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Sentence Distribution Subject and Predicate

I OBJECTIVES Construct a proper sentence. Determine the subject and predicate in a sentence. Reinforce the use of verbs, nouns and pronouns in a sentence.

II. ACTIVITIES 1. Read about sentence distribution. Information below. 2. Complete the quiz on the virtual campus. III PRESENTATION 1. Make 10 sentences, and proper identify the subject (simple or compound) and predicate (simple or compound). The sentences must reference the previous contents, Engineering and Measurement System.

Sentence Distribution
Reminder: Verb Asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. Noun Is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Pronoun Can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like he, which, none and you to make your sentences less repetitive. Subject and Predicate The parts of the sentence are a set of terms for describing how people construct sentences from smaller pieces. There is not a direct correspondence between the parts of the sentence and the parts of speech -- the subject of a sentence, for example, could be a noun, a pronoun, or even an entire phrase or clause. Like the parts of speech, however, the parts of the sentence form part of the basic vocabulary of grammar, and it is important that you take some time to learn and understand them. Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject. In the examples below the predicates are underline. Judy runs. Judy and her dog run on the beach every morning. To figure out the subject in a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing who? or what? before it. The answer is the subject. Ex. The audience littered the theater floor with torn wrappings and spilled popcorn. The question would be who littered the theater floor?. The answer would be the audience, hence the audience is the subject. Simple Subject and Simple Predicate Every subject is built around one noun or pronoun that, when stripped of all the words that modify it, is known as the simple subject. The simple predicate would be the verb that links the subject with the rest of the sentence. Ex. A piece of pepperoni pizza would satisfy his hunger. The subject is built around the noun piece , the other words a and of pepperoni pizza are only modifying this noun. The simple predicate is would satisfy. Compound Subject and Compound Predicate Just as the word compound implies, both the compound subject and predicate are a group of 2 or more subject sand predicates in one sentence. It is not necessary that, if a compound subject appears in the sentence a compound predicate should appear and vice versa. Ex. Her uncle and she walked slowly through the art gallery and admired the beautiful sculptures exhibited there. The compound subject would be uncle and she, and the compound predicates would be walked and admired.

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