G4 Production Script

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BPS Production 2013 Grade 4 To bee or not too bee

The story opens with a museum tour guide discussing dung beetles with a small group of school children and their teacher. One child is clearly distracted and finds a bug on the floor. He begins to burn the bug with a comical sized magnifying glass. The group moves on leaving the boy behind. Tour Guide: Dung beetles are beetles that feed partly or exclusively on feaces. All the species belong to the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. Many dung beetles, known as rollers, roll dung into round balls, which are used as a food source or brooding chambers. Boy: Feaces?? What does that mean? Ive never heard of that word before! Tour Guide: Well children, feaces is more commonly known as your number twos. Children all moan and groan. Teacher: Alright kids settle down settle down.. Lets move on to the butterfly case. Everyone moves off stage leaving the child by himself. He realises he is by himself and sits down on a seat and falls asleep.

Sound / Backdrop image

Image 1 Museum Hallway


Flowers, butterflies, ladybugs begin dancing. Child wakes up and begins exploring.

Dream Sequence Dance Im Forrest Alan Silvestri. Image 2 Clouds passing.

Child: Whats happened? Am I dreaming? Have I fallen down an ant hole?

During the dance the child becomes trapped by the bees in the centre of the stage and he freaks out and tries to flyswat some bees.

Bee Dance A Night on Bald Mountain Mussorsky Image 3 Beehive honeycomb

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BPS Production 2013 Grade 4 To bee or not too bee

Child: Leave me alone, leave me alone!

Fly Swatting Hit me with you best shot Pat Benatar Image 4 Cans of Fly Spray

Child pushes out of the circle and some bees falls to the ground. The child tries to pull a bees wings off.

Image 5 White screen.

Bee: Hey! Theyre attached you know! Get off me you big bully!! Bees take the child off the bee and put him in a giant bug catcher. Worker Bee: Wait until the Queen hears about this. Were not gonna take this anymore! Worker Bee Dance Were Not Gonna Take It Twisted Sista

Bee: Introducing, the one and only, the curviest beeeehind youll every lay eyes on, the room will be buzzzzzzzing when you see her, you may even break out in hives when she enters the room.. She is as sweet as honey lets give it up for her royal majesty, The Queen Bee. Royal Entrance Fanfare Randy Dunn (Youtube) Image 6 Bee playing trumpet. Queen Bee Dance Foxy Lady Jimi Hendrix Image 7 Honeycomb

Bees with trumpets and bees with giant leaves fanning the Queen as she walks in.

Queen Bee: And whom are you? Child: My names ( ). No need to ask who you are though, youre obviously a Richmond supporter. Queen looks around puzzled. Page 2 of 3

BPS Production 2013 Grade 4 To bee or not too bee

Queen: No need to get cagey with me young man. I should sting you!! Or maybe Ill just call the police! Everyone on stage turns and looks and pretends to laugh. Queen: Who do you think you are? Coming into my beehive, terrorising my worker bees, pulling their wings off, my worker bees will never forget this, my worker bees.. Image 9 - Honeycomb Worker Bees Voice-over Image 8 Sting and the Police

As the song is playing all bugs exit stage whilst school excursion kids and teacher enter stage with a contemporary dance. Child goes back to his seat. Teacher: The working bee, working bee! Wake up!! We need to leave the museum to get back in time for it! Class exits the stage but one child remains at the centre. Child 1: Hes such a troublemaker. Final Dance

Image 10 Clouds passing Transition from Bees to Museum Wide Awake Katy Perry Image 11 Museum Hallway

Final Dance Trouble-maker- Olly Murs Image 13 Mr. H superimposed on TroubleMaker image.

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