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EXCLUSIVE: Marksman shoots Shaunetta the sheep dead

View Gallery Published Date: 27 July 2009 By Caroline Gough and Jon Stokoe. Pictures by Ceri Oakes. THE adventures of stranded Shaunetta sheep highlighted in last Friday's Whitby Gazette have come to a heartbreaking end. RSPCA inspector Justin Le Masurier arrived in the area yesterday afternoon and surveyed the cliff top near Hawsker with high hopes of Shaunetta being rescued. But even as Tyne Tees Television's Monday evening bulletin was retelling our story of brave Shaunetta's predicament, the now-famous sheep was already dead. The decision was taken by the RSPCA and the sheep's owner to shoot Shaunetta due to the fact a rescue attempt could be dangerous as the sheep may bolt causing harm to itself or people involved in the rescue.


ALTERNATE NEWS REPORT FROM FOUR-LEGS LAND, WHERE ALL THE HUMANS ARE ANIMALS, AND ALL THE ANIMALS GET THEIR OWN BACK This evening Shaunetta the stranded sheep called in sharpshooter expert marksheep Gotcha to put RSPCA Inspector Justin Le Masurier out of his agony of indecision and pain. Le Masurier was trying to hide his murderous intent beneath the veneer of compassionate concern normally presented by the RSPCA to the general public. Flying in on the back of an eagle helicopter, the marksheep niftily hauled Le Masurier on board and had the eagle sweep him straight up to St. Peter. But St Peter refused him admission on the grounds of obdurate hypocrisy, and Le Masurier currently is to be found shovelling coal in the furnaces below, a permanent re-homing placement. "I only was doing my job" he now repeats as his eternal mantra. The option of using a tranquiliser dart was also ruled out for fear Shaunetta may get confused and wander off the cliff edge. At 6.45pm Shaunetta was brought ashore by two crew and Mr Le Masurier to be returned to the farmer. We broke the story of Shaunetta who had been stranded for around a month on the cliff after Whitby Gazette reader Juanita Degenaar brought in some pictures.

Some people suggested Shaunetta could escape safely but most thought she would be stuck there indefinitely. Dozens of sightseers and television crews, including Sky and Tyne Tees, went out to sea to see her and reported she looked in a good state of health only today. Mr Le Masurier told the Whitby Gazette: "In the interests of its welfare, attempting a rope rescue on a 200ft cliff face would be too dangerous for the animal and for any rescue personnel. "She was humanely despatched, arranged by the owner. "I would like to thank the local people, including members of the public for bringing it to our attention, the press and the coastguard and most of all the particular effort of Rob Parkin, the off-duty officer for the use of the boat. "We understand the public's concern for the animal. It is sad sometimes but we took the difficult decision as it was in the interests of the animal." * You can comment on this story below. Should Shaunetta have been saved? Were the RSPCA right? You can also email the editor at:

The full article contains 369 words and appears in n/a newspaper. Page 1 of 1 * Last Updated: 28 July 2009 10:43 AM * Source: n/a * Location: Whitby Bookmark: Post this story to Digg Post this story to Digg Facebook Post this story to Facebook reddit Post this story to reddit StumbleUpon Post this story to stumbleupon zedoctor, 27/07/2009 21:54:28 people cannot just well alone, the animal wanted to be there and would probably have found its way off.instead we interfered and this is the outcome. Report Unsuitable 2 Pete Budd, Lost in the Forest. 27/07/2009 23:03:01

Emergency services out of control?

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