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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

PES Institute of Technology Dept. of MCA GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The course information is to be brought to the classroom daily. Students should be in time for the first class and subsequent classes thereafter. Students should keep the classroom and Laboratories clean and tidy. Students are informed to clarify their doubts in the respective subjects with the faculty by taking prior appointments. Students are advised to show due respect to all faculty regardless of the department and maintain affable personality. Students are to maintain absolute discipline and decorum, so as to promote the fair name of their college in all its activities. Students having less the 75% attendance in any subject (both Theory and Practical) will not be allowed to take up the university examination. Students who fail to get minimum of 25 marks in Internal assessment of any subject will fall in NSSR category and / or not eligible to take up that particular subject. Parents are to follow the progress of their wards by being in touch with the college authorities at regular intervals. Writing on desks and walls is strictly prohibited, failing which the students will be fined a minimum of Rs. 500. If the identity of the individual is not established the entire class will be fined ranging from Rs.100 to Rs.500 Attendance of the students will be displayed on the department notice board as well as available in the Web site at the end of the 5th, 10th, and 16th week of the semester along with list of students having shortage in attendance. Students should bring the observation book as well as the laboratory record book completed in all respect to the laboratory. Take the print outs of the source listing and output of the code after execution and delete your files. Students are not supposed to alter the configuration / any software on the system. Final examination is of 3 hours duration. Students are supposed to fill details in the LOG BOOK at the time of entering and leaving the lab. Students should wear IDENTITY CARD all the time. Students without the same will not be allowed to enter either the class room or the lab. Those students who have less than 85% attendance should sign the undertaking given by their class teachers from time to time. Students are not allowed to bring the mobile phones and Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus.


12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 1

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

V SEMESTER PROGRAMME STRUCTURE Sub Code 07MCA41 07MCA42 07MCA43 07MCA44 07MCA452 07MCA453 5 07MCA455 07MCA456 6 7 8 07MCA46 07MCA47 07MCA48 MARKS SUBJECT Topics in Enterprise Architectures I Software Engineering Web Programming Design and Analysis of Algorithms Unix System Programming Multi media Systems (Elective) Principles of User Interface Design (Elective) Advanced Computer Networks (Elective) Java & J2EE Laboratory Web Programming Laboratory Algorithms Laboratory Total Time Table Day/Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Class Teacher: IV A Mrs. Meera Rajan IV B Mr. Tamal Dey
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SL.NO 1 2 3 4

IA 50 50 50 50

UE 100 100 100 100

Total 150 150 150 150

Page # 3-8 9-17 18-26 27-34 35-41 42-48




49-54 55-60

50 50 50 400

50 50 50 650

100 100 100 1050

61-62 63-64 65-66









Lunch Break

Tea Break

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

TOPICS IN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE 1 Subject code: 07MCA41 Faculty : Meera Rajan Hrs / Week: 04 Total Hrs : 52

Overview: Java is first and foremost programming language used for internet. This course describes basic fundamentals of Java programming. It includes topics like exception handling, Applet, Strings, Multi Threading, Event handling, swings. It also describes to create applications using servlet, JSP, Java Bean. Chapter Class Title/Reference No. Literature 1 Java and Java applications; Java Development Kit (JDK); Java is interpreted, Byte Code, JVM 2 3 4 5 Chapter 1: Introduction to Java T1: Page 4-127 Object-oriented programming; Simple Java programs Data types and other tokens: Boolean variables, int, long, char, operators, arrays White spaces, literals, assigning values; Creating and destroying objects; Access specifiers. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise operators, Relational operators, The Assignment Operator, Operator, Operator Precedence; Logical expression Type casting; Strings, Control Statements: Selection statements, iteration statements, Jump Statements. Classes: Classes in Java; Declaring a class; Class name; Super classes; Constructors Creating instances of class; Inner classes Inheritance: Simple, multiple, and multilevel inheritance; Overriding, overloading. Exception handling: Exception handling in Java. The Applet Class: Two types of Applets; Applet basics; Applet Architecture; An Applet skeleton Simple Applet display methods; Requesting repainting; Using the Status Window The HTML APPLET tag; Passing parameters to Applets; get Document base () and get Codebase (); Applet Context and show Document (); The Audio Clip Interface; The Applet Stub Interface; Output to the Console. % of portions to be covered Reference Cumulative Chapter

Topics to be covered



6 7 8 9 10 11 Chapter 2: Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Applets T1:Page 130-271, 628-652




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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Chapter 6: Servlets T1:Page 950-979 Chapter 4: Swings T1:Page 921 - 948 Chapter 3: Multi Threaded Programming, Event Handling T1:Page 274-311, 654-685

Multi Threaded Programming: What are threads? How to make the classes threadable; Extending threads; Implementing runnable Synchronization; Changing state of the thread Bounded buffer problems, read-write problem Producer - consumer problems. Event Handling: Two event handling mechanisms; The delegation event model; Event classes Sources of events; Event listener interfaces Using the delegation event model; Adapter classes; Inner classes. Swings: The origins of Swing; Two key Swing features; Components and Containers; The Swing Packages; A simple Swing Application Create a Swing Applet; label and ImageIcon TextField; The Swing Buttons; J Tabbedpane J ScrollPane; J List; J ComboBox;JTable Example Overview of J2EE and J2SE.The Concept of JDBC JDBC Driver Types; JDBC Packages A Brief Overview of the JDBC process Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database Statement objects; Result Set Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions. Background; The Life Cycle of a Servlet Using Tomcat for Servlet Development A simple Servlet; The Servlet API The Javax.servlet Package; Reading Servlet Parameter The Javax. servlet.http package Handling HTTP Requests and Responses Using Cookies; Session Tracking. Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP JSP Tags, Tomcat, Request String User Sessions, Cookies, Session Objects Java Remote Method Invocation: Remote Method Invocation concept; Server side, Client side.





Chapter 5: Java 2 Enterprise Edition Overview, Database Access T2:Page 123-160





Chapter 7: JSP, RMI T2:Page 379-394, 485-491



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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Chapter 8: Enterprise Java Beans T2:Page 405-443

Enterprise java Beans Deployment Descriptors Session Java Bean, Entity Java Bean; Message-Driven Bean; The JAR File. Example Example



Literature: TEXT BOOK NAME Java the Complete Reference J2EE The Complete Reference Introduction to JAVA Programming The J2EE Tutorial Book Code T1 AUTHOR Herbert Schildt EDITION/ PUBLICATION 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.


Jim Keogh

Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.


Y. Daniel Liang


Stephanie Bodoff et al

Test 1: Chapter 1, 2 & 3 Test 2: Chapter 4, 5 & 6 Test 3: Chapter 7, 8

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Question Bank CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Java Overview: This chapter discusses about the basics of java and its types, variables, array, strings, operators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Describe the general structure of a simple JAVA program. Discuss various data types used in JAVA. How java is better than C++? Discuss. What are the advantages of JAVA? Explain. How JAVA is strongly associated with internet? Why is java known as platform-neutral language? Explain the features of JAVA What is a variable? Explain the declaration and rules for variable. Discuss the loop control structures with example. What is array? How are arrays declared and handled in java. How do you define a class in java? Mention different approaches of returning more than nor value from a method? Explain inner classes with an example? Why should main method be static, public and void in java? How are static members different from normal members? what are the restrictions for static members ? 16. What are methods? How they are invoked in java? How does java passes parameters to them? CHAPTER 2: Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Applets Overview: This chapter discusses about how the class and objects are created, various types of inheritance, applet and also how exceptions are han Dled 17. What is an object? Describe the characteristics of object. 18. How a object variable is created? Describe the characteristics of object. 19. What is a class? What are the three parts of a simple, empty class? 20. What is a constructor? What are its special properties? 21. What is polymorphism? 22. Explain the String class in detail with example. 23. What is inheritance? Describe different forms of inheritance with example. 24. Explain method overloading with an example. 25. Describe how an interface is defined and implemented. Give example 26. What is applet? Discuss the steps involved in loading and running a applet 27. Describe the different stages in the life cycle of an applet. Distinguish between init () and start() methods. 28. What is an exception? Explain the exception hierarchy in java. 29. Explain how exception handling mechanism can be used for debugging a program. 30.explain method overloading in java

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

CHAPTER 3: Multi Threaded Programming, Event Handling Overview: This chapter discusses about multi threading and how the events are handled. 31. What is an object? Describe the characteristics of object. 32. How a object variable is created? Describe the characteristics of object. 33. What is a class? What are the three parts of a simple, empty class? 34. What is a constructor? What are its special properties? 35. What is polymorphism? 36.What is the mechanism of event delegation model .give example 37. Write a program in java that prints the values from one to hundred. 38. How do you implement multiple inheritance using interfaces. 39. What are the uses of the keyword super in java? 40. Compare and contrast overloading and overriding methods? 41. What is a package? What its purpose?

CHAPTER 4: Swings Overview: This chapter discusses about the swing features and also how to create swing applet using Jlabel and JTextfield 42. What is a swing? What are the reasons to choose swing in JAVA? 43. Explain the following with an example. a. JText Field class b. JText Area class c. JLabel class d. Jlist class 44. What are components? Which are the subclasses of components of abstract window toolkit? Briefly discuss. 45. How do you use java system package? 46. What are the different ways of accessing packages? 47. How do you extend one interface by the other?

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

CHAPTER 5: Java 2 Enterprise Edition Overview, Database Access Overview: This chapter discusses about the Java 2 Enterprise Edition , JDBC Driver types and also the database connection associating the JDBC/ODBC bridge connection. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Explain the various types of JDBC Driver Explain the steps involved in connecting the J2EE component with a database. Explain the usage of Prepared Statement and Callable statement Write short note on Metadata. Explain the Result Set object with an example. Explain in brief ODBC and registry in j2ee?

CHAPTER 6: Servlets Overview: This chapter discusses about the life cycle of Servlet, usage of tomcat server, the javaX Servlet package and also the session tracking. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Describe the different stages in the life cycle of an Servlet. How the Tomcat server is used for Servlet development Explain the HTTP Request and HTTP Response of a Servlet Write short note on Session Tracking write some major uses of servelets

CHAPTER 7: JSP, RMI Overview: This chapter discusses about the Java server page, JSP tags to design the web page and also about the Remote Method Invocation 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Discuss various types of JSP tags. Explain the user Sessions and cookies. What is Remote Method Invocation? Write a program to implement a simple client server application using RMI. Explain the RMI Process. what are the restrictions on RMI.

CHAPTER 8: Enterprise Java Beans Overview: This chapter discusses about the Enterprise Java Bean which is a component of the J2EE architecture that primarily provides business logic to a J2EE application 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. List the three kinds of EJB classes. Explain the two important interfaces of EJB. How EJBs are managed at runtime with deployment descriptor Explain the creation of Session Java Bean. Explain the Entity Java Bean Explain the creation of Message-Driven Bean. List some of the applications of java beans.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 8

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Subject: Code: 07MCA42 Faculty: NEELAM BAWANE Hrs / Week: 04 Total Hrs : 52

Overview: Software Development is a multidimensional and complex process. Inherent complexity of a large system calls for a systematic approach to software development. This course covers the fundamentals of Software Engineering containing eight major units representing the complete life cycle of a software product. Chapter Title/Reference Literature % of portions to be covered Reference Cumulative Chapter

Class No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Topics to be covered Introduction: FAQ's about software engineering FAQ's about software engineering Professional and ethical responsibility Socio-Technical systems: Emergent system properties Systems engineering Organizations, people and computer systems; Legacy systems Critical Systems: A simple safety-critical system System dependability; Availability and reliability Software Processes: Models Process iteration Process activities; The Rational Unified Process Computer-Aided Software Engineering. Software Requirements: Functional and Nonfunctional requirements User requirements; System requirements Interface specification; The software requirements document Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility studies Requirements elicitation and analysis Requirements validation Requirements management System Models: Context models Behavioral models Data models

Chapter1: Overview T1:Page 27-65



Chapter 2: Critical Systems, Software Processes T1:Page 67-115



Chapter 3: Requirements T1: Page 141-191



Chapter 4: System models, Project



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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Management T1: Page 193-215; 116-136

Chapter 5: Software Design T1: Page 265-288; 337-361

Chapter 6: Development T1: Page 415-438; 512-534

Object models; Structured methods Project Management: Management activities Project planning; Project scheduling Risk management Architectural Design: Architectural design decisions System organization Modular decomposition styles Control styles Object-Oriented design: Objects and Object Classes An Object-Oriented design process Design evolution Rapid Software Development: Agile methods Extreme programming Rapid application development Software Evolution: Program evolution dynamics Software maintenance Evolution processes; Legacy system evolution Verification and Validation: Planning Software inspections Automated static analysis Verification and formal methods Software testing: System testing Component testing; Test case design Test automation Managing People: Selecting staff Motivating people; Managing people The People Capability Maturity Model Software Cost Estimation: Productivity; Estimation techniques Algorithmic cost modeling Project duration and staffing





Chapter 7: Verification and Validation T1: Page 537-589



Chapter 8: Management T1: Page 615-663



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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Literature: Book Type Text Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Book Code T1 R1 R2 Title & Author Software Engineering Ian Sommerville Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach - Roger. S. Pressman Software Engineering Theory and Practice - Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Joanne M. Atlee Software Engineering Principles and Practice - Waman S Jawadekar Publication Info Edition Publisher Year Pearson 8th 2009 Education Mcgraw 7th 2007 Hill 3rd Pearson Education Tata McGraw Hill 2006



Test 1: Chapter 1, 2, chapter 3 up to 16 Classes Test 2: Chapter 3 from 17th class onwards, 4, 5, Test 3: Chapters 6, 7, 8.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 11

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Question Bank CHAPTER 1: Overview Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Answers to key questions about Software Engineering Process and Product Ethical and professional issues. Concept of socio-technical systems, emergent properties and system engineering Organizations, people and computer systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Define software product and software engineering (IEEE Def). What is software? Explain attributes of good software. What are the main phases in software development? What are the key challenges in software engineering? What are the goals and objectives in software engineering? What are the stakeholders in software engineering? What is the difference between computer science and software engineering? What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering? What is software process? What are the characteristics of software process? What is software process model? What is cost of software engineering? What is Computer Aided Software Engineering? Explain the salient features of IEEE code of Ethics for software engineering professionals. Discuss the social responsibilities of a software engineer. What are socio-technical systems? Discuss the characteristics of socio-technical systems. What are the emergent properties of socio-technical systems? Give examples. Explain different phases of system engineering. Discuss system procurement process. Write an explanatory note on legacy system.

CHAPTER 2: Critical Systems, Software Processes Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Critical systems and system dependability. The Software Engineering Process activities Various Process Models- Case study and comparisons Rational Unified Process and Computer Aided Software Engineering 21. What are the most important aspects of dependability? Discuss. 22. What is the importance of dependability? Discuss. Explain the relationship between dependability and cost of system 23. development. Why it is impossible to design 100% dependable system? Explain. 24. What are the critical systems? Explain the classification of critical systems. What are the critical systems? Explain the significance of dependability in 25. critical systems.
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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011


27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Write short notes on: a. Reliability b. Availability c. Safety d. Security What do you understand by software process model and its significance? Explain waterfall model giving its merits and drawbacks. Explain evolutionary development method giving its merits and demerits. Discuss component-based software engineering. What is process iteration? Explain incremental development. Explain the spiral model with illustration. Write advantages and disadvantages. Explain the software specifications phase of software development What are the important activities in design phase of software development? Explain the validation phase of software development. Discuss the risk management in spiral model. Mention the drawbacks of each of the software development models. Write a short note on CASE tools. Explain different classification of CASE tools. Explain Rational Unified Process in detail.

CHAPTER 3: Requirements Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Various categories of software requirements Software requirements document Requirements Engineering process Requirements validation and management 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. What is the need and characteristics of requirements? Distinguish between functional and non-functional requirements. Discuss the classification of non-functional requirements. What is the significance of non-functional requirements? Explain. What do you understand by user and system requirements? What are the problems associated with natural language used during requirements engineering? Mention the alternatives to natural languages. Explain Structured Language Specifications. Explain the structure of a software requirement document. Describe the aim and characteristics of a good software requirement document. What are the metrics for specifying the non-functional requirements? Explain the major activities of requirements Engineering phase of software development. Distinguish between enduring and volatile requirements. Describe the process of requirement elicitation and analysis with illustration. What are the different methods of requirements discovery? Discuss method Viewpoints in requirements discovery. Discuss method Interviewing in requirements discovery. Write a note on

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

a) Use-case b) Sequence diagram Write a note on c) Ethnography. d) Need of feasibility studies Why is it very difficult to produce a complete and consistent set of requirements? List and explain various techniques of requirements validation. What is the need of requirements management? Write a short note on requirements change management.

CHAPTER 4: System Models, Project Management Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Various system models Concepts of behavior modeling, data modeling and object modeling Management activities Project planning and scheduling Risk management 63. What is a context model? Draw context model for library system. How is the data flow diagram advantageous in requirements analysis process? 64. Explain. 65. Draw a data flow diagram for a library giving brief explanation. 66. Develop a zero level and first level DFD for ATM with suitable specifications? Develop a zero level and first level DFD for payroll system with suitable 67. specification? Draw a DFD for the following application: A salary system which computes employee salary per week and deductions. 68. Input in to the system is a worksheet containing empid, name, and number of hours worked etc. System maintains table holding tax rates and pay rate for various employee classes. The output is the cheque to the employee. Explain the following briefly: 69. a) Object Models b) Data Flow Models c) Generic Models 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Write a note on a) Data dictionary b) CASE Workbench Explain the dynamic nature of state machine model with one example. What is semantic data model? Draw semantic data model of a company. Explain different object models. Write short note on Software project scheduling. Write short note on Risk management. What is the need of software project planning? Explain. Distinguish between milestones and deliverables. Explain the importance of bar charts and activity networks in software project management. Give one example Describe the Risk Management Process. Describe critical risks that need to be

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

protected against. CHAPTER 5: Software Design Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Architectural design various models Object oriented design 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. What do you understand by system architecture? What is the importance of architectural design. Explain repository model and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Explain salient features of client-server model and list its advantages and disadvantages. Explain abstract machine model. Discuss different types of control models in detail. Write short notes on a) Modular decomposition b) Reference architectures Explain the important stages of object oriented development. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of object oriented development. Differentiate between objects and object classes giving suitable examples. Write short notes on a) Sequence model b) Use-case model

CHAPTER 6: Development Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Rapid Application Development Agile methods and Extreme programming Software prototyping Software evolution and maintenance 90. What are the major difficulties with iterative development? Explain. Write short notes on 91. a) Rapid Application Development b) Software prototyping 92. Explain extreme programming in brief. 93. What do you understand by pair programming? 94. What is software prototyping? Discuss advantages and disadvantages. 95. Discuss fourth generation tools used in RAD. 96. How testing is carried out in extreme programming? 97. Explain agile method of software development in detail. 98. What are the legacy systems? Explain. 99. Discuss Lehmans laws of software evolution. 100. Discuss different types of software maintenance. 101. Discuss the key factors that distinguish development and maintenance. 102. Explain evolution process with illustration.
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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

103. 104. 105. 106.

Write short notes on a) System re-engineering b) Legacy systems Explain Re-engineering process in detail. Write short notes on a) Factors for environment assessment b) Factors for application assessment What are the limitations of Software re-engineering?

CHAPTER 7: Verification and Validation Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Planning Verification and Validation Software inspections Software testing Clean room software testing 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Distinguish between verification and validation. What are the static and dynamic techniques of verification and validation? Explain. Explain the process of software inspections and list their benefits and limitations. What is cleanroom software development? Explain with illustration. List advantages and disadvantages also. What are the characteristics of cleanroom software development? Explain debugging process in detail. Differentiate between debugging and testing. Write a note on automated static analysis. Explain the general principles of software inspections. Write short notes on a) Defect testing b) Statistical testing c) Inspection checks d) Inspection and testing e) Inspection team Explain the testing process. Distinguish Black box and White box testing. Discuss the main objectives and principles of software testing. Explain bottom up and top down testing? What is functional testing and how it differs from structural testing? Explain any one method for selecting test cases for functional testing? Write short notes on verification and validation? Write short notes on a) Release testing b) Integration testing c) Performance testing d) Cyclomatic Complexity. Explain the types of interface testing. Explain path testing technique with an example. Explain stress testing. Why is it necessary?


117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125.

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

126. 127. 128. 129.

Write a detailed note on testing workbenches. What is the role of flow graph in software testing? Explain with one example. How is the cyclomatic complexity useful in program testing? Explain. Discuss partition testing with example.

CHAPTER 8: Management Overview: The objective of this topic is to understand the Managing people The People Capability Maturity Model Software Cost Estimation and Estimation Techniques. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. Explain the importance of project staffing. What is the information required for staff selection. What is SEI process maturity model? Explain. Members of a well led, cohesive group are loyal to the group. Justify What are the various factors in people management? Write short notes on group cohesiveness. What are the criteria for staff selection? Also explain issues in selecting staff. Why motivation is important for employees. Explain Maslows Theory of motivation. Write short notes on a) Group Composition b) Group Cohesion c) Group Communication d) Group organization e) Egoless programming List and explain various factors affecting the software pricing. What is meant by software productivity? Explain two important metrics of software productivity. Write a short note on various techniques of cost estimation. What is COCOMO model? Describe its approach to estimate person months. Discuss four sub-models of cost estimation as defined by COCOMO model. Briefly explain how algorithmic cost can be used for estimating software cost.


138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 17

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

WEB PROGRAMMING Subject code: 07MCA43 Faculty: Dr.Ram P Rustagi / Tamal Dey Hours/Week: 04 Total hours: 52

Overview: It is difficult to overestimate the effect of World Wide Web has had on the day-to-day lives of people, at least those in the developed countries, in just a few years; we have learned to use the Web for a myriad of disparate tasks. This course describes basic fundamentals of Web like Internet, Web browsers, Web servers, XHTML origins and evolutions, basic syntax of XHTML, Hypertext, Links, Forms, Frames etc. It gives information of CSS, i.e. cascading style sheets, Introduction of JavaScript, DHTML with Java Script, General characteristics of Java Script, Arrays, functions and Pattern Matching, Dynamic documents with Javascript etc. It also gives brief introduction about XML, DTP definitions, Namespaces and XML Schemas, XSLT style sheets etc. It also describes the need of programming in Perl, CGI scripting etc. The course attempts at teaching how to format web pages, write dynamic interfaces by using java script, write CGI scripts in Perl, link databases to websites and incorporate latest ideas in web usability also to design various Web sites with attractive information and content in the web pages by applying all the above said.

Chapter Class Title/Reference No. Literature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T1 : Page#: 19-112 Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Web, XHTML - 1

Topics to be covered Internet, World Wide Web, Web Browsers Web Servers, URLs, MIME HTTP, Security The Web Programmers Tool Box XHTML: Origins and evolutions of HTML and XHTML Basic syntax, Standard XHTML document structure Basic text markup Images, Hypertext, Links, Lists Tables, Forms, Frames Syntactic Differences between HTML and XHTML Demonstration of basic tags in HTML and designing of a Web page Revision of chapter 1

% of portions to be covered
Reference Chapter Cumulative



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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Chapter 3 : Javascript T1 : Page#: 151-206 Chapter 2: CSS T1 : Page#: 113-150

Introduction: Levels of Style sheets, Style specification formats Selector forms, Property value forms Font Properties, List properties, Color, Alignment of text The box model, background image The <Span> and <Div> tags Conflict resolution, demonstration of basic tags and properties used in CSS Overview of Javascript, Object orientation and Javascript General syntactic characteristics Primitives, operations and expressions Screen output and Keyboard Input, Control statements Object creation and modification, Arrays, Functions Constructor, Pattern Matching using regular expressions Errors in script and examples Demonstration of various functions used in Javascript through a web page The Javascript execution environment, The document object model Element access in Javascript Events and event handling Chapter 4: Handling events from body elements, Javascript and Button elements HTML Documents, Handling events from Text box and Dynamic Password elements documents with The DOM2 event model Javascript Navigator Object, DOM tree traversal and T1 : Page#: 207-246 modification Introduction to dynamic content, T1 : Page#: 247-282 positioning elements, moving elements Element visibility, Changing of color and fonts, Dynamic content Stacking elements, Locating the mouse cursor, Reacting to mouse click, Slow movement of elements 12 35





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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Chapter 6: Perl, CGI Programming T1 : Page# : 329-366 T1 : Page# : 367-403 T1 : Page#: 283-328 Chapter 5: XML

Dragging and dropping of elements and demo of all above functionalities using Web page Introduction: Syntax, Document Structure Document type definitions Name Spaces, XML Schema Displaying raw XML documents Displaying XML documents with CSS XSLT style sheets, XML processors, Web Services, Demo of all above functionalities using Web page Origins and uses of Perl, Scalars and their operations Assignment statements and simple input and output Control statements, Fundamentals of arrays Hashes, References Functions, Pattern Matching File Input and output, Examples The Common Gateway Interface CGI Linkage, Query String format, module A survey example, Cookies, Demonstration of various Perl and CGI programs Revision 19 100 12 81

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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Literature: Publication info Edition 4th Edition 3rd Edition 3rd Edition -Publisher Pearson Education Pearson Education/PHI Wiley India Year 2008

Book Type


Title& Author Programming the World Wide WebRobert.W.Sebesta Internet and World Wide Web- M.Dietel, P.J.Dietel, A.B.Goldberg Web Programming Building Internet Applications- Chris Bates The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming-Xue Bai et al;

Text Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book









Test 1: Chapter 1 & 2 Test 2: Chapter 3 & 4 Test 3: Chapter 5 & 6

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

QUESTION BANK Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Web, XHTML Overview: The objective of this chapter is provide fundamentals of Web, Internet, Web browsers, Web servers and Hypertext transfer protocols and security. 1. Explain the following a. What is the form of IP Address? b. What is the task of DNS name server? c. What is the purpose of telnet? 2. Brief about origins and evolution of Internet. 3. How do partial paths to documents work in web server? 4. What is hyper text? Explain HTTP in brief. 5. Explain the following i) Virtual host ii) Proxy Server iii) Virtual document tree iv) Plug-in v) XHTML converter 6. What is the relation between Java and Javascript? 7. How many different tags are predefined in an XML based Markup Language. 8. What is the purpose of MIME type specification in a request/response transaction between browser and server? 9. Describe the purposes of five most commonly used HTTP methods. 10. Explain the following a. purpose of the Accept field in HTTP request b. Why response header field is often required? c. What important capability is lacking in markup language. 11. Clearly define the following terms: (1) HTML (2) XML (3) WWW 12. Describe a fully qualified domain name and explain how fully qualified domain names are translated into IP. 13. What is XML? List some advantages and disadvantages of using XML. 14. How is Comments shown in HTML? Explain its Purpose. 15. What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol? Describe the purposes of the five most commonly used HTTP Methods. 16. Differentiate between Web and Internet. 17. Create an HTML pages which demonstrates the use of 3 types of list created with a table. Also explain the related tags used. 18. What is the difference between HTML and XHTML? Explain. 19. What is the difference in the effect of paragraph tag, break tag and pre tag? 20. Write the difference between frames and forms. Create a simple frame set to display two pages at the same time. 21. Create a form to accept name, age, address, E-mail id and comments. 22. What is the document type declaration and why it is needed?

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23. What is the role of HTML form? Create a simple form which accepts name, address location and comments, by writing HTML code. Chapter 2: CSS Overview: The objective of this is chapter is provide information about different levels of style sheets, specification formats, Lists and their properties, Background images, Span and div style tags etc 24. What is the advantage of document-level style sheets over inline style sheets? 25. What is the purpose of external style sheets? What is format of external style sheets? 26. What are the five generic fonts used in style sheets? How to use a list font type property? 27. Why background images must be chosen with care? 28. What are the three ways color property values can be specified? 29. What is the purpose of <span> and <div> tags? What layout information does a <span> tag by itself indicate to the browser? 30. Create an external sheet for the chapters of the web programming text book. 31. What is a CSS? Describe the different levels of style sheets and their precedence. 32. List and explain the variety of selector forms with example. 33. Describe the different ways that styles can be added to a page with example. 34. What is a layer? 35. Describe briefly about defining your own styles. Chapter 3 & 4: Java Script and HTML documents, Dynamic documents with Java Script Overview: This chapter gives insight of Javascript, document object model and its usage with Javascript and event handling in java script. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Describe briefly three major differences between Java and Java script. Describe briefly three major uses of Java script on the client side. What are the two categories of properties in JavaScript? Why does JavaScript have two categories of data variables, primitives and objects? What purpose do rules of operator precedence and associativity serve in a programming language? 41. Describe the operation of prompt method. 42. What are the three possible forms of control expressions in JavaScript? 43. What is the difference between while and do. While statements? What are the semantics of break statement? 44. What is the difference between constructor in Java and in JavaScript? 45. Describe the two ways of the properties of an object can be referenced. 46. What is the one way in which primitive variables can be passed by reference to a function? 47. Write, test, and debug (if necessary) XHTML files that can include JavaScript for the following problems. When required to write functions, you must include a script to test the function with at least two different data sets 1. Output: A table of numbers from 5 to 15 and their squares and cubes using alert. 2. Output: the first 20 fibonacci numbers, which are defined as the following sequence 1,1,2,3. 48. What is an event? What is event handler? How the events are handled? 49. Describe the approach to addressing XHTML elements using
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a) b) 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.


forms and elements name attributes What are the advantages and disadvantages of assigning event handlers to properties? What three things should be done when a form input element is found to have incorrectly formatted data? Explain three phases of event processing in DOM2 event model. Define and explain a dynamic XHTML document. Describe all differences between three possible values of the position property. What events can be used to change a font when the mouse cursor is moved over and away from the element? Describe two ways to embed a java script in a XHTML document. Give example for each. Explain string properties and methods in Javascript. Write and test XHTML and Javascript files for reading three numbers using prompt to get each and output the largest of three numbers. With an example, give the basic structure of a Java script. List the benefits and problems with Java script. Explain basic array functions in Java script. What are the benefits of Java script? With an example give the basic structure of a javascript. Explain with example any four string functions used in java script. Write and test a regular expression, which swaps the first two words of a string. Create a simple HTML page which includes simple form write a script to extract the data from the form when the submit button is clicked. Display the extracted data in a new document. Explain clearly the functioning of javascript key words new, this and dot operators. What is an array? Write a script which accepts inputs from the user, stores all the strings in an array and then displays them in reverse order. Write a script which contains the various types of loops. Print out the loop counter each that the script iterates. List and explain various functions defined in the document object and window object of a Java script. What are events in the Java Script? Explain, also list the eight javascript events. What is a DOM? Describe the DOM structure for a simple document. Describe the approach to addressing XHTML elements using (1) Forms and Elements (2) Name attribute (3) get Element by ID What is an event and event handler? List any five most commonly used attributes related to events, tags that can include the attributes and circumstances under which the associated events are created. A web page has two fields, to accept name and age of a person. Develop javascript to validate these fields.

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Chapter 5: XML Overview: The objective of this chapter is to provide a brief description of XML and some of its characteristics, providing explanation of Name Spaces, DTDs , XSLT Style sheets and Web Services 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Bring out differences in Goals of XML and Goals of HTML. Explain the parsing of XML documents. What is the purpose of DTD and explain how to find errors in DTD before it is used? Explain three types that can be used to describe data in an element declaration. What are four possible parts of an attribute declaration in DTD? What is a XML Namespace? Explain the usage in brief. What are the advantages of XML schemas over DTDs? Where do the names used from in defining XML Schema? Explain the ultimate goals of Webservices. Describe three roles in Web Services. What are the four categories of complex types in an XML Schema? What is the purpose of DTD? Explain how elements, attributes are declared in DTD with an example. Why would you use a CSS-style sheet for an XML documents? Define the purpose of XSLT style sheet. How does an XSLT processor use an XSLT style sheet with an XML document?

Chapter 6: Perl, CGI Programming Overview: The objective of this chapter is to give description about Perl, introduction and operations in Perl, using of control statements, arrays, introduction to new data structures such as hashes, references, functions and pattern matching in Perl, Handling File Input and Output etc. 85. What are the three categories of Perl variables? How many numeric data types does perl have? 86. What is file handle? How it works? 87. Why does Perl have two sets of relational operators? 88. What are the fundamental ways in which hashes differ from arrays? 89. In what three fundamental ways do Perl arrays differ from the arrays of other common high-level programming languages? 90. Describe the following a. Two parameters from substitute operator. b. Transliterate operator c. Four file use specifications 91. What are the three categories of operations that are essential in Web documents but that cannot be done with XHTML? 92. What is the most common way for a client to provide information to the server? 93. How is the CGI program that processes a form reside on the server that provided the form to the client? 94. Explain the following a. Form data
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b. c. d. 95. 96. 97. 98.

Query string Cookies module What are three categories of perl variables? Give example for each. What a file handle? Explain how files can be opened for input and output in perl. Describe basics of perl functions. What is query string? Explain how query string is transmitted into the server with get and post method. 99. What are cookies? Where cookies are stored? What is form of the value of a cookie. 100. What is the purpose of the shortcuts in CGI.PM? 101. What are the basic data types in Perl? 102. Explain briefly text handling facilities provided by Perl. 103. Write a perl program which uses built in Perl function to get the current system time and date, format that information and print it to the screen. 104. What is CGI? How parsing of data is done using Get and Post Methods. 105. What is a Cookie? Explain creating, reading and deleting cookie. 106. What is strict? Explain. 107. With a diagram explain Perl DBI module. 108. List the six benefits of using rather than writing your own code. 109. List the benefits of Perl Programming Language. 110. What are the basic data types in Perl? How Perl variable can acts a string and number. 111. Explain briefly different looping structures in Perl, giving examples. 112. Explain briefly how HTML pages can be created dynamically using CGI. 113. Write a Perl script which accepts string inputs from the user, stores all of them in an array and displays them in the reverse order. 114. Design a CGI script to demonstrate uploading of files to a WEB server.

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Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Subject Code: 07MCA44 Faculty: Mrs. A. Lekha Hrs/Week: 04 Total Hrs: 52

Overview: An algorithm is a systematic method that contains a sequence of instructions to solve a computational problem. They play a central role in the study of Computer Science. Several algorithms were developed for different problems and we now have several algorithms for the same problem with different design techniques. This course mainly deals with understanding of the different design techniques. It is done by studying the nature of several algorithms. Analysis methods are used to decide whether the algorithms are time or space efficient and where to use them.

Class No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Chapter Title/Reference Literature Chapter 1: Introduction T1: 29-65

Topics to be covered Notion of Algorithm Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving Important Problem Types Fundamental Data Structures Fundamental Data Structures Analysis Framework Asymptotic Notations Basic efficiency classes Mathematical Analysis of Recursive algorithms Mathematical Analysis of Non recursive algorithms Examples Selection Sort, Bubble Sort Sequential Search, String Matching Exhaustive Search Merge sort Quick Sort Binary Search, Binary tree Traversals and related properties Multiplication of large integers Stressens Matrix Multiplication

% of portions covered Chapter Cumulative wise



Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency T1: 67-109



Chapter 3: Brute Force T1: 123-131, 140-146 Chapter 4: Divide and Conquer T1: 149-174





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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Chapter 5: Decrease and Conquer T1: 183-207

Chapter 6: Transform-and Conquer T1: 223-227,240-255, 263-273

Chapter 7: Space and Time Tradeoffs T1: 275-296 Chapter 8: Dynamic Programming T1: 305-318, 325-330 Chapter 9: Greedy Technique T1: 333-359 Chapter 10: Limitations of Algorithm Power T1: 405-427 Chapter 11: Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power T1: 441-477

Insertion sort Depth First Search Breadth First Search Topological Sorting Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial Objects Presorting Balanced Search Trees AVL Trees AVL Trees Continued 2-3 Trees Heaps Heap sort Problem Reduction Sorting by Counting Input Enhancement in String Matching Input Enhancement in String Matching Hashing. Computing a binomial coefficient Wars halls Algorithms Floyds Algorithms The Knapsack Problem Memory Functions Prims Algorithm Kruskals Algorithm Dijkstras Algorithm Huffman Trees Lower-bound Arguments Decision Trees P, NP Problems NP-Complete Problems Backtracking Branch-and-Bound Approximation Algorithm for NP-Hard problems















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Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Literature Book Type Code Title & Author Title : Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Author : Anany Levitin, 2nd Edition Title : Computer Algorithms Authors : Horowitz E., Sahani S., Rajasekharan S Title : Introduction to Algorithms Authors : Coremen T.H., Leiserson C.E., and Rivest R. L. Publication Info. Publisher Pearson Education

Year 2003

Text Book Reference Book Reference Book



Galgotia Publications





Test 1: Chapter 1, 2 & 3 Test 2: Chapter 4, 5 & 6 Test 3: Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11

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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Question Bank Chapter 1: Introduction Overview: This chapter deals with the basic understanding of algorithms and fundamental data structures. 1 2 3 4 Explain the term Algorithm, with its properties. Give one example Explain each step in Fundamentals of Algorithm Problem Solving. What are the important problem types in ADA? Explain them. Explain the terms with one example-a) Binary Tree b) Complete Binary Tree c) Binary Search Tree d) Siblings e) Forest 5 Explain the various stages of algorithm design and analysis process with the help of a flow chart. 6 Let A be the adjacency matrix of a graph. Which property of the matrix indictes that 1. The graph is an undirected graph. 2. The graph is a complete graph. Give examples 7 What is the advantage of first child-next sibling representation of a tree. Explain with an example Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency Overview: This chapter deals with the asymptotic notations and basic efficiency classes and mathematical analysis 8 When do you call an algorithm is stable and algorithm is in place? 9 Write an Algorithm for Sequential Search, Discuss Worst case, Best Case and average-Case Efficiencies of this Algorithm 10Discuss the three Asymptotic Notations. 11List the basic efficiency classes according to their order of complexities. 12With an example Discuss Mathematical Analysis of a Non Recursive Algorithm. 13With an example Discuss Mathematical Analysis of a Recursive Algorithm. 14Define space and time complexities of an algorithm. Explain the concept of Asymptotic notations, indicating the commonly used notations. 15Write a recursive algorithm to find the number of digits in the binary representation of a positive decimal integer and analyze.

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Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Chapter 3: Brute Force Overview: This chapter deals with the asymptotic notations and basic efficiency classes and mathematical analysis 16 Explain Brute Force Method, Write an Algorithm for Sorting an Array Using Brute Force Method, Analyze it for its Complexity. 17 Write the brute force string matching algorithm and analyze the same for best, average and worst cases. 18 Discuss TSP and Knapsack Problem using Exhaustive Search Technique. Chapter 4: Divide and Conquer Overview: This chapter deals with the best known general algorithm design technique. 19 Design an algorithm for finding the maximum and minimum of a given array A(1,n) of unordered numbers and determine the worst case time complexity. 20 Compare consecutive pairs of elements and then, compare the larger one with the current maximum and the smaller one with current minimum in turn find the maximum and minimum. Write an algorithm for this and analyses the number of comparisons it requires. 21 Explain Selection sort and Bubble sort with its complexities. 22 Discuss sequential search and Brute Force String Matching Algorithm. With its complexities. 23 Explain Merge sort with its complexities. 24 Explain Quick sort with its complexities. Trace the algorithm with an example. 25 Explain Binary Search with its complexities. 26 Explain Binary Tree Traversals and Related Properties. 27 Explain the divide and conquer algorithm for the Multiplication of Large Integers. 28 Discuss the Strassens Matrix Multiplication method and derive its complexities. 29 Discuss Master Theorem. 30 Write an algorithm for quick sort and illustrate it with the following input 5, 8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 4 31 Explain the procedure to multiply two large integers based on divide and conquer strategy and analyze. Chapter 5: Decrease and Conquer Overview: This chapter deals with a technique that is based on exploiting the relationship between a solution to a given instance of a problem and a solution to a smaller instance of the same problem. 32 33 34 35 Explain Insertion Sort and find the best, worst and average case complexities. Explain DFS and BFS. Explain Toplogical sorting with an application. Write an Algorithm for generating permutations.

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36 Discuss the process of generating subsets. 37 Write an algorithm for DFS traversal and apply that to the graph shown starting with vertex g. Also write the corresponding DFS forest.

38 Explain Johnson-Trotter Algorithm for generating permutation. Illustrate this with n = 3. Chapter 6: Transform and Conquer Overview: This chapter deals with a group of design methods that are based on the idea of transformation. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Discuss the Transform and Conquer Technique. Explain Presorting with its complexities. Discuss an algorithm to calculate the mode of an array. Write a note on Balanced Search Trees. What are AVL trees? Discuss the four types of rotations with its general form. Discuss 2-3 trees. Construct 2-3 tree with a suitable example. Define Heap and discuss the process of construction of Heap with an example. Discuss Heap sort technique and derive its complexities. Discuss Problem Reduction Techniques with examples. Write an algorithm to compute the mode of an array using presorting. Construct an AVL tree for the following list of numbers by inserting the elements successively: 6,2,1,8,7,5

Chapter 6: Space and Time Tradeoffs Overview: This chapter deals with a well known issue for both theoreticians and practitioners of computing. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Explain Sorting by Counting with example. Write an algorithm for Distribution counting. Write Horspools Algorithm for String Matching. Write a note on Space and Time tradeoff. Discuss Boyer-Moore Algorithm for String Matching. Explain Open Hashing and Closed Hashing. What is input enhancement? Discuss the Horspool-string matching algorithm and apply this algorithm to search for the pattern BAOBAB in the text BESS-KNEW-ABOUT-BAOBABS.

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Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Chapter 7: Dynamic Programming Overview: This chapter deals with a technique that is used to solve problems with overlapping sub-problems. 57 58 59 60 61 Write an algorithm for Computing Binomial Coefficient. Explain Warshalls Algorithm With an example. Explain Floyds Algorithm With an example. Write an algorithm to solve Knapsack Problem using Memory Functions. Give a pseudo code for Warshalls algorithm for computing the transitive closure of a digraph. Apply this to the graph

62 Explain the concept of Huffmann trees with necessary algorithms. Chapter 8: Greedy Technique Overview: This chapter deals with a general design technique that is more applicable to optimization problems. 63 64 65 66 67 68 Explain Greedy Technique. Write Prims Algorithm to construct a minimum spanning tree. Explain Kruskals Algorithm With an example. Explain Dijkstras Algorithm With an example. Write a note on Huffman Trees. Construct a Huffman code for the following data: Character : A B C D Probability : 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15 69 Solve the single source shortest path problem for the graph shoen by considering a as the source vertex

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Chapter 9: Limitations of Algorithm Power Overview: This chapter deals with the limits of the power of algorithms 70 Write note on Lower Bound Arguments. 71 Write note on Decision Trees. 72 Write note on P, NP, and NP-complete Problems Chapter 10: Coping with Limitations of Algorithm Power Overview: This chapter deals ways of dealing with difficult problems that are difficult to solve algorithmically. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Explain Backtracking method with the help of n-Queens Problem. Explain Hamiltonian Circuit Problem using Backtracking technique. Explain Subset- Sum Problem using Backtracking technique. Explain Branch and Bound Technique with Knapsack Problem. Explain Branch and Bound Technique with TSP Problem. Explain Branch and Bound Technique with assignment problem. Solve the following traveling salesman problem by branch and bound Technique. Cost matrix for this problem is given below: 2 5 7 2 8 3 5 8 1 7 3 1

80 Explain Branch and Bound technique. Apply this to the following instance of Knapsack problem Item Weight Value Value/Weight 1 4 40 10 2 7 42 6 3 5 25 5 4 3 12 4 Knapsack capacity W = 10

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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

UNIX SYSTEM PROGRAMMING Subject Code : 07MCA 452 Faculty : Meena L Hours/week: 04 Total hours: 52

Overview: UNIX system programming, on the other hand, is a course that combines programming languages and Unix operating systems. Commands or Shell commands are composed of executing a program, terminating a process, querying system information, compiling a piece of user program, debugging program, reading mail, running a browser, etc., Unix operating systems are varied from vender to vender though some Unix standards have been built such as ANSI C, POSIX and X/Open. It provides a set of application programming interface functions known as system calls which may be called by users programs to perform system specific functions. It also includes inter process communication like message queues, shared memories etc and network programming using sockets, certain utilities and threads. Chapter Title / Reference Literature % Of portions to be covered Reference Cumulative Chapter

Class No. 1.

Topics to be covered The ANSI C standard, The ANSI/ISO C++ standard, Differences between ANSI C and C++ The POSIX standard The POSIX.1 FIPS standard ,The X/OPEN standards The POSIX APIs, The UNIX and POSIX development Environment, API common characteristic File Types, UNIX and POSIX file system The UNIX and POSIX file attributes, Inodes in UNIX system V, Application program interface to files ,UNIX Kernal support for files Relationship of C stream pointers and file descriptors, Directory files, Hard and symbolic links General file APIs-read Creat, read, write, close Fcntl, lseek Link, unlink Stat , fstat Access, chmod, fchmod Chown,fchown,lchown, utime

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Chapter: 1 Introduction T1: Page No 2 to 18 & 125-128



Chapter: 2 Unix Files T1: Page 130 to 144



Chapter: 3 Unix File APIs

T1: page 148 to 203



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18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

File and record locking directory file APIs Device file APIs FIFO file APIs, Symbolic link file APIs Introduction to environment of a UNIX process, main function, process termination Environment list, Memory layout of a C program, Shared libraries, Memory allocation Environment variables, setjmp and longjmp functions getrlimit and setrlimit functions UNIX kernel support for processes process identifiers, fork vfork, exit, Wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4 functions, Race conditions, exec functions changing user IDs and group Ids, interpreter files, System function process accounting, Use identification, process times terminal login, Network logins Process groups, sessions, controlling terminal Tcgetgrp and tcsetpgrp functions, job control Shell execution of programs, Orphaned process groups The UNIX kernel support for signals Signal, signal mask Sigaction, the SIGCHLD signal and the waitpid function Sigsetjmp, siglongjmp functions, kill Alarm, Interval timers, POSIX.1b Timers Introduction to daemon processes, Daemon characterstics, Coding rules Error logging Single-instance daemons, daemon conventions, client server model pipes popen and pclose functions Coprocesses, FIFOs XSI IPC, Message Queues Semaphores Socket descriptors, addressing

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Chapter : 4 & 5 Unix Processes & Process control



T2: Page 179 to 259

38. Chapter: 6 39. Signals And 40. Daemon Process 41. 42. T1: Page 261 to 43. 282 44. T2: Page 423 to 439 45. Chapter: 7 & 8 46. Interprocess 47. Communicatio n and Network IPC 48. Sockets





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49. 50. T2:Page 427 to 51. 471 52. T2: Page 495 to 82

Addressing Connection establishment Data transfer Socket options: out of band data; onblocking and asynchronous I/O

Literature: -

Book Code


Book Name

Publishers Prentice Hall India Prentice Hall India


Text Text

T1 T2

Terrance Chan W Richard Stevens

UNIX System Programming using C++ Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

1999 2005

Test 1: Chapter 1, 2, 3 (Up to Class No. 16) Test 2: Chapter 3 (from Class No. 17 21), 4, 5 Test 3: Chapter 6, 7, 8

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Chapter1: Introduction Overview: It gives an overview of the ANSI C, draft ANSI/ISO C++ and the POSIX standards. 1) Difference between ANSI C and C++ standards. 2) List out all POSIX.1 and POSIX.1b defined configuration limits in manifested constants with compile time limit, minimum value and meaning. 3) What is POSIX standard? Explain different subsets of POSIX standard . Write the structure of the program to filter out non-POSIX compliant codes from a user program. 4) Write a C++ program that prints the POSIX defined configuration options supported on any given system using feature test macros Chapter2: UNIX files Overview: It provides a set of API functions which may be called by the users programs to perform system specific functions. 5) What is an API? How they are different from C library functions? Calling an API is more Time-consuming than calling a user function. 6) Explain the different file types available in UNIX or POSIX systems 7) Describe the UNIX kernel support for files. 8) Explain UNIX kernel support for files with a neat data structure. Chapter3: UNIX file APIs Overview: This describes how the UNIX and POSIX applications interface with files. It covers different types of file system like regular file, directory file, FIFO file, character device file, block device file, symbolic link file. 9) Differentiate between hard link and symbolic links with an example . 10) Describe FIFO and device file classes. 11) Explain how fcntl API can be used for file and record Locking Chapter4: UNIX process Overview: What the typical memory layout looks like , how to allocate additional memory how the process can use environmental variables and different ways for the process to terminate. 12) Describe the UNIX kernel support for process. Show the related data structure. 13)Explain briefly the memory layout of a C program. Chapter5: Process control Overview: This includes the creation of new process, executing Programs and process termination. User and group IDs and how they are affected by the process control primitives 14) What is fork and vfork? Explain with an example for each. 15) What is a zombie process? Write a program in C++/C to avoid zombie process by forking
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twice 16) What is job control? Summarize the job control features with a fig 17) Explain different exec functions. Describe how their function differ from each other 18) Explain process of changing user and group ID of files 19) Explain different exec functions. Describe how their functions differ from each other. Write a program that execs an interpreter file. 20) Explain how process accounting is done in UNIX system. Write a program to generate accounting data and give its data structure 21) What is meant by job control? What support is required for job control? Explain with example 22) What is controlling terminal explain its characteristics and relation to session and process groups Chapter 6: Signals and Daemon process Overview: This chapter covers signals and daemons. Signals are triggered by events and are posted on a process to notify it that something has happened and requires some action. Daemons are process that live for along time. Usually they run in the background. We discuss about how to write a daemon and how to control it. 23) Explain with prototypes kill function, sigsetjmp and siglongjmp APIs 24)Discuss daemon characteristics and coding rules 25) Write a program in C to st up a real time clock internal time using alarm API. #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #define INTERVAL 5 void callme( int sig_no ) { alarm( INTERVAL ); /* do scheduled tasks */ } int main() { struct sigaction action; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); #ifdef SOLARIS_25 action.sa_handler = (void (*)(int))callme; #else action.sa_handler = (void (*)())callme; #endif action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
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if ( sigaction( SIGALRM,&action,0)==-1 ) perror( "sigaction"); return 1; } if (alarm( INTERVAL ) == -1) perror("alarm" ); else while( 1 ) {

/* do normal operation */ 26) Give an overview of IPC methods 27) Explain p open and p close functions with prototypes and write a program to demonstrate the p open and p close functions 28) What are named pipes? Explain with example the use of l seek , link , access with their prototype and argument values 29) What is the need for sigproc mask function? 30) Write a short note on: a) Environment list b) Semaphores c) Client d) Coprocesses 31) What is a signal? Explain signal mask with example 32) Discuss daemon characteristics and coding rules 33) What are pipes? Explain their limitations explain how pipes are created and used in ipc with example 34) Write a short note on: a) inodes b)FIFO files c) Environment variable d) pipes 35) Explain the different file types available in POSIX with the command types that can be used to create the file types 36) Explain the actions taken by the kernel when the process calls the open function to open a file 37) Explain the access mode flags and access modifier flags .Also explain how the permission value specified in an open call is modified by its calling process unmask value. Illustrate with an example. 38) Explain the use of the following APIs with example i) fcntl ii)lseek iii)write iv)close 39) With suitable examples explain various directory file APIs 40) Explain briefly the memory layout of a C program 41) With an example explain the use of setjmp and longjmp functions 42) Explain different exec functions. Describe how the function differ from each other . 43) What is a signal? Explain signal mask with example. 44) Discuss daemon characteristics and coding rules 45) What is message queue? Explain client server communication using a message queue 46) Write a program to create a pipe from the parent to child and send the data down the pipe
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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

#include <sys/wait.h> #include "ourhdr.h" Int main(void) { char line[MAXLINE]; FILE *fpin; if ( (fpin = popen("myuclc", "r")) == NULL) err_sys("popen error"); for ( ; ; ) { fputs("prompt> ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fpin) == NULL) /* read from pipe */ break; if (fputs(line, stdout) == EOF) err_sys("fputs error to pipe"); } if (pclose(fpin) == -1) err_sys("pclose error"); putchar('\n'); exit(0); 47) Write short notes on the following a) Memory allocation b) Pipes c) Job control d) UNIX files Chapter 7 & 8: Interprocess communication-1 and Sockets Overview: This chapter provides examination of IPC like pipes, FIFO, message queues, semaphores and shared memory. It also gives introduction to sockets and connection establishment. 48) Describe different to view a pipe. 49) Explain popen and pclose functions with program. 50) What is a coprocesses? Write a simple filter to add two numbers. 51) What is FIFO? Explain how to duplicate output streams and client server communication using FIFO. 52) What is semaphores? Discuss about it. 53) Discuss about socket and write a program to implement sockets. 54) How to establish connection between client and server? 55) Write short note on XSI IPC and message queues.

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS Subject Code: 07 MCA453 Faculty: P.Sreenivas Hours / Week: 04 Total Hours: 52

Overview: Multimedia has become a popular technology in the ever-changing world of computers. Since last few years, it seems to be much sought after the talked about, not only in the World of Information Technology, but also in various functional fields like advertisement, corporate sector, cinema, fashion design and education, to name a few. More and more research work on this new technology of sound, animation and text, is making it better and better with every passing day. It is one of the most realistic ways of working even for people having no knowledge of computers. It targets people from almost all ages of life from a toddler to an aged one.
Chapter Title/Reference Literature Class # Topics to be covered % of portions to be covered Refer ence Cumulative Chap ter

Multimedia Applications, Architecture

Elements, Multimedia Multimedia system

3 Chapter1: Introduction, Media and Data streams, Audio Technology T2 Pgno 1-50 T1 pgno 23-31 & 37-59

6 7 Chapter 2: Graphics and Images, Video Technology, Computer based animation T1 Pgno 61-93 & 95-109

Evolving technologies for Multimedia Systems, Defining objects for multimedia systems, Multimedia different interface standards The need for data compression, Multimedia databases Media: Perception media, Representation media, Presentation media, Storage media, Characterizing continuous media streams. Sound: Frequency, Amplitude, Sound Perception and Psychoacoustics Audio representation on computers, Three dimensional sound projection, Music and MIDI standards, Speech signals, Speech output, input and transmission Capturing Graphics and Images Computer Assisted Graphics and Image processing: Reconstructing images Reconstructing images, Graphics and Image output options Basics of television digitalization of video signals systems,



8 9



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Course outline 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Chapter 5: Optical Storage Media T1 Pgno 186-218 Chapter 4: Data Compression-II T1 Pgno 153-182 Chapter 3: Data Compression-I T1 Pgno 121-151

Semester: IV Session: Jan 2011 May 2011 Digitization of video signals, digital television: basic concepts Basic concepts of animations, methods of controlling animation Methods of controlling animation, display of animation Display of animation, transmission of animation Virtual reality modeling language Storage space: Coding requirements, Source Entropy and hybrid coding Basic compression techniques, JPEG: Image preparation, Lossy sequential 12 38 DCT based mode Lossy sequential DCT based mode, Expanded Lossy DCT based mode Expanded Lossy DCT based mode Loss less mode, Hierarchical mode H.261 (Px64) and H.263 an introduction H.261 (Px64) and H.263 an introduction, Image preparation, coding algorithms Data stream, H.263+ and H.263L, MPEG:Video encoding Video encoding, audio encoding, Data stream Data stream, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 MPEG-4, MPEG-7, Fractal compression History of optical storage, Basic technology: Video discs and other WORMs Video discs and other WORMs, Compact disc digital audio Compact disc read only memory, CDROM extended Architecture Further CD-ROM based developments, Compact Disc recordable Further CD-ROM based developments, Compact Disc recordable, Compact-Disc Magneto-Optical Compact disc read/write, Digital Versatile Disc 12 62



31 32 33 34 Chapter 6: Content Analysis T1 Pgno 222-249

Simple Vs Complex Features Simplex vs Complex features, Analysis of Individual images 12 74

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Course outline 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Chapter 8: Multimedia Application Design T2 Pgno 380-240

Semester: IV Session: Jan 2011 May 2011 Analysis of Individual images, Analysis of Image sequences Analysis of image sequences Analysis of Image sequences, Audio analysis Audio Analysis and applications Rich Text Format- Tiff File format Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) MIDI file format JPEG DIB file format for still and Motion images AVI Indeo file format AVI Indeo file format, MPEG standards MPEG standards, TWAIN Multimedia Application classes, Types of multimedia systems Types of multimedia systems, Virtual reality design Virtual reality design, Components of multimedia systems Organizing Multimedia databases, Application workflow design issues Application workflow design issues, Distributed application Design issues Revision of important topics Revision 2 Discussion of Question papers (previous) 100 10 98 14 88

Chapter 7: Data and file Format Standards T2 Pgno 124-186




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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

LITERATURE: Book Type Text Book code Title and Author Multimedia Fundamentals:Vol1Media coding and content processing-Ralf Steinmetz, Klara narstedt. Multimedia Systems DesignPrabhat k Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar Multimedia Communication Systems: techniques, standards and Networks-K.R.Rao,Zoran S.Bojkovic and Dragorad A.Milovanovic Multimedia information Networking-nalin k Sharad Publication Specification Edition Publication Year



Pearson education/PHI


Text Book


PHI Pearson Education


Reference Book Reference Book






Test1: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Test2: Chapter 4, 5, 6 Test3: Chapter 6, 7, 8

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Question Bank Unit-1: Introduction, Media Streams, Audio Technology Objective: The objective of this chapter is to present the basic definition of the various data elements and applications sources associated with multimedia and the requirements of the universal multimedia applications, object types and specialized technologies used in multimedia systems are introduced in this chapter. Also different terms used in multimedia are described in this chapter and Important aspects of audio technology such as psychoacoustics, music and the MIDI interface standards and speech synthesis are described in this chapter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Define and explain what constitutes a multimedia system. Explain various Multimedia Elements in brief. What are the different applications of Multimedia? Explain Multimedia architecture with a neat diagram. What are the different technologies that are evolved for Multimedia systems? Explain. What is the need of Data compression? Explain. Explain different Multimedia Data Interface standards. What is the difference between Lossy data compression and Lossless data compression? Explain about Multimedia databases. Explain about various types of media used in Multimedia systems. What are the key properties of Multimedia system. What is sound, frequency, amplitude and psychoacoustics? Explain about three-dimensional sound projection in brief. What is MIDI standard? Explain in brief. Explain the speech synthesis in brief. What is speech recognition? Explain in brief. How speech is transmitted? Explain. Explain the following i) speech input ii) Source Encoding

Unit-2 Graphics and Images, Video Technology and Compute-based Animation Objective: This chapter describes computerized graphics and images, their respective properties and how they can be acquired, manipulated, and output on computers. Also this chapter describes concepts and developments in the area of video technology for a basic understanding of this medium and covers primary computer based animation, medium used for this animation etc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Explain various types of image formats. Explain how to create graphics in Multimedia Systems. Explain Image Analysis in brief. Explain Image Segmentation and Image Recognition in brief. Explain Image Synthesis in brief. What is Stereoscopy? Explain in brief. What is Dithering? Explain. How Video signals are represented? Explain. Explain different Video signal formats. Explain about HDTV in brief. Explain digitalization process of video signals. Explain different methods of controlling animation. What is VRML? Explain in brief.

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Course outline Semester: IV Session: Jan 2011 May 2011 Unit-3 Data Compression-I Objective: This chapter describes different and efficient compression techniques of audio and video using some standards. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Explain Source, Entropy and Source Coding in brief and bring out the differences between them. Explain different basic compression techniques in brief. Explain Huffman coding with a example. What is JPEG? Explain in brief. Explain how images are prepared under JPEG? Explain the technique Lossy Sequential DCT-based Mode. Bring out the differences between Lossless mode and Hierarchical Mode. What is Entropy encoding? Explain in brief.

Unit-4 Data Compression-2 Objective: This chapter describes various standards such as H.261 (px64) and H.263, different coding algorithms and various encoding and decoding methods etc

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Explain in brief H.263 (px64) and H.263. Explain Image preparation under H.261 What is MPEG? Explain. Explain video encoding and Audio encoding under MPEG in brief. Explain MPEG-2 in brief. What is Fractal Compression? Explain in brief.

Unit-5 Optical Storage Media Objective: This chapter describes different storage media such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs and technologies associated with those media and standards used in those media. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain basic underlying technology of Optical Storage Media. Explain CD-ROM technology and their limitations in brief. Explain CD-R technology in brief. What is DVD? Explain different standards of DVD in brief. Explain about CD-ROM extended architecture.

Unit-6 Content Analysis Objective: This chapter describes currently available content analysis techniques inherent to various media. Also describes various analysis methods of individual images and image sequences 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain individual images are analysed. Explain how image sequences are analysed. What is Audio analysis? How it is performed? What are the applications of Content Analysis?

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Unit -7 Data and File Format Standards Objective: this chapter describes various data and file format standards such as RTF, TIFF file format, RIFF, JPEG DBI format and AVI Indeo file format, MPEG standards and TWAIN. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain RTF in brief. What is TIFF file format? Explain in detail. What is RIFF file format? Explain in detail. Explain in detail about MIDI. Explain the following i) AVI Indeo file format ii) MPEG standards Explain about TWAIN in detail.

Unit-8 Multimedia Application Design Objective: This chapter describes various multimedia application classes, types of multimedia systems such home/entertainment systems, business systems, issues related to Virtual Reality Design, components of multimedia systems and organizing of Multimedia databases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is workflow? Explain benefits of Workflow Management. Explain different Multimedia application classes. What are different types of multimedia systems? Explain about Virtual Reality Design in brief What are Multimedia inputs and outputs? What are various Virtual reality Design considerations? What are components of Multimedia Systems? Explain how to organize multimedia databases? What are different Distributed application design issues?

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Principles of User Interface Design Subject: Code: 07MCA455 Faculty: Chengappa B S No.of hours: 52 No.of hours/week: 04

Overview The software development requires many features of the standard specification since it is used by world wide users. Smooth flow of the interface is one of the major factors in it. If the interaction is not up to the reach of all kinds of users, the software assessed to be not up to the mark. This subject gives the procedures and guidelines to maintain high degree of interaction required by the system to the user.

Class #

Chapter Title/Reference Literature

Topics to be covered Introduction, Goals of System engineering, goals of interface design, accommodation of human diversity. Goals for the profession, high level theories Object action interface model, principle 1, Recognized the diversity, principle 2, Use the 8 golden rules of interface Principle 3 prevent errors, guide lines for data display. Guide lines for data entry, balance of automation and human control. Introduction, organization design to support usability, the three pillars of design Development of methodology, ethnographic observation. Participatory design, scenario development Social impact statement for early design review, legal issues, expert reviews Usability testing and laboratories, surveys, acceptance test, evaluation during active use Control psychologically oriented experiments Introduction, specification, methods interface building tools

% of portions to be covered Reference Cumulative Chapter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Management issue Chapter1: Human Factor of Interactive S/w Theories, principles, and Guidelines







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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Tools and Environment

Chapter 4: Menus, Forms, Dialog boxes and commands

Chapter 5: Interaction devices and response time

Chapter 6: Presentation styles, manuals, help and tutorials-1 Chapter 7: Presentation styles, manuals, help and tutorials-2

Evaluation and Critiquing tools, introduction Examples of direct manipulation systems, explanation of direct manipulation. Visual thinking and icons, Direct manipulation programming Home automation, Remote direct manipulation Virtual environment. Task related organization, item presentation sequence Response time and display rate, fast movement through menus Menu layout, form filling, dialog boxes functionality to support users tasks, Command organization strategies, the benefit of structure. naming and abbreviation , command menus, Natural language in computing Interaction devices, introduction, keyboard and function keys Pointing devices, speech recognition, digitization and generation Image and vide displays Printers Theoretical foundation Expectation Attitudes Error messages non-anthropomorphic design Display design Color Reading from paper Versus from displays Multiple-Windows strategies, hyper media and the world wide web-1 Preparation of printed manuals, preparation of on line facilities Multiple-Windows strategies: introduction, individual-window design , Multiple window design coordination by tightly coupled window Image browsing and tightly coupled windows









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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Chapter 8: Multiple window strategies, hyper media and world wide web2

Personal role management Elastic windows Genres Goals and designers Users and their tasks Object action interface models For web site design Case study of Designs



Book Type Text Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book

Book Code T1 R1 R2 R3

Title & Author Designing the user interface- Ben Shneideraman Human computer interaction Alan j dixet User interface design- Eberts The essential guide to user interface design- Wilber O Galitz

Publication Info Edition Publisher 3rd Addison Wesley 2nd Prentice Hall Prentice Hall Wiley Dream tech India Pvt ltd

Year 1998 1998 1994 1998

Reference and Text Books

Test 1: Chapter 1, 2 Test 2: Chapter 3, 4 & 5 Test 3: Chapter 6, 7 & 8

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Question Bank Chapter1: Human factors of interactive software Overview: To understand Human performance in the use of computer and information system. 1. What are the measurable human factors central to community evaluation? 2. What are the goals of system engineering in UI? 3. Explain clearly the goals of user interface design. Chapter 2: Management issue Overview: To introduce organization design to support usability, the three pillars of design, Development of methodology, ethnographic observation. 4. Explain clearly the terms standardization, integration, consistency and portability. 5. Explain briefly the techniques used for getting user attention, on the display. 6. Explain briefly the 5 primary interactions styles. 7. Explain the 5 measurable factors to evaluate user interface. 8. How human diversity affects the user interface design process? 9. List the different diversities that challenge the interactive-system designers. 10. Explain the Golden rules of interface design. 11. Describe the three pillars of design. Chapter3: Tools and Environment Overview: Introduces specification, methods interface building tools, Examples of direct manipulation systems, explanation of direct manipulation. Remote direct manipulation Virtual environment. 12. Explain the logical User-Centered Interface Design (LUCID) methodology. 13. What is lucid? Explain briefly the six stages of it. 14. What is the survey? What are its goals? Mention the commonly used scale for surveys. 15 draw and explain transition diagram for simple menu system. 16. Explain briefly the factors to be considered while designing remote direct manipulation environments. 17. What are the varieties of review methods? 18. Which are the various design specification method? Explain any one of them. Chapter4: Menus, Forms, Dialog boxes and commands Overview: Learn about Task related organization, item presentation sequence, Menu layout, form filling, dialog boxes, naming and abbreviation, command menus 19. Discuss the different types of single menus and their implementation. 20. Give the important guidelines for form-filling design. 21. Bring out the different methods of expert reviews. 22. Briefly explain the different specification systems. 23. Explain 3 examples of direct manipulation systems. 24. Explain the guidelines for menu selection.
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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

25. What guidelines for dialog box designing? 26. What strategy is to followed for naming and abbreviations? 27. What is a state chart? Explain state chart of a simplified bank transaction systems showing grouping of states. Chapter 5: Interaction devices and response time Overview: Learning about Interaction devices, keyboard and function keys, Pointing devices, speech recognition, digitization and generation 28 What task can be performed using pointing devices? When are they used? When is the speech generation preferable? 29. When can users achieve rapid task performance, low error rates and high satisfaction? 30. Explain the use of Fitts law. 31. For what kind of tasks pointing devices are applicable? Explain direct control pointing device. 32. What different aspects must be considered for designing generation of error massage? Explain. Chapter6: Presentation styles, manuals, help and tutorials-1 Overview: To Analyze the Error messages, Display design, Color, Reading from paper versus from displays. 33. Explain briefly: i) Limitations of short- term working memory. ii) Sources of errors. 34. Which display attributes have technology employed affects? What are the advantages and disadvantages with respect to these attributes? 35. What is the difference b/w direct control and indirect control pointing devices? 36. Describe the response time and display rate with examples. 37. What recommendations for constructing better messages? 38. Give the guidelines for using colors. What are the benefits and dangers of using color coding? 39. What guidelines we must follow while using colors? Give illustration. Chapter 7: Presentation styles, manuals, help and tutorials-2 Overview: Learning Techniques of Multiple-Windows strategies, hyper media and the world wide web-1, multiple window design coordination by tightly coupled window 40. How can co-ordination be affected using tight coupling of windows? 41. What different objects and actions windows contain? Explain. 42. What different features must be considered while designing web pages? Describe. 43. Explain briefly the searching of various types of multimedia documents. 44. Write notes on: i) Hyper text and hyper media. II) GUI for World Wide Web.

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Chapter 8: Multiple window strategies, hyper media and world wide web2 Overview: To know Goals and designers, Users and their tasks, Object action interface models 45. Explain briefly many solutions available for multiple windows. 46. Explain briefly testing and maintenance of websites. 47. Which are the different paper and online manuals that may be prepared? 48. What are the guidelines for developing online help? 49 how can co-ordination be affected using tight coupling of windows? 50. What different objects and actions windows contain? Explain.

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS Subject Code : 07MCA456 Faculty : Mrs. VEENA.S Hours / Week: 04 Total Hours: 52

Overview: Data Communication and Networking is one of the fastest growing Technology in todays world. It changes the way we do business and the way we live. This course covers the left over topics in Computer Networks course which gives the complete knowledge about this ubiquitous technology. This course deals with the widely used technology SONET. Thorough understanding of Virtual Circuit Switching Networks like Frame Relays and ATM Networks will be given. Recent Concepts and protocols like Multicasting. SCTP, RTP, RTCP and VoIP will be discussed. It also covers Congestion Control and Quality of Service Issues. Finally a detailed survey on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks will be there which is the current trend in Networking Research and Development. % of portion covered Class No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Chapter 3: Frame Relay and ATM T1:Page 517-540 Chapter 4: IPv6, Address Mapping and Error Reporting T1:Page 596-605, 611-630 Chapter 1: Review of Network Models T1: Page 27-50 Chapter Title/Reference Literature Topics to be covered Overview of the subject, Layered tasks The OSI Model Layers in the OSI Model TCP / IP Protocol Suite Addressing Architecture SONET Layers SONET Frames STS Multiplexing SONET Networks, Virtual Tributaries Frame Relay ATM ATM ATM LANs IPv6: Advantages, Packet Format Extension Headers, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 Dual Stack, Tunneing and Header Translation Addsress Mapping: ARP 8 28 10 20 10 10 Chapter wise Cumulative

Chapter 2: SONET / SDH T1: Page 491-513



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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Chapter 9: Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks T2: Page 511-531, 535- 557, 559-561 Chapter 8: Multimedia T1 Page 901 - 925 Chapter 7: Congestion Control and Quality of Service T1 Page 761 790 Chapter 6: SCTP T1 Page 736 - 753 Chapter 5: Multicast Routing Protocols T1 Page 678 -693

RARP,BOOTP and DHCP Error Reporting : ICMP Unicast Multicast and Broadcast Applications Multicast Routing Routing Protocols SCTP Services, SCTP Features Packet Format, An SCTP Association Flow Control Error Control, Congestion Control Data Traffic: Congestion and Congestion Control Congestion Control in TCP Frame Relay Quality of Service: Techniques to improve QoS Integrated Services Differentiated Services Digitising Audio and Video: Audio and Video Compression Streaming stored audio / video Streaming live audio / video, Real time interactive audio / video RTP RTCP VoIP Overview of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Routing in ad-hoc Networks Routing Protocols for ad-hoc Networks Routing protocols for ad-hoc Networks Security of ad-hoc Networks Sensor Networks and Protocol Structures Sensor Networks and Protocol Structures Communication Energy Model 23 100 11 77 11 66 8 55 8 47

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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

49 50 51 52

Clustering Protocols Routing Protocols Zigbee Technology IEEE 802.15.4

LITERATURE: Book Type Text Book Code T1 Title and Author Data Communication and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan Computer and Communication Networks Nader F. Mir Data and Computer Communication William Stallings Understanding Data Communications and Networks William A.Shay. Publication Information Edition Publisher Year Tata IV McGraw2006 Hill -Pearson education Prentice Hall India Thomson 2007

Text Book Reference Book Reference Book







Test 1: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Test 2: Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 Test 3: Chapter 8, 9

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 57

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

QUESTION BANK Chapter 1: Review of Network Models Overview: This chapter deals with the OSI reference model and the Internet protocol suite. It also deals with the general idea of the layers of the network and different functions of each of these layers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How do the layers of the Internet Model correlate to the layer of the OSI Model? What are the responsibilities of the Network layer in the internet model? What are the responsibilities of the Transport layer in the internet model? What is the difference between a port address, a logical address and a physical address? What are headers and trailers and how do they get added and removed? Explain the interaction between the layers n the internet model with a neat diagram? Explain the importance of data link layer in the internet model? What is a peer-to-peer process?

Chapter 2: SONET / SDH Overview: This chapter introduces a wide area network SONET which is used as a transport network to carry loads from other WANs. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Discuss the functions of each SONET layer? What is a virtual tributary? What are the four SONET layers? What is the relationship between SONET and SDH ? Why is SONET called a synchronous network? Discuss STS-1 Frame Format?

Chapter 3: Frame Relay and ATM Overview: This chapter shows how virtual circuit approach can be used in wide area networks. Two common WAN technologies Frame relays and ATMs are discussed. Finally it gives an insight into ATM LANs. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Discuss the Frame relay physical layer? Compare SVC with PVC? Briefly discuss the issues involved in using ATM technology in LANs. How does an NNI differ from UNI? Name the ATM layers and their functions? What are TPs and VPs? Briefly discuss LANE?

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Chapter 4: IPv6, Address Mapping and Error Reporting Overview: This chapter deals with the next generation internet protocol IPv6. It also deals with the transition process from IPv4 to IPv6. It also deals with the companion protocols like ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP and ICMP. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Discuss the different transition strategies from IPv4 to IPv6? Compare IPv4 and IPv6 headers by considering the fields. Explain why checksum is eliminated in IPv6? Discuss the ARP packet format? Briefly discuss the DHCP protocol. Discuss the five different types of error messages that can be handled by ICMP?

Chapter 5: Multicast Routing Protocols Overview: This chapter deals with Multicast routing and different Multicast Routing Protocols in detail. 28. 29. 30. 31. Relate Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast to the Internet. Discuss some of the applications of Multicasting. Explain MOSPF with a suitable example. Briefly discuss Multicast Distance Vector Routing.

Chapter 6: SCTP Overview: This chapter deals with a new transport layer protocol that is designed for multihomed, multi-stream applications such as multimedia. It combines the best features of UDP and TCP. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Discuss the services offered by SCTP? Explain the usage of TSN, SI, SSN in SCTP? Briefly discuss the packet format of SCTP. Briefly discuss Four way hand shaking. Discuss Flow control in SCTP. Discuss error control and congestion control in SCTP.

Chapter 7: Congestion Control and Quality of Service Overview: This chapter deals with the two main issues of networking Congestion Control and Quality of Service which are closely bounded together. These issues are related to three layers of the network say data link layer, network layer and transport layer. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. How are Congestion control and Quality of Service related? What is the major difference between Integrated services and Differentiated services? Discuss Briefly Open loop Congestion Control and Closed loop Congestion Control. Discuss briefly congestion control in Frame relays. What are the different techniques that can be used to improve QoS? How is Resource Reservation Protocol related to integrated services?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 59

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

Chapter 8: Multimedia Overview: This chapter concentrate on applications that use the internet for audio and video services. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. How does Jitter affect real-time audio / video? What are the different approaches used for streaming stored audio / video? Discuss briefly the RTP packet header. Discuss the five message types in RTCP discuss briefly about VoIP.

Chapter 9: Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks Overview: This chapter deals with the recent trend in networking i.e., Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks which is designed for the establishment of a network anywhere and anytime. It also deals with self organizing Sensor Networks and protocols related to MANETs and Sensor Networks. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. What are MANETs? Discuss with a neat diagram. How does Routing Protocols can be classified? Discuss briefly WRP(Wireless Routing Protocol)? Write short notes on TORA? Discuss the importance of Security in Ad hoc networks? What do you mean by a Cluster in Sensor Network? Discuss the structure of a typical Wireless Sensor node? Discuss in detail LEACH protocol? Discuss in detail the DEEP clustering protocol? Write a note on Zigbee Technology?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 60

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

JAVA AND J2EE LABORATORY Subject code: 07MCA46 Faculty: Ms. Meera Rajan Hours/Week: 03

1. a) Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Constructor Overloading and overloading. b) Write a JAVA Program to implement Inner class and demonstrate its Access Protections.


2. a) Write a JAVA Program to implement Inheritance. b) Write a JAVA Program to implement Exception Handling (Using Nested try catch and finally). 3. a) Write a JAVA Program to create an Interface and implement it in a class. b) Write a JAVA Program to create a class (extending Thread) and use methods Thread class to change name, priority, ---- of the current Thread and display the same. 4. a) Write a JAVA Program to create a Scrolling Text using JAVA Applets b) Write a JAVA Program to pass parameters to Applets and display the same. 5. Write a JAVA Program to insert data into Student DATA BASE and retrieve info base on particular queries (Using JDBC Design Front end using Swings). 6. Write a JAVA Program to implement Client Server (Client requests a file, Server responds to client with contents of that file which is then display on the screen by Client Socket Programming). 7. Write a JAVA Program to implement a simple Client Server Application using RMI. 8. Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement a dynamic HTML using Servlet (user name and password should be accepted using HTML and displayed using a Servlet). 9. Write a JAVA Servlet Program to Download a file and display it on the screen (A link has to be provided in HTML, when the link is clicked corresponding file has to be displayed on Screen. 10. a) Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement Request Dispatcher object (use include () and forward () methods. b) Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement and demonstrate get () and Post methods (Using HTTP Servlet Class). 11. Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement send Redirect() method(using HTTP Servlet Class
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Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

12. Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement sessions (Using HTTP Session Interface). 13. a) Write a JAVA JSP Program to print 10 even and 10 odd numbers. b) Write a JAVA JSP Program to implement verification of a particular user login and display a welcome page 14. Write a JAVA JSP Program to get student information through a HTML and create a JAVA Bean Class, populate Bean and display the same information through another JSP.

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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

WEB PROGRAMMING LABORATORY Subject code: 07MCA47 Faculty: Mr. Tamal Dey Note: One exercise must be asked in the examination. The assignment of the exercise must be based on lots. Hours/Week: 03

1. 2.

Develop and demonstrate a XHTML document that illustrates the use external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes Javascript script for the following problems: a. Input: A number n obtained using prompt. Output: The first n Fibonacci numbers. b. Input: A number n obtained using prompt. Output: A table of numbers from 1 to n and their squares using Alert.


Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes Javascript script that uses functions or the following problems: a. Parameter: A string. Output: The position in the string of the left-most vowel.

b. Parameter: A number. Output: The number with its digits in the reverse order.



Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript script, a XHTML document that collects the USN ( the valid format is: A digit from 1 to 4 followed by two upper-case characters followed by two digits followed by two upper-case characters followed by three digits; no embedded spaces allowed) of the user. Event handler must be included for the form element that collects this information to validate the input. Messages in the alert windows must be produced when errors are detected.

b. Modify the above program to get the current semester also (restricted to be a number from 1 to 8).



Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript script, a XHTML document that contains three short paragraphs of text, stacked on top of each other, with only enough of each showing so that the mouse cursor can be placed over some part of them. When the cursor is placed over the exposed part of any paragraph, it should rise to the top to become completely visible.

b. Modify the above document so that when a paragraph is moved from the top stacking position, it returns to its original position rather than to the bottom.
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Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011



Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college affiliated to VTU. The information must include USN, Name, and Name of the College, Brach, Year of Joining, and e-mail id. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.

b. Create an XSLT style sheet for one student element of the above document and use it to create a display of that element.



Write a Perl program to display various Server Information like Server Name, Server Software, Server protocol, CGI Revision etc.

b. Write a Perl program to accept UNIX command from a HTML form and to display the output of the command executed. 8. a. Write a Perl program to accept the User Name and display a greeting message randomly chosen from a list of 4 greeting messages.

b. Write a Perl program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings.


Write a Perl program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server.

10. Write a Perl program to insert name and age information entered by the user into a table
created using MySQL and to display the current contents of this table.

11. Write a PHP program to store current date-time in a COOKIE and display the Last visited
on date-time on the web page upon reopening of the same page.

12. Write a PHP program to store page views count in SESSION, to increment the count on
each refresh, and to show the count on web page.

13. Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, and E-mail text fields.
On submitting, store the values in MySQL table. Retrieve and display the data based on Name.

14. Using PHP and MySQL, develop a program to accept book information viz. Accession
number, title, authors, edition and publisher from a web page and store the information in a database and to search for a book with the title specified by the user and to display the search results with proper headings.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 64

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

ALGORITHMS LABORATORY Subject code: 07MCA48 Faculty: Mrs. A. Lekha Implement the following using C/C++ Language.

Hours/Week: 03

Implement Recursive Binary search and Linear search and determine the time required to search an element. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be searched and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. Sort a given set of elements using the Heap sort method and determine the time required to sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. Sort a given set of elements using Merge sort method and determine the time required to sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. Sort a given set of elements using Selection sort and determine the time required to sort elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm. Sort a given set elements using Quick sort method and determine the time required sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values on n, the number of elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal's algorithm. a. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method. b. Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.




5. 6.


8. 9.

10. Find a subset of a given set S = {s1,s2,.....,sn} of n positive integers whose sum is equal to a

given positive integer d. For example, if S= {1,2, 5, 6, 8} and d = 9 there are two solutions{1,2,6}and{1,8}.A suitable message is to be displayed if the given problem instance doesn't have a solution.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Perseverance Excellence Service 65

Course outline

Semester: IV

Session: Jan 2011 May 2011

11. a. Implement Horspool algorithm for String Matching.

b. Find the Binomial Co-efficient using Dynamic Programming.

12. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prims algorithm. 13. a. Implement Floyds algorithm for the All-Pairs- Shortest-Paths problem.

b. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall's algorithm.
14. Implement N Queen's problem using Back Tracking.

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