RSPCA - Campaign To Save Rosedene

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Campaign launched in defence of axed Rosedene Rescue Centre

Jan 30 2010 by Matt Lloyd, Birmingham Mail A MASSIVE campaign has been launched in defence of a Black Country dog rescue centre closed down in a morning raid by the RSPCA last week.

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Rosedean Kennels and animal rescue centre in Radley Road, Walsall has been closed down by the RSPCA. Nearly 1,000 people have joined a group on social networking site Facebook in defence of the Rosedene Animal Rescue Centre, Radley Road, Walsall. The kennels were dramatically shut down by police and RSPCA workers last week after complaints of conditions at the Rushall site. But the Birmingham Mail has been inundated with letters and comments defending the operation. Those speaking out against the closure have demanded to know why three dogs, called Stocking, Diesel and Clarke, were put down by vets during the raid and what has happened to another 56 dogs removed from the premises. And they have said the dogs were cared for by volunteers who fed, watered, walked and treated the dogs until they could be found a suitable home. Sean Johnson, 42, a volunteer at the kennels, said he regularly took two of the destroyed dogs for walks and said they were not aggressive. Mr Johnson said: I have worked as a volunteer for nearly four years now. I was very shocked and disgusted to hear that the RSPCA had raided and closed down the kennels with three dogs being put to sleep as being deemed too aggressive to handle. I regularly walked two of those dogs, Stocking and Diesel. They were not aggressive at all.

The raid took place before the staff had started their chores of cleaning, feeding and watering the dogs, and that is how the RSPCA filmed the dogs, to give a very untrue image of how they were kept.
If they had gone down an hour or so later, it would have been a completely different picture. What the RSPCA is doing is so unjust and cruel. Julia Newman, from Lincoln, homed a Jack Russell from Rose Dene after the centre was recommended by a friend.

She took on the dog for daughter Fern, 11. Mrs Newman said: He is the loveliest little fellow and my daughter adores him. Those kennels were no worse than others around the country but at Rose Dene they had people who would really make an effort. Im appalled at what the RSPCA have done. What will happen to all of the dogs that were due to be re-homed that were taken away from there? An RSPCA spokesman said she could not comment on the case while the investigation was ongoing. However she quashed rumours another 19 dogs from the home had been put down.

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