Design of Valve Tray

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D E S I GN O F V A L V E T R A YNOTE: Calculate the values of B, D, L, V for top and bottom section by Mccabe-Thiele method.

STEP 1: Vapour
Mass flow Rate, V= (lb/hr) or (Kg/s) Vapour Density, V= (lb/ft) or (kg/m) Volumetric flow Rate, Q=....(ft/s) or (m/s)

STEP 2: Liquid
Mass flow Rate, L=. (lb/hr) or (Kg/s) Liquid Density, L=. (lb/ft) or (Kg/m) Volumetric Flow Rate, q=(US gal/min) or (m/s)

STEP 3: Vapour Load

VLOAD = Q / {(L-V)/V}0.5 (ft3/s) or (m3/s)

STEP 4: Estimated Diameter

DT = (ft) or (m)

From fig. 13.34, calculate the tower diameter against VLOAD and liquid flow rate for single-pass tray.

STEP 5: System factor

A hydrocarbon system in non-foaming and the system factor is 1 (fig 13.34)

STEP 6: Flood Factor

The column will be designed for flooding factor as F=0.85(as in case of sieve tray) F=0.82(as in case of valve tray)

STEP 7: Active Area, Aa
Calculate Flow path Length, L= (9.0DT)/N (in.) = (0.75DT)/N (m) Assume tray spacing= 18 inch(0.475 m) From fig 6.12, calculate C* against vapour density. Calculate C= C*x S Calculate Aa = [VLOAD + (qL/13000)] / CF (ft2) = [VLOAD + 1.36 qL] / CF (m2)

STEP 8: Downcomer Area (Ad), {take minimum value of the following}

U*=.. (US gal/min ft2)(m3/m2s) {Calculate from fig 6.14 against the value of

density difference(L-V)}
U*=250 US gal/min ft2 = (0.170m3/m2s)

U*=41(L-V)0.5 =0.007(L-V)0.5 U*=7.5[Ts(L-V)0.5] = 0.008[Ts(L-V)]0.5

Where, Ts = Tray spacing

Then, Calculate corrected U = U* x S

(US gal/min ft2) or (m3/m2 s)

Minimum downcomer area, (Ad min) = q/UF (ft2) or (m2)

If Ad min < 11% of active area, the smaller value of the following equations is to be considered:

Ad min = 0.11 Aa min (ft2) (m2) Ad min = 2 x (q/UF)

STEP 9: Tower Area (AT)

Calculate AT* = Aa min + 2* Ad min Check Minimum Tower Area (AT min) = Vload/0.78FC (ft2) (m2)

= 1.28x Vload / FC

Compare AT* and AT min, the larger of the two values should be used as AT.
Hence, calculate diameter = (AT/0.786)0.5 (ft) or (m)

STEP 10: Tower area check.
True Active Area, Aa = Aa min x (AT/AT*) True Downcomer Area, Ad = Ad min x (AT/AT*) (ft2) or (m2) (ft2) or (m2)

STEP 11: Weir sizingFor a single pass tray the width H and length Lw is calculated from fig 6.15. (Ad / AT N)=................. From fig 6.15. Calculate (H/D) and (Lw /D). Thus, Width of Downcomer, H=................. (in.) or (m) Weir Length, Lw=............... (in.) or (m) Also, Liquid flow per pass, Z= q / N If, (Z / Lw) =...............< 10 (in FPS units) (in SI units)

(Z / Lw) =...............< 0.025

Then, the sizing is satisfactory.

STEP 12: Number of Valve UnitsAssume for first estimate, a layout of 120 to 175 units per m2 of Active area.
Active area, Aa=................ (m2) or (ft2) Number of units (range) =................

Take the average of the range of number of units. Hole area, Ah = (number of units) / 78.5 = (number of units) / 845 (ft2) (m2)

STEP 13: Pressure drop calculationsa) Dry Tray Pressure Drop- For this duty carbon steel/mild steel of 14 gauge is adequate.

Type of Valve Unit V1 V2

5.46 2.73

K2 (14 gauge)
28.7 13.6

K2 (12 gauge)
25.1 10.6

K2 (0 gauge)
22.4 10.4

K2 (1/4 gauge)
15.8 -

( (

) ) Or, ( )

( ) ( )


Vh, vapour velocity through holes= Q / Ah

tm, thickness of material (mm), from table-8.6 m density of material (kg/m3), from table-8.6
NOTE- The largest value of b) Total Pressure Drop-

must be taken.

PT = Pdry + 0.4(q/L) 0.67 + 0.4 hw PT = Pdry + 55.4(q/L) 0.67 + 0.04 hw

Assuming a 2 inch (50mm) weir height is used.

(inch of liquid) (cm of liquid)

STEP 14: Downcomer backup (hdc)

hdc = 0.4(q/L)0.67 + hw + (PT + 0.65){L / (L-V)} hdc = 55.4(q/L)0.67 + 0.1hw + (PT + 1.66){L / (L-V)} inch cm

The value of hdc must be less than 0.6Ts. If this condition satisfies then the Tray design is satisfactory.

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