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MineWorks Collection: Designer

MineWorks Collection Designer

Installation Notes
This document is a quick guide to install MineWorks Collection Designer version 3.5.6

NOTE: StartGoods MUST be installed with Designer.

Double-click on the Designer installation executable (DesignerSetup.3.5.6.##.exe). In Windows 7, right-click on the executable and select Run as Administrator.

If a previous installation of Designer is present on the system a notification will open.

Click OK to remove the previous installation from the system. Click Cancel to abort and close the notification.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

A dialog will open confirming that the previous installation should be removed.

Click Yes to continue to remove the previous installation from the system. Click No to abort and close the dialog.

The MineWorks Designer Uninstall Wizard will open and continue to remove the previous installation from the system. After removing the previous installation, the wizard screen will state that the uninstallation is complete.

Click Close to close the Uninstall Wizard.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

A notification will open confirming that Designer was successfully removed from the system.

Click OK to continue.

A dialog will open asking if Designer should be installed for all users.

Click Yes if you want to install Designer to be visible to all user profiles on the system. Click No if you want to install Designer to be visible to only the currently logged in user.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

The MineWorks Designer Setup Wizard will open.

Click Next to continue. Click Cancel to abort the installation and close the Setup Wizard.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

The MineWorks Designer License Agreement will open.

Read the License Agreement and click I Agree to continue. Click Back to go to the previous screen. Click Cancel to abort the installation and close the Setup Wizard.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

The Choose Install Location screen will open.

Type in the prefered location where you want the MineWorks Designer files to be saved on the system. Or click Browse... to open a explorer window where you can browse for the prefered location. To use the default install location (recommended) continue without changing the contents of the Destination Folder text box.

Click Install to continue with the installation. Click Back to go to the previous screen. Click Cancel to abort the installation and close the Setup Wizard.

MineWorks Collection: Designer

During the installation a dialog will open asking if you would like to keep the current license.

Click Yes to keep your current license and continue with the installation. Click No to over-write your current license and continue with the installation.

The Completing MineWorks Designer Setup Wizard screen will open confirming that Designer was successfully installed on the system.

Click Finish to close the Setup Wizard screen.

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