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Name: __________________________________________ Ch 11 Test: Muslim Empires

Vocabulary: match the term to the definition ____ 1. Arabesque ____ 2. Caliph ____ 3. Calligraphy ____ 4. Caste ____ 5. Hajj ____ 6. Janizary ____ 7. Minaret ____ 8. Social Mobility a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Elite force of the Ottoman army Ability to move up in social class Unchangeable social group into which a person is born in India Slender tower of a mosque from which Muslims are called to prayer The art of beautiful handwriting Successor to Muhammad as a political and religious leader Intricate design made up of curved lines that suggest floral shapes The fifth pillar of Islam, a pilgrimage to Mecca

Timeline: match the Muslim empire to its place on the timeline below





____ 9. Abbasid ____ 10. Caliphate ____ 11. Ottomans ____ 12. Umayyad

Sorting: determine whether the following is an aspect of Hinduism (H) or Islam (I)
____ 13. This religion has many different possible gods. It is polytheistic. ____ 14. This religion celebrates with music and dance. ____ 15. This religion is guided by its single religious text, the Quran. ____ 16. This religion has only one god. It is monotheistic. ____ 17. In this religion all believers are equal in the eyes of God ____ 18. This religion includes a caste system with no social mobility, and an honored priest class

Sorting: determine whether the following was a trait of the Ottoman Empire (O), the Safavid Empire (S) or Both (B) ____ 19. This empire was known as a gunpowder empire ____ 20. This empire had an alliance with some of the European states ____ 21. Suleiman the Magnificent was the greatest ruler of this empire ____ 22. The capital of this empire was Istanbul, formerly the city of Constantinople ____ 23. This empire was tolerant of other religions such as Christianity and Judaism ____ 24. This empire was predominantly Shiite Muslim ____ 25. This empire was predominantly Sunni Muslim ____ 26. Shah Abbas the Great was the most important rule of this empire

Label each of the following on the map 27. Mughul Empire (ME)

28. Ottoman Empire (OE)

29. Safavid Empire (SE)

Mutliple Choice: choose the best answer given the prompt ____ 30. This was the cause of the Sunni/Shiite schism a) Disagreement over which lands to conquer c) Disagreement over the 5 pillars of Islam

b) Disagreement over Muhammads successor d) Disagreement over whether or not to eat pork

____ 31. This was the first region conquered and controlled by Muslims, during the caliphate a) The Mediterranean Sea b) Egypt c) The Arabian peninsula d) India

____ 32. This city became the capital and a center of learning during the golden age of the Abbasids a) Baghdad b) Isfahan c) Addis Ababa d) Cordoba ____ 33. During the golden age of Muslim civilization there was some social mobility, this meant a) Anyone not a Muslim was a slave b) A slave could become free and earn high rank c) All were equal in the eyes of God d) Once a slave, always a slave

____ 34. Merchants built a vast trading network across the Muslim world and beyond, aided by a) A single language for Muslims, Arabic b) The Chinese establishing the Silk Road c) The crusades d) The development of camel ranches ____ 35. This was one innovation Muslims came up with for their extensive trade networks a) Currency b) Bills of exchange c) Guilds d) Branch banking

____ 36. The spread of Islam can best be described as a) Fast and furious b) Tied to the spread of the empire c) messianic d) A gradual process after first contact

____ 37. In Cordoba, the philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes to Europeans) is best remembered for a) Setting standards for history b) His writings on Aristotle and the use of reason c) Being the architect of the Alhambra d) Denouncing Greek philosophy in favor of faith

____ 38. The Persian physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna to Europeans) is best remembered for a) A vast encyclopedia of accumulated knowledge of cures and diseases c) Mixing bitter medicines with sweettasting syrups and gums b) Dissecting human bodies to get an accurate look at human anatomy d) Advising doctors to treat the mind as well as the body

____ 39. The Ottomans divided their society into four classes, at the top were a) Men of the sword - soldiers b) Men of husbandry farmers and herders c) Men of the pen scientists, judges, d) Men of negotiation merchants and lawyers artisans

____ 40. What was a significant contributor to the friction and warfare between the Ottoman and Safavid empires? a) The Ottomans were Sunni while the Safavids were Shiite c) They both sought to monopolize trade across the Muslim world b) The Ottomans were Shiite while the Safavids were Sunni d) They both tried to ally with European states

Short answer (10 points): Describe 1 legacy of this period of Muslim expansion and empire that influences life today. Explain your reasoning.

Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. G F E C H A D B 27. 29. Map placement

9. 10. 11. 12.


30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. A Short answer - answers will vary

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


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