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Watford Continued Anger Over Cows Death (from This Is Local London) ...

still think the RSPCA is a humanly acceptable organisation might change their mind if they check out http://www.geocities .com/focusrspca2003/ index.htm ... ws_death.php - 60k - Cached - Similar pages AdelaideNow... RSPCA turmoil as trio quits 25 Oct 2007 ... in this area is invited to check out the following three websites : Re the RSPCA - See ...,22606,22643125-2682,00.html - Similar pages Halal meat 4 Nov 2006 ... RSPCA GIVES APPROVAL TO HALAL SLAUGHTER OF SHEEP "In Australia, the RSPCAs unwillingness ... - 44k

RSPCA turmoil as trio quits

Article from: The Advertiser MICHAEL OWEN, POLITICAL REPORTER October 25, 2007 08:15am THE RSPCA is in turmoil after its long-serving president and chief executive both quit their positions within weeks of a bitter council election. RSPCA president John Strachan, chief executive Mark Peters and his assistant Gai Jenkin have all resigned their positions on the animal welfare organisation's board. Nominations for a new president will be called tonight at the first RSPCA council meeting since last month's election, run by the Australian Electoral Commission for the first time. Those campaigning for five council positions were embroiled in controversy over fears among some members that people associated with animal rights organisations were trying to get elected. The RSPCA was worried animal rights activists would use their collective vote to force the organisation to use activism to improve animal welfare. The RSPCA prefers enforcement of animal protection laws. No animal activists were elected. AEC manager of election services Kim Buckley said complaints had been received about the campaign, but it could not formally investigate them because its charter was limited to the ballot process. The RSPCA yesterday cited personal health as the reasons for the resignations of Mr Strachan and Dr Peters and said Ms Jenkin's decision was unrelated. Mr Strachan yesterday said he would remain on the board. "There are all sorts of rumours, but the truth is I should have stepped away a year ago because I have cardiac problems," he said. "The resignations are all coincidental, but of course the rumour-mill is working fairly heavily because of the people who have been anti-RSPCA - the animal rights movement." RSPCA spokeswoman Aimee McKay said Dr Peters was unavailable yesterday and that he was resigning for health reasons. Have your say Latest Comments:

If only the RSPCA board members were as concerned by the factory farmers and live exporters currently stacking their committees as they are about animal activists. It is about time this organisation got serious about addressing their numerous conflicts of interest and started protecting animals. I would much rather give my money to animal activists who take direct action to protect animals. Posted by: Shaz of Adelaide Hills 10:10pm October 25, 2007 Perhaps with some new blood on the committee, not so many animals will be destroyed who have had the misfortune to be 'saved' by the RSPCA. Posted by: Margaret T of adelaide 8:01pm October 25, 2007 I am a member of the RSPCA. I fully support the need to do more than protect the rights of traditional (cats, dogs, horses) pets through the Fair Go for Farm Animals Campaign to improve the conditions that farm animals are kept in. I agree with Ines that there was correspondence from the RSPCA to members implying that the new people standing for the committee were "animal activists" with their own agendas. It is a real shame that the RSPCA put out this information which I believe is misleading. I'm not surprised that none of the so-called "animal activists" were elected due to the material sent to members. Posted by: H Roberts of Kensington Park 2:53pm October 25, 2007 There is a great deal more wrong with the RSPCA than the rigged 'elections' John Strachan has operated for fifteen years and more. We must congratulate Ann Bressington for opposing, in parliament, the current bill seeking to give extended powers to the RSPCA (see Hansard Tuesday 16th October 2007) Her comments are closer in time to the amazing resignations we currently witness, with Strachan and Peters being suddenly struck down with 'ill health', and Gai Jenkins deciding the time is ripe to disappear from view for a while. I suppose we should be pleased they didn't tell us they wanted to spend more time with their families. But Bressington, rather than the AGM, is a strong contender for identification as the tipping cause of the resignations. The RSPCA is a spin factory whose pronouncements and activities have precious little to do with protecting animals in any way whatsoever. While the moment is with us, perhaps we should shut down the entire operation, and set up a totally new animal protection organisation with more carefully thought out structures of accountability. Anyone interested in a bit of extended reading in this area is invited to check out the following three websites : Re the RSPCA - See Re what the RSPCA did to me - See %20UNMASKED.htm George Karolyis website provides and analyses his experience of the RSPCA I am currently writing up the horrendous court case used to try and destroy Paul Benn's life in the service of getting some more cheap PR. The headline to this article will read RSPCA BAGS ANOTHER PENSIONER. Watch for it !! Also, dont go on their Million Paws Walk, dont give them another cent of your hard-earned money, and dont volunteer to work in their death factories. Posted by: Glynne Sutcliffe of Blackwood 2:47pm October 25, 2007 I stood for election to the RSPCA Council this year and found myself embroiled in accusations of being an infiltrator, prepared to use colourful and unethical tactics if elected. This label of being an acitivist has been tossed about with abandon, Mr. Strachan has not said which organisations form part of the " animal rights movement", I do not belong to any organisation that supports extreme behaviour or thought, I do not condone working outside the law, I am not even a vegetarian though I do practice humane food choices. I work in a management capacity in the not-for-profit community sector, I rely on moderation and negotiation to accomplish my work. To this latest attack on my reputaiton I say , enough is enough - prove your accusations Mr. Strachan or stop making them. I stood for the RSPCA because I believe it could be more vigorously promoting its own Fair Go for Farm Animals Campagin and more strongly lobbying the State Government in relation to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill, to introduce random, unannounced inspections of facilities are animals are kept for any commercial purpose, as is the norm in other industries, instead of the propsosed rountine inspections with advance notice having to be given to Operators. I attended the AGM and in fact put 2 motions forward to this effect, both of which were supported by a majority vote as both fit within the RSPCA's own policies of not supporting the intensive farming of animals and of lobbying governments to ensure the best possible laws for the protection of animals are enacted. To the Advertiser, to show I am geninue, I am happy for my name to be printed along

with my comments. I really hope you allow me a response to the accusations against me. For your information my phone no. is 0411 264 466 and my address is 248 Lady Gowrie Dr. Largs Nth. regards Ines Raimondo Posted by: Ines Raimondo of Largs Nth. 9:27am October 25, 2007

NB This phone number is incorrect (said to be disconnected)

The correct number still operative Sunday 10th August 2008 is 0411 262 466

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