Diana Ermer

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Basic Information

Name: Dianna Ermer Bloodlimit: none Height: 4.2 feet Weight: 77lbs Age: 13 years old Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Birth Country: Land of Thunder Village: Village of Cloud Special NinJutsu Specialist GenJutsu Specialist TaiJutsu Non-Specialist Clan Non-Specialist Weapons Primary Weapon Disk, Medium (Overview) Rank: "C" Type: Main, Bludgeoning/Slashing, Disk Effect: A bladed or blunt circular weapon that measures in all kinds of sizes from small to large used for throwing, or close combat. Disk weapons can be complete like a Frisbee or hallow like a hoo-lahoop. Special: --Drawback: --Description: Types of weapons that are small disks. These weapons range in the length of between 2 and a half to 3 and a half feet in diameter. These weapons are plentiful and diverse when it comes to

mid range. Different weapons with different styles of blades with disks are still part of the Disk Overview. Limit: These types of weapons may be capable of being bought inside any Weapon Shop Cost: 4,000 Ryo

Secondary Items

Butt Bag Type 1 (Overview) Rank: "C" Type: Main, Tailor, Slot Holder, Holds 15 Slots (15 for Items of Scroll Length), Bag Effect: A waist pack worn with the pouch in back. Special: --Drawback: --Description: Picture A pack worn at the back along a belt at the waist. Water repellent collar with drawstring pack with quick release closures attached to 1 inch cinch straps and a top carry handle. It has a vented bottom with keeper clips to attach to the belt, or straps to wrap around a belt. The compartment has the dimensions Height of 10.25 inches Width of 10.5 inches and Depth of 7 inches. The interior holds 15 slots of scroll length as well as main objects that fit in the same dimensions. Normally extra clothes is held in this spot as well as other non combative supplies. Limit: These types of items may be capable of being bought inside any Tailor Shop. Cost: 5,500 Ryo CONTAINING: Darts (Overview) (3 slots) Rank: "C" Rank Type: Secondary, 15 per Slot, Piercing, Darts Effect: Darts are missile weapons, designed to fly such that a sharp, often weighted point will strike first. They can be distinguished from javelins by fletching and a shaft that is shorter and/or more flexible, and from arrows by the fact that they are not of the right length to use with a normal bow. Special: --Drawback: ---

Description: Steel-tip darts generally weigh 1826 grams and maximum of 50 grams. The common length of a dart is generally 15 to 20 cm (68 inches) long. There is a large array of types of darts. There are the sportsmen darts, the blowdarts as well as Tranquilizer darts. Limit: These types of items may be capable of being bought inside any Weapon Shop. Cost: 1,500 Ryo per Slot, or 100 Ryo Each. Hira-Shuriken (Overview) (2 slots) Rank: "C" Rank Type: Secondary, 15 per Slot, Piercing, Shuriken Effect: Is a concealed weapon that is generally for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing. Special: --Drawback: --Description: Hira-shuriken is constructed from thin, flat plates of metal derived from a variety of sources including hishi-gane (coins), and kugi-nuki (carpentry tools), and generally resemble popular conceptions of shuriken. In modern popular culture, these are called "throwing stars" or "ninja stars". They often have a hole in the center and possess a fairly thin blade sharpened only at the tip. The holes derive from their source in items that had holes - old coins, washers, and nail-removing tools. This proved convenient for the shuriken user, as well, as the weapons could be strung on a string or dowel in the belt for transport, and the hole also had aerodynamic and weighting effects that aided the flight of the blade after it was thrown. There is a wide variety of forms of hirashuriken and they are now usually identified by the number of points the blades possess. Limit: These types of items may be capable of being bought inside any Weapon Shop. Cost: 1,500 Ryo per Slot, or 100 Ryo Each. Kunai (Overview) (9 slots) Rank: "C" Rank Type: Secondary, 2 per Slot, Piercing/Slashing, Knife Effect: A digging tool, a bit like a trowel. The blade was soft iron and unsharpened because the edges were used to smash plaster and wood, to dig holes and to pry. Also used as a knife. Special: --Drawback: --Description: The kunai is conventionally wrought in ranges from 6 to 8 inches, with the average at 7 inches. The kunai was used by common folk as multi-purpose gardening tools and by workers of stone and masonry. The kunai is not a knife, but something more akin to a crowbar. The blade was soft iron and unsharpened because the edges were used to smash plaster and wood, to dig holes

and to pry. Normally only the tip would have been sharpened. The uses to which a kunai was put would have destroyed any heat-treated and sharpened tool like a knife. There could be multiple kinds of kunais such as handless ones, or even double sided kunais as long as they are within the same length. Limit: These types of items may be capable of being bought inside any Weapon Shop. Cost: 1,000 Ryo per Slot, or 500 Ryo Each.

Character Depth

Personality Introvert- Dianna does not like to talk much but analyses everything that happens around her. Also she can judge persons from a first look and adapt her behaviour to the person. She enjoys reading and staying in peaceful places. Team work appeals to her but she does not like to rely on others as she believes it is disgraceful to do so. Instable- Emotionally Dianna is very instable as she cannot control her feelings. At a moment she might be very cheerful and the next one she might be crying. She gets bored easily but she also passes that state fast. Everything influences her mood but the good part is that she can be very friendly if the atmosphere is right. The down side is probably that she is not good at keeping cool and can get scared easily. Mature- For her age she acts very mature and is able to advise even those older than her especially when there is a life changing decision. She learns from anything and finds a meaning in everything. Her maturity is also due to her loyalty and the innocent view on the world. Her mind is an interesting combination of emotions and knowledge (mostly to philosophical matters).

Appearance Dianna seems very childish at a first look. She has rosy skin close to a fair complexion. Her hair is smooth and curly. It is cut short, bob style and she has just a thin tail on the left side that is always braided. Her hair is pure blonde, resembling sunlight. Her hair is also very dense. She is thin and pretty petite. She seems fragile and innocent. Her eyes are big and round and always have a sparkle to them that gives the impression that she is searching for something. The colour of her eyes is bright green and if you look too much into them they might seem piercing. She has a little nose and puffy cheeks. Her lips are small and red coloured. She wears little make up and a purple eye shadow. Her eyelashes are naturally long. In terms of clothing she does not dress complicated. She wears black low-waist cut jeans a white Tshirt with the face of a lion on it. The T-shirt goes just below her waist. She usually has a black jean jacket on top of it. She wears comfortable shoes so she wont have problems.

At her neck she has a silver necklace with a heart shaped clock. She has an eye tattooed on her left wrist. And a birth mark just above her upper lip. Also when she smiles her teeth look a bit like bunny teeth. Background : The first years of my life were pretty normal. No, I guess my whole life was pretty normal. There is not much I can say about it. It had its ups and downs and probably I am a little crazy to have done what I did but aside from that you can imagine a normal life. A loving family (maybe a little to loving to say so, I mean I do not live in a crystal ball and if that were to break Id die), a pretty nice house, an only child and sent to the Academy to become a ninja like my father. Well pretty normal right? Too bad I did get fed up with it. Since an early age I picked up on my parents fights and I was able to read and write. I matured faster than more people and started to need to flee away from my parents protection. My body was not of much help though. Being young even if I did manage to build a pretty wide theoretical knowledge I fell in sick fast and could not make too much sustained effort so the Academy went slowly for me. I kept failing at Taijutsu but took a loving into Genjutsu. I soon realised I enjoyed Ninjutsu too and as I built some stamina (well even now Im weak physically but what can I do?) I began to yearn for freedom even more. I was not really able to fit in because I did not like some unfair rules and stated the truth to everyone. Due to this inability to socialise I turned to books and found my friends there. When I turned 10 I managed to escape my parents and went on a trip with a supposed friend. She did not go to the Academy like I had and she went away with some boy and did not hear from her ever since. I started to learn to make a living for my own, learned to take care of myself like I could and when I was sure I was ready I returned home changed completely: cut my long curly hair, changed from pink clothing to black ones and got a tattoo. My parents cried when they saw me back. I still remember how happy I was to hold my mum in my arms, but I soon started to need freedom again. So I had to do something. I returned to the Academy and completed my studies. Now I still live with my parents, and sometimes I still need my liberty. I find most rules absurd and corrupting and I cannot stand seeing people hurt, but for the most part I cannot bring myself to leave my family again because I enjoy the comfort of that house and the security that someone cares. Im still a child after all but who knows what I might become.

Techniques Awakened Fears Rank: "C" Rank Skill: GenJutsu Effect: A technique that subjects the target to phantasmal images drawn from its latent or suppressed fears.

Special: "Handseals" Drawback: --Description: The fears within the target's subconscious mind are transformed into terrifying and frightful images that its conscious mind can visualize. The target experiences a horde of phantasmal images swirling around its body, tearing and clawing at it. Those who undergo such a devastating feel will become shaken up, leaving a taste of un morale to attacks and capability to think. When the user is "D" Class, the user is capable of performing this technique off into the distance of thirty meters. When the user is "C" Class, the user is capable of performing this technique off into the distance of forty meters. When the user is "B" Class, the user is capable of performing this technique off into the distance of fifty meters. When the user is "A" Class, the user is capable of performing this technique off into the distance of sixty meters. When the user is "S" Class, the user is capable of performing this technique off into the distance of seventy meters. Limit: Must know Phantasm Perception of GenJutsu Jinks' Indescribable Creep Rank: "D" Rank Skill: GenJutsu Effect: A simple technique that creates a creeping sensation along those that is endured by the target. Special: "Handseals" Drawback: --Description: The user performs a sudden moment of handseals and pushes their chakra forward towards the ones they wish to affect. This technique creates a creeping sensation over the target's body that can cause it to become panicked for a short amount of time of up to four rounds. Limit: Must know Phantasm Perception of GenJutsu Raiton - Rakurai Shuryuu (Lightning Style - Lightning Stream) Rank: "D" - "C" Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: The user creates a steady stream of electricity against a single target. Special: Ox - Monkey - Dog - Dragon Drawback: "D" Rank requires both hands. "C" Rank requires one hand. Description: After forming the needed hand seals the user will create a fist sized orb of electricity and thrust it at a single target as a steady stream of electricity. At "D" Rank the lightning is only capable to knock a target back and inflict minor burns, and could reach a maximum range of 5

meters. At "C" Rank the lightning is able to cause first degree burns and numbness to the affected area, and reach a maximum range of 10 meters. Limit: Lightning Release Fuuton Kaze no Senbon (Needles of the Wind) Rank: "D" Skill: NinJutsu Effect: User hurls a mixture of senbon needles in the form of wind to cut into the opponent. Special: "Handseals" Drawback: --Description: The ninja gathers air with his hands and mixes it with chakra, by doing this he transforms them into sharp and deadly needles. The needles are almost invisible so it is hard for the enemies to see them. This technique may be blocked by large objects, however something small such as a sword, or a staff will allow the needles to seperate still moving towards the object it was originally sent to. Not a powerful technique as the user is capable of hurling up to ten senbon wind needles that gives out minor cuts. However this could be used as a more of a set up technique to allow the user to perform a more dangerous technique. Limit: Must have the Wind Release Shuryou Dangan Rank: C, B Skill: Ninjutsu Effect: At C-rank it shoots of a small thunder bolt, jumping towards it target but still with random angles. At B-rank one shoots out a ball of electricity which then flies exactly how the user wants it to. Special: "Handseals" Drawback: As long as the ball of electricity is flying around no other jutsu can be done. Description: At C-rank one performs the handseals and shoots of the bolt at the opponent which, suprisingly, almost always hits as if it was following the target. Unless a living creature is hit this bolt will not go away. At B-rank the user actually shoots off a ball of magic and lets it fly around to their willing. The shock of this is, ofcourse, more powerfull and the ball travels at almost twice the speed of the lightning bolt. Limit: Raiton no Jutsu. Cloud village only. FREEBIES Raiton no Jutsu (Lightning Release Skill)

Rank: "C" Skill: NinJutsu Effect: --Special: --Drawback: --Description: With this skill, or release, the user is now capable of using, and performing techniques that deal with the element of Lightning. This means that any NinJutsu or specialized TaiJutsu that deals the Lightning Release will need this in order to be performed correctly. Limit: --Fuuton no Jutsu (Wind Release Skill) Rank: "C" Skill: NinJutsu Effect: --Special: --Drawback: --Description: With this skill, or release, the user is now capable of using, and performing techniques that deal with the element of Wind. This means that any NinJutsu or specialized TaiJutsu that deals the Wind Release will need this in order to be performed correctly. Limit: --Phantasm Perception Rank: "C" Rank Skill: GenJutsu Effect: With this technique the user is capable of performing Jutsus that deals with the type of perception of Phantasm kind. Special: --Drawback: Without this the user is unable to perform Jutsus dealing with the Phantasm Perception. Description: Phantasm Perception creates a mental image usually only the user and the opponent (or opponents) of the technique can perceive. These are considered to be as personalized techniques that affects the opponent's mind. These techniques could be messages, dream stopping, complete disarray techniques. Phantasm Techniques are known to harm the person's mind, making them feel weaker, harming them through the perception of the mind but not with real life effects.

Phantasm techniques are all in their heads, and are known to make people go crazy. Third parties viewing or studying the scene do not notice the phantasm. All phantasms are mind-affecting Jutsus. Limit: No Limitation

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