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COMP247 Data Communications Quiz 1-1.

Duration: 30 minutes, no reading time. Questions: 6 of equal value. Instructions
Place your student ID on the desk near you throughout the quiz and until your paper has been collected. Answer quiz questions on this paper and return it. Answer all questions. If you wish to make rough notes, use the back of pages in this paper. Calculators are not allowed. Dictionaries are not allowed. Every attempt has been made to make the questions unambiguous. However, if you think that a question requires additional information, make a reasonable assumption, state it at the start of your answer, and answer the question.

Question 1
When a message is sent through a network, the message must normally contain a destination address. Under what circumstances can a message not contain a destination address and still be successfully transmitted through the network? Explain. Answer: If the message is being sent from one end of a point-to-point link to the other end, then addressing is unnecessary because the receiver at the other end processes all messages that arrive to it. Alt answer: If the message is being broadcast to all nodes then it does not need the destination address of an individual recipient. If the network only supported broadcast traffic then there would be no need for destination addresses at all. However, networks like Ethernet provide addressing so that messages can be sent to a specific destination; in such networks, broadcast messages must have an explicit broadcast address.

Question 2
An organisation has been assigned the CIDR block It requires four subnets, including the all 0s and all 1s subnets. What is the network mask of the #1 subnet (in dotted decimal notation)? Write the network ID of the #1 subnet in CIDR notation. Answer: Subnets will be /22. Subnet mask is #1 subnet is

Question 3
Consider the following network diagram. is a private network and R is a NAT router. If host A sends an HTTP request to server S through router R, what are the source and destination IP addresses and port numbers when the request leaves router R? If you dont know some particular IP address or port number, explain why and suggest a possible value.

Answer: From to Unknown port is assigned dynamically by the NAT router and may be 58001 for example. Note that the source IP address and port number are reassigned by the NAT router compared to what they were when they left the host A. Also, note that every router has an IP address on each interface, and that IP address is suitable for the network to which it is attached. The source IP address in the packet must be a public IP it cannot be

Question 4
Consider the following LAN design. Assume that host A has no entries in its ARP table. When host A wishes to send a packet to host B, which IP address will be in the ARP request that host A issues? Why? B:


Answer: A will determine that B is not local, so it will issue an ARP request for the routers IP address which is on the local network for A. We know that B is not local because it is on a different subnet. (The subnets would appear to be 10.1/16, 10.2/16, 10.3/16 and 10.4/16.)

Question 5
TCP provides reliable connection-oriented server on top of IPs unreliable datagram service. How does TCP ensure that information is delivered in the correct sequence and is not reordered when IP packets may be delivered out of sequence by the network layer? Answer: TCP uses sequence numbers on TCP segments to ensure that information is delivered in the correct sequence. Each TCP segment that is sent is numbered. The receiver delivers the segments in order of the numbers.

Question 6
Host A has the IP address and subnet mask Which of the following IP addresses is in the same network as host A? Show your working.

Answer: Neither. Converting the third byte to binary: The subnet mask has 192 which is 11000000. 20 is 00010100. 90 is 01011010. 140 is 10001100. Both 140 and 90 differ in the first two bits from 20. If you want the full answer, then convert to binary and AND it with I.e. 00010010.00010011.00010100.00010101 AND 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 result is 00010010.00010011.00000000.00000000 Compare that with converting to binary and AND it with i.e. 00010010.00010011.01011010.010110111 AND 1111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 result is 00010010.00010011.01000000.00000000 which is not the same. Similarly, convert to binary and AND with i.e. . 00010010.00010011.10001100.10001101 AND 1111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 result is 00010010.00010011.10000000.00000000 which is not the same as the first result.

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