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PREFACE The subject of Chemistry is the perfect choice for students with lively inquiring minds.

It affects all aspects of life and chemists are therefore involved in tackling major problems of scientific and social concern. It plays an important part in many fields of technology, so that graduate chemists must be familiar with a variety of facts, figures, theories, experimental and instrumental techniques. Its concepts and problem solving opportunities, and its laboratory activates train hand and mind. These and its relation to other sciences from physics to medicine, and its role throughout technology means that graduate chemists have an especially wide choice of career. Teaching in the Department is aimed at the development in students the ability to undertake independent study and to bring critical judgment to bear on their own work, as well as that others. The use of the University Library and other resource centres is therefore central to the students academic activities. Teaching is mostly through lectures, laboratory work and tutorials, all of which are inter-related. Tutors can also help, both in tutorials and at other times, with any problems arising from lectures and from your own reading. Laboratory sessions are an integral part of study in the Department. They are designed to ensure that the student, as well as gaining theoretical knowledge, develops practical skills and becomes familiar with the experimental methods and equipment used in the development of the subject. The Departments system of assessment is based on a mixture of continuous assessment (practical, tests, assignments, etc.) and examinations. Its aims are three-fold: (i) to be as just and precise as possible in ascertaining whether a student has the ability to pursue a rigorous course of study and to reach the level of attainment expected of a graduate; (ii) to reduce student wastage by giving adequate early warning of failure and to minimise strain caused by a single run of crucial highly concentrated examinations and (iii) to attempt to discover the intellectual ability of a student as distinct from the ability to do well in examinations. Continuous assessment on work done in the course of a semester is normally based on tests, laboratory work and assignments. At the University of Zambia, the teaching year is divided into two semesters (a system introduced during the 1995/96 academic year) of about fifteen weeks each with two intervening vacation periods. There is a short mid-semester reach about half way through each of the semesters. The courses provided are based on this arrangement of the teaching year. A semester-unit is a course of teaching and study in one subject which lasts for one semester, and although the amount of teaching in different semester-units may vary in different subjects, each semester-unit is calculated to occupy roughly the same proportion of a students working time. Many intending students ask why the University uses this system instead of the more traditional division of the academic year into three terms of ten weeks each. The short answer is that the University considers that there are many advantages in having its degree structure based on a combination of semester-units, rather than on a smaller number of year-long courses. The smaller unit of study gives students a greater flexibility in choosing and in modifying their degree programs, and encourages students to same disciplines which are new to them.

Content Preface Contents Members of Staff Internal Telephone Directory Mission Statement Introduction to the Department Course Grading System Degree Classification Course Nomenclature Degree Options First Year Programs Post First Year Programs 11 12

Page i ii 1 3 4 5 8 9 9 11

Chemistry, Single major. Chemistry (major) - Biology (minor). Chemistry (major) - Mathematics (minor). Chemistry (major) - Physics (minor).. Chemistry- Geology(double major) Chemical & Biological Sciences (double major) Course Outlines and Syllabi. C110 Series. C200 Series. C300 Series. C400 Series. M.Sc. Degree Programs.. Eligibility to: Option A.. Option B. Option C C500 Series Course Outlines

14 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 21 31 43 61 61 62 63 64


DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY - MEMBERS OF STAFF Office of the Head: Room 319 in Department of Chemistry Telephone 295436, 291777/8 ext: 2490 E-mail: Head of Department and Senior Lecturer: Mbewe B. PhD Cape Town, MSc. Sussex BSc.Ed. Professors: Cernak J. CSc, PhD Puryne Belenavicius K, Dip.Chem. Techn.Eng Moscow ICT, Dg.Cand.of Sc. (Eng) L/grade Siamwiza M, AB (Cum Laude), Bowdoin College, MSc, PhD MIT

Associate Professor: Banda, S.F. MSc, PhD Manchester, DipEd, BSc.Ed. Senior Lecturers: Prakash S, MSc, PhD Locknow Munyati O.M. Ph.D. UMIST, MSc Manchester, BSc. Mbewe B. PhD Cape Town, MSc. Sussex BSc.Ed. Lecturers: Prakash N, MS.c & B.Sc. (Allahabad) Chipeleme A, PhD Cape Town, MSc. Salford, BSc. Xavier, G BSc,MSc(Mahatma Gandi), MPhil (Kerala) Mundia,A.Y. BSc,MSc (Bristol) Nomai, M. MSc,PhD(Alabama),BSc

Special Research Fellows: Chitanda J.M. MSc. (UMIST) BS.c Daka, P. BScEd Nyirenda J. M Sc Jamia Hamdard, B Sc Staff Development Fellows: Funjika E. BSc Chama, MF BSc Chief Technicians: Mukwanka E. HND Wales, AdvTechCert Senior Technicians: Syamwenya J. AdvTechCert Syabbamba C. BSc. Zyambo G. BScEd,AdvTechCert Musonda O AdvTechCert,TechDip Chomba I. AdvTechCert,TechDip Technicians: Lungu A. Simfukwe R. Lengwe C. Chankoboka D. Mambo K. Pande H. .

Secretarial staff Manyoma J (Secretary)

Other staff Chitoshi G(Messenger) Mundia I Library Attendant


DEPARTMENTAL INTERNAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Name Head of Department Secretary, Chemistry Room 319 319 Ext. 2489 2490

Resource Centre
Ms J. Manyoma Ms G. Chitoshi Prof J. Cernak Prof. K. Belenavicius Prof. M. Siamwiza Prof. S. F. Banda Dr. S. Prakash Dr. B. Chishya Mr. B. Tembo Mr. J. Nyirenda Dr. O.M. Munyati Mrs N. Prakash Mr. E. Mukwanka Mr. O. Musonda Mr. R. Simfukwe Mr. J. Kakoma Mr. J. Syamwenya Mr. C. Lengwe Mr. C. Syabbamba
Mr. G. Zyambo Mr. I. Chomba Mr. A. Lungu Mr. D. Chankoboka Ms I. Mundia

319 319 321 219 225 223 221 222 222 226 324 323 120 039 012 315 315 124 215
315 215 215 039 036

2490 2490 2491 2517 2523 2521 2519 2520 2520 2524 2494 2493 2499 2579 2485 2487 2487 2501 2486
2487 2486 2486 2579 2578 Electronic Mail All members of the academic staff are contactable By electronic mail. Addresses at the University of Zambia are of the following general format: Thus to send a mil message to Chosani T Zimba in the school of Natural Sciences the e-mail address is: For official communication to the Head of Department of Chemistry use:

Department of Chemistry (OC) Website For additional information on other activities in the Department of Chemistry such as consultancy, analytical services and research interests visit the DOC website:

School of Natural Sciences Ext. Office of the Dean 2569 Secretary to the Dean 2570 Assistant Dean (UG & PG) 2545 Secretary to the Assistant Dean 2546 Financial Officer 2538 Administrative Assistant to Dean2571 Senior Administrative Officer 2571 Departmental Offices Head, Biological Sciences Secretary, Biological Sciences Head, Physics Secretary, Physics Head, Mathematics & Statistics Secretary, Mathematics & Stat. Head, Geography Secretary, Geography Head, Computer Studies Secretary, Computer Studies

2674 2673 2515 2514 2548 2550 2567 2568 2702 2701

Central Administration Vice-Chancellor Deputy Vice-Chancellor Registrar Deputy Registrar(Admin.) Deputy Registrar (Acad.) Librarian Resident Engineer Bursar Deputy Resident Engineer Deputy Bursar (Admin) Deputy Bursar (Accts)

Ext. 2428/9 2442 2436/7 2430/1 2449 2130/1 2092/3 2421/2 2065/91 2419/20 2414/5

MISSION STATEMENT The Department of Chemistry at the University of Zambia aims to train personnel for scientific, academic institutions and the chemical industries in the nation with special emphasis on the primary needs of Zambia. Through the various programs the department strives to maintain a meaningful relationship with the local Chemical Industry to monitor the relevance of the theory to practice of this costly expanding field of Chemistry. Finally, the department provides support services to other schools in the university by providing the all-important backup chemistry knowledge, and to the community and industry by providing analytical services for their products. The Department of Chemistry endeavors to: Train and make available quality personnel for scientific and academic institutions, and chemical industries in the nation. Address the primary needs of the nation through research and consultancy Promote collaboration with local industries in order to enhance the quality of chemical products Look after and safe guard the interests of the community on matters of a chemical nature

INTRODUCTION TO THE DEPARTMENT The role of chemistry in understanding the nature, various aspects of human welfare, agriculture, industrial and economic development of a nation and world at large can not be over emphasized. Chemistry is concerned not only with the chemical composition and properties of mater but also with transformation of one matter into another. The recognition and understanding of the relationship between chemical structure and properties of the molecules such as physical, chemical, biological, medicinal, optical etc and the tremendous advances made in chemical transformations, chemical technology and instrumentation have revolutionized the role of chemistry in the service of mankind and economic development. Tens of thousands of chemicals not found in nature have been synthesized eventually from some naturally occurring readily available materials for various human needs, material comforts and welfare such as synthetic fivers, building materials, drugs pesticides etc. An in-depth knowledge of various chemicals principles, chemical techniques and modern instrumentation is essential not only for academic pursuits in the study of nature, life processes and reach but also for improved human welfare and economic development of the nation through optimum utilisation of natural resources, processing of natural products for value addition, production of synthetic chemicals for various consumer, medicinal, agricultural purposes etc. The Department of Chemistry offers the following subjects and programs: BIOCHEMISTRY Biochemistry is a branch of Science that is concerned with study of chemistry in biological systems. Put differently, biochemistry is the chemistry in living cells (animals, plant and virus). Biochemistry explains or attempts to explain life processes. Biochemistry explains biological phenomena such movement (locomotion), vision, and disease or disorder in chemical terms. Since biochemistry offers a scientific explanation for the development of disease or disorder it occupies an integral part of a program of study in medicine. All medics (both veterinary and human) need biochemistry in order to execute their jobs effectively. Without biochemistry development of cures and vaccines is impossible. Biochemistry also plays an important role in agriculture. It requires a good biochemist to develop suitable plant and animals varieties for, a given region of the world. Generally such development of varieties involves the manipulation of the genetic material and genetics is deeply rooted in biochemistry. Therefore, biochemistry is an absolute necessity for human development whether in health, agriculture or in economics or generation of wealth. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Inorganic Chemistry is one of the major branch of chemistry offered to students at all undergraduate levels wishing to proceed to Science bases programs in Engineering, Mining, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, Education and agricultural Sciences, etc. A number of basic and advanced topics are covered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The main topics include are, chemical principles, studies of main group elements, transition metals, of block elements, coordination chemistry, organ metallic chemistry, physical - Inorganic techniques to interpret the molecular, properties of inorganic compounds, catalysts and role of metals in biological system etc. At M.Sc, level, the teaching of inorganic chemistry aims at imparting more in depth knowledge of various principles, techniques and instrumentation not covered at undergraduate level. Emphasis is on applied techniques tailored in line with the needs of the nation and the current issues in Chemistry. Current research activities are focused in the field of coordination chemistry, Bio-inorganic chemistry environmental problems directly affecting the community. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry may be defined as the chemistry of carbon compounds. The importance of Organic molecule sin understanding the basic constitution of life, biological & life processes and in fulfilling the basic human needs such as food, beverages, clothing, shelter, soaps, medicines, fertilizers, insecticides and

numerous consumer items can not be overemphasized. Some organic compounds occur in nature and are obtained from natural resources. However, the vast majority of organic compounds have to be prepared from readily available materials by carefully planned chemical transformations. The study of organic chemistry involves the understanding of bonding in organic molecules; the relationship between chemical structure and physical, chemical, and other (such as medicinal) properties of the molecules; total and partial synthesis of molecules with a a number of specific characterics, explanation of reaction mechanisms including the unexpected transformations, structure elucidation and rational design of molecules expected to posses specified set of properties. The undergraduate organic chemistry program has been designed to provide a sound understanding of these aspects. The program also aims to develop the thinking process and problem solving ability. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Analytical chemistry is concerned with the study of both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques of matter. It includes discussions of how to design and analytical method (which depends on what information is needed), how to obtain on laboratory sample that is representative of the whole, how to prepare it for analysis what measurement tools are available, automated analyses, and the statistic significance of the analysis. In short it is directed towards proper quality control, environmental monitoring etc. Analytical chemistry begins with a simple central purpose to provide the student with a basic understanding of he theory and principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis which are necessary to the student that intends to major in mining, agriculture teaching and medicine. The course in covers the use of computers in modern analytical instruments for the practicing analytical chemistry. These are the instruments used in industrial quality control and environmental, monitoring techniques. At fourth year level a great deal of emphasis is on applied analytical chemistry. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY PROGRAM (ICP) Industrial chemistry is concerned with the practical applications of Chemistry. Many courses in chemistry deal with the fundamentals of the sciences but do not adequately address the application aspects. The ICP looks at the various chemical processes obtaining in Zambian industries such as plastics and rubbers, pharmaceuticals, sugar industries petroleum industries soaps and detergents and many others. The program is designed to provide graduate personnel with a thorough understanding of the manufacturing processes in the Zambian chemical industries leading to improved products able to compete on the global market. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Physical chemistry is concerned with the quantitative interpretation of the macroscopic world (physical processes) in terms of atomic-molecular world. It is concerned with chemical phenomenon such as energy transfer, rates and mechanisms so chemical processes, absorption/adsorption processes, macromolecule behaviour in solution and many others. These are all processes occurring in chemical processing and products of the chemical industries. Thus, an understanding of the underlying principles of physical chemistry by graduate personnel has a direct effect on how effectively the industries are run (e.g. optimization of processes) and on the quality of products. MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY All drugs contain either a single chemical or a mixture of chemicals and no chemical is completely from toxic chemicals (drugs) for the treatment of human, animal and plant diseases. The drugs may be prepared in the laboratory i.e. synthetic or derived form natural resources such as medicinal plants, herbs etc. The medicinal chemistry courses offered by the department at undergraduate and postgraduate level provide a sound understanding of: The relationship between structure of the drug and its medicinal properties. Principles involved in the development of new drugs with greater potency and levels of undesirable side effects.

These courses also teach preparation of drugs in laboratory, isolation of drugs from herbal materials traditionally used as medicine in Zambia and scientific evaluation of the therapeutic potential of synthetic drugs and herbal medicines and/or dugs derived from medicinal plants in the treatment of human, animal and plant diseases. The courses provide much needed trained personnel not only for pharmaceutical, be ternary and agrochemical industries but also for scientific utilization of herbal materials as alternative medicine for treatment human ailments and it integration into the modern medicine. Reflux assemblies, heating mantles mechanical stirrers and rotary evaporators are some of the equipment used for preparation of drugs and also for isolation of medicinal compounds from plant materials. Purification is achieved by thin layer and column chromatography whereas UV AND ir. Spectrometers are used for identification OF DRUGS. The medicinal effect of compounds are evaluated by many methods including the sue of transducers and isolated organ baths. POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS M.Sc program offered by the chemistry department aims at imparting more in-depth knowledge of various chemical principles, techniques and instrumentation than that is available at undergraduate level. It also introduces a number of sub-areas in chemistry not offered in the undergraduate chemistry program. The long term objective of the department is to introduce specialized graduate chemistry programs culminating in specialized post-graduate degrees and diplomas in chemistry such as Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, etc. many more new courses will have to be introduced to achieve this long term objective and the Department is working in this direction. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The department is actively involved in research project at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Research interests include: Determination of pesticides & estimation of toxic metal in foodstuffs Determination of quality of drinking water Anti-microbial studies on plant materials used as a medicine in Zambia Determination of amount of lead from fuel Minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotic in Salmonella Synthesis of anti-microbial/anti-viral/central nervous system - active compounds Production of vegetable oil from the native Mungongo nuts. COMMUNITY SERVICES The department of chemistry offers services to community through its analytical services laboratory. The laboratory does routine measurement and elementary analysis at a fee. Several companies heavily rely on this laboratory of their chemical analyses. The members of staff are available for advisory and consultancy services in many subject areas of interest. Many firms make use of this available human resource in meeting expert advice their high need.

SUBJECT GRADING SCHEME The following grades shall be used in assessing the performance of a candidate in a course: Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D Description Distinction Distinction Meritorious Very Satisfactory Clear Pass Bare Pass Bare Fail Clear Fail Key: UG Range PG Range 90-100 90-100 80-89 80-89 70-79 60-69 65-79 50-59 40-49 50-64 35-39 0-49 is FAIL (f) 0-35 UG-Undergraduate, PG-Postgraduate

Others applicable comments: S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory NE No Examination written LT Left without permission WP Withdrawn with Permission


Bare Fail Pass in a Supplementary Examination (UG only) Fail in a Supplementary Examination (UG only) Penalty Withdrawal Incomplete

DEGREE CLASSIFICATION The grade of the degree awarded shall be based on the grades obtained in courses normally taken in the third and fourth years of the BSc. Program. This should include all 300/400/900 level courses acceptable for the degree program and be equivalent to sixteen units of study. Courses that are repeated or are taken as replacements of failed ones shall be assigned a value of Zero in the degree assessment. There are four grades of degree: Distinction (equivalent to 27.5 points and above i.e. A+, A average) Merit(equivalent to 20-27 points and above i.e. B+ average) Credit(equivalent to 12-19.5 points and above i.e. B average) Pass(equivalent to less than 12 points and above i.e. C+, C average)

COURSE NOMENCLATURE Each course has an alphanumerical coding: 1. The initial letter(s) designates the subject: BIO for Biological Sciences C for Chemistry GG for Geology M for Mathematics and Statistics P for Physics CAV for Chemistry for Agriculture and Veterinary students The first digit indicates the earliest year in which the course may normally be taken. 9 implies a course that would normally be taken at year 3 or 4. The second digit identifies the branch of chemistry course. The second digit designates the following (0) General Chemistry, (1) Biochemistry, (2) Analytical Chemistry, (4) Inorganic Chemistry. (5) Organic Chemistry, (6) Physical Chemistry, (7) Medicinal Chemistry, (8) Inorganic Industrial Chemistry, and (9) Organic Technology. The third digit identifies the period during which a course is offered and also the unit value of the course 0 or 9 course of one unit value, and is examined at the end of the academic year. It is an equivalent of two(2) semester courses. A course ending with a zero(0) is a project course. 1 to 6 course of one-half unit value, and is normally examined at the end of the semester. COURSE DEFINITIONS A taught course of normally involves three lecture hours and one tutorial hour per week with one laboratory session of three hours per week. A taught course of one-half unit value can be confined to the first or second halves of the academic year or spread uniformly throughout the whole academic year. It is normally half the load of a course of one unit value. Pre-requisites are courses that must be passed before taking the course for which they are listed. Co-requisites are courses that must be taken at the same time as the course for which they are listed. An advanced course is one whose first identifying digit is 3, 4 or 9. A project course requires a student to spend at least 7 hours per week on his project activities.




CHEMISTRY UNDERGRADUATE PRIZES AND AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCY The Department of Chemistry rewards students for their excellency in Chemistry. The prizes are awarded on the basis of Chemistry courses only and the student should be majoring in Chemistry. Currently the University of Zambia Senate Scholarship and Prizes Awards Committee awards the following Chemistry prizes.


The Zambia India Friendship Association (ZIFA) Prize for the best overall graduating Chemistry student.

(b) (c) (d)

The Human Service Trust (HST) late P. C. Gupta Memorial Prize for the best overall graduating female Chemistry student. The Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre Prize for the best overall third year Chemistry student. The Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre Prize for the best overall female third year Chemistry student.


DEGREE OPTIONS The Department of Chemistry has re-structured its courses to suit the semester system in accordance with the University requirement. The degree may be granted as a Single0Subejct Major or as a General Major degree. The Department offers the following degree structure options. Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option F Chemistry (Single Subject Major) Chemistry - Biology (Chemistry Major - Biology Minor) Chemistry - Mathematics (Chemistry Major _ Mathematics MinorChemistry - Physics (Chemistry Major - Physics Minor) Chemistry - Geology (Double-Subject Major) Chemical and Biological Sciences


(A) FIRST YEAR PROGRAMS For all programs the curriculum for the First Year is as follows:

Fist Semester BIO 1011 Cells and Molecules C101 Introduction to Chemistry I M111 Mathematical Methods I P191 Introductory Physics I Second Semester Option A Or Option B BIO 1012Molecular Biology and Genetics C102 Introduction to Chemistry II C102 Introduction to Chemistry II M114 Mathematical Methods IIb M112 Mathematical Methods IIa P198 Introduction Physics IIb

INFORMATION ABOUT FIRST YEAR STREAMING IN SECOND SEMESTER After a first semester, which is common to all first year students, the School of Natural Sciences offers two different stream in the second semester Option A: Option B: BS112 Lectures: 3 hour/week C102 Lectures: 3 hour/week Tutorial: 1 hour/week Tutorial: 1 hour/week Practical: 3 hour/week Practical: 3 hour/week C012 Lectures: Tutorial: Practical: Lectures: Tutorial: Practical: Lectures: Tutorial: Practical: 3 hour/week 1 hour/week 3 hour/week 3 hour/week 1 hour/week 3 hour/week 3 hour/week 1 hour/week 3 hour/week P198 Lectures: Tutorial: Particle : Lectures: Tutorial: Particle: 5 hour/week 1 hour/week 3 hour/week 5 hour/week 1 hour/week 3 hour/week




Option A has the same subjects as the first semester program, with the same allocation to the various teaching activities. Option B does not offer the Biology, but instead offers more mathematics and physics than Option A.


Option A is intended to prepare students for programs which also require biology. These programs of study are in the School of Medicine, the School of Veterinary Medicine, the School of Agriculture and the Department of Biological Sciences. One specialization in the Department of Chemistry (Biochemistry) will also require some biology courses in higher years. Therefore students who intend selecting this specialization will also have to follow option a in second semester. Option B is intended to prepare students for programs of study which required a thorough background in mathematics and/or Physics. These are programs in the School of Engineering, the School of Mines, and the Department of Computer Studies. The table below gives an overview of the second semester option needed for various programs of study. Option A: Option B: School of Medicine School of Education School of Veterinary Medicine School of Mines School of Agriculture School of Engineering Department of Biological Sciences Department of Computer Studies Department of Chemistry Department of Physics Department of Physics Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Allocation of students to the second semester streams is very similar to the quota allocation exercise, and will depend on (in this order); (i) (ii) ((iii) The students own preference The grades obtained for relevant first semester courses (e.g. Mathematics and Physics for option B). The total quota for the cluster of Schools for which the option prepares (e.g. for option A, the students registered in the School of Agriculture, plus the quota for the Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine).

The maximum capacity for each stream is 300 students. In so far as possible, the students own preference will be used in allocating students. The other two criteria mentioned above, (ii) and (iii), will only be applied if the number of students selecting one option exceeds its capacity of 300. (B) POST-FIRST YEAR PROGRAMS: NOTE: Students are expected to choose from the options above and strictly the programs as indicated below Students wishing to go to the School of Medicine

(B) (i)

Second Year Semester I C205 Analyt. & Inorg. Chem. C251 Organic Chemistry I BIO 2041 Basic Physiology BIO 2051 Diversity of Plants

Semester II C212 Introduction to Biochemistry C252 Organic Chemistry II BIO 2032 Basic Microbiology BIO 2062 Diversity of Animals


(B) (ii)

Option A


Second Year Semester I C225 Analytical Chemistry I C245 Inorganic Chemistry I C251 Organic Chemistry I M211 Mathematical Methods III

Semester II C212 Introduction to Biochemistry C252 Organic Chemistry II C265 Basic Physical Chemistry M212 Mathematical Methods III

Third Year: Choose eight (8) courses 4 from each semester from: Semester I Semester II C311 Biochemistry I C312 Biochemistry II C321 Analytical Chemistry II C322 Analytical Chemistry III C341 Inorganic Chemistry II C342 Inorganic Chemistry III C351 Organic Chemistry III C352 Organic Chemistry IV C361 Chem. Kinetics & Nucl. Chemistry C361 Colloids & Electrochemistry Fourth Year: (a) Choose two courses from the 300 series NOT taken at Third Year (b) Either: Six courses 3 from each semester from the 400 series below Or: Four courses 2 from each semester from the 400 series below plus a project course. Semester I C411 Advanced Biochemistry I C421 Appl. Analy. Chem, (Inorg Comp.) C441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I C445 Bio-inorganic Chemistry C451 Advanced Organic Chemistry I C461 Quantum Mech. & Mol. Spectro. C481 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry C491 Organic Industry Chemistry I C475 Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry Semester II C412 Advanced Biochemistry II C422 Appl. Analyt. Chem, (Org Comp.) C442 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II C455 Advanced Organic Chemistry III C452 Advanced Organic Chemistry II C462 Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics C482 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II C492 Organic Industrial Chemistry II

Project Courses: Graduating students have choice of taking a project course with a unit value weighting. The project courses have the course code: C400.


(B) (iii)

Option B

CHEMISTRY (major) - BIOLOGY (minor)

DEGREE STRUCTURE OPTION Second Year: Semester I C225 Analytical Chemistry I C245 Inorganic Chemistry I C251 Organic Chemistry I BIO 2041 Basic physiology BIO 2051 Diversity of plants

Semester II C265 Basic Physical Chemistry C252 Organic Chemistry II C212 Introduction to Biochemistry BIO 2032 Basic Microbiology BIO 2062 Diversity of Animals

Either Or

Third Year: Semester I C311 Biochemistry I C351 Organic Chemistry III Either C321 Analytical Chemistry II Or C341 Inorganic Chemistry II

Semester II C312 Biochemistry II C352 Organic Chemistry IV C322 Analytical Chemistry III C342 Inorganic Chemistry III

Followed by two (2) Biological Sciences courses 1 from each semester from: BIO 3291Plant Physiology BIO 3211Introduction to Entomology BIO 3231Molecular biology BIO 3231Molecular biology Fourth Year: Semester I C411 Advanced Biochemistry BIO 3092 Animal Physiology BIO 3102 Bacteriology BIO 3112 Biochemistry and physiology of Parasites BIO 3182 Genetics

Semester II C412 Advanced Biochemistry II

Choose four (4) Chemistry courses 2 from each semester from: C421 App. Analyt. Chem.(Inorg Comp.) C422 C445 Bio-inorganic Chemistry C475 C441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I C442 C451 Advanced Organic Chemistry I C452 C455 Advanced Organic Chemistry III

App. Analyt. Chem.(Org Comp.) Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II Advanced Organic Chemistry II

Followed by two (2) Biological Sciences courses 1 from each semester from: BS441 Advanced Molecular Biology I BS442 Advanced Molecular Biology II BS421 Microbiology BS485 Biotechnology



Option C


DEGREE STRUCTURE OPTION Second Year: Semester I C225 Analytical Chemistry I C245 Inorganic Chemistry I C251 Organic Chemistry I M211 Mathematics Methods III Third Year: Semester I C321 Analytical Chemistry II C361 Chem. Kinetics & Nucl. Chemistry M221 Linear Algebra I

Semester II C265 Basic Physical Chemistry C212 Introduction to Biochemistry C252 Organic Chemistry II M212 Mathematical Methods IV

Semester II C322 Analytical Chemistry III C362 Colloids & Electrochemistry M222 Linear Algebra II

Choose two(2) Chemistry courses 1 from each semester from: C341 Inorganic Chemistry II C342 C351 Organic Chemistry III C352 Fourth Year: Semester I C421 Appl. Analyt. Chem(Inorg. Comp) C461 Quantum Mech. & Mol. Spectro.

Inorganic Chemistry III Organic Chemistry IV

C422 C462

Appl. Analyt. Chem.(Org. Comp.) Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics

Choose two(2) Chemistry courses 1 from each semester from C481 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry I C491 Organic Industrial Chemistry I C441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I C451 Advanced Organic Chemistry I

C482 C492 C442 C452

Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II Organic Industrial Chemistry II Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II

Any two(2) Mathematical courses 1 from each semester from Either M911 Mathematical Methods V M912 Or M981 Numerical Analysis I M982 Or M325 Group and Ring Theory M335

Mathematical Methods VI Numerical analysis II Topology



Option D

CHEMISTRY(major) - PHYSICS(minor)


Second Year: Semester I C205 Analyt. & Inorg. Chemistry P261 Electricity & magnetism M211 Mathematical Methods III C251 Organic Chemistry I Third year: Semester I C361 Chem. Kinetics & Nucl. Chemistry C341 Inorganic Chemistry II P251 Classical Mechanics I Either Or C321 C351 Analytical Chemistry II Organic Chemistry III

Semester II C265 Basic Physical Chemistry P212 Atomic Physics M212 Mathematical Methods IV C252 Organic Chemistry II

Semester II C362 Colloids & Electrochemistry C342 Inorganic Chemistry III P252 Classical Mech. II and Special Relativity C322 Analytical Chemistry III C352 Organic Chemistry IV

Fourth Year: Semester I C461 Quantum Mech. & Mol. Spectro

Semester II C462 Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics

Choose four(4) Chemistry courses 2 from each semester from: C421 Appl. Analyt. Chem(Inorg.Comp) C422 C481 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry I C482 C491 Organic Industrial Chemistry I C492 C441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I C442 C451 Advanced Organic Chemistry C452 Choose two(2) Physics courses 1 from each semester from: P341 Introduction to Electronics P361 Electromagnetic Theory

Apple. Analyt.Chem.(Org. Comp.) Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II Organic Industrial Chemistry II Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II Advanced Organic Chemistry II

P342 P302

Digital Electronics Computational Physics I


(B) (vi) Option E

CHEMISTRY - GEOLOGY (Double major)


Second Year: Semester I C225 Analytical Chemistry I C245 Inorganic Chemistry I GG201 Introduction to Geology M211 Mathematical Methods III Third Year: Semester I C341 Inorganic Chemistry II C361 Chem. Kinetics & Nucl. Chemistry GG311 Crystallography and mineralogy GG331 Structural geology I

Semester II P272 Optics C265 Basic Physical Chemistry GG202 Physical Geology M212 Mathematical Methods IV

Semester II C342 Inorganic Chemistry IIII C362 Colloids & Electrochemistry GG312 Mineralogy and petrology GG322 Stratigraphy and photogeology

Fourth Year: Choose four(4) Chemistry courses 2 from each semester from: Semester I Semester II C321 Analytical Chemistry II C322 Analytical Chemistry III C441 Advanced Inorganic C442 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II C481 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry I C482 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II Choose four(4) Geology courses 2 from each semester from GG411 Igneous Petrology GG471 Introduction to Geochemistry GG421 Sedimentology GG431 Structural Geology II and Plate Tectonics

GG412 Metamorphic petrology GG472 Applied Geochemistry



Option F



Second Year Semester I C225 Analytical Chemistry I BIO 2041 Basic physiology BIO 2051 Diversity of plants C251 Organic Chemistry I Third Year: Semester I C311 Biochemistry I C351 Organic Chemistry III BS319 Biostatistics Choose three (3) from the following electives: BIO 3161 Ethology of Birds and Mammals BIO 3241 Mycology BIO 3221 Invertebrates BIO 3291Plant Physiology BIO 3211Introduction to Entomology BIO 3231Molecular biology BIO 3231Molecular biology Fourth Year: Semester I C321 Analytical Chemistry I C411 Advanced Biochemistry I C455 Advanced Organic Chemistry III Choose two (2) Biological Sciences courses from: BS485 Biotechnology BS915 Biology of Seed Plants

Semester II C212 Introduction to Biochemistry BIO 2032 Basic Microbiology BIO 2062 Diversity of Animals C252 Organic Chemistry II

Semester II C312 Biochemistry II C352 Organic Chemistry IV

BIO 3132 Community Ecology BIO 3092 Animal Physiology BIO 3102 Bacteriology BIO 3112 Biochemistry and physiology of Parasites BIO 3182 Genetics

Semester II C322 Analytical Chemistry II C412 Advanced Biochemistry II

BS495 Research Projects BS935 Plant Physiology

SERVICES COURSES The Department of Chemistry offers service courses to other faculties/schools within the university. These include CAV251 exclusively offered to students in the Schools of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. The courses C212, C251 C252, C265, C321 and C322 are current also being offered to Food Science and Technology students while C225 and C245 are offered to School of Mines students. The School of Education has all its chemistry course offered by the Department of Chemistry in the School of Natural Sciences.


COURSE OUTLINES AND SYLLABI C101 Introduction to Chemistry I

Rationale: The course is first semester component of a general chemistry course which aims prepare students further studies which require a thorough foundation in Chemistry. It covers basic inorganic and physical chemistry and aims to impart basic experimental and study skills. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to: Perform stoichiometric calculations, and write acid-base, precipitation and redox reactions. Describe and explain the concepts involved in an electrochemistry and predict the results of electrolysis. Apply the Ideal Gas and use to kinetic theory and application to real gases. Describe the quantum mechanical module an atom, write electron configuration of atoms. The Periodic Table Explain and predict the chemical bonding in, and the structure and shape of, simple molecules. Demonstrate an understanding of reaction enthalpy, its determination using calorimetry, and Hess Law. Discuss qualitatively the uncertainties/errors in chemical experiments, and show of significant numbers Demonstrate skills in handling equipment/glassware, in making observations, recording and analysis of data. Course contents: Stoichiometry -Measurements: significant figures, units and unit conversion, uncertainties in experiments. -Elementary idea of atoms, molecules and ions; Atomic structure; Relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass; the mole concept, Avogadros number. -Chemical formula: empirical, molecular and structural formulae; Determination of empirical and molecular formulae from percentage composition; Atomic mass from percentage composition. -Mass or mole relations of reactants and products in a chemical reaction; Reactions in solution; Morality, Reactions involving acids and bases, titrations. -Reaction types; Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases; Oxidation-reduction reactions; Oxidation number; Balancing of Oxidation-reduction reaction equations; Calculations involving precipitation and oxidation-reduction reactions. Electrochemistry -Electrolysis; Laws of electrolysis; Cells; Reduction potentials; Electrochemical reactions; Nernst equation; Corrosion. Physical states of matter -Nature of solids, liquids and gases; The gas laws; Avogadros or Gay-Lussacs laws; Law of Partial pressure in gas mixtures; Grahams law of diffusion; elementary treatment of the kinetic theory of gases; Van der Waals equation; Liquefaction. Atomic structure -Light and spectra; Bohr model of the atom, quantum mechanical model, electronic configuration, Periods Table trends (atomic radius, ionization potential, electron affinity, electronegativity). Chemical bonding, structure and shape of molecules -Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures; resonance; shapes of molecules, VSEPR theory; polar moles; hybridization. -Periodic Table: metals, non-metals, metalloids; trends in ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity. Thermo chemistry -Heats of chemical reactions, Calorimetriy; Enthalpy; Hesss law; Bond energy; Lattice Energy; Time allocation Distribution of marks


Lectures Tutorials Laboratory

Three hours per week. One hour per week. Three hour-session per week.

Continuous assessment(A.A). total=50% C.A. Breakdown Theory Test 20% Practical Test 10% Assign./Tut. Quizzes 15% Lab. Work 15% Final (Theory) Examinations 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: -General Chemistry, Principles and Strucutures; James E. Brady and Gerald E. Humiston, 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1986. -Introductory Chemistry, Part I; 1995, S. F. Banda, G. Kumar, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C102 Introduction to Chemistry II

Rationale: The course is the second semester component of a general chemistry course which aims to prepare students for further studies which require a thorough foundation in Chemistry. It covers basic inorganic, analytical, organic and physical chemistry, and aims to impart basic experimental and study skills. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to: Discuss factors influencing the rate of reaction, and apply the rate law, and Arrhenius equation. Describe chemical equailibria, apply Le Chaterliers Principle, and apply concepts to solutions of buffers. State and describe intermolecular forces, and sketch and interpret simple phase diagrams. Discuss general principles of solubility, and discuss colligative properties of solutions. Classify, name and write the structure of organic compounds and state functional groups. Discuss bonding and isomerism in alkanes, predict and write reactions of organic compounds. Demonstrate skills in handling simple equipment/glassware, in making observations, recording and analysis of data. Write a comprehensive report(including a critical evaluation of the results) about chemical experiments. Course Contents: Chemical kinetics -Reaction rates and their measurements; Factors influencing rates of reactions; rate equation or rate law; Theory of reaction rates; Activation energy and activated complex; Rate determining steps; Catalysis. Equilibrium -Equilibrium, phase and chemical equilibria; solubility product constants; Le Chateliers principle Acids and bases: pH, Buffers, titration curves, hydrolysis of salts. Intermolecular forces -Intermolecular forces: dipole-dipole bonds, polar molecules; dispersion forces; polarizability; hydrogen bonding. Applications in liquids: surface tension; capillary action; viscosity; dimerization of carboxylic acids. Changes of state; vapour pressure; critical point; ClausiusClapeyron equation; phase diagrams. Solutions and their properties -Solution terminology: dilute/concentrated; Unsaturated/saturated/supersaturated; weak and strong electrolytes/non-electrolytes. Concentration units: mass percentage; mole fraction; molarity; molality. Principles of solubility; enthalpy of solution; effect of temperature and pressure on solubility, Henrys Law. Colligative properties: vapour pressure lowering, Raoults Law; boiling point elevation; freezing point depression; osmotic pressure; electrolytes - Vant Hoff factor. Introduction to organic chemistry


-Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds: classification; a survey of organic functional groups; IUPAC system; naming of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and cycloalkanes. -Bonding in organic compounds: a non-mathematical treatment of covalent bonding; molecular orbitals; orbital hybridisation: sp, sp2, sp3 orbitals with respect to (a) C-C, C-H, C-N, C-O, carbonhalogen, N-H and O-H bonds, and (b) benzene; polarizability of covalent bonds; coordinate bonds; concept of resonance. -Isomerism: structure isomerism; basic treatment of cis - trans isomerism with reference to C=C and cycloalkanes only. -Hydrocarbons: structure, physical properties and reactivity; Combustion of hydrocarbons; Reactions: Mechanism of halogenation, orientation and relative reactivities of alkanes toward halogenations; Synthesis of alkanes via Grignard reagents and lithium dialkylcuprates; Pyrolysis cracking of petroleum; Simple treatment of fractional distillation.

Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Three hours per week. One hour per week. Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Practical Test Assign./Tut. Quizzes Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations total=50% 20% 10% 5% 15% 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS -General Chemistry, Principles and Structures; James E. Brady and Gerald E. Humiston, 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons 1986. -Introductory Chemistry, Part II; 1995, S. F. Banda. G. Kumar and S. J. Phiri, University of Zambia. Lusaka, Zambia.


Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C102, M112 Rationale: The course is intended to introduce basic inorganic chemistry concepts of Structure, nature of bonding main group chemistry and transition metal chemistry. Further, a treatment on sampling, statistical handling of analytical data, acid-base chemistry and redox reactions will be covered. Course Objectives: On the completion of the course, students should be able to: sketch the shapes of various atomic orbitals. interpret the position of elements in the periodic table. prepare complexes of some main group elements and transition metals. choose a representative sample for chemical analysis as well as changing it into solution for analysis quantify the error associated with analytical data. identify and employ the role of acids and bases in chemical analysis and life in general. identify and employ the role of redox reactions as applied in Titrimetric.

Course contents: The electronic structure of atoms -Photoelectric effect. Simple from of Schrdinger Equation. The results of scchrodinger equations: atoms orbitals (shapes) and quantum numbers.


Periodic trends of atoms -Ionization potential, electron affinities, sizes, effective nuclear charges and electronegative ties of elements The nature of chemical bonding -The valence bond theory, hybridization and molecular shapes. Simple molecular orbital theory, overlap integral for simple diatomic molecules. The periodic table Brief introduction to main group chemistry. Chemistry of groups I to III elements and their Compounds. Brief introduction to transition metal chemistry. Bonding in transition metals, crystal field theory. Introduction to magnetic properties and colour of transition metal complexes. Expression of concentration and content Percent weight-by-weight, volume-by-volume and weight by volume. Parts per thousand, pairs per million, parts per billion, milligram percent and milligram per deciliter. Density, specific gravity, formulolarity, molality, normality and equivalent weights. Sampling of different sample types Sampling of gas, liquid and solid samples. Storage of samples, sample dissolution and statistics of sampling. Statistical treatment of analytical data Types of errors (random and non-random). Measures of accuracy and precision. Tests of significance (Q, F and t-tests). Linear least squares method, linear regression analysis correlation coefficient and detection limits. Acid-base equilibria in aqueous solutions Acid-base theories (Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis). Strengths of acids and bases, hydrolysis, buffer solutions and buffer capacity. Acid-base titrations and indictors. Polyprotic acid-base equilibria and following the pH during acid-base titrations. Applications of titrimetry. Use of primary standards. Mass balance Equations. Brief introduction to redox reactions Oxidation and reduction, the half cell concept, voltatic cells and the Nernst equation. Redox titrations and redox titration curves. Application of redox titrimetry. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Three hours per week. One hour per week. Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations total=50% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: -Concise Inorganic Chemistry; J. D. Lee; Chapman and Hall, London, 4th Ed., London, U.K., 1991. -Analytical Chemistry; Gary D. Christian, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 5th Ed., 1994. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS 1. Basics Inorganic Chemistry; F.A. Cotton; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976 2. Inorganic Chemistry; A. G. Sharpo; Long man group limited, England, 1986. 3. Introd to Modern Inorg. Chemistry; K. M. Mackay and R. A Mackay; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1989. 4. Main group chemistry; A.G. Massey; Ellis Horwood, England, 1990. 5. Fundamentals of Analy Chemistry; D. Skoog, D. West and F. J. Holler, Saunders Col. Pub., New York, 1988. 6. Quantitative Analytical Chemistry: Volume I: Introduction to Principles; H.A. Flaschka, A. J. Barnard, Jr., and P. E. Sturrock, Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., New York, 1989. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Introduction to Biochemistry

Pre-requisites: C101, C102 Rationale: To introduce students to basic Biochemical concepts and principles i.e. biomolecules (lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and their constituents). Course Objectives: On the completion of the course, students should be able to: describe proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. relate the relevance of the molecules so described in (i) above to the maintenance of life. Course Contents: Biophysical chemistry -Introduction to biomolecules, water, physical properties, hydrogen bonding. -pH and its determination, weak acids and bases (pKa), buffers and their determination. Biochemical macromolecules _Proteins: Dipolar amino acids, titration curves, four levels of protein structure, action as electrolytes. Protein; structure - function relationship, physical and chemical properties. Protein separation and purification. Qualitative analysis of proteins. -Carbohydrates: Simple monosaccharides and disaccharides, structure, chemical properties. Polysaccharide structure and function. Sugar derivatives. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of carbohydrates. -Lipids-chemical properties of fatty acids, triglycerides, waxes derived lipids, Carotenoids. Functions of lipids: Quantitative and qualitative analyses of lipids. -Nucleic acids: Structure and properties of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids. Bioenergetics -Principles of chemical thermodynamics. Standard free energy change of reactions. Reaction coupling mechanism. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Energy-rich compounds. Enzymes Role of biological catalysts, activated complex. Enzyme kinetics effect of enzyme and substrate concentrations, Michealis-Menton equation, effect of temperature and pH. Enzyme specificity, nature of the active site, activation and inhibition of enzyme reactions and their kinetics. Role of coenzymes. Quantitative measurement of enzyme activity. Multienzyme complexes, regulatory enzymes and activity. Metabolic role of enzymes pathway of glycolsis. Nutritional biochemistry -Digestion, absorption distribution and use of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals. Body fluids -Composition and function of blood, lymph etc. Electrolyte balance. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Three hours per week. One hour per week. Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: -Outlines of Biochemistry; Eric E. Conn, et al, 5th Ed., Matheros and Kevanholde, New York, 1987.


SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Biochemistry; Stryer, L., 3rd Ed., W. H. Freeman, New York, 1988. 2. A Biologists Guide to Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry; Wilson, K and Goulding. K. H. J. 3rd Ed. 3. Biochemistry, D. Voet and J. Voet, 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. _____________________________________________________________________________________ C225 Analytical Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C102, M112/4, P192/8 Rationale: This is a basic course of analytical chemistry intended to introduce students to bases of analytical chemistry e.g. volumetric and gravimetric method. Course Objectives: On completion of this course a student should be able to; prepare different analytical solutions. do basic analytical calculations and analytical analysis. Course Contents: Expression of concentration and content Percent weight-by-weight, Percent volume-by-volume, Percent weight by volume, Parts per thousand and per million. Density and specific gravity, Formality and its relation to morality. Equivalent weights and normality. Sampling of different sample types Gas, liquid, solid and bulk samples. Storage dissolution. Sample dissolution, statistics of sampling. Statistical treatment of analytical data Some measures of accuracy and precision, types of errors (random and non-random). Significance tests (Q,F and t-tests). Linear regression. Correlation coefficient of detection limits. Acid-base equilibria in aqueous solutions The Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis theories. Strengths of acids and bases. Hydrolysis, buffer solutions and buffer capacity. Acid-base titrations and indicators. Following the pH during acid-base titrations. Applications of acid-base titrimetry. Precipitation Equilibria Solubility and solubility product. Selective precipitation, common-ion and divese ion effects. Uses of precipitation reactions in titrimetry. Indicators used in precipitation titrations. Gravimetric analysis. Multiple ion equilibria Mass and charge balance equations and their uses in solving multiple on and complex ion formation equilibria. Polyprotic acid-base equilibria. Titrations involving EDTA. Redox reactions Oxidation and reduction. Oxidation states and balancing redox equations. The hald-cell concept. Voltaic cells and the Nernst equation. redox titrations and rodox titration curves. Applications of redox titrimetry. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: -Analytical Chemistry, Gary d. Christian, 5th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS:


Quantitative Analytical Chemistry: Volume I; Introduction to Principles, H.A. Flaschka, A.J. Barnard, Jr. and P.E. Sturrock, Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., New York, 1969. 2. Fundamentals of analytical Chemistry; D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J. Holler, Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1988. _____________________________________________________________________________________ C245 Inorganic Chemistry I


Pre-requisites: C102, M112/4 Rationale: This course aims to introduce basic inorganic chemistry with emphasis on the structure of the atom, nature of bonding, main group chemistry and an introduction to transitional metal chemistry. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: sketch the shapes of various atomic orbitals. interpret the position of elements in the periodic table. describe physical, chemical and magnetic properties and nature of bonding in transition metal compounds. prepare complexes of some main group elements and transition metals. Course Contents: The Electronic structure of atoms -Black body radiation, Photoelectric effect, Plancks theory, Bohrs theory. Wave mechanics, Schrodinger equation, radial and angular wave functions. Multielectron atoms, shapes of atomic orbitals. Periodic trends in periodic properties Ionisation potential electron affinities, sizes, effective nuclear charges and lectronegativities of elements. The nature of chemical bonding The valence bond theory, hybridization and molecular shapes. Simple molecular orbital theory, overlap integral for simple diatomic molecules. Metallic bonding. The nature of ionic substances Lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle and other thermodynamic cycles. Hydration and ligation energies, ion mobilities. Basic crystal structures, unit cell and crystal defects. Main group chemistry Hydrogen, classification of hydrides, their general methods of preparation. Chemistry of Groups their compounds and I to III elements. Introduction to transition metal chemistry Bonding in transition metals, crystal field theory. Introduction to magnetic properties and colour of transition metal complexes. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: -concise Inorganic Chemistry; J. D. Lee; Chapman and Hall, 4th Ed., London, U.K. 1991. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Basic inorganic Chemistry F.A. Cotton; John Wiley 2. Inorganic Chemistry; A.G. Sharp; Longman group limited, England, 1986.


Introd. To Modern Inorg. Chemistry; K. M. Mackay and R.A. Mackay; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1989. 4. Main group chemistry; A.G. Massey; Ellis Horwood, England, 1990. ______________________________________________________________________________________ CAV251 Agricultural & Veterinary Chemistry


Pre-requisites: C102 Rationale: This course aims to provide an elementary understanding of simple chemical analytical sampling procedures bonding and stereoisomerisms in organic compounds. It si specially tailored to for students pursuing agricultural and veterinary sciences and gives an insight to practical ways of handling samples. Course objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: describe sampling procedures, treatment and analysis of samples. explain and evaluate experimental data explain the basic properties of water as a solvent and aqueous equilibria recognise basic acid-base and redox reactions and do simple quantitative analysis define and describe the basic energy relationships which are used in biochemistry draw and name organic compounds explain the basic reactions of the main organic functional groups Course Contents: Sampling and statistical treatment of experimental data. Water and its properties. Equilibria in aqueous solutions, acid-base equilibria Complexes and their structure. Simple quantitative analysis. Review of chemical bonding and types of reactions including redox reactions; Rates of reactions; Thermodynamics and colligative properties. Reactions energy, entropy, activation energy, free energy change, exergonic and endergonic reactions; Energy in biochemical systems. Hydrocarbons, structure and properties: Simple organic halogen, oxygen, sulphur nitrogen and carbonyl compounds. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Aliphatic esters and dicarbixylic acids. Simple fatty acid structure. Enantiomerism and cis-trans isomerism; hydrogen bonds in organic compounds; monosaccharide structure. Alpha and beta unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acids; amines and nitrogen compounds; amino acid structure. Cyclic compounds, stereochemistry; benzene and aromatics Mechanistic and stereochemistry aspects of selected reactions e..g electrophonic and nucleophilic sustitution Reactions of monosaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids.


Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Organic Chemistry; T. W. Graham Solomons, 4th Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. -Analytical Chemistry, Gary D. Christian, 5th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Quantitative Analytical Chemistry: Volume I; Introduction to Principles, H.A. Flaschka, A. J. Barnard, Jr. and P.E. Sturrock, Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., New York, 1969. 2. Organic Chemistry; R. J. Fessenden and J. S. Fessenden, John Wiley and sons, New York, 1985.

C251 Organic Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C102 Rationale: This course aims to provide a sound foundation in organic chemistry that will cover conformational structures, reaction rates, synthetic methods for simple organic compounds and detailed organic reaction mechanisms including stereochemistry of substitutional and elimination reactions. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: identify and state isometric relationships between organic compounds using R/S nomenclature and draw conformational structures for simple organic compounds. distinguish different types of organic reactions and state the factors affecting the reaction rates. describe preparative methods for general reactions of alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols and others. predict the products, including pertinent stereochemistry of organic reactions and provide detailed reaction mechanisms. design efficient synhetic transformation for simple organic molecules. Course Contents: Stereoisomerism Review of chiral carbon, general conditions for chirality, enantiomers, diastereoisomers illustrated with examples. Fiserh projection formulae. Measurement of []D. The R/S nomenclature. Conformational analysis Simple alkanes (i.e. ethane and butane), torsional strain. Newmann projections, relative stabilities of simple cycloalkanes (i.e. cycloproprane), torsional and angle strain, conformations of cyclohexane - boat and chair conformers; equatorial and axial bonds.

Alkyl halides Physical properties. Reactions: Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution (SN2), nucleophile sand leaving groups. Reaction mechanisms and kinetics - 1st and 2nd order reactions with reference to SN1 and SN2 and factors affecting the reaction rates. Reactions proceeding by mixed mechanisms (SN1 and SN2) carbocations - structures, rearrangements of carbonations, racemate formation form achiral precursors, inversion of configuration.


Alkenes General properties, relative stabilities. Preparation by: dehydration, dehydrohalogenation (Sytzeff rule), dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides-detailed mechanisms and factors affecting E1 and E2 reactions. Elimination reactions proceeding by mixed mechanism (E1 and E2), stereochemistry of elimination, elimination versus substitution. Reduction of alkynes. Reactions: hydrogenation, addition of sulphuric acid and water Markovnikovs rule. Hydroxylation, formation of 1,2-diols and peroxide effect. Addition of halogens, hydrogen halides, detailed mechanisms. Halohydrin formation and ozonolysis. Alkynes General properties, acidity of terminal alkynes. Industrial sources of acetylene, preparation of alkynes from acetylene. Reactions of alkynes: hydrogeneration to cis- and trans- alkenes, hydration via mercury II salts. Hydroboration with diboranes and oxidation with hydrogen. Alcohols Physical properties and industrial sources. Preparation of alcohols by: Oxymercurationdemercuration hydroboration of alkenes, regio-specificity and stereochemistry, mechanisms, Grignard synthesis of alcohols and details of Grignard reactions. General reactions of alcohols, formation of alkyl sulfonates and applications oxidation of alcohols, periodic acid oxidation and idoform test. Ethers Nomenclature, physical properties. Preparation of ethers by: Williamson synthesis, alkoxymercuration Cleavage of ethers by acids and bases, crown ethers. Epoxides: preparation via halohydrins and peroxidation of alkanes. Cleavage of epoxides by acids, bases and Grignard reagents.

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: -Organic Chemistry; T. W. Graham Solomons, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996. -Introduction to Organic Chemistry; A. Stretwieser, Jr. and C. H. Heathcock, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. 1987. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. A Guide to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry; Peter Sykes, Longman, London, 1990. 2. Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, Allyn and Bacon, Inc, London, 1987. _____________________________________________________________________________________ C252 Organic Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C251 Rationale: This course aims to provide an understanding of (a) addition and substitution reactions of conjugated unsaturated systems, (b) synthetic methods, general reactions, reaction mechanisms and physical properties of aliphatic carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, amines and esters, (c) the concept of aromaticity, some electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene and hydrogenation products of benzene and naphthalene.


Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: differentiate conjugated unsaturated systems from isolated multiple bonds and account for the differences in their addition and substitution reactions. describe synthetic methods for general reactions of aliphatic aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines and aromatic hydrocarbons. predict the products, including pertinent stereochemistry where applicable, of the reactions of aliphatic organic compounds and provide detailed reaction mechanisms. provide efficient synthetic plan of the synthesis of simple organic compounds. Course Contents: Conjugated unsaturated systems Allylic substitutions and the allyl radical. Allylic cations and anions. Dienes: resonance stabilization 1, 4- addition to conjugated dienes. Aldehydes and Ketones Nomenclature, physical properties, preparation of aldehydes via: oxidation of primary alcohols, reduction of acid chlorides. Preparation of ketones via oxidation, reaction of acid chlorides with organocuprates. Reactions: nucleophilic addition, oxidation of aldehydes, haloform reactions, reductions via hydrogenation, metal hydrides, Clemmensen and Wolff-Kishner reductions, addition of Grignard reagents, cyanohydrin formation, additon of derivatives of ammonia, acetal and hemiacetals, Cannizaro reaction, aldol reactions. Schiffs bases. , - unsaturated carbonyl compounds - electrophilic, nucleophilic and Michael additions. Carboxylic acids Nomenclature, physical properties, industrial sources, preparation of carboxylic acids via: oxidation of alcohols, carbonation of Grignard reagents, and hydrolysis of nitriles and amides. Acidity of carboxylic acids, pKas, substituent effects on acidity. Esters Nomenclature, review of ester formation reactions, hydrolysis of esters - acid and base catalysed reactions. Trans-esterification, reaction with Grignard reagents, reduction of esters. Brief discussion of ureas, carbamates. Carbonates, chloroformates. Claisen reaction. Amines Physical properties, basicity, nomenclature, inversion, preparation of amines: ammonolysis of halides. Reductive amination, Hoffmann rearrangement. Reactions of amines, quatermization and Hoffmann elimination, conversion to amides, sulfonamides - (Hinsberg test), amine oxides, Mannich reaction. Nitrous acid reactions. Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromaticity, orbital picture, structure. General conditions for aromaticity and its prediction Huckels and Mobious models. A survey of benzenoid aromatic systems. Electrophilic aromatic substitution in benzene - sulfonation, nitration and halogenation. Orientation and reactivities of mono-substituted benzenes towards electrophilic substitution. Catalytic and chemical hydrogenation products of benzene and naphthalene Oxidation of side chains. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: -Organic Chemistry; T. W. Graham Solomons, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996. -Introduction to Organic Chemistry; A. Stretwieser, Jr. and C.H. Heathcock, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1987.


SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. A guide to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry; Peter Sykes, Longman, London, 1990. 2. Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., London, 1987. __________________________________________________________________________________ C265 Basic Physical Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C102, M112/M114 Rationale The course is intended to broaden students understanding of the basic concepts of physical chemistry by developing fundamental mathematical concepts. Thus, the course is designed to impact simple computation skills and to an understanding of general phenomena as described by the kinetic theory, electrochemistry, and treatment of involving energy changes essential for beginners. Course Objectives On completion of the course, students should be able to; compute simple relation involving kinetic theory of gases, free energy and entropy. relate electrochemistry to everyday situations relate chemistry to other scien-based disciplineds and thus realize the importance of Chemistry in everyday life. use knowledge on chemical equilibria, buffers, reaction rates to everyday circumstances. Course Content Kinetic theory of gases Brief review of gas laws (Boyles Charles Gay-Lussacs, Daltons Grahams laws), Postulates of Kinetic theory. Mathematical treatment of Kinetic theory, Deduction of all the gas laws from

PV =

1 mnu 2 . 3

Molecular velocity of gases (root-mean-square velocity). Distribution of molecular velocity. Thermodynamics - introduction and scope of thermodynamics System, surrounding and universe. State and non-state functions. Thermodynamic variables. Definition of internal energy, work and heat. Statement of the first law and its mathematical formulation. Application of first law to an ideal gas, isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Heat capacities of gases. Hess law and Kirchoff equation. Bond energies. Introduction to the second law. Qualitative prediction of direction of reaction based on encropy. Simple treatment of Go =Ho - TSo, Go = nFEo and G = RTLnK. Chemical & Ionic Equilibria Reversible reactions. Law of Mass action. Equilibrium constant, Kc and Kp and the relationship, Kp = Kc(RT)n. Factors affecting equilibria (qualitative and quantitative treatment). Heterogeneous equilibria. Ionic equailibria - definition of acids and bases acid conjugate and base pair. Acidity - alkalinity-pH.pKa. Self-ionization of water, Kw .pH of weak acids and bases. Hydrolysis constant, Kh. Buffer solutions-Henderson-Hasselbatch equation. Solubility products. Chemical Kinetics Introduction to Rate and rate law. Molecularity and order of reaction. Concentration and rate equations. The integrated rate laws - zero, first and second order reactions. Radioactive decay and carbon dating. Pseudo-order reactions. Factors affecting the rate of reactions. Electrochemistry Ohms law, electrolysis-mechanism of electrolysis. Faradays laws and calculations. Galvanic cell, Daniel cell and standard cell. Cell convention. Difference between chemical and electrolytic cells. Reduction potential and electrochemical series. Nernst equation. Dry cell and lead accumulator cell. Strong and weak electrolytes. Theories of electrolytic conductance and conductance ratio. Kohlrauschs law of independent migration of ions.


Variation of molar conductance with concentration. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, W. Freeman and Company, New York, 1986. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS 1. G. barrow, Physical Chemistry, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. G.W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry, Addison-Wesley Inc., 1983. 3. P. Harwood, General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, Prentice-Hall Int. Inc., 1987. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C311 Biochemistry I

Pre-requisites: BS112, C212 Rationale: To introduce students concepts in cellular biochemistry. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: describe proteins, enzymes, bioenergetics terms, and relate these to the cells metabolic pathways. describe such pathways as the glycol tic pathway and the TCA cycle. Course Contents: Conformation of proteins Amino acids, reactivity of side chains. Peptide and peptide bond. Structure and conformation of proteins, three-dimensional structure and its relation to protein activity. Myoglobin and Haemoglobin as examples of proteins. Enzyme catalysis Activated complex theory and thermodynamics. Chemical catalysis mechanisms. Examples of cofactor catalysis, allosterism, multi-site interactions. Mechanisms of bisubstrate reactions. Carbohydrate metabolism Catabolism of glucose, glycolysis, fermentation, tricarboxylic acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway uronic acid pathyway-anaplerosis. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Catabolism of polysaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides. Carbon cycle, anabolism of glycogen, starch and other polysaccharides. Gluconeogenesis, regulation and endocrine influence on carbohydrate metabolism. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Practical Test Assignments Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=50% 20% 5% 15% 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Biochemistry; Lubert Stryer, W.H., Freeman, New York, 1988.


SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Outlines of Biochemistry; E. E. Conn, P K Stuumpf, G Bruening, R H Doi., John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York 2 Biochemistry; C. K. Mathews and K.E. Van Holde, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Redwood City, CA 1990. 3. Molecular Cell Biology; James Darnell, H Lodish and D Baltimore, Scientific American Books, New York, 1990. 4. Biochemistry; F. B. Armstrong, John Wiley and sons, Inc. New York, 1988. 5. Modern Concepts in Biochemistry, R C Bolinski, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jeysey, 1987. 6. Principles of Biochemistry, A L Lehniger, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York, 1982. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C312 Biochemistry II

Pre-requisites: C311 Rationale: To introduce students to further concepts in cellular Biochemistry by building on to C311 knowledge. Course Objectives On completion of the course, students should be able to describe: the photosynthetic process. how DNA and its constituents are synthesised and broken down. how a protein and its constituent amino acids is synthesised and broken down. -fatty acid oxidation and anabolism of lipids. Course Contents: Photosynthesis Photosynthetic pigments. Energy conversion process. Lipid metabolism Structure and function of lipids. Catabolism of lipids, oxidation of fatty acids, anabolism of lipids and biosynthesis of triglycerides, sterols. Metabolism of phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycelipids. Regulation and endocrine influence on lipid metabolism. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Metabolism of amino acids and proteins Degradation of proteins, nitrogen balance. Common reactions of amino acids and metabolic interrelations. Genetic disorders of amino acids metabolism. Biosynthesis of amino acids and malanine. Metabolism of one-carbon units (methyl and formyl groups). Regulations of amino acid metabolism. The nitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation etc. The sulphur cycle. Metabolism of purines, pyrimidines and porphyries Catabolism and anabolism of purines, pyrimidines and nucleotides. Catabolism and anabolism of porphyries heme and chlorophyll. Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism. Nucleic acids and protein synthesis Evidence for deoxyribonucleic acid as genetic material. Structure of the chromosome. Structure, synthesis and replication of DNA. Components of the protein synthesis system, ribosomes, RNA, MRNA. Transcription and the genetic coce. Mutation, mechanism of protein synthesis. Regulation of nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Inhibitors of nucleic acids and protein synthesis. Biosynthesis of aromatic ring (Shikimic acid pathway). Nutritional biochemistry Water soluble and fat soluble vitamins: distribution, biogenesis, metabolic fat and effects of deficiency. Metabolism of inorganic nutrients.

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test

total=50% 30%



Three hour-session per week.

Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

5% 15% 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: -Biochemistry; Lubert Stryer, 3rd Ed., W.H. Freeman, New York, 1988. SUPLLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Outlines of Biochemistry; E. E Conn, P K Stuumpf, G Bruening, R H Doi, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 1987. 2. Biochemistry; C. K. Mathews and K. E. Van Holde, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Redwood City, CA 1990. 3. Molecular Cell Biology; James Darnell, H Lodish and D Baltimore, Scientific American Books, New York, 1990. 4. Biochemistry; F. B. Armstrong, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 1988. 5. Modern Concepts in Biochemistry, R C Bolnski, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jeysey, 1987. 6. Principles of Biochemistry, A. L Lehniger, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York, 1982. _____________________________________________________________________________________ C321 Analytical Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C205/C225, C252, C265 Rationale: The purpose of this course is to introduce principle of Instrumental analytical Methods (spectral methods) in order to prepare students for advanced and specialized fourth year courses in Analytical chemistry and for MSc. Analytical program. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: apply the principle of Instrumental Analytical Methods. use spectral methods and interpret spectra of chemical samples. Course Contents: Introduction General introduction, characterization: optical, electrochemical and chromatographic methods Instruments for optical spectroscopy Radiation sources, wavelength selectors; Filters, monochromators (prisms and optical gratings). Sample containers, radiation detectors, signal processors and readouts. Instrumental designs. An introduction to absorption spectroscopy Terms employed in absorption spectroscopy. Quantitative aspects of absorption measurements. Beers law. Molecular ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy Theory of fluorescence and phosphorescence. Instruments for measuring fluorescence and phosphorescence. Application of photoluminescence. Flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy. Theory of atomic spectroscopy. Flame atomization. Atomic absorption spectroscopy. Flame emission spectroscopy. Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. Emission spectroscopy based upon arc spark and plasma atomisation Spectra from higher sources. Emission spectroscopy based on arc and spark sources. Emission spectroscopy based on plasma sources. Atomic fluorescence methods based on plasma atomization.


Infrared absorption spectroscopy Theory of infrared absorption. Infrared instrument components. Sample handling techniques. Qualitative applications of infrared absorption. Quantitative application Fourier Transformation (FT) in infrared absorption spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy Theory of raman spectroscopy instrumentation. Applications of raman spectroscopy, Fourier Transformation (FT) raman spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Theory of nuclear magnetic resonance. Environmental effects on NMR spectra. Experimental methods of NMR spectroscopy. Applications of proton NMR, application of NMR to isotopes other than the proton. Fourier Transformation in NMR. Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy. Miscellaneous optical methods Refractometry, polarimetry, nepheometry and turbidimetry. Mass spectrometry The mass spectrometer, mass spectra. Identification of pure compounds by mass spectrometry. Quantitative applications of mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Correlation of mass spectra with molecular structure. Fourier Transform mass spectrometry. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Principles of Instrumental Analysis; D.A. Skoog, Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1992. -Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, R. T. Braun, McGraw-Hill, 1987. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: Instrumental Methods of Analysis; H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Dean, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1988. 2. Instrumental Analysis; G. D. Christian and J. E. OReilly, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 1986. 3. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry; J. C. Miller and J. N. Miller, 3rd Ed., Ellis-Horwood PTR, Prentice Hall, 1993. __________________________________________________________________________________ C322 Analytical Chemistry III 1.

Pre-requisites: C321 Rationale: The course C322 deals with electrochemical and chromatographic methods. The theoretical knowledge of these methods will help students understand separation chromatographic methods and principles of electrochemical analytical methods. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: apply basic functions of electrochemical methods and separation methods. interpret spectral data with precision. carry out important separation, identification and quantitative determination of practical samples. Course contents: An introduction to electroanalytical chemistry Electrochemical cells, cells potential, electrode potentials. Calculation of cell potentials from electrode potentials. Effect of current on cell potential.


Potentiometric methods Reference electrodes, metallic indicator electrodes, membrane indicator electrodes. Instruments for measuring cell potentials. Direct potentiometric measurements, potentiometirc titrations. Coulometry and electrogravimetry Current-voltage relationships during an electrolysis. An introduction to coulometric methods of analysis. Potentiostatic coulometry, coulometric titrations, electrogavimetry. Voltametry and polarography Theoretical basis, instrumentation. Variations of the conventional polarographic method. Pulse and difference pulse polarography. Amperometric titrations, stripping analysis. Conductometric methods Electrical conductance in solutions of electrolytes. The measurement of conductance. Conductometric titrations. Applications of direct conductance measurements. Thermal methods Thermo-gravimetric methods. Differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. Enthalpimetric methods. Fractionation processes: solvent extraction Phase processes. General principles and terminology of solvent extraction. Experimental techniques. Important experimental variables, extraction systems and examples. An introduction to chromatographic separation A general description of chromatography. The rate theory of chromatography. Summary of important relationships for chromatography. Qualitative and quantitative analysis by chromatography. Gas chromatography Principles of gas-liquid chromatography. Instruments for gas-liquid chromatography. Gas-solid chromatography. Applications. High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) Column efficiency in liquid chromatography. Chromatographic mobile phases, instruments for liquid chromatography. Partition chromatography, adsorption chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography. Size-exclusion chromatography. Planar chromatography Principles of thin-layer chromatography(TLC). Applications of thin-layer chromatography. Paper chromatography. Electrophoresis and electro-chromatography. X-ray spectroscopy Principles, instrument components. X-ray fluorescence methods, X-ray absorption methods. Xray diffraction methods, the electron microprobe. Radiochemical methods Radioactive isotope. Instrumentation. Neutron activation methods, isotopic dilution methods, radiometric methods. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Principles of Instrumental analysis; D.A. Skoog, Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1992. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, R.T. Braun, McGraw-Hill, 1987. SUPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis; H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A Dean, Wadswroth Publishing Company, 1988. 2. Instrumental Analysis; G. D. Christian and J.E. OReilly, Prentice-Hall, 1986. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry, J.C. Miller and J. N. Miller, Ellis-Horwood PTR, prentice-Hall, 1993. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Inorganic Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C205/C245 Rationale: The course aims to complete the main group chemistry, give an insight into the nature of bonding and introduce physical inorganic techniques. A complete treatment of transition metal chemistry is covered. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: compare and contrast the chemistry of elements and their corresponding compounds for various groups. provide synthetic routes and conditions essential for the general preparation of inorganic compounds. apply bonding theories concepts to explain and predict some physical and chemical properties of elements. apply qualitatively physical inorganic techniques to interpret molecular structural properties of compounds. Course contents: Chemistry of group; IV to VII elements and their compounds, noble gases. Some examples of industrial production of some useful main group elements and their compounds. Transitional metal chemistry with emphasis on first row transition metal. Simple and complex compounds of transition metals. Detailed treatment of bonding theories: Valence bond theory (VBT), Crystal field theory (CFT), Molecular orbital theory (MOT) and Ligand field theory (LFT). Jahn-Teller distortion. Applications of CFT effects on thermodynamic properties of transition metals. Nomenclature, classification of ligands, isomerism of transition metal complexes. Introduction to physical inorganic techniques: Infrared and Raman spectra. Electronic spectra, ultra-violent spectra, conductivity measurement, NMR for simple inorganic compounds. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Adv. Inorganic Chemistry; F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Inorganic Chemistry; J. E. Hughey, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1990. 2. Main Group Chemistry ; A G. Massey, Ellis-Horwood Ltd, England, 1990. 3. Introduction to modern Inorganic Chemistry; K. Mackay and R. Mackay; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1989. 4. Introduction to Ligand Field Theory; B. N. Figgis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1966. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C342 Inorganic Chemistry III

Pre-requisites: C341 The course is intended to cover the chemistry of f block elements and to give an understanding and use of inorganic reaction mechanism, organanometallic, nuclear chemistry, and reactions of non-aqueous solvents.


Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: distinguish and give application of s p, d and f block elements. give plausible reaction mechanisms of chemical reactions propose a suitable solvent for a given reaction balance nuclear reaction equations and articulate some of the applications of nuclear active species. Course contents: The chemistry of Ianthanides and actinides General and physical properties, chemistry of elements in trivalent states. Separation of Ianthanide ions. General chemical behaviour of actinides with special reference to thorium, protactinium, uranium and their compounds. Nuclear and radiochemistry Historical background and properties of radioactive substances. Nuclear binding energy, nuclear forces, relative stability of nucleus. Naturally occurring radioactive series. Half-life and its determination. Nuclear reactions: nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions. Detection and measurement of radioactivity: Electronscope, Cloud chamber, Geiger Muller counter methods. Applications of nuclear and radiochemistry. Inorganic reaction mechanisms Dissociative and associative mechanisms. Electron transfer reactions. Application of reaction mechanisms. Introduction to organometallic chemistry Nature of bonding between a metal and a hydrocarbon. Eighteen and sixteen electrons rule and its exceptions. Synthesis and reactions of typical organometallic compounds such as ferrocene and its derivatives. Non-aqueous solvents Theories, reactions and synthetic reactions involved with reference to liquid ammonia, liquid sulphur dioxide, and liquid sulphuric acid. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Adv. Inorganic Chemistry; F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinsons, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Principles of organometallic chemistry; G. E. Coates eta al, Chapman and Hall, London, 1977. 2. Mechanism of Inorg. Reactions, F. Basolo and R. G. Pearson, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1967. 3. Inorganic Chemistry; J. e. Highey, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1975. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C351 Organic Chemistry III

Pre-requisites: C212, C225, C252 Rationale: This course aims to provide an understanding of the general principles governing orientation and reactivity, synthetic approaches, general reactions, detailed reaction mechanisms and physical properties of benzenoid aromatic compounds. In addition, synthesis and reactions of polyfunctional compounds, reactivities and reaction mechanisms of aliphatic and benzenoid aromatic


compounds and structure elucidation of unknown organic compounds by modern spectroscopic methods. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to; differentiate between the reactions of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds. explain the reactivities and orientations of benzenoid aromatic compounds towards various inter-/intramolecular electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions and provide detailed reaction mechanisms. describe synthetic methods for an general reactions of aryl halides, phenols, phenyl ethers, quinines and compounds containing two or more functional groups. provide reasonable mechanistic pathways for all products in reactions of organic compounds. interpret the UV, MS, IR and one dimensional 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra, analyse and identify simple unknown organic compounds. Course content: Electrophilic aromatic substitution Orientation and reactivities of di-and poly-substituted benzenes, naphthalenes, polycyclic benzenoid aromatic compounds (i.e. anthracene and phenanthrene) and non-benzenoid aromatic compounds (i.e. azulene and ferrocene) towards electophilic substitutions. Inter-and intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reactions: alkylation, arylation (Scholl reaction), acylation; limitations and synthetic applications. Formulation reactions: Gattermann-Koch, Reimer-Tiemann, and Vilsmeier - Haack reactions. Aryl halides Structure, physical properties, reactivity and methods of preparation. Reactions: formation of Grignard reagents, review of electrophonic substitution reactions, Ullmann reaction: Nucleophilic aromatic substitution - aryne, SN2Ar and SN1Ar mechanisms in depth, factors affection ght ertes of nucleophilic substitution reactions. Phenols, phenyl ethers and quinones Structures, nomenclature, physical properties and acidity of phenols. Preparative methods for phenols, phenyl ethers and quinones, review of electrophilic substitution reactions of phenols and phenyl ethers, reactions of phenolate ions. Nomenclature and redox equilibria of quinones. Poly-functional compounds A survey of di- and poly-functional compounds. Hydroxy aldehydes and ketones: synthesis via acyloin condensation and mixed aldol reactions, cyclic hemi-acetal and hemi-ketal formation, acid and base catalysed dehydrations. Hydroxyl acids: natural occurrence, synthesis, lactone formation, acid-catalysed dehydration. Dicarboxylic acids: natural occurrence, synthesis, acidity, decarboxylation of -keto acids. Dicarbonyl compounds: cleavage of 1,2- and 1, 3- dicarbonyl compounds. Spectorscopy UV: The origin of UV bands, laws of absorption, chromophores, factors affecting the position and intensity of UV absorption bands, selection rules, empirical rules for computation of max and values of organic compounds. Empirical correlation tables. Applications including structure elucidation of organic compounds. Empirical correlation tables. Applications including structure elucidation of organic compounds. Limitations. IR: Theory, modes of vibration and bending, IR absorption band positions, factors affecting the positions and the intensities of IR bands, correlation charts and tables analysis of IR spectrum. A survey of characteristic IR bands, correlation charts and tables analysis of IR spectrum. A survey of characteristic IR absorption frequencies of important functional groups, applications including structure elucidation of organic compounds, limitations. NMR: 1H NMR: Theory, apparatus and sample handling in brief, the chemical shift - units of measurements and factors affecting chemical shift position. Chemical and magnetic equivalence of protons, integrations of NMR signal, spin-spin couplings and splitting of the peaks, first order H-H splitting patterns, coupling constants-vicinal, geminal, long range and virtual couplings.


Protons on N, O and S. Simple decoupling methods and chemical shift reagents. Interpretation of NMR spectra, structure elucidation of organic compounds. C NMR: Theory, interpretation of 13C NMR spectra, off resonance decoupling, structure elucidation of organic compounds. Theory in brief, interpretation of mass spectrum, applications in determining relative molecular masses and molecular formulae of organic compounds, fragmentation patterns of alkanes, alkenes and esters. Structure elucidation of organic compounds by combined spectroscopic methods. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations


Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd, 5th Ed., Allyn and Bacon, Inc., London, 1987. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds; R.M. Silverstein, G. C. Bassler and T. C. Morril, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach; S. Warren, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry; A. Stretwieser, Jr. AND c. h. Heathcock, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1987. 2. Introduction to Spetroscopy; D. L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman and G. S. Kritz, Jr., Saunders College Publishing Philadelphia, 1980. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C352 Organic Chemistry IV

Pre-requisites: C351 Rationale; The course will introduce some aspects of stereochemistry and polymer chemistry. It will provide an understanding of synthetic methods, physical properties and general reactions of some simple and fused ring heterocyclic systems and methods of generation and synthetic applications of carbanions and other reactive intermediates. General principles governing the mechanisms of rearrangement reactions and general principles and strategies used in planning an efficient synthesis of target molecules of moderate complexity from readily available starting materials will be covered. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: identify and state steroisomeric relationships in cyclic compounds; and provide resolve recamic mixtures. state the generation and synthetic applications of carbanions and enamines; and show reaction mechanisms. give synthetic routes for 5- and 6- membered heterocyclic compounds with a single hetero-atom, indoles, quinolines and iso-quinolines. map out an efficient and shortest synthetic plan for a target molecule based on the disconnection approach. apply and explain molecular rearrangements of chemical reaction; show the mechanisms of rearrangement. explain different types of polymerisation reactions.


Course contents: Stereochemistry General review, resolution of racemic mixtures, steroisomeric relationships in cyclic compounds. Carbanions Review of the methods of generation of carbanions. Reformatsky reaction, Dieckmann and Knoevenagel condensations, synthetic applications of acetoacetic and malonic esters, enamines, organoboranes and phenolates. Heterocyclic compounds A survey and nomenclature of heterocyclic systems, synthetic routes, physical properties and general reactions of five, and six membered heterocyclic systems containing a single hetero-atom, important spectral characteristics. Synthesis, properties and reactions of fused ring systems: indoles, quinolines and iso-quinolines. Molecular rearrangements Introduction, classification, liberal examples of migrations to carbon and hetero-atoms including detailed reaction mechanisms, investigation of rearrangement reactions by spectroscopy, applications. Organic synthesis A survey of various approaches, planning the synthesis of organic compounds of moderate complexity by the disconnection approach, Diels-Alder reactions. Polymers Introduction, chemistry of chain- and step-reaction polymerisations, homo-, co- and graftpolymers, structures of polymers and general characteristics. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., London, 1987. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach; S. Warren, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds; R. M. Silverstein, G. C. Bassler and T. C. Morril, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Heterocyclic Chemistry; T. L. Gilchrist, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1991. 2. Advanced Organic Chemistry; Jerry March, 4th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991 3. Introduction to Organic Chemistry; A. Stretwieser, Jr.a nd C. H. Heathcock, Macmillan, New York, 1987. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C361 Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry

Pre-requisite: C265, M212 Rationale The course is designed to study how fast reactions can occur. This is useful in gaining insight into the mechanism of reactions i.e. the step-by-step molecular pathway of transforming reactants to products. The principles involved in nuclear chemistry are discussed in terms of reactions rates. Application of rates of reaction in enzymatic actions, catalysis, industrial processes and nuclear technology is the main focus of this course. Course Objectives: On completion of the course students should be able to:


discuss the factors that control rates of change and their consequence on rates of decay, rusting, enzyme actions etc. formulate mechanisms that are consistent with given rate law; describe effect of ionizing radiation on matter; explain use of radioactive nuclides as diagnostic tools in medicine, for dating historical artifacts, and other uses. Course Content: Kinetics Review of rate law, integrated rate equations for zero, first second and third order, Half-life, order and concentration pseudo order. Determination of order. Experimental methods for studying slow and fast reactions. Theories of reaction rates: bimolecular and unimolecular reactions, activated complex. Complex reactions; rate law for elementary reactions, parallel, opposing, consecutive and chain reactions. Acid-base catalysis and general acid-base catalysis. Heterogeneous catalysis. Kinetics of heterogeneous reaction. Effect of temperature on heterogeneous reaction. Primary salt effect. Nuclear Chemistry Definition of nuclear and radiochemistry. Fundamentals of radiochemistry. Nomenclature. Mass-energy relationship. The proton-neutron hypothesis. Radionucleides and stability. Types of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, positron, gamma emissions) electron capture and internal conversion. Kinetics of radioactive decay-specific activity. Unit of radioactivity. Fusion and fission. Interaction of X-ray with matters (photoelectric, Compton effects, pair productions). Carbon dating. Time allocation Three hours per week. One hour per week. Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

Lectures Tutorials Laboratory

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, W. Freeman and Company, New York, 1986. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS 1 G. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. G.W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry, Addison-Wesley Inc., 1983. 3. P. Harwood, General Chemistry; Principles and Modern Applications, Prentice-Hall Int. Inc., 1997. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C362 Colloids and Electrochemistry

Pre-requisites: C265, M212 Rationale The course is designed to give students an insight into how chemical reactions can be used to produce electricity and vice-versa. These processes coupled with a knowledge of surface and colloidal chemistry have very wide industrial applications ranging from arteries and fuel cells as sources of electric power to metal refining, electroplating, corrosion control on one hand and on grease, soap, dye and paint productions on the other. The course probes deeply into the theory and mechanism of the behaviour of electrolytic and colloidal solutions and it aims to expose students to industry applications.


Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: explain the role of colloidal solutions in cream, dye and paint industries and surfactants as used in soap and adhesive productions; describe the concept of election transfer at the electrode surface; relate electron transfer to the production of energy through electrode potential changes; discuss the importance of electroplating, the use of reference electrodes and cells and the implication of an unwanted Voltaic cells manifested in corrosion. use the electro-analytical method of evaluating materials in trace quantity. Course Content Colloids Definitions. Types of colloids -lyophobic, lipophilic colloids. Difference between true solution, precipitates and colloids. Preparation and purification of colloids- dialysis methods of determining the molecular weight of colloids- sedimentation, light scattering etc. Gel filtration. Micelles. Properties of colloids- Optical, electrophoresis & electosmosis. Concept of double layer, Emulsion, Donan equilibrium. Change of state Component, degrees of freedom, Gibbs phase rule. Phase diagrams for one component (water, sulphur) and two component systems. Eutectic mixtures. Multi-component systems. Surface Chemistry Interfaces (types and importance). Surface tension. Capillarity vapour pressure of small droplets Kelvin equation. Gibbs adsorption equation. Wetting of solids: contact angels and their determination, influencing factors and importance in ore flotation. Spreading: spreading of one liquid on the surface of another. Insoluble monolayer films and their applications in water conservation. Detergency. Adsorption- factors affecting adsorption. Sorption, chemisorption and adsorption isotherms (Freundlich, Langmuir and Braunauer). BET and Tempkin equation. Electochemistry Definition and scope. Iodics. Conductance in solution and fused state- conductivity and weak and strong electrolytes. Degree of dissociation. Ions in solution under electric field. Conductance in high electric field - Wien effect. Measurement of conductance. Kohlrauschs law of independent migration of ions- Proton jump mechanism. Interionic theory of conductance. Transport number and measurement. Mobility of ions in elective fields. Diffusion Activity and activity coefficient. Ionic strength. Semi-quantitative treatment of Debye-Huckel theory. Application of DebyeHuckel equations. Electrodics: Standard hydrogen electrode, calomel, silver/silver chloride, glass electrodes. Irreversible electrodes and cells, polarisation and decomposition voltage. Over potential and over voltage. Concentration Polarisation. Limiting current. Thickness of difficusion layer. Activation over-potential. Kinetics of polarized electrode - Butler-Volmer equation. Deduction from ButlerVolmer equation- Tafel equation. Process of kinetic discharge of hydrogen and oxygen at the surface of electrode. Introduction to polarography. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, W. Freeman and Company, New York, 1986. SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS 1. Chemistry of Surfaces, A. w. Adamson, Interscience Publishers. 2. An Introduction to Surface Chemistry, R. Aveyard and D. A. Hayden, Cambridge University Press. 3. The Principles of Electrochemistry, D.A. McInnes.


4. Physical Chemistry, G. Barrow, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Advanced Biochemistry I

Pre-requisites: C312, C352 Rationale This course aims at teaching students (a) principles behind biochemical techniques, (b) the biochemistry involved in locomotion and nerve transmission in mammals, and (c) biochemical control mechanisms in vertebrates. Course Objectives On completion of the course, the students should be able to: describe the principles behind basic biochemical techniques. apply appropriate technique in resolving a given biochemical problem. explain locomotion and nerve transmission in biochemical terms describe control mechanisms and show how they are used in combating disease Course contents: Analytical biochemistry Principles of extraction, purification, and concentration of biological cell fractionation and cell culture techniques. Centrifugation, electorophoresis, spectroscopy, radioisotope techniques, chromatography (column, TLC, HPLC, affinity, Gel exclusion). Biochemistry of tissues Cell structure and function. Composition of biological membranes, membrane structure, function, transport properties. Nerve tissues, nerve impulses, metabolism, chemical transmitters. Muscle fibre proteins, mechanism of muscle contraction, energy supply. Liver, structure and function. Hormones Amino acid derived, peptide, polypeptide and steroid hormones. Biological actions, chemical structure, biosynthesis, catabolism. Regulation of hormone levels, control of hormone biosynthesis, mechanism of hormone action. Structure and function of plant growth hormones. Control of metabolism Biochemical control mechanisms; Enzyme concentration - transcription, degradation; Enzyme activity substrate, allosteric effectors, protein modification. Cascade control (of glutamine synthetase), attenuation control mechanism (of amino acid biosynthesis). Control of energy metabolism, energy change. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=50% 30% 5% 15% 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS; -Biochemistry; D. Voet and J. Voet, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. -Molecular Cell Biology; James Darnel et al, 2nd Ed., 1990. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Biochemistry; Lubert Stryer, 3rd Ed., W. H., Freeman, New York, 1988. 2. Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger, A.L. Nelson and M.M. Cox, North Publishers, 1993. _____________________________________________________________________________________



Advanced Biochemistry II

Pre-requisites: C411 Rationale This course aims at teaching students principles of industrial biochemistry, biochemical genetics, immunochemistry and xenobiotic transformation with special emphasis on recent advances in biochemistry. Course Objectives On completion of the course, the students should be able to: explain food spoilage and suggest ways of preventing it. suggest ways of improving and animal quality using biochemistry genetics. explain HIV/AIDS at molecular level and offer plausible biochemical strategies to be used in combating the scourge explain drug action and ways of improving drug action and delivery. Course contents; Industrial biochemistry Industrial food processes and microbial spoilage, principles of food preservation, diary industrial processes, fermentation. Biochemical genetics Chromosome structure, recombination, complementation. Replication of DNA, polymerizes, ligases, topoisomerases etc. Transcription, control of RNA synthesis operon theory (repressors, co-repressors, catabolite repression etc). Restriction enzymes. Plasmids and recombinant DNA. Sequencing of DNA, PCR. Immunochemistry Antigen-antibody reaction. Immunoglobulns, antibody production. Role of complement. Immunisation, interferon. Current topics (e.g. HIV and AIDS). Xeobiotic biotransforamation Transport, absorption, distribution and excretion of drugs and other foreign compounds. Biotransformation reactions and mechanisms of transforming drugs by microsomal, nonmicrosomal enzymes and intestinal flora. Conjugation mechanisms, metabolic reactions and detoxification. Consequences of metabolism of drugs, factors affecting drug metabolism. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=50% 30% 5% 15% 50%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Biochemistry; D. Voet and J. Voet, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. Molecular Cell Biology; James Darnel et al, 2nd Ed., 1990. Principles of Drug Action; Goldstein et al. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Biochemistry; Lubert Stryer, 3rd Ed., W. H. Freeman, New York, 1988. 2. Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger, A. L. Nelson and M. M. Cox, North Publishers, 1993. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Applied Analytical Chemistry, (Inorganic Compounds)

Pre-requisites: C322 Rationale: The course aims to introduce the student to practical chemical analysis of inorganic analysis of soil, rocks, limestone, glass, porcelain, cement, ores, iron and steel. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: correctly utilise practical knowledge of the analysis of inorganic samples. determine an appropriate method of chemical analysis show skills in interpreting analytical data. Course contents: Analysis of soils Sampling, field description of soils, physical analysis of soils. Carbonate carbon, organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonia and nitrates. Total determination of other soil constituents. Determination of soil reaction (pH). Exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity. Gypsum and water solubility in alkali soils. Chemical analysis as a measure of soil fertility. Analysis of ores Analysis of ores for their contents of copper, cobalt, zinc, lead, cadmium, silver, gold and uranium etc. Analysis of ion, steel and alloys Sampling. Standard methods for chemical analysis of ferro-alloys. Determination of non-ferrous alloys. Analysis of silicates, rocks and glasses Analysis of soda-lime, lead and borate glasses. The analysis of silicate rocks. Analysis of different types of cement. Analysis of porcelain. Analysis of fertilizers Sampling and sample preparation. Determination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, water, acid or base forming quality of fertilizers. Analysis of superphosphate. Water analysis Sampling of water. Order of analysis in laboratory. Physical examination of water; determination of metals. Determination of inorganic non-metallic constituents (C1,Cl2, F-, CN-, I2,
+ NH 4 , NO 3 , NO 2 , O2 , O 2 SO 2 4 etc.) determination of organic constituents.

Pollution analysis Sampling of polluted water. Analysis of polluted water. Air sample collection. Analysis of polluted (SO3, SO2, NO2 and NOx, etc.) Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: 1. Standard methods for examination of water and waste water; American Public Health Association, 18th Ed., Part City Press, Baltimore, 1994. 2. Water, Atmospheric Analysis Book ASTM Standards; American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Applied Analytical Chemistry, (Organic Compounds)

Pre-requisites: C421 Rationale: The course is designed to give an overview of analysis of different organic compounds and acquaint student with skills to handle analyses involving organic compounds. Course Objectives: On completion of the course the students should be able to: show application of analytical principles in analysis involving: food, drugs, clinical, detergents etc. Course contents Organic analysis Qualitative analysis of some elements (C, H, N, O, halogens, P, S). Quantitative elemental analysis of C, H, O, S. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic groups C-H C-X (halogens), C=C. CC, -OH, -COH, =CO, -COOH, -NH2 -NH2, -NH, -N=H-, NO2 -NO, -NH.OH, -S-S, -SH, R-SO-, R-SO2- and R-RSO2CI. Food analysis Food handling and sampling techniques. Proximate analysis. Determination of water in food production. Determination of traces of minerals in food. Determination of traces of minerals in food. Determination of food additives and contaminants. Analysis of herbs and spices, fermentation products, beverages and chocolate. Analysis of fresh foods and dairy products. Analysis of oil and fats. Clinical analysis The composition of blood. Collection and preservation of samples. Clinical analysis, analysis of serum electrolytes. Determination of blood glucose, blood urea, nitrogen, total protein, nonprotein nitrogen, uric acid, urea nitrogen in urine, phosphatase acid and alkaline. Determination of protein-bound iodine etc. Immunoassay method. Principles of radioimmunoassay method. Analysis of drugs Classification of drugs. Thin-layer screening. Gas chromatographic screening, sepectrophotometric determination of pure drugs. Determination of barbiturates amphetamines, alkaloids (morphine, herone, cocaine), hallucinogens (marijuana, canabinoids, LSD etc.) mandarax. Analysis of pesticides Sampling analysis of phosphorus based pesticides and chlorine based pesticides (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides). Analysis so dithiocarbamates pesticides etc. Degradation products of pesticides. Analysis of soaps and detergents Sampling, general scheme of analysis. Determination of active ingredient and other alcoholsoluble material. Tests for soap synthetic detergents. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS; Pearsons Chemical Analysis of Food; H. Egan, R. S. Kirk and R. Sawyer, C. Livingstone, London, 1981. Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry; N. W. Tietz ed., 2nd Ed. Philadelphia. W. B. Saunders Company, 1976. Properties, Identification and Assay Procedures of Drugs; Rockville, Md. Lints, US Pharmacropeia, 1992. Environmental Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1994. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Methods in Food Analysis; A. M. Josiyn, Academic Press, London, 1973.


___________________________________________________________________________ C441 Advanced inorganic Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C342 Rationale: The course intends to introduce the students to relationships between the symmetry of a molecule or chemical species with its internal chemical bonding and the vabrational spectra. It aims at explaining the atomic spectra and magnetic properties of elements and go give a much more advanced treatment of physical inorganic techniques. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: sketch the shapes of chemical species and assign point groups to them. relate the symmetry of a molecule to its infrared and raman spectra using group theory concepts. apply physical inorganic techniques to interpret physical and chemical properties of molecular species. Course contents: Chemical application of group theory Shapes of molecules, shapes and symmetry, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, representations, character table. Applications of group theory to hybridization, infrared and raman spectroscopy, symmetry adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals (SALCS), Molecular orbital energy level diagrams. Atomic and electronic spectroscopy Alkali and alkaline earth meals. Russel-Saudners terms. Ligand field theory - weak and strong Ligand fields with particular reference to octahedral and tetrahedral complexes. Magnetochemistry Antiferromagnestism, diamagnetism, ferromagnestism, paramagnestism. Magnet susceptibility, effect of temperature and pressure on magnetic susceptibility. Further applications of physical inorganic techniques Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Electron spin resonance (ERS), mass spectroscopy, Mossbaur spectroscopy. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Chemical application of group theory for beginners; E.M. R. Kiremire, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia Molecular symmetry and group theory,; Alan Vincent, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. some simple methods of deriving R- S terms- The basis for atomic and electronic spectra; E. M. R. Kiremire, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia 2. Chemical applications of Group Theory; F. A. Cotton, 2nd Ed, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. 3. Physical Methods in Chemistry; R. S. Drago, Saunders College Publishing, San Francisco, 1977. 4. NMR, NQR, EPR and Mossur spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, R.V. Parish, EllisHorwood Ltd, England, 1990. ______________________________________________________________________________________


C442 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C441 Rationale: The course is intended to give an advanced coverage of organometallic complexes and cover special aspects of inorganic chemistry including catalysis, metals in biological systems and solid state chemistry. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: describe some of the key inorganic catalytic processes. explain qualitatively some of the biological reactions involving trace and bulk elements. show formation and application of semi-and super-conductors of inorganic and organic species Course contents: Organ metallic chemistry Further treatment of organometallic complexes. Metallocenes. Introduction to metal clusters, metalmetal bond, highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) concepts and their applications to synthetic inorganic chemistry. Cluster chemistry.

Basic solid state chemistry

Band theory, solid conductivity of main group and transition metal compounds. Extrinsic semi enzymes of vitamin B12.

Inorganic catalysis
Uses of transition metal complexes as catalysts. Use and role of catalysis in modern world. The reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, hydroformylation reaction, hydrogenation, carbonylation hydrosilation reactions of unsaturated compounds and uses of such reactions. Zieglar-Natta catalysists. Introduction to zeolite and use of zeolites in catalysis, purification and ion exchange resins. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Adv. Inorganic Chemistry; F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, 5th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. Bio-inorganic Chemistry; R. w. Hay, Ellis-Horwood, New York, 1987. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Principles of Organometallic Chemistry; G. E. Coates eta al, Chapman and Hall, London, 1977. 2. Basic Solid State Chemistry; Anthony R. West, John Wiley and Sons, 1988. 3. A Guide to Modern Inorganic Chemistry; S. M. Owen and A. T. Brooker, Longman Group, London, 1992. ______________________________________________________________________________________

C445 Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C312 Rationale: Co-requisites: C441, C442

The course aims to introduce to the students the vital roles played by metal ions in biological systems, to give a concise account of the techniques used in characterizing the metal centres, and will finally highlight some of the applications of inorganic compounds in chemotherapy and environmental pollution.


Course Objectives: On completion of the course is completed, students should be able to: identify links between ligands and metal centres in model compounds and relate their biological functions. describe the role inorganic species in therapy and cite active sites. distinguish the roles played by metal ions in living systems. state side effects arising from use of inorganic drugs. describe the role and importance of the nitrogen cycle. Course contents: Introduction Metal ions in biological systems. Position of metal ions in the periodic table. Role of bulky metal ions in plants and animals. Binding groups for metals in biology. Trace metals and their importance.

Transition metal elements in biological systems

Detailed discussion of roles of the following metals: Iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, vanadium, molybdenum, aluminium and zinc, etc.

Structural and physical methods of characterizing biological metal centres

ESR, NMR, Mossbaur, Cyclic Voltametry, Electronic absorption spectra.

Dioxygen in biological systems

The chemistry of dioxygen and its binding modes. Multi-metal centres and concerted electron transfer. Transport and storage of dioxygen: Heame and non-hearme complexes. Blue copper proteins. Reference to model complexes.

Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen fixation. The binding and reactivity of dinitrogen in metal complexes. Nitrogenase, iron-molybdenum cofactor. The reactivity and mechanisms of nitrogenase. Reduction of nitrate. Reference to model complexes.

Chemotherapeutic applications of inorganic compounds

Therapeutic uses of coordination complexes: anti-cancer, anti-arthiritic drugs. Treatment of deficiencies. Therapeutic uses of ligands which form coordination complexes: chelate therapy in heavy metal poisoning; iron overload; Wilsons disease, Alzheimers disease etc: anti-viral chemotherapy; effect of metal on drug absorption.

Some chemical aspects of environmental pollution

In agriculture: use of fertilizers herbicides and insecticides. Gaseous air pollution; lead poisoning; water poisoning. Remedies. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMEND TEXTBOOKS: Bio-inorganic Chemistry; Robert W. Hay, Ellis-Horwood Ltd, West Sussex, England. Metals in biological systems; M. T. Kendrickk et al, Ellis-Horwood, New York, 1990. The Biological Chemistry of the Elements; J. J. R. Frausto da Silva and R. J. P. Williams, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. SUPLLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. The Inorganic Chemistry of biological Process; M. N. Hughes, John Wiley and sons, London, 1981. 2. Synthesis and Characterisation of Inorganic Compounds; William L. Jolly, Prentice Hall Inc., 1970. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Advanced Organic Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C352 Rationale: This advanced course in organic chemistry aims to expose the student to a coverage of (a) new synthetic techniques using specialized reagents and approaches, (b) introduce the concept of chemotherapy and provide an understanding of the synthesis, structure and mode of action of chemotherapeutic agents, (c) the course concludes with a brief discussion on neighbouring group participation and its effects on organic reactions. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to: provide a short, cheap efficient synthetic route in organic synthesis of target molecules available reagents. describe qualitative relationship between chemical structure and biological activity explain the structure and synthesis of anti-bacterial, anti-malarial and anti-viral agents account for the mode of action of some of the anti-bacterial agents. define symphoria and explain the role of neighbouring group effects in promoting organic reactions. Course contents; New synthetic reactions Applications of the following in organic synthesis: Boron, silicon, phosphorus and sulphur compounds. Selective oxidation and reduction. Carbenes, nitrenes, arynes and organo-metallics.

Introduction to the concept of chemotherapy. Structures and synthesis of anti-bacterial, antimalarial and anti-viral agents, brief introduction to qualitative structure-activity relationships modes of actions of some of the anti-bacterial agents, resistance to anti-micorbial agents and antibiotic sensitivity testing in brief.

Neighbouring group effects and non-classical carbocations

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Organic Chemistry; R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, 5th Ed., Allyn and Bacon, Inc., London, 1987. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part B: Reactions and Synthesis; F.A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, 3rd Ed., Plenum Press, New York, 1990. Organic Chemistry, Volume 2; I. L. Finar, 5th Ed., Longman, London, 1983. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Organic Synthesis: The Roles of Boron and Silicon; S.E. Thomas, Oxford U. Press, New York, 1991. 2. Advanced Organic Chemistry; jerry March, 4th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. 3. Transition Metal Organometallicis in Organic synthesis, vols I and II, Howard Alper, (ed), Academic Press, New York, 1976. 4. Medicinal Chemistry, Part I, Alfred ?burger, (Ed.), 4th Ed. Wiley Interscience, New York, 1985. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Advanced Organic Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C451, C475 Rationale: The course aims to provide an introduction to the chemistry of natural products such as alkaloids, carbohydrates, steroids etc. Structures isolation, synthesis and reactions of a selected number of natural products will be studied. The course will also provide an opportunity to offer a brief introduction to physical organic chemistry. Course Objectives: On completion of the, course the student should be able to: describe the structures, isolation and deterction of alkaloids and glycosides. explain the synthesis and reactions of several of the natural products. provide a reasonable mechanistic explanation for the molecular rearrangement reactions in natural products. outline synthetic and bio-synthetic pathways for some alkaloids. describe structural effects on reactivity on nucleophilic and acid-base reactions. explain the transition state theory and its importance in organic chemistry; and the isotope effects. Course contents: Natural products chemistry A survey of natural products. Structures, isolation, synthesis, bio-synthesis, reactions and molecular rearrangements in natural products, problem solving with examples from two or more of the following: (a) Alkaloids, (b) Anthocyanins, (c) Carbohydrates, (d) Flavanoids, (e) lipids, (f) Phenolic compounds (g) Sterioids, (h) Terpenes.

Introductory physical organic chemistry

Kinetics: integration of rate equations, characterisation of transition states. Structural effects on reactivity: linear free energy relationships - Brostel, Hammett and Yukawa-Tsunote equations; nucleophilicity-Swain-Scott and Edward equations; solvent parameters, Winstein-Granwald equation. Transition state theory and primary isotope effects. Acid base equilibria: acid-base catalysis, equilibrium and secondary isotope effects. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Organic Chemistry, Volume 2l I. L. Finar, 5th Ed., Longman. London, 1983. Phytochemical Methods; J. B. Harborne, 2nd Ed., Chapman and Hall, New York, 1991. Physical Organic Chemistry; Neil S. Isaacs, Longman, ELBS Edition, London, 1987. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Alkaloid Chemistry: Manfred Hesse, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978. 2. Carbohydrate Chemistry; John F. Kennedy, (Ed.) Clarendon Press, 1988. 3. Natural Products Chemistry; E. Torsell, John Wiley and Sons, England, 1983. 4. Physical Organic Chemistry; W. Ritchie, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1990.



Advanced Organic Chemistry III

Pre-requisites: C352 Rationale: The course aims to introduce the role of molecular orbital symmetry in organic reactions and provide an explanation for the mechanisms and stereo-chemistry of the concerted organic reactions in terms of frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs). The course also aims to offer an adequate coverage of the applications of spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry, aspects of stereochemistry and organic photochemistry. Course Objectives: explain the significance of spectroscopic methods for structure elucidation of organic compounds and identify organic molecules using IR, UV, MS, 1H, 13C, 19F-NMR. describe isometric relationships in simple organic compounds. explain organic photochemical transformations. illustrate the use of frontier orbitals in explaining mechanisms and stero-chemistry of concerted organic reactions. Course contents: Application of spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry Identification of organic compounds using, MS., IR, UV, MS, 1H, 13c, 19F-NMR

Stereoisomerisms and centre of chirality, topicity and stereoisomerism - homotopic, enantiotopic and diasterotopic ligands and faces. Diastereotopic ligands and NMR spectroscopy. Recemisation and methods of reduction-optical purity and eneantiomeric excess. Determination of configuration, dynamic aspects of stereochemistry-conformation and reactivity.

Organic photochemistry
Excited electronic states, sensitization and quenching, techniques of photochemistry, photochemical reactions of carbon-carbon, carbon-oxygen double bonds and aromic compounds.

Symmetry controlled reactions

Molecular orbital theory, cyclo-additions, electrocyclic reactions, pericyclic reactions and sigmatropic rearrangements treated by Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) approach. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds; D. Nassipuri, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. Introduction to Organic Photochemistry; A. Coyle, John Wiley and Sons, England, 1986. Spectroscopic identification of Organic Compounds; R. M. Silverstein, G. c. Bassler and T. C. Morril, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions; I. Fleming, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS:


1. 2.

Spectroscopic methods in Organic Chemistry; Dudley H. Williams and Ian Fleming; 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company Ltd, U. K. 1980. Stereochemistry: Conformation and Mechanisms; P.S. Klsi, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.

C461 Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Spectroscopy

Pre-requisite: C362 Rationale The course aims at providing a quantitative theoretical analysis of how molecules and atoms are held together in a molecular structure. Some mathematical complexities are involved at finding models for such chemical bonding and the goal of the course is to provide relatively simple mathematical approaches to the task. Theoretical models of quantum chemistry are employed in molecular spectroscopy to rationalize the experimentally determined properties. Besides, the understanding of molecular structures will provide a valuable and powerful tool to quantitatively give explanations to many concepts in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Course Objectives
On completion of the course, students should be able to explain how quantum theories provide models that yield deeper insight into the nature of chemical bonding; describe the internal structure and physicochemical properties of individidual molecules from the detailed role electrons and atoms play in their geometry and electronic arrangement for the easy interpretation of spectroscopic data; rationalize, on the basis of molecular structure, many concepts in chemistry and some other disciplines. Course Content Symmetry Introduction of symmetry elements, operations and elements. The symmetry classification of molecules. Consequences of Symmetry. Groups, representation and characters multiplication table. The representation of transformations. Matrices.

Quantum theory
Introduction. Classical mechanics and failure. Quantization and Compton Scattering. The Schrodinger wave equation and its solution. Interpretation of the wave function. The particle in a box. Tunnel effect. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Operators. Eigen values. Harmonic Oscillator. Rigid rotors. The hydrogen atom. Angular moment - Spin and Paulis exclusion principle, singlet and triplet states. Approximation methods. Variation and perturbation theories, self-consistent field approximation, LCAO-MO theory,

H+ 2 and H2 molecules.
Molecular Spectroscopy Rotational Spectra: diatomic molecule, rigid rotor. Pure rotational spectra. Selection rule. Spherical top molecules. Symmetric and asymmetric top molecules. Internuclear distance calculation. Valence angles. Vibrational-Rotational spectra: diatomic molecules, harmonic and unharmonic oscillators. Selection rule. IR spectra. Raman spectra-normal modes of vibration. Rotational structure of the vib-rot bands. Electronic specra: diatomic molecules. Vibrational structure of electronic bands. Rotational structure of electronic bands. Energy of dissociation. Theories and applications.

NMR and ESR:


Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS Physical Chemistry, P. W Atkins, W. Freeman and Company, New York, 1986. Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry, Melvin W Hanna. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. London, 1981. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C462 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Pre-requisite: C461 Rationale Statistical mechanics (thermodynamics) and thermodynamics are closely interrelated concepts. The former concept sums up the microscopic picture of quantum chemistry and links it up with the macroscopic thermodynamic theory in terms of the exploration of energy relationship. The course is thus designed to understand the partition of energy among the translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic motions and how such energy distribution can be employed to predict the transfer of energy to and from chemicals, a process that plays a critical part in chemical processes in industry and in living matter.

Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: apply the knowledge of statistics gained in mathematics to thermodynamic problems; use the correlation of atomic and molecular behaviour to their bulk or macroscopic properties; predict the direction of a chemical change; use the knowledge of thermodynamics to provide explanations to many chemical concepts; deduce the heat effects accompanying chemical reactions and the interconversion of chemical energy to mechanical, electrical or heat energy.

Course Content
Statistical Mechanics Introduction. Statistical interpretation of entropy of mixing. Sterling formula. Maximum distribution. Ensemble, partition function. Harmonic oscillator. Heat capacity. Helmholtz free energy. Distinguishable and undistinguishable molecules. Sackur Tetrode equation. Partition function for translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic partition functions.

Basic Thermodynamics
First Law: Statement of the law. Expansion work. Relationship between E, H and q. Partial Some thermodynamic mathematical problems. derivations relating Cp to Cr. Temperature dependance of enthalpy. Application of the first law of thermodynamic to ideal gases. Isothermal and adiabatic changes. Behaviour of real gases - van der Waals equation, Virial and Berthelot equations Joule-Thompson effect. Introduction. Need to study the second law Clausius definition. Mathematical statement of the law - the Carnot cycle. The Carnot theorem. Thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy of a system. Reversible entropy changes (isothermal, adiabatic isobaric, isochoric). Irreversible entropy changes. The Carnot refrigerator. Entropy and probability - a statistical view.

Second Law


Free Energy Need for free energy. Derivation of Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies. Total differential of A and G. Pressure and temperature coefficient of A and G. G and equilibrium constant. Relationship between G and H. Equilibrium constant and temperature. Free energy and maximum work. Application of free energy to electrical work. Clapeyron equation, Clausius - Clapeyron equation. Gibbs Helmholtz equations. Third Law Statement. Mathematical formulation of the law. Evaluation of absolute entropy. Debye equation

Application of Thermodynamic Concepts

Mixtures and Solutions - entropy and free energy of mixing. Open system and chemical potential. Chemical potential of a component of ideal gas mixture and solution. The fugacity function. Fugacity and pressure. Calculation of fugacity of a real gas (based on -function, on compressibility, Z-factor, on van der Waals equation). Partial molar quantities, PMQ and evaluation. Ideal binary mixture of volatile liquids - Raoults law. Solubility of gases in liquids Henrys law. Equilibrium between a pure solid and ideal liquid. Variation of solubility with pressure and temperature. The colligative properties - elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure. Vant Hoff factor, I as related to

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

Physical Chemistry, P W Atkins, W. Freeman and Company, New York.

1. Physical Chemistry, G Barrow, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. Physical Chemistry, G. W Castellan, Addison-Wesley Inc., 1983. 3. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, P Harwood, Prentice-Hall Int., 1997. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C475 Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C312, C352 Rationale: The course aims to provide an introduction to the general principles of medicinal chemistry. It will also introduce the basis of rational design and development of drugs and other biologically active compounds such as food additives, pesticides etc. Course Objectives: On completion of the course the student should be able to: describe the factors affecting absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs; state some of the drug bio transformation reactions and explain simple drug-drug interactions. define pharmacophores, bio-isosters and describe qualitative structure - activity relationships. state the sources of drugs. Isolate, detect and purify some of the drugs from medicinal plants. state desirable characteristics of a drug molecule, design simple analogues of biological active compounds and provide a shortest efficient synthetic plan for their synthesis. explain the synthesis of organic medicinal compounds and describe the mode of action of some of the anti-infective agents.


Course contents Introduction Description and scope of medicinal chemistry. Nomenclature, structures and classification of organic medicinal compounds.

Biological responses to drugs

Brief introduction to adsorption, distribution, elimination, interaction with bio-polymers and relationship of these responses to chemical structure. Drug bio-transformation reactions in brief and factors affecting such reactions. Drug receptors, drug-drug and food-drug interactions.

Chemical structure and biological activity

Relationship between chemical structure and biological activity, the concepts of pharmaophore and bio-isosterism, stereochemistry and biological activity, qualitative structure-activity relationships.

Ethno-medicinal chemistry
Sources of traditional drugs-secondary metabolites, compounding of drugs, isolation, detection and purification of drug substances (plant drug analysis). Biotechnology in medicinal chemistry.

Organic medicinal compounds

Structures, synthesis and properties of some anti-cancer, enzyme inhibitors, anti-viral, central nervous system (CNS) active, anti-sickelling and miscellaneous biologically active compounds. Mode of action of some anti-infective agents. Food and enzymes as drugs.

Introduction to drug and analogue design

Desirable characteristics of a drug molecule, general guidelines for analogue design illustrated with example(s). Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Introductory Medicinal Chemistry; J. B. Taylor and P. D. Kennewell, Ellis Horwood Ltd, England, 1991. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume I and II; D. Lednicer and L. A. Mitscher, (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons, England, 1991. The Basis of Medicinal Chemistry - Burgers Medicinal Chemistry, Pts I & II; M. E. Wolff, (Ed), J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action; R. B. Silverman, Academic Press, London, 1992. 2. Phytochemicla Methods; J. B. Harborne, 2nd Ed., Chapman and Hall, New York, 1991. 3. Plant Drug Analysis: A Thin Layer Chromatographic Atlas; H. Wagner, S. Blad and E. M. Zgainski, Translated by T. A. Scott, Spring-Verlag, New York, 1991. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C481 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C342, C362 Rationale: This is a basic theoretical course of industrial chemistry intended to introduce students to the broad based industrial chemistry involving inorganic materials.

Course Objectives
On completion of the course the students should be able to:


describe the concepts involved in the crushing and grinding technological processes. explain fluid and heat transfers. use and explain flow sheets in the production of industrial gases describe cement, glasses and ceramic technology. describe the production of alkali compounds: sodium chloride, sodium sulphate and other sodium base salts. Course contents:

Theoretical introduction to concepts of chemical engineering

Crushing and grinding; flow of fluids; transportation of fluids; flow of heat; distillation, and evaporation, and absorption.

Production of industrial gases

Hydrogen, oxygen, acetylene, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide.

Ceramic industries
Basic raw materials. Chemical conversions, basic ceramic chemistry. Whitewares, structural-clay products. Refractories, specialized ceramic products, industrial ceramic insulators. Vitreous enamel, bathroom and floor tiles. Lining material, fire roof lining, fire resistant lining. Silicate catalyst, silicate fibres, ceramic super conductors. Lime, gypsum, magnesium compounds, cement, and Portland cement.

Glass industries
Raw materials, manufacture of different types of glass including special type.

Production of alkali compounds

Sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium sulphite, sodium thiosulphate, sodium nitrite, sodium peroxide, sodium amide, sodium cyanide. and sodium ferrocyanide. Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Shreves Chemical processes; George T. Austin, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Basic Chemical Engineering and Practical Applications; A. M. Ketrov et al, 1988. 2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering; Walter L. Badger and Julius T. Banchero, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 3. Chemical Engineering; Coulson & Richardson, Volume 2, Pergamon Press, 4th Ed., 1991. ______________________________________________________________________________________

C482 Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II

Pre-requisite: C 481 Rationale This is a basic theoretical course for industrial chemistry intended to introduce students to the broad based industrial chemistry involving organic materials currently in use in Zambia.

Course Objectives Production of compound fertilizers

Nitrogen industries Synthetic ammonia, ammonia nitrate, ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate, urea, and nitric acid. Sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and cyanamide.


Sulphur industries
Mining and manufacture of sulphur, sulphuric acid, and sulphur pollution.

Potassium industries
Potassium, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate, potassium hydroxide, potassium carbonate, potassium nitrate, potassium bromate, potassium iodate, potassium permanganate, and potassium dichromate.

Chlor-alkali compounds
Manufacture of soda-ash. Sodium bicarbonate, manufacture of chlorine and caustic soda. Bleaching powders, calcium hypochlorite, and sodium chlorite. Hydrochloric acid and miscellaneous inorganic chemicals. Hydrochloric acid and its derivatives.

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Shreves Chemical Processes; George T. Austin, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1988. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Basic Chemical Engineering and Practical Applications; A. M. Ketrov et al, 1988. 2. Chemical Engineering; Coulson & Richardson, Volume 2 and 3, Pergamon Press, 1991. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C491 Organic Industrial Chemistry I

Pre-requisites: C352 Rationale: This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamentals of petroleum, coal, pulp and heavy organic technology Course Objectives: On completion of the course a student should be able to: describe refining of petroleum and production of oils from crude oil. explain carbonisation of coal and products from coal and products from coal carbonization. state the use of pulp, cellulose and paper technology. describe the production of basic heavy organic industrial chemicals. Course contents: Theoretical introduction to concepts of chemical engineering Crushing and grinding; flow of fluids; transportation of fluids; flow of heat; distillation, and evaporation, and absorption.

Distillation theory, petroleum as a raw material for chemical industries

The petroleum industry. Refining of petroleum and petroleum gases.

Pulp and paper technology

Manufacture of pulp for paper. Manufacture of cellulose, toilet paper, paper board etc., production of polygraphic materials.

Heavy organic technology

Production of basic industrial organic compounds such as: benzene, toluene, aniline, xylene, acetone. Manufacture of methyl and ethyl alcohol respectively. Manufacture and processing of acetylene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,2-butadience etc.


Production of agricultural chemicals, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides Industry of soap, washing powder and detergents

Time allocation Lectures Three hours per week. Tutorials One hour per week. Laboratory Three hour-session per week.

Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

total=40% 20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS Handbook of Applied Chemistry; V, Hopp and R. Henrning, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983. Riegelis Handbook of Industrial Chemistry; I. Kent (Ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Kirk-Othmer Concise Encylop. Of Chem. Technology; M. Grayson and D. Eckroth (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons, 1985 2. Chemistry of Coal Utilisation; M. A. Eliot, John Wiley and Sons, 1981. 3. Cellulose: Structure, Modification and Hydrolysis; K. A. Young and R. M. Rowell, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. 4. Pesticides, Preparation and Mode of Action; R. Crumlyn, John Wiley and Sons, 1978. 5. Insect ides; D. H. Htson and T. R. Roberts, John Wiley and Sons, 1985. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C492 Organic Industrial Chemistry II

Pre-requisites: C352 Rationale: This course is intended to introduce students to polymer and plastic technology, pharmaceutical chemicals, different kinds of colours and dyes, explosives etc. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to: Apply theoretical and practical understanding of polymers, plastics and rubber technology. Describe the theory, production and biological activity of pharmaceutical chemicals. Use theoretical knowledge of colours and their practical use as dyes. Describe the production of sugar. Apply the theory on hides to production of leather. Course contents:

Natural and synthetic rubber and production from them

Polymers, plastics and synthetic fibres Plastics - thermos- setting and thermoplastic resins. Polyurethans and polycarbonates. Processing of plastics, synthetic fibres; viscose and cellulose acetate. Nylon, Dacron etc., natural polymer.

Pharmaceutical chemicals
Production of pharmaceutically important compounds such as barbiturates, sulfonamides, analgestic sedative, hypnotic and anaesthetic. Production of antibiotic chemicals (e.g. penicillin, streptomycin etc.) Production of different types of synthetic colours and dyes. Sugar industry Manufacture of sugar, refining of sugar. Leather industry Manufacture of leather for shoe industry and for bags.

Chemistry and industry of explosives

Lectures Time allocation Three hours per week. Distribution of marks Continuous assessment(A.A). total=40%


Tutorials Laboratory

One hour per week. Three hour-session per week.

C.A. Breakdown Theory Test Assign Lab. Work Final (Theory) Examinations

20% 5% 15% 60%

RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS: Survey of Industrial Chemistry; P. J. Cheiner, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1986. Polymer Handbook; J. Bandrup and E. Immergul, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1989. Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers and Composites; C. Harper, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1992. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: 1. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering; J. Mark, John Wiley and Sons, 1989. 2. Encyclopedia of Textiles, Fibres and Non-Woven Fabrics, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. 3. Principles of Colour Technology; F. W. Billmayer and M. Saltzman, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. 4. A guide to Chemical Basis of Drug Design; A. Burger, John Wiley and Sons, 1983. ______________________________________________________________________________________



M.Sc. program offered by the Chemistry department aims at imparting more in-depth knowledge of various chemical principles, techniques and instrumentation than that is available at undergraduate level. It also introduces a number of sub-areas in chemistry not offered in the undergraduate chemistry major program. The long term objective of the Department is to introduce and develop specialized graduate chemistry programs culminating in specialized post-graduate degrees and diplomas in chemistry such as M.Sc Physical Chemistry, M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry, M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, M.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry, M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry, M.Sc. Medicinal Chemistry, etc. Many more new courses will have to be introduced to achieve this long term objective and the Department is working in this direction.

To provide an in-depth knowledge of: (a) more complex chemical principles, (b) advanced modern chemical techniques, (c) modern instrumentation. To strengthen problem solving ability. To produce adequately trained personnel in Chemistry to cater for the present and anticipated future needs of: (a) academic and research institutions in the country, (b) various existing and future chemical industries in the country, (c) health institutions in he country.


Within the framework of these broad objectives the Department offers three M.Sc. Chemistry degree options namely Option A, Option B, and Option C to: (a) cater for varying student deficiencies in subject areas of chemistry, (b) be flexible enough so as to accommodate the needs of the industry through research programs, (c) recognize the varying ability of students with good educational background. Some of the salient features common to all the three M. Sc. Chemistry degree options include: (a) a compulsory general chemical techniques course. (b) a laboratory component in each course. (b) A compulsory seminar per year. (d) a research project leading to submission of an acceptable dissertation for evaluation by at least two independent examiners.


Year 1:



Program: Two year (4 semester) M.Sc. degree program in chemistry by taught courses; followed by research.

The applicant must posses: 1. an upper credit B.Sc. or B.Sc. Ed. Degree with Chemistry as one of the major subjects of the University of Zambia or its equivalent form any other recognized University. 2. an average grade of at least B in senior level chemistry courses. 3. Work experience in a relevant field of chemistry, if any, will be and added advantage.


Degree Structure: Year I: Semester I C501 General Chemical Techniques Choose three(3) from the following Semester II

Choose two (2) from the following electives electives C511 C521 C541 C545 C555 C561 C571 C545 C551 C555 C561 C571 Macro and Micro-Mol. Biochemistry Spectra Analytical Methods Applied Inorganic Techniques Further Bio-inorganic Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Thermo-electrodynamics of Solution Applied Inorganic Techniques Further Bio-inorganic Chemistry Theoretical Organic Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Thermo-electrodynamics of Solution Medicinal Chemistry I(Anti-infective & CNS active agents) C512 C522 C542 C555 C562 C542 C552 C555 C562 C572

Physiological Chemistry
Electrochemical and Chromatographic Methods

Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Molecular Structure and Reactivity Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry Plant Natural Products Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Molecular Structure and Reactivity Medicinal Chemistry II (Cardio-vascular Drugs and Cytotoxic-Agents

Submission of research project proposal Year 2 Mainly Research Work Research work on the approved project under the supervision of a designated supervisor. Presentation of a seminar on the work done. Submission of four (4) bound computer-typed copies of the Dissertation. Examination of the Dissertation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ (ii) OPTION B

Program: Two year (4 semester) M.Sc. degree program in Chemistry by research only. This program can only be offered by prior consultation with the department and is subject the availability of the needed facilities. Eligibility The applicant must possess: 1. an upper merit B.Sc degree with Chemistry as a major subject of the University of Zambia or its equivalent from any other recognised University. 2. an average grade of at least B+ in senior level chemistry courses. 3. Work experience in a relevant field of chemistry, if any, will be an added advantage.

Degree Structure
Year 1: Semester I Submission of research project proposal within three months from the date of registration. Research work on the approved project under the supervision of a designated supervisor. Audit additional course or courses, where necessary and as recommended by the supervisor.


Semester II Audit additional course or courses, where necessary and as recommended by the supervisor. Presentation of a seminar on the actual work done at this stage.

Semester II Completion of research work. Presentation of a seminar on the work done Submission of four(4) bound computer-typed copies of the Thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Year 2 Semester I Continuation of research work Auditing additional course(s), if necessary



Two and a half year (5 semester) integrated M.Sc. degree program in chemistry by taught courses; followed by research.

The applicant must possess: 1. an upper credit B.Sc or B.Sc . Ed degree with Chemistry as one of the major subjects of the University of Zambia or its equivalent from any other recognised University. 2. an average grade of at least B in senior level chemistry courses. 3. Work experience in a relevant field of chemistry, if any, will be an added advantage.

Degree Structure
Year 1: Semester I C501 General Chemical Techniques Choose one(1) from the following electives C511 Macro and Micro-Mol. Biochemistry C541 Applied Inorganic Techniques C551 Theoretical Organic Chemistry C561 Thermo-electrodynamics of Solution

C521 C545 C555 C571

Special Analytical Methods Further Bio-inorganic Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry I(Antiinfective & CNS active agents)

C411 C441 C451 C562

Choose two(2) from the following electives Advanced Biochemistry I C421 Appl. Analyt. Chem. (Inorg. Comp.) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I C445 Bio-inorganic Chemistry Advanced Organic Chemistry I C475 Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry Molecular Structure and Reactivity C572 Medicinal Chemistry II:(Cardio-vascular Drugs and Cytotoxic Agents)

C412 C442 C452

Choose two(2) from the following electives Advanced Biochemistry II C422 Appl. Analyt. Chem. (Org. Comp.) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II C445 Bio-inorganic Chemistry Advanced Organic Chemistry II C475 Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry


C462 C492

Statistical Mechs. & Thermodynamics Organic Industrial Chemistry II

C482 C455

Inorganic Industrial Chemistry II Advanced Organic Chemistry III

Year 2
Semester I Choose any two(2) from the following electives (no taken in year 1) C511 Macro and Micro-Moi. Biochemistry C521 C541 Applied Inorganic Techniques C545 C551 Theoretical Organic Chemistry C555 C561 Thermo-electrodynamics of Solution C571 Spectral Analytical Methods Further Bio-inorganic Chemistry Physical Organic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry I(Antiinfective & CNS active agents)

Submission of a research proposal

Semester II
Mainly research work Research work on the approved project under the supervision of a designated supervisor. Presentation of a seminar on the work done.

Year 3
Semester I Completion of research work and presentation of a seminar on the work done. Submission of four(4) bound computer-typed copies of the Dissertation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ DETAILED CORUSE OUTLIENS CHE5011 General Chemical Techniques

Pre-requisites: First degree with a bias is Chemistry Rationale: To broaden the scope of students knowledge in general techniques essential for research work in chemistry. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to: purify micro-scale organic compounds. apply and interpret spectroscopic techniques and data. describe and apply light scattering and viscosity measurements. use gas-chromatography as a separation technique. Course Content: Isolation and purification of micro-scale organic compounds. Spectroscopic techniques: IR, Raman, UV, NMR (H,C, P and F), and MS. X-ray methods wavelength dispersive devices, X-ray fluorescence, induced X-ray emission, X-ray diffraction. Light scattering and viscosity measurements. Gas and liquid chromatography. Photochemical processes: flash photolysis, Laser, radiolysis of gases and liquids. Time allocation Lectures 3 hrs per week Tutorials 1 hour per week Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20%


Laboratory Seminars

3 labs per semester 1 per semester

Assignments Seminar Laboratory Examination

5% 10% 15% 50%

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Modern NMR Techniques for Chemistry Res., Vol. 6, J.R. Baldwin, Eds, Pergamon Press, N. York, 1990. Quantitative X-ray spectrometry, R. Jenkins, R. W. Gould and D. Geddcke, Dekker, New York, 1991. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, D. H. Williams & I. Flemming, McGraw-Hill Co., 1995. 2. Practical Surface Analysis by Auger and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, D. Brigs and M.P. Seah, ______________________________________________________________________________________ CHE5111 Macro- & Micro-Molecular Biochemistry

Pre-requisites: C412 Rationale: The course aims at introducing the students to the molecular basis of biochemistry.

Course Objectives
On the completion of the course, the student be able to: interpret data from work with electron microscope, iso-electric focusing, light scattering and others. describe molecular basis of genetics, nucleic acids-DNA, RNA, Retrovirus, lipids and membranes. Course Content: Chemistry of purines and pyrimidines. Metabolism of RNA and DNA. Protein Bio-synthesis. Lipid metabolism and membrane architecture. Finger printing and genetic engineering. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Principles of Biochemistry, A. L. Lehninger and M. M. Wilson, Betterworth Publishers, 1993. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry, B. L. Williams and K. Wilson, Edwards Arnold. London, 1975. Journals: Biochemistry; Science; J. Molecular Biology ______________________________________________________________________________________


Spectral Analytical Methods



Rationale: The theoretical knowledge of optical principles can help students to better understand the use of optical methods in chemical analysis. The course will assist students in handling of research using optical methods. Course Objectives: On completion of the course the students should be able to:apply optical methods for chemical analysis. interpret data from optical analysis. use modern optical apparatus. identify structure of compounds from UV VIS, IR, NMR and MS. Course Content: Quantum Chemistry of absorption spectroscopy. Optical fiber, fiber optic sensors, fiber optic fluorescence sensors. Chemiluminiscence and electro-chemiluminiscence. Gas-phase chemilumniscence analysis, liquid-phase chemiluminiscence assays. Electro-luminescence. Fluorescence and phosphorescence. Analysis of nonlumination compound. Mass spectrometry-chemical analysis, isotopic abundance; fragmentation patterns. spectrometry. Optical rotation, circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotation dichroism (ORD). X-ray methods. Wavelength dispersive devices. X-ray fluorescence. Induced X-ray emission. X-ray diffraction and applications. Radiochemical methods. Emissions and reactions, Sample handling and safety sources. Statistical considerations. Neutron activation analysis. Isotopic dilution titration. Electron spectroscopy, ESCA analysis. Auger electron spectroscopy. The scanning electron microscope and microprobe. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50% FT mass

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 4th Edition; Douglas A. Skoog and James, J. Leary, Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1992. Advanced mass Spectrometry: Applications in Organic and Analytical Chemistry; U.P. Schlunegger; Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980. Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopy; T.A. Carlson; Plenum Press, New York, 1975. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Analytical Chemistry, 41, 481(1968); J. W. Strojek, G. A. Gruver, and T. Kuwana. 2. Optoacustic and Photoaclastic Spectroscopy, C.F. Dewey, Fr., Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1980.


3. Luminiscence in Chemistry; E. J. Browen, ed., Van Nostrand, London, 1968. ______________________________________________________________________________________ CHE5411 Applied Inorganic Techniques

Pre-requisites: C442/C 445 Rationale: The course aims to provide thorough knowledge of the applications of major techniques which are used in the study of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: determine the magnetic properties, structure of transition metal and other inorganic compounds using inorganic techniques. synthesise and handle air sensitive substances and their reactions. describe the nature of principle ligands, their reactions and uses. describe general principles of lasers and their uses in applied chemistry.

Course Content: Magnetism and magnetic properties of transition metal compounds. Advanced treatment of inorganic techniques in relation to inorganic compounds (e.g. ESR, Mossbaur). Synthetic methods and handling of air sensitive compounds and reactions. Pnictide (ns2np3) ligands and their reactions with metals. Use of such compounds in extraction, pollution and medicinal chemistry. Lasers and their application in chemistry. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Adv. Inorganic Chemistry; F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. Magnetism and Transition Metal Complexes; F. Mabbs and D. Machin, Chapman and Hall, London, 1985. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Chemistry and Light; P. Suppan, Royal Society of Chemistry, Britain. 2. Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry; E. A. V. Ebsworth, David W. h Rankin and Stephen, Cardock, Blackwell Scientific Publications (ELBS), 1987. 3. NMR, NQR, EPR and Mossbaur Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry; R. V. Parish, Ellis Horwood, 1990. Journals: Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Journal fo the RSC (Dalton Trans). ______________________________________________________________________________________

C 545 Further Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C442/C445 Rationale:


The course is intended to cover some biological aspects of the functions of non-metals and metals in relation to toxicity, radio nuclide and bio-mineralization. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: describe the processes of bio-mineralization and formation of inorganic mineral strucutures in living systems. study and identify the effects of quintessentially toxic metals. Course Content: Bio-mineralization: Introduction, types of biominerals, functions of biominerals, formation of inorganic mineral structures (e.g. nucleation, Lussacs law, growth of inorganic crystals), examples. Biological functions of the non-metallic elements: Overview, B, Si, As and PH3, Br, F, I, Se. The bioinorganic chemistry of the quintessentially toxic metals: Overview, Pb, Cd, Th, Hg, Al, Be, Chromate (IV). Biochemical behaviour of inorganic radionuclides, radiation risks and benefits. Time allocation Lectures 3 hrs per week Tutorials 1 hour per week Laboratory 3 labs per semester Seminars 1 per semester Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: 1. Bio-inorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life. An Introduction and guide; Wolfgang Kainn and Brigitte Schwederski, John Wiley and Sons, 1996. 2. Bio-coordination Chemistry; David E. Fenton, Oxford University Press, 1995. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Bio-inorganic Chemistry; R. W. Hay, Ellis Horwood Ltd, 1987. 2. The Biological Chemistry of the Elements: The Inorganic Chemistry of Life; J.J. R. Frausto da Silva and R. J. P Williams, Oxford University Press, 1994.

C 551

Journal of Bio-inorganic Chemistry

______________________________________________________________________________________ Theoretical Organic Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C 452/C455 Rationale: The course is designed to build upon and consolidate on the three topics students should have been introduced to undergraduate level; namely organic photochemistry, stereochemistry and physical organic chemistry. With this build up and consolidation students should have a broader, more solid overview of the above state topics, they can be able to elucidate the structure of complex organic compounds and explain convincingly the mechanism of new organic reactions. It will further assist the students in better handling of research and/or teaching assignments. Course Objectives: On completion of the course the students should be able to:


elucidate the structures of simple and moderately complex organic compounds from spectroscopic and other analytical data. distinguish between radiate and radiationless transitions. explain the mechanisms and stereochemistry of photochemical organic reactions and predict the stereochemistry of the product(s) in terms of orbital intraactions from correlation diagrams. identify various stereo-isomeric relationships, explain the effect of conformation on reactivity and stereoselective organic reactions. explain the general methods employed for the study of organic reaction mechanisms and interpret the physical data. Course Content: Structure elucidation of organic compounds by spectroscopic methods. Organic Photochemistry: Radioactive and radiation less transitions, orbital interactions, correlation diagrams, mechanistic organic photochemistry.

Advanced Stereochemistry
Symmetry and chirality, pro-stero-isomerism, conformation and reactivity stereo-selective reactions.

Physical Organic Chemistry

Linear free energy relationships, thermochemistry, kinetics, interpretation of rate constants, isotope effects. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition; Dudley H. Williams and Ian Flemming, Mcgraw-Hill Book company; 1995. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-Principles and Applications; D. Nassipuri, J. Wiley & Sons, 1990. Photochemistry; Nicholas J. Turo, Benjamin and Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1990. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. stereochemistry; P. S. Kalsi, John Wiley and Sons, 1990. 2. Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry; Edwin S. Gould, Hart Rhinechart and J. Winston, 1959. 3. Physicla Organic Chemistry; Neil S. Isaacs, ELBS/Longman, 1987. 4. Modern NMR Techniques for Chemistry Research, Volumes 1 to 6; Andrwe E. Derome, Pergamon Press, 1990. 5. Physical Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition; Calvin D. Ritchie, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1990. 6. Organic Stereochemistry; Henry Kapan, Edward Arnold, 1979. Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reviews. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Journals: C 55 Physical Organic Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C 452/C455 Rationale; This course seeks to introduce to the students an in depth coverage of the listed topics.


Course Objectives: On completion of the course the student should be able to: describe the relationship between structure and physical properties of molecules as applied in spectroscopy. explain the structural effects on reactivity explain the role of HOMO and LUMO molecular orbitals in certain classes of reactions. state and describe organic photochemical processes describe some of the 2-D NMR techniques. Course Content: Structural Effects on Reactivity: Additivity schemes for atomic bond and group properties, The Hammett equation. Transition states and intermediates, structure and reactivity: Quantum mechanics, acid-base equilibria and catalysis, equilibrium, and isotope effects. Orbital symmetry in organic chemistry. 2-D NMR Techniques: HH, CH, multiplicities; HH, CH, NH coupling constants, HH, CH COSY, CH INADEQUATE, NOE, HHNoESY More organic photochemistry: Nature of light, kinetic feasibility, absolute efficiencies and kinetic parameters theory of CIDNP, energy transitions, multiphoton processes, photonucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions; isomerization and re-arrangements. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Structure and Reactivity - Fundamental Concepts, Calvin D. Ritchie, 2nd Edition, Marcal Dekker, 1990. The Hammett Equation, C.D. Johnson, Cambridge University Press, 1983. SUPPLEMENTARY READING; 1. Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A:- Structure and mechanisms, Francis A. Carey and Richard J. Sundberg, 3rd Edition, Plenum Press, 1977. 2. Modern Molecular Photochemistry, Nicholas J. Turro, Benjamin/Cummings Publishign Co. Inc., 1978. 3. Orbital Symmetry Papers, Howard E. Simmons (Ed), ACS Reprint Collection, 1974. 4. Spectorscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, D. H. Williams & Ian Fleming, McGraw-Hill Co., 1995. Journals: Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Society, Chemical Reviews ______________________________________________________________________________________ C 561 Thermo-electrodynamics of Solution

Pre-requisites: C465 Rationale: To broaden the scope of students knowledge in the complex behaviour of ions and molecules in solution. Course Objectives:


On completion of the course the students should be able to: determine activity and coefficient of solution explain why solutions deviate form ideal behaviour. measure surface tention by different methods and relate this to atomic parachors for solving Interfacial problems. predict the behaviour of ions at the electrode surface and the use of electro-analytical techniques. evaluate thermodynamic data of phase transitions. describe the properties of polymers and their applications. Course Content: Methods of determining activity and activity coefficient of solution. Ionic distribution functions, potential and Debye-Huckel theory. Partial molar quantities and Gibbs-Duhem equation. Calorimetry-bomb calorimeter differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) or differential thermal Analyser (DTA). Bond energy and Bond dissociation energy. Interfacial behaviour surface tensions measurement, contact angles, spreading, insoluble monolayers, atomic parachor and phase diagrams. Electrode Kinetics and Voltametry-Bulter and Tafel equations, Chronopotentiometry, linear sweep and cyclic voltametry, polarography. Behaviour of macromolecules in solution - Polymers. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester


Chemical Thermodynamics; I.M. Klotz, 5th Ed. J. Wiley and Sons, 1995. Principles of Electrochemistry; J. Koryta and J. Dvorak, Czecholslovakia Academy of Sciences, 1995. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Physical Chemistry: P.W. Atkins, 3rd Ed., W. H. Freeman, New York, 1986. 2. Electrolyte Solution; R.A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Butterworths, London, 1968. 3. Physical Chemistry G.W. Castellan, Addison- Wesley Inc., 1983. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C 571 Medicinal Chemistry I(Anti-infective and CNS-Active Agents) C 452/C472


Rationale: Development of more potent and less toxic anti-infective drugs and drugs regulating the central nervous system (CNS) is an active areas of current study and research. The course is designed to impact in-depth understanding of the synthesis, structure-activity relationships (SAR), metabolism and modes of action of CNS active and anti-infective agents. The course also intends to introduce the general principles of rational design of new CNS active and


anti-infective agents. The course will assist the students in better handling of research and/or industrial and teaching assignments.

Course Objectives
On completion of the course the student should be able to: propose a plausible synthetic plan for a desired anti-fungal/anti-viral/anti-protozoal and CNS active compounds and explain the reactions involved. explain the most probable mode of pharmacological action of sme of the anti-fungal, anti-viral, antiprotozoal and CNS active compounds. interpret the structure-activity relationships. design the organic molecules which could be expected to possess anti-fungal/anti-viral/anti protozoal/CNS active properties. synthesize some biologically active compounds and evaluate their in-vitro biological activity. Course Content: 1. Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR), metabolism and modes of action of: enzyme inhibitors, anti-viral agents, anti-fungal agents, anti-protozoal agents, central nervous system (CNS) active agents analgesics, anaesthetics. 2. Essential principles of rational drug design.

Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS; 1. Medicinal Chemistry, Vols I & II; A.I. Burger, Eds; Academic Press New York, 1987. 2. Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Graham L. Patrick; Oxford University Press, 1995. 3. Organic Chemistry of Drugs Synthesis; volumes II-IV; D. Lednicer and L. A. Mitscher, Eds, John Wiley & Sons, 1991. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. The Search for Anti-viral Drugs; Adams and V. Merluzzi, Birkhauser, 1993. 2. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Anti-infective Agents; P. H. Bentley, Eds, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1993. 3. Progress in Drug Research, Vol. 43; E. Jucker, Eds., Birkhauser, 1994; ibid. Vol. 39, 1992. 4. Molecular Connectivity in Structure-Activity Analysis; L. B. Kier and L. H. Hall, John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 5. Xenobiosis; A. Albert, Chapman & Hall, 1987. 6. Design of Enzyme Inhibitors as Drugs, Volumes 1 & 2; Merton Sandler and H. John Smith, Eds, Oxford University Press, 1994. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of American Chemical Society, Lancet, Chemical Reviews. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Journals: C 512 Physiological Chemistry

Pre-requisite: C511 Rationale: The course aims at utilizing the information from molecular biochemistry in the study of applied biochemistry, nutrition and toxicology.


Course Objectives: On Completion of the course the students should be able to: outline procedures of food analysis for the purpose of determining their nutritional values. describe toxicology-toxins and their migrations in foods and suggest methods for prevention of food spoilage. explain the mechanism of drug action. Course Content: Nutritional Biochemistry; Food Biochemistry; Nutrients of food and its analysis; food processing techniques, food spoilage and food toxins. Biochemistry of Drugs, molecular mechanism of drug action; time course of drug action, drug toxicity and its evaluation, drug tolerance, allergy chemical carcinogenesis and teratogenesis. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: 1. Biochemistry; G. Zubay, 2nd edition, Macmillan, New York, 1988. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Principles of Biochemistry, A. L. Lehninger, 2nd edition, butterworth Publishers, 1993. ____________________________________________________________________________________ C 522 Electrochemical and Chromatographic Methods

Pre-requisite: C 521 Rationale: Theoretical knowledge of electrochemical and chromatographic methods helps students appreciate better electrochemical and separation processes.

Course Objectives
On completion of the course, the students should be able to: apply electrochemical analytical and chromatographic methods to chemical analysis. recognise and differentiate various electrochemical methods so as to correctly select the most suitable method for a given measurement.

Course Content
1. Measurement, signals and data. Signal to noise ratio. Software techniques. Signal-to-noise enhancement. Evaluation of results. Potentiometry-Electrochemical cells. interferences. Ion selective electrodes. Quantitative analysis and



Voltametric techniques: Voltametry. Phase-sensitive AC coulometry. Hydrodynamic methods. Voltametric methods and applications.



High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrumentation. Columns and detectors. HPLC interfaces. Ion exchange, ion-pair chromatography. Exclusion and affinity chromatography. Thermal analysis. Differential calorimetry. Thermogravimetry. related approaches. Direct injection enthalpimetry. Thermometric titrimetry and



Process instruments and automated analysis. Methods based on properties. Oxygen analysers. Chemical sensors. Automatic analysers. Laboratory robots. Flow injection analysis (F.I.A).

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: Principles of Instrumental Analysis S, D. A. Skoog and J. J. Jeary, Saunders College Publishing, N York, 1992. Electrochemical Methods-Fundamentals and Applications; A. J. Bard and L. R. Faulkner, John Wiley, New York, 1980. Modern Polaographic Methods in Analytical Chemistry; A> M. Bond, Marcel Dekker; New York, 1980. SUPPLEMENTARY READING; 1. fundamentals of Electrochemical Analysis; Z. Galus, Halsted Press, New York, 1976. 2. Organic Polarographic Analysis; P. Zuman, Pergamon Press, Oxford: 1964 3. Basic Liquid Chromatography Palo Acto; E. L. John, and R. L. Stevenson, Varian Associates, California, 1978. ______________________________________________________________________________________

C 542

Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry

Pre-requisite C 541 Rationale: The course is intended to cover advanced theoretical knowledge of specialized topics of inorganic chemistry. Course Content On completion of the course the students should be able to: determine and distinguish structures of neutral and ionic boron hydrides using topological approach. outline the synthesis, reactions and applications of boron hydrides, carboranes and metallocarboranes. describe the chemistry of clusters and cages with special reference to organometallic compounds. discuss the reaction mechanisms for various inorganic reactions. Course Contents: 1. The topological approach to boron hydride structures:- closo, -nido and arachno boranes, synthesis and reactivity of neutral boron hydrides, carboranes and metallocarboranes. 2. Cluste rand Cages: Treatment of boron hydrides and transition organometallic compounds. 3. Reactions of simple coordinated ligands such as carbonyls, nitrosyla and dinitrogen etc. Occurrences of such compounds in the environment. 4. Inorganic reaction mechanisms. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester



Adv. Inorganic Chemistry; F. A. Cotton, and G. Wilkinson, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988. Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry; E. A. V. Ebsworth, David W. H. Rankin, and Stephen Cardock, Blackwell Scientific Publications (ELBS), 1987. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Electron Transfer Reactions; R. D. Cannon, Butterworth, London, 1980. 2. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms; J. Espenson, McGraw-Hill, 1981. 3. Inorganic Chemistry; D. F. Shiver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. Journals: Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Journal of the RSC(Dalton Trans.), JACS. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C 552 Plant Natural Products Chemistry

Pre-requisite: C 451/C475 Rationale: This course is designed to equip the students with the principles and techniques of isolation, structure studies, synthesis and bio-synthesis of selected plant natural products. The course also intends to prepare the students to undertake research in biologically active organic molecules of plant origin. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, the students should be able to: classify the naturally occurring organic compounds, by chemical structures and laboratory tests. outline general isolation and purification plan or a variety of natural products from plant kingdom. explain the reactions and synthesis of some of the natural products of biological importance. outline general methods of structure studies and elucidate the structures of some of the simple naturally occurring biologically active compounds. explain the biogenetic pathways of some alkaloids, and terpenoids. explain the synthesis and chemistry of some water soluble and water insoluble vitamins. Course Contents 1. Classification, isolation, chemistry, general methods of structure studies, synthesis and applications illustrated with examples from some of the following: Alkaloids including selected biogenesis, (b) Carotenoids, (c) Plant phenolics including flavone glycosides, (d) Steronds-bile acids, steroid hormones, steroidal glycosides and steroidal alkaloids. Selected biogenesis, (e) Terpenoids including selected biogenesis. 2. Vitamins Classification, chemistry, synthesis and applications of some water soluble and some fat soluble vitamins. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 20% Assignments 5% Seminar 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS 1. Natural Products: Their Chemistry and Biological Significance, J. Mann, S. Davidson, J. Hobbs, D. Bathrope, and J. Harborne, Longman, 1993. 2. Natural products Chemistry; P. Torsell, John Wiley & Sons, 1985. 3. Organic Chemistry. Volume 2; I. L. Finar, 5th Edition, Longman, 1988.


SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Propt.; S. W. Pelletier, Eds; Vol 1-6, J. Wiley & Sons, 1988. 2. Carotenoids, Vols. 1A & 1B; G. Britton, Q. Liassen-jenson, and H. Pfander, Birkhauser, 1993. 3. The Biosysnthesis of Secondary Metabolites; R. B. Herbert, 2nd Edition, Chapman & Hall, 1989. 4. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol 1, Atta-ur-Rahaman, Eds, Elsvier Science Publications, 1988; Ibid Volume 2, 1990. 5. Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol 53, W. Herz, H. Grisebach, G. W. Kirby and C. Tomm, Eds, Springer-Verlag, 1988. 6. The Total Synthesis of Natural Products, John W. Apsimon, Eds, Volumes 1 to 7, 1992. 7. Biosynthesis of Naturla products; P. Manito, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. 8. Plant Drug Analysis: A Thin Laeyr Chromatographic Atlas, H. Wagner, S Bladt and E. M. Zgainki, Springer Verlog, 1985. Journals: J. of Natural Products Planta Medica, Current Contents (Life Section), Phytochemistry. ______________________________________________________________________________________ C 562 Molecular Structures and Reactivity

Pre-requisite C 462 Rationale: The course intends to use the structure of molecules to broaden the scope of students knowledge in solution kinetics, photochemistry and spectroscopy.

Course Objectives: On completion of the course the students should be able to: apply spectroscopic methods to solve the structure of molecules. explain the concept of free radicals and the response of molecules to photochemical stimuli. measure and interpret kinetic parameters in solution. formulate mechanisms for the reaction of complexes in solution. Course Contents: 1. Crystallography - type of crystal, unit cells space lattices, Bravais lattices, Miller indices, Braggs equation, semi conductors and lattice defects. 2. Catalysis: Quantitative treatment of homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzyme catalysis. 3. Spectroscopy-Molecular structure, excitation, single and triplet states, multiplicity, spectral terms, variation principle and perturbation theory. Quantitative treatment of magnetic resonance and electron spin spectroscopy. Theory of chemical shift and measurement, coupling constant and Pascal triangle. 4. Photochemistry-Type of molecules for absorption, fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence Kinetics of photochemical reactions, flash photolysis, laser and radiolysis. 5. Redox reactions - structure of complex electorn transfer reactions in solution, Outer-inner sphere mechanisms, Base hydrolysis of complexes, Acid dependency of rates of substitution by SN1 and SN2 mechanisms, Kinetic salt effect. Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars 3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 25% Assignments 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS 1. Physical Chemistry; P. W. Atkins, W. H. Freeman & Company, New York, 1986. 2. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy; C. N. Banwell, McGraw-Hill co, London, 1972.


SUPPLEMENTARY READING: Development of safe and more potent drugs for the treatment of cancer, hypertension and other heart diseases and the search for safe and bio-degradable pesticides are active areas of current research. The course intends to impart sound understanding of the synthesis, structure-activity relationships (SAP), metabolism and modes of action of anti-cancer/anti-hypertensive drugs and insecticides/pesticides. The course will assist the students in better handling of research and/or industrial assignments. Course Objectives: On completion of the course the students should be able to: propose plausible synthesis of target anti-cancer/anti-hypertensive agents, insecticides and pesticides and explain the reactions involved in the synthesis. explain the most plausible mode of action of anti-cancer/anti-hypertensive agents. propose the metabolism of some anti--hypertensive drugs. design novel organic molecules expected to demonstrate anti-cancer/anti-hypertensive/pesticidal activities. synthesize some anti-cancer/anti-hypertensive/pesticidal compounds and evaluate their in-vitro biological activity. Course Content Synthesis structure-activity relationships (SAR), metabolism, modes of action and rational design of: anti-cancer agents, anti-hypertensive agents, cardiotheapeutic agents, and pesticides.

Time allocation Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Seminars

3 hrs per week 1 hour per week 3 labs per semester 1 per semester

Distribution of marks Continuous Assessment (C.A.) total = 50% Breakdown of C.A: Tests 25% Assignments 10% Laboratory 15% Examination 50%

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOKS: 1. Medicinal Chemistry, Vols I & II; A. I. Burger, Eds, Academic Press, New York 1987. 2. Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action; Richard B. Silverman, Acad. Press, 1992. 3. Introduction to Drug Metabolism; G. G. Gibson, Chapman & Hall, 1986. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: 1. Progress in Drug Research, Vol. 43; E. Jucker, Eds., Birkhauser, 1994; ibid Vol. 39, 1992. 2. Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Special Publication Number 65, RSC 1988. 3. Insecticides of Plant Origin; J. T. Arnason, B. J. R. Philogane and P. Morand, Eds, American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Number 389, 1989. 4. Medicinal Chemistry: A Biochemical Approach; A. Nogrady, John Wiley & Sons, 1985. 5. Molecular Connectivity in Structure-Activity Analysis; L. B. Kier and L. H. Hall, J. Wiley & sons, 1986. 6. Xenobiosis; A. Albert, Chapman & Hall, 1987. 7. Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics; P. Goodmann and G. Gilmann, Eds, J. Wiley and Sons, 1990. Journals: J. of Medicinal Chemistry, J. of Chemical Society, Chemical Reviews, JACS.


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