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1.- Introduction. Our activity consists of the detailed analysis of the domed masonry structures , basing on the historical knowledge of these and on the geometric analysis of this ones, applying technology of last generation to analyze traditional systems of construction, which they have demonstrated to be effective for more than 1500 years. The Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary area of knowledge and in turn a scientific discipline that studies the models, phenomena and laws that are relevant in the movement (including the static one) of the live beings and that in turn there takes as an aim the study of the structures of mechanical character of the same ones, fundamentally of the human body. This knowledge area rests on diverse biomedical sciences, using the knowledge of the mechanics, the engineering, the anatomy, the physiology and other disciplines, to study the behavior of the human body and to solve the problems derived from the diverse conditions that it can be submitted to. Among the diverse methodologies that this discipline applies we have the Analysis of behavior tension - deformation directly. This type of analysis is busy to determining the "resistance" of a biological material before the execution of a force that acts on this one. These forces, in general sense, can be of compressive type or traction type, and they will generate in the structure fundamental changes that determine its initial state and its behavior before the actions. If we extrapolate this discipline to the plane of the masonry structures, and we consider that these are alive elements, in terms of structural behavior, we might take advantage of this discipline in order to find methods and systems that make them recover its initial properties without new aggressions causing it and respecting its original behavior, and this is what we do.

1.1.- Methodology For the structural analysis of the existing building we use models who reflect adequately the current state of the building. The uncertainties associated with the models have been born in mind by means of partial coefficients adapted in semiprobabilistic analysis and by means of the introduction of a variable of the model in probabilistic analysis. In the analysis there is born in mind the level of uncertainty relative to the conditions and to the condition(state) of the elements. To these effects, the assumed dispersion adjusts, between others, for the portable capacity of the elements. With all this information and the above-mentioned analysis, it is possible to determine with great precision which is the behavior of the element before the solicitations and even, it is possible to determine the necessary methodology of repair and/or reinforcement in order that the element works in a sure way. The safety coefficient is geometric (not tensional), and it will come expressed from percentage form being determined by the hypothesis of alignment of the joints that indicates which is the point of collapse or limit state of the element basing on the " Theory of the States Limit " of Jacques Heyman. With the definite geometry, the state of loads fixed, and following) Jacques Heyman's principles, we choose a " Line of Force " of between all those who fulfill the Theorem of Security, which minor horizontal push produces. Above mentioned " Line of Force " offers us several results: First the reactions in the supports. Second, the tension of work in every point of the element. Third, the Geometric Coefficient of Security in every point of the element. Fourth the critical points, those that the Geometric Coefficient of Security is minimal, being the points where the joints will be produced and consistently where the cracks will appear. Like in any construction, the conceptual valid format for the treatment of the existing constructions consists of comparing the solicitations with the resistant capacitie. The first thing solves with so exactly weighted structural analysis, endowed today of powerful tools, but that must be

used with great reason and using different approximations. The structural analysis of masonry needs of special methodologies adapted to structures that they are not, constant means, not formed by materials that resist so well in traction as in compression, but discontinuous structures, capable of resisting high compressions but unable to resist simple tractions, though they mobilize resistant mechanisms 2.- Services Our service passes from the simple analysis of any type of domed element, domes, arches, bridges, etc , well be of brick or of rubbles, determining its current situation, its state and enclosed of structural security the methodology and materials necessary for its repair. Also the behavior of the masonry is considered inside our methodologies of repair before the earthquakes and the systems of repair and reinforcement of these, to grant a better behavior to them before these natural phenomena. Likewise there is generated a report of situation of the element posterior to the repair indicating the state of structural security in the one that places after the repair.

To sum up, we offer an integral service of study of domed elements that allows its conservation and repair by an effective and compatible methodes with the peculiar behavior of this type of structures. Also it allows us to offer the possibility of the construction of a new vault with the justification of corresponding calculation and of conformity to the in force regulation.

2.1.- Tools We rely on great quantity of tools of measurement and auscultation, that they allow us to realize a detailed and precise evaluation relating to the condition(state) of the element, realizing enclosed endoscopic analysis to determine the interior situation of the element. Besides the extensive experience of the team in the study of these elements, we rely on the tool of calculation CARYBO, not commercial tool of calculation directed specifically to the analysis of this type elements. CARYBO is an IT tool, of own elaboration, for the calculation and analysis of structures of masonry (of stone or ceramics) including arches, vaults, buttresses, stirrups, stairs and walls. The field of action is any structural piece that works exclusively to compression. In 1998 was been edited the book " Bvedas Extremeas ", which authors were Manuel Fortea Luna and Vicente Lopez Bernal. In the second part of the work appears a set of tables of calculation of 24 vaults, in which from a few simple information a few basic results are obtained by every type of vault. For the confection of these tables a small program was in use on a standard spreadsheet, which was turning a graphical problem into strictly numerical other one. Since then up to today the program has been improved and extended progressively and successively up to the last version of the year 2011 on support Java, which has been registered by the N of Record 14-2011548. By means of CARYBO's numerical analysis, we manage to establish detailed the structural situation of the element separating into its elements it in segments and finding with great precision the situation of each one of them and it behavior as a whole.
The tool used for the structural analysis is a software of own calculation named CARYBO. New recruit in the Territorial Record of the Intellectual Property of the Meeting of Estremadura, with the seat registral 14/2011/548, with date of effects on November 18 of 2.011, according to request nm. BA/78/11, in agreement with the Law of Intellectual Property (legislative R.D. 1/1996 of April 12), whose title assignee appears addressed to Manuel Fortea Luna.

Descomposition in Segments of Different Types

Cromatography of Behavior according to Types

90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%


90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%

Fan Vault

90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%

Edges Vault

90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%

Baida Vault

90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%

Canon Vault

90%< > 100% 80%< > 90% 70%< > 80% 60%< > 70% 50%< > 60% 40%< > 50% 30%< > 40% 20%< > 30% 10%< > 20% 0%< > 10%

Nerve Vault

Results of Calculation

Worldwide Service

Information: Att.: Manuel Fortea Luna Ren Machado Lpez

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