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Hot dogs leave RSPCA sizzling

Maria Lewis | December 28th, 2009
POLICE were forced to break into a car parked at Sea World yesterday to rescue three small dogs locked inside. Security officers patrolling the area about noon noticed the dogs and notified police. Two officers from Surfers Paradise police station forced their way into the car to free the dogs which had appeared distressed. RSPCA Queensland chief inspector Michael Pecic said they intended to prosecute the owners of the dogs under the Animal Protection Act, and any others who caught in the future. "You just can't do this, it's very cruel and their blood will actually boil," he said. "Dogs are just like children if left in a car, except they heat up quicker. "It's absurd someone would put animals in danger by leaving them in the car." He said the incident was very disappointing given the number of warnings the RSPCA had released in a bid to educate the public about the danger of leaving animals inside locked cars. "People need to make appropriate arrangements if they're going to go somewhere and organise for them to be left in care with appropriate shade, food and water," he said. The dogs were collected from Labrador pound by the owners late yesterday afternoon. A 47-year-old was charged with three counts of animal cruelty and a 33-year-old woman was charged with three counts of animal cruelty, stealing, wilful damage and assault. Both will appear in Southport Magistrates Court on January 27. Your Say "lock them up in a hot car and leave them there, they should have these poor little dogs taken off them, they dont deserve them, laws need to be tougher." Helen, Gold Coast.

The hot dogs with their bowl of water. Picture: Paul Riley

I do hope the defence lawyer checks out two recent cases, in the first of which a police

officer allowed two German Shepherd trained police dogs in a hot car to the point where they both died, and secondly in which an RSPCA officer also left dogs in a hot car - I think they also died. Both these offenders were protected through the prosecution process which was conducted in both cases as a formality for the sake of appearances. The RSPCA are incarnate hypocrites. NB - in this case NO dogs died. Verity Maxwell, Adelaide
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Peter R Posted At 7:28am today The world has gone mad. Paedophiles are out there abusing children and the media are not allowed to publish anything about them and their abuse. This leaves the media with non-stories and allows RSPCA exagerations to be taken like they were serious crimes. Windows were down and they had water and it was an overcast day with occasional showers. Anything trivial can now become such a major issue because so much other crime cannot be published because of Labor's laws. Paul Champness Posted At 5:23am today It is very difficult to understand how people can leave any living creature in a vehicle on a hot day,I know that if I have to wait on someone while sitting in my car on a warm or hot day ,it becomes very uncomfortable & I have all the windows fully opened-these people fully deserve to be treated harshly by the courts,Dogs are living creatures too,not so sure about the owners however. Verity Maxwell Posted At 2:18am today I do hope the defence lawyer checks out two recent cases, in the first of which a police officer allowed two German Shepherd trained police dogs in a hot car to the point where they both died, and secondly in which an RSPCA officer also left dogs in a hot car - I think they also died. Both these offenders were protected through the prosecution process which was conducted in both cases as a formality for the sake of appearances. The RSPCA are incarnate hypocrites. NB - in this case NO dogs died. Pete Posted At 12:07am today Now as a person who hates dogs, I still feel sick in the stomach that some moron can't look after their animals. The reason I don't have animals is because I can't look after them. They should be locked up in their own car to feel the heat. trace Posted On 5:39pm Monday why are people so dam leave pets in a car on a hot day or any other day... Xanthe Posted On 4:12pm Monday Why can't people be LICENCED before being allowed to own dogs and cats. At least it would be an opportunity to formally educate them about this sort of thing (along with all the other responsibilities and realities of owning a pet). helen Posted On 11:26am Monday lock them up in a hot car and leave them there, they should have these poor little dogs taken off them, they dont deserve them, laws need to be tougher.

Other topics Vaccinations

Get real Robyn if you are fully vaccinated and you did not get immunity from the disease it is not the unvaccinated you should be angry against, it is the false hope that your doctor or vaccine administer promised. I am not vaccinated nor are my children and we have never had whooping cough or any other vaccine related disease. we are healthy and loving life, dont put the guilt on us, we have made an informed choice not to vaccinate, unlike you and who got sick? Posted by: susan lindberg of brisbane 09:21am Saturday 2nd May Comment 3 of 13 Government (local) as predatory This council bureaucracy should be contained where they are and its numbers kept under control. The council is a monster that is continually seeking ways to suck money out of people with fines and new fees (taxes) for this and that and ever-increasing regulations over our lives. Not enough room? Then cut back or get a few portable offices. Posted by: Mel Cameron of Reedy Creek 07:06am Sunday 18th January Comment 4 of 13 Evandale to contain 3000 Council employees? Unbelievable. Road access will be a nightmare, no "fast transport" Options....and wont the neighbours in a largely Residential area find that a bonus! Whats the point of destroying a Cultural Precinct when Council land is available in a Commercial precinct at the Mal Burke Parking Area in Southport, round the corner from the Bus Transit Centre and 100 metres from the proposed Translink Stage One section...more logical and "Smart State" of course! Posted by: Laird Marshall of Main Beach 10:43am Wednesday 26th November Comment 5 of 13 Posted by: 04:30am Wednesday 22nd October Comment 6 of 13 Posted by: 11:22pm Tuesday 21st October Comment 7 of 13 Posted by: 07:36am Monday 11th August Comment 8 of 13 Posted by: 06:27am Monday 11th August

Comment 9 of 13 Posted by: 12:31am Monday 11th August Comment 10 of 13 Posted by: 10:52pm Sunday 10th August Comment 11 of 13 Posted by: 02:51pm Wednesday 11th June Comment 12 of 13 Posted by: 02:47pm Wednesday 11th June Comment 13 of 13

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