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When the Office is prayed well, each side of the community will sound as one voice. No one should try to be the first or the loudest in responding. The Office is also to be said slowly and reflectively. Appropriate pauses can be made by the antiphonarian to accomplish this. [all stand] [sign of the cross]
Hymn Psalmody

Presider Community Community Antiphonarian Side 1*

God, come to our assistance, Lord, make haste to help us. Glory to the Father ..., As it was ... [Never recited; omit if not sung.] Recites Antiphon and first verse of the psalm strophe. Recites second verse and begins alternating of psalm strophes. At end of the psalm, continue alternating with Glory to the Father...; other side replies, As it was.... [The Glory to the Father ... is not said in unison.]

[all sit]

Presider Antiphonarian Side 2


Prays the Psalm-prayer at the end of a psalm. Begins the next psalm as above Starts second verse and alternating of psalm strophes followed by Glory to the Father.... , As it was....

Side 1 is the side on which the Antiphonarian is seated.



When the Office is prayed well, each side of the community will sound as one voice. No one should try to be the first or the loudest in responding. The Office is also to be said slowly and reflectively. Appropriate pauses can be made by the antiphonarian to accomplish this. [all stand] [sign of the cross]
Hymn Psalmody

Presider Community Community Antiphonarian Side 1*

God, come to our assistance, Lord, make haste to help us. Glory to the Father ..., As it was ... [Never recited; omit if not sung.] Recites Antiphon and first verse of the psalm strophe. Recites second verse and begins alternating of psalm strophes. At end of the psalm, continue alternating with Glory to the Father...; other side replies, As it was.... [The Glory to the Father ... is not said in unison.]

[all sit]

Presider Antiphonarian Side 2


Prays the Psalm-prayer at the end of a psalm. Begins the next psalm as above Starts second verse and alternating of psalm strophes followed by Glory to the Father.... , As it was....

Side 1 is the side on which the Antiphonarian is seated.

Reading Response

Reader Reader Community Reader Community Reader Community Antiphonarian Community

Reading [reader stands] Opening verse phrase after "" Second verse phrase after "" Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit [only] phase after "" Antiphon Pray Canticle in unison or alternate sides like psalms. Introduces the intercessions Prays the opening line Responds with the line after "" [spontaneous petitions requested prior to Intercession for the dead which is always said last.] Begins the Our Father continues in unison Concluding Prayer "May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life." "Amen"

Gospel Canticle

[all stand]


Presider Antiphonarian Community

The Lord's Prayer Conclusion

Presider Community Presider


Reading Response

Reader Reader Community Reader Community Reader Community Antiphonarian Community

Reading [reader stands] Opening verse phrase after "" Second verse phrase after "" Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit [only] phase after "" Antiphon Pray Canticle in unison or alternate sides like psalms. Introduces the intercessions Prays the opening line Responds with the line after "" [spontaneous petitions requested prior to Intercession for the Dead which is always said last.] Begins the Our Father continues in unison Concluding Prayer "May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life." "Amen"

Gospel Canticle

[all stand]


Presider Antiphonarian Community

The Lord's Prayer Conclusion

Presider Community Presider


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