Gas Agency Management System

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Karuna Yadav PGDCA-IIIrd Sem. Roll No.

This is to certify that the project report entitled, Gas Agency Management

System submitted by Ms. Karuna Yadav, for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements of Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (P.G.D.C.A.) embodies the work done by her during semester III of this course under due supervision of the supervisior from this college.

Date :

Karuna Yadav Roll No.

( Internal Supervisor ) Dept. of Computer Science A.N.D.C. University of Delhi Delhi-110018

( Institute supervisor ) Sri Guru Singh Sabha Institute of Information Technology. Jangpura Ext., New Delhi

Principal A.N.D.C. University of Delhi Delhi-110019

( HOD ) Dept. of Computer Science A.N.D.C. University of Delhi Delhi-110018

This project is being the Ist live project made by me in the duration of this course (PGDCA) is an unforgettable experience. I would like to thank all of them who were associated with me in making this project a success. I would like to thank Mr. R. K. Sharma and Ms. Sonia Sodhi of SGSS-IIT, Jangpura Ext., New Delhi, who helped me in completion of this project. They had to answer all queries and an unconditional support that provided me without which it would have been impossible to do this project I heartily thank my faculty Ms.Sharanjeet Kaur and Preeti Marwah who gave me the hope and inspiration to go ahead with this project. I would like to thank my friends for their innovative ideas & views and for that timely assistance which they provided during the course of this project. I would also like to thank my parents for their blessing and assistance they provided to me during the course of this project; And last but not the least I would like to thank almighty god for what ever he provided me and made this project a success.

Karuna Yadav PGDCA-IIIrd Sem. Roll No.-

Table of Content
1. Introduction
About Company About Project

2. Objective 3. Data Structure 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Hardware/Software Specification Context Free Diagram DFDs Structure of the program Program Listing/Coding Output/Report Generation Validation Checks Screen Shots Working of the Project/User Manual Conclusion

About Company

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Institute of Information Technology (SGSS-IIT) is an Associate institute of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar "GNDU is a 35 Years old UGC approved Government University" under the management of Sri Guru Singh Sabha (Regd.) Gurdwara Jangpura Extension. At the institute, it is our goal to enable under graduate and graduate to possess a strong theoretical, practical and experimental foundation in the basic discipline of IT and Management. The Institute has been paying special attention to the development of student in professional values of fairness, objectively, comparison, commitment and super coordination. They are turned to the needs and demands of business and industry not only through the state of art inputs but also through carefully designed co-curricular programmes like leadership and personality development programme. The institute is proud to have unstinted support of Sri Guru Singh Sabha (Regd.) Gurdwara Jangpura Extn., Which is the parent body, the Advisory Committee consisting of eminent leaders from academics, busines, industry, government and professionals who guide and help SGSS-IIT in the best interest of the participants and for achieving the objective of the Institute.

The institute is establised to provide higher education to the weaker section of society and it is a voluntary effort and is being run on "No Profit" motive. SGSS has always felt very strongly that in view of its mission and goals, it is in crucial position to play a significant role in providing education to young men and women. The Main objective of the institute are:

To provide the best possible professional education to ambitious young students. To give them an exposure to prevailing best environment in India and abroad. To develop a professinal min-set reflecting a secure self-image, creativeness, leadership, high commitment, sensitive and dynamic role so as to imbibe appropriate technology and mangement styles for practice of management. To develop expertise to face the emerging competitive situtation in India and abroad.

The Institute seeks to groom students to combine the use to technical skills with the understanding of the socio-cultural system to emerge as leaders in their fields and make significant contribution through excellent mangement in all sectors of the society.

About Project

The Gas Agencies and the number of gas users are seems to increasing day by day. The transactions like booking gas, releasing gas, keeping records of all customers, stock maintaining etc. when being processed manually take up a lot of time and thus add to the problems of the management. And thus to keep track of the transactions of the gas agency, a software package seems to be best way as it will speed up the work time and lessen up the complexities of the management. In simple language the project provides such user friendliness and easy understandability that even a novice user will find it easy to use the package and grasp its essence.


Objective of this software is to computerize the manual system of a Gas Agency, so that all the transactions become fast and easy. It replaces all the paper work. It works according to the need and lowers the work load of user.

Data Structure
Five tables have been used in this project to store data:

1. tblConsumer : Keeps record of consumer. ConsumerNo Name Address Pin Phone DoC Cylinders CylinderType : : : : : : : : Unique code allotted to every consumer. Name of the consumer. Address of the consumer. Pin code of the location. Phone no. of the consumer. Date of connection. No. of cylinders consumer have. Type of cylinder Domestic/Commercial

2. tblConsumerTrans : Keeps record of gas booking and release. Slno ConsumerNo DateofBooking DateofRelease IsReleased Remarks : : : : : : Serial no. Unique code allotted to every consumer. Date of gas booking. Date of releasing the gas to consumer. Flag variable containing value yes or no. Any remarks for the booking.

3. tblPrice : Keeps record of cylinder price. CylinderType Price : : Type of cylinder Domestic/Consumer Price of the cylinder.

4. tblStock : Keeps record of Stock. CurrCommercial CurrDomestic DefectsCommercial DefectsDomestic : : : : Current stock for commercial cylinders Current stock for domestic cylinders Stock for defective commercial cylinders Stock for defective domestic cylinders

5. tblStockTrans : Keeps record Stock arrival. DoA Domestic Commercial : : : Date of stock arrival. No. of Domestic cylinders added in stock No. of Commercial cylinder added in stock

Hardware/Software Specifications

Hardware Requirements
There are very few hardware requirements of this Gas Agency Management System (GAMS), lets take a glimpse on these requirements

Machine Requirements
These machine requirements are to obtain the best output of this project i. ii. iii. iv. A Computer with at least Pentium III requirements and Printer port Graphic card with minimum 24 bit True/High colors Minimum 128 MB RAM A Printer (colored or black and white)

Software Requirements
These Software requirements should be fulfilled or say these software should be installed on the computer to obtain the best output of this project

i. ii. iii. iv.

Visual Basic 6.0 Windows Platform (Windows 9X, ME, 2000, XP) Microsoft Office (With MS-Access) Printer Driver or Software

There are many points on the basis of which I decided to use Visual Basic for the development of this project, what are these points lets take a glimpse on to that

Context Free Diagram

Getting Consumer Details

Booking Status Report

Gas Agency System

Getting Stock Details Current Stock Report


First Level DFD

Details of Consumer

Stock Transaction File

Processing & calculating current Stock Display current stock status


Temporary storage of File

Updating Stock master file.

Getting Current stock status

Updated Stock Master File

Third Level DFD

Booking details

Formatted booking status report

Validating Consumer No. and date of booking

Consumer Transaction File Temporary storage of File


Updating Consumer Master file

Booking Status & release Details

Updated Consumer Transaction File

Updating Consumer Transaction file


Updated Consumer Master File

Gas Release Details

Updated Consumer Master File

Updating Consumer Master file

Updated Stock Master File

Updating Stock master file

Validating Consumer No. and date of Release

Structure of the Program

FORMS IN THE PROJECT: frmAddConsumer frmAddStock frmBooking frmChangePassword FrmDaily frmDelConsumer : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : To add new consumer records in the file. To add new stock of cylinders in the file. To book gas to the consumer. To change password for the project. To display daily booking report. To delete the existing record of the consumer. It is the first form displayed in the starting, asks for the password to enter. This form displays the menu and calls all other forms. To modify consumer record. To display monthly booking status report. To add/change price of the cylinder. To print bill for the released gas. To release the booked gas. To display record of consumer. To display current status of the stock.

frmMain frmMenu frmModConsumer frmMonthly frmPriceEntry frmPrintBill frmRelease frmViewConsumer frmViewStock

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If Me.txtConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.txtConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.txtConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.txtConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. already exists." Me.txtConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing If Me.txtDoC.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Date of Connection." Me.txtDoC.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Me.txtDoC.Text) Then

MsgBox "Please input valid Date." Me.txtDoC.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtName.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Name" Me.txtName.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtAddress1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Address." Me.txtAddress1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtCylinders.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input No. of Cylinders." Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtCylinders.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtCylinders.Text < 0 Or Me.txtCylinders.Text > 2 Then MsgBox "Please input between 0..2" Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.opDomestic.Value = True Then ctype = "D" Else ctype = "C" End If con.Execute "insert into tblConsumer(ConsumerNo,Name,Address1,Address2,Address3,Pin,Phone, DoC,Cylinders,CylinderType) values(" & Me.txtConsumerNo.Text & ",'" & Me.txtName.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress1.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress2.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress3.Text & "','" &

Me.txtPin.Text & "','" & Me.txtPhone.Text & "','" & Me.txtDoC.Text & "'," & Me.txtCylinders.Text & ",'" & ctype & "')" MsgBox "Record Saved." End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.txtDoC.Text = Date End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdNew_Click() If Me.cmdNew.Caption = "New Stock" Then Me.cmdNew.Caption = "Update" Me.txtArrival.Enabled = True Me.txtRecCommercial.Enabled = True Me.txtRecDomestic.Enabled = True Me.txtDefCommercial.Enabled = True Me.txtDefDomestic.Enabled = True Me.txtArrival.Text = Date Me.txtRecCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtRecDomestic.Text = "0" Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblStock", con, adOpenDynamic If rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtOldCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtOldDomestic.Text = "0" Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text = "0" Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = "0" Else

Me.txtOldCommercial.Text = rsfill("CurrCommercial") Me.txtOldDomestic.Text = rsfill("CurrDomestic") Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text = rsfill("CurrCommercial") Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text = rsfill("CurrDomestic") Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = rsfill("DefectsCommercial") Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = rsfill("DefectsDomestic") End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing Me.txtArrival.SetFocus Else If Me.txtArrival.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Arrival Date" Me.txtArrival.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Me.txtArrival.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input valid Date" Me.txtArrival.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtRecCommercial.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Required Field" Me.txtRecCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtRecCommercial.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtRecCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtRecDomestic.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Required Field" Me.txtRecDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtRecDomestic.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtRecDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If If Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Required Field" Me.txtDefCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtDefCommercial.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtDefCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Required Field" Me.txtDefDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtDefDomestic.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtDefDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub End If con.Execute "delete from tblStock" con.Execute "insert into tblStock(CurrCommercial,CurrDomestic,DefectsCommercial,DefectsDomes tic) values(" & Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text & "," & Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text & "," & Me.txtDefCommercial.Text & "," & Me.txtDefDomestic.Text & ")" con.Execute "insert into tblStockTrans(DoA,Commercial,Domestic) values('" & Me.txtArrival.Text & "'," & Me.txtRecCommercial.Text & "," & Me.txtRecDomestic.Text & ")" MsgBox "Record Saved" Me.txtArrival.Text = "" Me.txtRecCommercial.Text = "" Me.txtRecDomestic.Text = "" Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = "" Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = "" Me.txtArrival.Enabled = False Me.txtRecCommercial.Enabled = False Me.txtRecDomestic.Enabled = False Me.txtDefCommercial.Enabled = False Me.txtDefDomestic.Enabled = False

Me.cmdNew.Caption = "New Stock" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.txtArrival.Enabled = False Me.txtRecCommercial.Enabled = False Me.txtRecDomestic.Enabled = False Me.txtDefCommercial.Enabled = False Me.txtDefDomestic.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub txtRecCommercial_Change() Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text = Val(Me.txtRecCommercial.Text) + Val(Me.txtOldCommercial.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtRecDomestic_Change() Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text = Val(Me.txtRecDomestic.Text) + Val(Me.txtOldDomestic.Text) End Sub

Dim ctype As String Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = "" Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3") Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then ctype = "Domestic" Else ctype = "Commercial" End If End If rsfill.Close Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "" Dim rsStock As New ADODB.Recordset rsStock.Open "select * from tblStock", con, adOpenDynamic If rsStock.EOF Then Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "Cannot book Gas. Stock Not Available"

Exit Sub Else If (ctype = "Domestic" And rsStock("CurrDomestic") <= 0) Or (ctype = "Commercial" And rsStock("CurrCommercial") <= 0) Then Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "Cannot book Gas. Stock Not Available" Exit Sub End If End If rsStock.Close Set rsStock = Nothing rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumerTrans where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " order by DateofBooking desc", con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtLSlno.Text = rsfill("Slno") Me.txtLType.Text = ctype Me.txtLDoB.Text = rsfill("DateofBooking") If rsfill("IsReleased") = 1 Then Me.txtLReleased.Text = "Yes" Else Me.txtLReleased.Text = "No" End If If IsNull(rsfill("DateofRelease")) Then Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Else Me.txtLDoR.Text = rsfill("DateofRelease") End If If IsNull(rsfill("remarks")) Then Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Else Me.txtLRemarks.Text = rsfill("Remarks") End If If Me.txtLReleased.Text = "No" Then Me.lblStatus.Caption = "Cannot Book Gas. Previous Booking is not released." Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Else Me.cmdBook.Enabled = True

End If Else Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = "" Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Me.cmdBook.Enabled = True End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdBook_Click() If Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. does not exist." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing If Me.txtDoB.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input date of booking" Me.txtDoB.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If If Not IsDate(Me.txtDoB.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input valid date" Me.txtDoB.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtLReleased.Text = "Yes" Then d = DateDiff("d", Me.txtLDoR.Text, Me.txtDoB.Text) If d <= 21 Then MsgBox "Cannot Book gas. Booking could be done after 21 days of previous booking." Me.txtDoB.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If Dim tSlno As Integer Dim rsSlno As New ADODB.Recordset rsSlno.Open "select Slno from tblConsumerTrans order by Slno desc", con, adOpenDynamic If rsSlno.EOF Then tSlno = 1 Else tSlno = rsSlno("Slno") + 1 End If rsSlno.Close Set rsSlno = Nothing con.Execute "insert into tblConsumerTrans(Slno,ConsumerNo,DateofBooking,IsReleased,Remarks) values(" & tSlno & "," & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & ",'" & Me.txtDoB.Text & "',0,'" & Me.txtRemarks.Text & "')" MsgBox "Gas Booked" Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing 'Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.txtDoB.Text = Date End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdOk_Click() Dim rsPass As New ADODB.Recordset rsPass.Open "select Password from Pass", con, adOpenDynamic If rsPass("Password") <> Me.txtOld.Text Then MsgBox "Invalid Password." Me.txtOld.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf Me.txtNew.Text <> Me.txtConfirm.Text Then MsgBox "Invalid Password." Me.txtConfirm.SetFocus Exit Sub Else con.Execute "update Pass set Password = '" & Me.txtNew.Text & "'" MsgBox "Password Changed" Unload Me End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() If Not IsDate(Me.txtDate.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input valid date" Me.txtDate.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select count(*) as bdomestic from qryBill where CylinderType='D' and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtDate.Text & "')", con, adOpenDynamic bdomestic = rsfill("bdomestic") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as bcommercial from qryBill where CylinderType='C' and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtDate.Text & "')", con, adOpenDynamic bcommercial = rsfill("bcommercial") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as rdomestic from qryBill where CylinderType='D' and IsReleased=1 and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtDate.Text & "')", con, adOpenDynamic rdomestic = rsfill("rdomestic") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as rcommercial from qryBill where CylinderType='C' and IsReleased=1 and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtDate.Text & "')", con, adOpenDynamic rcommercial = rsfill("rcommercial") rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing con.Execute "delete from count" con.Execute "insert into count(bdomestic,bcommercial,rdomestic,rcommercial) values(" & bdomestic & "," & bcommercial & "," & rdomestic & "," & rcommercial & ")"

MsgBox "Preview Report" Dim acApp As Access.Application Set acApp = New Access.Application acApp.OpenCurrentDatabase App.Path & "\gas.mdb" acApp.DoCmd.OpenReport "repDaily", acViewPreview, "select * from qrybill where Dateofbooking=cdate('" & Me.txtDate.Text & "')" acApp.DoCmd.Maximize acApp.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.txtDate.Text = Date End Sub

Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtDoC.Text = rsfill("DoC") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3") Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then Me.opDomestic = True Else Me.opCommercial = True End If End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus

Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. does not exist." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing con.Execute "delete from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text Me.cmbConsumerNo.Clear Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing MsgBox "Record Deleted." End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then

Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub cmdOk_Click() Dim rsPass As New ADODB.Recordset rsPass.Open "select Password from Pass", con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsPass.EOF Then If (txtPassword.Text = "" And IsNull(rsPass("Password"))) Or (rsPass("Password") = txtPassword.Text) Then Unload Me frmMenu.Show vbModal Else MsgBox "Invalid Password" End If Else Unload Me frmMenu.Show vbModal End If rsPass.Close Set rsPass = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" + App.Path + "\gas.mdb" con.Open End Sub

Private Sub menuAddNew_Click() frmAddConsumer.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuAddStock_Click() frmAddStock.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuBooking_Click() frmBooking.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuCP_Click() frmChangePassword.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuDaily_Click() frmDaily.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuDelete_Click() frmDelConsumer.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuModify_Click() frmModConsumer.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuMonthly_Click() frmMonthly.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuPriceEntry_Click() frmPriceEntry.Show vbModal End Sub

Private Sub mnuPrintBill_Click() frmPrintBill.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuQuit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub mnuRelease_Click() frmRelease.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuView_Click() frmViewConsumer.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuViewStock_Click() frmViewStock.Show vbModal End Sub

Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtDoC.Text = rsfill("DoC") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3") Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then Me.opDomestic = True Else Me.opCommercial = True End If End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() If Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus

Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. does not exist." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing If Me.txtDoC.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Date of Connection." Me.txtDoC.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Me.txtDoC.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input valid Date." Me.txtDoC.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtName.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Name" Me.txtName.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtAddress1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Address." Me.txtAddress1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtCylinders.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input No. of Cylinders." Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtCylinders.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus

Exit Sub End If If Me.txtCylinders.Text < 0 Or Me.txtCylinders.Text > 2 Then MsgBox "Please input between 0..2" Me.txtCylinders.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.opDomestic.Value = True Then ctype = "D" Else ctype = "C" End If con.Execute "delete from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text con.Execute "insert into tblConsumer(ConsumerNo,Name,Address1,Address2,Address3,Pin,Phone, DoC,Cylinders,CylinderType) values(" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & ",'" & Me.txtName.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress1.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress2.Text & "','" & Me.txtAddress3.Text & "','" & Me.txtPin.Text & "','" & Me.txtPhone.Text & "','" & Me.txtDoC.Text & "'," & Me.txtCylinders.Text & ",'" & ctype & "')" MsgBox "Record Updated." End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select count(*) as bdomestic from qryBill where CylinderType='D' and month(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex) & " and year(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbYear.Text, con, adOpenDynamic bdomestic = rsfill("bdomestic") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as bcommercial from qryBill where CylinderType='C' and month(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex) & " and year(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbYear.Text, con, adOpenDynamic bcommercial = rsfill("bcommercial") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as rdomestic from qryBill where CylinderType='D' and IsReleased=1 and month(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex) & " and year(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbYear.Text, con, adOpenDynamic rdomestic = rsfill("rdomestic") rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select count(*) as rcommercial from qryBill where CylinderType='C' and IsReleased=1 and month(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex) & " and year(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbYear.Text, con, adOpenDynamic rcommercial = rsfill("rcommercial") rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing con.Execute "delete from count"

con.Execute "insert into count(bdomestic,bcommercial,rdomestic,rcommercial) values(" & bdomestic & "," & bcommercial & "," & rdomestic & "," & rcommercial & ")" MsgBox "Preview Report" Dim acApp As Access.Application Set acApp = New Access.Application acApp.OpenCurrentDatabase App.Path & "\gas.mdb" acApp.DoCmd.OpenReport "repMonthly", acViewPreview, "select * from qrybill where month(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex) & " and year(DateofBooking)=" & Me.cmbYear.Text acApp.DoCmd.Maximize acApp.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() For i = 0 To 11 Me.cmbMonth.AddItem MonthName(i + 1) Me.cmbMonth.ItemData(i) = i + 1 Next For i = 2000 To Year(Date) + 10 Me.cmbYear.AddItem i Next Me.cmbMonth.ListIndex = Month(Date) - 1 Me.cmbYear.ListIndex = Year(Date) - 2000 End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() If Me.txtCommercial.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Price" Me.txtCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtCommercial.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtCommercial.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtDomestic.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Price" Me.txtDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtDomestic.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input numeric data" Me.txtDomestic.SetFocus Exit Sub End If con.Execute "delete from tblPrice" con.Execute "insert into tblPrice(CylinderType,Price) values('C'," & Me.txtCommercial.Text & ")" con.Execute "insert into tblPrice(CylinderType,Price) values('D'," & Me.txtDomestic.Text & ")" MsgBox "Record Updated" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblPrice", con, adOpenDynamic If rsfill.EOF Then

Me.txtCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtDomestic.Text = "0" Else Do While Not rsfill.EOF If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "C" Then Me.txtCommercial.Text = rsfill("Price") Else Me.txtDomestic.Text = rsfill("Price") End If rsfill.MoveNext Loop End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub

Dim ctype As String Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = "" Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3")

Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then ctype = "Domestic" Else ctype = "Commercial" End If End If rsfill.Close rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumerTrans where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " order by DateofBooking desc", con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtLSlno.Text = rsfill("Slno") Me.txtLType.Text = ctype Me.txtLDoB.Text = rsfill("DateofBooking") If IsNull(rsfill("remarks")) Then Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Else Me.txtLRemarks.Text = rsfill("Remarks") End If If IsNull(rsfill("DateofRelease")) Then Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Else Me.txtLDoR.Text = rsfill("DateofRelease") End If If rsfill("IsReleased") = 1 Then Me.txtLReleased.Text = "Yes" Me.cmdPrint.Enabled = True Else Me.txtLReleased.Text = "No" Me.cmdPrint.Enabled = False End If Else Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = ""

Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Me.cmdPrint.Enabled = False End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdprint_Click() If Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. does not exist." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing Dim acApp As Access.Application Set acApp = New Access.Application acApp.OpenCurrentDatabase App.Path & "\gas.mdb" acApp.DoCmd.OpenReport "repBill", acViewPreview, "select * from qryBill where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtLDoB.Text & "')" acApp.DoCmd.Maximize acApp.Visible = True

End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub

Dim ctype As String Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = "" Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" 'Me.txtLDoR.Enabled = False 'Me.txtLRemarks.Enabled = False

Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3") Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then ctype = "Domestic" Else ctype = "Commercial" End If End If rsfill.Close Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "" rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumerTrans where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " order by DateofBooking desc", con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtLSlno.Text = rsfill("Slno") Me.txtLType.Text = ctype Me.txtLDoB.Text = rsfill("DateofBooking") If IsNull(rsfill("remarks")) Then Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Else Me.txtLRemarks.Text = rsfill("Remarks") End If If IsNull(rsfill("DateofRelease")) Then Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Else Me.txtLDoR.Text = rsfill("DateofRelease") End If If rsfill("IsReleased") = 1 Then

Me.txtLReleased.Text = "Yes" Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.txtLRemarks.Enabled = False Me.txtLDoR.Enabled = False Else Me.txtLReleased.Text = "No" Me.cmdBook.Enabled = True Me.txtLRemarks.Enabled = True Me.txtLDoR.Enabled = True Me.txtLDoR.Text = Date End If Dim rsStock As New ADODB.Recordset rsStock.Open "select * from tblStock", con, adOpenDynamic If rsStock.EOF Then Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "Cannot Release Booked Gas. Stock Not Available" Exit Sub Else If (ctype = "Domestic" And rsStock("CurrDomestic") <= 0) Or (ctype = "Commercial" And rsStock("CurrCommercial") <= 0) Then Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False Me.lblStatus.Caption = "Cannot Release booked Gas. Stock Not Available" Exit Sub End If End If rsStock.Close Set rsStock = Nothing Else Me.txtLSlno.Text = "" Me.txtLType.Text = "" Me.txtLDoB.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Text = "" Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Me.txtLRemarks.Text = "" Me.txtLReleased.Enabled = False Me.txtLDoR.Enabled = False

Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdBook_Click() If Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input Consumer No." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input Numeric value." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim rsDuplicate As New ADODB.Recordset rsDuplicate.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If rsDuplicate.EOF Then MsgBox "Consumer No. does not exist." Me.cmbConsumerNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rsDuplicate.Close Set rsDuplicate = Nothing If Me.txtLDoR.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please input date of release" Me.txtLDoR.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Me.txtLDoR.Text) Then MsgBox "Please input valid date" Me.txtLDoR.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Me.txtLReleased.Text = "No" Then If CDate(Me.txtLDoR.Text) < CDate(Me.txtLDoB.Text) Then

MsgBox "Date of Release should not be less that date of booking" Me.txtLDoR.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If con.Execute "update tblConsumerTrans set DateofRelease='" & Me.txtLDoR.Text & "', IsReleased=1 where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtLDoB.Text & "')" If ctype = "Commercial" Then con.Execute "update tblStock set CurrCommercial=CurrCommercial-1" Else con.Execute "update tblStock set CurrDomestic=CurrDomestic-1" End If MsgBox "Gas Released" Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 Dim acApp As Access.Application Set acApp = New Access.Application acApp.OpenCurrentDatabase App.Path & "\gas.mdb" acApp.DoCmd.OpenReport "repBill", acViewPreview, "select * from qryBill where ConsumerNo=" & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text & " and DateofBooking=cdate('" & Me.txtLDoB.Text & "')" acApp.DoCmd.Maximize acApp.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext

Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing 'Me.cmdBook.Enabled = False 'Me.txtLDoR.Enabled = False 'Me.txtLRemarks.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub cmbConsumerNo_Click() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblConsumer where ConsumerNo = " & Me.cmbConsumerNo.Text, con, adOpenDynamic If Not rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtName.Text = rsfill("Name") Me.txtDoC.Text = rsfill("DoC") Me.txtAddress1.Text = rsfill("Address1") Me.txtAddress2.Text = rsfill("Address2") Me.txtAddress3.Text = rsfill("Address3") Me.txtPin.Text = rsfill("Pin") Me.txtPhone.Text = rsfill("Phone") Me.txtCylinders.Text = rsfill("Cylinders") If UCase(rsfill("CylinderType")) = "D" Then Me.opDomestic = True Else Me.opCommercial = True End If End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select ConsumerNo from tblConsumer order by ConsumerNo", con, adOpenDynamic Do While Not rsfill.EOF Me.cmbConsumerNo.AddItem rsfill("ConsumerNo") rsfill.MoveNext Loop If Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListCount <> 0 Then Me.cmbConsumerNo.ListIndex = 0 End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rsfill As New ADODB.Recordset rsfill.Open "select * from tblStock", con, adOpenDynamic If rsfill.EOF Then Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text = "0" Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = "0" Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = "0" Else Me.txtCurrCommercial.Text = rsfill("CurrCommercial") Me.txtCurrDomestic.Text = rsfill("CurrDomestic") Me.txtDefCommercial.Text = rsfill("DefectsCommercial") Me.txtDefDomestic.Text = rsfill("DefectsDomestic") End If rsfill.Close Set rsfill = Nothing End

Output/Report Generation
1. Display Consumer Record : User can traverse and view consumer records using option MASTER ENTRY CONSUMER ENTRY VIEW. 2. Display Current Stock : User can view the updated stock at any time by using option MASTER ENTRY STOCK ENTRY VIEW STOCK. 3. Printing Bill : User can print bill of the released gas to consumer by using option REPORTS PRINT BILL. 4. Daily Booking Status Report : User can view report of the daily booking using option REPORTS DAILY REPORT. 5. Monthly Booking Status Report : User can view report of the monthly booking using option REPORTS MONTHLY REPORT.

Validation Checks

While dealing with updation, we stressed on the importance of ensuring that the source data was error free. This process is called validation of the input data.

Validation checks while taking input data from the user:


While inputting consumer no. from the user while adding new consumer record, it has to be checked the given consumer no. should not already exists in the consumer master table.


Before making any updation, it has been checked that particular record is present in the file or not.


Digit Check : It has been checked that user should not enter character instead of digits in numeric fields.


While booking the gas it has been checked that the previous gas has been released. Secondly, consumer can book gas only after 21 days of booking of previous gas.


It has been checked that user must enter data in required fields.














Customer Bill



Working of the Project/User Manual

Adding new consumer record : User can add new consumer records in table- tblConsumer from option MASTER ENTRY CONSUMER ENTRY ADD NEW. Modify consumer record : User can modify any existing consumer records using option MASTER ENTRY CONSUMER ENTRY MODIFY. Delete consumer record : User can delete any existing consumer records using option MASTER ENTRY CONSUMER ENTRY DELETE. View consumer record : User can traverse and view consumer records using option MASTER ENTRY CONSUMER ENTRY VIEW. Adding stock : User can add stock in table tblStock. Whenever new transaction done, a new record is add in stock transaction table tblStockTrans and the stock is calculated and updated in stock master file, using option MASTER ENTRY STOCK ENTRY NEW STOCK.

View Stock : User can view the updated stock at any time by using option MASTER ENTRY STOCK ENTRY VIEW STOCK. Cylinder Price : User can change the price of per cylinder using option MASTER ENTRY PRICE ENTRY. Changing Password : User can change the password if he/she knows the old password by using option MASTER ENTRY CHANGE PASSWORD. Booking Gas : User can book gas by using option TRANSACTION BOOKING. Whenever user book gas an entry has been done in transaction table tblConsumerTrans and the stock is also updated in stock master file. Releasing Gas : User can release booked gas by using option TRANSACTION RELEASE, and the bill is automatically generated. Printing Bill : User can print bill of the released gas to consumer by using option REPORTS PRINT BILL. Daily Booking Report : User can view report of the daily booking using option REPORTS DAILY REPORT. Monthly Booking Report : User can view report of the monthly booking using option REPORTS MONTHLY REPORT.

This project is designed to meet the requirements of a Gas Agency Automation System. It has been developed in Visual Basic and the database has been built in MS-Access only, keeping in mind the specifications of the system. Apart from MS-Access we could have also implemented other database software like Oracle or SQL.

For designing the system we have used simple data flow diagrams.

Overall the project teaches us the essential skills like:


Using system analysis and design techniques like data flow diagram in designing the system.


Understanding programming logic and language along with utilities like reports, forms, queries etc. in Visual Basic and MS-Access 97.

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