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April 9, 2013

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142 organizations offer foreign aid budget recommendations

WASHINGTON (April 9, 2013) On the eve of the unveiling of President Obamas budget plan for fiscal year 2014, the NGO alliance InterAction released a letter, signed by 142 organizations, which calls on Congress to support strong funding for international development and humanitarian assistance accounts in fiscal year 2014. We know that Congress faces extraordinarily difficult budget decisions, which is w hy we advocate for smart, accountable and effective policies, said Samuel A. Worthington, president and CEO of InterAction. Investment in foreign assistance now can help people and communities build sustainable institutions that reduce the need for aid over the long term. Cutting these programs wont balance the budget, but will harm literally millions of the worlds poorest people. Poverty-focused development and humanitarian accounts make up less than 1 percent of the total U.S. federal budget, said Worthington. Yet, these programs have a tremendous impact on reducing poverty around the globe. Over the last decade, we have reduced extreme poverty by half, come close to eliminating polio, and increased access to education. Yet, there is still much more to be done. The U.S. government is a key partner in this effort. The letter cites the ongoing crises in Syria and Mali, and urges lawmakers to make the necessary U.S. investments in order to meet rising needs around the world. Violence in Syria has displaced 2 million people and resulted in over 1 million refugees, while political instability, coupled with severe drought, has displaced 300,000 people in the Sahel. The letter also urges congressional support for development programs that build long-term sustainability by improving health care, increasing access to education, providing access to safe water and sanitation, and helping farmers increase their productivity. These recommendations are informed by the decades of experience and on-the-ground knowledge of the organizations who signed the letter. The full text of the letter can be found here.

InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based nongovernmental international organizations, with more than 190 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. To learn more visit our website.
InterAction | 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 210, Washington D.C. 20036 | 202.667.8227 |

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