PRINT Rushes Log

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Workshop: Print Scene

Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Other Activity 1 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Activity 3

Producer: Jamie Brown

Year Camera
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File Name
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Start End Comment / Description / Quotes

05:30 11:05 15:00 16:55 19:30 20:08 11:00 12:35 16:15 19:20 20:00 21:10 Magazine Cover Activity: Whole activity, good audio/visual. Magazine Cover Activity: Good audio for interview close to front. Magazine Cover Activity: Getting on with activity. Magazine Cover Activity Conclusion. (Good Audio) Introduction to watching Dove's Evolution. (Good Audio) Students watching Dove's Evolution film. Good establishing shot. Response to Evolution film: Good Audio throughout. Good for students close to front of class. Continuation of response to Evolution film. Analysis Activity: Whole activity, good audio/visual. Very good points made by front group in particular. Analysis Activity: Very good evalution of eyes by front group. Analysis Acitivity: Front group asking the correct questions. Analysis Acitivity: Good evaluation of facial features by front group. Analysis Activity: Nice establishing/class shot of everyone working. Conclusion: Good Audio for presentation and responses. Girl: "Looks like they've wiped out their face" (Good Audio) Front girl and boy good responses about body shapes. Front Boy: "May as well be a manequin" (Good Audio) Boy: "Look like they've created a whole different person" Good responses about how it makes people feel. Final conlusion by presenters (Good Audio) Thank you and clapping. "Are we doing it again this afternoon?" Magazine Cover Activity: Whole activity, good visual from side. Analysis Activity: Good side shot. Analysis Activity: Continued side shot. "We found one that hasn't been photoshopped!!" Students enjoying activity, good interactivity. Shakey. Doesn't capture much and shakey. One group in discussion. Really Shakey Students working with blu-tack. Quite stable. Hands pointing at work - particularly topless JLS. Students talking about Kate Moss Knees and Beyonce weight Talking about celebrity looks and their interest. Audio issues. Talking about "Everybody likes topless boys" -JLS. Audio issues. Students talking about their celeb interests/looks. Good Audio. Presenter conclusion to magazine cover activity: interseting points. Wrap up activity 1 and share work. Students watching video. Bit shaky and grainy. Describing what happened in video. Bit shakey and cuts half off. Boy talks about not recognising musicians at live events. Stating why companies choose best looking models. Shakey. Students discussing what effect print media might have on people. Very good points about the effect companies want to have on you. "I didn't know they altered it on the computer". "They could just get any random person and do it to them." Students enjoying and discussing activity. Steady camerawork Good for filler shots. Steady close-up of activity and sticky note reading "looks like barbie doll" Interview with girls. Good comments about changes to picture and why they've been made. Personal comments on their experiences. "I just think it's so manipulative." -steady and good audio. Bad audio, but good steady visuals. Good for during voice over. Same as above but good audio too. Same as above. Bad Audio. Same as above. Better Audio. Talking about eyes. "Its like they've just wiped out their face' "You could barely see where the nose fitted to the face." Good point about focus never being on the product, but model. Describing prints' ideal body shape. Quite steady. Wrinkles still on image. Talking about target audience. Girl passionately talking about change. Slightly out of focus. "May as well be a manequin". Good shot and fairly steady. "looks like they have created a whole different person" Okay comments made but nothing crucial. Quite shakey. Close-up of note about centralising on the face.


21:20 26:03 00:42 02:30 05:00 07:00 09:09 13:40 15:00 15:28 16:00 18:49 19:34 20:10 22:25 22:50 23:50 04:50 10:40 01:30 02:36 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:32 00:50 00:00 00:17 00:00 00:00 00:30 00:00 00:08 00:52 00:00 00:22 00:15 00:00 01:50 14:30 05:20 07:25 09:20 14:30 22:20 15:38 16:40 19:05 19:41 21:00 22:50 22:55 24:00 16:00 16:50 05:00 02:44 00:22 00:26 00:10 00:16 00:14 01:15 01:20 00:12 01:09 00:43 01:08 00:40 00:08 00:20 01:10 00:22 00:43 00:40 00:38

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Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 3 Introduction Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 3 Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview

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Close-up of another note. Quite shakey Close-up of another note. Quite shakey Close-up of note about neck/mouth changes. Steadier. Side shot of whole activity 1 - no sound and looks empty at times. Side shot of whole activity 3 - no sound and looks empty at times. Becky explains self image and goes onto the topic of Print. Students deciding which stories to pick. Steady and in focus. Students deciding which stories to pick. In focus and smiley "What's going on with Kate Moss's knees, I don't really care." Students discussing their decisions. Students stating they chose their stories because of interests. Good focussed, steady camerawork and clear audio. Same as above. Really nice camerawork. Girl talking about wanting to see celebs with no makeup and why. Watching Evolution film: boy whispers to girl. Quite grainy. Girl's eyes widen in shock. Quite grainy and will need zooming in. Discussing why industries perfect models and make money from it. Good points on what is good and what is bad. Good audio but very shakey visuals - another angle will be needed. Students looking through magazines, starting activity. Steady. Students writing down on sticky notes. Fairly steady but slanted. Students working. Interesting shots. Particular large spread of clearly photoshopped model. Writing notes on celebrity picture with hand pointing at aspects. Front girls interacting with presenter. Good during voiceover? Discussion. "Holly Willybe looks nothing like that in real life" Presenter and student discussing experiences. "I don't think I've ever seen someone with eyes that blue" Discussing manipulation: cheekbones, eyes. "They put makeup on them, but once they do that they take it onto photoshop too. Makes people think differently" - shakey Why advertisers make models look perfect. Bad because it makes people quite upset. "I didn't really take much notice before" What they done in the workshop "Photographers completely change who they are and you don't realise it at all" - Good for pointing out subliminal messages. What they do to photos. Why they do it to photos - to get people to buy the product. Why and what the effects of it are on audience members "I think it could be a life threatening skill to use" "We were looking at how a celeb look can affect our look" Opinions on the effects of representation of the body in print. "Its like they're being distorted" "Media is trying to make everyone the same and use their product" Description of media's ideal. CONCLUSION MATERIAL. "people are putting themselves down" "They changed her neck, her eyes, her jaw-line." "Is that really real?" What the ideal appearance is. Quite innocent. "when we first came into the first lesson I looked at things in a different perspective." "the situation could put them in life threatening positions for the sake of nothing." "If I look in a magazine I won't say I want to look at her" "I never realised they could do that, Its just so far ahead." Competition. "Its becoming less and less real." Really surprised me. "I knew they did their makeup and their hair but I never knew they photoshopped it." "they make their skin no spots" "its fake" "photoshop really shocked me" "the way they make you believe it" "however much makeup you put on you can never look like the models in magazines" "is it even possible to look like that if I buy this product" "I didn't know they done that" "disgusting" "They changed the appearance so much" What is ideal and whether it is true. I went home again and looked at that dove video. "they all have really really long necks" "I didn't realise how much makeup and editing they wore" "She look nothing like herself before" Magazine Cover activity: "I don't care about celeb looks" "Don't aspire to all the people in magazines." "Its not reality" "I honestly didn't realise the amount of photoshop"

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