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Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE




Aaquib Nawaz.S



Assistant Professor, Dept of Telecommunication, R.V.C.E, Bangalore Mtech 4th semester, Digital Communication, R.V.C.E, Bangalore


Wireless networks face everchanging demands on their spectrum and infrastructure resources. Increased minutes of use, capacity-intensive data applications, and the steady growth of worldwide wireless subscribers mean carriers will have to find effective ways to accommodate increased wireless traffic in their networks. Beam steering has emerged as one of the leading innovations for achieving highly efficient networks that maximize capacity and improve quality and coverage.

1. Introduction
A smart antenna is an array of antenna elements associated with a digital signal processor. The system utilizes multiple antenna elements combined with a signal processing capability to optimize its radiation and reception patterns automatically in response to the signal environment. Smart antennas have the property of spatial filtering, which leads to an effective spectrum utilization in mobile communication system. 2. ULA Signal Model Consider a Uniform Linear Array with spacing d between antenna array sensors which consist of L antenna elements and M signals are impinging on the array from different directions as shown in figure1. Let S(t) be the complex baseband signal.

This paper presents a way in which a Linear array of sensors is used to steer the beam from -90 0to 900 and finally form the beam in the direction of maximum power. The Beam steering unit is integrated into four main blocks. The first block is Angle Of Arrival estimation which uses a array of sensors to detect direction of arrival of signals by computing Array Correction Matrix and corresponding power spectrum for different directions .The AOA algorithms namely Linear Prediction Method (LPM) and Maximum Likelihood Method(MLM) are used in AOA block. The second block is used to determine direction of maximum power. The third block is used to steer the beam from -900 to 900 by applying complex phase shifts to individual array elements .The phase shifts to different array elements are computed by using adaptive algorithm namely Leaky Least Mean Square (LLMS) The fourth block uses the beamforming algorithms to form the beam in the look direction. This paper discusses the Beam steering using LLMS-LPM and LLMS-MLM. The Beamsteering algorithms are simulated in MATLAB. The LLMS beamforming algorithm is implemented on Texas Instrument Digital Signal Processor TMS320C6713.

Figure 1: Array signal model The received data vector x(n) is given by equation(1)

Keywords: Steering Vector, Mean Square

Error, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors.

x(n) = a(0 ) S(n) + im (n) a(m ) + n(n)




Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE

where is n(n) a noise vector modeled as temporally white and zero-mean complex Gaussian process, a ( 0 ) is the look steering vector and a ( m ) is the steering vector for mth jamming direction . The steering vector for the ith direction is defined as in (2)

separation of the directional sources. RINV is the inverse of Array correlation matrix as in (4) R = ASA H + I (4)

a(i ) = 1 e j 2d sini

e j 2d ( L1) sini


3. Angle of Arrival (AOA) Algorithms The Angle Of Arrival algorithms will take number of array sensors, number of signal sources, source amplitude and source direction as input and produce peaks for the corresponding source directions as an output. The AOA algorithms discussed here are Linear Prediction Method (LPM) and Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM). 3.1 Linear Prediction Method (LPM) In LPM method the output of one sensor is estimated using linear combinations of the remaining sensor outputs and minimizes the error between the estimate and the actual output i.e. mean square prediction error. Thus by minimizing the mean output power it obtains the weights of the array subject to the constraint that the weight on the selected sensor is unity. The Power spectrum for Linear Prediction Method is given by equation (3)

A is the steering vector S = tr (ss ) is the matrix comprising square amplitude of sources along the diagonal and denotes variance of white noise. AVAL ( ) is same as steering vector for an angle . The linear prediction methods perform well in a moderately low SNR environment and are a good compromise in situations where sources are of approximately equal strength and are nearly Coherent. 3.2 Maximum Likelihood Method The maximum likelihood method (MLM) of spectrum estimation finds the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the power arriving from a point source in direction assuming that all other sources are interference. This method uses the array weights obtained by minimizing the mean output power subject to a unity constraint in the look direction. The expression for the power spectrum PMV() is given by (5)



1 H Um RINV AVAL ( ) (3)

1 Av ( ) R INV Av ( ) (5)

H is the unit norm vector. There is no Um criterion for proper choice of this element. The choice of this element, however, affects the resolution capability and the bias in the estimate, and these effects are dependent upon the SNR and

Where AV() is 1xL Steering vector for a given angle , RINV is inverse of Array correlation matrix and AV()H is a vector obtained from hermitian transpose of Steering vector AV(). The ML method gives a superior performance compared to other methods, particularly when the SNR is small, the


Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE

number of samples are small, or the sources are correlated, and thus is of practical interest. For a single source, the estimates obtained by this method are asymptotically unbiased, i.e the expected values of the estimates are equal to their true values. In that sense, it may be used as a standard to compare the performance of other methods. The method normally assumes that the number of sources M is known. 4. Beamforming Adaptive Beamformer consists multiple antennas, complex phase shifters(weights) , the function of which is to amplify (or attenuate) and delay the signals from each antenna element and a summer to add all of the processed signals, in order to tune out the signals not of interest, while enhancing the signal of interest. Hence, beam forming is sometimes referred to as spatial filtering, since some incoming signals from certain spatial directions are filtered out, while others are amplified. 4.1 Leaky LMS (LLMS) Beamformer This is the variation of LMS algorithm. In this case to the autocorrelation matrix noise is added by using Leaky factor. The autocorrelation matrix R xx used in LMS algorithm in some cases has zero Eigen values. This causes LMS algorithm to have undamped and un-driven modes. Since it is possible for these un- damped modes to become unstable. It is important to stabilize the LMS by forcing these modes to zero. One way to accomplish this is to introduce leakage coefficient which is in the range0< <1 into auto correlation matrix, step size calculation and weight

vector equation. The weight update equation of LLMS is given by (6)

W (n + 1) = [1 ]W (n) + e* (n) x(n) | (6)

The step size is computed by using (7)

max +


Where max is the maximum Eigen value obtained from Eigen value decomposition of correlation matrix as in(8) R xx = E [XX H ] + I (8) Specifically, if s(n) denotes the sequence of reference or training symbols known a priori at the receiver at time n, an error signal is formed as e(n) = s (n) y (n) .This error signal e is used by the Beamformer to adaptively adjust the complex weights vector w so that the mean squared error (MSE) is minimized. 5. BEAMSTEERING
This is similar to Beamforming but here complex phase shifts are applied to individual array elements vary for every second to steer the beam along varying directions. The Beam steering matrix as in (9) depends upon the steering angle and directional range and it columns consist of phase shifts applied to array elements obtained from beam forming algorithms.

Wphase= W(1) W(2 )......... .......... ....... W(l )


Where W ( i ) is the Weight update vector corresponding to direction i obtained from beam forming algorithm LLMS. Figure (2) gives details for the implementation of Beamsteering using


Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE

LLMS-LPM and LLMS-MLM. In the Beamsteering unit initially the look direction is assumed to be -900 beam is formed for an angle of -900.The Direction is incremented and beam is steered from various angles over -900 to 900 and finally beam is formed in the direction of maximum power. Computation of Power Spectrum for all Directions and Amplitudes of Sources using LPM or MLM

6.1 Beamsteering using LLMS-LPM

L=Number of array elements=20. M=Number of Signal Sources=4. s= Amplitude of sources= [1 5 2 3] v =Direction of sources=[100 200 300 400]

Selection Sort for Direction of Maximum Power Beamsteering Unit

Figure 3: Detection of Directions using LPM

Figure (3) is the MATLAB output shows the peaks in the direction of sources at100 200 300 and 400 degrees.

90 0

Obtain Complex Phase Shifts using LLMS Beamformer for direction

Array Factor to form beam in direction and increment direction

Figure 4: Detection of Direction of Maximum Power

Beamforming for Direction of maximum power

Figure2: Implementation of Beamsteering

Figure (4) shows the detection of direction of maximum power using selection sort.

In this section MATLAB results for Beamsteering algorithms are presented for LLMS-LPM and LLMSMLM.
Figure 5: Beamsteering from -900 to 900using LLMS


Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE

Figure(5) shows beam is steered from -900 to 900 by forming the beam for every 50.

Beamforming plots using LLMS-MLM will be same as LLMS-LPM as in figures (5) and (6).

Figure 6: Beamforming using LLMS for direction of maximum power

Figure(6) shows beam formed at an angle 200.

Figure 9: Detection of Direction of Maximum Power

6.2 Beamsteering using LLMS-MLM L=20,M=4,s= [1 5 2 3] v and =[100 200 300 400]

Figure (9) shows the complex phase shifts computed using LLMS Beamforming algorithm for = 200 to be applied to individual element.

Figure 7: Detection of Directions using LPM

Figure (7) is the MATLAB output shows the peaks in the direction of sources at10 20 30 and 40 degrees.

Figure 10: MSE Curve of LLMS

Figure (10) gives the MSE characteristics of LLMS algorithm. The convergence depends upon step size, larger the step size more MSE but faster convergence and vice versa.

Figure 8: Detection of Direction of Maximum Power

Figure (8) shows the detection of direction of maximum power using selection sort. Beamsteering and 115

Figure11: DSP Kit Output LLMS-Real

Proceedings of National Conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems, NEWS-2010, BMSCE [1]. F. Laichi, T. Aboulnasr, and W. Steenaart,Effect of Delay on the Performance of the Leaky LMS Adaptive Algorithm, IEEE transactions on signal processing, vol. 45, no. 3, march 1997 [2] Lal C. Godara,Application of Antenna Arrays to Mobile Communications, Part II: BeamForming and Direction-of-Arrival Considerations, Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 85, no. 8, august 1997 [3]James Okello ,Yoshio Ztoh t Yutaka Fukui, Zsao Nakanishi and Masaki Kobayashi,A new modified variable step size for the LMS Algorithm,1998 IEEE Proceedings of the international symposium on circuits and systems. Vol 5, June 1998,pp 170-173 [4]Mrcio H. Costa and Jos C.M. Bermudez, A Robust Variable Step Size Algorithm for LMS Adaptive Filters, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, Vol 3,May 2006,pp 14-19 [5]Yonggang Zhangt, Jonathon A. Chamberst, Wenwu Wang,Paul Kendrick, and Trevor J. Cox, A new variable step-size LMS algorithm with robustness to non stationary noise, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and Signal processing.Vol 3,June 2007,pp-1349-1352 [6] R. M. Shubair and A. Al-Merri, Robust algorithms for direction finding [0 60 80 100 and adaptive beamforming: performance and optimization,Proc. Of IEEEInt. Midwest Symp. Circuits & Systems (MWSCAS'04), Hiroshima, Japan, July 25-28, 2004, pp. 589-592. [7] R. M. Shubair and A. Al-Merri Convergence study of adaptive Beamforming algorithms for spatial interference rejection, Proc. Of Int. Symp. Antenna Technology & Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM'05), Saint- Malo, France, June 15-17, 2005. [8] J. D. Fredrick, Y. Wang, S. Jeon, and T. Itoh, A smart antenna receiver array using a single RF channel and digital beamforming, IEEE Trans.Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 50, pp. 30523058, Dec. 2002.

Figure (11) shows the real array weights calculated DSP kit.

Figure12: DSP Kit Output LLMS-Imag

Figure (12) gives imaginary array weights calculated using DSP kit.

Table1: Execution Speed Algorithm Time in seconds LPM 3.4530 MLM 0.0950 LLMS 0.0950
Table1 gives Execution Speed of various DOA and Beamforming algorithms measured using timers in MATLAB.

This paper provides implementation of array beam-forming by using LLMS and AOA using LPM and MLM for mobile communications systems. The paper also illustrates that beamforming algorithms can also be used for steering the beam over range of directions and finally forming beam at look direction. The execution Speed, convergence characteristics of beamforming algorithm and Resolution of DOA algorithm were also presented.



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