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Chapter 6


I. Definition: process where autotrophs (plants) make their own

food using sunlight.

II.Capturing light energy

A. Chloroplasts – organelles in plants where photosynthesis

takes place.

1. System of membranes inside cell thykaloids arranged in

flattened sacs and contain pigments

a. Stacks called grana

b. Solution around grana is called stroma.

2. Green pigment is called chlorophyll.

3. Other pigments carotenoids – yellow, orange, and brown.

B. Light from the sun appears white but is made of a variety

of colors: visible light spectrum.

C. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy.

1. Blue is the shortest – absorbs the most.

2. Then violet and red.

3. Chlorophyll reflects green – does not absorb it.

D. ATP: adenosine triphosphate

1. Main source of energy for all living things.

III.Overall reaction of photosynthesis

A. 6CO2 + 6H2O →light energy→ C6H12O6 + 6O2

IV.Stages of Photosynthesis

A. Light reactions – light dependant, occur in grana

1. Chlorophyll absorbs light

2. Electrons absorb light energy and electrons become

3. Water H2O is split and O2 gives off.

B. Dark reactions (Calvin Cycle) – light independent

1. CO2 is used and glucose C6H12O6 is formed.

2. Can take place in the light or dark – light is NOT


3. O2 is given off.

C. Factors affecting Photosynthesis

1. More light, more photosynthesis *up to a point*.

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