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Stretching the Workforce Mindset

for Tomorrows Opportunities

April 3, 2013

Mans mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Our Stretch Challenge for Today

Explore the Future Imagine a Talent Economy Think 21st Workforce Ecosystem Create a Sustainable Blueprint

Hows that for a stretch goal?

Explore the Future


Imagine Talent

Nebraskas Edge

Think Ecosystem

Daring to Explore the Future

Biotechnology & Sustainability Nebraskas edge

By 2025 Vertical Farms are Common


Cloud Computing

Source: New Innovations Guide

The Internet of Everything

The Internet of Everything born between 2008 and 2009

Smart Cities/Communities go Rural

Daring to Look at Future Education

Learning unleashed

In 1 year or less.

Flipped Classrooms MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) expand Mobile Apps get noticed

University Maryland concluded apps enhance learning

Tablets are becoming ideal tools

Source: Forecasting Higher Ed

In 2 to 3 years..

Augmented Reality increases learning potential Game-Based Learning

Gaming mechanics applied to 21st Century skills

The Internet of Things pushes the knowledge economy


Its not what you know but can you find and synthesize knowledge

Learning Analytics emerges as a powerful tool for educators

Source: Forecasting Higher Ed

In 4 to 5 years..

3D Printing revolutionizes learning

Bringing student ideas to life

Flexible displays emerge


Going beyond smartphones and tablets as tools for learning

Next Generation Batteries


Truly use devices wherever and whenever learning inspiration strikes

Wearable Technology

Gloves as controllers, Clothing that charges batteries, Shoes that aid exercise regimens

Source: Forecasting Higher Ed

Dynamic, Flexible, Interconnected.

The future looks bright

So whats there to worry about?

There is a new economic epoch emerging called the talent economy.

~ Jim Russell, Economic Geographer


Looking Ahead
If you run out of extra workers, you cant create new jobs to grow the economy. The day that happens you will be out of the economic development business trapped without a way to grow. Mark Lautman, When the Boomers Bail

Explore the Future


Imagine Talent

Nebraskas Edge

Think Ecosystem

Nebraska 2025 Projected Talent Shortage

Source: Lumina Foundation Nebraska 2025 -

Workforce Regional Survey revealed

Attracting and Retaining Workforce rated a 4.53 out of 5 Youth Involvement rated a 4.33 Developing Strategies to Reverse declining population rated 4.25

Step into the Northeast Nebraska Timeship CLAP!

Northeast Nebraska did some R&D .and found opportunities

Attract new talent

Return migration Homegrown, proud and engaged

Northeast Nebraska hit ReBoot

And helped newcomers Find Home!

Gallup: Nebraska 4th best state for living in the future!

Nebraska has a compelling story!

..of food and agriculture.

Source: Dr. Ronnie Green , Vice Pres. & IANR Harlan Vice Chancellor UNL

And Northeast Nebraska grew

Welcoming 5,000 new families to good life

Northeast Nebraska did some R&D .and found opportunities

Attract new talent

Return migration
Homegrown, proud and engaged

NENEDD capitalized on Return Migration San Antonios Talent Economy Bubble and Barriers Study

NENEDD took the trend Return Migration to heart

Ideas close by in Holk County

Nicole Sedlacek Holk County Economic Development

Personalized mailbox to each graduate.

By reaching out, alumni came home.

NENEDD also inspired with a story from home

Mike Flood

In rural communities, if only 10 to 15 percent of high school graduates were recruited back home, outmigration challenges could be stopped and turned around.

NENEDD realized a key advantage. We have one advantage no one else has. Northeast Nebraska IS hometown for all who were born and raised here!
~ Craig Schroeder, Senior Fellow Rupri Center for Rural Entrepeneurship Founder Grow Nebraska

And Northeast Nebraska grew even more

With 10,000 of our own returning home.

Northeast Nebraska did some R&D .and found opportunities

Attract new talent Return migration

Homegrown, proud and engaged

Homegrown, Proud and Engaged

In the futureNebraskas youth are proud!

2025 HomeTown Competitiveness Survey


See Coming Home


Step out of the Northeast Nebraska Timeship CLAP!

Explore the Future


Imagine Talent

Nebraskas Edge

Think Ecosystem

An integrated and parallel process of economic and workforce development

Industrial Economy

Knowledge Economy

Creative Molecular & Talent Economy

for three economies in churn

To take advantage of the emerging Creative Molecular Economy requires developing a local workforce able to adapt to any of the three economies.

Rick Smyre & Jim Damicis , Searching for a New Dynamic

A Future Forward Workforce that has the CAPACITY to

Constantly innovate Think connectively and systemically Utilize technology for creativity Engage in collaborative networks Design Interlocking networks for commerce

Ignite the local economy

Thinking systemically

Source: A. J. Oconnor & Associates - Leadership 2020: 10 Workforce Trends + 10 Critical Leadership Competencies

Inspired Ideas

Perhaps a Nebraska Hothouse or Geekdom?

Inspired Ideas

E-Learning is now Everywhere Learning!

Inspired Ideas

Talent Epicenters or Next Generation Guilds

Inspired Ideas

Hello, Im Sarah Hello, Im Skoolaborator

Work, Learning and Up-skill Guides and Connectors!

Influencers, Connectors, Hubs

Think Talent Integration Ecosystem

Creative, Supportive, Dynamic

Our Stretch Challenge for Today

Explore the Future Imagine a Talent Economy Think 21st Workforce Ecosystem Create a Sustainable Blueprint

How will you choose to stretch beyond today?

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." ~ Michelangelo

Thank You!

Norma Owen President of the Avadon Group Morrisville, North Carolina

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