a friend of my wifes Never a Prepositional Genitive with: a) Nouns like: Father, Mother, Uncle, Aunt, Grannie, etc Exc.: When the noun is preceded by a Possessive Adjective E.g. Fathers office but the office of my Father b) Proper names of towns, squares, institutions, shops E.g. St. Jamess Square; Lincolns Inn Fields c) When the Noun is followed by a Gerund E.g. Marys coming was a real surprise for us. The Dative Case A. Without a preposition when immediately following the verb E.g. Give Jane my regards. B. Preceded by to 1. When following the Direct Object E.g. Give my regards to Jane. 2. when it starts the sentence

E.g. To Jane you should give my regards, not to James ! 3. When there is no Direct Object E.g. I spoke to Jane. 4. After Adjectives, Nouns and Pronouns E.g. He is cruel to animals. It is a duty to my children. What is she to your brother ? Unit 7 The Media Lexical Database The Written Press

daily = cotidian weekly = sptmnal monthly = revist cu apariie lunar quarterly = revist cu apariie trimestrial broadsheet = ziar serios tabloid = tabloid, publicaie de scandal Press Slang (argoul presei)

gutter press = scandal press (gutter = canal) motoring press = automagazines classified ads = announcements agony column =romantic ads gossip column = the mundane news obituaries = column with the deceased persons The Layout (macheta)

front page = prima pagin headlines = titlurile principale leader = editorial sections = rubrici People Involved

editor = redactor subscriber = abonat (to subscribe = a te abona) Radio Acronyms

FM = Frequency modulation AM = Amplitude modulation SW = Short Waves MW = Medium Waves LW = Long Waves

Radio Terminology

announcer = prezentator la radio to broadcast, broadcast, broadcast = a emite to be on air = a fi n direct la radio to be off air = a se fi ncheiat transmisia to pick up a station = a prinde un post de radio Television Terminology

dish = anten parabolic aerial = anten obinuit viewer = telespectator toll channel / pay-per-view = canal codificat, pltit separat to zap = a trece rapid de la un canal la altul TV Shows

news bulletin = tiri soap opera = telenovel commercial = reclam quiz show = emisiune-concurs de cultur general talk show = emisiune-dezbatere weather forecast = bulletin meteo Computer Slang

computerese = IT jargon a sillionnaire = a billionaire in IT business netiquette = etiquette to be used on the Net eye candy = attractive sites/files of no use cyberholic = net addicted person click-and-mortar = company doing business on the Net GRAMMAR The Qualifying Adjectives Negative prefixes un pleasant dishonest illegitimate irrational displeased illiterate non-edible unwise disagreeable

The degrees of Comparison Comparative Superlative relative the shortest the oldest/eldest the farthest the most beautiful the most the best the worst the least very/ highly/ deeply + Adj. absolute Of Of Of superiority equality inferiority shorter older / elder farther / not further as as + more beautiful + Adj. Adj. more + + as better as worse less lesser !

Positive short old far beautiful much/many good/well bad/ill little

Special Cases 1. THE SUPERLATIVE = COMPARATIVE when two elements are being compared E.g. I have two apples; take the bigger one. I have three apples; take the biggest one. 2. THE COMPARISON OF COMPOUND ADJECTIVES 1. The Adjective that keeps its meaning gets the Comparative E.g. You may be well-paid, but surely he is better-paid. 2. When the elements of the compound lose their primary Analytical Comparative is used E.g Really, this idea is more far-fetched than I could have imagined ! 3. THE COMPARISON OF THE COMPARISON E.g. This example is much better / by far worse / way too difficult. The Order of Adjectives Size long big little thin Shape square round oval irregular Age old young 18th century recent Color red and black white creamcolored grayish Origin Chinese Material silk

meaning, the

Det. Quality a few best

Comp. elem. evening-

Noun dress apples carpet nurse

the beautiful a lot slender of his luxurious Idioms

Venetian wooden cookingRoman English stone velvet hallwayG.P.

A. Rom. = cu cat mai... cu atat mai... THE + COMPARATIVE 1 + THE + COMPARATIVE 2 E.g. The sooner he comes the better it is for him (but also) The sooner, the better. B. Rom. = din ce in ce mai... COMPARATIVE + AND + COMPARATIVE (of short Adjective) or MORE + AND + MORE + long Adjective Eg. He is getting wiser and wiser and she is turning more and more beautiful. Unit 8 Communications Lexical Database Letter writing

envelope = plic sender = expeditor addressee / recipient = destinatar stamp = timbru post mark = tampila potei mailbox = cutie potal (US) pillarbox = cutie potal (GB) letter box = cutia de scrisori (de acas) mailman= pota (US) postman = pota (GB) Making phone calls

to pick up the receiver = a ridica receptorul ring tone = ton de apel to dial a number = a forma un numr to hang up = a pune receptorul n furc mouthpiece = microfonul receptorului earpiece = casca receptorului engaged number = numr ocupat (GB) busy number = numr ocupat (US) to be through = a avea legtura to look up = a cuta o informaie scris (ex. un numr n cartea de telefon) directory = phone book = carte de telefon Computer terminology

work station / terminal = staie (ntr-o reea de calculatoare) storage (of data) = a stoca (informaii)

retrieval (of data) = extragere de informaii debugging = repararea unui program cu erori database = baz de date to browse = a rsfoi / a cuta fiiere, foldere sau site-uri webmaster = administrator de site sau de reea net surfer = persoan care navigheaz pe Net internet provider = firm care ofer servicii de Internet search engine = motor de cutare (aplicaie care faciliteaz gsirea adreselor dorite de pe Net) homepage = prima pagin a oricrui site cyberspace = totalitatea informaiilor accesabile pe Net Communication jargon

journalese = jargonul presei scrise sitcom = serial umoristic TV (< situation comedy) on the record = din surse oficiale off the record = din surse neoficiale newsworthy = caracteristica unei tiri de a fi de larg interes its yesterdays news = informaie nvechit Gramar o The Indefinite Adjectives 1. FEW A FEW + Countable Nouns LITTLE A LITTLE + Uncountable Nouns Negative Positive meaning meaning E.g. I have few friends there ( = not many). I have a few friends there ( = some). I have little money on me ( = I cannot buy almost anything). I have a little money on me ( = I could do some shopping). 2. THE FORMER / THE LATTER = the first / second out of two E.g. John and Mary are here; the former ( = John) is my brother, the latter ( = Mary) is his wife. 3. THE LAST / THE LATEST = the final / the most recent E.g. This is the latest news about Versaces last fashion show. EACH refers to the elements taken separately. was offered a flower. EVERY refers to the elements taken as a whole. had a good time I hope. ( = all the guests) both E.g. There were trees on either side of E.g. Each guest

E.g. Every guest the street.

EITHER = whichever (of the two) E.g. I have two new books; take either them. Unit 9 Transport Lexical Database Means of transport (Sg. = Pl. !!!) of

ground transport = transport de suprafa underground transport = metro air transport = transport aerian water transport = transport pe ap rail transport = transport pe ine The infrastructure

a trunk road = osea principal a by-road = osea secundar a ring road = osea de centur a crossroads = o intersecie a T-junction = o jonciune de drumuri (n form de T) Elements of the infrastructure

road lanes = benzi de circulaie road shoulder = acostament road / traffic signs = semen de circulaie road guard / barier = balustrad la marginea drumului Vehicles

vintage car = main de epoc shuttle = 1. suveic; 2. navet tanker = cistern, tank petrolier lorry = camion (GB) Parts of a car

windshield / windscreen = parbriz bonnet / hood = capota motorului headlights = faruri number plate = numr body / coachwork = caroserie rear view mirror = oglind retrovizoare boot(GB) / trunk (US) = portbagaj

blinkers = semnalizatoare de direcie exhaust pipe = eav de eapament The inside of a car

steering wheel = volan speedometer = vitezometru dashboard = bord gearshift lever / shifter = schimbtor de viteze accelerator = pedala de acceleraie (hand) brake = frn (de mn) clutch = ambreiaj People involved

engineer = mecanic de locomotiv (< engine = motor) pilot / captain = pilot captain / skipper = cpitan de vas flight attendants / cabin crew (m. stewart; f. stewardess) = nsoitori de bord (steward, stewardes) Idiomatic phrases

to paddle ones canoe = a reui de unul singur to rock the boat = a face valuri (fig.) to be all at sea = a fi n necaz, a avea probleme an armchair traveler = amator de documentare de cltorie to have one for the road = a bea un ultimo pahar nainte de a pleca a road hog = un ofer agresiv i necivilizat

Gramar o Pronouns The beginners first stop PERSONAL POSSESSIVE Pron. mine REFLEXIVE / EMPHATIC myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

No. Person Gender I II III III III I II III m/f m/f m f n m/f m/f m/f

NominativeDat. Ac. Adj. I you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them my


your yours his her its our his hers its ours

your yours their theirs

The Interrogative Pronouns

WHO - the Nominative form, used for persons only. WHOSE - the Genitive form, used for both persons and objects. WHOM - the Accusative form, used for persons only. TO WHOM - the Dative form, used for persons only. WHICH - the Accusative form used to express choice. WHAT - not used for persons, except when it is an Adjective. The Compound Relative Pronouns

WHOEVER - Nominative form, used for persons only. WHOSEVER - Genitive form, used for persons only. WHOMEVER - Objective form, used for persons only. WHICHEVER- both for persons and inanimates, choice implied WHATEVER - used for inanimates only. WHEREVER = Rom. oriunde WHENEVER = Rom. oricand when the action that follows is uncertain, the Subjunctive is used E.g. Whoever may come is welcomed here. Wherever you might go, you wont find a better place. but: Bring him here, whenever he comes. ( = as soon as)

Unit 10 Business And Trade Lexical Database Capitalist economy terms

free market = pia liber free enterprise = iniiativ liber free trade = comer liber privatization = privatizare liberalism = economie liber private sector = sectorul privat domestic / home market = piaa intern Economic evolutions

nationalization = naionalizare interventionism = intervenionism state-run economy = economie de stat world / global market = piaa mondial

growth = cretere stagnation = stagnare recession = recesiune recovery = revenire economical boom = economical boost = dezvoltare economic spectaculoas to be at a standstill = a fi n criz to be in the doldrums = a fi n pragul colapsului The money

cash = bani ghea bill (US) = bancnot, not de plat bill (GB) = not de plat plastic money = card change = mruni, rest hard currency = valut forte American coins

a nickel = 1 cent a copper = 5 cents a dime = 10 cents a quarter = 25 cents a half dollar = 50 cents a silver dollar = 1 $ coin The Stock Exchange (Bursa)

quotations = cotaii (preuri) shareholder = acionar (share = aciune) falling market = curs descendent al pieei de capital golden boy = broker de mare succes

closing price = preul la nchiderea edinei bursiere dabbler in stock = broker nepriceput (ageamiu) Banking

to open an account = a-i deschide un cont savings = economii a loan = un mprumut bancar mortgage = ipotec overdraft = depire a plafonului de mprumut al cardului a blank cheque = cec n alb a cheque to bearer = cec la purttor a rubber cheque = (collocvial) cec fr acoperire a travelers cheque = cec de cltorie a cheque book = un carnet de cecuri Companies

a limited company (LTD) = companie cu rspundere limitat (SRL) a trust = un trust / cartel a branch = o filial a department = un department, o secie, un serviciu a subsidiary = o sucursal the main office / head office = sediul social The Personnel

accountant = contabil board of directors = consiliul de administraie sales manager = director de vnzri downsizing = restrngere de activitate Idiomatic phrases

a money spinner = un tip care tie s scoat bani din piatr seac to pay smb. hush money = a cumpra tcerea cuiva a golden handshake = o primire n firm n condiii materiale f. avantajoase a golden parachute = o sum substanial oferit ca bonus la pensionare to spend a penny = a merge la un WC public to kill the golden goose = a pierde o susrs important de venituri Gramar o Numerals The beginners first stop


1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 100 one hundred 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five the first the second the third 13 thirteen the thirteenth the fourth 14 fourteen the fourteenth the fifth 15 fifteen the fifteenth the sixth 16 sixteen the sixteenth the seventh 17 seventeen the seventeenth the eighth 18 eighteen the eighteenth the ninth 19 nineteen the nineteenth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth 1,000 one thousand the twenty-first the twenty-second the twenty-third the twenty-fourth the twenty-fifth 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety the twentieth the thirtieth the fortieth the fiftieth the sixtieth the seventieth the eightieth the ninetieth

1,000,000 one million the twenty-sixth the twenty-seventh the twenty-eighth the twenty-ninth

234 two hundred and thirty-four

the four hundred and thirty-fourth


A = CARDINAL NUMERAL B = ORDINAL NUMERAL( + concord ) E.g. 3 = three fifths 4 = four ninths 5 9 THE DECIMAL NUMERAL 0.75 - is read: zero point seventy-five (= Rom. 0,75) 3.14 - is read: three point fourteen (= Rom. 3,14) Whereas: 3,265,884 - is read: three million two hundred and sixty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-four More simply: The point and the comma have reversed functions in English as compared to Romanian

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