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CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SYNOPSIS CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Organization 1.2 About the Project 2.

PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Hardware Specification 2.2 Software Specification 2.3 About the Operating System 2.4 Languages/Tools 2.5 Front End and Back End 3. SYSTEM STUDY AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Existing System 3.2 Drawbacks of Existing System 3.3 Proposed System 3.4 Features of Proposed System 4. SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 Input Design 4.2 Output Design 4.3 Database Design 4.4 Process Design 5. SYSTEM TESTING AND IMPLEMEMNTATION 5.1 Testing Objectives 5.2 System Testing 5.3 System Implementation 6. CONCLUSION 7. SCOPE FOR FUTURE ENHANCEMENT 8. BIBILIOGRAPHY

9. APPENDICES 9.1 Data Flow Diagram 9.2 E-R Diagram 9.3 Screen Layouts 9.4 Reports

SYNOPSIS EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The aim of the project titled EVENT MANAGEMENT is to develop enterprise software that optimizes the performance of an event management company. This system helps the managers at different departments to coordinate their work and thereby save their valuable time and finance.
Event management offers multilevel facilities to the firm to increase their revenue. The system helps the firm to receive the orders from different clients irrespective of their location. It increases the speed of processing the orders and prepares the quotations by allocating the duties to the managers of different departments.

This system helps to decompose the different tasks involved in a particular order and sequences these processes. It provides a flexible web outlet to engage more clients in the process of event management process.

The various modules are: Marketing Production Promotion Finance Admin HR

1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Project The System Event Management System is an automated system for event management. It is capable of managing multiple events happening in different locations. The System enables even the remote client to make online registrations. It is powerful, user-friendly, and flexible and it offers great degree of customization with ease of management. It manages the whole logistics of the company with maximum optimization. It provides analytical status of event processing and follows efficient approach towards the execution of the show. The system projects the status of the events based on the authorization provided for the different entities. With its powerful functionality it can maintain the records of various events simultaneously, and can print various reports.

2.PROGRAM ENVIORNMENT 2.1 Hardware Specification Processor RAM Cache HDD FD Printer : : : : : : Pentium IV 512MB DDR 512 80GB 1.44 Ink jet printer

2.2 Software Specification Operating System System architecture DataBase Connectivity GUI Builder Server Presentation Layer Business logic Validation Language : : : : : : : : : Windows 2003 server .net frame work MySQL ADO.net FrontPage 2002 IIS Server 2003 ASP.net VC#.net Java Script

2.3 About the Operating System

Event Management System was normally being developed under windows platform called of as Windows 2000 Professional.

WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL Windows is an operating system and has evolved from a basic graphical user interface like windows 3.1. Windows 2000 is a part of Microsoft Windows family that includes windows 98.Windows 2000 provides access to all the parts of computing environment documents, files, application, email and internet.

Microsoft Windows 2000 professional is more compatible and more powerful than any workstation used before.

Windows 2000 is heavily focused on Windows rectangular areas on the screen that presents information, that is, we open Windows when we need them and close them when we dont need them. Individual Windows can be resized and moved around the screen. Window 2000 uses small graphical icon pictures on desktop to represents objects such as documents, applications, folders, devices, WebPages and other computers. Icons often have text labels to help make there purpose a bit clearer. That is, if we move the mouse overran object on the desktop or in a windows and click the right mouse button windows 2000 displays a menu with the objects common commands. All the windows applications are the same convention called a contend menu or right click menu.
We can access selected object in several ways for most types of objects,we click them: move cursors on to the objects and then press the left mouse button once. A selected object is highlighted; its label is darkened and has a line indicating that the selected object is ready to be choosen.We choose an object to activate its associated commands .we choose the objects by double clicking its icon: Move the mouse cursor on to the icon and then press the left mouse button rapidly twice. If the object is a menu selection or command button, we choose it with the single click.

We can also move or copy objects using drag and drop. To drag and drop On object, move the cursor on to the icon on the object to be dragged. Press and hold the left mouse button while we move the mouse cursor to the determination objects icon then release the mouse button.

FEATURES 1.Easier To Use

With the windows 2000 professional we have faster access to information and we are able to accomplish test more quickly and easily.

Windows 2000 professional make it easier to

Find Information Work on the Web Work remotely

Work with the files Personalize your computer environment 2.Easier To Manage We can work more efficiently, because many of the most common computer management tests are automated and streamlined to the windows 2000Professional With the windows 2000 work station, it will be easier to Set up
Administered Support

2.4 Languages/Tools The following languages/tools are required for developing the project: Windows 2000 Professional OS has to be installed C#.NET,ASP.NET (Front End) SQL SERVER2000 (Back End)

2.5 Front End and Back End

The .NET Framework is just part of Microsofts overall .NET platform strategy. The framework is made up of the Common Language Runtime environment, Base Class Library, and higher-level frameworks such as ASP.NET and Windows Forms as shown in Figure

The complete documentation on the .NET Framework fills entire books. What we do here is cover the basics so that you have a firm enough understanding of the .NET Framework to enable you to get started developing XML Web Services.

Well start with how to obtain the .NET Framework SDK.The minimum system requirements can be confusing so well cover those in some detail. The common language runtime (CLR) is the foundation that sits on top of the Windows operating system. Since this is the most important part of the .NET Framework well spend most of our time going through the CLR.The base class library is a set of hundreds of classes that are provided as part of the framework to help us build applications that will execute in the CLR.Well get an overview of these so that we can get an idea of the breadth of support provided by the SDK out of the box. To make building applications even easier Microsoft provides some higher level frameworks like ASP.NET and Windows Forms that utilize and extend the functionality provided by the Base Class Library.ASP.NET

greatly simplifies the building of Internet applications by using Web Forms and Web Services. Windows forms provides the ability to develop for the rich environment that the Windows platform provides. Well take a look at these frameworks to give you an overview of the purpose of each.

ADO.NET is the latest in a long line of data access

released by Microsoft. ADO.NET differs somewhat from the previous technologies, however, in that it comes as part of a whole new platform called the .NET Framework. This platform is set to revolutionize every area of development, and ADO.NET is just one aspect of that. The ADO.NET classes are divided into two components: the Data Providers







communication with a physical data store, and the Dataset, which represents the actual data. Either component can communicate with data consumers such as Web Forms and Win Forms. . Data Providers
The Data Provider components are specific to a data source. The .NET Framework includes two Data Providers: a generic provider that can communicate with any OLE DB datasource, and a SQL Server provider that has been optimized for Microsoft SQL Server versions 7.0 and later. Data Providers for other databases such as Oracle and DB2 are expected to become available, or you can write your own. The two Data Providers included in the .NET Framework contain the same objects, although their names and some of their properties and methods are different. The Connection object represents the physical connection to a data source. Its properties determine the data provider (in the case of the OLE DB Data Provider), the data source and database to which it will connect, and the string to be used during connecting. Its methods are fairly simple:

You can open and close the connection, change the database, and manage transactions. The Command object represents a SQL statement or stored procedure to be executed at the data source. Command objects can be created and executed independently against a Connection object, and they are used by Data Adapter objects to handle communications from a Dataset back to a data source. Command objects can support SQL statements and stored procedures that return single values, one or more sets of rows, or no values at all.
A Data Reader is a fast, low-overhead object for obtaining a forward-only, read-only stream of data from a data source. They cannot be created

directly in code; they are created only by calling the Execute Reader method of a Command. The Data Adapter is functionally the most complex object in a Data Provider. It provides the bridge between a Connection and a Dataset. The Data Adapter contains four Command objects: the Select Command, Update Command, Insert Command, and Delete Command. The Data Adapter uses the Select Command to fill a Data Set and uses the remaining three commands to transmit changes back to the data source, as required.

The Dataset is a memory-resident representation of data. Its structure is shown in the figure below. The Dataset can be considered a somewhat simplified relational database, consisting of tables and their relations. Its important to understand, however, that the Dataset is always

disconnected from the data sourceit doesnt know where the data it contains came from, and in fact, it can contain data from multiple sources.

C#.NET: C# was built from scratch as the .NET language. While it has features familiar to C programmers, and it has some of the great RAD features so beloved by Visual Basic programmers, it is completely new. Some have said that C# is Microsofts me too language to compete with Suns Java.
Microsoft has introduced a new language especially for .NET, called C#. As this is now Microsofts flagship language, and the most likely language to be supported by Open Source projects.
C# has been described as J++ mark 2.There is more to it than that. C# is effectively C++ built from scratch. The problems with C++ are well

documented, so there is no need to go into them here, but suffice it to say that in C++, object orientation was an optional bolted-on afterthought, whereas in C#, it was built in from the ground up. All the functionality and support of the .NET Framework is available to any of the .NET languages, and in addition, objects written under one language can be used, inherited, and extended under any of the others. This is a very powerful concept and introduces the idea of language independence. This is achieved through the Common Language Runtime technology. The CLR takes your .NET language code and converts it into an intermediate language (Microsoft Intermediate Language [MSIL]), and this intermediate language is then compiled to target machine-specific binary code.
C# is a truly modern language with all the features you could wish for, such as full object-orientation, automatic memory management, and housekeeping

ASP.NET The .Net by Microsoft Company is to overcome the difficulties in the ASP.Microsoft ensured the asp scripts execute without modification on the machine with the .Net Frame work. Advantages 1 Separation of code from the content.Asp.Net allows the developer to separate script code from html.This allows for a clean seperation of code from content and formatting and promotes code reuse. 2 support for compiled languages. while ASP.Net still supports the traditional set of
scripting languages, support is also provided for fully compiled language,Instead of using vbscript the developer can use VB.NET and access features such as strong typing and object oriented programming.Asp.Net pages are precompiled to bytecode and just in time compiled when first requested.

Greater support for different browsers via server side controls and events. Following object oriented design principles, ASP.NET pages make use of server side controls called ASP.NET Webcontrols.These controls are instantiated on the server, and like regular objects they have associated methods,properties,and events. The advantage of the server side controls is that they render themselves on the client as standard HTML 3.2 (optionally DHTML).depending on the capabilities of the client browser. 1 Intuitive GUI design, with ASP.NET you can design web applications as you read in Visual Basic 6 by dragging and dropping GUI elements in a sophisticated design environment. Introducing Dynamic Web Pages The client-to-server-to-client process described is important because it happens each time your client contacts the server to get some data. Thats distinctly different from the stand-alone or client-server model you may be familiar with already. Because the server and the client dont really know anything about one another, for each interaction, you must send, initialize, or restore the appropriate values to maintain the continuity of your application. As a simple example, suppose you have a secured site with a login form. In a standard application, after the user has logged in successfully, thats the only authentication you need to perform. The fact that the user logged in successfully means that theyre authenticated for the duration of the application. In contrast, when you log in to a Web site secured by only a login and password, the server must re-authenticate you for each subsequent request. That may be a simple task, but it must be performed for every request in the application.
In fact, thats one of the reasons dynamic applications become popular. In a site that allows anonymous connections (like most public Web sites), you can only authenticate users if you can compare the login/password values entered by the user with the real

copies stored on the server. While HTML is an adequate layout language for most purposes, it isnt a programming language. It takes code to authenticate users. Another reason that dynamic pages became popular is because of the everchanging nature of information. Static pages are all very well for articles, scholarly papers, books, and images-in general, for information that rarely changes. But static pages are simply inadequate to capture employee and contact lists, calendar information, news feeds, sports score-in general, the type of data you interact with every day. The data changes far too often to maintain successfully in static pages. Besides, you dont always want to look at that data the same way.

How Does the Server Separate Code from Content?

In classic ASP pages, you could mix code and content by placing special code tags (<% %>) around the code or by writing script blocks, where the code appeared between<script> and </script> tags. Classic ASP pages use an .asp file name extension. When the server receives a request for an ASP file, it recognizesvia the extension associationsthat responding to the request requires the ASP processor. Therefore, the server passes the request to the ASP engine, which parses the file to differentiate the code tag content from the markup content. The ASP engine processes the code, merges the results with any HTML in the page, and sends the result to the client.

ASP.NET goes through a similar process, but the file extension for ASP.NET files is .aspx rather than .asp. You can still mix code and content in exactly the same way, although now you can (and usually should) place code in a separate file, called a code-behind module, because doing so provides a cleaner separation between display code and application code, and makes it easier to reuse both. In ASP.NET, you can write code in all three placesin code-behind modules and also within code tags and script blocks in your HTML files. Nevertheless, the ASP.NET engine must still parse the HTML file for code tags.

How and When Does the Server Process Code?

The ASP.NET engine itself is an Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) application. ISAPI applications are DLLs that load into the servers address space, so theyre very fast. Different ISAPI applications handle different types of requests. You can create ISAPI applications for special file extensions, like .aspx, or that perform special operations on standard file types like HTML and XML.

There are two types of ISAPI applications: extensions and filters. The ASP.NET engine is an ISAPI extension. An ISAPI extension replaces or arguments the standard IIS response. Extensions load on demand when the server receives a request with a file extension associated with the ISAPI extension DLL. In contrast, ISAPI filters load with IIS and notify the server about the set of filter event notifications that they handle. IIS raises an event notification (handled by the filter) whenever a filter event of that type occurs.
ASP.NET pages that contain code tags bypass the standard IIS response procedure if they contain code tags or are associated with a code-behind module. If your ASPX file contains no code, the ASP.NET engine recognizes this when it finishes parsing the page. For pages that contain no code, the ASP.NET engine short-circuits its own response, and the standard server process resumes. Classic ASP pages began short-circuiting for pages that contained no code with IIS 5 (ASP version 3.0). Therefore, ASP and ASPX pages that contain no code are only slightly slower than standard HTML.

SQL Server Enterprise Manager SQL Server Enterprise Manager is a graphical tool that allows for easy, enterprise-wide configuration and management SQL Server and SQL Server objects. SQL Server Enterprise Manager provides:

1 A scheduling engine. 2 Administrator alert capability. 3 Drag-and-drop control operations across multiple servers. 1 A built-in replication management interface.
You can also use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to:

2 Manage logins, permissions, and users. 3 Create scripts. 4 Manage devices and databases. 5 Back up databases and transaction logs. 6 Manage tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, indexes, rules, defaults, and user-defined data types. Creating and Maintaining Databases Designing your Microsoft SQL Server database structure involves creating and maintaining a number of interrelated components.
Database component
Databases Tables

Database Diagrams

Indexes Views
Stored Procedures


Desc database objects ripti graphically and enable on you to interact with the database without Contain using Transact-SQL. the Optimize the speed of objects accessing the data in used to represen the table. Provide an alternate t, manage, way of looking at the data in one or more and tables. access Centralize business data. rules, tasks, and Store processes within the rows of data and server using Transactdefine SQL programs. the Centralize business relations rules, tasks, and hips processes within the between server using special multiple types of stored tables. procedures that are only Represent executed when data in a

table is modified.

s interactively (GUI). These queries are Accessing and Changing for Data design using a used: SQL Server Enterprise ing graphical user In views. Manager includes a tool querie interface

1 In Data Transformation Services (DTS) Packages. 2 To display the data in Microsoft SQL Server tables. Replication
Replication is an important and powerful technology for distributing data and stored procedures across an enterprise. The replication technology SQL Server allows you to make copies of your data, move those copies to different locations, and synchronize the data automatically so that all copies have the same data values. Replication can be implemented between databases on the same server or different servers connected by LANs, WANs, or the Internet. The procedures in this section help you configure and maintain replication using SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Data Transformation Services

Data Transformation Services (DTS) provides the functionality to import, export, and transform data using COM, OLE DB, and Microsoft ActiveX Scripts. DTS enables you to build and manage data marts and data warehouses by providing:

1 An extensible transaction-oriented workflow engine that allows execution of a complex series of operations. 2 Powerful integrated heterogeneous data movement, scrubbing, and movement.
DTS can copy, validate, and transform data from many popular desktop and server-based data sources including Microsoft Access, dBase, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Paradox, SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2.

3 An industry standard method of sharing metadata and data lineage

information through Microsoft Repository. This information model has been adopted by leading data warehousing and database design vendors.

4 Package storage in Microsoft Repository, SQL Server, or COM-structured storage files. After a package has been saved, it can be scheduled for execution using SQL Server Agent. 5 Extensibility that allows advanced users to meet their unique needs while continuing to leverage DTS functionality. 6 Integration with Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services.

Managing Security
To ensure that data and objects stored in Microsoft SQL Server are accessed only by authorized users, security must be set up correctly. Understanding how to set up security correctly can help simplify ongoing management. Security elements that may have to be set up include authentication modes, logins, users, roles, granting, revoking, and denying permissions on Transact-SQL statements and objects, and data encryption.

A database in Microsoft SQL Server consists of a collection of tables with data, and other objects, such as views, indexes, stored procedures, and triggers, that are defined to support the activities performed with the data. Before objects within the database can be created, you must create the database and understand how to change the settings and the configuration of the database. This includes tasks such as expanding or shrinking the database, or specifying the files used to create the database

Tables are database objects that contain all the data in a database. A table definition is a collection of columns in the same way a database is a collection of tables. Before data can be stored in a database, you must understand how to create, modify, and maintain the tables within your database. This includes tasks such as defining keys and adding or deleting columns from a table.

Database Diagrams
Database diagrams enable you to create, manage, and view database objects in a graphical format. Before objects within the database can be manipulated using database diagrams, you must understand how to: create a database diagram, add objects to it, work within a database diagram, and save a database diagram

To create efficient indexes that improve the performance of your database application by increasing the speed of your queries, you need an understanding of how to create and maintain the indexes on the tables in your database.

By creating, modifying, and maintaining views, you can customize each users perception of the database.

Stored Procedures
By creating, modifying, and using stored procedures, you can simplify your business applications and improve application and database performance. Triggers
By understanding how to create, modify, and maintain triggers, you can use triggers to:

1 Cascade changes through related tables in the database. 2 Disallow or roll back changes that violate referential integrity, thereby canceling the attempted data modification transaction. 3 Enforce restrictions that are more complex than those defined with CHECK constraints. 4 Find the difference between the state of a table before and after a
data modification and take action(s) based on that difference

4. SYSTEM STUDY AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Existing System

executive has to interact with the client in The Existing system for Eventperson, brief on the services they provide and management is a manual process. Withso on. All this requires more time and labor respect to the existing system, the marketing

work. This also gives root to lack of coordination, follow-ups and manual errors. Moreover, the data collected may be inconsistent, redundant and servicing a remote client will become impossible.

Events to be organized at multiple locations become a tedious task. The burden over both the client and the employee increases and gives form to confusions and erroneous data.

This section deals with the concept of system analysis, which is the primary phase of the software development. The purpose is to identify the new system and establish what the new system is to accomplish. Moreover a brief review of requirement determination, software environment, a report on feasibility analysis, DFD is also presented. The proposed system was subjected to thorough analysis and the findings are recorded here. System analysis is an important activity that takes place when new system is being build. It is the central whole of system development and it includes gathering necessary data and developing a plan to the new system. It is not an easy task because many people need to be satisfied and many conflicts resolved. System analysis should be creative and imaginative in producing new solutions to meet the user requirements.

3.2 Drawbacks of Existing System

The existing system is:




work Time consuming

Gives redundant and inconsistent data Inefficient communication and process

3.3 Proposed System

The main objective of the system is to provide up-to-date status and accurate data regarding each event to all the departments which may be situated apart.

Improved customer satisfaction at low cost Easy updating of information Better coordination of various departmental activities Provides online registration facility Status of processing can be verified and identified at any stage of process Efficient allocation of resources Ensures timeline management

Event Management System provides a full fledged Enterprise package for an event management company. This also provides a user friendly web outlet for the system to communicate with the remote end-users. The main issues that faced by the firm is in managing the logistics that are distributed country wide. The proposed system bridges this gap between the end-users and the company by providing a centralized control over the entire system. The different departments utilize the system for sequencing the different processes that are isolated apart.

The department utilizes the system to derive maximum profit by optimizing resources. There are FIVE modules in the system.


Marketing people in the existing system finds difficulty in canvassing different clients, and to provide quick and complete information about the events. The proposed system provides many alternatives to solve the problem by providing different modes of registration for the clients in their finger tips.

The system provides a three level security mechanism for the department with respect to their designations of the users. The clients can also engage themselves to register their requirements. The filtering of the requirements with respect to schedules is done in the marketing departments. The system provides a calendar tool for the purpose. The processes take places under the department were distributed according to the hierarchy of officials. The requirements were verified and recorded in corresponding databases. It provides facilities to convey and send the order information to different departments.

System helps this department by providing The production departmentan interactive environment for selecting of the firm holds the complete execution of services the entire event. Event and vendors. The production


also utilizes the process of verification by recording the result of each selected services. It helps to select the vendors of each item by selecting the needed items for each service. Thus it provided a profit directed process structure for the whole system.


The promotion department has the whole authority to provide various facilities to promote the event in the public. The proposed system enables to find out the more suitable promotional activities for the event. It helps to engage the sponsors to the event .The Event Management System provides a much easier environment to inform the clients and the vendors of the company. The final costsheet of the event will be provided to the finance departments.


The finance department utilizes the whole system many ways. It finds out a tool to merge different cost sheets to prepare a proposal for the whole event. It also uses the system to determine the performance of the employees to calculate the salaries provided and incentives given. The finance gets the main aid while settling the bills and getting the payment from the client. It also records every payment information from the company point of view. Finance has also the work to receive the approved quotations and process it and forward the selected details to various departments. Event Management System manages to generate various internal and external reports for the future use. These reports include annual, monthly, fortnight, bills and receipts.


The admin has the role to control entire activities of the system. The Event Management System helps admin by providing an interactive environment to track the whole activities of the employees and monitor whole processes that take place inside the system. Another aspect of the work done by admin is to provide proper security settings to the whole system. This is done through Event Management System by providing different levels securities to the system. These security levels can be changed but only by the Admin.

HR of the existing system deals with the human resource of the company. The optimized allocation of jobs is a very tidy process in the manual way. Event Management System helps the HR manager to record the allotted jobs and corresponding dates and then helps to allocate the new jobs to employees and workers. So the workload of the HR managers will be reduced. .

3.4 Features of Proposed System

The proposed system Event Management System, is a fully automated system for event Management. The system automates all the activities of an event management company, from the client registration to the bill settlement. In the proposed system the client online can view the company details and services provided by them.

Online registration is also possible with this the proposed system. As the proposed system is a centralized one, redundancy can be avoided; moreover the coordination of different departments becomes much easier. This system constitutes a scheduler, which helps it to manage events happening in multiple locations. Above all the system provides high security for all its data. Advantages of the proposed system can be listed as:

Online registration Better security Managing multiple events efficiently Redundancy can be reduced

Event processing status can be checked anytime Erroneous data can be avoided Latest Technological implementation


Design begins when management approves the feasibility study produced during detailed analysis and authorizes the necessary funds and personnel to continue. It concludes when management approves the design and authorizes development of the actual system 4.1 Input Design
The input design is the process of converting the user-oriented inputs in to the computer-based format. The goal of designing input data is to make the automation

as easy and free from errors as possible. For providing a good input design for the application easy data input and selection features are adopted.

The input design requirements such as user friendliness, consistent format and Interactive Dialogue for giving the right message and help for the user at right time are also considered for the development of the project.

The main forms used here are:

Login Form
This is the form through which different users can enter into the system. Different levels of validation at server and client side have been given.

Client Requirement form

This form allows the remote clients to register in the system.

Requirement Form
This form allows the marketing executives to register the clients from remote locations.

Vendor selection form

This form helps promotion and production managers to select the exact vendors for different items. 4.2 Output Design

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the information clearly. In any system results of processing are communicated to the users and to other systems through outputs. In the output design it is determined how the information is to be displayed for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output design improves the systems relationship the user and helps in decision-making.

Outputs from computers are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to the users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of these results for later consultation.

The output types are:

External outputs

Internal outputs
Operational outputs Interactive Outputs Turnaround time

The outputs may be defined in terms of type of output, content, format,

location, frequency, response, volume, sequence and action required.

4.3 Database Design Client registration Field name Client_id Clint_pwd Client name Date of birth City Nationality Gender Phone no Mobile no Data type varchar varchar varchar date varchar varchar varchar number number lenght 5 10 20 8 20 20 10 15 20 constraint s notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull Notnull Notnull notnull description Client identificati on Client password Name of client Date of birth City of client Nationality of client Gender of client Phone of the client Mobile of K e y P k

Address E_mail

varchar varchar

20 25

notnul notnull

the client Address of client E_mail address of client

Client order Field name Datatype Length constraint s description Keys

Client_id Order_id

Varchar Varchar

5 5 15 8 10 20 10 8

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Typ_evnt Varchar Date_evn t Date Attendenc e Number Varchar Location Number Budget Date/time time Schedule table Field name Order_i d Evnt_na me Date_ev nt Venue Time datatyp e Varcha r Varcha r Date Varcha r Date/ti me

Client identification Order identification Type of event Date of event Attendence Location Budget time

Foreign Primary

lengt h 5 20 8 15 8

constrai nts Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

description Order identification Event name Date of event Venue of event Time of event

key s forei gn

Calander table

Field name

datatype Varch ar Date Date Date Date/tim e Varchar number

leng th

constrai nts

description Order identification Date of event Month of event Year of event Time of event Name of event attendence

Key s forei gn

Order_id Date Month Year Time Evnt_na me Attenden ce Service table Field name Serv_id Type Date Time Desc

5 8 8 8 8 20 10

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull



constraint s

description Service identification Type of service Date of service Time of service description

keys primar y

Varchar Varchar Date Date/time varchar

5 20 8 8 50

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Service verification Field name Serv_id Order_id Evnt_nam e Description Item selection Field name Data type Varcha r Varcha r Varcha r numbe r length constraint s description Key s Forei gn forei gn dataty pe varcha r varcha r varcha r varcha r lengt h 5 5 15 50 constrai nts notnull notull notnull notnull description Service identification Order identification Name of event description keys Forei gn Forei gn

Vendor_id Item_id Item_type Cost

5 5 20 10

Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Vendor identification Item identification Item type Cost of item

Promotional table

Field name

datatyp e

lengt h

constrain ts






Name Address Mobno Email

Varchar Varchar Number varchar

20 50 15 15

Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Vendor identificatio n Vendor name Address Mobile number Email address

prim ary

Sponser table Field name datatyp e lengt h constrain ts description Order identification Event name Type of event Sponsership cost of event Payment of money for sponsoring Date of payment Date of event key s forei gn

Order_id Evnt_nam e Typ_event Spon_cost Spon_pay Date_pay Date_evnt

Varchar Varchar Varchar Numbe r Numbe r Date date

5 20 20 10 10 8 8

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Promotion information table Field name Datatype lengt h constrain ts description Order identification keys Forei gn




Vendor_id Type_evnt Date_evnt Cost

Varchar Varchar Date number

5 15 8 10

Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Vendor identification Type of event Date of event Cost

foreig n

Costsheet Field name datatyp e lengt h Constrain ts description keys Forei gn




Type_evnt Cost

varchar number

15 10

Notnull Notnull

Order identificatio n Type of event Cost of event

Event proposal Field name dataty pe Varcha r Varcha r Numb er Varcha r lengt h Constrain ts description Keys forei gn prim ary

Order_id Qutn_id Cost Desc

5 5 10 50

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull

Order identification Qutation identification Estimated cost description

Bill table

Field name


lengt h

constraint s


keys Forei gn prim ary




Bill_id Bill_dat e Advanc e Rem_a mt Total Duedat e

Varchar Date Number Number Number Date

5 8 10 10 10 8

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Order identification Bill identification Bill date Advance paid Remaining amount Total to be paid Duedate of payment

Employee salaries descriptio n lengt h constrain ts

Field name


keys foreig n

Emp_id Desig Basicpay Incentives Total

Varchar Varchar Number Number number

5 20 10 10 10

notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Employee identification Designation Basic pay Incentives Total salary

Client payment Field name Datatyp e lengt h constrain ts description keys

Client_id Order_id Bill_id Advance

Varchar Varchar Varchar Number

5 5 5 10

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull

Client identification Order identification Bill identification Advance paid

Rem_a mt Amt_pa y Date_p ay

Numb er Numb er date

10 10 8

Notnull Notnull Notnull

Remaining amount Amount to be paid Date of payment

Qutati on Field name Order_i d Qutn_id Date_qu tn Est_Amou nt Desc

processing table datatyp e Varcha r Varcha r Date Numbe r Varcha r length constraints description keys Forei gn foreig n

5 5 8 10 50

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Order identification Qutation identification Date of qutation Estimated amount Description

Employee activity Field name Dataty pe Varcha r Varcha r Numbe r leng th constrai nts key s forei gn forei gn


Emp_id Worker_ id No_worke rs

5 5 5

notnull Notnull Notnull

Employee identification Worker identification No of workers

Status_j ob Desc

Varcha r varchar

20 50

Notnull notnull

Status of job description

Process monitoring Field name Emp_id Worker _id datatyp e lengt h constrai nts description keys Forei gn forei gn

Varchar Varchar

5 5

notnull Notnull

Employee identification Worker identification

Job allocation constraint s

Field name



description Order identification Employee identification Worker identification No of days allotted for job Status of the job

keys Forei gn Forei gn forei gn

Order_id Emp_id Worker_id No_days Status

Varchar Varchar Varchar Number varchar

5 5 5 5 20

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull

Employee details Field name datatyp e length constraint s description keys prim ary





identification Emp_nam e Address Phno Mobno Email Varchar Varchar numbe r numbe r varcha r 5 20 15 15 20 Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull notnull Employee name Employee address Phone number Mobile number Email address

Worker details Field name datatyp e lengt h constrain ts description keys prim ary

Worker_id Name Address Phno Mobno Email

Varchar Varchar Varchar Numbe r Numbe r varchar

5 20 50 15 15 20

Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull Notnull

Worker identification Worker name Worker address Worker phone no Mobile number Email address

HR details table Field name Order_id Evnt_name datatyp e varchar varchar lengt h 5 20 constrain ts notnull notnull description Order identification Name of event keys Forei gn

Date_evnt Cost

date number

8l 10

notnull Notnull

Date of event Cost of the event

Feedback table lengt h constrain ts ke ys F k

Field name



Client-id Order-id Date of fb Event name Description

varchar varchar date varchar varchar

5 5 8 20 50

notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull

Client of identification Order of identification Date of feedback Name of event description

Reference table Fieldname datatyp e lengt h constrain ts description Ke ys

Ref-id Ref-name Address Phone no Mobile no Web addr E-mail addr

varchar varchar varchar number number varchar varchar

5 20 50 15 15 20 20

notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull notnull

Reference of identification Reference name Reference address Reference phone no Reference of mobile Website address Email of address


4.4 Process Design

Integrated Software System for Enterprise Resource Scheduling was designed and developed based on the Waterfall Model. This model particularly expresses the interaction between subsequent phases. Testing software is not an activity, which strictly follows the implementation phase. In each phase of the software development process, we have to compare the results obtained against that which is required. In all phases quality has to be assessed and controlled.


Software testing is an important element of Software Quality Assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The increasing visibility of software as a system element and the costs associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well planned, through testing. There are several rules that can serve as testing objectives, 1) Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. 2) A good test case is the one that has a high probability of finding an undiscovered error. 3) A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error.

5.2 System Testing System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system. Although each test has a different purpose, all work to verify that all system elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions.

During testing I tried to make sure that the product does exactly what is supposed to do. Testing is the final verification and validation activity within the organization itself. In the testing stage, I try to achieve the following goals; to affirm the quality of the product, to find and eliminate any residual errors from previous stages, to validate the software as a solution to the original problem, to demonstrate the presence of

all specified functionality in the product, to estimate the operational reliability of the system. During testing the major activities are concentrated on the examination and modification of the source code.

Testing Methodologies

The following are the Testing Methodologies:

1. Unit Testing. 2. Integration Testing. 3. User Acceptance Testing. 4. Output Testing. 5. Validation Testing.

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of Software design that is the module. Unit testing exercises specific paths in a modules control structure to ensure complete coverage and maximum error detection. This test focuses on each module individually, ensuring that it functions properly as a unit. Hence, the naming is Unit Testing.

Integration Testing
the issues associated with the dual problems Integration testing addresses of verification and program construction. After the software has been integrated a set of

high order tests are conducted. The main objective in this testing process is to take unit tested modules and builds a program structure that has been dictated by design.

The following are the types of Integration Testing:

1 - Top Down Integration

This method is an incremental approach to the construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main program module. The module subordinates to the main program module are incorporated into the structure in either a depth first or breath first manner.

2 - Bottom-up Integration

This method begins the construction and testing with the modules at the lowest level in the program structure. Since the modules are integrated from the bottom up, processing required for modules subordinate to a given level is always available and the need for stubs is eliminated. The bottom up integration strategy may be implemented with the following steps:

The low-level modules are combined into clusters into clusters that perform a specific Software sub-function. A driver (i.e.) the control program for testing is written to coordinate test case input and output. The cluster is tested.

Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program structure

User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly in touch with the prospective system users at time of developing and making changes wherever required is done in regard to the following point:

1. Input Screen design 2. Output Screen design 3. Menu driven system

Output Testing

After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed system, since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output in the specified format. The outputs generated or displayed by the system under consideration are tested by asking the users about the format required by them. Hence the output format is considered in 2 ways one is on screen and another in printed format.

Validation Checking
Validation checks are performed on the following fields.

Text Field
The text field can contain only the number of characters lesser than or equal to its size. The text fields are alphanumeric in some tables and alphabetic in other tables. Incorrect entry always flashes and error message.

Numeric Field
The numeric field contain only numbers from 0 to 9. entry can An of any flashes an error messages. The individual modules are checked character for accuracy and what it has to perform. Each module is subjected to run along test with sample The individually modul are integrated into a single data. tested es system.
Testing involves executing the real data information is used in the program the existence

of any program defect is inferred from the output. The testing should be planned so all the requirements are individually tested. A successful test is one that gives out the defects for the

th at

inappropria te

data and produces and output revealing the errors in the system.

Preparation of Test Data

The above testing is done by taking various kinds of test data. Preparation of test data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data the system under study is tested using that test data. While testing the system by using test data errors are again uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps and corrections are also noted for future use.

Using Live Test Data

Live test data are those that are actually extracted from organization files. After a system is partially constructed, programmers or analysts often ask users to key in a set of data from their normal activities. Then, the systems person uses this data as a way to partially test the system. In other instances, programmers or analysts extract a set of live data from the files and have them entered themselves.

It is difficult to obtain live data in sufficient amounts to conduct extensive testing. And, although it is realistic data that will show how the system will perform for the typical processing requirement, assuming that the live data entered are in fact typical, such data generally will not test all combinations or formats that can enter the system. This bias toward typical values then does not provide a true systems test and in fact ignores the cases most likely to cause system failure.

Using Artificial Test Data

Artificial test data are created solely for test purposes, since they can be generated to test all combinations of formats and values. In other words, the artificial data, which can quickly be prepared by a data generating utility program in the information systems department, make possible the testing of all login and control paths through the program.

The most effective test programs use artificial test data generated by persons other than those who wrote the programs. Often, an independent team of testers formulates a testing plan, using the systems specifications.

5.3 System Implementation

Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. At this stage the main work load, the greatest upheaval and the major impact on the existing system shifts to the user department. If the implementation is not carefully planned an controlled it can cause chaos and confusion.

Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new one. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated system or it may be a major modification to an existing system. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the organization requirements. Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it.

The process of putting the developed system in actual use is called system implementation. This includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new system. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to be working according to the specifications. The system personnel checks the feasibility of the system.

The most crucial stage is achieving a new successful system and giving confidence on the new system for the user that it will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of methods to achieve the changeover. The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved will be the system analysis an the design effort required just for implementation. The system implementation has three main aspects. They are education and training, system testing and changeover.

The implementation stage involves following tasks.

Careful planning. Investigation of system and constraints.

Design of methods to achieve the changeover. Training of the staff in the changeover phase. Evaluation of the changeover method.

The method of implementation and the time scale to be adopted are found out initially. Next the system is tested properly and the same time users are trained in the new procedures.

Implementation Procedures
in its real environment, to the satisfaction of Implementation of softwarethe intended users and the operation of the refers to the final installation of the packagesystem. In many organizations some one who will not be operating it, will commission

the software development project. The people who are not sure that the software is meant to make their job easier. In the initial stage, they doubt about the software but we have to ensure that the resistance does not build up as one has to make sure that

The active user must be aware of the benefits of using the system Their confidence in the software is built up Proper guidance be imparted to the user so that he is comfortable in using the application.

Before going ahead and viewing the system, the user must know that for viewing the result, the server program should be running in the server. If the server object is not up running on the server, the actual processes wont take place.

User Training

To achieve the objectives and benefits expected from computer based system, it is essential for the people who will be involved to be confident of their role in the new system. As systems become more complex, the need for education an training is more and more important.

Education is complementary to training. It bring life to formal training by explaining the background to the resources for them. Education involves creating the right atmosphere an motivating user staff. Education sections should encourage participation from all staff with protection for individuals for group criticism. Education

should start will before any development work to enable users to maintain or to regain the ability to participate in the development of their system.

Education information can make training more interesting and more understandable. The aim should always be to make individual feel that they can still make all important contributions, to explain how they participate in making system changes, and to show that the computer and computer staff do not operate in isolation, but are of the same organization.

Training on the Application Software

After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness the users will have to be trained on the new application software. This will give the underlying philosophy of the use of the new system such as the screen flow, screen design, type of help on the screen, type of errors while entering the data the corresponding validation check at each entry and the ways to correct the data entered. It should then cover information needed by the specific user/groups to use the system or part of the system while imparting the training of the program on the application. This training may be different across different user groups and across different levels of hierarchy.

Operational Documentation
is decided, it is essential that the user of the Once the implementation plan system is made familiar and comfortable with the environment. Education involves right

atmosphere & motivating the user. A documentation providing the whole operations of the system is being developed. The system is developed in such a way that the user can work with it in a well consistent way. The system is developed user friendly so that the user can work the system from the tips given in the application itself. Useful tips and guidance is given inside the application itself to help the user. Users have to be made aware that what can be achieved with the new system and how it increases theperformance of the system. The user of the system should be given a general idea of the system before he uses the system.


Event Management System can be further enhanced in the future by adding more customer service to the customer through Online Ticket Reservations for participating in the events. The application can communicate to other event business applications which can be enhanced to distribute the business data and serve as a broker between the customer and the Business Entity. Online payment services will be the most added advantage for the customer to make their payment through Credit Card Transaction. The application developed is designed in such a way that any further enhancements can be done with ease. The system has the capability for easy integration with other systems. New modules can be added to the system with less effort.

Event Management System will be enhanced further with automated mailing services to the customer.




9. APPENDICES 9.1 Data Flow Diagram

Context Analysis Diagram (level 0)

i n i s

k e t i n g

r od

A P S P r o m o t i o n
Fi n

a n

C u s t o m

e r


l L e v e

F 2 D

o r

P r o d u c t i

r d e

P r o

u ct

e_ lv e n

O e P r e s n g n g e r p r

P r o d A ss t

r d r o c s i

D L e v e F


r o s s
e _


p r d o s t

n h e e

e v De l F F2 D o

r o

t i o

o r d e r P r o m o M a n a t

r d er

s e_ ls e r v i c e s

r o s t

m M



n g e

L e v

e D

P r o


o m

t t

s t

h e

e v De l F F2 D o


m_ tpr a c k r
_ d s
ne _

ls e

s m

ce s
o l s

P r o

c e

O r



s t

t i

o s t

h e




L a

l L e v
D e

F 3 D

_ d s

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l s

v i c e s
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o l s

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_s m

e r

d e

l l

o c a



E _ d
o n

t p

i es t m

t i o

c o s
t s

h e e t s

E p

Co s o f

a b

o r

e v De l F F2 D o

i n a n c e

o r

r l e r v s

e _

s _ p

d o
r m


l s

er v i
e _ l v

m s

P l v

o o

r m
o o

e _

n r

t p

r ac

i F n a n c e O r d e r

P r r e

o p ar

a l t i o n

q u o ta t io n

r o p o s a l

E P r o p o s a

_ s t o r



f t

e r

r o p

s a l

o d

t i o n

P r

d uc


a t

V n

r Pr
_ d s

a n a g

e r

a i l

n e _

l v e n d o



a c k


e r i

t i t c a

o n

P r

_ d s

n e

l v

e n d

_ d s

n e _

l v

e n d

v e

i r e c t

Sc h e

u P r

o s a l


r e


r i

e a t

vu o t a or

i S

u h e d s

i o
c l


d u l

g g

e n

e p a

d a a t

g e n d a _ s

o m

a r i


c e s s e s

Af te r

P r o d u c t i o

F i n an c e

r _dS n e_ lv e

d o r P

r o _ sm e_ olv e n

d o r s

d o r _ b

y Ve n d o


V e r i B i l l

o n

B Cl

l l ar a n c

C e


t C

l i _ e

p n

a t y

9.2 E- R Diagram

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