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storypage=0 Narooma News

Bond, $56,000 costs in RSPCA animal cruelty case

By Stan Gorton
23 May, 2012 11:18 AM THE magistrate at Narooma Court on Thursday sentenced the Batemans Bay woman who neglected as many as 77 animals to a three-year good behaviour bond as well as ordering her to pay $56,000 in costs to the RSPCA. Helen Shepheard, a 68-year-old cleaner, previously pleaded guilty to eight charges of animal cruelty and neglect offences involving more than 30 cats and other animals. Yesterday she personally, along with a group of supporters, appeared before magistrate Degnan. In his sentencing, the magistrate said Ms Shepheard had been described as a kind lady with a lifelong love of animals but that thing got beyond you and that it was a most unfortunate situation that finds you before the court. He did note that she had two prior convictions for failure to provide veterinary treatment some years before and that the animals had been kept in appalling and unhygienic conditions. The magistrate imposed a number of conditions on the bond, including that Ms Shepheard follow the direction of the parole services, including undergoing counselling that would help her integrate back into the community. Prior to sentencing, he said that her life was confined to work and her animals, implying she had limited contact with the outside world. Other conditions were that she not acquire any other animals for a period of 10 years, and that the animals seized from her property be rehomed. She was allowed to keep two animals that had been seized, a male cattle dog and female Himalayan-cross tabby cat, but another condition was that she allow RSPCA inspectors to access her property at any time. Finally, she was ordered to pay a total of $56,000 to the RSPCA to cover professional, veterinary and boarding costs. The animal cruelty charges Ms Shepheard pleaded guilty to include failing to alleviate pain, suffering and distress to 39 cats the RSPCA states had been "confined in appalling unhygienic and very dark conditions", 12 puppies and three dogs living in their own faeces on the back verandah of her house among debris and rubbish; and being in charge of a Major Mitchell Bird confined in a cage without a perch, with filthy water, without ventilation, and with rodents running freely around the cage. Ms Shepheard also pleaded to acts of cruelty to six cats by confining them in small cages and living in their own faeces in appalling unhygienic conditions; and committing an act of cruelty to two roosters. Do you have an opinion or view on this article, want to get it off your chest? Then scroll down and make a comment, its easy and we will post it as is within reason and decency and you dont even need to use your real name! Ps: it might take a while for us to get to it and approve it, but rest assured your comments are valued and they will go up asap! (NO COMMENTS POSTED !! Guilt? Shame ? Knowledge of the game?)

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