70 Godina Od Prve Vučnice

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70 godina od prve vunice

Ove zime francusko skijalite Alpe d'Huez slavi 70 godina od postavljanja prve ski vunice u svijetu. 1936. g. bila je prekretnica modernog skijanja. Iako je prvo "sidro" postavljeno u Davosu godinu dana ranije, prvi "tanjuri" postavljen je u Alpe d'Huezu 1936. g. na stazi Eclose. Tanjuri, koji je bio postavljen s 50 m visinske razlike, isprva je bio samo predmet ismijavanja, tako da je ubrzo staza na kojoj je vozio prozvana "The idiots run". "Staza za idiote", na kojoj je bila postavljena vunica, ubrzo je ipak pokazala svima svoje prednosti. Konstruktor i glavni graditelj vunice bio je Jean Pomagalski, kasniji utemeljitelj tvrtke "Poma", koja je jedan od vodeih proizvoaa sjedenica, vunica, gondola i ostalih transportnih sredstava, a iji proizvodi su danas nezaobilazni dio svih svjetskih skijalita. Kao korisnik Pome tu je i skijalite Platak, koje u svojem vlasnitvu ima jednu dvosjedenicu neto starije generacije. Upravo radi ove velike obljetnice Alpe d'Huez planira nekoliko organiziranih proslava koje su na rasporedu tijekom idue sezone. Poevi u veljai te sa zavretkom u travnju, Alpe d'Huez trebao bi biti obojan u boje iz toga doba, dok je kao glavni dogaaj planirano sveano otvaranje najnovije pomine esterosjedenice, u ast obljetnici i svom utemeljitelju.


Surface Ski Lifts

Leitner-Poma manufactures T-bar ski lifts, and rope tows. Typically, surface lifts are designed for short line lengths, to be operated at reduced speeds, and are intended for beginners. The detachable grip ski lift is an exception to standard surface lifts capable of longer lengths, faster speeds, and extreme weather conditions.

Cirque Detachable Grip Surface Lift, Colorado

The Leitner Poma detachable grip surface lifts offer operating speeds from 1.4 meters per second to more than 4 meters per second (250-775 ft/min). They are equipped with slide racks that can store more than two hundred towhangers, depending on the model. The detachable grip skilifts also have the option of the towbar releasing at the return terminal for bullwheel unloading (DDH patented model). This increases the safety and confidence for beginners, and enhances the enjoyment of all levels of skiers. The DDH model of return terminal can be installed with a new detachable skilift, or retrofitted to an existing one. Detachable grip ski lifts can be installed on lengths up to 6000 ft and angles of 32 degrees along the alignment.

Scooper Fixed Grip Surface Lift, Colorado

The Leitner Poma fixed grip surface lift is the ideal lift for ski school areas, terrain parks, short length transportation, and ski race training hills. The speed is typically less than 350 ft/min and the line lengths are 500 to 1000 ft.

Northface T-bar, Colorado

The Leitner Poma T-bar is the ideal lift for areas which experience great variations in snow depth, as on slopes with relatively irregular profiles. Normally equipped with T-bar seats, a platter seat alternative is also available. Typically, the speed of the line is 650 ft/min.

Sunspot Telecorde, Colorado

The Leitner Poma Telecorde rope tow is the ideal lift for beginner areas, terrain parks, and short distance transportation. The rope tow will transport people at approximately 325 ft/min.

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