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FRIDAY April 12, 2013 VOL. 40 NO. 4


Read about San Diegos own Mayor Filners visit to MC and its e ect on the student body and faculty.

CUTTING MARINE SCIENCE Read about MC marine science being cut from the curriculum because there is not enough space in the trimesters. MC THRIFT SHOP MC students organize a thrift shop after school to raise money.

Media is

The MC Sun explores the e ect of technology within a society dominated by smart phones, social media sites, and technology.

Everyday technology remains a necessity

Much of the older generation scoffs at the stereotype of todays youth, transxed by anything on a screen, constantly texting one another and communicating about serious topics such as nail polish and video games. One side of the technology and Internet craze that many elders do not recognize is that tech-savvy people can accomplish much more with the help of computers and social media. Social media is integral to almost every group that Im afliated with, senior Anna Page said. We use it for marketing, for getting the word out, for recruiting... As one of the most famously involved and active students at MC, Page relies on the use of social media to keep all of her activities organized and running smoothly. One of her most cherished and important obligations is that of her involvement with the Youth in Government program. Having Facebook and Twitter around at all times has changed the way she can communicate with potential members and current members alike. If I didnt have Facebook or Twitter, it would be extremely difcult to reach out to certain people, she said. I cant even imagine how I would get the word out to people about different organizations, different activities, different events. It would be extremely difcult. Our ability to access technology is extremely important to all of us, you know, if its actually trying to reach out for an event or if its just reaching out to a friend across the country or in class, its a great way to start conversations and to get to know people. Page is not the only senior who uses technology and the Internet to her benet. The familiar soft typing noise of Senior David Mrdjenovich, is something that many students at MC have come to recognize, as Mrdjenovich has been using his iPad to take more detailed and organized notes in two of his 5 AP classes. [Typing notes] kind of came out of senioritis I think, Mrdjenovich said. I was too lazy to write down all my notes. The use of his iPad has helped to organize all his thoughts from lectures. Mrdjenovich enjoys his iPad because it ensures that he can keep track of various papers, and also because it helps the environment. I use copy and paste instead of actually printing the notes out, which is better for the environment, he said. Its really helpful for organization, and I can just put everything in a folder versus paper where I might be too lazy to keep it under control. Its more convenient and its easier for me to take notes. Although their primary uses for technology and the internet are studious ones, both Page and Mrdjenovich indulge themselves with online recreation from time to time. [Social media] is a great way to even start relationships, Page said. Likewise, Mrdjenovich added that he plays Starcraft every once in a while as well. As for Mrdjenovich, he has one piece of advice for any student who wants to take virtual notes at school: You have to be smart about backing up! Backing up the notes, that is.

FACTORING IN HEART Read about the A-G requirements for colleges and the best way for students to complete these requirements.
A4 - A5

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Sun Spread
April 12, 2013
Thirty credits are needed to graduate, and the routes that a student can take divide into two main ones with a bit of possible variation in between. Since no social sciences are offered freshman year, the breakdown begins sophomore year. History is an interesting class in the fact that it is very niche for certain students. It requires a lot of reading and retaining information, especially in the AP history courses. The faster pace and additional information offered in the AP history courses should not deter curious students or students who are on the fence about taking them, however. It should be noted that while UCs and CSUs require two years of history in the form of world history and US history, such requirements arent an issue considering that the school requires at least 30 credits of history to graduate.

Mt. Carmel SUN



With the year coming to a close, some seniors have nal stages of senioritis kicking in while those of us staying plan for the year ahead. The pressure of creating a combination of classes that are both vital to your path after high school and enjoyable is di cult when trying to make it through the last trimester of the year.

What are the A-G Requirements?

A: History/Social Science: 2 years B: English: 4 years C: Mathematics: 3 years (including Algebra 1-2, Geometry 1-2, & Algebra 3-4) D: Laboratory Science: 3 years (including Biology, Chemistry, & Physics) E: Foreign Language: 2 years F: Visual and Performing Arts G: College Prep Elective

Options for freshmen are somewhat limited to either the standard English 1-2 to ease into high school or the Honors alternative. Moving into sophomore year is similar, either English 3-4 or Honors Humanities is available. Juniors are able to opt for American Lit or APEL. Of course, both cover the glory that is The Great Gatsby- there is no escaping it. Lastly, seniors could be more liberal with their choices; World Lit, Expository Reading and Writing, British Lit, and AP English Lit. Both Brit Lit and World Lit are available online and t the regular MC student.

There are countless ways to fulll the C requirement in mathematics without harming ones sanity. For people who dislike math and never really got the hang of it, starting out with Algebra 1-2 or Geometry is a safe bet. From there, one could take Trig, or move on to Algebra 3-4 and Pre-Calculus. Another option is Statistics, which connects with Trig and more real life applications, like analyzing data. The norm is most often Algebra 3-4, Pre-Calc, then AP Calc AB and BC, or possibly College Algebra. Though taking a math AP class can be challenging, it will prepare you for college math courses.

Probably the most abundant in terms of potentially offered courses on campus, the school requires at least 5 credits under this category for graduation. The largest of the available classes are choir, band, drama, and color guard, most of which students will commit to for a majority of high school upon joining. Drawing & Painting and Auto Mechanics (teaches basic car maintenance) are also very commonly taken courses. Each course exists because it caters to a specic segment of the student population at Mt. Carmel. In this category, courses should be taken based on personal interests and talents.

Two years of foreign language is required for CSU/UC schools. Spanish, Filipino, and French are all foreign languages classes offered at MC. There are Spanish 1-8 and AP Spanish and French 1-6 and AP French. Filipino 1-8 is offered, but there is no AP class. Students who have already studied one of these languages in middle school and native speakers can skip some levels depending on their skill. Two trimesters of a foreign language constitutes as one year, but it is possible to take three trimesters a year. Taking a language, such as Chinese, outside of school can also count towards your foreign language credits. The institute where you take this class must be approved by the school..

Many people take Chemistry 1-2 after taking Bio freshman year, but if you enjoyed bio, there are more options, including Human Bio 1-2, Zoology 1-2, and AP Bio. If you took Chem freshman year, choices for next year include AP Chem, AP Bio, Physics 1-2, AP Physics, or AP Environmental Science. All of the AP science classes are rigorous and challenging classes recommended for sophomores, juniors and seniors who have an interest in science. Seniors can take Biotechnology, which provides a hands-on experience in class and in real-life situations. Trimester two of Biotech is internships, and 80% of the class was offsite last year.

This requirement is a very open and exible requirement with many ways to ll it that can work for any type of student. The classes that can be taken for this requirement can vary as much as biotechnology to economics. It can cater to any type of student and should have no problem being lled. For example, a student who likes science but hates writing, can take marine science whereas a student of the opposing view point can take journalism. Many students enjoy all the options available to them so that they wouldnt have to sit in a class they would hate. The G-requirement is a great in that is easy to pass by anyone with just two trimesters of a fun class.

Standard Route Brit Lit 1-2 Human Bio 1-2/ Geoscience 1-2/ APES College Algebra/ AP Stats Civics Elective Honors Route AP Lit APES/AP Chem/AP Bio AP Calc BC AP Gov Elective

Senior Year

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Standard Route English 3-4 Human Bio 1-2/ Geoscience 1-2/ Chem 1-2 Algebra 3-4 World History 1-2 Elective

Dawn Kastner Principal

Honors Route Honors Humanities 1-2 APES/AP Chem/AP Bio Honors Pre-Calc 1-2 APEC Elective


Junior Year

Standard Route English 1-2 Bio 1-2 Geometery 1-2 Freshmen P.E. Elective Honors Route Honors English 1-2 Chem 1-2 Honors Algebra 3-4 Freshmen P.E. Elective

Standard Route American Lit 1-2 Human Bio 1-2/Geoscience 1-2/APES/Physics Honors Pre-Calc 1-2 US History 1-2 Elective Honors Route APEL APES/ AP Chem/AP Bio/(AP)Physics AP Calc AB/AP Stats APUSH Elective

SELF IMAGE Read one sta ers opinion on American medias push for how a person should look or act and how this can a ect ones mental and physical health.


of MC students spend 1-3 hours on a social media site daily.

*120 MC students polled

STANDARDIZED TESTING Standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, are given a lot of power in the process of college admittance. Read two SUN sta ers opinions of whether or not these tests actually predict if a students test scores will be successful in college.


Internet in the palm of your hand

on them anyway. Most high schoolers are the same Our generation has been marked as the era of way. Its unavoidable. smart-phones and social networking. Almost every While both students aspect of our culture today revolves around the internet. recognize their dependence on the We live in a world where you can have access internet and technologies around them, to a persons entire background in a matter of they dont necessarily deem it as entirely seconds without any face to face social interactions negative. Instead, they owe it to the nature of whatsoever. In fact, the internet has seemed our society in general and the changing times. to become our outlet for social interaction. As long as we maintain a balance, then its As high schoolers specically, technology runs our ne, Ertley said. It makes life easier in most daily lives. Our entire human experience is basically cases. Kids today are growing up in a world where documented through our posts, blogs, online pictures, technology is everything. Its just the way things are. and internet proles we craft. The ways in which On the other hand, it seems that our these tools mandate the advancement is getting to the point way we live are countless. where we really could not live The black-out lasted for without our electronics. The state Employers and colleges conduct background searches one day only, and everyone wide power outage in 2011 serves based on Facebook proles. still freaked out when we as a reminder of our dependency. We maintain relationships with couldnt use our electronics. The black-out lasted for friends and family through -Tanner Bolin one day only, and everyone still instant messaging. The way freaked out when we couldnt we meet new people has use our electronics, Bolin said. become almost an exclusively online experience. The English teacher Gretchen Taumopeau has news we see and the information we receive comes to seen the role of the internet grow in her students us from mainly the internet. The list goes on and on. lives, as well as the habits of her own children. Our dependence on technology and social My little one is ve and knows nothing media has reached a point where it seems our but touch screens, Taumopeau said. Its society as a whole would crumble without it. somewhat scary to me, but this is how my kids Some Mt. Carmel students would describe will grow up. So I can either choose to ignore it their reliance as border-line addiction. Seniors and have them be clueless or I can embrace it. Tanner Bolin and Jessica Ertley explain the ways Whether or not one thinks our immense in which the internet maintains their daily lives. accessibility to the internet is positive or negative for Its the way I stay in contact with people, society, in the end our culture is built upon it and it Ertley said. Sometimes I just cant put my phone is indeed the direction our world is racing towards. down. I feel like I miss details in real life, and dont This generation has grown up with it and notice the things around me when Im on the phone. this is what the world is now, Taumopeau said. Similar to Ertley, Bolin also seems to have For someone like me who did not grow up with an addiction to technology that is unshakeable. constant access to internet, it can get frustrating that I use technology every day, Bolin said. Even if this generation relies on it so much. I dont necessarily I try to not use my phone or computer, I end up going think its a bad thing. Its the now and its the future.

MEDIA AND RELIGION Sta ers look at the medias involvement in religion. Is it an accurate depiction of religion in todays society or an abusive exploit for capital?


The MC Sun explores the reasons behind why the media focuses on certain aspects of society and why it displays such contorted images of di erent cultural groups. Follow sta ers as they analyze the e ects media has on society and how it can change the views of the populace.

April 12, 2013

Mt. Carmel SUN


The media is in charge of bringing the information of the world to all its people. So why would it focus on only certain aspects of society? Why is it allowed to show such contorted images of different cultural groups? Everything produced by the mass media affects someone somewhere, good or bad. Follow staffers as they analyze the effects media has on society and how it can change the views of the populace.

Religion in Modern Media

SARAH BRIGGS OPINIONS EDITOR When I turn on my television, popular shows such as Amish Maa or the widely known Sister Wives, ll the screen. Both shows portray the extremist lives of religious people in controversial communities. The widely known Amish Maa, is about a secret gang within the Amish society, exposing the crimes and the networking committed by members of this religious world. For entertainment alone, the media portrays the nature of drinking, promiscuity, and murder within the Amish community as a common thing, even comical. The shows primary focus is to expose the crime and corruption taking place in this community. The media displays these so called religious leaders as heretics, convicts, and undesirable human beings. The show even goes as far as showing the public the harsh crimes these religious members committed. Some of the people in this reality shows have been to jail for murder yet are still portrayed as prominent members of this Amish community. What the media is actually doing is publicizing that the entire Amish community are murderers and convicts, while in reality this may not be factual; it has portrayed this extremely strict religion as corrupt and erratic. In the world today, media is everywhere. A person can discover whats happening in the world just by pressing a button on their phone. When the pope was sworn into ofce some of my friends actually got a notication from the apps on their phones. Media is everywhere; it is how people are able to discover news in this day and age. Furthermore, the media possesses the power to strengthen religion politically, yet, at the same time remains capable of shutting it down. In the show Sister Wives on TLC, the show portrays a Mormon family openly practicing polygamy in modern day America. Like Amish Maa it is a comical reality show, revealing the innermost workings of a secret society. Polygamy has been banned in the widespread Mormon religion, and in response to the nature of the show, many members of the Mormon community spoke out against the show. They claimed that it was a misinterpretation of their religion and gave a false portrayal towards the entirety of their religion. When the media portrays religion whether positively or negatively, it remains undeniable that the media has a large say in how the public receives information and it is their job to report it accurately. Truth is powerful, and now that basically everyone possesses the ability to search the Internet by just clicking a few buttons on their smart phones, media plays a huge part in the worlds everyday lives and how people view issues of religion.

Election of Pope
Along with being given the right to practice freely, U.S. citizens are given the equal ability to not be religious.
MICHAEL ANDREWS STAFF WRITER Thousands of people lled St. Peters Square, while even more watched from their homes waiting for the white smoke to rise, indicating that a new Pope had been chosen. The Popes selection was covered on just about every large news network in America. So one has to ask, why all the hype? Its understandable as to why so many Catholics watched the choosing of their new religious leader, but why were so many networks ooding their channels with pope coverage when there are so many other religious groups that watch? Someone of a different religion could begin to feel favoritism of the news networks towards Catholics, and feel like they were just thrown to the side. Its awesome that the networks would care so much for a certain populace of people but, they need to take into consideration all the other religions present in America. America is a land of many nationalities, differences, and religions, so shouldnt the news cater to all of these groups. I believe that the networks were right to place so much hype on the Pope; however, they should also place a lot of emphasis on big changes for all religions. This would make other religions feel more at home in our country and could strengthen the relationship between neighbors. It would bring a greater understanding of each other and our multicultural nation to everyone. I dont think religious events and issues should be ignored by the news network to satisfy those that have problems with them, I think all religions should get a large amount of coverage in the media. The United States, as a very large, multi-cultural nation, should try its best to bring understanding and worth to all of its citizens instead of focusing on just one group.

- Emma Glassman-Hughes

Atheism within Todays Society

EMMA GLASSMAN HUGHES FEATURES EDITOR Even in todays modernized and open-minded society, it isnt socially acceptable to be an outspoken atheist, but its a sign of morality and virtue to be an outspoken theist. Even in our nation, which supports the separation of church and state, we pledge allegiance to our ag, and in doing so, we are expected to say, Under God. And even when nearly half a billion people worldwide identify themselves as atheists, atheism is still largely feared and misunderstood. In the United States, citizens are granted the famous right to freedom of religion. This includes the freedom to have whatever beliefs one may have, and a more limited freedom to practice any religious ceremonies that may be necessary, excluding the committing of any crimes. This right also allows for the opposite to occur, however. Along with being given the right to practice freely, U.S. citizens are given the equal ability to not be religious. The only difference is, in our society, being an atheist comes with an unspoken agenda, such as being silently, and occasionally even openly, discriminated against by a largely religious rest of the nation. Its always been a common truth that religious people are generally the moral do-gooders of society while atheists, or often times even secular people, live life without guidance and therefore do not possess the same kind of moral compass as the religious. With the presence of people like the highranking members of the Catholic clergy who have continually been accused of child molestation, along with other religious people who have exercised a lack of morals, we see that this is certainly not always true. This is not to say that there are only well-behaved atheists, but the assumption that one is good simply because of his/her religious faith is just irrational. Recent comments in the Washington Times from the county supervisor, Kenneth D. Reid, of Loudoun County, Va., included a statement in which Reid called atheists terrorists who want to stamp out religion in all public life and property. Clearly, atheism is not widely accepted even in this country. It is also far more common for people in this country to consider something with an anti-religious focus to be offensive rather than something with a religious focus. Consider car bumper stickers. In Southern California, we see a great deal of the Not Of This World brand stickers on the roads. These stickers are common and society is willing to accept their religious afliation. Stickers you see less of but which still serve the same purpose as the previous sticker except they are promoting evolution or atheism, are much more susceptible to criticism and complaint than the religious symbols. The society we live in today has changed undoubtedly since its founding. One thing we still hold tightly to, however, is our love of religion, leaving atheism on the outside looking in.

The media possesses the power to strengthen religion politically, yet, at the same time remains capable of shutting it down. - Sarah Briggs


APRIL 13 APRIL 19-20 APRIL 19 APRIL 19&26 APRIL 22-26 JUNE 1



Mt. Carmel High School 9550 Carmel Mtn. Rd., San Diego, CA 92129 (858)484-1180 ext. 3211

April 12, 2013
On March 7 Mayor Bob Filner visited MC, Black Mountain Middle School, and Sunset Hills Elementary. According to Principal Dawn Kastner, Filner was unaware that many schools in PUSD are located in San Diego County. PUSD is the second-largest school district in the county, behind SDUSD. I received an email from the superintendent, Dr. John Collins, Kastner said. And Mayor Filner wanted to visit PUSD. Dr. Collins suggested [MC] partially because there are three schools located next to each other, so [Filner] could see all three levels of education. Kastner and Assistant Principal Katie Salo enlisted ASB president, senior Matt Sauer, and ASB vice president, Brittini Mendoza, to give Filner a tour around the school. Brittini and I were asked to show him around, but more than anything, we wanted to welcome him to MC, Sauer said. He didnt have a lot of time, so we tried to take him to as many places as possible: the science building, the snack kioskjust to give him a feel for the campus. In addition to Filners limited availability, March 7 also happened to be a nals day, which precluded him from doing a more extensive tour of the classrooms.

Mt. Carmel SUN

Mayor Bob Filner visits PUSD schools

Unfortunately, the classrooms were in the middle of nals, so he could not visit any of them, Kastner said. I would have loved for him to see the diversity of classes we have in each room. Filner instead stopped by to hear the band play and the choir sing. Kastner said Filner especially enjoyed visiting the performing arts classes. It made me extraordinary proud to watch him grin as he heard the band play, Kastner said. It was fun and interesting to watch someone else appreciate how hard our kids work. Filner walked around campus during break, talking to students and posing for photos. He would talk to me and ask a bunch of questions, Sauer said. He wanted to know what I liked about ASB and what I liked about the school. He just wanted a better understanding of the students on campus. The kids were so nice and friendly, Kastner said. A lot of them came up to say hi, and he probably felt like a rock star. Kastner felt that the most important thing Filner gained from visiting MC is a better understanding of the community. Im disappointed that he didnt get to see a more complete view of the school, Kastner said. But I think he saw a good cross-section of the Rancho Penasquitos community while seeing our schools.

Our mission is to provide the MC community with an informative, accurate and respectful student-run publication. The SUN seeks to stimulate the discussion of issues in order to promote a more aware student body. Whether informing, voicing opinion, or entertaining, the SUN strives for standards of balance and good taste.

Danielle Damper Jessica Hong Editors-In-Chief Tim Calver Adviser

Cassidy Sargent News Jessica Hong Danielle Damper Centerspread Sarah Briggs Opinions David Pu Sports Alexa Mauzy-Lewis Entertainment Emma Glassman-Hughes Features Andrew Ramos Photo Zac Solomon and Thai Tran Web Kayla Colbert Copy


Mayor Filner stops to chat with MC students during a passing period. Filner also visited Black Mountain Middle School and Sunset Hills Elementary.

Drama gears up for Fiddler premier, expecting huge success

After MCs drama club nished up their rst play Up The Down Staircase, they immediately started on their next musical, Fiddler On The Roof. Their opening night will be held on April 18 at 7 pm. Fiddler On The Roof is about a Jewish family living in a town called Anatevka. A father of ve daughters must allow and help three of his daughters tie the knot and say their vows while he is threatened out of his hometown. Senior Chanel Mize, who has participated in several of MCs musicals and plays, has the role of Yente, who is the villages matchmaker and busybody. I would say that my character is more of the comic relief, she said. She is witty, talks a lot, and is everyones friend. While their previous play, Up The Down Staircase involved mostly acting, Fiddler On The Roof requires dancing, singing, as well as acting. Mize feels this has been a complex yet fun experience, even though singing and dancing may not be her strong suits. It has been a great challenge having to sing and dance at the same time considering I cant do either, she said. But I think because we have worked so hard, Ive managed to pull through. Through several stressful nights of trial and error and learning how to dance and sing, the cast has still managed to become extremely close through all of this. The most memorable part about doing the musical was probably getting really close to the cast, they are all really truly amazing people, Mize said. Personally for Marina Servantez, who is president of the drama club, this is one of her favorite musicals because there is never a dull moment and it has several humorous parts. Fiddler On The Roof is a fun, light-hearted comedy that has its own uniqueness because of all the various talents it requires from us as a cast, Servantez said. After several months of intense late night rehearsals, Mize and Servantez are hopeful this will be the best performance the cast has produced to end their senior year of drama on a good note. It will have some pretty cool numbers, too, Mize said. I denitely recommend seeing it.

Annual class comp canceled due to lack of interest

After such exhibitions of school spirit as the MC Lip Dub from last May, one would think that school spirit would be at an all-time high. This does not seem to be the case, as this years Class Comp, the beloved MC tradition of student choreographers from each class who perform and compete in front of the whole school, has been cancelled. The result: due to a lack of participants, the ASB class presidents decided to not do it. We originally planned [Class Comp] for December, senior ASB member Brittni Mendoza said. Unfortunately, we didnt get enough participation, though, and only the ASB people were a part of it. We decided to push it back to February because the dancers said they could do it around then. Although ASB had been busy planning the event, the word did not seem to spread to the rest of the school as they had hoped, and the plans for the February event dwindled. This event doesnt have the best ways of getting participation, Mendoza said. Its hard because were so specic with what we want, so its hard to get people involved. [Competitors] need to be really outgoing, and thats kind of hard to ask from the whole school. Basically, we had to make a decision to cut [Class Comp] and we did. The news of the cancellation of the event has been disappointing to many Sundevils, but not necessarily surprising. Many blame the cancellation on miscommunications between the ASB and the student body, but also on a lack of school spirit. Its kind of disappointing that we dont have enough school spirit to actually get people to participate in Class Comp, especially our senior year, senior Thommy Lauria said. I think part of the problem was that people didnt know about the event in time, especially the rehearsals. Wed hear about rehearsals a day before they would happen and there just wasnt enough time to plan. That was part of the problem, as well. Lauria is not looking forward to having to miss out on the fun of watching the competition take place. Class Comp was really cool to watch, she said. Its fun to watch how it all comes together and how each class basically makes their own different story. According to Mendoza, however, the event was never considered to be a very successful one by the ASB. The cancellation was kind of a disappointment, Mendoza said. But we never looked at it as one of our best events.

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The Mt. Carmel SUN is the o cial newspaper of Mt. Carmel High School, published by its Journalism 2 students. The views expressed in the SUN do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Mt. Carmel High School administration or PUSD Board of Education. Unsigned editorials re ect the beliefs of the SUN editorial board. The SUN is a student open forum, and all nal content decisions are made by its student editors. Letters to the editor are welcome and should be signed. For advertising rates and information please call, e-mail, or write the SUN at:

Mt. Carmel SUN

MC Thrift Shop promises good deals and good times

Danielle Ledgerwood STAFF WRITER
First, it was the varsity boys basketball teams pep rally video. Now, its an AP environmental science classs project. Macklemore and Ryan Lewiss Thrift Shop has made its way into the classroom. Seniors Alexis Arroyo and Anna Page have used the latest thrift shopping trend as inspiration for their APES project. It occurred to us one day that were both passionate about passion, love thrifting, and there is an environmental impact, Page said. We scratched our original projects and developed the MC Thrift Store! Students in Mr. Dorrs APES class have the freedom to do whatever they choose with their projects, as long as it impacts the environment in a positive way. The significance of their project is simple. The average American throws away 60 lbs of clothing per year, Page said. The girls are collecting old clothes, backpacks, bags, and miscellaneous items to reuse, instead of throwing them into a landfill. Mr. Dorr was reluctant at first, Arroyo said. Once he saw the potential environmental impact of our project, he helped change our one time rummage sale into an ongoing thrift store. With teacher approval, the only thing the girls needed to get the store up and running was some peer support. Luckily, classmates were willing to help. Weve had a lot of people offer to help work the store and donate clothes, Page said. It really has been a collaborative effort. So far, Arroyo and Page have received many donations from students, which have helped move the project along. We collected approximately 125 lbs of clothes before the stores opening, Arroyo said. Since then weve almost tripled in donations. Both girls are very thankful for all the support theyve been getting from their classmates. The amount of inventory we have is insane and heartwarming at the same time, Arroyo said. The MC Thrift store could always use more donations, though. They have an entire room to fill. All donations can be given to Alexis and I in person, Page said, or you can drop them off in room D-18. Of course, the store always needs thrifty students to come to the store and shop. For now, the store is located in room B-5, right across from the flag pole. [The store] is open after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:35 PM, Arroyo said. Were also looking for volunteers during that time. All proceeds from the store benefit student services and the MC science department. Even though our school may not agree with everything Macklemore sings about, the Thrift Shop fad might just have a positive effect on MC.

April 12, 2013


SADD reaches out to Black Mountain kids, raises awareness

cassidy sargent NEWS EDITOR
The majority of the clubs at MC tend to focus most of their time and energy on how they can affect other Sundevils. Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) reached out and spent time at Black Mountain Middle School this past month. The main goal of SADD is to inform any and all students about the effects of substance abuse. In order to inform a younger group of students, four representatives from this club went to the middle school during lunch. They taught the kids and had them sign a petition never to smoke or do any other drugs. Club president senior Dylan Tully thought that teaching the younger students seemed to be really helpful. Id say it went really well especially considering the amount of students we got, Tully said. Id say that just the act of talking to them and having specific examples of how much tar can get in your lungs really gave the message of what we were trying to say. To make this event stand out more than simply stating facts to the students, Tully believes in taking a specific approach while talking to them. You have to make sure what youre saying is relevant and you arent preaching, he said. A lot of people say marijuana is bad and it will harm your bodies. We try to focus on the long term effects and connect to the kids we are talking to. SADD Supervisor Sheila Hatfield believes that the teaching method paid off because the Black Mountain students seemed to learn from it. The way that it was setup where students needed to learn about the dangers of tobacco on their bodies prior to going and signing the pledge worked out very successfully so that the kids could demonstrate their knowledge, she said. It also helped to send kids out to recruit other students who had to display their knowledge because then you could see that the students were passing their knowledge along to their friends. In order for SADD to continue having an effect on the lives of many students, it needs to expand the amount of club members according to Hatfield. Student Services is actively looking for Sundevils who are looking to join the Students Against Destructive Decisions club in order to help in getting the message out to students about the dangers of substance abuse, she said. Come to room D-18, there are also many leadership opportunities available.

District decision to drop marine science leaves many feeling sea sick
paula bernal STAFF WRITER
Harold Dorr has been the marine science teacher at MCHS for 29 years. As of next year the marine science course will be cut due to the requirements of the trimester system. If we want to offer a variety of classes then teachers have to be able to teach three preps. That means preparing for three different subjects and there are many teachers who dont like doing that. Dorr explains the situation that both teachers and the marine science course are facing with the trimester system. You cant have it both ways you either have to be willing to teach three preps or you have to cut classes, Dorr said. Thats unfortunate because the intention of the trimester system was to give more options to students. If we limit the options for the students because the teachers dont have the time to teach enough preps then the trimester system isnt working. The science curriculum is faced with either having to cut marine science or geo science. If they have to cut one of the two classes it makes more sense for the faculty to cut marine science when I retire next year because more teachers are able to teach geo science, Dorr said. The marine science course was helpful to students because it gave them the understanding they needed to go on to more advanced science classes. The value of the marine science class was that it allowed kids that had taken biology and algebra but werent ready for chemistry to study marine science for a year and after it go on to chemistry and physics, Dorr explained. Without the marine science class the oceanography club will not be able to continue. Dorr will keep the club going while he is teaching APES next year but he's not sure what will happen after he retires. We wont be able to continue the club unless someone else who has a marine background is able to run it, Dorr said. I have advised the oceanography club for 29 years. In addition to that Im a licensed scuba instructor, instructor trainer and I also have an underwater photographic background. Dorr feels that without this class, MCHS students will be at a disadvantage while living in a marine environment such as San Diego. I think it is unfortunate that students living in San Diego will not be able to take a science class that applies to the ocean, Dorr said. There is so much to learn in marine science, it deals with biology, chemistry, physics and geology. These are fundamental classes that high school students should learn about. The advantage is that we relate this to the ocean which makes it a lot more interesting and fun to learn. Dorr believes the marine science course has influenced and inspired many students in a positive ways to pursue careers in marine science. Many of my former students are now professors of oceanography or have a Masters degree in Marine Sciences. Dorr said. I think that the school is going to miss this course. Its sad that the rich experience the marine science class offers will not be available to future MCHS students.


d i u

o t e

Sun Spread
April 12, 2013
Thirty credits are needed to graduate, and the routes that a student can take divide into two main ones with a bit of possible variation in between. Since no social sciences are offered freshman year, the breakdown begins sophomore year. History is an interesting class in the fact that it is very niche for certain students. It requires a lot of reading and retaining information, especially in the AP history courses. The faster pace and additional information offered in the AP history courses should not deter curious students or students who are on the fence about taking them, however. It should be noted that while UCs and CSUs require two years of history in the form of world history and US history, such requirements arent an issue considering that the school requires at least 30 credits of history to graduate.

Mt. Carmel SUN



With the year coming to a close, some seniors have nal stages of senioritis kicking in while those of us staying plan for the year ahead. The pressure of creating a combination of classes that are both vital to your path after high school and enjoyable is di cult when trying to make it through the last trimester of the year.

What are the A-G Requirements?

A: History/Social Science: 2 years B: English: 4 years C: Mathematics: 3 years (including Algebra 1-2, Geometry 1-2, & Algebra 3-4) D: Laboratory Science: 3 years (including Biology, Chemistry, & Physics) E: Foreign Language: 2 years F: Visual and Performing Arts G: College Prep Elective

Options for freshmen are somewhat limited to either the standard English 1-2 to ease into high school or the Honors alternative. Moving into sophomore year is similar, either English 3-4 or Honors Humanities is available. Juniors are able to opt for American Lit or APEL. Of course, both cover the glory that is The Great Gatsby- there is no escaping it. Lastly, seniors could be more liberal with their choices; World Lit, Expository Reading and Writing, British Lit, and AP English Lit. Both Brit Lit and World Lit are available online and t the regular MC student.

Two years of foreign language is required for CSU/UC schools. Spanish, Filipino, and French are all foreign languages classes offered at MC. There are Spanish 1-8 and AP Spanish and French 1-6 and AP French. Filipino 1-8 is offered, but there is no AP class. Students who have already studied one of these languages in middle school and native speakers can skip some levels depending on their skill. Two trimesters of a foreign language constitutes as one year, but it is possible to take three trimesters a year. Taking a language, such as Chinese, outside of school can also count towards your foreign language credits. The institute where you take this class must be approved by the school..

There are countless ways to fulll the C requirement in mathematics without harming ones sanity. For people who dislike math and never really got the hang of it, starting out with Algebra 1-2 or Geometry is a safe bet. From there, one could take Trig, or move on to Algebra 3-4 and Pre-Calculus. Another option is Statistics, which connects with Trig and more real life applications, like analyzing data. The norm is most often Algebra 3-4, Pre-Calc, then AP Calc AB and BC, or possibly College Algebra. Though taking a math AP class can be challenging, it will prepare you for college math courses.

Probably the most abundant in terms of potentially offered courses on campus, the school requires at least 5 credits under this category for graduation. The largest of the available classes are choir, band, drama, and color guard, most of which students will commit to for a majority of high school upon joining. Drawing & Painting and Auto Mechanics (teaches basic car maintenance) are also very commonly taken courses. Each course exists because it caters to a specic segment of the student population at Mt. Carmel. In this category, courses should be taken based on personal interests and talents.

Many people take Chemistry 1-2 after taking Bio freshman year, but if you enjoyed bio, there are more options, including Human Bio 1-2, Zoology 1-2, and AP Bio. If you took Chem freshman year, choices for next year include AP Chem, AP Bio, Physics 1-2, AP Physics, or AP Environmental Science. All of the AP science classes are rigorous and challenging classes recommended for sophomores, juniors and seniors who have an interest in science. Seniors can take Biotechnology, which provides a hands-on experience in class and in real-life situations. Trimester two of Biotech is internships, and 80% of the class was offsite last year.

This requirement is a very open and exible requirement with many ways to ll it that can work for any type of student. The classes that can be taken for this requirement can vary as much as biotechnology to economics. It can cater to any type of student and should have no problem being lled. For example, a student who likes science but hates writing, can take marine science whereas a student of the opposing view point can take journalism. Many students enjoy all the options available to them so that they wouldnt have to sit in a class they would hate. The G-requirement is a great in that is easy to pass by anyone with just two trimesters of a fun class.

Standard Route Brit Lit 1-2 Human Bio 1-2/ Geoscience 1-2/ APES College Algebra/ AP Stats Civics Elective Honors Route AP Lit APES/AP Chem/AP Bio AP Calc BC AP Gov Elective

Senior Year

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Standard Route English 3-4 Human Bio 1-2/ Geoscience 1-2/ Chem 1-2 Algebra 3-4 World History 1-2 Elective

Dawn Kastner Principal

Honors Route Honors Humanities 1-2 APES/AP Chem/AP Bio Honors Pre-Calc 1-2 APEC Elective


Junior Year

Standard Route English 1-2 Bio 1-2 Geometery 1-2 Freshmen P.E. Elective Honors Route Honors English 1-2 Chem 1-2 Honors Algebra 3-4 Freshmen P.E. Elective

Standard Route American Lit 1-2 Human Bio 1-2/Geoscience 1-2/APES/Physics Honors Pre-Calc 1-2 US History 1-2 Elective Honors Route APEL APES/ AP Chem/AP Bio/(AP)Physics AP Calc AB/AP Stats APUSH Elective

Awkward turtle
Kayla colbert

April 12, 2013
understand if it were associated with The Beatles, because they were international icons and world renowned musicians. But One Direction, frankly, has absolutely no talent whatsoever. I believe that the only reason why they are so popular is because of their image and because of their cute accents. In fact, Simon Cowell created them simply because he knew they would be successful because of those traits. Other artists such as Adele, The Wanted, Ollie Murs, and Ed Sheeran are also taking America by storm in what seems to be the second British Invasion. British television is also huge in America. Everywhere I look I can find Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Merlin merchandise. BBC America is constantly growing more popular in the U.S, with other shows like Top Gear and Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay becoming commonly known throughout America. English actors are also reaching star status in America, with people such as Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield, and Daniel Radcliffe taking the American cinemas by storm. Coming from an English family, I can understand that these are great actors, but there are also a lot of great American actors who deserve recognition as well. Long story short, its simply confusing to me. There are a ton of great things about America, things that England might never have. I think that people who belong to such a free and creative place should be a little more patriotic.

Mt. Carmel SUN

America facing second British invasion

From music to movies, the English are everywhere.
Im not sure if its the ancestral roots that tie America to England, or if its just the accents that people are fascinated by. All I know is that Americans are absolutely obsessed with British culture and its driving me mad. It seems that everywhere I turn around this school I see a Union Jack Flag, or other British reference. Whether its a One Direction T-Shirt, or a TARDIS keychain, Im bombarded with British pop culture everywhere I go. I have several theories that may explain why Americans feel the need to obsess so much about England, and why its almost become a sub-culture of America itself. It could be because England and America are closest to each other in the sense that they both speak the same language, or perhaps it streams from the biological ties. Sometimes, I simply believe that its only because Americans think that English accents are cool. I mean, America is even completely obsessed with Englands system of government. I thought it would all end after the royal wedding, but it has only gotten worse after the news of Princess Kates pregnancy surfaced. It seems to me that Americans should really be more focused on the Obama family, and whats going on in their own country rather than Englands monarchy. I see girls walking around school with Union Jack flag totes and One Direction binders. Now, I could


Anyone who has ever spent an extended period of time with me knows that I am a practitioner of the art of brutal honesty. I have virtually no filter, and Im the shittiest liar in the world; my nose gets all Pinocchio styles when I try to fib about anything. However, some recent powwows (RE: Interventions) with my homies have made me consider the possibility of applying a bit ofdiplomacy, if you will, in my communication with others. What Im wondering is: how do you keep it real while sparing your friends feelings? Cause really guys, I dont mean to be a bitch. Still, I know that I can definitely come off as one when Im spitting out some real talk to peoplewhether they want it or not. But Im not out to get anyone or anything. Unlike my doppelganger Pinocchio, I am a real girl with real emotions, and I understand that words can hurt people, even if those words have good intentions behind them. However, sometimes people need to be checked with some tough love. For example: your best friend is on a cooking kick. Homegirl thinks shes the second coming of Julia Child, but secretly, youd rather eat out of the gutter than continue to be subjected to her ratchet concoctions anymore. As a good friend and person, you cannot let her slowly poison all of her friends and family with the arsenic shes disguising as gourmet. As a good friend and person, however, you cannot destroy all of her (nonetheless misguided) hopes and dreams with a careless, caustic comment. I have recently conducted an informal survey of the people immediately around me who I have forced into this debate, and the general consensus (with the glaring exception of Mr. Calver, who claims to be a fellow disciple of tough love) is that being nice to your friends and acquaintances is more important than expressing somewhat controversial opinions. As much as I complain about how people are all a bunch of liars without backbones, telling the truth can be really freaking hard, even when you believe youre doing the right thing. Honesty takes courage. Especially in high school, a place where fitting in and belonging are usually more important than maintaining any seemingly lofty principles. Keeping up a faade regardless of ones true feelings is often an essential coping mechanism when it comes to dealing with day-to-day life on a high school campus. Few people at this age have the strength to completely be themselves and express themselves truthfully because a lot of people are afraid that if theyre entirely candid with their peers, then they wont like or accept them. Im not going to pretend that Im above this sort of behavior, because Im not. Ive laughed at jokes told by people I think are assholes, just because everyone else laughed, too, and Ive feigned interest in conversations that I thought were boring as hell. But I know its wrong to do that. Even if its not as blatantly deceitful as telling your artistically-challenged BFF that his painfully inept sketches look like Picassos, I still think that people deserve the truth, even if its tough. So I suppose that the decision to tell the truth is a bit like walking on a tightrope: its easy to fall into a pattern of blunt, insensitive jabs under the guise of being honest, and its just as simple to spew out lies and going through the motions without thinking about long-term effects. One of the most basic signs of respect is telling another person the truth. And from my experience, even if people occasionally get upset when they hear things that they dont like, people tend to respect and appreciate the people in their lives who tell them the truth (giiiiirl, I love you; neon orange is NOT your color) than the people who arent brave enough to say it.

High standards set by media lower self-esteem

Why is it that every person automatically hates photographs of themselves? You cant take a picture of anyone without the immediate response being, OMG delete that now! Its sad to see the new lows our self-esteem has reached over the years. As the saying goes, we are our own worst enemies, especially when it comes to the way people are constantly judging their physical appearance. We are never able to accept ourselves for who we actually are. Girls will load pounds of makeup onto their face just to feel comfortable in their own skin. Boys constantly push themselves to gain weight in order to maintain a sense of masculinity. Many of us look in the mirror, regretting those weeks that we were supposed to go to the gym and hope that we can miraculously transform into the image of beauty that we have in our heads What led us to stare at our reflection and see nothing but flawed features? The media obviously plays a heavy part in making young people feel inadequate. Theres that ever prevalent pressure to fit an ideal image set by the constantly critical culture we have. At an early age we are bombarded with this false idea of perfection as portrayed in the movies and on television. We are spoon fed by gorgeous-looking starlets that we arent good enough the way we are. Society as a whole strives to achieve this unrealistic standard of perfection. The overwhelming presence of advertising brainwashes us to feel that we have to buy more products, dress a certain way, and be as skinny as the anorexic drones we see in the magazines to fit in. It is these portrayals in our society that drive people everywhere to make themselves sick and go to unimaginable lengths in order to feel beautiful. Although these advertisements and societal norms may seem like they are just part of the world we live in, they are instilling this negative ideology in society. We are letting them condition us to mindlessly follow every silly trend to find some sense of security within ourselves. This sounds horribly clich, but honestly we are all beautiful in our own exceptional way. Its the uniqueness in the shapes, sizes and colors of people around the world that makes humanity beautiful as a whole. If we are letting the media dictate our lives through the images we see on a daily basis, then we are letting their standards influence the way we see things as individuals. We cannot let the standards of society change the way we view ourselves. The only thing we can do is have confidence in our own self image and judge ourselves on the lives we lead, not by what we see on television.



Political parties clash, lack focus on nation as a whole

Let me just start by saying that I am about as left wing as a liberal as a person could be, I agree with some facets of the Green Party and I have had more than one person refer to me as a socialist. With this, Im obviously excited that the party I support is in power. However, I am incredibly disappointed that the Democrats are unwilling to reach across the aisle. Dont worry though; the Republicans are just as guilty. We as Americans need to stop being so caught up in the little wins and losses that constitute politics in our country and broaden our view to focus on the well-being of our nation. Case and point, 99% of the news taxes further. However, what I dont see is why coverage of both Fox News and MSNBC the conflicting ideologies must be set in stone. By nature, political parties are designed News on the sequestration were the opposing parties unwillingness to accept their ideas. to clash; however, we need to stop viewing The Obama Administration, having America as a prize to be won. I feel as if already won their tax modern politicians see politics increase in the Fiscal Cliff as a game of Monopoly. Each We need to stop viewing turn around the board is a Battle, refused to address deep spending cuts, America as a prize to be crisis that must be avoided while the Republicans, won. and if not, its the other still angry at the tax guys fault because they were increase, refused to look unwilling to work with us. These crises, like Benghazi, Drone at anything but deep spending cuts. These ultimatums served to do nothing attacks, the fiscal cliff and of course but force our nation into a hazy future. As much sequestration arent viewed as problems that as I completely disagree with the Conservative change the American climate, but as individual doctrine, I understand their anger that we were rounds to see whose party reigns supreme. Tensions like this boil over and unwilling to look at deeper cuts. On the flip side, I see why we Democrats needed to raise turn into snide comments that make out

honorable elected officials seem like nothing more than schoolchildren arguing about who gets to use the slide next. When Rand Paul decided to filibuster to call attention to the Drone Attacks, it was nothing more than a ploy to make the Democrats seem like the Bad Guy. In this he asks the question Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil? Well, as ridiculous as that question may seem, it was Attorney General Eric Holders famous response of No. That took the cake in embarrassing actions of those in power. However, both of these men were praised for their rudeness, rather than criticized. We need to stop fighting miniature battles like these and put aside our pride to make America what it could be.

Signs that Netflix has taken over your life.



Mt. Carmel SUN

Many colleges use standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, as a deciding factor in determining acceptances. The SUN discusses whether these tests accurately tell if a student will be successful in a college atmosphere.

Is standardized testing a good way of measuring a students college aptitude?

April 12, 2013

-Sarah Briggs


Spring Break is over. Let the countdown to summer begin.

Amanda Leslie Staff writer
From the SAT to the ACT, standardized testing has become commonplace for students, and the school system would not be complete without it. Standardized testing has been proven as a necessary resource in gauging the academic performance and dedication of a student. Colleges use these tests to analyze students potential, and it is one of the first things they willl look at. It is well known that the score received can determine a students prospects. Standardized testing first arrived in the early 1900s, and evolved from there to become what it is today. Students have grown up with these tests, and have learned that their future can depend on them. Standardized tests can determine a students present abilities as well as their capacity for certain subjects. These tests are also a efficient judge of the students dedication to their academics. Such tests can be a good assessment of who is prepared for college, and in turn, who should be accepted. Standardized tests show which students have applied themselves to their studies in the past. These students will continue to work hard and try to be sucessful in the future. Research has shown that when combined with a students high school grades, the SAT is highly predictive of a students college success. Tests like the ACT and the SAT measure the students skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Such skills are an assessment of the expertise that students will need to have in college and beyond. In a report from the National Association for College Admission Counseling, admission test scores were shown to be listed as the third most important factor in college admission. First looked at in the admission process were the students grades in college preparation courses. Second was listed as being the rigorousness of the students curriculum. A student aiming to go to college should not forget that these standardized tests are an important factor in deciding their path for their future schooling. And if standardized tests became less important, as is often suggested, what factors would students and colleges place their primary focus on instead? When colleges make standardized tests, such as the SAT or the ACT, the main focus, students know to concentrate on those tests as well. Without the traditional focus on those tests, there would be too many variables that students would have to prepare for. If less emphasis was placed on the standardized tests by colleges, it would be more difficult to discern a students overall knowledge. While others may say that such tests are not an accurate measure of a students academic success, standardized tests do not discriminate like people are often led to believe. Standardized tests like the SAT are the same for every student, giving them all an equal opportunity for success. No matter where a student lives, what the curriculum is, or even the ethnicity of the student, one person will take the same test as any another. The only difference is the student taking the test. In the end, the score the student receives depends on one person: themselves.

Sundevil Perspective
Kione Gould

Josie Beavers Staff wRITER
Every student who hears the words standardized testing should get a chill down their spine. Standardized testing has long been held as one of the most unfortunate and boring times of the school year, especially if its a test as important as the SAT or ACT. For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me how important the SAT is. I remember being told how the score directly relates to your college acceptance, and how a mere question can be the difference between getting into the school of your dreams and being left in community college. Honestly, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Intelligence should not be based on one single test, and it sure as hell shouldnt determine whether or not youre able to go to college. If anything so enormous as going to college is dependant on something as miniscule as a test, then why not just take another test and skip college all together. Four years of school is necessary not only for the knowledge you retain, but also the experiences that occur. It takes a steady balance of street and book smarts to ready yourself for something as huge as college. Colleges should focus most on the grades that were achieved in the four years of high school leading up to it. Academics encompass hard work, diligence, and the sheer ability to handle something as challenging as college. Tests like the SAT and ACT are great for people who are great test takers. Some people dont really try too hard in school and are able to get by simply by getting As on tests. Others need to simply rely on all the homework and failing the tests. There are certain types of students in the world, and the college acceptance system should be more lenient and flexible according to each students strengths. Some students are actually clinically diagnosed bad testtakers, who are too nervous to really do their best on the test. Most of the time those students arent able to perform their best due to their uneasy nerves, and end up getting a much lower score than they deserve. If colleges really and truly cared about how hard a student would work in their institution and whether or not they would succeed, than they would realize that individual grades in high school are much more paramount than the results of a single test. When students do well in their four years of high school, it is almost certain that they have a much higher chance of finishing and getting a degree in college. Students who are getting ready for the SAT are also known to cram and study the week of. This method of cramming or jamstudying is not only stressful on the students body, but also on the students mind. Kids who are told that the SAT can make or break their college acceptance spend the entire week studying for it, completely neglecting sleep and food, until the morning of the test comes around. The sleep deprived, zombified students then attempt to take the test, and fail miserably. There is just so much that can go wrong when taking a huge standardized test like the SAT, that it shouldnt be as big of a factor in distinguishing a students future. It should rely mainly if not solely on the ability of a student to work hard, study hard, and apply themselves aptly to their education.

Ivy Provines

Being a third trimester senior combines three things, anxiety for college, apathy about schoolwork , and appetite. -Danielle Damper

Yes, because it shows what youve learned all year, and whether or not you understand the subject.

Yes, so we can see how well schools do on average.

The Sound Of Musings

Emma Glassman-Hughes

Evan Posner


Jessica Tran


Yes, because its productive for our school district and it shows us how well our teachers teach us.

No, because its not stuff you study in class and colleges base you off your score, seeing you as just a number.

Staff Member
John Ernest

No, it could be good, but in its current form it doesnt really test a students ability to think in a deep way.


ciro gonzalez | photographer

Is standardized testing useful?

67% 33%


*167 students polled
DEAN HOANG | artist

Weve seen it emblazoned cheerfully on the top of every packet ever given out packet ever given out by a college that at Such-and Such University you are worth so much more than just a number. Why, then in the very next page is there always an admitted students profile of statistics galore? In just one easy glance you can see the incoming freshman GPA and the mean SAT score of all of these students that are much more than just a number. The bottom line is that, while remarkably easier, basing a students worth on test scores and transcripts just isnt accurate. The goal of most colleges in their admissions process is to recruit the best and the brightest to their colleges, right? However, testing is only a fraction of what truly constitutes intelligence. If Albert Einstein were a member of the class of 2013, would he be accepted to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford or any other universities with his less than mediocre grades? Probably not.

Colleges overvalue the numbers in admissions process

Colleges should be asking us to solve problems or design experiments in lieu of the traditional methods. This shows our ability to think quickly and take initiative rather than regurgitate random facts learned only to get a good score on the SAT. The SAT also shows the hysteria produce by such ridiculous standards of what qualifies a good student. The College Board is a private, for profit business not affiliated with any specific universities that is able to ensure a steady flow of business because you literally cannot get into most schools without them. And after signing up with the College Board, we invest thousands and thousands of dollars just to prep for one test. By this time, the SAT is not a reflection of a students intelligence, but merely the amount of time and money spent preparing for it. Like all else, it becomes a numbers game, a competitive game that defines self-worth in a 2400 scale. We will not stop treating college like a numbers game until colleges stop seeing us as a number. And yes, I know that tests like the SAT make it easier to do a blanket comparison of a students performance in a country of different educational standards but why blanket comparisons necessary? All students are different, and a successful university creates a balance between all of the different types of people. Accepting 10,000 students who got the same scores on the SAT only succeeds in filling a campus with 10,000 people who think in the same way. This stagnates the growth of a campus and creates schools that can only do one thing. A college admissions process based on problem solving and celebrating creativity is worth ten thousand SATS because it enables admissions officers to take students who differ from each other as well as measure their general intelligence. It sets up an environment of creativity and acceptance from the beginning, rather than just saying so on the top of all of their pamphlets.

Staff Editorial


Yes, I am a feminist. No, none of my undergarments have been burned. When I tell people that Im a feminist, they look at me like theyre expecting me to continue by saying, Im now out of bras because Ive burned them all to symbolize the violent feminine overthrow of my oppressive, male-dominated society. And now back to reality--the only things I burn are candles, and I have no violent plans to liberate my gender. I am merely a feminist. It seems fairly simple. Now, I know that isnt what it means to be a feminist, but our generations culture has turned feminism into a dirty word. I cannot understand why it would ever be shocking or even shameful to believe in womens rights. Someone somewhere decided that feminism is a topic to cower away from, but it was certainly not me. In my spare time, I volunteer with an organization called Girls Give Back. We have an upcoming event for middle school girls at which we plan to recruit future members. One of the topics we would like to discuss is feminism; that is until one of the girls in the meeting raised her hand and said something along the lines of, I dont think middle school girls need to know what feminism is, theyre too young to be thinking like that. My thought process at the time: WHAT? How could anyone be too young to begin learning and thinking about equality? It dawned upon me that she viewed feminism as a radical movement rather than the view that women should have equal rights and opportunities. I suppose that upon the mention of the f word, its easy to regress to thoughts of the famous female radicals of the past, beginning with the classic Suffragettes who fought for the right to vote in the early 20th century. One woman threw herself onto the track during a horse race and was trampled to death in order express the severity of the plea for female enfranchisement. Not that I look down on the Suffragettes, but I dont necessarily identify with their methods just because I consider myself a feminist. I guess Im worried about what it says about our culture when we coil away from the support of equal rights-of any kind. If kids grow up thinking theres no mind set in between absolute complacency and reckless, radical behavior, then it would appear to mean that future generations would grow less and less outspoken about important issues. This kind of thinking is poisonous to the minds of our youth. If children are being brought to think that feminism is some radical, dangerous stance on womens issues, then there is a dark cloud of ignorance hanging ominously over our society. I havent gone out picketing just yet, but yes, I do enjoy having rights as a woman.


The MC Sun explores the reasons behind why the media focuses on certain aspects of society and why it displays such contorted images of di erent cultural groups. Follow sta ers as they analyze the e ects media has on society and how it can change the views of the populace.

April 12, 2013

Mt. Carmel SUN


Religion in Modern Media

SARAH BRIGGS OPINIONS EDITOR When I turn on my television, popular shows such as Amish Maa or the widely known Sister Wives, ll the screen. Both shows portray the extremist lives of religious people in controversial communities. The widely known Amish Maa, is about a secret gang within the Amish society, exposing the crimes and the networking committed by members of this religious world. For entertainment alone, the media portrays the nature of drinking, promiscuity, and murder within the Amish community as a common thing, even comical. The shows primary focus is to expose the crime and corruption taking place in this community. The media displays these so called religious leaders as heretics, convicts, and undesirable human beings. The show even goes as far as showing the public the harsh crimes these religious members committed. Some of the people in this reality shows have been to jail for murder yet are still portrayed as prominent members of this Amish community. What the media is actually doing is publicizing that the entire Amish community are murderers and convicts, while in reality this may not be factual; it has portrayed this extremely strict religion as corrupt and erratic. In the world today, media is everywhere. A person can discover whats happening in the world just by pressing a button on their phone. When the pope was sworn into ofce some of my friends actually got a notication from the apps on their phones. Media is everywhere; it is how people are able to discover news in this day and age. Furthermore, the media possesses the power to strengthen religion politically, yet, at the same time remains capable of shutting it down. In the show Sister Wives on TLC, the show portrays a Mormon family openly practicing polygamy in modern day America. Like Amish Maa it is a comical reality show, revealing the innermost workings of a secret society. Polygamy has been banned in the widespread Mormon religion, and in response to the nature of the show, many members of the Mormon community spoke out against the show. They claimed that it was a misinterpretation of their religion and gave a false portrayal towards the entirety of their religion. When the media portrays religion whether positively or negatively, it remains undeniable that the media has a large say in how the public receives information and it is their job to report it accurately. Truth is powerful, and now that basically everyone possesses the ability to search the internet by just clicking a few buttons on their smart phones, media plays a huge part in the worlds everyday lives and how people view issues of religion.

Election of Pope
Along with being given the right to practice freely, U.S. citizens are given the equal ability to not be religious.
MICHAEL ANDREWS STAFF WRITER Thousands of people lled St. Peters Square, while even more watched from their homes waiting for the white smoke to rise, indicating that a new Pope had been chosen. The Popes selection was covered on just about every large news network in America. So one has to ask, why all the hype? Its understandable as to why so many Catholics watched the choosing of their new religious leader, but why were so many networks ooding their channels with pope coverage when there are so many other religious groups that watch? Someone of a different religion could begin to feel favoritism of the news networks towards Catholics, and feel like they were just thrown to the side. Its awesome that the networks would care so much for a certain populace of people but, they need to take into consideration all the other religions present in America. America is a land of many nationalities, differences, and religions, so shouldnt the news cater to all of these groups. I believe that the networks were right to place so much hype on the Pope; however, they should also place a lot of emphasis on big changes for all religions. This would make other religions feel more at home in our country and could strengthen the relationship between neighbors. It would bring a greater understanding of each other and our multicultural nation to everyone. I dont think religious events and issues should be ignored by the news network to satisfy those that have problems with them, I think all religions should get a large amount of coverage in the media. The United States, as a very large, multi-cultural nation, should try its best to bring understanding and worth to all of its citizens instead of focusing on just one group.

- Emma Glassman-Hughes

Atheism within Todays Society

EMMA GLASSMAN HUGHES FEATURES EDITOR Even in todays modernized and open-minded society, it isnt socially acceptable to be an outspoken atheist, but its a sign of morality and virtue to be an outspoken theist. Even in our nation, which supports the separation of church and state, we pledge allegiance to our ag, and in doing so, we are expected to say, Under God. And even when nearly half a billion people worldwide identify themselves as atheists, atheism is still largely feared and misunderstood. In the United States, citizens are granted the famous right to freedom of religion. This includes the freedom to have whatever beliefs one may have, and a more limited freedom to practice any religious ceremonies that may be necessary, excluding the committing of any crimes. This right also allows for the opposite to occur, however. Along with being given the right to practice freely, U.S. citizens are given the equal ability to not be religious. The only difference is, in our society, being an atheist comes with an unspoken agenda, such as being silently, and occasionally even openly, discriminated against by a largely religious rest of the nation. Its always been a common truth that religious people are generally the moral do-gooders of society while atheists, or often times even secular people, live life without guidance and therefore do not possess the same kind of moral compass as the religious. With the presence of people like the highranking members of the Catholic clergy who have continually been accused of child molestation, along with other religious people who have exercised a lack of morals, we see that this is certainly not always true. This is not to say that there are only well-behaved atheists, but the assumption that one is good simply because of his/her religious faith is just irrational. Recent comments in the Washington Times from the county supervisor, Kenneth D. Reid, of Loudoun County, Va., included a statement in which Reid called atheists terrorists who want to stamp out religion in all public life and property. Clearly, atheism is not widely accepted even in this country. It is also far more common for people in this country to consider something with an anti-religious focus to be offensive rather than something with a religious focus. Consider car bumper stickers. In Southern California, we see a great deal of the Not Of This World brand stickers on the roads. These stickers are common and society is willing to accept their religious afliation. Stickers you see less of but which still serve the same purpose as the previous sticker except they are promoting evolution or atheism, are much more susceptible to criticism and complaint than the religious symbols. The society we live in today has changed undoubtedly since its founding. One thing we still hold tightly to, however, is our love of religion, leaving atheism on the outside looking in.

The media possesses the power to strengthen religion politically, yet, at the same time remains capable of shutting it down. - Sarah Briggs



FRIDAY April 12, 2013 VOL. 40 NO. 4


Check out the spotlight features on Varsity Athletes Chloe Ellis, Alec Spencer, and Jacob Cope.

The unexplored divisions of Martial Arts Karate Taekwando

MC Sun explores Georgia OReilleys swim victories and her national recognition.

My favorite aspects were the belt tests. As a boy it was just really exciting to take those tests and break boards while feeling the accomplishment of earning something through hard work, he said. I also really enjoyed learning how to use nun chucks after I received my black belt. Despite the great memories and experiences, once he reached high school taekwondo had to take back seat to academics and other sports. Cross country practices would interfere with going to the practice times at my taekwondo studio, Kwan said. From there, Kwan and his bond to the sport drifted apart until eventually it wasnt a major part of his life anymore. However, it still left a lasting impact on the shaping of his personality and actions today. The sport itself taught me a lot of things, he said. I learned how to defend myself as a child and was able to learn discipline. I was taught respect from being guided by my master, as well as punishment for acting up in class. It taught me that hard work and dedication that it will indeed pay off later on. With the ghting, I was taught when to hold back because I understood how much a simple action can harm another person. It was also a way for me to learn, at a young age, the limits of my body and how far I can go.



Taekwondo, a form of martial arts originating from Korea, has held its own distinction in the martial arts world for decades. A combination of both attack and defensive strikes, this sport fuses together the concepts of sparring and real combat which creates a unique spin on this martial art. Joshua Kwak, a junior, rst took on this sport at a young age. I started when I was in kindergarten and then after taking a break I reentered in third grade, he said. While most kids are forced into many activities when theyre little, Kwak mentions a different reason for inspiration. I joined because when I was a little kid I wanted to be a ninja just like in the movies. But I soon learned what it really felt like to ght unlike the portrayals on TV, Kwak said. Like most sports, Kwak eventually felt the negative effects of taekwondo. The hardest part of the sport for me was sparring, especially against older, more experienced, and stronger opponents because Ive never really been the violent type of guy. Fortunately, the sport didnt come without fun perks and benets for him.

MC Sun examines aspects of online dating, like dateites and the show Cat sh.

Nerds used tohave their own de nition of fashion. Read to nd out about the aspects of that style, how its in uenced fashion, and the modern nerds.


Read about junior Sohini Desais eye opening trip to Haiti over spring break. Read about up and coming YouTube personality Maddie Smith and her journey to stardom.

Numbers indicate Wins to Losses.


Mixed martial arts never seems to be something you hear about at MC, but to many students, it is a major part of their life. One person who participates in an obscure form of martial arts at MC is junior Thuc Phan. Phan does Kajukenbo, a mixture of karate, jiu jitsu, kenpo, and Chinese kickboxing. Kajukenbo was founded by ve masters from all of these martial arts backgrounds who were working to create a united ghting art. It places an emphasis on powerful techniques, throwing or sweeping, hand movement, and exibility. Kajukenbo requires a lot of discipline and ability to withstand pain, because it can be very physical. The practices are always pretty harsh but some days can denitely be harder than other, Phan said. Its not an easy sport. Despite the hard practice, Phan still loves to do Kajukenbo. After over three years of training he has become close with

Softball Boys Golf

7-7 8- 0 2- 5 4- 5

Jiu Jitsu
Originating from Japan during the 1500s, the martial art ju jitsu, which means gentle art in Japanese, is a unique martial art that is quite different than most other martial arts in the sense that no strikes of any kind are involved or used. Jiu Jitsu is a martial art/combat sport that focuses on grappling, junior Daniel Nguyen said. Most of the grappling occurs on the ground where you try to get a better position than your opponent or submit them with a choke or joint lock. In Jiu Jitsu, a persons physical character does not always determine the outcome in a match. Anyone can do Jiu Jitsu. Ive seen many type of people practice it from ve year olds to 50 year olds, Nguyen said. All it requires is the desire to learn and determination to work hard. It also helps to be in good shape, but practicing Jiu Jitsu will put you into good shape. Most other martial arts really require strength, speed, and are focused on striking, Nguyen said. Jiu Jitsu, on the other hand is more about technique and leverage. Jiu Jitsu does very little stand up and focuses mainly on the ground ghting. Jiu Jitsu resembles the sport of wrestling, and is how junior Kai Larson became interested in the sport. Its something fun I did during freshman year, to keep wrestling after wrestling season had ended, Larson said. I did karate for a little bit, and they always did a little Jiu Jitsu at the studio and I always wanted to do that. The scoring of a Jiu Jitsu match is scored differently than other martial arts where points are gained by demonstrating good technique. The easiest way to win a Jiu Jitsu match is to submit your opponent, forcing him to tap out. This can be done by various joint locks like arm bars or chokes, Nguyen said. However,

While many movies today depict karate as a violent and aggressive form of combat, this sport is more about selfdefense and the unity of ones body and mind. Karate was developed in the Ryukyu Islands, present-day Japan, from the indigenous martial arts and Chinese kenpo. One of the factors that helped develop karate was the banning of peasants from having any weapons, leading them to develop unarmed self-defense techniques. Karate today has evolved into an activity that is both a sport and an art. Among the many MC students who practice karate is sophomore Reece Cabanas. Cabanas practices karate among other martial arts, and currently has a rst degree black belt. I started when I was three, because my dads my teacher, Cabanas said. He runs a class and is the head instructor. Karate is a mental sport as much as it is a physical sport. It involves technique, concentration, and focus. Energy plays a large role in karate. Karatekas, a person who practices karate, concentrate their strength in a small area, such as the side of their hand, making the impact much more forceful than it wouldve been if they used their whole palm. Most of the punching and kicking motions in karate involve a small area of a hand or foot that deliver a concentrated blow without hurting the karateka; this is how they can break boards. For Cabanas, the physical part is more challenging than the mental. Id say [the hardest part is] actually physically doing it, Cabanas said. Once you get over the mental obstacle, its all about your physical ability to do it. all of his instructors and classmates. These Another crucial aspect of this art is the moral friendships have evolved into a family for lessons and values learned. Phan. It taught me discipline, thats one thing, Kajukenbo can get pretty physical, I Cabanas said. It taught me how to control myself get punched in the face a lot and am often and respect above all other things. ipped over for demonstrations, Phan While karate is an individual sport, it still said. involves teamwork with the other students. There This physicality has not stopped Phan, is a feeling of belonging to a team, because He has continued training and ghting everyone shares a passion. through it because to him, it is just a part Its actually being a part of something, of the sport. Cabanas said. After a while you get to know Similar to other forms of mixed everybody and you all are trying to benet from martial arts, Kajukenbo has levels based each other, and its a learning experience. It teaches off of colored belts. Phan is currently a you lots of values. purple belt and plans on continue working One of the objectives in karate is to advance towards the black belt. through the belt system. To move up, students do I really enjoy the discipline it requires a belt examination that can involve ghting other to get better, Phan said. members and performing sets of katas, which are Discipline is one of the reasons Phan choreographed patterns of movement. The lowest tried Kajukenbo. He wanted to try mixed ranked belt is white, and the highest is black. martial arts and to learn more discipline. Cabanas interest in this art goes beyond Despite all of the demands of Kajukenbo, getting belts. He is using his skill to teach and to Phan is very passionate about doing it. share his passion with others. There are multiple forms of mixed I help my dad teach little kids, teenagers, martial arts that many people know sometimes adults, so all ages, Cabanas said. nothing about, but the amount of strength, One of the reasons why Cabanas is taking discipline, and dedication that the people martial arts is for self-defense, and he wants who do them have is quite extensive and others to also have that. deserving of respect. Im taking it because Im learning how to defend myself especially out on the streets, Cabanas said. Teaching others how to defend themselves and the courage, respect and discipline that the art offers is important. there is also a point system somewhat similar to wrestling. You get points for scoring certain positions and you go up against people with similar weight and belt color. The owing style and rapid movements of Jiu Jitsu makes it popular, and people that participate in it usually enjoy it greatly. Its really fun, its a good way to get your mind off things, and its a lot like wrestling; its just a good martial art, Larson said. Jiu Jitsu is a martial sport, and although it resembles other self-defense teachings, is quite unique and different than most of them. Ive done karate, Ive done wrestling and even a little kickboxing but I love ju jitsu more, Larson said. Jiu Jitsu is denitely my favorite[martial art] because of the new things you learn every day and the thrill of grappling with another person trying to get a better position or trying to choke them out before they do the same to you.

Boys Volleyball Boys Tennis

Gymnastics 2- 1





April 12, 2013
As a four year varsity veteran, Cappello also remains hopeful for the remainder of the season, and a possibility to attain former CIF glory, with team goals. With all new coaching staff, MC varsity We just need to play as hard as we softball is adjusting to their new dynamic. can, and as far as we can, because we could Its a lot more structured, captain and go pretty far into CIFs, Cappello said. senior Dominique Cappello said. Theyre Though they are a younger team, with a lot harder on us and definitely have a only two seniors this year, team chemistry different coaching and motivation drives style. them forward. Alumni Jessica We have a lot In everything you do, you of new players who McDermott has come back to MC as an have to put in 100% and make are just trying to get assistant coach, for it perfect at practice, used to the game her first season of and varsity is a very coaching. Jessica McDermott, Assistant Coach demanding level, Its kind of McDermott said. hard at first because But we also have we are new at everything, but the girls help very strong captains [Dominique Cappello, guide us through. Theyre really motivating Natalie Peters, and Megan Leyva] who toward each other, too, McDermott said. push and motivate their players, theyre Senior Sharoll Damron agrees, and as good leaders. Theyll show the girls how her first year on varsity after playing travel to compose themselves during games and and PQ leagues, she appreciates the new everything. coaching style. Upcoming challenges within the Theyre a lot nicer than the district constantly push them. coaches we had before, a little bit more Probably the Westview game is understanding, Damron said. [They] our most anticipated just because of the work [well] with us because theyre still rivalry, Cappello said. trying to figure out all of our strengths and The team plans on facing the more weaknesses. experienced, league teams and achieving She also attributes the teams strengths former CIF glory through leadership and to more than just the new dynamic. devotion. We have a really, really good defense, In everything you do, you have Damron said. Were very versatile, we can to put in 100% and make it perfect at play different positions and be totally fine practice, McDermott said. with that.

Mt. Carmel SUN

Softball adjusts to new coaches

marianna mcmurdock staff writer

Failing to impress fans, Olympic swimmer gives embarrassing interviews

The worlds perception of any athletes intelligence is not based on how well they place, how much their coaches talk about them, or how they react in a difficult situation. It is completely reliant on the short clips of interviews the media puts online and on television. That may not seem fair to the athletes, considering most interviews take place right after the big moments, when the scent of victory, or loss, is still lingering in the air. Reporters dont allow much time for athletes to process what just happened. Theyre coming right out of the competition, right into another battle. Answering a question live is a fierce fight between saying what ones feeling, saying what ones supposed to, and saying something completely insane. Some athletes handle the bombardment of reporters quite well. The Pittsburg Steelers Crezdon Butler has been getting some attention from Gunaxin Sports for his witty comments and comical impressions of Coach Mike Tomlin. However, some other star athletes arent as quick and funny with their responses to interview questions. Six time Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte received much criticism over multiple interviews that went awry. It even got to the point where Seth MacFarlane did a not-so-flattering impression of him on Saturday Night Live. Are Lochtes interviews as bad as MacFarlane makes them seem? Well, in an interview with Swimming World TV. Lochte was asked a series of rapid-fire questions by reporter Tiffany Alias, and he was doing quite well, somemight say, until a random question popped into the conversation that took Lochte by surprise. She asked him what the answer is to the math problem 7 x 4, to which he responded 21. When Alias lets out a laugh, he quickly corrects himself. But it doesnt stop there. Later on in the interview, Lochte is asked, What is on your cell phone screensaver? to which he responded by pulling out his phone, looking at the screen, and saying Rocks. So how are they supposed to get better at interviews? Should athletes have pre-written speeches? It takes practice. Just like being a professional athlete takes hours of practice, so does answering interview questions, especially the ones that come right out of left field.

Megan Leyva (11) pitches for the varsity softball team at a recent home game against Canyon Crest Academy.

ciro gonzalez | PHOTOgrapher

Volleyball triumphs over local rival

david pu sports editor
Following the score of 1-3 during the match against Westview, MCs boys volleyball team stood with a record of 2-4-1. Of the four matches played, MC was able to win in the third set with a close score of 27-25, which mirrors their close loss in the second set which ended in a score of 2426. According to senior Shiv Monteiro, the team was able to seize the win in the third set due largely to players such as senior Quentin Brillantes and junior David Mori in the back row. One of the main factors contributing to our success was our back row (passers) communicating and making smart plays, he said. While Westview proved formidable as it has been in previous years, there was a noticeable difference in skill when compared with its team last year that ranked top ten nationally. They lost pretty much all of their starting lineup; however, most of their team still plays club, Monteiro said. They are much worse than last year, but still better than us. Disregarding the status of Westviews team, Monteiro continued to cite what he thought to be MCs difficulties during the match. Westview tipped the ball over a lot, which messed with our team, he said. We were not able to get up on the block (move laterally across the net and block the other teams hitter) fast enough many times, so they got easy kills as well. Also, our team was hindered by missed serves and inability to keep the ball in play. Mori also reinforced that the teams lack of blocks made it difficult to win sets. What Malta said was that it [the teams weakness] was mostly the block the whole game, Mori said. She said we only got one block. So we needed to get our blocks up that game. The lack of blocks was remedied slightly by successful digs from the back row. Our team wasnt getting a lot of blocks up but the back row was making a lot of digs and getting the ball up, Mori said. The other team had a lot of strong hitters like Nima Saboori, but we were still able to get it up. Part of the teams inability to keep the ball in play was due in part to weak passes. So lets say the other team spikes the ball and our first pass isnt very good, he said. Then we have a lot of trouble recovering from that and getting the ball over the net. While MC was not expecting a win, the team was still nervous early in the first set, losing 16-25. Such nervous energy did not persist into the following sets, allowing the team to close off the next set with a much closer score of 24-26 as they relaxed. I would not say we were expecting a win, but there was definitely a lot of nervous energy in the first game, Monteiro said. After that we loosened up and started playing pretty well except for those problems mentioned earlier.

Compiled by danielle damper, steven hong, and rachel peters | Staff writers

Sundevil Spotlight
Chloe Ellis
I like working together with my team. I like winning, and I like scoring. I dislike losing. I dont like when we get discouraged sometimes on the field and we have to pick ourselves up and have to get refocused.
What is your favorite aspect of lacrosse? My favorite aspect would be team bonding, getting close with all my team mates, and working better as a team. How did you get into lacrosse? I started in 8th grade, and I just fell in love with it from there. Have you ever suffered from any injuries? How did you recover from them? I have shin splints, but that is pretty common in lacrosse. I wear a special kind of tape, and I just do special exercises, and resting helps a lot. What do you do to prepare yourself for a game? I listen to pump up music in my car on the way to games, and just focus. How do you cope with losing a difficult game?

all photos by ANDREW RAMOS | PHOTO editor

alec spencer
In 2011, I went to the Masters Tournament, and it was the best day of my life. There is so much to know there that its unreal. Every blade of grass is the same color; its like heaven on earth.
When did you first get started in golf? I was seven years old and my dad took me to Presidio Hills golf course in Old Town. Why have you stuck with it for so long? I always watched Tiger Woods on television and he would win by multiple shots and I just wanted to do that. I wanted to be the best So Tiger Woods is the main reason you play golf? No, I think that everyone is put on this earth to do something and golf is what I am meant to do. So are you continuing golf in college and beyond? Yeah, Im going to school to play golf; its between The University of Redlands, La Verne University, and UC San Diego.


Jake cope

I love baseball because its a game of men that requires both mental and physical strength. You have to know how to deal with failure because you fail more than 70% of the time.
How long have you been playing baseball? Since I was four years old. Have you ever had any major injuries due to baseball? Yes, I tore my labrum in my left arm last year. What was the treatment for your injured arm? I had to get shoulder surgery last year and then after that I had to go six months of physical therapy. How did this injury affect your game later on? It was a huge struggle for me to come back and pick up my game at first but now I just cant throw very well anymore. Did you used to play a position that you are not able to play anymore because of your injury? Yes, I used to be a pitcher but because


What is the best moment of your high school golf career? Making the first team all-valley league my freshman year was cool. I was the only underclassman on the team. Do you have a lucky charm? I have a head cover thats a hummingbird. When I see hummingbirds I think of my dad, its hard to explain but I cant play without it. Did your dad love golf? He did but by the time I was nine I started beating him. [laughs] But yes, he played. What has golf taught you? How to do things on your own, in golf theres no teammates. I mean, you have teammates but the best way to help them is to do the best that you can and help yourself.


We go over what we did wrong and how we can improve. We usually work a lot in practice the next day. What are your greatest achievements in lacrosse? Every time we win a game when we go into overtime, and those are always the most exciting, best wins. What are your goals for this season? Our goal is always to beat Westview, come out on top and get better. Do you plan to continue lacrosse in college? Im hoping to play at Chapman if I get in, and Im hoping I can continue to play in college. Whats your one thing that you cant live without? The one thing I cant live without? Probably Oreos.


of my shoulder injury and inability to throw well. Now, I am not able to pitch anymore. Did you make any big changes to the way you hit or threw when you were younger? In little league I used to be a switch hitter, and then I stopped when I went to travel ball and hit only lefthanded now. When you switched from little league to travel ball, what was the first travel ball team you joined called? They were called the Forrest Ranch Eagles. How do you feel about this season for MCs varsity baseball team? I feel like we have come a long way and are going to win a lot of games this season from our hard work and dedication as a team.

Mt. Carmel SUN

April 12, 2013


A fight to the finish: Georgia Reillys swim time breaks100 meter back stroke record
swimming has pretty much shaped my whole life by now and I know that it is a big part of my future, too since I plan on swimming in Rainy days, early morning practices, and broken pools have never college. Her dedication has paid off; the most recent times from the MC stopped the MC swim and dive team, especially sophomore Georgia invite for Reilly were 59.35 seconds for the back stroke and 2:10.71 Reilly, a varsity swimmer on the MC team. To swimmers, these seconds on the I.M. Both scores were close to where she was at the setbacks are all part of the sport, and are easily overcome by their end of last season at CIFs, a promising sign to commitment. Reilly. At the age of two, with the Her best times are currently 56.45 seconds encouragement of her older siblings, Reilly The amount of hours you have on the 100 meter back stroke and 2:09.32 first began learning how to swim. Shortly to put in is the hardest part to me. seconds for the 200 meter I.M. But, Reilly does after, she joined a local club team before I keep myself motivated though, not plan on stopping there, she still has two entering high school, and joining the MC Swim and Dive team. because swimming has pretty more years in which she plans to keep training My brother and sister have always much shaped my whole life by now and getting better. Everyone works really hard to done swim so it became the only sport in and I know that it is a big part of my improve and the continual support of all my house, Reilly said. Now, the MC team has become like family to me by supporting future, too, since I plan on swimming our teammates, even if we do poorly, really encourages us to keep trying, Reilly said. in college. me in the pool and everyday life. The teams commitment to help each -Georgia Reilly (10) Despite being ranked as one of the other succeed has really pushed them to do best swimmers in the country, the support well. The Swim and Dive team has started off of her teammates is what motivates Reilly the season very well. Both Varsity Boys and to improve. She currently holds the MC Girls have a record of 1-0. school record of 56.45 seconds for the 100 meter back stroke. Many team members agree that team traditions contribute to Reilly has lots of goals for herself during the upcoming season. their success. These activities vary from staying on deck all day for the In her off event, the 200 meter I.M. (Individual Medley), Reilly is MC invite to the boys short-shorts spirit day. Some of these traditions working to reach the school record time of 2:05:45 seconds. Her plan are even kept a secret from all nonmembers. for her main event, the 100 meter backstroke, is to lower the school I am really excited about the MC Swim and Dive team this record time even more year, Reilly said. I know that with plenty of hard work we can go The amount of hours that you have to put in is the hardest really far. part to me, Reilly said. I keep myself motivated though, because

Annelise Morgan STAFF WRITER

Photo provided by georgia reilly Swimmer Georgia Reilly (10) works hard to perfect her back-stroke for her next meet today against Westview.

A fresh start for boys tennis as they strive to rebuild their team and conquer the challenges in their path
Kayla Colbert Copy Editor
Following their 4-14 loss to Poway in their first official league game, MC boys tennis was defeated by Rancho Bernardo 0-18 on March 21. Rancho Bernardo was the second place team in the Palomar League last year, only behind Torrey Pines. Considering the fact that theyre RB, senior Albert Yue said, I think we did pretty well. These guys are on a completely different level. Freshman James Mori and sophomore John Yi came close to winning a doubles match, but lost during a sudden-death tie-breaking game. I think we made good serves, and John hit the returns well, Mori said. We definitely need to work on our shot tolerance and footwork. Most importantly, we need to work on our mental game in order to stay focused. Yue agrees that MC needs to pay more attention to how they hit the balls. We shouldnt be giving them easy balls that they could just slam back at us, Yue said. Thats the reason we lost a lot of matches and gave away easy points. On Apr. 4 MC played Poway for the second time this season, and won the game by breaking a 9-9 tied game by three matches. However, head varsity coach Jim Wrage says that it will be a particularly tough season for Sundevil boys tennis this year. We have a young team this year, Wrage said. On varsity there are only three seniors out of 23 players. Its a rebuilding year, but this season our goal is to win more matches and make Division II CIF quarter-finals. Wrage believes that MC could improve if more of the players committed to playing year-round tennis. He also compares the current MC boys tennis team to MC boys basketball before they won CIFs last year. I always tell the guys, Look at the basketball team, Wrage said. They took a few lumps for a couple of seasons, but they rebuilt the team and then won CIFs. Were taking some lumps right now, but we hope well win CIFs one day. Well get there in a couple of years. Regardless of whether or not they win any games, Yue thinks that Wrage helps the team to do their best. We might get yelled at sometimes, but he makes us more competitive, Yue said. Even if we dont win, he just really wants us to have fun when were playing.

Boys golf sets tone for successful season with undefeated record and a progressive outlook
Amanda Leslie Staff writer
I hope others see them and say Mount Carmel Golf Team, what an admiral group of fine young men they are, Coach Dave Rudgers said. The team has 20 matches and one or two tournaments during the season. Then they have the league tournament, followed by CIF. The team is 6-0, and feeling optimistic about their performance for the rest of the year. The team looks pretty strong, senior Alec Spencer said. Were part of a very tough league, but Ill think that well play well toward the end of the year where it matters the most. Spencer has been playing golf for eight years. He resides as captain, and is well respected by his teammates and coach. Alec Spencer has been the team captain for the last few years, Rudgers said. Alec is our strongest player and has a great attitude about golf, life and his teammates. We all look up to him. He helps keep the team inspired and together. In all four years that Rudgers has been coaching, he believes this team to be the best. Rudgers has faith in the strength of this years team, especially with their current undefeated record. The players we have this year are the best weve had since I started coaching, Rudgers said. The team has the ability to shoot a team score of 190, which would beat almost any school out there. Despite these ringing endorsements, the team confesses that they do have their weaknesses. Were not a very large team, we only have nine guys, so depth is not on our side, Spencer said. Even though the team did lose players, none of them were irreplaceable. Of the six that do play, were pretty strong and can compete with anyone, Spencer said. The team practices at the Doubletree golf course three to four times a week, practicing from 3:30 p.m. until evening. We stop when it gets dark, Spencer said. So, we practice for about three and a half hours. On a typical practice day, the team putts, chips, and plays nine holes of golf. To prepare for tournaments, several of the boys take lessons from different teachers in the area. Rudgers has high hopes for the achievement of this years team, as well as wanting them to enjoy the sport. I hope they have a great time competing this year, Rudgers said. I hope each player becomes more proficient and skilled with their golf game.





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Girls gymnastics compensates with loss of last years seniors

and also as a team. She is certain the teams performance during the season will be equal to last years. However, the teams dynamic has changed, as Watson explained. The team is different from last year because [the girls] last year Senior Rachael Watson has participated in girls varsity had a lot more depth, Watson said. But I definitely think that the gymnastics during her four years of high school. This year she is team has the potential to be as good as last year. especially proud of the teams improvement Watson also has many goals of her own she in their first two meets. hopes to accomplish this season. The season is going pretty well. We My personal goals are to use the best of my We have fewer girls this year had a rough first meet against RB, Watson said. But our second meet against La Costa because a lot graduated last year. skills during every event especially during vaults Canyon we really improved. This will push us to work harder which is probably my best event, Watson said. The size of the team is smaller this I also hope to do the best I can. at competitions. year, but the girls are hopeful this will not The team is preparing for a tough season but -Rachael Watson (12) affect them during competitions. with hard work during practices they are sure to We have fewer girls this year because a be successful. lot graduated last year, Watson said. This We are preparing for the season by doing a will push us to work harder at competitions. lot of drills and lot of repetitions of routines, Watson said. A smaller team is also a positive because it will allow more girls With the teams determination they are sure to accomplish their to have the opportunity to compete in different events. biggest goal of making it to CIFs. We have a lot of goals since we have a smaller team this We definitely want to qualify in the top four for CIFs this year year, Watson said. We want to make sure we have the full team and do the best we can, Watson said. Last year we were second and competing in every event and every one giving their full potential at La Costa Canyon was first so I think we can definitely achieve this every meet. The girls we have this year are strong in individual events goal.


CIRO GONZALEZ | Photographer Gymnast Rachael Watson (12) pulls herself around the high bar during their gymnastics meet last Friday at the MC competition.


April 12, 2013

Mt. Carmel SUN

Online Dating:
Catfish sparks fear of dangers behind meeting people online
not by using someone elses pictures and information. Schulman and Joseph lead people to meet their mysterious lovers for their rst time and help them uncover the true identities of the people they thought to have had intimate relationships with online. The show highlights the uncertainty that follows forming relationships with someone that you have never actually met in person. While the show occasionally features people that unexpectedly nd true love from their Internet endeavors, most of the characters nd themselves tragically heartbroken as the people they fell in love with turn out to not be who they say they are. Catsh emphasizes the drawbacks of an era where we form our relationships based on a crafted online prole. While online dating can occasionally produce genuine happiness, you shouldnt take a chance when that person typing back could literally be anyone. Real fullling relationships should be formed face to face and not exclusively through a computer screen and instant messaging. Catsh reminds todays generation to maintain a certain level of caution before becoming completely enamored with an online identity

Accessibility of dating sites leads to rise in online relationships


In the age of Internet, the way we conduct our relationships and maintain social interactions has changed drastically. Within seconds we can have an entire background of a person without any face to face contact. We get to know people through their proles, their posts, their pictures via Facebook, and other social media sites. With the ease of meeting people online, we nd ourselves in the era of online dating. While this process does make the way we establish personal relationships simpler and less awkward, online dating comes with risks. We can never really know who is actually the one typing behind the proles. The hit MTV documentary and now a popular reality show Catsh explores the various ups and downs of relationships that unfold exclusively online. Producer and host Nev Schulman experienced his own emotional turmoil from falling in love with a false identity over the Internet that inspired him to create the documentary with cameraman Max Joseph. They eventually created the TV show which features his story, as well as other real life people that have been in online relationships. Coined by the show, a catsh is a person who creates fake proles online and pretends to be someone they are


Since the late 1990s, online dating sites have evolved more and more each year. It started with, launching and giving society a new way to nd love. While registering on dating web sites, the basic steps involve creating a prole listing personal information and interests. The information is stored in a database with millions of other users. Later, the user lls out a survey to determine their ideal match, and is given a variety of other proles pulled from the database that fall under the specics of their responses. After browsing through results, users can choose to send a message to start a conversation with their match. Depending on the success of the pair, it is up to them if they want to pursue a relationship, or to choose another prole. Some sites keep the match making simple, pairing people by interest in looks and some activities. Others, like, use 29 key dimensions that help predict compatibility and the potential for relationship success, according to Dr.

In the age of Internet, the way we conduct our relationships and maintain social interactions has changed drastically.


Neil Clark Warren, who created the methodology for the site. Questionnaires include the desired age, desired location, personal interests, an ideal date night, and personality analyzing questions. Although most sites require a subscription fee, matches are not guaranteed. Many sites claim to be responsible for many marriages. According to, is the number one dating site, with over 15 million users and a 9.9 out of a 10 star rating. Following behind are, eHarmony. com,, and Chemistry. com. There are various sites for specic types of people, for example,, a dating site for Christians to meet each other. Different sites include, for gothic adults, for doctors and nurses, and DateMySchool. com for college students. There has been some controversy about dating sites and their accuracy. Some people are skeptical on the match-making process, while others are doubtful about the safety of their wellbeing and information. All in all, although dating sites are relatively new, their databases have expanded largely and the popularity and acceptance has increased in society.


Movie: Young Adult Type: Comedy-Drama For fans of: Funny People RACHEL PETERS STAFF WRITER


Book: Safe Haven Type: Romantic Fiction For fans of: The Notebook TIA SIMAWANG STAFF WRITER

Movie: Identity Thief Type: Comedy For fans of: Horrible Bosses MARIANNA MCMURDOCK STAFF WRITER
Admittedly, more than half the reason I ventured to watch Jason Batemans newest, frivolous comedy was Bateman himself. As a devoted fan, I nd a compulsive urge to watch all of his endeavors. Identity Thief was no exception, and naturally with leads like Melissa McCarthy and Bateman, it was easy to fall into the land of the Sandy Bigelow Pattersons, the moniker they both don. The lm centers on the real Sandy B. Patterson, played by Bateman, and McCarthys character, the con-woman who has stolen his identity. Patterson, fed up with constant barrages by the police, as the identity thief skipped her court date, goes on a quest to redeem his name. After the rst half hour or so, the two are in Pattersons car, making their way back to Denver because he decided to take the convict into his own hands. Though we all love a good road-trip movie, this is not what I was expecting from this lm. The plot begins to be predictable as two stereotypical gangsters join in the hunt. I found myself wishing that director Seth Gordon had put in the same pizzazz from his 2011 hit Horrible Bosses. Here, however, there were only a handful of truly memorable scenes and they were few and far between. Yet Batemans depiction of yet another sucker taking the blame is always entertaining to some extent, like his role as Michael Bluth in the TV series Arrested Development; of which, I have seen every episode. In short, a less than ideal plot paired with two comedic geniuses is not completely synonymous with a recipe for success.

Album: Comedown Machine Type: Alternative Rock For fans of: The White Stripes DANIELLE DAMPER EDITOR IN CHIEF

Young Adult, starring Charlize Theron and Patton Oswalt, is a complete and utter disgrace to all comedy-drama lms. After a recent divorce, a young ctionwriter named Mavis Gary re-visits her home in Minnesota. Here, she plans to develop and renew a romantic relationship with her ex-boyfriend, who she has never truly forgotten, only to nd an enormous amount of regret and misery from this trip. While searching through the comedy movies in Netix, I stumbled upon what seemed to be a movie full of countless laughs. But never judge a movie by its cover. There was not one line or scene in this entire movie that I found worth laughing about. Through the entire movie, Mavis has a negative attitude towards every aspect in her life. Somehow she was able to make something good and positive into something completely terrible and negative. Although her ex-boyfriend, Buddy Slade, was happily married with a new baby, Mavis was still bound and determined to get him back. With countless trials of seducing and trying to destroy his perfect marriage, Mavis has a complete melt down and puts down Buddy and his extremely generous, kind-hearted wife. Never once does Mavis change or realize that Buddy isnt meant for her, and in the end, she was more miserable and alone than she was in the beginning of the movie. At the end of the movie, I couldnt help but just sit there and ruminate on how depressed and negative I was feeling due to this movie, and knew I would never recommend this movie to anyone.

Known for his tear jerking, heart throbbing, romantic novels, Nicolas Sparks has done it once again with his latest movie-novel installment Safe Haven. Set in yet another sleepy town in North Carolina, the novel follows a mysterious girl, Katie, as she escapes her past and tries to create a new life for herself on her own. As my rst Nicholas Sparks book, my expectations were admittedly high. Along with its recent movie advertisement and hype, what girl hasnt witnessed a fellow female gushing over the romantic clichs Sparks is so famous for? At the same time, I hadnt nished a book cover to cover in ages so who knew if I would even make it through the rst chapter? Deep into the rst few pages I could feel myself slipping into boredom. But the plot soon picked up its pace as the characters secrets and past began to unravel. This romantic mystery pulls you into its deceiving and intricate plot as Sparks slowly reveals the dangers of Katies hidden past and its impact on her ourishing relationships. Not only was it addictive, but Sparks writing style never ceased to impress me with his interchangeable use or lack of details that kept you theorizing and second guessing. Another interesting aspect was Sparks twist on a common tragedy. He was able to take a serious topic and use it as a backdrop to Katies past which in turn evoked intense emotion. All these elements combined provided for not only a successful rst Sparks novel feeling but a good read that left me in awe. As a casual reader who enjoys an easy read, yet a beautifully written work, I would strongly recommend this book.

Whenever The Strokes put out a new album, they are faced with one, huge obstacle: that their album is not Is This It. Most critics immediately discount each new album for this fact, unwilling to give up comparisons to the beauty of what many believe is one of the greatest alternative rock albums of all time. However, Comedown Machine is not Is This It but despite this, manages to be a solid rock album. Comedown Machine is a decided step away from the garage rock of The Strokes cannon, instead relying on synthesizers to produce a mildly hypnotic overtone for the album. Tracks like One Way Trigger use this incredibly well, while the song Welcome to Japan doesnt quite t the bill. The Strokes also try out other inuences in Comedown Machine, I heard homages to Madonna and Michael Jackson that make it obvious that The Strokes are looking for a new sound but just arent sure what it is yet. Even with all the inuences, some traks like All the Time and Partners in Crime scream of the old school Strokes. But to me, what really gives this album life are the excellent guitar and bass lines of Albert Hammond Jr., Nick Valensi, and Nicolai Frature. My personal favorite track on the album 50/50 moves through its grungy exterior with a bass line so perfect Frature deserves a medal. The Strokes are my favorite band and, to be honest this album left me a little under whelmed. However, even with all of this experimentation, there was enough of The Strokes in it to look forward to the future.

Mt. Carmel SUN

April 12, 2013


From geeky
to stylish
soon? Heres the answer: their style. For years the nerd style has been tweaked and revamped, but it seems like that decade settled into a stereotypical style that we would keep for years to come. However, there is one actor from that decade who nails the nerd style unlike any other: Steven Quincy Urkel, from the popular TV show, Family Ties. Urkel was, is, and will always be the epitome of nerd. His outfit exemplifies all the classic geek characteristics: big-lensed glasses, collared shirt buttoned all the way to the top, bright cardigan, high waters, ugly shoes, and, of course, suspenders. All those pieces of clothing put together on the same person automatically qualify the wearer as a stereotypical nerd. In the 80s, it was all about the look. The nerd look, in all its glory, always told us who really was at the bottom of the food chain.

The cliche style of old nerdsss

It seems to be that in both forms of visual entertainment, movies and television, costumes tend to tell us exactly who the character is. The movies of the 80s taught us many things, but most of all, they taught us that you can judge a book by its cover. Just by looking at Emilio Estevez in The Breakfast Club, you know exactly what he is: a jock. His letterman jacket and Nike shoes automatically give him away. Take a look at Anthony Michael Hall on the other hand, and you would say nothing of the sort. Even in Sixteen Candles, he literally plays the geek. His braces and not-sosubtle headgear told us right away that he would not end up winning the award for most likely to end up kissing Molly Ringwald. So what is it about these guys that give away their character so

The classic components to the classic nerd:

*the glasses *the bowtie *the suspenders
writing utensils

*calculator and *button up shirt *pulled up pants

Adopting nerd style in popular fashion

Nerds. No one wants to be one, but we all depend on them. A couple of decades ago, nerds could be spotted from a mile away. But nowadays, nerds dont look all that different from the average person. In fact, many nerdy styles have been adopted into American wardrobes. First off are the ridiculous glasses. Weve all seen the nerd glasses with large frames. Originally, nerds actually wore thick round glasses to help them see. But now, people think its stylish to wear lens-less glasses, or nonprescription glasses with large frames. What is the point of wearing glasses if you dont need them? Another silly accessory people adopted would be bowties. The stereotypical nerd is always wearing a giant bowtie with designs that pop out from half a mile away. Additionally, nerds are always perceived as wearing suspenders all the time. Although nerds are known to wear bowties and suspenders, nerds never really wore them. Suspenders and bowties are just stereotyped information made up by TV. Steve Urkel would be a great example. Plaid is something that nerds love and a lot of people today are into. Although people today usually dont wear plaid pants like they did decades ago, people still appreciate the pattern in the form of shirts or jackets. Besides plaid, sweater vests are also a popular contribution worn by the nerds. Sweater vests are warm, sophisticated and often have simple diamond patterns on them. Vests now have a classy feel to them instead of the old nerdy look. Something else that is a smart addition to the modern apparel are high socks. No one wore high socks before, but now, one in two kids are wearing them. They are warm, great for sports, and practical to wear as everyday socks. Nerds have long been known for their outlandish taste in clothing. But in reality, they are just ahead of the game. Nerds have made a huge contribution to the technological world. But surprisingly, they have also made a huge impact on the clothing industry.

wants to be one, but we all depend on them. -Steven Hong

Nerds. No one


Modern day nerds, geeks in disguise

identities as everyday Average Joes. I mean, it seems as though the only place that one could even purchase a pair of suspenders would be at a local Salvation Army. Now, simply walking down the streets, its a mystery as to who secretly goes home and watched four seasons of Star Trek, or who is carrying a Sonic Screwdriver in their pocket. All that may now distinguish a geek from a regular person may now only be a clever T-Shirt or pair of true Ray-Ban glasses. The traditional geek style has been sort of transformed into its own kind of brand or design. The iconic thick-rimmed Ray-Ban glasses that geeks were known for have now become common fashion amongst teens, as well as tucked in shirts and plaid patterning. Geeks may have lost their individuality in the clothes they wear, but the geek population and culture continue to grow and thrive. Everywhere you look, youll find someone who knows a ton about video games and science fiction, and around every corner theres an underground D&D tournament happening in someones basement. So, do not let the normal boring clothes fool you; geeks are just as prominent as ever. Although they may not look the part, modern geeks can still debate with you over if Schrodingers cat was dead or alive.

bree bernache | photographer

In the eyes of the media, geeks and nerds have always been perceived as having pigtails, high-waist pants, and pocket protectors. Undoubtedly as all things change in modern society, so do geeks. After the eighties, the generic idea and stereotype of a geek or nerd ended. The typical dweeb who adorned a goofy haircut and always carried around schoolbooks no longer truly exists. Now, it is almost impossible to distinguish a geek by what they look like. Its almost as if they have gone undercover, and left behind all obvious characteristics and taken on


April 12, 2013

Mt. Carmel SUN

Yearbook provides memorable experiences

Enjoyable class atmosphere couples hard work, determination
Morgan Lanyon STAFF WRITER
experiences that happen there. It is something I will remember forever, Honselaar said. My favorite part is getting to hang out with When someone opens the yearbook, they do not my friends and the chance of meeting new people, think about how much time and effort the yearbook freshman Alexis Joyce said. I enjoy it and we all have staff put into making it perfect. a lot of good laughs while in yearbook. It is a long process that takes a lot of effort The students take pictures of the events that and time. We all have to get assignments and then we happen at MC, such as dances, sports, and pep rallies collaborate on ideas and help each other to get the so that they can include the images in the yearbook. information we need, freshman The yearbook is important. It is the Annika Honselaar said. We use story of our school. We try a variety of vocabulary to make At the end of the year, we hope to cover as much as we can body copy, which is what will be the time limits of for a collection of memories for the within interesting to the readers. the company and their due The yearbook staff consists of students to keep forever and refer date, LT said. students from all grades who work back to in the future, remembering The students enjoy on the publication every day. They yearbook, but it can be their high school career. meet in room F1 during second challenging. period. Sometimes I have to Annika Honselaar, 9 stay late after school and Their teacher, Mrs. LamphiereTamayoshi, or LT as the students take pictures. It is hard like to call her, has been teaching the yearbook staff because sometimes I have other things that I need for two years. to do, Honselaar said. I do not believe I will be on I love watching it all come together, LT said. yearbook staff next year. Teaching the class is definitely fun, especially when I The yearbook is a group effort that everyone have committed and hard workers. collaborates on to create the final product. The students not only make the yearbook, but Both the students and I work together, LT said. they also enjoy the process of doing so. I think I oversee a lot, but I let the staff create their I love how whenever we make a deadline, book. At the end of the year, we hope for a collection everyone in the class brings food and we have a class of memories for the students to keep forever and refer party, sophomore Natasha Orie said. It can be really fun. It is amazing when you get back to in the future, remembering their high school to go to events and get to capture the moments and career. Honselaar said.

Students of yearbook discuss the layout of one of the pages that will be in the yearbook for this year. The yearbook staff consists of students who work all year collecting photos and information for the yearbook under the supervision of advisor Mrs. Lamphiere-Tamayoshi.

Marianna McMurdock| Photographer

Junior plays harp, yields professional opportunities, chance to explore talents

Ciro Gonzalez STAFF WRITER
Many students at MC participate in the band or orchestra programs at the school. There is a wide variety of instruments to accompany the large number of people who play one. Junior Alyssa McClintick plays an instrument that is not seen as much these days. The harp. I started playing when I was 12 years old, McClintick said. Somebody at my church was playing [it], and I saw him playing and I thought that it was a really cool instrument. McClintick currently takes lessons at Old Town, and owns a harp, which costs several thousand dollars, as well. I have my own harp at home, she said. Its about five feet tall. Theyre about five to ten, thousand dollars. I think mine is around 5 thousand so its not that bad, McClintick said. Learning to play the harp takes a while according to McClintick. [It took me] about three years, to be able to actually play songs. McClintick has progressed to the point where she has played at events. I got offered to play at a garden party at someones wedding, like at the reception. McClintick said. Among the events shes been able to play at, McClintick says that the Garden walk was her favorite. I think my favorite [event] is the Garden Walk, because its down in Coronado, and people travel house to house to see all the gardens; so at the last one, thats where I play. Its a huge grand house and Im outside. People come to look at the plants and then they come to hear me play, I really like that. Sometimes, for events like these, McClintick can get paid. I play at Ronald McDonalds house once a month, she said. Thats kind of my community service, so I play for the families that stay there. At such events, there can be difficulties transporting her harp, but in most cases it is an easily resolved problem. When I play at the Ronald McDonald house, I dont have to bring my own, McClintick said. Sometimes I do, but [theres] a special harp cart, and you just push it and put it in the car. Although McClintick plays at events, she does not do that all the time. Its kind of conflicting with my schedule, but I have been offered jobs to play at places, McClintick said. But I cant because of sports. McClinticks schedule does not give room for her harp-playing more than once. I dont really have time to play on the weekdays with homework and stuff, but I usually find time to play on the weekends, thats when I get my practice in. McClintick said. McClinticks mom has been a source for support and motivation. My moms definitely supported me because when I started playing in the beginning, I was really interested in it, and then there was this phase where I wanted to quit, she said. But my mom said No, you have so much musical talent, just stick with it. I have gotten over that, so now I like playing it again. Although she enjoys it now, McClintick does not see herself playing it in the coming years. I dont think Im going to play in college, but I definitely think maybe when Im older, I might pick it up again and play for fun, she said. McClintick also meets up with the San Diego Harp Society. Theres a San Diego Harp Society, and we all meet and play together, McClintick said. Its kind of nerdy, but Ive met a lot of harpists. Overall McClintick enjoys playing the harp and the experience from it. I think the best experience is seeing the joy on peoples faces when I play, McClintick said. Especially people at Ronald McDonalds house, because theyre under such hard circumstances.

Fight Against Hunger Club prepares fundraisers, gradually reduces poverty

Annelise Morgan STAFF WRITER
Jeans for Teens, Salvation Army, and trips to Haiti are just a few activities that MC Fight against Hunger Club partakes in. All of these projects contribute to their goal of helping to end poverty in our community, and nationwide. At the head of all these projects is junior KayLeigh Cowart, the younger sister of the original founder of the club. Under her leadership, the club has been able to tackle many issues. They recently held a dinner and brought donations to the Salvation Army to help locals during the holiday season. One man there was very excited about his new sweater, repeatedly telling them how grateful he was and even requesting that they take a picture with him. I really love how many members have such a strong desire to end poverty, sophomore Hannah Vollet said. We are already planning our next fundraiser called Jeans for Teens that Im really looking forward too. This fundraiser will collect different pairs of jeans to donate to povertystricken teens in the community who desperately need new pants. The club plans to begin this fundraiser in a few weeks. Several of the club members are also currently organizing a trip to Haiti, too. There, they plan on helping to distribute food and water while staying at a local orphanage. Even though the name of the club is Fight Hunger, it also helps to solve other issues beyond just that. Our main goal is just to help those in need, freshman Kecia Oakry said. We want to do whatever we can to support the people in our community. Every other Tuesday the club meets to continue working on plans for the future. All the members are new this year but have really stepped up to help organize and run our events, Cowart said. Hopefully everyones dedication will continue in the future years to help keep this club running successfully. With plenty of upcoming events, the MC Fight against Hunger Club encourages everyone who is interested in helping the world to join. Everyones support can aid the club in making strides towards the end of poverty.

Consecutive Haiti visit invokes passion through service

MC students support orphaned children, gain personal fulfillment
They are so appreciative, Desai said. Desai delinates her trip as one of the greatest and most rewarding parts of her life. She cant get enough of the Haitian people, the culture, the environment, and the work that she is able to give. I would go back there again if given the chance, there is so much there to do and so much help is needed. It is really eye opening experience traveling to a third world county. I dont think anyone can know how different it is unless they experience it first hand. When asked about her most memorable moment in Haiti, Desai reflects to the time they were driving back to the airport to return home. On the last day when we were leaving, we stopped at a hospital and were able to go into a private sector. There we met an eighteen year old kid named Jamesi and he was terribly wounded.. I dont know what happened to him exactly but his skin was actually peeling off his body, it looked like a scene from Slaughterhouse it was so sad, Desai said. It really struck me with how much help they need and how much more we have to do. Desai spent eight days in Haiti helping the orphanage and meeting the kids that lived there. Throughout the trip, Desai even This past spring break, junior Sohini stayed at the orphanage with her fellow Desai along with other fellow MC students travel companions. traveled to Haiti for a life changing trip. We spent our days helping and talking I had gone last to the people and year and built great we stayed at the relationships with while At the end of the year, we hope orphanage people and I couldnt we were there. It is for a collection of memories for the always interesting more have been happier to go again students to keep forever and refer to see how another this year, Desai said. back to in the future, remembering culture lives. This year, Desai their high school career. Desai describes and other fellow MC Haiti as beautiful students traveled with place and was more Annika Honselaar, 9 FCC to Haiti where than happy to return there this year. they helped repair every Haiti is a lot more mountainous day household matters that most Americans than one would think, Desai said. It is wouldnt think about. surrounded by the Caribbean islands and is This year we installed water filters, actually really pretty but it is sad to see so distributed food packages without names on much trash everywhere. it, and we had the opportunity to hand food Desai traveled to Haiti this past year out to people, Desai said. We even helped as well, to help the orphanage and see the construct the orphanage in Haiti. kids again. She speaks fondly of her time When asked about people she met in there and hopes to return again to help in Haiti, Desai said, I got to meet the kids and any way she can. honestly I have so much love for them, it It is so rewarding and so fun to meet was so cool and rewarding that we were able all these great kids and be able to help them. to help them in any way we could.


Photo Provided by Sohini Desai

Sohini Desai (11) walks with an FCC member and two orphan girls after a day of working. This is Desais second trip to Haiti where she helped repair homes, distribute food, and install water filters.

Mt. Carmel SUN

April 12, 2013



The MC Sun explores the Internetrelated hobby of a sophomore who follows her passion for make-up.
uma vaingankar staff writer
In the past five years, YouTube has become a booming website for users to upload all types of videos. It opened ten years ago, and it has become a hub for the public to watch and upload videos for just about anything. The uploads began with mainly songs and lyric videos. Following that, users began to make other types of comedy videos, video diaries, cooking videos, and tutorials of all sorts. A new fad among YouTubers is posting beauty videos. These beauty gurus post makeup and hair tutorials, outfit ideas, and even nail tutorials. However, many people may not know that there is a YouTube beauty guru at MC. Sophomore Maddie Smith started making beauty videos when her friend sparked an interest. My friend Jessica made me start to get interested in makeup, so I started watching beauty videos, Smith said. It looked fun, so I started my own channel. Making videos is a long process, but Smith has had plenty of help along the way. My dad helped me a lot by helping me edit my videos and got me good supplies, she said. YouTube is a website that allows the public to post any type of video they want. Some users have high definition quality while others prefer a direct upload from a webcam. Therefore, the users who have HD videos are compelled to invest in expensive equipment and cameras and the others use built in webcams on their computers. You need to invest in a camera and have some sort of editing system. Then you can just start posting, she said. She has had only a few struggles since she started making videos, just like any other up and coming YouTuber. I havent run into many problems with YouTube. The only frustrating thing is when people comment rude things on my videos. Smith has also attended IMATS (International Makeup Artist Trade Show), where hundreds of makeup artists, beauty gurus, and makeup fanatics come together to view makeup exhibits. In a giant exhibition room, hundreds of makeup and beauty brands are on display. Smith believes it was an experience she will never forget, because it was the first time she realized that beauty was a real passion. Although Smith initially started making videos because of her friend, it was her own interest that made her stick with it. The most rewarding thing is when people tell me that I inspire them, or that I help them in any way, she said.

Photos provided by maddie smith

Creating a club--as easy 1, 2, 3 (4, 5, 6)

paula bernal staff writer
Starting a club at MC is not a difficult task. As long as you complete all the requirements you will be on your way to taking a leadership position at school for a cause that you are passionate about. Any student at MC may start the process for creating a club during the first or second trimester of the school year. The first step is to come up with an idea of what the club will promote or accomplish that is not already covered by a club on campus. Next, the student needs to find an adviser for the club. This person needs to be an MC staff member. The student starting a new club must fill out a new club petition form that is available in the ASB room. After the form has been completed it should be returned to the Inter-Club Commissioner (ICC). A constitution must be written by the club executive group and it will be reviewed then approved or denied by the Student Review Board. The Student Senate must also approve the club. The club president will need to attend a senate meeting which is held the first Tuesday of every month. The student will be asked to talk about the goals and purpose of his or her club and during the meeting the senate will vote to approve the club. After you have completed all these steps and your club is approved you will now be able to hold meetings. While being the president of your club you will have to attend ICC meetings held the first Thursday of every month. These meetings will inform you of upcoming events club events such as club rush. Senior Leighann Shields went through the process to start her club, Gay Straight Alliance. The club is part of a national network. My club goal is to promote equality and awareness of bullying, Shields said. In a lot of schools, although not at MCHS, teens are bullied and they often feel like outcasts. This club wants to promote unity so teens have a place to go and have friends. Its goal is to raise awareness of LGBT issues in the community in general and participate in fundraisers for LGBT youth. Shields was not aware that the club had been active a couple years ago so she had to work through the entire club process. I didnt know there was a Gay Straight Alliance four years ago, Shields said. When I went to turn in all the paper work I found out this club had already been active and all I had to was renew the club which is really easy to do. For clubs that were active the year before, the students just need to fill out a club renewal form to continue the club for the following year. With the help of the MCHS website and ASB the club process is fairly simple. The club process was not difficult since it was outlined online on the MCHS website, Shields said. I just printed out all the paper work I needed and then I asked Mr. Factor if he would be willing to be my advisor. I collected 20 signatures which was not difficult. The only thing I found difficult was getting the people that signed the petition to attend the weekly meetings. Since a Gay Straight Alliance club was not currently active at MCHS, Shield decided she would take on the task of starting one. Im very liberal and passionate about civil rights and I really wanted to have a club that would support Gay rights, Shields said. I found out that Poway, RB, Westview and Del Norte all had one and I thought why is MCHS the only one that didnt. Shields experience with starting up her club is a positive one and she gives advice to prospective MCHS students interested in starting a club of their own. You have to know what you want to do and go for it, Shield said. If youre not sure you are probably not going to follow through. A club takes dedication and you have to be organized and be committed to the cause.

Are YOU ready to start your club?

1. kind Develop your idea: what of club would you like to
create? Make sure its original!

A step-by-step guide of everything youll need to know to get your club off the ground:

3. Form your plans: fill out the new club petition form from
the ASB room.

5. Obtain legality: get down to business and write your new clubs
Approval: the Student 6. Get Senate must approve all clubs before
they become official.

constitution. This will either be approved or denied by the Student Review Board.

2. Be advised: find a trusty adviser who has the right classroom

for your club needs.

4. Make your returns: be sure to return the new club petition

form to the ICC.


April 12, 2013

Mt. Carmel SUN


DAVID PU SPORTS EDITOR Every day from 7:30AM to 2:35PM, the school is active and running with classes being taught, messages being relayed by the ofce, and the computer lab being used by different classes across ve different periods. What happens after the nal bell rings? Some students go to their respective sports, some hang out in the quad, and some stay longer to wait for parents or nish homework. A more important question, however, is what happens after all of the extracurricular activities have ended and the remaining students go home? What may come as a surprise is that even after school ends, the school remains busy. It may not be readily apparent for anyone that has ever driven by Mount Carmel once it has become dark, but many teachers, janitorial staff, and other classes continue to work in the absence of the regular students that attend MC every day. A brief summary of what goes on can be laid out here. When it comes to janitors, they stick around until the school closes, which is usually around 9PM. Until then they are cleaning up the littered trash on campus left behind by students throughout the day, as well as numerous classrooms, whether it is to just take out the trash or clean the classrooms. Some teachers will also stick around to prepare curriculum for the following day, manage grade books, etc. Aside from MC teachers, Palomar community college teachers also teach courses throughout the night, which are held primarily in the Z, E, and F buildings. MC, despite holding its plethora of activity during the day, still continues to run much later into the night. It may seem weird, but there is a lot of extra work that is put in even when MC students arent on campus.


When the bell rings after school, most students go home. However, not all of them stay there. Students can be found at MC until dark, practicing sports, playing instruments, or just working. Some nights, music is heard oating through the open door of the band and orchestra room. They have symphony Tuesday night practices, where the best students stay from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. It has the top of the wind, and the top of the orchestra, and we all play together, freshman Ava Scally said. The training room is lled with leotards and ponytails as the junior varsity girls gymnastics team practices until evening. We have practice from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. junior Lindsay Ellis said. On meet days we get out of class at 1:30 and stay until about 8 p.m. On the days that the gymnastics team has meets, they go to Mrs. L.T.s room for lunch and exchange secret sister gifts. We nish [setting up] by 2:30, 3 p.m., sophomore Ruth Matias said. The meet starts at 3:15, and all teams warm up on the oor. The lights in the stadium blaze bright while the varsity girls lacrosse team practices late into the night. Practice starts at 7 p.m., and were out of here by 8:45 or 9 p.m., sophomore Carlyn Bartick said. Girls varsity lacrosse also has home games starting at 6:30 or 7:30 that keep them at school into the evening. With the schools production of Fiddler on the Roof coming up in late April, students are preparing for the show. The people teching the play, as well as set designers, are at school working from when the bell rings until night falls. We stay until 6 p.m. every day during work calls and usually until 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. during rehearsal days, junior Erin Welch said. We take wood apart and we put it back together differently, and just... create. Varsity swim are at school late, with practices every night. The practices either start at 6 p.m. or 6:30, all ending at 8 p.m., when the shivering swimmers are ushered into their cars. After dark, students practice sports, play instruments, and work, sacricing their time for what they love. Even though the bell rings and the sun goes down, MC is full of life.

school, Stenger said. Sometimes we make yers, write out passes, ll out forms, and make phone calls. The long-awaited last bell of the day at 2:35 Mr. Currie, who teaches Honors Humanities triggers students to react by immediately standing and British Literature, is another teacher who can up, gathering their books and backpacks, and then always be found after school. bolting out the door. The teachers at MC dont have It varies but Im usually here until between this reex, as their day isnt over yet. MC teachers ve [pm] and six [pm], Currie said. I prepare stay for hours after school helping students, grading lessons for the next day, grade papers and essays, papers, and prepping for the next day. [and] clean up my classroom. I have a variety of One of the many chores. teachers who stay after school In addition, Mr. is Ms. Stenger. Her chemistry Currie also lends his Im sure that people do students are constantly trickling classroom and assistance in and out of her classroom. appreciate that Im here, but to other students. Some seek help, while others I do the Agape I would be here whether they are simply looking for a place Club and the Friendship appreciated it or not because I to do their homework. Club, and I have students What I do depends on know its needed. doing tutorial type work what my students need, so in my class all the time. often were going through said. Debbie Stenger Currie homework, reviewing For the teachers questions from a test or quiz, at our school, the or questions from a lab report, Stenger said. most important part isnt getting recognition or Sometimes they need extra help, and Ill nd extra appreciation- its their students. practice problems for them. Honestly, that [appreciation] is not the part The assistance Ms. Stenger provides isnt thats important to me, Stenger said. Im sure limited to her chemistry students. She is also the that people do appreciate that Im here, but I would teacher advisor for Key Club, Red Cross Club, and be here whether they appreciated it or not because Pizza Club. I know its needed. Im involved with three clubs, Stenger said. Teachers have a responsibility that goes beyond Key Club has meetings on Mondays after school lecturing during class time. For the teachers, the in my classroom. extra hours they put in after school is simply part As the advisor, Ms. Stenger helps the clubs of their job. plan activities, which is very time-consuming. I do it because for me, thats what my job is Often times if we have a big event coming about is to be here for my students, Stenger said. I up, such as a blood drive, then Key Club and Red think that if theyre willing to be here and need the Cross Club will meet here together for hours after extra help, then Im willing to be here and help.




Often times, school janitors and custodians are depicted as crotchety old men who are somewhat scary and uneasy when it comes to relating to students. The story could not be more different at MC. Approaching custodian Joe Decastro, a 10-year janitorial veteran, is somewhat akin to approaching a good friend: you are greeted with a brimming, inviting smile and an eagerness to talk through his heavy Filipino accent. Yeah, Ive been here since 2003, Decastro said of his job at MC. Its pretty much the same work Ive been doing for 10 years. We do our best to make the school clean, to care of the students and the community. During his time on campus after school hours, Decastro is generally fond of the experiences he has had,

even though janitors notoriously go unappreciated by the rest of school staffs. My route is not too big, but its okay and I do what I have to do for the sake of the school, Decastro said. I enjoy my job... This is my second home, at school, and, you know, they pay me, and I give my best so that the pay will reward it. I like the students here and the faculty. Most people are very respectful to me. There is always the concern that people who work for high schools will encounter disrespect and unpleasant behavior, but this has not really been the case for Decastro. I look forward to seeing the students, you know, Decastro said. I respect them, they respect me. Sometimes they call me [disrespectfully], and sometimes they dont respect me, but I tell them, Hey, hey! You need to say please, then Ill follow what you want me to do. Mostly [students] respect me. Its understandable that Decastro

would feel comfortable and familiar with his job at MC because of all his experiences here. I dont work anywhere else, he said. Its nice to be at MC where I know my way around. Despite his comfort level at the school doing his job, which requires him to work well into the night, Decastro reveals that working after dark can occasionally be a little frightening. At night, we work the security, and sometimes the stadium, he said. Sometimes Im scared for that because its so dark. I hear noises and I can get scared but I know that its part of my job and its what I have to do for the school. Even though he has what some would consider a grueling job as a high school janitor, Decastro has been able to abolish the stereotype of a typical, unfriendly custodian in place of a warm and approachable presence on campus.


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