Usui Reiki Symbols

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Usui Reiki Symbols

There are several variations in the way the symbols are drawn. I personally have been attuned by three different reiki masters using the three different variations to some of the symbols. I have included these variations for informational purposes (roll your mouse over the original image to see the variation). Please use the symbol that feels right to you. Symbols are usually drawn top to bottom and left to right.

Cho Ku Rei (cho-koo-ray)

Given during Level 1 Reiki Attunement Roughly translates to put power here, this symbol is used by the reiki practioner to turn their reiki on by drawing the symbol in their hands. It can be drawn on the client to focus healing energy on one particular chakra or drawn from crown to root chakra to help energy flow between chakras. Note: Double Cho Ku Rei (aka Kriya) is used to create a door way during the attunement process to step into a clients aura, create a sacred space, or to seal and protect a space. It is not generally used in the healing process.

Sei He Ki (say-hay-key)
Given during Level 1 Reiki Attunement This symbol is used to heal mental or emotional issues including anger, depressions, sadness, fear or addictions. It is generally drawn over the brow or heart chakras. Note: Double Sei He Ki is used when opening the doors to past life or past emotional traumas. Use in combination with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nin (hone-sha-zay-show-nen)

Given during Level 2 Reiki Attunement This is the symbol used to heal across distance. This distance can be physical space or time (forward and backward). Because this symbol spans time, it can be used to send energy for a future appointment or to help heal past life issues. This symbol should be drawn from head to toe on the client.

Usui Di Ko Myo (die-koe-me-oh)

Given during Master Teacher Reiki Attunement This is the first of the two master symbols, and it is primarily used in attunements to connect the client to the reiki energy and the higher self.

Tibetan Di Ko Mio (die-koe-me-oh)

Given during Master Teacher Reiki Attunement This is the second of the master symbols. It is used in the attunement process identical to the Usui Di Ko Myo, but it can also be used in the healing process to align the chakras to the highest consciousness. It can also be used instead of or in combination with Cho Ku Rei for a gentler but more powerful healing energy.

Nin Giz Zida (nin-geez-zee-da) or Serpent of Fire

Given during Master Teacher Reiki Attunement This symbol is always drawn from crown to root chakra as it is used to align the chakras and energy system to prepare the client for the attunement.

Raku (ra-ku)
Given during Master Teacher Reiki Attunement This is the symbol used after a treatment or an attunement to ground the client and separate the connections between practioner and client. It is drawn from the crown chakra to the feet.

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