Newsletter Dec. 2012 - March 2013

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Months Dec.

2012 March 2013

Wow, another year and a start of a new one! We had a lot of stuff going on these past months. We have seen God work in great ways in both good situations and bad. We thank all of you that invited us to visit while we were in the U.S. We enjoyed our time meeting new people and getting back together with old friends. Also thank you to all of you that volunteered and helped us these months. Thanks to you all!

December 2012
Christmas Party We went to a Christmas party at an orphanage two and half hrs away. We had a fun time and got to sleep over at the home. Our kids did a gift exchange as well as games with the other kids. On the way we stopped at Burger King, always a treat for the kids. Horse riding class An American neighbor started teaching four of the kids how to tack, ride, groom, and take care of horses. He does it for free and they can go anytime they want. Christmas and New Years Deborah made some great meals and a number of families brought us tamales this year. It seems we are making some friends in the nearby town and we are really excited about that. We were able to purchase gifts again for the kids this year thanks to our supporters. We also had a nice home service at our house with a number of local people as well as attending the local church for their Christmas party.

January 2013
Water Struggles We ran out of water for over two weeks this month. We had to pay the local firemen to pump it out of the lake and then into our pool Praise the Lord for the lake. Debs parents arrive Deborahs parents arrived for three months to help and run the home while we were gone all of February. Mom did all the cooking and laundry and dad was always working, too, including teaching 5th graders. Victoria and Izabel Irish were a great help with the tots as well. We had a great visit and they helped a bunch. Thank you!

School Started Kevin and Amy Newcomb are teaching the kids in school. They are doing a great job and are hoping to build a house nearby when funding comes in for it.

February 2013
A visit to the U.S. This year we started in Florida for five days, then made our way up to Pennsylvania. We took 10 days to get to P.A. and stopped in SC., NC, TN, and IN. We had great trip and whish we could have visited more people. This is the second time David got to play in the snow! Well Paid for The Lord provided once again for a need. We needed $20,000 for a well to be drilled and $5,000 for plumbing and filtration. The money was donated and we expect the well to be done by the end of April this year. 7 children leave The sibling group of six left this month as well as Camilo. We pray that we planted some seeds. (Sorry no photos for this month our camera was stolen)

March 2013
The Zimmermans arrive The couple that has committed two years minimum to being house parents at our girls home arrived with us. First girl in the NEW GIRLS HOME The first girl in our newly opened abused girls home arrived this month. Her name is Sylvia. She is great at embroidering. A chance to witness We got robbed on our way home from the airport to our home. It was not a nice experience. They hijacked the van and tied us up in a field. We did not know if we were going to live or die since the men did not have masks on. We go to bless the robbers and witness to them through the whole time. They left the van and the keys, but took almost everything of earthly value. The Zimmermans were also with us as well as Deborahs parents. We continue to ask for peace in our hearts and minds after this. God has provided, through many of you, the funds to replace all of the things that we lost. Praise the Lord! 4 kids come We received Diego, Fernando, Monica, and Andy this month. They are handfuls. Pray for their adjusting to our lifestyle and rules as well as for their salvation.

Feeding Center We are starting a feeding center for around 60 children in the local town. It will be starting April 15th 2013. Please pray that it is successful and we are able to feed their bodies as well as their souls. Well Drilling The drilling has started and we are praying that we hit good water as soon as possible. We will keep everyone updated on our facebook group page. Keep up to date Online at our Facebook page. (See last page)

Child Highlight
Name: Candelaria Suar Castro Age: 3 Sex: female Home Town: Joyabaj Quiche Arrival Date: January 10, 2013 DOB: September 16, 2009

Story: Deborahs sister, Esther, was at a medical clinic at a rural hospital cooking for the medical team from the US. The nurses told Esther about Candi who had been living in the hospital for two months. She came to the hospital severely abused with scars all over her body and without any hair because of starvation. After two months at the hospital about a cm of orange crispy hair had grown in. They told Esther they didnt know what to do with her since her mom was dead and her alcoholic father had apparently taken the two older boys to live with him and had abandoned the two younger girls. Apparently the mother died birthing the younger sister of Candelaria. The village adopted the girls out to two different families and the lady who had taken Candelaria in was very abusive. Esther told the nurses about our home and the hospitals social worker quickly arranged the court order to deliver Candi into our home. She is very happy and smiley despite all she has been through. She is currently in treatment for a scar crossing her right eye pupil. She has grown about 2 inches of beautiful black hair since coming to us. Candelaria loves to play, cuddle and chatter. She is starting preschool. One thing we quickly noticed is that she always assumes someone is out to get her if you accidentally bump her, etc. Please pray God continues to keep His hand on her life since her second court hearing is coming up this month.

Prayer Requests

Tom , Sue, and Victoria arrived safely in the states. Daveys eyes are improving. For safety in the robbery and here In the country We received all the funding for the well. For the funding to continue to run the home. For the opening of the abused girls home

Give thanks to the Lord, Lord, for He He is good Psalm 136:1

Please Pray
For continued safety in this rainy season and from robbers Peace for all of us involved in the Robbery For the new feeding center staring April 15 That the new girls home will run well. That Kevin and Amy can sell their house and raise the money to build one nearby.

And whatever you ask in prayer, prayer, you will receive, if you have faith Matt. 21:22
Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-5024407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a monthly basis or to give one time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write our names on checks. Attach a note with the check as to who it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e- mails. God Bless.

Contact Info Below

How to Contact us
Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages: Dave and Deborah Reichard APDO POSTAL #35 San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala. For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to and send to: Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale 584 Colebrookdale Road Boyertown , PA 19512.

Contribute online @

FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion Web site Our web sire is finally done! Check it out! Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on. Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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