t1 ST 3 2013 Light Up My Life

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Stage Three term 1 2013

Curriculum focus & outcomes

What do I really want to find out? Students: relate task to learning; clarify meanings of words in task; identify and interpret key words and ideas; state task in own words

Light Up My Life/ Switched On Science PP S3.4 Identifies and applies processes involved in manipulating, using and changing the form of energy. English RS3.5 Reads independently an extensive range of texts with increasing content demands and responds to themes and issues. RS3.6 Uses a comprehensive range of skills and strategies appropriate to the type of text being read.

Information literacy skills Students: can formulate some focus questions suggest possible search words appropriate for a given topic verbalise purpose of a task and select appropriate type of text for response work independently or in small groups to brainstorm, develop appropriate questions, plan headings. use enquiry to complete searches use contents page, chapter headings, subheadings, key words & index use encyclopaedias, atlases, newspapers, Internet to locate information skim/scan texts for information take relevant & appropriate notes recognise essential key words criteria used to evaluate an information resource: publication date; contents page; index; glossary; captioned illustrations; clear headings; subheadings; diagrams; graphs

ICT Skills Students Web enquiry open a browser program understand and use key words in an advanced search


Quality Teaching focuses Intellectual Quality The task requires sustained focus on key concepts and ideas. & requires clear articulation of the relationships between & among concepts. Quality learning environment Students able to exercise some control in relation to at least one significant aspect of the task. Significance Students background knowledge is substantially incorporated into the task.

Teaching & learning strategies Students will brainstorm

What is a energy, light, electricity? How are they used? Do you know names of famous inventors? What are some safety issues? Categorise information into a concept map What do we know about specific energy types?

Resources Students experiences and background knowledge Posters Concept map

skills, recognise strengths and limitations of current knowledge & additional information needed, limit investigation to manageable size, identify possible resources

LOCATING Where can I find the information I need? Students: recall relevant information &

What do we need to find out to build our knowledge eg. The impact of its discovery note take from video related to ideas from concept map open bookmarked website & explore information locate print resources on Web Enquiry investigate information & take notes of interesting aspects of the topic from a variety of print and electronic resources.

Focusing teaching and learning information literacy support: programming ideas: defining and locating Topic/Unit support: Light Up My Life/Switched On: Specific focus: Inventors and everyday uses Quality Teaching elements: Intellectual quality: The task requires sustained focus on key concepts & ideas, & requires clear articulation of the relationships between & among concepts. Quality learning environment: Students able to exercise some control in relation to at least one significant aspect of the task Significance: Students background knowledge is substantially incorporated into the task, Resources: students experiences and background knowledge Pre-unit assessment to gauge current level of understanding: (in terms of unit/topic/focus) eg pre-test, teacher judgement, brainstorm, discussion questions prior to unit study Students will brainstorm: What do use energy for at home and school? What are some of the safety precautions? What are some forms of energy? Syllabus Outcomes: Suggested teaching and learning activities/strategies for Science defining phase of ISP PP S3.4 Identifies and applies processes involved in manipulating, using and changing the form of Whole class brainstorm and recording of answers to energy. established questions (see Pre-unit section). English Categorise information into a concept map RS3.5 Reads independently an extensive range of texts with increasing content demands and Brainstorm and record responds to themes and issues. What is a energy, light, electricity? RS3.6 Uses a comprehensive range of skills How are they used? and strategies appropriate to the type of text Do you know names of famous inventors? being read. What are some safety issues? Related computer competencies focus: Categorise information into a concept map Web Enquiry. What do we know about specific energy types? Related information skills focus area: Defining: can formulate some focus questions suggest possible search words appropriate for a given topic verbalise purpose of a task and select appropriate type of text for response work independently or in small groups to brainstorm, develop appropriate questions, plan headings. Locating use enquiry to complete searches use contents page, chapter headings, subheadings, key words & index use encyclopaedias, atlases, newspapers, Internet to locate information skim/scan texts for information take relevant & appropriate notes recognise essential key words criteria used to evaluate an information resource: publication date; contents page; index; glossary; captioned illustrations; clear headings; subheadings; diagrams; graphs Literature links: Various What do we need to find out to build our knowledge eg. The impact of its discovery note take from video related to ideas from concept map open bookmarked website & explore information locate print resources on Web Enquiry investigate information & take notes of interesting aspects of the topic from a variety of print and electronic resources.

Planned assessment: Teacher Assessment: Judgement from pre unit test as to how much students recall about energy and safety. Plan more specific teaching re this background knowledge if necessary before beginning current topic Note student awareness of relationship between physical features and possible issues to be explored Does some of our pre-knowledge fit under the headings we have devised? Student Assessment Students in groups attempt to categorise brainstormed information under devised headings for study.

Post unit assessment to determine progress towards stated outcomes eg post-test, guided evaluation sheet, skills achieved in context of outcomes (indicators) and planned assessment

Name_________________________________ Class_______

Create an animation that shows your understanding of how light travels and how light refracts or reflects. If you have time you can investigate how optical illusions work.

What is the topic? Write a sentence that explains what you are researching. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ What do you have to do to complete the task? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ What do you already know about the topic? Brainstorm with the class and create a mind map of your ideas.

Using My Library Web Enquiry

What are the keywords related to the topic. Use your mind map to help you. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Type the keywords written above into My Library Web Enquiry and write down your results for each search. If you get the same book in a different search add a tally mark. Title Tally Location/Dewey

Which resource do you think will be most helpful and why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Do you think your key words were effective? Why or Why not? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Choose one of the books which you found using My Library Web Enquiry last lesson and see if you can answer the questions. Q___________________________ _ Q___________________________ _

Q___________________________ _

Q___________________________ _

Go to www.tale.edu.au and search in Primary for Energy Chains: Make Electricity. As you make your way through the different energy sources make some keynotes on how each of them are made.


Go to www.tale.edu.au and search in Primary for Sound: Thunderstorms. Work through the activity. Note down anything you have learnt about lightning and thunder.

Choose one of the energy sources that you have learnt about in the past two lessons and find a diagram in an encyclopaedia and copy it below. Label and write a caption explaining the diagram.

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________ ________

Visual Literacy Diagram Interpretation

Below is a diagram of something used in many houses across Australia. Can you tell what it is, how it works and what energy source it uses?

What is it? ____________________________________________________ What energy source has it used? ____________________________________ How does it work? _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Which resource did you find easiest to find information? Why? _____________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______ What format was easiest to interpret the information? Why?_______________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______ What format was the most difficult to interpret and Why? ________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______ List other resources outside of our library that you could use to find information. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____

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