Arnells: Prayer Requests

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F O R W E W A L K B Y F A I T H , N O T B Y S I G H T. 2 C O R I N T H I A N S 5 : 7


Prayer Requests
JOHN Spiritual discipline. EMILY Spanish language growth. SAMANTHA Health and new relationships. MINISTRY Relationships and discernment as we progress with Bible studies and pastoral training.

The Attack of the Grillos

One night it nally happened. They said it would be this way, but we never imagined it was true. We thought it was hyperbole. Alas, we felt like Egyptians in the middle of the plagues in Moses time. However, I dont remember reading about crickets in Exodus!
A dustpan full of dead crickets that Emily swept from the hallway beside our house (pictured left)

rainy season that hired workers at the mall had to continually sweep them out of the entrances! We were promised that they would leave when it began to rain hard. Sure enough, they began to disappear around January 25. The only time I want to be around that many crickets is when Im bream shing. Thats it.

In the included envelope, mail a check made out to Global Outreach with Darnell in the memo line. Thanks!

How can someone give to your ministry?

On New Years Eve, they showed up by the thousands. They were in driveways, streets, bathrooms, bedrooms, windows, and even the mall! So many crickets ooded the town ahead of the
egg and a tomato-onion sauce and accompanied by a sausage. Here on the coast they also have a peanut sauce glaze. The plate pictured is from our favorite place in Babahoyo where a plate costs $3.25. We try to visit there once a week!

Imagine making cheesey mashed potatoes into patties and then panfrying them. DELICIOUS. John fell in love with these as a study abroad student in Quito, Ecuador in 2008. The llapingachos are placed on the plate and covered with a fried



Adult Bible Study

Whats a week like for the Darnells?

7pm Library (0-5 yrs.) 4pm

Library in Library (5-13 yrs.) Youth Group Country, Game 4pm 8pm Night, Movie Night* *These programs rotate between Fridays occurring once a month.




Our Favorite Question: Whats a typical day like in Ecuador?

Samantha with Nelly, a friend of the ministry

Its impossible to answer. A missionary never knows what challenges or blessings a day in another culture might bring. Surprise drop-in visitors that stay for two hours at a time or having to wait for hours at a government building are among some of the daily unknowns. At times I nd it difcult to have the right attitude toward many of the cultural challenges, but I know that God is using those as opportunities for us to witness or to build lasting relationships. However, we do have some weekly ministry events that are set in stone. Looking at the table above, you see some of the events that happen on a weekly basis. We are thrilled about getting ministry underway again in 2013, and we would love for you to be praying with us as these events happen. Would you mark in your prayer journal to pray for those events on those days in 2013?

Ways to Keep Up with the Darnells

Website Twitter @DarnellsGo E-mail or If you would like to receive weekly e-mails that would include ministry updates and prayer requests please send an e-mail to the above e-mail addresses. Thanks for your support!

Samantha at a Historic Park in Guayaquil with Ecuadorians in 1800s typical dress.


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