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XCE 20009 - 10 11/2 hours

University of Manchester School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science

Second Year Examination

Heat Transfer and Process Integration

For candidates taking Chemical Engineering, BEng, BEng (Ord) and MEng, 2nd year Chemical Engineering with Language, 2nd year Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, 2nd year Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, 2nd year Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience, 2nd year

??May 2010 ????

Answer THREE questions

All numerical working must be shown. Tables of mathematical formulae are available and may be used without restriction. Graph paper is available. If used, write your name or registration number on it and insert inside your answer book. Electronic calculators may be used, provided they cannot store text. Mr. S.J. Perry Extn 64391

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Answer THREE questions

1. Answer ALL parts of this question. a) In designing heat exchangers using the LMTD method, give three reasons why low values of the correction factor, FT, should be avoided. [6 marks] b) Given



1 exp NTU 1 C * 1 C * exp NTU 1 C *




1 1 ln * for C * < 1 C 1 C 1

for C * = 1

and an effectiveness/NTU chart for an E-shell with an even number of tube passes: Following the design of a heat exchanger network, it emerges that one of the required heat exchangers needs to recover heat from a hot stream initially at 197C into a cold stream initially at 120C, with a Tmin of 20C. The hot stream has a flowing heat capacity of 40 kW K1, and the cold stream has a flowing heat capacity of 20 kW K1. Calculate the required thermal effectiveness of the heat exchanger, the heat transfer duty, and the outlet temperatures of both streams. Then, assuming an overall heat transfer coefficient in each case of 600 W m2 K1, calculate the required size of the heat exchanger for the case of (i) countercurrent flow; and (ii) a 1 shell pass, 2 tube pass E-type heat exchanger. Comment on your answers. [24 marks]

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2. Answer ALL parts of this question. a) The heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for the fluid flowing through the tubes of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger can be estimated using the following equations:
0.8 hT = K h vT ;


Ad i2 2.8 2 vT + 1.25 N PT vT ; 4 Fi d o

3.5 2.5 PT = K PT 1 AhT + K PT 2 hT

where symbols have their usual meanings in this context, and

K hT k 1 di 3 = C d Pr i

(Suitable expressions for KPT1 and KPT2 also exist.) Using the above equations, make some intelligent observations about estimation of tube-side heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops. [8 marks] b) Describe the onion model of process design, and explain the rationale for this model. [10 marks] c) Condensation with subcooling can be performed in either a vertical or a horizontal condenser. Explain, using simple schematics, the differences in the condensation-with-subcooling processes in these two condensers, and the differences in sizing calculations for these two condenser types. [12 marks]

[Total: 30 marks]

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3. Answer ALL parts of this question. A heat exchanger network, produced for a minimum approach temperature of 20C is given in Figure 3.1. Note that all the temperatures are in C and the exchanger heat loads are in kW. Hot utility and cold utility are available at the temperatures required and in sufficient quantity. The problem table data for the same process is given in Table 3.1.

180C H U H 1 H 2 H 3 261C

302C 2360 4500 158C 1030 CP = 10 kW/C

199C 760 123C 20C C1 CP = 25 kW/C 880 152C C2 CP = 30 kW/C


70C 530

CP = 10 kW/C

79.42C CP = 37.75 kW/C) 765 C W

Exchanger heat loads

Interval Temperature (C) 312 251 190 189 162 148 113 69.42 60 30 Table 3.1

Enthalpy (kW) 4635 2805 1585 1540 595 525 0 999.445 850.145 100.145

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a) How does the Pinch help in the design of Maximum Energy Recovery Heat Exchanger Networks? Use a schematic to help with your explanation. [6 marks] b) Using the information provided in Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1, identify the causes (showing calculations) as to why the existing utility use of the heat exchanger network is different from the energy targets determined from the process stream data. [18 marks] c) What methods are available to an engineer to improve the heat recovery (and reduce utility usage) of the existing Heat Exchanger Network? [6 marks]

[Total: 30 marks]

4. Answer ALL parts of this question. The process stream data for a processing plant is given below (Table 4.1).

Supply Temperature (C)

160 270 360 30 120 180

Target Temperature (C)

90 100 80 150 220 300 Table 4.1 Process Stream Data

Heat Capacity Flowrate (CP) (kW/C) 30.0 15.0 17.0 14.0 40.0 30.0

The Problem Table for this process stream data, with a minimum approach temperature of 30C, is given in Table 4.2.

Interval Temperature (C) 345 315 255 235 195 165 145 135 85 75 65 45

Enthalpy (kW) 2430 2940 2160 2200 680 440 0 80 2480 2810 2840 2560

Table 4.2 Problem Table

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a) Making use of the information provided produce the Grand Composite Curve (graph paper is provided). [6 marks] b) It is proposed to use hot oil to provide heat to the process. What is the appropriate supply temperature for the hot oil? Explain your reasoning. [4 marks] c) What is the minimum return temperature for the hot oil? Explain your reasoning. [5 marks] d) If the specific heat capacity of the hot oil was 2.0 kJ kg1 K1, what would be the mass flow rate of the hot oil based on your selected supply and return temperatures? [3 marks] e) It is proposed to use steam in place of hot oil for process heating below the saturation temperature of the steam, which is 230C. How much steam would be required (kW), and what would now be the heat load and mass flow rate of the hot oil (assuming the same supply temperature as in part d)? [6 marks] f) Why are shifted temperatures used in this analysis rather than real temperatures? Illustrate your answer. [6 marks]

[Total: 30 marks]

End of paper

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