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Time: 45 minutes Aim: to use different word types correctly Objectives: to raise awareness of different word types and the way they can be learnt Material: Optionally (PC + projector), monolingual dictionary for each student or each pair of students Activity: 1. Teacher projects or puts the following 4 sentences on the board. Students are asked to fill in the gaps. I must for the delay in replying to you. (verb) I owe you an (noun) The hotel manager was very and offered us a free night in compensation. (adjective) Im sorry he said .. (adverb) 2. Teacher points out, that students should always write the different forms in their vocabulary note book when they learn a new word. When students look up a word that has many forms they can create a Word Formation Chart in order to visualise the different word types. It is useful to include the new words in sample sentences as well and learn them in context. Teacher points out that some words do not necessarily have all four forms, but some of them can have more words for the same word type. By putting them in sentences it is easier to learn when to use them.

VERBS apologise manage mismanage

NOUN apology management mismanagement manager manageress

ADJECTIVE apologetic managerial manageable unmanageable

ADVERB apologetically

3. Teacher copies a word chart for each student (work sheet one) and ask them to have a quick look at the words and choose three of them that they didnt know and write two sample sentences with each of their different forms. They should be encouraged to use a monolingual dictionary and copy the example sentences from it first then write a sentence which has personal reference. While they are doing it the teacher walks around and monitors that the sentences are correct. 4. Teacher gives students work sheet two to take home and create a chart with entries of each letter of the alphabet. Students write 8 pairs of sample sentences with the words they want to learn.

WORK SHEET ONE VERBS argue believe compare defend enable form generalise heal imagine judge know legalise measure necessitate object prefer qualify regret simplify talk urge value writer x-ray year zip zip
23 September 2010

NOUN argument argumentation dis/belief comparison defence defendant ability formation deformity generalisation health image imagination justice knowledge legality illegality measurement necessity objection objectivity preference qualification regret simplicity talk urgency value writer x-ray yearly

ADJECTIVE arguable argumentative un/believable comparative comparable defensive indefensible un/able formative general healthy unhealthy imaginary un/imaginative just knowledgeable il/legal measurable necessary objective un/objectionable preferable dis/qualified regretful, regrettable simple talkative urgent in/valuable written yearly urgently

ADVERB arguably un/believably comparably indefensibly ably formatively generally un/healthily imaginarily just il/legally measurably necessarily objectionably preferably regretfully, regrettably simply

valuably invaluably


Sample sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Sample sentences: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8. 9-10. 11-12. 13-14. 15-16.

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