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Nutrition: Lesson 2, The Purpose of Food Rubric and Directions For Day

Type of Work: Indy Product: Word Doc / Snip Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to Nutrition Lesson 2 Concept: Food for the vast majority of the human experience was a means to an end. You ate to survive and survival was throughout many points of human history dependent on this ability to secure food. Food today not only plays a much different role but the type of food we consume is different and throughout the next two units we will explore how this has had a profound impact on the 21st century and the body/brain. Goal: TSWBAT: Define Hunger, Appetite and Satiety (Palatability) and identify the role it plays in food consumption. Identify how food has changed over time and preview the impact this has on human health. Due: 1 Period

Lesson Link: Directions: Start by playing a little Westward trail. Follow the directions and snip just your miles traveled. We will tie this in to todays lesson and a major course concept (see picture to the right). Answer the questions below based on your level attempted. Work from level 2 and work your way to the right doing each level. Snip Just the section below with your name and answers (you can erase questions)-Should all fit on one page!!



My work demonstrates level:


2 (Level 1- 2)

3 (Level 2-3)
2. How was something as simple as living different back then? Think about how we got food and our basic lifestyle. Back then we had to hunt and fight for our food. We had to have the ability of getting it, and we had to have the money to buy it.

4 (Level 2-4)
3. How is the concept of food different today? Give Examples: a. Easy to buy b. Not much money is spent usually c. Not ability is really necessary 4. What factors used to (Oregon Trail days and beyond) used to determine our eating habits and patterns. Name 3 (they can be similar to above) a. money b. ability c. need Now what factors contribute to our food selection today. a. money b. want c. amount d. taste

1. ScreenShot of Your Miles Made in WestWard Trail Snip just the miles/ place below


Define: Hunger Appetite Why do we eat?

Level 2 (Click Here) From the Reading 5. Define Hunger

Level 3 (Click Here) From the Reading 10. Rank the MacroNutrients in order of their providing satiety

Level 4 (read up to Eat Food, Not Too Much) (Click Here) From the Reading 13. Why do we crave foods that are calorie dense? calories were scarce and 14. How has the availability of food changed over time? Increases From your brain 15. How does our society encourage or allow for eating based on appetite? Provide 3 Examples 1. Food is delicious 2. Not expensive 3. Easy to reach 16. Explain how the Human Timeline applies to todays lesson. Food is a big part of it because back then food was hard to get, now the easiest thing you probably can get is food

carbohydrates, proteins, fats

11. Define Palatability the property of being acceptable to the mouth. From Your brain 12. Give an example of a type of food with high palatability. (Put the picture) burgers, ice cream, chocolate

uncertain for most of human evolutionary history and our metabolism was set to guard against the possibility of starvation tomorrow.

A feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
6. Define Appetite

1. A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, esp. for food.

7. Define Satiety

Satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full

8. What are MacroNutrients?

1. A substance required in relatively large amounts by living organisms, in particular.

9. What types of Food Promote Satiety?

2. carbohydrates may
actually be more satiating

Extra Credit/Going Beyond/Level 5: Goes to the single person in each class who comes up with the most amount of calories you can buy with five dollars (show your work or proof). What does this prove and how does this apply to today's discussion?

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