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Chapter 7


I. Cellular Respiration

A. Definition: the breakdown of glucose with the use of

oxygen; results in releasing energy.

1. Aerobic – using H2O

2. Anaerobic – no H2O

B. The breakdown of glucose involves a series of reactions;

enzymes controlled.

1. C6H12O6 + 6O2 →enzymes→ 6CO2 + 6H2O

C. Cellular Respiration: 3 stages

1. Glycolysis

a. Changing glucose to pyruvic acid. (ATP produced)

2. Citric acid (KREB)

a. 3c Pyruvic Acid → broken down to citric acid →CO2

given off.

3. Electron transport chain

a. H+ atoms hit each other and produce energy.

II.Basic Cellular Reactions

A. All cells carry out all the life functions to sustain life
and food is the life force to continue them.

B. Methods of obtaining foods.

1. Autotrophs – make their own food using the sun.

a. Example: algae, bacteria, and plants.

2. Heterotrophs – can’t make their own food.

a. Saprophytic – from dead

b. Parasitic – from living.

III.Forms of Fermentation

A. Lactic Acid Fermentation

1. C6H12O6 TO lactic acid.

a. Example: making of dairy products by bacteria.

b. Example: also occurs in muscles where glucose is

broken down and due to the lack of oxygen lactic acid


B. Alcoholic Fermentation

1. Glucose → ethyl alcohol.

2. Yeast used in making alcohol – NO O2.

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