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Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)


Teaching aids are tools that classroom teachers use to help their students learn quickly and thoroughly. A teaching aid can be as simple as a chalkboard or as complex as a computer program. Because every individual learns in a different way, teachers rely on these tools to explain concepts to students with a wide variety of learning needs. Teaching aids are crucial for educators as they are key in differentiating instruction for all types of learners. A teaching aid is any piece of equipment that can be used to help the students learn. Examples of teaching aids include: the blackboard, a tape recorder, a CD player, computers or a language laboratory. The blackboard is usually the most fundamental teaching aid. While you are planning your lesson, you should also think about how you will use the board. You can consider different layouts, colours of chalk, size of handwriting, etc. If you want the children to copy something down, make sure it is easy to read. If you are talking to the children while writing on the blackboard, make sure to turn around often to hold their attention. The tape recorder is another easily available teaching aid. It is useful because it gives children a chance to listen to English spoken by different people in different situations. Make sure you place the tape recorder in a place where all the children can hear. Be familiar with how to use the machine and make sure the tape is cued to the correct place. You should also have an alternative activity ready just in case the tape player breaks. Another common teaching aid is the OHP (overhead projector). The OHP is very versatile, and the biggest advantage is that you can prepare OHTs (overhead transparencies) in advance. As with the tape recorder, make sure you can use the machine. And as with the blackboard, think about the layout and attractiveness of the OHTs you produce.

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)


There are a number of kinds of teaching tools that a teacher should get. These teaching aids can even help learning become a process that everyone enjoys, and they are a must to help teachers be successful at what they do. There are a number of kinds of teaching tools that a teacher should get. These teaching aids can even help learning become a process that everyone enjoys, and they are a must to help teachers be successful at what they do. 1. Workbooks are a great teaching aid to help teachers instruct on certain subjects. They are also helpful in aiding teachers in getting the class room ready for tests that need be given. You can find workbooks offered for all age groups and all subjects. These workbooks can help you to develop the quality curriculum that you want in less time. 2. Some high quality teaching tools can be found online for you to print off. The internet allows you surf different educational supplies websites, find the perfect thing for your class and print them out and even make all the copies you need for your young students. This is a better way to get quality teaching aids on a budget than investing in expensive books. These online teaching aids are available for every grade level and a wide variety of subjects as well. 3. There is no reason that teaching has to be only work with no fun mixed in. There are great teaching aids available that help you present your materials to kids in the form of a game that the kids will enjoy. Games are a great type of teaching aid that teaches students important skills while they have fun. These particular teaching methods will be the ones the kids will clamor for because they can have fun while learning at the same time. 4. Teaching aids like posters or bulletin boards are great to allow you to set up a creative learning setting in your classroom. For visual learners, these teaching aids are

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

helpful by allowing them to connect the various concepts of the lessons together and understand them better. When students are allowed to put items on the bulletin board display or create their own posters for the room, that enhances the learning environment as well. This kind of learning by participating will help your class learn and retain what they need to know about each lesson. 5. There is no getting around how computers in the classroom have expanded in the last few years. You can take advantage of software tools that are teaching aids for all levels of students and subject areas. Good teaching aids allow you to customize levels too for those that are learning faster than other students. Hand outs, workbook sheets and downloaded teaching aids can be created too in order to show parents what their children have learned.

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)


Informal instruction is, as the name suggests, much less formal. Good teachers know their students. If you have been teaching a particular group of students for some time, you probably already know quite a bit about their interests, ability levels, and learning styles. If the group of students is new to you, you can make a point of asking them, individually or in a group, about their interests and academic strengths. Depending on the age of the children, they may also be able to write about this, or answer some form of questionnaire about their hobbies, interests, previous instruction, strengths, and weaknesses. Students generally enjoy talking about themselves and having their teacher get to know them well, as it makes them feel special, as well as directing you in choosing your teaching methods. Once you have assessed your students, you need to plan for different teaching methods. Direct instruction is the most common form of instruction. This is the lecturing method of teaching. Many teachers use this teaching method almost exclusively, as it is considered the simplest, and you can cover large amounts of material in a short period of time. However, this is not the most effective teaching method to reach all students, especially younger ones, who often need a more engaging, hands-on strategy in order to learn effectively. In addition, it is hard for teachers to tailor instruction to students at diffeent levels. Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method which is rapidly gaining popularity in the United States. Based on the scientific method, this teaching method can be used for virtually all subjects. Using inquiry-based learning takes a lot of time, energy, and planning, but it is often very effective. Students practice problem solving and critical thinking skills to arrive at a conclusion. This teaching method is extremely studentcentered and student-directed, and can be modified for students at any level, reaching them where they are. Teachers will generally need to start by modeling the process to the students. Cooperative learning is another teaching method that is considered highly effective when done correctly. With cooperative learning, students are put in small groups to

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

work together. They are usually not grouped by ability, but put in a group with children at a variety of levels. The students are then given tasks to accomplish together. Teachers may need to monitor these groups carefully, to make sure they are staying on task and that all students are participating. This form of instruction also lends itself well to differentiation, because the teacher can assign specific tasks to children at different ability levels. One more common teaching method is to teach information processing strategies. While it is often advisable to have students really understand the teaching methods and not just memorize facts, there are some cases when facts need to be memorized. Facts and concepts may also need to be grouped or organized in order to facilitate better understanding. Teachers can use various teaching methods to help students with memorization, or they can use graphic organizers, mind maps, story webs, or other ways to represent information visually. There are many, many more teaching methods, but these are the most common. If the teacher finds the best teaching method for a particular group of students, the students are likely to learn more quickly and be more engaged. In addition, using a variety of teaching methods will keep children from being bored, and help them encounter the information in new and exciting ways

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

4.0 HOW TO TEACH USING PUPPETS use as our language assistant to give directions use to announce the next activity such as asking for the puppet to take a CD out from the box ( e.g: It signals that they're going to listen to a song) use as a partner/ a model to start an activity play games read or tell a story to the puppet. carry out some writing tasks such as writing a letter / e-mail or sending a postcard to the puppet. conduct short dialogue exercises or drills

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

5.0 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING PUPPET IN TEACHING catch children's attention easily. create a non-threatening and warm atmosphere. motivate students to speak English. allow more interaction. provide more exposure integrate all language skills. create opportunities for different intelligences.

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

6.0 Using Puppets In The Classroom To Get Children Talking About Their Ideas

The PUPPETS Project is a research project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which aims to promote engagement and talk in science lessons. Primary school teachers, working both with the Manchester Metropolitan University and the Institute of Education, University of London, have been using puppets as a stimulus in their classrooms to provide more opportunities for more productive talk in science lessons. Despite some teachers efforts to keep children quiet in the classroom we must remember that children do learn by talking, both to the teacher and to each other. Talking about their ideas helps them clarify their thinking and develops their reasoning skills (Mercer et al, 2004). Such skills are required for the analysis of data, interpretation of results and conceptual development. Unfortunately, this type of talk is frequently absent in science lessons (Newton et al, 1999) and time is limited for discussions. Various reasons may account for the lack of time devoted to children talking, including the limited knowledge of appropriate teaching methods (Osborne and Simon, 1996). The PUPPETS Project has been set up to help teachers develop teaching methods that generate learning conversations amongst children. This article describes some of the ways teachers have used puppets in the classroom during the first phase of the research. In the pilot phase of the study, eight teachers used puppets in their classrooms to help us assess different ways puppets can be used to stimulate childrens conversations. For example, Lisa, one of the Year 6 teachers, used puppets to set up a scenario where one puppet (Liam) disagreed with another puppet (Ruby). The context of this lesson was about how a streamline shape could enable penguins to move more easily in the water. Liam thought the shape of the penguin had nothing to do with how it could move in the water. On the other hand Ruby thought it did and she suggested a practical method to show that the shape did have an effect on the speed at which shapes move through water. The children had to discuss whose ideas they thought were right and how they could demonstrate their ideas. However, teachers can use any topic where

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

the children have to talk about competing theories. For example, Ruby could suggest a method to separate soil particles of different sizes by filtering and Liam could suggest using sieves. The children would have to discuss and investigate the merits of both methods of separating the soil particles. Of course you do not need puppets to set up such a situation but the research so far suggest that it can motivate and stimulate children more successfully than other methods have done.


DAILY LESSON PLAN content TEACHER/STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Two units puppet Way of 1. Teachers produce two units 1. BBM RATIONALE

STEP / TIME Set Induction (5 min)

talking puppet of the box and students -Puppet gave their opinion about the puppet. 2. technique -argue, the

statues stockings

- Emotions -Formal or not -Move your body

2. Pupils answer questions and 3. ask the teacher to get excited 3. Students are given curriculum

the verbal-linguistic

opportunity to use socks while mimicking the statue in front of the class teacher talk step 1 (25 min) Card situation: 1.Murid divided into four groups. Representative 1. BBM

i. The atmosphere 2. at the feast

asked -card situation

students draw lots to get a card 2. technique -brainstorming

ii. Custom in the situation. Palace iii. A

3.Guru distribute cards and asks 3.Kecerdasan mother's the class to make the situation a various group discussion for five minutes Students meeting -intrapersonal way of

emotional upset

iv. The process of 4.

and 4.the

Making teaching aids-puppet (pkb 3105)

buying and selling recorded in the worksheet that cooperative in stores Step 2 (15min) Worksheets teachers essay teachers provide by 1.teacher distribute worksheets brief to students. 2. Pupils make a brief essay about the topics discussed with the help of teacher step 3 (10 min) Singing the song "oh frog frog" 1. Teachers install song 'oh 1.BBM frog songs. frog' and distribute -Cassette songs of and the -discussion

Students are asked to sing lyrics songs and make a distinctive song style.

2. The respect

2. Teachers and students talk value about the songs they listen to 3. and sing while appreciating. closure (5 min) Technique-


1. Summary of 1. students recalls the lessons 1. technique lesson content learned. Questions

2. Application of 2. student make reflection. moral values i. Mutual respect. ii. A concern iii. Concerned

and answers 2. value -Respect

about people's problems iv. love between mother child and


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